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Flesherton Advance, 11 Oct 1888, p. 2

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LONDON HORRIFIED AGAIN. Two More Woman Brutally Mar;-:; Mutilated. and vr Cfvy. x«> THK roLi. fikxd. Wliu Mir He :t Lnnatlc of ttin O' rrkyll Httil Mr. Iljilt^ M;iiti|i. A !i9t i.iumiav) iiinht'd I,audo:i lijspatrh â- ajK Ttiu luoriiini; the wfc ilo :ity xvbs â- ijaia utartled by 1I..3 uowa that two mnr- deru had b"Sii added to ih" .'is* cf tiivttfri Oua cnnua that havu rcjiitly l)oen com- mitiecl ill \VhitK:b«i)el. At au early l:oar it w«9 kn wii that aiioilier bad bei-d fir-dL-red, ai.ii n â- â€¢.â- (;o.-l was aU:; cur- ceiit that lliere was atill another victim. Tbn report prost-d true. Tbo two victims, A8 11; tli» f jrmer cafes, ivern Imol".*.'! wo- WTL-t. of llu- peoreot cl:iis. Tint tha motive of thi) n 'irilC'r was Lui robbtry i:i slicwn by the fiut that no attein[C. xhi inacie to deBpoil th bodies. :ii: yv.:-: !:i.i:i>Ki: occur: tij ir. a narrow court off E.'rncrs street at au early hour this Lnornir.j be- neath the window of a forei-jreiH' Bocialid- tic ohib. A concert waa in jjro;{iui> auc' many monibera of the club were preseiit, bat u'j sound was hi ard from thi victim. The einif prucefis had been followed as in the other cases. The vvoinau hid been seized by the thro:it and her cries r:hrked, and tho murderer with one sw;>epir'' cut had severed her throat from ear to ear. A club man on entering the court lilnrrbled over til) body, wl.ich waa lyin;; only two yards from the street. A stream of warm bloud waa flowing! from the body into the guttar. ThotnurJerer had evidently been distarbed before he had timn to rr.-:l;!ate his Mctiin. T he second murder was com- mitted three-<iuartera of an hourlatiT in Mitro Bqiiare. five imnuteB' walk from the Bceno of ilij Hidt crime, i'olicemi^n pitrol tbe bijt'iro every ten minutes. Thu bndy of the I nfortunate woman had hs.ia dis- embovvclkd, tho throat cut and '' ? r.ose â- everod. â-  ui: nvAn: ami i.csi.r, bad Ii3ci. thrown aside and tiiu jntrails wero twisted ii;to the ^apin^ wonnd around the L'ck. The incision eliows a roujih dexterity The work of dissecticn waa •vidi'iillv dorj'? will the utmost h'XBte. Peiidini; tlu report tf the doctors, it 1 i not known v;hLthor ir not a portion of the Tiboera wm taken a.«ay. â-  hedoators, after •n unamiuali on of li.'j thou|{ht it must have minulos to completo th< derer, who tht-n had plenty of trr-.-; to escaps tha patrol. Mitre si juare, the â- scene of the sduonil murdir, is a tlioroHuh' â-  re. Many people pass lhroa;;li ilia ^i|iiari) c-arly on Hunday morniuii on tkeir way to {^re- Eare fur market in the notoriona Petticoat isno Xhf patlicity of tlia plaos adds to the (â-  , ;i*f'iM"-3 01 TIIK rniMK The iKiliofl, wb<< have been eeverjl'. criti- cised III conneclion with tho Wliiteohafiel mardcri, ara paralysed by ihesa lattst crimes. As Hoon as ihe no«r:3 wai rceivod Bt pohcc hnail.jnartcrs a raoi"teiij;or waa despatched for Sir Charles Warren, Chief Coinniiasionyr of I'olice. lie was called out of b< 1 and at uco visited the Bccm- of Aho mnrd ir. Ti inbaljitniiis of Wbite- •hapol iir.- dismayed. The Vi;!ilance Ciun- tnittec'ii whirl ware formed after the t rst crimes wuru committed had lelapaed their •ffortu t:i capture thiunurdercr. At nnviral «iieetiii({s hold in Whiti'rli*,iel to ninht it was iiisolvod to reanme ttie work of patrol- linit the streets ii; the district in which tho •aardoid li»v- oconrrod body, laid they takeu Hboiit I ve work of lliu mur- .-|[K VKTIMH. Tho llurnera street viotiin was l)li/:abutli dtrido, a native of Btockholiu, who r;-sidud in a cniumon lodfjing-house. Tho nanix of the other victim is not known. In conse <l'ii;no«of ti.e refaaal of Home Bn'T"tiry hliittbowg to offer a reward for the arn-si of the Whitecl'ipel mnrderor, the peoih- of the East Hnd on Bittnrday pntitioned the Queen herself to authorise theolTerin;^ of a reward Dr. Klackwell. who was called to »iew II « remains of Ilia Bernora .Uront Victim, Kave it as hia opinion that thu ^aine •nail, ci/idontly a maniac, had coinniittcd f>oth murdora. The Hernere atrcdt victim bnij ovidf-ntly been draj{»{cd back by a hand- lierchi f run aronnd the throat. The iniinoot wii! be held at 11 u' dock on ?iIon day moriiirij;. I'onr doctors will he on tho jury. Tlin ui'inest in the Mitro Hijuare iiiiircli'i will probably bo held on Tuesday. A Ii'milori cabin has the followiiii> in regard to the Whitecliapel mnrdcra ' .Ml i<f these hivi' eimilsrity of Hiihjcut, timi' and methnd. The killiii|{ is done between mid- niljlit and dawn, the victims are women, criea are iii(ver heard. Nof'xhicd vampire was ever uiuro iioiscleaa tlii,, iliis my.4- tcrioiii iiiurdercr. One woiiiau's head was Severed from the trunk in -Mdfiato, adjoin. inn Whiti'cl apel, and another woman's (ace, th. oat iknd thorax were di:iKUstin){ly mutilalad in a little a<|uare not far from the Tower, into which threexIreetH op-iieil, Snd wlioru there were excellent menus of observation. Tho best idea ot the awful dei>radatiu:! of the ni«ii who freiju'-nl the V/hitecbapul Hliims can bo i^atheieii from a deBcription of tho women, whojn ability to liei>paliv< {roves tho exietencu of men so low as to consort with them. Thcsa Wrotiihed women swarni tho str'etM by thniinaiida, oven now, hnt keep <dosu toKellior and look sharply Hroiind (or iniir- dureri., cvoii while preteiidiiifj to lau);h, and â- skill); each other whoan turn to bo cut up will uuiiio 11r.1t. Tho laii>{iiage in which they epoak of the Aend who has made it Ins fcusinoss to murder them it h iiiipiiHsihle toreprorii m. Hiich profanity and hide iisly foul laii;;ua»{H as may be heard ooiiiiiif> Iroin 111') i»ronp of women ot any \\ hite- ohapel ( irtiTcan probably not bo hoard •nywlicri iilie. Borne of Ibese poor Siiinials have actually KC'>^'" "1^1 >» their iiiisoiy, shrivellod. horrible, fjiu-noaked haijii, whr li^h'; and ipiarrel on the (gutter's •di;e. ami to approach within \ ants uf whom ij tnrtiiro. Tbo younger n^omen, the iiucena of thcno 8lnm:., are even mnro distro8sin{{ to look at. Homo ari more Kirls, almost children, but sll celebrate any stroke of fortune bv ^jet- tinu drunk. I!rinlit colors distiiif/iiish them. liliiht bine il the favorlio color. Chnap hr icadufl, drat^KiriR lit the mud. und OBlrioh fi iithers as sadly out of curl as tlin dissipated owners' hair, an favorite oiit- \7krd lu^r-H of such prosperity an may bo attained in Whiteohaj cl. The poor creatures when born were cropped upon tho surface of the wortt [ ool of human de;;radation thai cun be b asted by any tjreat city on earth, aiic Hli th'-y can do is to sink dueper down iDt:. it, lighting' and drinking cheap fjiu as they ,to. Infants brawling tfarough heaps of refuse in the Hlums, never ha-, u;; been made j'lalous by tho sight of cl a::, fat babyhood, were fairly contented, ik"ii their parents evidently found their livi - :nnch enlivened by the sensation which has corno upon them. The scenes of both murders were swarming with curious ciowds, preference bein;; given to the placo whore the most savage murder uacarred, an.i up to to-night morbid citizens were busy lighting; wa.x matches in the dark corner â-  f Mitre S'loare, trying to discover blood stains. No new theory worth er.tertaining has been put forward. That advanced by your correspondent on September Sth, namely, that the murderer, whether a maniac or not, must possess soma knowledge of surgery, is accepted as proven. The at- tempt to concoct tho crime with some American medical student who is supposed to huve offered largo sums to various hospitals for an anatomical specimen has been given up as ridiculous. The anatomical specimen in ijucslion can 'aiily be obtained for a few shillings. Il is suggested that the mnrderer must be a resp ; ctable-Iooking individual, as in the present state of terror the most degraded U'hitechapel women would not dare trust themselves with a rough. But that 13 rubbish, for oery social law in W'hitechapel is based on want und hunger, and the lowest brute â-  n 1 arth with means to procure gin would ijuiokly lind a Whitecliapel woman eager to help him drink it. The murderer must be very strong, since he appears to have been able in each case to overcomo his \ictim with ease and atide any loud outcry. Besides being strong, the murderer must have a terribly sharp knife, for I have just come from the mortuary where the first of last night's victims lisa. The gaping wound in the throat shows plainly the division of the jugalar vein and the windpipe and the Dutch caused by the knif'i coming in con- tact with the vertebra?. The woonda on the throat of the Mitro S'lnare victim are almost identical. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMAEY .Sreiie la Ctiurrh. All extraordinary scene occurred in Bt. Mary's Koinan Catholic ("hnroh, Bradford, Kngiand, the other Sondav morning before Vlass, a sergeant of the i'saei Keginient having been attacked and badly luit alx>ut the ear by a woman sitting in a pew behind him who had provioush arni'd herself with a pair of scissors. The woman was at once secured and given into ( 'istody, and after- wards admitted to tho ijliee that she had attacked the wrong man, having mistaken the sergeant (or a man who had for years persisted in annoying hur It waa aubse ijuently ascertained that the woman, who IS an American on a viet to friends in Bradford, had at one timn been an inmate of an asylufii in New Vork. Tho Uranil Trunlc Hallway. At the ordinary half-yearl> meeting of tho Urand Trunk Railway ('ompany at London, ling, on the lOth ofOoiober, a resolution will he submitted, authorizing the directors to acijuire the first mortgage bonds of the Toledo. Uagiiiaw .', Muskegon Railway Company, by exchanging therefor a portion o( (he t per com perpetual debenture stock now I »ld by the company. Traflic contracts between the Biauharnois Junction and the Urand Trunk Companien will be ratified. <iol the Ourttn'A lltinnty. The wifo of a laborer named Bearle, living in Linford street, Batteraea, Kiig laud, having given birtli recently to two boys and agiil, the matter was brouiiht under the noii je of the <,>uoen by the Rev. A. Werninok, of St. Anaiew's, Battersea, ard tier ftlajesiy haa sent the aaaal dona- tion of I'M. Nfit a Coiu|»letti Wreck. Mrs. l.olt And has nothing been savrd from tho wreck ' ,Iob Lott (tragically) â€" Nothing abso- lutiil\ nothingâ€" except niv honeat name I Mis. hott Urn ! With that, and the trilling assistance of tho property yon transferred to nie three raor.ihs af;u, may be we can start again ! Tnn Opporluiitlli-f*. " Suppose you should nm out of bread at sea, Mr. MoKiunegan, what would you do ?' " Live on the iiiatt>, begorra." The proper answer woul.l have been : (let a roll from tho ocean. I'Hll.MTMKir.l.l', I Uii^ (le--|H-rate1v, unully, ilnvo'.itiv In loM' uilli a wotiiiiii. Hii fair That. Hs iiHiml. I thoiitjht )ii«r ill. iLn|{(-l, Willi Intlo.i I'liuiieliiit^ her liaii. Kin- was ,.l,t,T thin 1 liiil what of if Ht'i ii^-r I'lil nitintiiMvl tier, fur tlien. She wiiH not r.n iinsflrtHh iirMf.TriiiK A l»4»y to Houlety liittii ".' lint oniKiiiv I K"' "Ter oiv ' ..piiHm," AimI oiii of love s iiruiH 1 soon i-tiil When I heai.l Hint, whi'i; ctiiitTed by duUle wotiu'n. Sill' eallfil me u Kiiipiiy viicR kill " - J^tlI^fl•. Rev. Hamnel Koar, siiporannnated Mtth- odist minibter, lllora, and tho oldest minis- ter in tho (lUelph Confersnce, coiiipletod tho Hiith year of his life the other day. To oelebrate the event ho went on horseback from his residence, lOlora, to Mr. Hugh Hamilton's blacksmith, half a mile, to have his horse shod. Theru are few ministers of tho (Jospel who roach Mr. Kear's ago, and fewer still who show auoh. signs of vigor 70 as be does at Hit. There are extraordinary rumors that I'rincess Maud of Wales is betrothed to (irand Duke Nioholaa. I'rincess Maud is not yet I'.l, and Urand Ihiko Nicholas haa tarned '20. Tha i>air have had an oppor- tunity of knouing each other well. They enjoyed tho measles togother at Copeii- liagen hist year. But tho fact that they ara llrst cousins is likaly to restrain the Trince of Wales in the projeot. The story is a simple fable, but the KmprossDagmar and the I'rincess of Wales rather favor some such match. Arohdoaoon Bandera, of lOxster, who died a few weeks ago, showed hiniaolf to bernora philosophical and moro inoroiful to his sur- vivors than most prominent olorgymen, tor ho left dirootiona in his will that all his manusnrlpt charges and sarmona were to be barnt by his eieoutora. The 4rstli s^ion of Qaeeo'a College, Kingston, began yesterday. It is expected that the attendance of students wiU this season reach 47i>. At Montreal yesterday the jury returned a verdict of not guilty in tho case of Ca^'i, accused of murder at (Joteiiu Landing. Jacobs, the Gaugbnawaga wife-killer, was sentenced to imprisonment for life. William Steele, of Stratford, wlio eloped from that place recently with a Mrs. Had- dock, was arraigned before Judge Elliot at London yesterday morning charged with the larcen\ of certain lionshold effects, the property ot Mr. Haddock. Judgment waa reserved . The boy Hurst, one of those injured in the boik'i explosion at Whitby on Monday, died yesterday morning. The father. John Hurst, and (iibsoo, the other two danger- ously scalded, have been taken home. Hurst will recover, but the physicians will as yet extend no hope for Gibson. The rew medical school was opened in London yesterday morning without any splurge or splutter or red tape formalities ofanykiud. About liO students were pre- sent, and Dr. Wangh delivered the opening lecture on surgery. It is expected the roll, in the cmrse of a few days, will embrace about 80 students altogether. Typhoid fever is on the increase in Lon- don, and some B( ven or eight cases have been reported at the Health office within j. week. Cards have been placed on houses where the disease prevails, and every pre- caution is being taken to prevent thedis. ease from spreading. Several cases of diplitheria have also been reported lately. The new chapel in connection with the Sacred Heart Academy, London, was con- aecrated yesterday morning by Bishop Walsh, assisted by a number of tho clergy- men of the diocese. Besides the chapel the new addition includes a line ball, music rooms and other improvements, the wl-.ole costing S'-'5,000. The chapel is Specially designed for the accommodation of students and nana at the academy and will seat 200 (lersous. Mr. F. Jehin I'rume, the eminent vio- linist, who returned to Montreal yesterday morning from Europe, met with s painful accident last night ut I'lattsbarf^ it ap pears that his son boarded a wrong train after snpper, and I'runie leaped into the train after him to tell him of his error. The moving train was stopped about iluO feet from the station to allow them lo jump off again, and while wondini' bis way back along the track Prume fell into a cul- vert almost 'JO feet in depth. He was un- co; scions whon hia son and friends came to his aid. A doctor v.'s: immediately sum- moned, and it was found that I'rume had fractured his arm and received several ugly wounds about the bead and face. Billy Chambers, a Urockville tongh, was run in on Saturday for being drunk. He was found in bis cell shortly afterwards hanging by the neck by his waist-strap to the bars of the cell door, and was with diflicalt> restored. I>. Cunningham, keeper in tho Kingston Penitentiary, haa been informed that be- yond doubt it was bis sou who PTi-tliLd in the hotel burned on Saturday at Jack I 'ish, on the Canudian I'acitic Railway. A telegram from Operiitor Scott says only his b >nes remain. The yacht Knubeam, whoso going down with live men near Itrookville on Sunday la»t has be<n fully reported, was grappled m a depth of '.lU feet on Sunday and towed ashore, but none of tho bodies were clinging to her. I'iver Jelly, of Ogdensburg, was there yesterday, but refused to go down at the pluco where the yacht was found. Un Sunday afternoon six youug lads from Brighton set sail from tha dock in a small sail boat to visit the Murray ('anal. The trip' to the oaniil was safely made and the return was nearly accomplished, when a tiuat ot wind struck the txiat and oapsi/ed hVr*. Eoor of tho boys clurg tu th< boat and their cry for iielp was heard. Mr. Covell and a friend rescued tho lads from their perilous position, saving them froui a wate ry grave. The two boys drowned were Bert Btantwrry and Jake Soriver. They were about Ui years of age. Their bodies have not yet been recovered. A curious oahe ot euicide occurred on Sunday in a little house quite near the Trocadero. Montreal. A lad named Eugene Blou, II years of age, fell in love with a phister cast ot Venus that was in his father's house. Young Eugeuo would ga/re at the statue for hours, and wouM get up at night to look at it. This lasted a month Tho father lieoaine angry, as his son did not work and niigleoted his studies. So the father broke the statue into pieces. lOugene was so much alleoted that he went to his bed- room, twisted a sheet around his neck, and strangled bimself. Next morning the lifeless body of tho young Pygmali-jn was found by the parents. Prof. OelfiHiken states that he had Emperor I'rederiuk's permission to publish his diary three months after his death. A despatch from Auckland, N. '/.., says the British (ionsnl at Raratonga has been instructed to proclaim a British protector- ate over the Cook lalands. rVdvioes from /.an/ibar stato that c>.mi- munication with the towns on the southern coast is interrupted. Capt. Ciirsun and Liunt. Walters landed at Lindi under the guns of the llagship and roauued a German eiiiplu)ee m the face ot a thousand hostile nittivcs. No steps whatovor are being taken in London for a (!ongo expedition. 80 far aa thu English cummilteo is oonoerued, it is paralysed. Tho Ciermaii expedition is making progress, and the roault is likely tu ho that the Congo will beoome Ch'riiian. h'lii liter and fainter gro.v hopes of Mr. Staiile\ , and the fear is now that tho white man on tho Bahr-el (ihaz.el is not ho. Advices from Africa say an expedition consisting of :iOO Honssas, led by English olVicers, left Winnebah, on the Uold Coast, to punish tho Tojo negroes for n:nrdetiug (!apt. Dalrymple. The expedition waa met by a well-armod farce of natives and a severe encounter took place, resulting in a defeat ot tho natives with a loss of HOO killed. Tho lloiiasas also autforod heavily, I'll being killed and most of tho survivors wounded. M. Jausaen haa tsen appointed l> tho Bulginin Oovornmeul Ouvernor ot tho Congo State in plaoo of Gen. Stronch, re- signed. In future the poat will be held by three functiouaiies, one in tlieCoa{;o State, one in Bmt-els to attend to administrative ilutiea and a third on leave, ready to relieve lither of the others. Captain ThiegB will devote himself to the finances of the Congo State, and Captain Conquillot will attend to native aftairg. Turkey signs the Sner Canal Convention. This ntutrali/:03 that waterway, and slightly, but perceptibly, increases the Eng- lish hold on Egypt. There is, however, a cloud on tho hori :on. Snakini demands a larger garrison, disturbing ICu'vplian (inance ; and, if the Soudanese grow troublesome at Wady Haifa, and the tinaii- cial balance be overthrown, the interna- tional commission comes into play, to Ihe exclusion of the sole Eogliah interest. The situation at Suakini is disquieting, bat not immediately dangerous. A royal salute announced the arrival of Emperor WiUiam at Munich yesterday. I'o WHS received at the railway station by the Prince Regent and the members of the Royal famiij. The Emperor and the Regent embraced and kissed each other repeatedly. The Emperor expressed the pleasure it gave him to visit the capital of the country which bad played so important a part in the history of the Empire. He hojied he might be granted power to devote himself to the good of the country, in tbo same spirit that animated his grandfather In conclusion, he asked the burgomaster to convey to the cili/:ens of Munich an expres- sion of his gratitude for the splendid recep- tion that had been accorded him. The party then drove to the palace amid the acclamations of the people. An engineer captain has been arrested at Portsmouth for showing an American over Eo,:ret parts ot the Spithead forts. Patrick O'Brien, Nationalist member of Parliament, was released from Kilkenny jail yesterday. He had been in prison for seven months for offeucea under the Crimes Act. He looks worn and pale. He waa given an entbusiaatic reception by the priests and people of the place. The Corn Millers' Association, at a meet- ing held at Leeds yesterday, advanceil the price of fiour Is. Gd. per bag of IS stone, making a rise of Vs. per bag within aeven weeks. The advance ia doe to the poor condition of English and the increased values of foreign wheat. The trunk of a woman was found in a recess of ' he new police offices on the Thames embankment yesterday afternoon. Th.e head, arms and lege were missing. The remains, which were in an advanced state of decom|x)sition, were wrapped in rough cloth and lightly bound with cord. It is believed that the arms recently found at Pimlico and Lambeth wero cut from this body. An ini]uest was held at London yester- day on the body ot the woman found mur- dered in a narrow court off Bernera street .Sunday morning. A tister ot the victim was called and deposed that she awoke at 12 o'clock in Sunday morning and heard kisses and a sound which she thought was made by a person falling to the ground. She was convinced that her sister was dead, and after reading the accounts of the murder in the newspapers went to the morgue and rccogni/.ed the body of the murdered woman as that of her sister. The house in which the witness resides is several miles from Iterners street. The murder is believed to have been committed about 12 ,'iO o'clock Snuday morning. Tho President has signed the Chinese I'.ill, and transmitted it to Congreaa with a long message. Un Sunday evening Roy Cumminga, the l'>'year-old son ot Norman Cummings, ot Grand Rapids, Mich., and a companion climbed to the top of the new lOU feet stand pipe of tho hydraulic company. After viewing the city they started to de- scend, when CumminKa was taken with a lit, and despite the efforts of his companion 10 hold him on the ladder, (ell to the ground and wai crushed to death. Mr. O. T. Sabin, ,'iO years of age, for thirty vears a resident of Detroit, com- mitted suicide on Sunday evening. Sun- day being a very disagreeable day, he and his wife did not go driving, aa they usually do, but sat in their pleasant home at fSS Third avenue, and paused the day in read- ing and conversation until about 4 o'clock, when Mr. Sabin got up and left the house by tho roar door, .\bout an hour later Mrs. Sabin, wondering at hia long absence, went out to the barn to lee what bo was doing, and not finding him below aho went upstairs, and was horrified tu see him hanging to a beam dead. No reason is known for the act. His business was not extennvr. but was safe. He owned some prO|K>rty and had about $5,000 in the bank. He was not involved in the recent oornor in September wheat. Uarou Rnthselillil'a Alphabet of .Sucecsa. The fgllowing "alphabet" is printed on a nost card andhuog ap in cotTee tavema and places of reacrt and bosintss in Great Britain â€" an example which might well be followed in Canada : Aitcnd canluHv to chedotaitoof your busineas. Be prompt In all thiiifis. Cousiiler well, tlieu decide positively. IJare to do ri);h'., iVar to do wrong. Endure trials patieutly. Fight life's Imttle bravely, manfully. (io not toto the society uf tbo vicious. Hold integrity sacred. lujuro out another's reputation nor business. •/oiu hands only with the virtuous. Keep your mind fnui evil thuugbts. Lie not for auy consideration. .uako few especial aciiuaiutauces. Never try tu ui>i)ear what you are not. Observe good inauners. Hay your debts prompily. Question not the veracity of a friend. Ke^llect the counsel of your i>arenta. Sacrill; e money rather than principle. Touch not, tas-te not, handle not intoxicating dnuks. Use your leisure time for improvement. \eiiture not upcn the threshold of wrong. WHtch carefully over your passions. 'Xtend to every one akindly salutation. Yield not to iliscouraijement. Zealounly laoi-r fur the right, And bucccjs 13 cenain. Notes abuut the Fever Fiend. King- Hall, the New York World corres- pondent at Jacksonville, is now pronoiuioed out ot danger, and, with care, he will be on. the street in a day or two. He will go tt> Pablo for a few days to drink in the strengthening sea air. The mortality from yellow fever at Jacksonville has been increased rather than decreased by the cold weather. " Fear," says the New York H'orld, " ia worso than fever." George Francis Train wants to go to Jacksonville and put an end to the epidemic by means of the faith cnre The Florida fever haa given a scare to some Southern California towns, and they are busy cleaning dirty streets and locali- ties. Mules Suineiiuics l>le. A male belonging to tho atrawbo»rd fao tory deliberately dro,vned himself last Monday. This is tbo second mule belong- ing to the factory that has within a short time killed himself by drowning. The mule ia generally reputed lo be a philoso- pher, and it is p<<9sible that the two sui- cidal mules, in view of the fact of being compelled to help draw large loads ot straw, calmly determined that liteisnot worth the 'ving.â€" CA.'-fcr J/. 7). Iteijist^. A Cat Market In Pari*. \ cat mart has been started here. What fun it will be to read the quotations and market reports, which last may probably run thus : Tabbies, dull : toms, buoyant ; Irittens, lively : Angoras, depressed : brindled, very btisk ; Persians in great iemand . tortoise ahella, heavy. The French, from the concierge to the Prime rjinister, are keenly alive to cat beauties. D d not the redoubtable Richelieu allow a pet tabby to use his Cardinal's hat for ber nursery ? I'arit Letter in Londim Truth. Uan vs. I'onj. A novel race was witnessed in England recently between a Mr. Stowel, Cotmty Court Bailiff ot Shaftesbury, Dorset, who rode a pony, and Mr Swain, the landlord of the Crown public house, of tha aaiae town, who was on toot. The race waa (or I'l, over one milo, and was rnn around » hayrick, which the comi>etitor8 had to tnm eighty times. The bailiff on tho pony best the landlord by two laps- Fall Dead at Ills !>w>«thfiart's Feet. George McCordy, aged 27, while walkint; along the ilreel late at night with hia betrothed. Miss I.ucinda Gonder, was sei/.ed with a hemorrhage ot the lungs and drap(ied dead on the sidewalk, dragging Miss (londer down, who was endeavoring to help him along to a physician. On seeing her lover dead Miss Gonder (ell over in a swoon, and was with diffioulty reau.-^citated. Cinfon 1 tpecial inCleve- tarui Lfatitr. A Nuccessrol KxperliuesC B'irat Preacherâ€" Yon appear to be having remarkable success, brother. Secoud Preacher â€" Vea, my people have been very liberal sinoe I changed my plan ot taking tho collection. I now have it done before the sermon. Has that made a difference? A very great ditference. If 1 find the ollection is small I preach a two hour's sermon on ' charity.' but when it is large I give them a 'JO miuutee' sermon on the de- lights of heaven." What Kawduit l« Qoud Fur. The uses for sawdust are steadily multi- plying, and it ia in ever increasing domand. It is used very extensively in packing goods for shipment. For stabling purposes it is used quite largely, being cheaper and cleaner than straw. Many thousands of cords are used yearly in the mannfaotnre of terra cotta. It also enters largely into the conatruotion of apartment houses, tor lilUng walls and tkxirs to deaden sound. These are hut tow of the uses for which sawdust is in demand. Shingle excelsior, when made of cedar, ia an excellent moth exterminator, and ia much used in packing. Planer ahavinga are used fur all kinda packing and also for bedding in stables, stock cars and stcik yards. â€" llotton Ihidt/et, A iTpalous Llun. M. Bidel, the French lion-tamer, tells a story of i " and lioness who had for many years dwelt together in one cage, and whoso " mutual endearments were inces- sant, demonstrative and tonohing." A bachelor lion came to live next to them, and one day, the door between the two cages being left open, the lioness slipped through to visit tho bachelor. " The betrayed hus- band waa beside himself with passion ; there wero anguish and hatred in his face, aud it was plain that his heart was broken." When the lionoas was driven back to her cage ahe waa instantly lulled by her hua band. The Dominion Qovornment are atil without news oonoerning Mr. Ogilvy, of the Geologioal Survey, who loft last aam- mor with Dr. Dawson for tho Yukon gold country, aud haa not been heard of since February last. Coutriullrtory.* " i'uii tiiokot !" shouted a brakesman on a Kew England Railroad. And an old lady from the Woat glanoeil about inquiringly, but when the same silver tongoed automaton, after some hours, opened tho doeir and bawled : " Nan- tucket," she stared at him until he banged it shut, when she turned to a fellow- pasaonger with tho remark : " It's more'ii likely he tnk t himself, and then lied about it I" An OvvrpowvrluK Temptation. '• Miss Maud," ho said, " I have come in this evening to ask you a question, and I have brought a ring with me. Now, before yon try it on I want to tell yon that if you f€>el inclined to be a sister to mo I will have to take it back, as my father objects to mr siatera wearing auoh large diamonda." And Maud said she would keep the ring. â€" Jciceler'i Weekly, Rural Crops. There ia an apple tree near Kentvilla, N. H., which last year produced '25 barrels of lusoious gravensteins. St. Helena (Cal.) public schools wero dosed some days ago for three weeks, to allow the pupils to piok the graiie crop. .«. - - . The London barber who shaved aixty men in sixty minutes is again diaconnted, this time by a Philadelphia artist, who porformetl tho operation upon twenty men in eighteen minutes. This, of oourae, ia away ahead of all rconrds, bat it is question- able whether the shaving waa as well dona aa the average cuatomer would like. Most men would rather spend a minnte or aa overtime in the barber's chair aud come out with clean, smooth (aoea. And now Amelia Rivea-Chanler is troabled with ineomnia. I I I t 'Jt^

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