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Flesherton Advance, 1 Nov 1888, p. 3

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t<:r i,ikS^ Wh»t It U to IM rortj. To diJcoTer k tpriakla of gr«7 In roar be4rd. And a thiniuiiii al crop wbera tbe uplwid U cl««red ; To ooU) how you t&ka jour alippera uid gown. And hug 10 the lire when ;ou get home trom towoâ€" Ah, tbac'iwhat it la to b« farty. To find tbst your shadow hu portlier grown. That your voice bmii » practical, boiineet-LUte tone; That y. ur Tiiioc is tricky, which once wag so brifbt, â-²od a hint of a wrinkle is coining to lightâ€" Ah, that'! what it ia to be forty. K sleigh ride, a party, a dance or a dine ; Why, of course, you'll be present, you neyer de- cline : But, alael there's no invite, you re not 'young folk" you see; ToQ're no longer a peach, but a crab-applu tree â€" Ah, that's what it is ta be forty. A daughter that erows like a lily, a queeo. And that blooms like a rose in a garden nf green, A dapper young clerk in an ice-cream saloon. Both a dude and a dunce, U to carry o£f soon; And a boy that is ten, and the pride of your eya. Is cansht smokini; Tile cigarettes on the slyâ€" Ah, that's what it is to be forty. At twenty a man dreams of power and fame : At thirty his fire has a soberer Same ; At forty bis dreams and visions are o'er, .And he- knows and he feeU as he ne'er did before That a man is â- & foui till he d forty. CURRENT TOPICS. Populmr 8ci«nc« BeTelatlons. The poUeo of the plane tree ii said to prodaca an inflaeoza precisely like bay lev erand rose cold. Profeasor Oser, o£ Vienna, hu been ei- porimentini; with " condaraogo "bark aa a tonic, and thinka it worthy a place in materia medica as a symptomatic -emedy. Disagreeable moisture o{ the bands may be overcome by rabbing the bands several times a dav with the following mixture : Tinctare of belladonna, half an oonce i ean de Cologne, fsor oanoea. French physicians report great aacceas with the internal ase of antisepticii in typhoid fever. Acoordiog to tbid method of disinfecting the internal organization the disease runs a shorter coarse. Ad English invention is the " centre, oycle," having foar wheels a foot in ^ameter and a lar;je wheel in the centre. With it the rider is enabled to go ap hill aa easily as to go forward on level groond. According to Professor Ewing eartb- qaake movement is not a shock at all, bat a " wobbling " of the groand in all direc- tions. A movement of the earth an inch and three quarters id the greatest yet re- corded by the instroments in Japan, while the movements aro asaally measured only in bandredths of an incb. According to L,'lnd\utrit Paritienru a laandryman in the vicinity of Paris baa discovered a very Ligeniooa method o( cleaning linen witboat soap. He ases no •oap or lye, nor chlorine, but replaces these «ab«tances by boiled potatoes, with which he rabs the lineQ. This carioas proces). it appears, is much superior to ihoae hitherto empbyed, and the worst soiled cotton. or silk, cleaned by this method, are made whiter thau they could be by the use of an An Klartric Storm, While off the banks of Newfoundland, (he White Star steamship Adriatic, re oently arrived in New York, encountered an electric storm. For three- juarters of an hour there was a very lively lime, which was not folly appreciated, however, until the storm bad passed over. There had been a heavy fog all the morning, with the wind from the south, and for some time be- fore the storm it had been raining. Sud- denly the air turned warm, and for three- quarters of an hour there was a remarkable display of lightning, with almost incessant thunder, which was peculiarly terrifying to the passengers. What startled the sailors most, however, was the auwonled warmth. It had been cold and raw all the morning, but as soon as the ship struck the storm the air was like a muKgy day in midsum- mer. An offi'.:er on Saturday said that it seemed as though a pail of hot water had been dashed ou the deck, aa the rain splashed up on bis hands. The vessel itself was not anected by the Sturm, but even the officers were apprehensive until it bad passed ever. m Result uf FiMt TraTeUlns. A correspondent uf the London Tinui, writing on the subject of the daily race between the two fast English trains to the north, says : " There is one paint of which I have seen no notice takenâ€" the increased wear and tear mentally and bodily of the driver and stoker on these special trains. A friend of one of the drivers told me that he saw a marked effect on his apparent health. The driver told him bis anxiety was greatly increased. On one occasion his stoker, who had gone along the engine to oil a valve, became paraly/ied with fear, so that be could not move forward or backwards. The driver had to leave his place and follow his stoker and seize his hand, and so they regained their standing plaoe. The distances run are so great and the pace so rapid that any oiling, etc., is done with increased risk. The force of the wind is 80 great that when the stoker creeps along the foot plate alongside the engine he has to hold by the rail like grim death, and has been carried off his feet." A .v£w rifle introdacei in the British army baa given some aatonisbing results, as, for instance, bitting a target 104 times out of 6'29 shots, at a distance of '2,800 yards, or aooietbing more than a mile and a half. ST.!.risT:i:H lately pabliahed m England show that the world haa 700 Cn^suaea worth 95,000,000 or over, of whom 200 reside in England, 100 in the United Slatea, lOO in Germany, 7') in France, 50 in Ruaaia, 50 m India and I'25 in other countries. A cLiiu>T^o< recently returned from a vacation spent in the North of Scotland says the summer nights are so short there that there is hardly two houra of darkness. At Inverness be waa able to read at 11 o'clock at night without the aid of artificial light. TaociiH working newspaper men have beencommingliag at almost every hour of the day and night among the stricken yellow fever victims at Jacksonville, only (our have been, so far, attacked by the scourge, and three of the four are sore of recovery. Taz native Hawaiiana are said to be disappearing very rapidly, and it will not be long before the race ia extinct. Their lantiuage ia atill quite generally spoken, bat as English is the langoage of the court the native dialect ia bound to fall into deca- dence. People who went to laugh at George Francis Train when be lectured in New York the other night for the benefit of the yellow fever aufferers felt the tears coming into their eyea while he i^tive bis reminia. cences of the epidemic in New Orleans, that carried jS his father, mother and three sisters. Pi'.ixcE.i.-i Sophie, the young sister of the German Emperor, and the prospective bride of Constantine, Duke of Sparta, the heir to the Greek throne, ia not pretty, but attractive. She has a round, fresh face, and looks a little like her grandmother, Queen Victoria, and a good deal like her lata father, Emperor Frederick. TuE New York Tirrut says that " the farm wife haa been the drawer of water the hewer of woodâ€" in actual fact, very oftenâ€" and the aervant of all, even of the hired man . to cook, mend and waab for him, to wail npon him and to do all this at limea for several of them." She ia indeed a treasure, and cannot be too highly valued. PsoKEiwoB Dcss, in unveiling the bust of Hugh Miller in the Wallace monament, ex- pressed the conviction that the apprecia- tion of the grandeur of Miller's struggle against early hardships which character- ized his life ia more and more deepening, and so, too, in regard to his word as a literary m^n, a pablicisi and a man of science. A coMui.-t.-'ioN of the British Association which has for some time past been discuss- ing the matter of the liquor traffic among the native races has announced that in li^o Holland sent to Africa 1,09^,146 gallons of spirits and in 14d6 the city of Boston alone sent 737,650 gallons of rum. Since ISf'S Hamburg and Bremen have sent to Africa thirty million gallons of spirituous liquors. Db. Edwabd Pick, a celebrated English teacher of memory, baa arrived at New York, where he will enter the field against Prof. Loisette. Dr. Pick sayethal the way to remember anything is to have it im- preaa the mind strongly and pleasantly at first. We have our doubts about this. Many a man forgets an appointment to dioe with a friend, but no man ever yet forgot the date set for bis hanging. Bo,-,A Wiss, a yoang girl of Meridan, Miss., had 5 cents given her aa a joke for a birthday present. She bought a yard of calico with it and made a sanbonnet, which she sold tor -40 cents. This she invested in more calico, made it up, sold the garments and reinvested the capital until she had $10. With this she boaght potatoes, planted them, paid for the cultivation of her crop, for gathering and carting to town, and made $50 clean profit, KoBEKT GvBBETT, the onoe envied heir to the Baltimore A Ohio Railroad, ia dying of softening of the brain. His death is not far off, as the disease ia making switi pro. gresa. Six powerful attendants are re- quired to hold him when his violent attacks come, and then his blood-curdling shrieks frighten almost the whole village cf King wood, N. J. It is now well understood that the peculiar financial freaks by which he attracted the attention of the country a year or so ago were the operations of a diseased mind. CoFS'EE is a handy and harm less disinfec- tant. Experiments have been made in Paris to prove this. A quantity of meat was hung up in a closed room until decom- posed, and then a chafing-dish was intro- anced and 500 grammes of coffee thrown on the fire. In a tew minutes the room was completely disinfected. In another room sulphuretted hydrogen and ammonia were developed, and ninety grammes of coffee destroyed the smell in about half a minute. It ia also stated that coffee des- troys the smell of musk, castoerum, and aasafoetida. It waa inJane. 1841, th»t the survivors of the Greely Arctic expedition were rescued and only now has Congress voted to those rescued men money-commutation of fuel and quarters and extra-duty pay. Lieat, Greely wears the star of a Brigadier, and Sergt. Braiaard does credit to the modest shooldcr-atraps of a Second Lieutenant, but the recent passage of the relief bill is the first recognition that any of their com- rades have had. Republics are not always ungrateful, bat they are often exasperat- iogly slow. A CABLK correspondent reports that hypnotism has. for the first time, become an instrument in the hands of French jnstice. A shoemaker named Fichereau, Uvinu in the town of Paimbteaf, had per- sistently denied a robbery of 200f., of which he « *^ aooused. The judge before whom he was tried went at once to a professional hvonolizer, who had the man's eyea blind waa convicted and sentenced to two ye^n' impriaonnient. FcEL oil will be used tbrotigbaat the en- tire plant of the Wiaconain GlaaaCompany, which will be operated by three different companies. E. A. Howard, cf Chicago, who haa charge of one end of the pipe Una recently laid from Lima, C, to Chicago, says that it has not been officially deter- mined to extend the line to Milwaiikee, the consumption there not being great enough to warrant it. There ia so large a demand for fuel oil in Northern Michigan and Wis- consin mines that the companv intend to run a line of tank steamers to Dalatb, Ash- land and other lake porta. A .'i-iiTOB to the Valley of the Yosamits iu California, says that one important fact to be observed there, but which la never mentioned in the guidebooks and seldom in newspaper correspondence, is that the women visitors who explore the place to any extent do so on horseback and ride astride. The ateepa are so abrapt that a woman who attempts them perched un. naturally on one aide of a bi^aitt is sure to come to grief, and coming to grief on moan- tain trails where the precipices are a mile high ia a matter of life and death. Women must either leave the glories of the Yoae- mite unseen or they must emplov all the advantagea which nature haa given them. And really, when you come to think of it, why shouldn't women ride aalride aa well as men .' Id there any reason againat it except conventional custom ? If there ia any other reason, what is it ? Among the Plaina Indiana and other eqaeatrian peoples, women nde the same aa men, and never think of riding any other way. VlndtcatlDK Himself. " I hear you are going to marry again. Smith?' "Yes; the fact la 1 feel that I muat, merely in self -vindication. Ever ainoe I married my first wife, I have been known as Mrs. Smith's husband ; but if I marry again, you know, my new wife will be forced to take a subordinate place in the family, and everybody will speak of her as Mrs. Smith's husband's wife. See?" â€" Boston Transcript. A Suggestive Kxplsnatlon. " What'sthe matter, Johnny .'" asked one of tho neighbor's boys, as his companion oame oat of the alley gate: " ain't finished your dinner a'ready, have ye ? " " Nop." "Didn't ye get any?" "Yep; but I didn't stay to finish it. What made ye leave so soon'?" " Well, I said some- thing at the table, and everybody but pa laughed." _ Wifeâ€" I mended the hole in your trousers pocket last night after you had gone to bed, John Hear. Now am I not a thoughtful little wife? Husband, dubi- _. ouslyâ€" Well er-ve-es, you are thoughtfu fol led, much as if he was giving a pablio enough my dear, but how the mUohief did pi-tform«nce, and at last discovered the you disoover that there waa » hole in my stolen money under an old stone waU. trousers pocket .' I Thanks to the hypnotizer the shoemaker To-day's Church News. Miss Delphine Baker ia abont to estab- lish a Christian newspaper in Jerusalem. Mr. Phiiip Phillips, " the singing pil grim," has been giving three lectures in Glasgow, entitled " Around the World in a Chariot of Song." The novel spectacle of lady ::u3sionariea preaching in the vernacular among the women was witnessed at the Rath Jattra at Mahesh and Ballubpore, India. Mrs. Knowlee has bej-j'.athed $5,000 to Mr. Sporgeon's college, the same sum to his orphanage, and 9500 to Ardbeg Chapel, Kothaay. A letter haa been received from Dr. J. F. Smith, (.^aeen's College misaionary to China, telling of his safe arrival at Cbe-Foo, North China. Bishop Baldwin, of Huron, sails from Liverpool for Canada on the '25th instant, Mrs. Baldwin's health havir.g been restored daring her stay in Germany. The Oban rim<>;i states that Mr. Mac pherson, the minister of Inverary, is a strong advocate of land nationaliiation aa the only effective solution of the land question. George 0. Bamea, the evangelist, haa recently decided that Jehovah never intended the human race should make food of the animal kingdem, and has oegun a craaade against beef aalera. Rev. Walter Laidlaw, President of the Albany County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children at West Tiey, N.Y., IS a nephew of Rev. Dr. LaiJlaw, of this city. An illuatration of Western dash and daring is found in the fact that the recent session of the Kansas Methodist Protestant Conference was held in a village in which there was but one Methodist Protestant family and no church of their own, and yet it was well entertained. There ia a worthy office-bearer la St. A.ndrew'8 Church, Woolwich, who ia determined to teac^ the rising generation how to give. As he carries round the col- lection plate he supplies with pence the children who have not come prepared fur the occasion. The vicarage of Halifax, which is ii: the gift of the Crown, is now at the disposal of the Government. The income of the vicar of that famoua Yorkshire town is t:'2,0OO per annum, and he has in bis gift over thirty livings, averaging over iiSOO a year each. There is truth in the remark that a bag, if em^ity, hangs loosely by its siring, but the more there ia put in it the cloaer is the mouth drawn and the harder is it to get anything out. So, often, aa men have more means to give, it is more difiicalt to obtain money from them. â€" Christian In- â- {uircr. The Mendlog of Slarrlage. In an ideal state, when all the people were honorable, the marriage contract might perhaps be safely abandoned, and " unions of affection " aubatitnted lor it. Bat, aa things are, the outcome of the pr>po3ed change would probably be one from which every person of pure mind would shrink in abhorrence. If this battle has really got to be fought, it ia well that all who have regard for the sanctity of home life should te^ up their position without loss of time, nid follow Miss Chap- man in declaring that the State cannot afford, by giving too great facilities for divorce, t > relieve the few who make un- happv marriages at the e.xpense of the majority who make happy ones. It may well, however, institute such reforma of the marriage tie as she points out. In the matters of the guardianship of children, and of the conditions under which divorce is now granted, reason and common sense dictate that the woman should be given the same rights as the man. M.arriat;es for monev ahouM be regarded as " relics of savagerv." Children of both sexes should be brought up together, and fuller oppor- tunities given for young people to know one another before betrothal. And in the religious service tho woman's equality with, rather than her aubmisaioa to. the man should be diatinctly recognized.â€" Chrittian ICorfJ. AM AKIMAI. WITHOUT RLAB. Lightning, Cyclona and the Iran Bursa Oalisd by the PKKcfkrj. Texas haa within her borders a beaijt into whoae narrow skull fear never enters. It ia a peccary â€" the Havilinah of the Dfexicand, the Dicotylea Torioatua of zoo logiata. Bravery ia a notable attribnte of man, and it waa discovered in birds, beaata and fishea. I don't claim the quality for the brate I am about to deacnOe, saya a correapondent of the Detroit Free Preu. I believe bravery cannot be said to exist in senses devoid of fear. I conceive that an a^jpreciation of danger is a necessary menstrum to the nobler courage. It is not the man of dogged indifference I admire ; it la the man who refuaea to dy when duty bida him stand and though ha fear death, fears diahonor more. Now, the peccary haa no particle of fear on account of any show of odds, and appears to live only for the purpose of madly dymg when opportu- nity offers. The game cock fights with heroic valor, bat one sees in his swimming eyes when gaffed and bleeding in the pit glances of regret and nameless fear. The {-achyderm of the Texas forest dies in " a matter of coarse ' manner, aa if he waa meant to end that way and was glad of it. He looka up m the tree where the man aits who shot him ifew men of experience ever shoot them from any other standpoint i and anon he holds up his cloven foot and glances at it. If the peccary regreta any- thing in the hour of dissolution it ia that he waa not made like a s<{airrel to chmb. Teiaa and Pacific and Fort Worth and Denver city locomotive engineers often encouater droves of pt':caries. aa I srip- poao do all engineers who opt:rate on the '.Veatern Texas railroads. No whistle ia sounded to frighten them. The engineers know that peccaries cannot be frightened. The engine raahea into the midst of tne drove, and thosd not killed outright die madly charging and biting at the wheels that crash them. A peccary ia in all respects a hog. He looks, smells, tastea like a hogâ€" and is a bog, bat for a thing cf indomitable courage of the lower type, for a hater of quenchless fury, and a fighter to ih'.' last throb of his heart, commend me to the iierce Dicotylea Torriaatus, the indi- genous Texaa I'og, a brute that would, li be could, while riding m the midst of a cyclone, bite at the zig-zag dashes of the death-dealing hghtning. BCMAJIKABI.K LOMSCVITY. A Famllr TtaiU Cumplat«iy Kcllf of tita Hovers at Adulphostown. An Adolphuatown correspondent gives » remarkable case of longevity in connection with the U. E. Loyalist family of Hover, of that township A favors aa with anothor case even more remarkable. The persons referred to b«low are also of I.'. £. loyalist stock, bring deacendanta u' the late Lewia and Miriam Davia, Sidney, who lived about two milea from the city (A Belleville. Five of their children atill aur- vive, vi.c. : Cornelias Davis, bom April 5th, I'iOO; John Davia, February 9th, 1802; Mrs. Dorland Clapp, January 10th, liMti; Mrs. Heater Morden, Janaary lOth, ISOS; and Jamea Davia, December the 14th, ISlO. The age of Comehoa Davia ia, therefore, SS years, 5 moniba and 2*2 days ; John Davia, i6 years, 7 months, I'J day's ; Mrs. Dorland Clapp, -i'i years, S months, lij days; Mr*. Hester Morden, -tO yeara, S months, \>i days ; and Jamea Davia, 7S years, 'J montha, 14 days. Their total age amount to 417 years. 4 montha, giving an average of ?3 years, 5 montha and 14 days. Comeliua Davis live* in the front of Sidney, two milea from Belleville: John Davis in the '2nd concessioii of Tharlow ; Mra. Dorland Clanp, in tha 4th concession of Thurlow; MVa. Haatar Morden haa lived in Belleville all her lifs aatil very lately, but now lives with her son-in-law, Mr. Tbomaa Dirkans, of Nap- anee. .She ia at preaeni visiting her son, Mr. George Morden, in Deseronto, and ia hale and ictive, James Davis resides ia tho State of Iowa. It is. iaoeed, very sel- dom that we find so many members of one family reaching aach a.i advanced age. â€" Deierml,/ Trtbune. Ttae Hotj Girls of Norway. The kitchen is the living room in a well, to-do farm house. 1 have walked into these fre-[aently, and generally found the mothers piittmg the finishing touches to the pot when preparing a meal ; and I could never tell wbicii were the daughters of the house and which the servants. By tne way, the Utter are not ashamed of their calling, and when I have asked a pretty one if shs were the daughter she says : " Ob, nein, I am a servant. " Many of the women in the mountaona and upper valleya are very comely â€" not beauties, oat ruddy, rosy, plump and healtiiy specimens of femininity. If I should write verses I would not write them to " the girl with lua raven locks " nor to ' the red. haired girl, ' but just now would write a sonnet to ' the awset girl of the tow head," The women do their full share of the work of the land, but we have found the heavy labor is dune by the men. The women reap and bind grain and rake and mow hay. â€" Corrop^ndent i,' the Chwai}'! Hail. 8ha Will -iurely Find It. "Bridget," said the head of the hoosa, arrayed in evening dress. " I am anez- pecteuiy called out for the evening, and I want yoa to see that your mistress gets this note aa soon as she comes in, wilhoirt faU.' " Yia, sorr,' reapoaded Bridget, " I'll lave it in the pocket of the trousers ye'vs just taken off." My lovi; was like a lily fair. Low <iro.-'ping m tn..* sultry air. My iic-art waa r.-at with erief and carv. I !»/if,.-d ht-r w,.-,.f. iiu:Io' Th,. wonder ;jrowa and ^rows. My Ujvh s now likt? a bi<jomiag ruse. How bright b>T (»c-.- with bea'jty glows, 1 dart; not tell. The wandering b»:»-* would stop to sip Tt;,- at-cLar of nor [x-rf^rct ;ip. Twa* Dr- I'UTcc s Kavurite Prescrip- Ti'ju wr-j-agh; the Bi>vll SlCDliicanc. " Mamma, tbe quandary has oome; Biliings haa proposed, and Tootle too." "What shall you do?" " I am at a loss, mamma. Toozle writes that be woold surround me with every luxury and maka bis whole existence one sweet thraldom for a smile from me." " And Billings '' "S» says he's vary poor and has been working all his life and oarely earned a subsistenoe." " Accept Billings, my child. Don't delay another instant. A man muat be pretty weU off before he has the courage to pro- claim his poverty." Equal to Bnrop â€" n Chowae. The New York Journal >' C>jmmeT:( of last week i ander heading of dairy reports; sayn : Mr. Valancey E. Fuller, of OakJanda Dairy, Hamilton, Ontario, haa just sent to this city some samples of Cammembert cheese, fromage de Brie au'i other aoft cheeses, which experts declare to be equal to those made in Europe. They were made from Mr. Fuller's celebrated hord of Jer- seys, of which Mary Anne cf St. Lambert ia a prominent member. Mr. A. E. Why- land, of Thurber, Wbyland -V Co., owns a bull from the herd (St. Andrews of Orange) which is one of the finest specimens of the breed in the United Slates, having taken drst prize at the Nawbargh fair last year. " He Qi'>st liv-.'s who thinks the moec. Acts the Dobicst. feels the btst. .And he whose heart beats q!iicke«' Lives the longest, lives lu oue hour .More Chan in years do some wboe** Fat hUjtxi ^ieept as it *,'ip» ai'jntj thexr ve,'*i.' These lines describe that condilon of perfect health which all men and women insh to enjoy. To be able to think clearly, to incline to do noble acts, to live long and joyously, we must be free from the domina- tion o! disease. By taking Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery we may, by parifying the blood, escape consumption, general debility, and 'weakness, and ali blood and akin diseases, and verify the truth of poetry as well as fact. asked a from Id Great Trouble. " Why. what is the matter lady of a friend whose eyes were red recent tears. " Oh, I'm â€" boohoo-in such trouble! ' •What has happened' Something dreadful, I am sure." ' Yes : it was something d-dreadful,' "â-  What is it ' Has your husband been drinking harder than usual?" No, that's not it. He has signed the pledge, and he is so disagreeable when be IS sober. " The Klectrio Llcbc Is a matter of small importance compared with other applications of electricity. By this agency Pols'^n a N.'':b', : line ia made to penetrate to the moat remote nerveâ€" every bone, muscle and ligament ia made to feat its beneficial power. Nerviline is a wonder- ful remedy, pleasant to take, even by tho youngeat child, yet so powerfully tar reaob- mg in its work that the most agoui/dng internal or external pain yields as .f by magic. Neglect no longer to try Nervilma. Buy to-day a 10 cent trial bottle and bs relieved from all pain. J. Wilson, dragaist, Goderich, writea : " Nerviline gives g'»<t satiafaction." Sold by druggists and country dealers everywhere. ferfeccly Obvious. The idea that people can be enriched by heavy and unnecessary taxation, tbat a man's condition can be improved by taxiofl^ him on all he wears, on all his wife ano^ children wear, on all his tools and impla- ments of industry, is an obvious absurdity. - Thurman'i A :ceftance. The only reliable cure for catarrh is Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. f r4 Only a »bKke. " No, my man, I haven't anything for you," said a gentleman to a tramp « ith outstretched hand. " Who asked for anything !â-  ' replied tha tatterdemalion. " L>on't you see I'm a pol- itician ? .\.ll I wanted was to shake." The Ottawa Literary and Scientifio Society yesterday presented the Governor- General with an address and secured hia consent to act as patron of the society. Mr. and Mrs. Jason were eogaged in their usual evening debate. Said he, for a clincher, " Well, there's no use arguing with a woman or a jacksee." •' I wish I bad known that at the start and saved my breath," said she. Here to Sta.v. Fashionable Wife (tugging at a atriug)- Mra. Cleveland may succeed in doing away with tha bustle, but there is one thing that has come to stay. Husband (looking around from his shavinglâ€" What is that ' Wifeâ€" The ooraet. A prominent woman lawyer of Ohio is Miss Florence Cronise, of Tiflin. She has been in active nractioe for fifteen years, and has secured a competence and a large list ot clients. Ueraniuni-i Ten Feet Ulsli. G. C. Claris^ of New Haven, has in hia front yard a oonple of rose geraniuma 10 feet high. These plants were raised from slips in two years. He recently set them oatdoors, aa they had grown too tall for the rooms in the house. The rose geran- ium ia the largest and fastest growing variety of the plant, but 10 feetia a remark- able height even for that species. Doubtful Compliment. Gueatâ€" 1 wish I had oome hero a week ago. Proprietorâ€" Ah, that's very datter- ing to ny hotel. "I don't know about that. What I mean is that I would have preferred to have eaten this fish then in. stead of now." MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. 'Wholly uultke artlUvliftl systems. Cur« of lutud waa<l«rtUK. Adj book leMrued lu ou« reading. Clasaesot l,0S7 at K&iutii jru l.UO.l %: Uetro l,30O at FniiadaliibLik, 1,1 1;5 ai Wumngioo 1,'Z Itt at Boston, larg-* classes ol Coiumbiau h« students, at Yale, Weilesley. Oberiin, University of I'eua., Micbigaa Uaiversicy. Cbautajquii.eto. uto, Kadorsed oy Kicaiau faoci'uH. the Siieu tist, Hous. W. w. Asroa, JvoAa f BK-vjAiu-t Judige LliBSO.s, Dr. Knows, B. U Cooa, I'nu. .S.Y Sr.ate Kormal College, etc. Taught by corres pondence. l*Tost>ectu8 Po:iT raiiK from PROF. L01SKTTK,ij7 filtb Ave., S.Y. D O M U 43 »8 (Juestlon of Schools. First mother The school around the corner is a moat excellent one. My boy does learn so fast. Second motherâ€" Ob, you're mistaken, utterly mistaken. It's a miserable school. My boy doesn't learn a thing. BAKING POWDER THE HOOK'S BEST FRIE"ilffc f^- 1.

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