THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE 'J THE ADVANCE. Evei*^ 'riitirMclay, KiwiM TUB Orriitt. â- Ulldenhum Street, â- â- Flahertoit, Ont. TBKMB or BUUSCHIPTION: (1 per aiintiin when |>fti<l Htrictly io advano #l.ZiO i>ur ftuuuui when not uu paid. W. H. THUKSTON, Editor and Proprietor. FliESHERTON: THURSDAY, SEPT. 27, 1888. FLESHERTON'S BIG DAY. THE HAST UKKY JSMllBI- TIO\ A GliASD SUCCESS. Exhibits Good in Nearly Kvery ('lass Flcsliertoii ^Vins tlie i'upâ€" A <>('iifrail Description- Notes of the Fair. ynWT DAYâ€" MONDAY. Tho Eiutt Grey Ai;ricultural Society havo been favorod with oxcuptionally tiiii; weathur for their exhibition this yi-ar. The fint day of tliu fair opened warm aud cloudless, which angured well for a big influx of visitors. Heretofore the "fir»t day" has Hini|)ly been a day of preparation and visitorH liave been nil. Thii year attractions were oU'ered, in the ihape of baseball and lacrosse matches, which had tho effect of drawinj; to tlio Empire. Fnend Creiglitoii has a boiler btrlh now ihuii runuiiig a couulry weekiy.and the piiiiorof which Lt ia tho Lead cau boaal a superiority over any daily utiwHiiaper in Cauada. Il IS simply a maguifictut success. shaken. However, two scrub teams were ({ot up from Kle.shorton young men, who played an exhibition game. In tho hall a iar^u crowd of people viewed the exhibits. Amoni; many shown We ni>ticed two ma^niticieut sets of har- ness, shown by D. Clayton, Flesherton's harncssinaker ; a lino di8i)lay of stoves by V. (j. Kurstedt ; a very neat case of fancy cbinaware, by M. Uichard.son & Co., which also contaiued tho silver cup won by the ba.5eball club on the previous day; a fine parlor suite, by friend Moore of tho Tea Mectituj at rrUeviKf. The tea meeting held at Priceville i>n Monday evening under tho auspices of the Church, was an uuijualitied success. A Wu'e number of people were present. Speeches wire yiven by lU-v&. Mr. Buggin, of MarkJaie, Shilton, of Flesherton, and McLeod ; also Du;,'al Maclean, of Priceville, llr. McLe.-vn's ad- beius; the hit of tho evoninj,'. As Mr. McLt-an remarked, if he had receiv- ed the seven years' chances o' other speakers "he could knock the spots ofi" Fleshertou furniture warerooms. etc. them." He .succeeiied in doii.i: it as it A change i< about to be made in the iixoprietorship of the Owcu Sound ,.,,,, „ ,,. , 1 .1 . If I Krounds between two and tlireo bundrod Tiniei. ^^e uiidersland that Mr. *• , ,p, ,, o ii * people. The Owen Sound lacrosse team Uutherford will take over the puiKsr ^^^^ ^„ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^,, ^^^^^^^^^^^ j^^ aud run it in couuecliou willi his job L ^^^^^ bnt failed to materialize. How- oflict. Wo are glad to hear this, as Lygr^ the afternoon was <iuito fully il is an evidence of the Rtability of the | occupied in witnessing two very ing baseball games, of seven inning.s eaoh, Ijetween Ilodwing, I'ricovillo and Klenherton clubs. The games started about two o'clock, I'ricoville l>eing pitted against Redwing, Flesherton having drawn the blank. Priceville had no ap|>arent dilHtiilty in getting away with their first apponents, the score being 20 to 4, in innings as follows : I'ricevdle^L' 12 5 16 3â€"20 IU-dwing-;i (I 1â€" 4 The Redwings then dnijiped to the rear and watched Flesherton knock out Price- ville very nearly as ignominiously as they had been. We have always maintained >n has the material for a first class b.istball dub, and now we are in a position to otfer priK>f to the fact. Our boys all appeared* in good form, and surprised every spectator on the grounds, as well us their apponents, by most brilliant )>layiiig all around. The clubs were a tie at tho end of the first throe innings, in fact at the end of the fourth innings Flesherton was only one ahead. Thon, in the fifth, tho homo club succeeded in rollinu up six runs, ami Priceville, in the first half of the seventli, ouly succeeded ill counting one, thereby making it niineocH.sary fur Flesherton to play the Ki-veiitlu The score stood tliu . Fle»lieitoii-4 a 1 (1 4â€"18 Priceville -611001â€"8 The deadly yellow fever has been making terrible havoc in tlie far south. Jack.sonviUe, Florida, is its base of supplies, to use a military expression, aud of late it has been sending ad- vance corpse into adjacent cities. In Jacksonville it munUrs its victims by|j,'^j 7'lesher't< the hundred daily. In tliat city, up to Sept.23, 1,«7H cases were reported, of which 212 had proven fatal. The •dread disease has also shown itself iu Atlanta, Jackson, IJecatur, and other minor places. Yellow ftver is the bane of the torrid zone, while Biuall- |)0i holds about the same position in the uorlh, although not quite so deadly iu its march, thanks mostly to m better sanitary cotidition. We are indebted to Mr. Petor IIol- man, of Flesherton, for copies of two foreign newspapers â€" Lo Figaro, of Taris, aud the (Swiss Herald, pub- lished at Nice and Geneva. The This gave to Floslierton the handsome Herald is a tourists' pa))er, and Le | »"J costly cup presented by tho directors Figaro is one of the oldest of French dailies, having been founded in 1854, uiidor the able editorial management of Huch brilliant writers as M. Uoche- fort, iSarcey, ViUemesHaiit, Hcholl, Danville, aud two or three others. A French corrcsiwndent says that "Fi- garo, of the unporlant newspapers of tho world, is the least reputable and inost fianiily mercenary.' The cir- culation of the paper is from sixty Ui eighty thousand copies each day. M. Albert WolfTis the most iiuporUnt wnler for Figaro. He is brilliant, but he is the homeliest man in the world, and we have lii.s picture right here uj verify our stuteniunt. General News, (fell. lioul«n(;or is in Morocco. The Toi'outo plumbers' strike is over and the eigurumkers' is mi a fair way to Huttleiiieiit.. Angus .laco^M, tho Caughnawaga In- dian who killed hie wife, was found guilty 'i'hiirsday of manslaughter. Tlief, P. crup I epMit.s state that there will be I.>,0(Ki,l>UO bii»buls<if wheat iitail- iiiile for export fr/iii Miiiiit<iba mid the Noithwest, of which 11,(HX),000 arc in perfect conditiuii. Iif>n. Fdwuril l!lake arrived homo Friday, much iiiiproved in hualth. The total gatu receipts at the Industri- al Fair were 90'J,004, against 951,070 last year. Four caaee of amall [>ox have b««n dia- civered lu Toronto. When tJie«yit(<m isdubilitatod by dia- ess«. It shinilil be stien^thuiied aud ro- iiewnJ witJi A.jer's Sarsaparilla. This medicine invarialily proves itself worthy of all that can be said in ita favor. Bold by druggists ami dealeia in inediciiies. Prico $1. ttix lN)ttles 85. It ia a very hannsonie souvenier, and soinetbiiig that our boys may be, aiic!|are, very proud of. \V. A. Ilrown, of Mark- dalo, tilleil the oik mus ]joHition of umiure, and dill it, we lliink, to the entire satis- faction of all parties. "Kicking" wiii con.spieuoiis by its absence. Alxiut live o'clock the Agricultural Hall was opened to visitors. Tho diapl.iy bore Wa.i iiiiich above average. In fact no such o<j|loction, taking all dvpartinents into ronHidenUion, has ever l>een shown hero. The fruit collection wat Very fine. It was a sight to glaildeii the eyes of fruit-lovers, and must be a aiirpiiso to iiiuiiy outsiders who have lierutofore con Hvdur('<l this lis a not first-class fruit-grow, iiig section. Luscious plums, largo ami small apples of all varieties known in (/'aiiada, grapes , ptvirx, etc., were piesent in large i|iiantie» and of the very finest ijuality. Th(-rr \vn.s a v-ery fair slinwing of vegetables, Mr. Norton, of Holaiid, taking several jirizes. The grain shown waa excellent in ipiality, althongli there was not a very Im'^h display. Ladies' work was scarcely up to tho htandard, al though there wore some very fine speci- mens shown. The competition iu butter and cheeso was not very keen â€" not as keen at it sliould be, by a long way. This is one article which it would |.ay farmers to take more pains with than they do. So miioli butter of inferior (piality is foisted U[)on tho market that it tends to keep the prices low. Most of the liutti^r show n wii.s good -not any of il coming under tho head of inferior, and the first and second prize articles wore prime. SKLOMD UAT. This was the gr<*at day of the show, and opened an auspiciously as did the first, with a bright and cloudless sky. Vohiclus began to come in at an early hour, and by ikjou there was a lal-ge crowd of people in town, on business and ploasuro bent. All tho departiiienta were open. It waa oxpooted that tho Articles in the hall were very tastily ar- ringed, under the instruction and super- vision of several of Flesherton's profes- sional merchant wiudow-dressors. All exhibition which interested tho ladies very much was that made by tho Singer Sewing Machine Company. They had three machiuea uii exhibition, â€" a niagiiirK-eiit drop cabinet, a iilain machine, and an old-f.uihioiied one lis a compari- son with those embodying tlio lato im- provements. It w;ui interesting to note tho radical changes that have taken place in the constructiim of this old and stand- ard macliine. We see before us now an inHtrumeiit that approaches as near, one woulu think, to perfect ii)ii, a.s it could be brought. .Minost no-seless, shuttle very siniple and inserted underneath. It will do etching witli single stitch, and the tension is ada|.te(l to any kind of There is also a Imltonhole maker attach- ment. Thu shuttle is an oscillating liiKik, and of tho most simple construction. Mr. Carson is aj/ent for the machine in Plehhertoii. The poultry exhibit was above average, ill fact good, several grand specimens of geese aud ducks biung shown ; the other fowl were just medium. Mr. J. H. Heard had a fine display of wagons and buggies on the ground, con- sisting of two IuuiImt wagons, two demo- crats, and two bugtfies, all finished in the highent style of Mr, Heard's well-known art. This was the finest display ever shown by the firm. In tho livo stock department lay the Weakest point of the fair (with tho exiK-eption i>f horses), spectators remark- ing that the show of cattlo and other stock appears to be doguueratiiig year by year. This is hard to account for, al- though a partial explanation may lay in the fiut that farmers aro going uiore .iiiil Ml. ire into grain ami fruit rai.iiiig than they have formerly. Horaos,aliiu, appear to claim more attention than horetofore, and by tho exhibl made on Tuesday we Would judge to soino purpose. There wore somo grainl speciiiiens of eiiuine llesh shown, and the exhibit was tho best which Flesherton has seen. We havo devoted so much space to a general ilescriptioii of tho fair that it is impossililo to furnish our readers with tile prize list this week. That will follow in next edition. It is a pleasing duty ti> state that the Fast Grey Kiliibitiou <>f 1SS8 has Injeii an niiipialilieil success, tho receipts amounting to nioru than double those of last year. This was no doubt owing partially to tho pleasant weather which' favored it, but wo are loath to place all to the credit of the weather. We would fain hope that it is rather an awakening of tlie yeomanry to a sense of the iiii- porlance attach.ible to the homo fair, which is of much more benefit to tliem tliin tho hiroe general fairs h inch have 'Sprung into existence within the past few yo.trs. was. Miss Whitmore gave a recitation, which she reiidereu in a pleasing manner. Mr Braiider gave a humorous recitation which was received with much applause, entitled "Sugar for Naething." Her. Mr. Ottewell, to whose energy the people of Priceville are indebted for the excel- lence of tliis eiitertaiiiiiioiit, informs us that it was one of tho most successful concerts ever held in Priceville. About a dozen went over from here, iiicUiding the Flesherton Oleo Club, which render- ed several pieces ijuite nicely. The ijUola from Flesherton was composed of two loadsâ€" ten in ime rl2 and tWi' in the other. Mr. Earl Strain andâ€" well soinu- body else usedtlio single rig. â€" GEO. MITCHELL, BANKER, DliAUCUTS LOUGUr AXD i^oLI'. tiprcial Attenliuii yild tu the aiUn-tinti if Soto and Accounts, Sad door ^oitli •>] Jtichardsun d- Co'$. DR' CARTER. M.C.P. itS.,O.NT. PUYSICI.4ri. Kl'RtiLON, &c. FLESHERTON. Office, Strain's black. Rosidcuce, Wm. Wright > yew Station. Work has Wen commenced on thi building of a new station at this place A t,aiig of men are now filling up the depression on tho east side of the track, and when tins is dons the new building will be erected, larger and liner than the oU one. Two new side tracks havo been laid which were found necessary, owing to tho largely in- creasing shipping trado doue at this point. Our wishes for the bending of the track havo not beeu met, but that is not our fault. A ''man can but do his," and if others fail in their duty "a man" has tho satisfaction of carrying a clear conscience, which the other fellows havo not. Flesherton haa grown and throve for years with tho station where it is, and Flesherton ia going to thrive still more, even if there never comes an up- heaval of dry bones uiid a nearer couiioc- tion with tho railway. =:| Partnership! I â€" E. F. HIXOX. J. a. IIITTON., M.D.C..M., Physicians, Siirf^eGixs^ &c , &c., PRICEVILLE. DENTIS'IKY Thomas Hendersrr.. L.D. S. SUKCEON DK^T1ST iiM Meilutiit tnol Honor Oradiuite of fke li.CJ).;^.. Will viat FI.i:slll-.i.1iiN, l^^ll. lidws Hntvl 1 sti"! ^"f ,'041)1 iii>.utli Twolh t Atiiictcd. ilift^rt o-l nil, I Iil1> <l ;ii litL- hii,'lle»t !,t>]L» uf thu ai t, am.'' ut uio.U'iiilt, rntc^- flKAD OFKK'K.TCI VllNOK St . TliRONTO ^fgal DUESS GOODSâ€" NEW FALL DREbS (iOODS. lu this line wo have made special efforts this season 10 place before our euitomers an un- usually atlraoiive line â€" See them. .\i>vi(K TO Mo'niKHs.â€" At* you ai«tiirb«<l »» iiiulit liiiil lirnkeu of your ruit bv a sick cliilil miiferiiiK amlcrjiuK with pain otCuttlugToHili .' l( s..B,'iicl Ktiiiici' BiiJ (jet n bnttlu of "Mrs. Win- Dliiw'n SiHjthiiiB Syrup' for Oliililruii Teetliinie. ItH valiii' U ine&leulabl.i. It will ruliovD tlia iiiiiir little mltluriir immeiliatulv. De|ieml uiiiili It, in>>ilu,rH; ttiuru is no iiiiutnko about it. It tiioM DyBuntiiry and Dlarrlma. reKulstuH tho StiiiMiLcb ami ilowols, cures WluJ Colic, noftuiis tho (Onus. retiuceB lullainiimtinli, aiul kivi^h toun ami "iieri^v til tlio whole syBtmu. ".Mr«. Wiii»- liiws Sootbini; Svrup" for cbiliircn tuotbliiK is liluasaiit totli" t'sHte ami is tlio pre«erliaiiiii ol one of thn oldoii and best fuuiale pbv»icians Rtiil luirKes in tlio b'uitiHl Statoi,. and is fur nal* by all diiiKtiitit Ibroughout th« world. I'rico tw-'Mtv* ftvo ceiitit a bottle. Hetmreaiid a*k fcr "Xliin \ViNai,.i*'» SooTUlNO bvULP," aud take nn nth* r kitiil. NBW ADVEHTISKMKMS. APPLES FOR SALE. Choicu uPuluM for tialH l>y M It. HAMMONn. I'o'-tinaHtt.-v, Kiiuberley. Farm to Rent. ino AcroH, being lot 35, 5tb Con., Artuujssia, BO acros iuiprovud. Apply to HENnY DOWN. Flesherton P.O. Or Hk tho place. tf J. W. FilOST. L.L.B.. lUirriHter, SolUit»r, Conveyancer. OIHce. â€" BtrRin'B lliiildin): I'l.EbHIBTiK. A. A. CHESI.EV. S«ilititor and CoDTeyuicer, itosiilunt Manager. MIt. PR08T will be found at tile Office oo Tbnmlavs as beri-tofore. P McCULIOUGH, Biirrister, Solicitor, ^c. Onict>. over MfFarlanti's Store. Mnrkdulrv Mniiey tu Loan. Johsi W. Armsirongi FLKHnHRTOX. Co. GliKY. 'TJIVIfiHiN COfUT CI.KUK. CdMMlSSIO.VKli. â- ^1 n I K., ("oiivoyanc» Aj;ent (or purebas- aod ualo of huulH. .\pinuisi.|' for C, I, f. Colil and !•. I' n. ,v s. H.K.'ioty M,.iio> tu Loan ou the. most PWTOiiablo tennn. Is-o kr ofMAKRIAQK LlC'KNSns. NOTAltV I'LllLiC. MONEY TO LOAN. Ar LOn£»iT t'lRKEM K4TEM, Ou Town or Farm Vropeit . , S. UAMl'DE, Flesherton. â€" Owen Sound lacrosse club tvould have '*•**• been down on tho morning train to give Fawcett â€" At Kindxirley on Sat. niorti- our boya a tussle, hut once more they did in%, Z2 inrt. Mary, infant duughtM' of not manterialice. Our otmlidenco in J«uMi* F«»««tt, ayed seven w««»ka. • Owes Sound laoroaaa man ia rery badly Nutos of the Fair. The fakir was out in full force, and raked in many dollars. When will our people, youn){ and old, learn tho lesson of wisdom and let this cl.tss alone ! .\ lady her pocket picked, but cauoht thu thi< f in tiinu to make him dis- l^or^o her jiockat-btiok. Tho 11. T. of T. ijavB a hot dinner in the town hall, which was partaken of by a lari^'o number. Tho ladies of thu Methodist church gave a cold lunch on tho grounds, Tho foot race wiis a dismal failure, only two starters appearinj;, â€" , Uruce, of Thornbury, and J. tiibbona, of Flosher- ton. liruco took 'I'heru wera no entriea tor the bicycle race. The directors wore sniilin){- faces on Tuesday cvcniii(,'. \V« hopoth»^«lnilo will be- more pro- nounced nuxt y«ar. Amunu tha- visitors fF«ni> Markdalo wo noticed Mk Routladgo and wife, uf th»Standard,. W. A. Browji. Kst|., and wife, Mid R. L. Stephens and wife. Strayed or Stolen. rroiii I*nt 'i'», 5th Oon., ArtoineHia, 2 liolfern, 1 ytifir t>l<l. it«l nihl wliite. luforuiatiou tbank- fully rucuivud by HENKY DOWN, Kloaliorton P.O. W, J. BELLAMY. TWP. CI.EIIX AUTKMKSIA, COXVev. % ycEll, c •( iMM imoXEM IXSVJiAM'i: ACT, dC 'HKBns.MUKTOAtiES.I.KASES, *c , prep. ^ 0.1 Slid properly osocuted . Insursnc* aff< od in flrit class oouipauits. Mouiiv tu lowoslratas. eo- eud aki Piano For Sale, \ beautiful 7 octavo upright Dominion Piano F I'illnina I'lu'^rly i.uw, at a b.ti'gaiu. Apply at .\dvanco I villains \,|fl„„_ -) I |_0 I (I I I l^Jl^jO I I THE'MAMEfS. FLESIIEUTON. Cai'e/uUij Corrected Ea«ft Week, Flour H HO to .1 00 FftU Wliinit jo 78 to 80 Spring Wheat 78 8o Barley 50 55 Oiits 30 80 Poua 8 60 55 Uiitter 15 15 Effis, fresh 15 15 rotatoeabush 40 50 Pork, 6 50 9 60 Hay por ton 7 00 8 00 Hides 4 50 5 50 Wool. 19 23 Hhcep-skins 50 1 0(! Geese 00 06 Turkeys 10 10 Chickena per pair . ... 25^ 9^ HO iDncki por pair &» 0' CO R. J. Sproule, pOSTMASTKR.FlMherton.C'.iiumlssioii. â- *- «r in IJ. B., Licensed Auctioneer, Con- veyancer, AppraiBPr and .Money Lender. Heal E.state au J Insurance Ayent. Deeda, MortL'SgcB, Leases ami Wills drawn up aud! Valuations made on .^liortesl notlM. Auc tion Salos attended to iu any pary of the County, ilouey to l.iau at lowest rates ol , iutercst. CoUectinns attended to with promptness and dosputcii. t'hiir^es low. Agcntfor the Dominion SteitmsliipCompany. Cheap titkets from I'lishertou to Liverpool,., (ilasgow, London or anv of tli« British I'orls, Parties intenliiiK to vitii England, Sootlaiid or Ireland, vill please nsk rates ba- fore puichasiiiB their doUets elsewhere. James Sullivan, The Tlnsmitli. - Flesherton llopalrinK, I-".avotroii(.biiig.aiiil in factevery- thnisin tho buaii.fBs will ocoivs luy pioiupt and ciirofn! alti .tiouat rcai;ontiUlo prictl^ |Hiy.aiIaufou,si. POR SALE. .ots iu the vit lent chance, to 1 a«l.louco. Two TOry ilesii ahlv lociit. lagu of Flo'i'ieiton. .\n i \, suouro a nood «ltr for a priv it Apply »t oiice to tlk-o. KEKFi K, b'losliertou. Or to J-OI50.KKRF1 It. Forest.Oot f 9 THIS PAPER r^Jl" AdT*rtMll(BarMkull.J'<pnicaH. . .vher<,«d»i â€" " awi <a»9*f Bwu* iM It IM rilSWt<