â- •»SJ â- *• •y^s: sf THE FLESHERTON Advance. :ocT. IS ^p« \ * '.'â- i89C. I â€" IV : Sp YOUR ecial Attention! IS CALLED TO 'nil.: [(â- i DECIDED IJAIK^AINS - AT %:t U [] P ^ 1 1 \'' A beautiful range of plushes in the latest Bhades, at a surprisingly * low figure. . DONT FAIL TO SICE OUK ST(X:K OF BOOTS â€" > SHOES! OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Men's anil Boys' Lon;,' 15o»ots of tlio best in;iiuifjia:,liirc At rock bottom |»ricis. Huiton and Lace Hocxts jii ji^it^t vari- ety at prices tare Iq suit you. THE TOP PEICE PAID For Butler and Eggs A lot ai choice liuttcr in Tubs <jr Rolls wanted i)y â- , I St November. ^ At Cash Price for Trade. COUNTY AND DISTRICT. / llulf Hour Anuini> Gar EA-ch(iwJe.s- Wiarton ftcUo : In Aumist of huit yo;u Mr. Jm. Ihett, ..f tliix placo, iuivi-rtiscd fni- a waLjDii-iiiitki-r, aninitle man nMniirtil. Tliu ailvt. wa» anawt'ied by a It. .\I. ('<iiniiiih!(«, nf Maikilali', whi) cliiiiuL'il lif ciiuM nil the liiU ill i-Vfi-y losinrt. H>- was iMi!{a'.'nl !))• Mr. Klalt ami luu Imcii ill his i!m]i!(iy i'vi;r Kiiiof until Sat unhiy iiK.niiii;,' l.wt wln-ii hi' ti.iik liis (Irj.aitiiif (â- lit the \}-mV. liiuji- til the stiitinii ahU liit-<t not hvfii heard fii.in .sinci>. Ooiuniint.'.'^ wa.t a man of aV)out ii5 yeais of aye, ven dark coiinilexioii ami not ovirly V'"' |)C)Hses«iii^' in a[iiiearaiice, hut thnniLih claiiiinift to bu rich and u single man he llittefd around ainoni^ the youiij? ladies and ain^arently un.Hittled as to which lu would select to he his iiartner for life, a.s ho roulil iiroinisf .several to iiinrry then at an early date, and some, we believe, h(^ liroinised to wait a year or two f. .r, and what tfi<; outcome would have been is hard to t<dl had not and incident occur- nd on Wedliesilay of last week that stripped the nnisk from ('Ur swarthy nuinher and sliowed him \\\t ui hia true oiiliirs. The incident W!i.s due to a uentle- man frciiii Nfarkdale who wiis well .ic- quainted with Coimiiiiiua who chanced to attend our tair ami innocently ijnve (he wlnde thill.; away, which was to the etfect that the siii.imihihI rich youn^ iiian was a very pixu- married one imvini; a wife ami a lartje f;imily in .Markihile. This knowleil'je w.is ruinous to t'oiiim- ini,'s' chance to sky lark any iiiori) hero and took the L'land bounce which he at once L'ot from his uiniiloyer, with comidaceiice. The fair ones who were broke up on the .shape of the bronzed youii}; man will timi his C'"><imiii<(.» and L;oin;;s so freijuenl us Wfore and tliat the latter is of ii.nre vnlue t« tlieiu than llie formef. Thus ends <|uite tMioULdi roiiiaiKx- to niake n ilunf novel. .\ Hliuv. .Mxiiil half past seven Tues- day eveiiini; tiro burst out in thi' City Motel stables. Ill a few iiiiiiutes the whole biiildili'.; was eiiv.il.iped ill lianiet and in half an hour was lediued to ashes. It WJis witli well diiwleil elloMs that W. J. MiKailaiiil's ii'suleiice Wiis saved as the wiiiHsli.-l iwljuinin.; extended close by tin' stable. 'I'ho tit.illiMii, '^loiieht T'liii, " was ic-srivil from tin- biinmi'.' stable without injiirv. t'.iiiseot lire un known. We have Imtii uii.il.lc to 1,-aru wluilur tlievc 111 .iu\ insuramc. ^l,â- llk dale l>t;iiulaid. • I.ie |''lelchel', !\ T.ilolil.l hl.'.llllUt. was .-iili-tril 111 t >>i .n Si.und 1:1 â- ' 'riii"-'hiv. by r. (' I'idey. Ill" hint \ulnii n .i Mis> ( 'aiiipliill. l.ile .i| Svdeiihui.i to\vi;-,liip, who IS w.'illi coiisideiable i'i.'iic\ .•nid properly. I'"leti lici will lil.vly -'et a loin,' ei|oii:;li teiiii o' iiii|iriso|iiiielil to enable hiiu to rclb'. t a littb on the evil of to . iiiucli iiiairm..;e and iix le iills. (I'b.its- wortli News. »»n« of the curioHitii-s of the curious year IrtHHhas In-eii nhown us in the shape of ripe raspli.uries (licked on .â- >aturday lasi by -Ml. K. .btiiilt»oii, ;ird line soiith. On till- branch wele ripe berries .â- xiid a i|Uaiilily of well formed ami ^o..d sized ^itu'ii iMMries. Wetliiejiday inoriiini; previous the i;iouiid was ctivered with snow to a depth of eight inches. (Mra fonl Moiror. Oraiiu'eville pays its chief constable $1IH». We havi! a suspicion that the constable must be a I'liiiiAinan, or a re tired miUioiiaiie with whoniinoney is no objed The Stnynev Sun says that they have had frost thciu ivery month ainyo .laii.Minv, .Inly e\ce\iteil. Thornbiiiy Stamlaid : The Eiiphriisia fall show W.IS the best ever held in that t iwiiship. .Markdale has a ni' v jcweliy store. A Hood tlow of yas has been strink in C.illinuwo.id. J. £. fflOORE, and ,h ^^' '^U Of ALL KINDS OF in IrJ OUSEHOLD FunurruE iJiiihaiii >>tr'.cl, Flesliertoii, Special attention is called lo our MEAT, ME4T! FJtl-:SH MEJT, \iee Tender Meat . lii'l JIe((f of (ill Kilt 'Is â€" AT â€" Blakely & McConn ell's. p EMQVE Q Booth the Boss Barber, /oil r. i/ioixf *, „!,<• ,,t tin- »/ii.//i 11. Win. Slniiii'n l,li,rl: 1,^,1 !â- Il'ni. Uni i.liiiniir s Inn.t anil .'Iioi- thitji, Tniitiitti utiirl. iihfie hr irill U- h<tjij,ii til sc- fill- itiuUiiiit fii''f!< "/ ii'f .. /ii.< >/'/ -H.^t iiiirrt •ml <-|.» wnny ii'ie <,iu» m i I /eiiv niDiclmlel ti ijirr m,- n rlmnrr tn in<i'V- \\ \ t'tin Hill n-inititl'iiii Hi il r I'im Jlnrlnr- J Mo( 'iiilij i,j Ftitli' r'l/ii, liiit of the fritiie i/iV- Which is now complete. I'or variety, (|ualitv and prices \vc art; ahle to cclip.-ic all torincr eltorts. We are selling; BEDSTEADS At from ^2 each. ' ! A really handsome Bedstead at ?3. WASHSTANDS At from §1.50, and B-U-R-E-A-U-S-! I Jennie At S6. Making the whole furniture beilrotjm, including (m. •(''/»â- tiriiitll iiulit lliollllil, i' lu- luilroimti* ijf t'l-j ladiu.t ruBpeotf ;illy n: Kavi-ti, WALTKU IlnoTH. mm m mWil JIIKI.MJ. I wii-li t.i inform tin- Uilivs ci( Kleishfrt<ii> ftiid vicinity list I am now pirparetl to- il-> all kinds of Press and M.tiitle Making. (iood Ht 1,'ilaniLlced. Your nlteiitiiin is espeeinlly ritlird to lav system of cutting â€" Cnriiw^lls lBi|ir(vvc,l Self tittiuK Chart â€" for which I am Hijfiit. riioso desirous of learning; to cut by this sy«teni can ilo so at Klodrralc cobl by »|i plyinn to ine. Shop next ik-or to .1. K. Meor»-"a Fitml. tuie Store. McBride. for a a chaii less than i? lo. #ae MlM SOLD WlTTMl #Otl»"l't for •lOOuik FREE J. G. Anderson, SPKOIJLK'S BI,OCK. UUI). bMl tMB wMcti toth* wurll. r*i (ri.t tlliH Hi.il.l II.. M Huulltig ('•â- ML KliKftiil ftii.l b>«|itlAc«tit. Itoih U.lliui'ftii.l ic«itla iliM w Itli «<iiki ftii.l Ckita uf III FAi-li laikltt)) c«n Mcur* aii« t-ni-:!-:. iiuw ii(his|>v>Mibul W««uaw«râ€" w« wanl on* p«r* •on tn Mcb locAllir, to kfte|>ln thftr homfB.Ainl aliuw l<> iIkiAi whi> rail, • comrlrl« lln«* ntoiir ikluiMfAud vtrr u»*(ul Hlktmi-.HOI.I* N.\ni*l.t':M. Tl^x lAiiip)**.*! wallMlbn witU-)i,wu>«>n.l frfo.kOil kflcr fou h*f« kfi(>t ilirm In yiiur fatwiiA f^ir • iiinhlliii kuiI •tiowu thin l\)lt>tiav whomAjr likVucKll»<l,th«> trroiiin )iiur uwti.|tfu|MrTtn II U |>v-Hll'le 1» nikbnthU crekt iirTar. Mii.tltiic tl>« Mtlt.lD «I4»I.I» watrliKiiil COHT V Mtnidvi fivi', •â- Ihafthuwlucof Ibatftinplw* III *i>> luMllir. alwy* totuUa lu â- Urc« lr«>U tor "M; iirt«r iiitr ••nii>lir« have l>*«ii lit m IhtkIIIt ^•^ % month or tV« WVtuuKlly fat rrum •<•<»• %a •aUUO In lr«.U irom IM •tirruiiiiillnv ctniiilrr. Ttila, Ihs ntoal woinlftrrtil aOai av«r know 11, la iiiftilc lit itriUr Ilia I our •ampUiniar t>« pl»r«it »Io«m wbara th«r can !•« ***U, *ll i>T*r Ara*rlp«, Wrtta at o«c«, kM Baka'.iarr (>f thn cttanr«u lUatler It «tM hahArdlj an 7 IruaM* iM rvu Ui atiaw \h9 a«nipl«i t«> (hoM who mar c^l *^ roar Iumm •ad Tova r«w«rd will Im mo«t »atl*fMt(>r7 i. i>i>alftl c*ri •• Vhkl) ta wrl%« ua o-aiakat I r«nt •nt after 700 ku^'W all.lf fon 4o nul fn to io fVtribar, wI>t »«> b«rin ta A<>a«. Rul ir faftto •a»4 roar •Adra** al piif<«k fom cau aaciua fr'HIlK «â- â- « •fllU tm\ »alM m*^ wawkaa hi M>» w<«li1 aaa i-«r tare* lis* at CVMVI.V SAMrLSa. Wapar *Uaipr«M, r»at«hl. »Nh i#SO^ tnMUM « ua, »•« NI, ryiTt4llU, Mil^& QHILPKl'LN:: QKADLKS, In a luimlnr ot styles t-quallv low )M-ices. BEDDING iSiiiLT s«. im mi ami In at We arc m.iUin 1 11 St now, by Sprin;; Mattress a otlenii},' specialty a i;t)od at X1.50. Woven wire Mattresses at $2. so- (iood ([uality of sea grass Mattress.it 8.^ Tables. Tables. Tabtes. Kitchen and DiniuR Leahies, Parlor and Sewing Tables, Lusic and I'ancy Tables, in fact tables to suit every taste and for every conceivable purpose. One New Karn Organ for Sale, \'ery cheap. Ai^cnt celebrated for the Hew llaiyiiioiHl Sewing Macliinc, o{ which are tu uur slu)\vri>onis, ihc pi. ICC, a number be seen at Remember I \o(i<*c (o CaiUrurtor>. I O "^i^Df'l till i fiul.'ifte.l â- â- 'rt-Tid.r-- f»»r til*' .^a â- , Stf Miii It* * HimL mil U'liv.iwl «t tills I'lftv- I viiitil tlti- nniMil of tirr ctiHtorii utul Wtsi, i;i I t.Kul- ri ITIlrtO.W. t»t« iiMt .U< of iH-inU j lli-M. I-T till' fiiriii.ltl'.II iilfl r. Iistl uilioU (i| Cftfl tl I'tl thi- CitUfl'ilAII M<to nt Hk- n V»T.tlllUiU.. ctii. utfiM 1 -r Si. MttiA . j I lu* >s.>rkH *,\\\ W l.-t ill tWn M-v-li(-ii^. cii«- â- I , vrhivli .»i;'. otilirac. t!.« toriLi.iti..u of tlif cnn... tliMMi;,''! tlu i-Uin.l; the io?f*tiiit'tion of :«>o].-. t'tC rW«< i-llltT. till' 'UM'IH'tilli;^ Hii.l wult'iiiii;; <â- ! tin- (.lmiltu-1 WH. lit I'otll »lld5t}[ the CKDUl . CUII blrtiotlou »'( lll^â- l^. fic. .\ Kirt)' ..r tlip !-•. nlity t«>t;t'llt''i ^it!! iOmmhiiI :<|M'tinvnli-'(iH ..f tlu' wi.rk-*. CUM fn- M'l'ti «t thl^ ollUf on Hii.t dftiM TIKSHAV. th.- Vtli ilav ul iVtolitT. iH*\t. \»hcr« priftti-'l foiuiH ol ltfii.Ur I'lii ttUo Iff i)l.taitii'il, A liJvi clftHH <»f iiifditiiti- lii'ii. r»'liitiv»- li' lilt- wttrkn. can In* ^etii iit tin- i.mcf of tJii- I^.ftil t>mf*»r in tlii- Town of S»uH Stf. MHiit'.Oiit. [ut> luting i-PiitrHi-tiT!* arc rt'qniv^ttil li> l>*«r in iiiiikI th.it triiil.-i-. %%iU uot K- v.'iiviiUMi-il uii ti>«<i itiH'li- ''trirtl^ ill »cconUiii<c witli tlK'])riiit eil foi init rtii'l tit' MCC(.>uipiiiiicil hv fk U'ttt* r ^tal- iiiK tliMi tilt t'l'ihon or iHirsiiiis IoikUtiii^ Imvi" Ciiri-full\ f.YHiiiiiii'tl tho KH-Ality aii'l thu naluri* ofthf lujitfiirtl fouiul in tin- irUt pit^.. In the i-uoc i>f tlriim. Kioic iiinst Ih* ftttHiht}(I the aotuat Hj^trntiirfM tif tlh- full iiaiiu*. iltv na tiiri' ot tin- CHi'iipntiini aiiit ry-idi'iu-f of tiii'li tiu*nilivv of thi"*AiiU' ; aiut furtluT. n hank pf I'oMii lotKiPT for thi' Huiii of e>-Jiuiii(i iiMut ftp Ciiiiipnny tbt< tt^iultir fi>r tht' canal aiul Umko . and It LiANK UKt'oaiT UKiKii-i foi' tho siiiu ^ij ?7.Vi(> iiuint aci-otnpany tlu» tniilvr f(»r tlui ilcep rnin^ and wi'lenin^ of tli«^ chaniHtl-«ay at Uitli fiiiN. ptt-rH, fti", Th« rv^iHJttivf DKPokir hkckii'Th tlii'iiutjH will not tio aci-fpti'il intint lnjyiiiltn-HtMl nvcr t*^ tilt' MinUtt-r of UHilwnyHHnit CanaN. nml will tH< (orft'itt^l if tlu> party tMidtiriiiK fle(.'Uui-4 pn- tt-riii|i: inttictMitrait for (hu wurkn.Ht tliu ratr-^ (iiid on tlif tvrinn rotuttnl in tlK* otTui' Niilnnilti-d Tho .Uiposit rrcfipt thus soiit in will !>«â- n turnotl to till' rtwinjctivc |wirtiti» whttne tt*liiU>rii art- not ac»*eptt'<l. Thi» Ui'pnitinfiit iluvH iiut, liitwvver, MoJ ltj*flf to auCcpl lliL- Iowi"it 01 i\n\ \vM\Wrs. \\\ onU'r, A. r. HHADl.KY. St'cruur) OtipartnuMit of KailwaxH aii'l (\iiialH, > tlttHWa.Mth Vui;n«*t. IMKH Strayed or Stolen, Troni tin' prc'inises of \\ (' Vaikor. lot C^'. '^iiilMfit. ArtiMiit'Hia. two utiut. in pi^ oiii> ii^t'd aiwl tin- .itlur \o.in^. MhoIi, »iiut bUik atni wliitf spoittsl litfi>riiiHtioii thankfully rvativcil flit t<i their whurt^lvbt»utx. W.t'. TAKKKU SALESMEN WANTED J. E. Moore, b'lesherton iMirniture \\'are- rooms. Durham Street. Flesherton. Our L'ndertakinji,' Depart- ment is A I. Good hearse and good liorses in connec- tion. Charges very moderate. tor th N,w In ul iU'l N .11 >rrii.w. 1-^tulihi.luil M\t 1 .10 \ .'al-i Ttio oltl ifliittilf inlVHt:r\ . Mfii witli i»n^li, ti|ifr>;y l^iHiil loiliit'* iiii'l i-Ii-an clinnu'ti-r iilw ayssuci'fi'J Wf i-aii ^.l\<â- \ou «ootl itu\ urut ^tt'ii.i\ wink WrUi- for tiriiiBt,! C'H.\SH lUlurHKliS I'D.M r.\N V, Niir«i-niii.-ii. (olliiiviii-. Clot P AEM for SALE Hoiiu! purt ot l.ot No. 10 Con. â- ">. Kii|iliriiiii roulHUiilik' rtttv ilvlVN. Tlui ttlnivo itK'tiOily' situati'il iilii'iit oiic-aml'. Iisif Uiilo>< fioni Hi vDlikhi' of Kimli^'rloy. all iiiidt'r cult{^l>tluuull uift^)iil\cxMi. luiitl. Amilv to .\ .\i-noi's KiotlMirlvy T. Try The Advance one ytar for f I or six months for ^octs / W "^ i • â- â- â- â€" t- i \ f c ^ I