THE FLESH !•- U ION ADVANCE. [Aug 23. 188??, GREAT In Every Line of Goods at I i. mm Coinc in and sec for yourself. We will ^ivc from 20 TO 40 PER CT. DISCOUNT ! Don't fail to isee our 35c Cash m erE we are now selling for 22!.c. yd EMBROIDEKIES, All prices, from ic a yard v;p. Kemilar prices from 5c a yard up. CKETONNBS, Just see them, licaiitiful 22c snoods for 13c yd. BOOTS, Oi every description, AWAY, AWAY DOWN- Xoii', ij you want a Tremeiulous Ban^.iin in ii f';,:,f i'asr. 57((/>/V aiiiiif, just call and try J. (i. Av.dcisM'.'s We are giving 5 lbs of our famous 30c Tea for si. A.'r All other lines C(iuall_>' leduccd. Come at once, as our stock is not extra larj^c, and wo arc Louncl to ^ell kt >^oii\c IPi^ide. Butter and Eggs AS GOOD AS CASH. J. G. ANDERSON'S. riiE i\tiiMi:i:s (tnoASi/.K. A public liiui'tinn, in onupliiiuce witli » ri'(|uisitiiiii li> Mr. Hectnr MoDoiialil, Predidiiit "f tlu' K.iiuiitk' C'lHiiicil at Mcliitvrf, Ospri'V Tt.wijslu]). was held luTi! nil Woiliirsiliiy uvfiiinj;, .\u'.'. ^, when II Fiiriiiui'!i' niid IVuplu's Institute wiw sui'oessfully nrmiiiizud, with Mr. Edwiird I'uttn, I'ro.sideiit ; John Mc- Kiiiiioii inul Allmi Ml-Lcuii, Vice I'resi- (leiil.s ; Saiiuiil Sfi^tt, Triiisurer ; I). Mo- D.iiiuld, r^ecrrtary ; D. C". .Moliityrc. Cap- tain ; Duncan Mcliityre, Lieiitunnut. A linance cmincil "I live, with an executive cMuncil I'f twelve, anil twn auditors were RJ.sii eltcled, niakini,' twenty-six Dtticera (if tills institute f^r s.s. No. "J of Oapruy Scvei'ul speakers took part in discussing llie piopnety of petitioninu county and iiiMiucipal council lioards, toi,'ether with the l)oniiiiion and I'rovincial (ioverii- iiHiiIti, to unitedly wi.rk so iis to eatah- lisli u miiforii) iiKthiil of public weiL'hm;,' at L'laili liKuket places or where pri'duce is sold and weiL;lie<l at all railway sla- tion.s, as Hitli .such a syslecn of nioiithly public fairs fc.r sale and purchase, or ex- cliaii'.;e of catth', horses, and sheep, and ;in economical method of inarket-likc ;ui oiniiiiKlation, to admit of fanners ro- ciMviiiij c:isli payments instead of truck iiade fur butter. e:;-4s, poultry, fruit, po. latoes, etc, if publicly established tlirou^'h"iit iiiaiket jdaccs and where nec- eis.'iiy 111 ill'' counties of Ontario and other provinces of the Dominion of of t'anada, ccitaiii proore,<»ive advantages must resiih to iiiiineiisely pri'sper aijn- calturists mid almost all other citizens, as ilaiiiiid i"t III a p''tition presented by .Mr. I. villi, dc; Illy ree\e of Snnnidale, to the t'wuMy of .sjmcoc Council, h h^se comiioltec icpi'i IS lln reoii at their iie.M scssO'ii III November. It was also con- teioled that as very few fanners had Votes, ir .1 voice, in iho villai.'»t. towns or cities where markets are u.Mially run to the- detriment of farmers and most other eiti/eiis. it therefore liecanie the interests of aL;riciilturi8ts, with \illai{os, towns and cities, to unite a« co workers in niakini; banners' and IVoplv's Insti- tutes auxiliary cidleges, educatini; imti- tutioiis in all market towns, or hcIuhiI sections, ana thus throui^h union of ac- tion (o briiiij inllueiice to licnr upon cer- tiuii niono|Hp|y buyers, boards of trade, niiinicipal and county council Imards, to- K'ether with our resi«'ctive ^'overnnieiits, not only public weiijhini; markets but also many other public iK-netits must simiu bo fortliconiiii^ by securiii}.' lei{itiinate relief from rini; monii|Hilists of our pro- duce and other markets. .Vinoii^' other business tran.sncted, the Institute in session uimnimously passed the foljowiii'; lesolutioiis . "That month- ly cattle fairs bo held at Mcllityro Cor- ners, ainl that the lirst horse and sheeji- sellimj cattle lair be held dtiriln{ October iie\t, on Mime day on which the township aiiiuial .<lio» (,ilr is to lie held in said .M. Iiityic â- • tins Institute also recoinnieiids the general ailo|i|ion of |>ublic fairs for the sale, or piiivlmse, or cxcliaiii;e of eatde. llolSl^s and sheep oil same day at all townsliip, t,iil and sprint; show fairs, as most likely to ''e made practically lieiielicial to a.;i iciiltunsts, if published in posters of toiihcoiiiinj; township show tairs. "That the Institute in session also rocoiiniicnds the ociioral adoption of said [lublic wei;;liin:; markets as directly in the iMciests of ai;ricult>irisls generally. "'I'll. It the public press may also bo plea.sed to pnlilisli ie(iorts of miid insti- tute iiieetiiiijs and otherwise advocate the objects theii.'in indiiilted. " II D. .MeDoMAUi, Secretary. Muj-ii'vll. Ill c iiiiplKince with a reiiuesetson to Mr. A. W.ilhice, of Stayner, oii{aiii/er of Institutes, I'ariiieis Councils ami monthly sellinif fairs, a public meetili;.; was held Ihmc an S.itiiiday, .\u),'. lltli, when a iMiniur.s' and I'eoples' Institute for tliu \ illa;;e ot iMa\Hell and adjacent country was .Hiiccessliilly oiv;ani/,eil, with the tollowiiejl ollicers, wv. : Thos. tianicy, I'lCHideot ; \\ . S[>iiiule and J. (iuiiiey, \ ic-l'resideiits ; Ur. IScott, Secretary ; W. lioiij;, Treiiserer ; U. (.-outts. Captain ; II. liny, Ijieiileiiant. .\ Kimince coiiiinitteo of live anil an Kxeciilive council ot twelve, with two auditors, were also elected. 'I'lui meetini! was well attended and .k deep interest wiw iiianifosted by fanners and cili/.oiiB in ilisciissiiig the necessity of estalilishiiii; piiblio ^raiii woi^hing miirkets, the lormallon ot monthly sell- ing fairs, and other matters which would liunulit lo.iriciiltiiriats and citizens ^enuriil- ly. .â- Vnioiiu other business transacted, tlio follo.vino resolutions wore ailopteil, Viz.; Iliiil Moiiilily I'ulilic Kails shall In held in the \ il!ai;t' of Maxwell, under the auspices of said Karmers' and Peoples' Institutes, and dial the liist el said tairs will be held on l'iiday,Oct. Tith, anil con- tiinui nioiithly thvrealter on the Friday before .Murkdidc fair, for the sale, [lur chase or exchnnge of horses, cattle, and other live stock, iluiry and otiier aj(ri- cultural pi-oitiict*. The Institute i-epect- fiilly reconinieiids farmers and citixens l><iiierally to assist with the fair and to co-iiperalu in putitioniii); the Township and County Councils and (iuvorinunts to have |iublic wei^hin^ markets, by public scales, and licensed weighers at said markets. BOOTS & SHOES ! ALWAYS ON HAND. A LARGE VARIETY 'i'o ciioorm-: i-"i«,w>i .vi^ WM. CLAYTON'S. - -^ FLESIIERTON. Fh'sheHou (aiTiajro Works. fflcTavish & Legate .M \Ni : VI 1 ri;l.i;> lii â- â€" }yM;<ntss. si.i'.mns. luaair.s, jh:m«h ii.irs. ,i<: CARRIAGE - PAINTING - PROMPTLY - ATTENDED - TO. AltioTItlMMINdS ill p-fn: HOKS!: SHOKINfi vrf'ii'Ptly alUii.l Kivoii i.j I \'tiiracti-(i I'l- Ti'ii U-T ivct. I». .McTAVI.SII, ; ; : Sliuclal .^f.iiiiiou K. r. LtMMTL m lTi:.\ III FOR ALL. mmtm ill): PILLS YT im I'lirifv the r.|o..,l. ,,MULt .i:l liisonU-rs of tlio Ijivei", Wt oiTia,<»li, Iviclii'.v*. mid ISowels. Tluiyiiivli; irsti'Sl'. 1 restore to lu'altll I'l-liiliutiil Ccnstltntii'lis. Kiel «ro iiivaltinl.Ic in si; (.'ci^ l>laiiil» iiiciileutal to Feliiali-s of sll .t:;i-^. Kor C liilillvii rtu<l llie atieil t..u> lure jit)Lc.i,'»». T 11 F I N 'J' jM E K ^r • nil iufslliljle r-'Uloiv for lU.l Lews. H»il Unmsts. Dll Woiiluls. Sores siil rioors It is fttUioiiK (^i • lout anil Itlieiniiatism. Ft .lisonlei-s of tbeChc.U it lis« uoe>jua FovSOllt: THROAT, r>U(K\CII ITIS. COUCirS, COLDS Olanitular SwolUuBs, ami all Skin Disoaso* it lias no rival ; anil for coiitructuJ »nil jiifl uiiits it acts iiku a cbariu. Mauufacturoil only at rrofeHBor Hoi i.oway's Rstalilirihnu lit. 7M, New Oxford Ktrr«>( < late .i:t:i. Oxford Ntrcet >, London. aiidaresolil at 1». IJd ,â- _'« Oil., 4« r>I . IIn â- JiJs . and :).h» ,.«,Ii Ii.u or I'ot. anil may be bad of all Med cinrt VtMulors throui^liotit tlio \\'orl<l. ^ffr- Piirrluni'rs thi'ulil liu'k ti >hf l.'ilut mi f/ic t'i>ts ami Hoj-ea. If thf aiUrtu it fivt ;/.M, Offnril Strint, Limdm. thfii are sjnirii'M). Booth the Boss Barber, \ hii.1 riiiioivif fi) itiie I'f till Ahii/if oi II iii. Nfniiii'.'i hloik iirtw (I'm. iiirii/io'i.'" * '"'o( inul shiH' iVioyi, Ti'i'imtii :ttrfi-t. ir/o/i" Ac II i7f (if hiijijiii III .ov the iimHi»(t fiicif o/ itll hin iihi ciMfoiui'i'ii iimf iin laiiiiy iicir oio.i iis liifif cuiiiluilril to (/iiv )nt <( c/i<iiici (o m.iiii- tiiiit m>i )• piiliitiiDi lU till' /I'iM.i Hiiilii'i -' not oiilu of Flinhrrlon, hut of the iiitiir ilia- trirt for twrntii viilex itrimnH. Thii (latroliago uf Ilia ladiut rvuptH'tfully bo- licittul. Koi> 17111. 1S8H. )VM.TKH liiovn. GET YOUR MEAT To Farmers and the public in gfeneraJ, i-FROH-i Now thill iW I'tiblif Si'honis arc- nboiit tti DiHii', I woiilil iesi>octt'il'l_v cull >our attention to our Fitti ami Complete Stock OF SCHOOL SJiPPllES! IX ALL rLASSEK. Bfakelv d McGonnell, CKNKU.VL nrTCHKKS, FLESHEKTON! |:-S'Cn9li piiiil /or fat ciittlo, .U-., .^c DllllSSl AND I wish to inform Vlie l.-vdies of V'IcnIiertoii and vicinity that 1 am now prcimreil to dvi all kinds of Press nml Mantle Making. (Inod lit >;uarantci'il. Your ftttentien is especially oidled to my system of cuttiiii! Cernwells Improved SelftittinK Chartâ€" for wliicli 1 am ll^â- ellt. Those desirous of leaniiiiit to cut by this system can do fo at moderate Ciial l>y ap plyiiiK to me. Shop next door to .1. K. Moore'.i Vnriii turo Store. CALL AT DiiiG STORi: I Also Lu')rictitin>> Lanline Oil.s /or Machines. VOTERS' LIST, IH.HS. I Muuiiiialitij of til.- ToichJiIi) vf Aft" inciiii, Ciiiiiifj? o_f (I'irt/. NOTH'K (s ^lllâ- l'lly tiiven lliat 1 liave transmit tivl or (teliveruil ui the iieiHoiis mentioiifcl ill ttictliiril anil fonrlli sect i ens uf â- TiiK Voiiins l.lsi' .\i 1," tlio copies reiiiiiri',1 liy Kaiil â- oetious til lio MO tntiishiiltlsl or (Irlivcrotl of tho list iiiaito inirHiiHiit In uni.l Act of all rorseiis ai? lumriiiK liv tlio last rrvisiil AssusumBiu lUill ;'t llio salil ^tiinici|iitlitv to lio olititloil to Totc iu llic naiil MliiiicliMlitv ,nt IMections for nieliiturs of till! liiiliBlaiivo Ans.iiililv ami at Miinici|ial i:ii'ctien«, and Unit mu.I list Miis rtrst i>o«to>l iiij Ht my iillliio at Kliislun-toii. i»n iliu 4th> ilav ct AiiKiis» I8H.H. ami ri'iiiiiiiis thoio tor innpoctioii, I'Heetors aiiii'alluil iigion to oxaliline tlio sailf list ami if aiiviiiiilNsioiiH or any errors are fouml tako iminciliato iir'nrooitilins to luwc I lio sail! orroiM comcteil acconlliiK to law. \VM.,I. llKl.l.AjfT, Clovk of tlio aaiil Miiniripalitv Pateil this 7tli ilay of Aiitiuat. A.O., 1SH8. Jennie HcEride. i ^O'nCE. *^ chi'in* Jiint put in !\r»*tcUrts new riioiMMii^ Try Tin- Advnmr ('"O'''''' clliUi'^.ltaJii'o^iir" ^"''' '"'"''''' '' /ot if I or SIX mouth for 50 ds. , -> » s^-'^J^.'^;. i I, »f-