THE I' L !â- : s n !â- : r t o n* a d v a n c e TUE ADVANCE. In puMisliuil livery 'P"liiirKtla.y, KiioM TiiK orKirr, tS-il iih'iin Slnet, â- - KlnherUm, (hit. TKKMti OF SUnbCKIl'TION : I'lK^ iioiili. Kwt ihiU wo are liuiiy(.')- ing for niiislnoona. Tlicy are not a iit'Cffsity to. our coiporeul wollfaro. Ill fact we wouldn't liavt; eaten it anyway, for it ro'iuirfs Ijucti r to fry uiiislirooiiri, uii 1 '.nil- cnv it dry. lint we would just lirf\e liketl to "throw ourselves" on a botanical dia!,'iiosi8 of lliia- genus of the fungi tviiie. Tlic following intorcstiii^' description, kom tlio Empire, will be easily translated , â€" â€" ji:iH.Sfii^iI.s â- II tin; Tliin.ii ;ill:i wi T.j t;d<fli (itf iiiKi l.r .Ui;llt In Nl". • V'.ik l.y til.; Wiel:ii:(l. »i I'l.r annniii when i.«ui ntvictij ill advauco by our readers with the aid of a ll.JO pur auuuiii uliuii iiot bo i>ai'l. 1 . , . , ,., , W. H. THURSTON, K'^itur and proprietor. Jb'LESHERTON: TliUKSDAY. AUG. 23, 1888. book and Wcbsti'i' I botaiiie;;! li'\l JlUlubrid ;t(l "'I'liis reiiKul<!ihl(; fini'^us, while I posscs-siii^' may of the cliaracleri.stics of the uj,'aricus caiiii). stris, ii ytt I more likely a caiiihurrllns cibarine, I tlmt grout Miiglish rarity, aiui whicli ihas iiitlierto not bun liiiowii to I Canadians, thoiigli .-ioniewliut iileiitiful ill North Carolina. Were it not fur ' the short atciu it irf exactly the shape The milling coinmis-ioii, appointed of a niunisinius anades. In this at last s.ssion of the Ontario I.egis- t;pccimen the pileiLs is .< ime 44 inches l.iiiut . have now be in at work soiin .1 (JitiTic.n. ri'Jiiiojj. ill circiiiiifereiiee, while the stein, atiove the plainly aniiiihis, is ([iiile a foot ill eiii-iiriforeiiec. The Vdlva in of a soiiicwliiit dun color, while ihc liyiiuiiiinii is particiiliu 1 y well devclopeil and of a lawny choco- late. The height of this agaric is about eight iiiclus.' , The ni'.tioii i,, Tre-.ity Wiis in ' yest.rday l>y :'.(> l" - lalify the V tlu; Fishery S. Stiiate liiiii', taking evidence :e> to the min- eral wiattli,aiid the extditof minoial- htaiing rocks in Ontario. This work i.i one of vast iinportaiice to imr Pro- vince. It is 1111 luidoilbted fact that we are more wealthy in minerals o' many kinds than has hithertri been ditamedof. (lold.silvri-, copp. rjron, lilatiiiiim.asbe.^ti'.-^.iiiica- -in factall tlie valiiabic minerals â€" ail' to be found in | -- --- -- â€" tile ii..igliborliood of that vast rocky j jri</.ii/<,- (/•. .|.(r,(,MV. expanse of highland which forms the' Tbe .llan I am LuokiiiK For. watershed betwi in liiidson's liay and \ the great chain ot inland hikes. The! My dear 8ym|iritliutic readcrx ! I)id Canadian I'acilic railway has made ! >'"" evvr try to i mh a nmn mi the -treei tl.i., field of w.allh easy of access, and I ^''>" ""'"'<1 ,, , , . .1 - f I or anylliiiiii anordiil an answer to the enigma oi : •' I • I . Ill those Low to develop those resources. Lpon ' 11..S stretch ol co'iiitry, lying to the north of us, tin- United Sta!. 3 i^ gaz- i tlmty.mtry t..'|,;is.i liiia ; tliun «lun y-n ing to-day with a jealuus eye. Slie i ayoido to try ihu . tlicr sidu lio cc.ncludeB Kcea that Canada in the near future I that year Hchunu) i.-i a jjnod uiie and dees not If pa.ssetl 'I Not n dun, if tliiit kind ; all, no; niic- of iiiic<>iiiiii.i|i, oie-e iii-a loll'.' whde iiidiviiluiila who .ir.'iii.s possessed of yi lUr iiiiiul â€" Irii-H I.I |i;u(.-s you on the .i:iii\e side will bo able lo produce her own wealth, and become entinly inde- liondeiit of the source from which she liiis heretofore drawn to a largo ex- tent. Kho sees II rival iiution grovy- iiig and expanding on her iiorthorii l».irder, with ull the concoinitaiits that g J to make a jiowerfiil people. The United States has attained licr growth in area, and brgiiis to feci Mexico , wo cullide. crowding In r 141011 tin' one side and Canada iiiioii the other. The amount of bragiidocio ,ind bluster indulged in by meiiibeis fif the American Senate dining the- last two or three years give UH mibslantial proof that Canada IS ;i very lai'o. iliMrii in the .Vnieiicans' Hide. Tiny vvDiild like lo annex Caii- iid.t to-day- time vrai s ago tiny Would not ai'ce|it her as a gift. .\iid uiial lia.i brought about tliib ii iiiaiKable change of front ? .Simply the fad of Canada jumping .suddenly iiilo the pOMt lull I if a coiiinierriiil com- petitor ami 11 (iaiigi rou.s 1 i\ al to Anier- l.aii ilitere.Kl.s nn this colli iiiriil. We c'Ki idi-r this 111 he a critiea <'iiiMiilian hi . lory. ()\ei-tiires liave co:iio ill a fi u-mlly gul^.• liom iicro* li;( linider lol I'oiiiliui i.-iid lliliun. Collill.i'lColl 01. .oil, InlMlolh! whiii ('â- iniidiii |r.-l lii! iiiiiili'.; lo 1. . 1 her I KWi.'i i;nioi) ; I ho nation -^ of the worhl ! Umii the pin blind (ilolio has al hist \M hihawii from ii.-i loi iiier piL-ilmn in thi.-i lualter. thu aaiiie / llu U'luld keep this up nil day if you didn t ntuiid stuck still and allow liiin to g(i liis way and hunt fur some one else to butt against. Do you rucogni/.e him / Then if ynu dn ymi know thu iiiati I am eiiriiestly in search for. I want to find liini. I liavo a chunk of iron ill my coat sleeve, and I'm going to knock soventeuii ihiruruiit kinds of rhunuialic |iaiiis into )ns loft nrm when Caiiada':. Wi iihh in liiiiic is sinpiise, 111 ill ; now iiiude The other d.-iy I wies ruinmiL; to eateh'a train. I liml in pitsu a telegraph l>ole, anil ill r. 'iimliii'.; it I met this iiulividual faeu t.. face. We both r ili-d anil trn .1 thu otliur ni.Io. Thru wo backed up, i-acli with tlio i.lo.i ( Ihu i.tluT would stuiid Klill, iiiid e.-iiiii. t.ii.'i-lhor liku two billy i,'oats. \Vi) biittiil, and Jiimiiii'd, and lamed emh otlnr mi In tli siilrs of that liole until I ;;,ii .-md had to hug tlm post until my iissiiilaiil had \eir«id out into tin- sli-i..-t mill ..«it past. NN'lnii I ijatlnin-d inysi'lt to_'ethor my train had ili.s:i|.pi-nred, iiud su luid the iiiaii. Tliiii, just I11.1l woi'k, ttlioii il Hii« r:uii iiig ami blowiiii,' ..^'ntiit guns, I wiis wiilk- iMKiliiWii Hir.i-I Willi my iniilirell.i pri tty low iivi-r my fii.-ii n lion I was jiildic.l in oriod in I ilm [.it of tlic sl,.iim,-li witli an imibi-olla lii'ld by this .saino iinliviiliial .-i.s In- was liiiHtliii!; along with An iniilirulhi lii-!cl iiwiiy il.iwii til ki-i'p ibo rain oil" Ioh vost. 1 Hilt ili.Wll Mil ll,,i piivi'llll'llt. I'ouhlii'l lii'lp it. \iiil V. In-ii I lia.l ..'nt up ,-11111 uruii:,'oiit tli.-iii .>', uin-.iiiif .rii Ir , â- â- rth.n of my piuils, lln- In, 111 w.n ii..t in si^-lit. As I sanl I nm n.iw liunlini; forliiiu, and llwrc will In' a ineo bltlu I job 11 Hiir!,-i-..ii w lirii inMie'ct. 'I'lie II now ' greiil ti-oiiblii IS lli.-it I mvi-r i-i lino across public hiiii rMi'plin:; w hi'ii I â- im in a liuriy. .\t iliioii;;h tlii; iiiiuiiig eiimniissioii. li.lfiiesls »,<• lln' gliiinlr.-il on the coiiiiiieiil, ill r lii'diwiiy from oi'ran to I otlii-r liim-s 111- ki-i'ps iiii.;lily .scaieo. Mv ' will. HMi,'v'i'NtH very slyly lliat porliaps I am, lil.o Stocklon's "nnndredlh Man," ; llio oim lam b mk iiig fur, myself. If I Itliiiiigbt I W11.1 I would stand up )>eloi'ii a loiikiii'.'.nlasi and ban:; linn uiit il thno I wiiBu't a pieoi' of him left lari(i! oiioii..,'h to fiid a ei-ow. 8am Sxiniiis. Qeuoral News. Dciaiiisii iniuvil li ill.' world, her giflin.grdwiii.,' ipialilies ure not ex- colled, riio Amiiiriin ptoph' an hii:','lieudid. \Vi! tiniiik them dn their taidy .'ipprecialion, bill wo up-. |)recilitti ourselves sutheiently lo up- hold till! iligiiiiy whndi is justly ours, and work out tbr giand lU'diny wliicli n,,,, JH surely in stoic. .\ ml we intend to I i , dolt. : bullied to ihalh in Toimito last woek. lion. Mr. t'lmploau was rolibod lust I week, at tlni ,S|. I.ouis lintel, Quehec. of I'liind Spin ret tin; I >iinilalk Herald n gohl watih uinl eliain vahu-.l ;il J|l(i(H), had a ;',i.;li t lianded in last and a coiisiderablu nuni of inmiey. Tlio week by Mr. T. Ijiidiiigs, of Dmi- ' 'Idi-vos esi'iiped, Oalk. llro. Spiirr straightway ox-! A tornbln ououn ateamsliip .'ollisabm is iiieBHod llie lion'H slmre of tlio big ' 'â- """^'"'^ ''"'" ^"^ ^"'^- ''''»' '''""K • ..,.11,. .....I <;..,..... ..t (I,.. it....:.i. .1 .loliii Mai'iloiiald is at lliilifax. an.; ini of Kdward llaiibiii was Toriiiito. Hoi valla and (loiaur, nf llie Daniah sloain- fiiiigiiH to the Mmpii.', jnoniio. nui , ,. ,,. , ... ., , '^ ' sliip lino, ciillKled III nudocuaii, tlu< latter Witiuned ,1 Hiiiall portu.iiforlimi.elf.;„„,^i„^ „n,,i„ „,„ ,„inutc. and taking kutf'irgot hill UeXtlloor neighbor to down with her 117 human bomg*. Tli» TliL. (i. T. It. st.ation at llmeniee was burnud on Saturday nioriuiig. R. .1. Crei'.'litoii, agent of the New Zea- hind (loveriimciit, .says that a mail line betwueii \'aiicouvur and IJrisbaiie will probably ''<-• istablished. \ tii'riblu niunkr w.a» cominitled near CoiiBi'ion, i'riiice E.lward (.'ounty, on Saturday. The iiiurdere.l man Leslie Cliuicli. unl th« inurdeiors.whij l.avo boon jailed, .ire I'eter hovulene, ai;ed 65, and his sons. .Jidm L<», aired 2.'J, and \\i'lliii>itoii.agud li). Th«i latter is charg- ud with tiring tlio fatal sh.jt. Ho is the youii^ist s.iu and hxiks a raw country youtli rather than a niurtWrer. It was a iifii;lib.iily fouil of long standing. It IS ie|x.rted that I'remier <ireen»ay's dial with the N'orthorii I'aiific for the rtiiiiiiin; of tin- Ited Itiver Valley railway has falli'ii thr..ui;li. On riiiiiiiday night a fiarful storm r,ii.'Ld thii.ii'.'h (.art (if K.-ustern Ontario and part of (^ hi the Valk-yfiehl dis- trict l.'."i lives are said to have been lost by li'_ditiiiii.4 slrokos and the blowing down of In, uses. .M«>ai'wrd Itoad. /â- •| I'lr t'li'ii l.\'i'i'',<inin'l'tit. .\ M vere thunder storm pa-ssod over thin s..iti.iii last Thursday. The rain fill in inrrtiits and was .accompanied by hall 111 largo iiuaiititics. There was a {'ivTi-k: wiml at the same time, which did coiisiik-nildo ilaniaco to standiiiL! grain .-ml full! trees. A J u.leii party was held at the resi- liiii..' ..f -Mr. T. Kelts last Friday evoii- in,'. and was well attended. Tlu' Fiesh- ert. 11 bra-ss band present, and as usual their iniisic was wtll appreciated. Tile pmeeeds, which amounteil to almut 511, Wire pre-seiite.l to tlie Hev. Mr Wilson as a token of respect. I'liriii'^ tlio liohdays a new thmr lias been laid ill the school house by Mr. Win. lliitchinsnn. Seh.H.l commenced on Monday. Mr. .] . Urislio and clau^dltur, Mrs. S. U'arliii'.^, were down to Hramptoii mi a visit to friends a couple of wooks ago. Ah-. .lames Sparling was hero last wuek fittiii',' up his threshing enginu for the profeiit season's cam]>aign. .Mr. Vnrko Uiclmrdson, of Chittsworth, was here last woek sinking a well for Mr. .1. Warliii-. W hat has l>ecnino of the Meafonl Itoad basi-ball club? Have they died a natural dealh ! kiiiilM-rii*}. .MisM K. .1. McCoimcll, of this place, was niarried on thu 1st iiist. to Mr. John lUits.'ii, of Muskoka. The hrido was tlu- le.-ipieiit of a lar^o number of valiialile presents. The happy couple left for their future home on .Monday. Jlay joy lie with tlietn. Tins villa.;.' has )..-conio a musical c.iiln, sillily There aie iiinu iiistru- iinnts witliin a railius nf a i|iiarter of a nil!.'. One hoiisu iiion.ipuli/os no less lliaii three of them. H.rnos liavo lu'eii plentiful this yoai, but will siiiiii be tilings of the jiiist. Our In w SI bind teacher enterod upon Ills .luti.'s liere .111 .^^lnllay. Oiu f.uiii ir.ips are marly all i;ood. -Mkli. o Dea. I> it'll. At I'liislierlon, nil tlni lilst iiist., .Vudrey .\ln-e, .laii..;litei- of W. Uooth, aged 1 ni.iiith and '.' days. Why You Feel fill weak and exhausted is beeausR your l.ln.i.l is impure. As well expect tlie sanitary cjn.lition of a city to Iw ix-t- fect with dellloU water and defectiv.. sewerage, as to expect such a couiiili- cateil piece of luechauism as the human frame to l)e in good order with impuro lilood circulating even to it.s minutest veins. Do you know that every drop of your two or three gallons of hlood passes throiiijh the heart and luiiys in ulxmt two and a half uiinutes, and that, on its way, it makes houc and muscle, In-ain and nerve, and all other soliiU ami of the boily? The l)lood is the great nourisher, or, as the liiblu terms ii, "The Life of the Body." Is it any wuuder, then, that If the hl.'o.l l)e not pure and perfect in its cnn-iii- tueiiis, you suffer so many iudeseritial.lo symptoms? Ayer's Sarsaparilla stands " lieii.l aii.l slmul.lers" above every other .VUcr- tttlvo and Blood Medicine. As pmuf, reml these relialde testimonies : (;. C. Bro.k. of I..)W.II, Mas.s.. says: " For th.' past 23 years I have snl.l .-Kyer's Sarsaparilla." In iny ..piumii, till- host remedial ii;{eniies (or lii.iuro of all the .lisea.'H'S uiisUiH ( iiii|iiii;- ties of the blood are contained In tins m.ilieine." KKK'-ne I. Hill, M. D., 381 Sixth .Vvp., New Vurk. says : "As a Mooil-imritier unl t;en.Tal buil.ler-up of the systi-in, I liave never found aiiythinjj to .ipial .-Vv.t's Sarsaparilla. It gives perfect satisfaction." Ayer's Sarsaparilla proves e.nially etli.'acious in all forms of Scrufiitn, H.'ils, Carbuncles, Eczema, lliunnrs, Lumbago, Catarrh, ic; au.l is. tliere-, the very best Spring and Family Medicine In use. " It beat-s all," says Mr. Cutler, of C'litler Brothers &â- Co., liLStoii. "hw Ayer's Sarsaparilla does sell." Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Prlco (I ; all I'oUleJ, *J. Wonh ii • boulo. Ki>i£::siiii:ii'ro>'. ULAI'OIITS liUihUT AM' .--"/,/'. ,N|,.. idl .!('.. -.(li'l. jl''ul .V'»t'.< ../"' .l<-'-'""l(.t, .'l.i y,'».-/iio'f.".i <i' <.Vi.<. t).:.,-J{-tv-„ iltttir _\ ._/! tti diUcrtical. DIl. CAirrKR. M.C.!'. .V >.. I'M. IMIVSHIA^. S! KGKO.V, *«•. FLE.SHEKTON. f)Sc..,Htl-ttiir-. l.'.'iJ. lie-i'U-!u-e. Wii; \Vn^).t Partnership F. lii.VO.N. J i.. in TTO.V M i <M . y. 1' e M . V'liysiciav.s, S:i!i;c'"i:s^ d-c , i-^c. T'niCEVTL.T.E ilfllti'JtVl!. I®. DI-:NTI:^niY. Thomas Kinderscn. L.T.S, ^l IIOF'OS L-KNIIST ';/; .ir.'.'.'i'.f .â- ..•( //•-â- .â- '.'i â- •'•• â- '- • '• "â- â- \v;i; ii-r. ri.i>ii:':.iiiN ,^:.;^â- l «« - r -.. 1 i-i.l .' â- ; . .u-li Mi.-.itl. Tk'-.l: â- Mir. «. :. •â- ;-.- -. e.l «:i i iMb-ti 111 tlu- amhe^t »•> ..â- > .'! :i:e m".. a:..- Ill l;i'. i. rule i«T Vâ€" . ^igai- .NBWADVKRTISK.MLNTS. FOR SALE. ^ Two verv (UtfiirHbly locntixl loti ii tlu> vtl- la^f of KltHihortoii. An t'«rtllt<nt chfiutfo to fttH'uvi' ui;4Mt<l ttiti' fitr a |»riviiio rusfiloncv. AjH'Iv ftlonco to «KO. IvKKKKK. Kleiherton. Or lo J* GEO KEKKKR. Forcnt. Out. CLAWSON ,xn AND SENECA K.^LI. Wlir.AT K.1KSA1F Inplv to TIIOS. KEM.S, Vandeleur. OWK> SOIM» ilollegiate ^institute \\\\.\ I'll N ON MotHl('Just. isss K.xi'i'llmt StttlTt'f Ttiii at rs liinpotttT ci!-* iallv rt-povlH It till- lU'Hi lUfitipfHd Srhmtl in Oiititrio, ( Iu«Hfrt Vr Kit St, Sit. -Mil miil lliii.l i liii*s ('orlilU-al*>. Junior iiii.l Sciui.r Maluoulatloii with lioiturik, ftutl Uw uiul .Mt<ihv.Al l.xAutwiii tit.•!l^ ,\i tU' i:\n:n>/-'»ti*';iH. ,i!l th" ruhi'Mily Mutt Mul.uiuii t'S wor*' s^^â- l.â- o^^^fu^ f'Vir ()t>t ftitimt,' ItciiiirA. nuil uiit u |>ri.<|\i<u>ii('> tirlii*ltir kIihi riio 4'(UnU<iiiN-i nt t! »• riH\ iit nxaiiiiua tU)Ii fiiMil tliU Sfhool nl>*ililit'«1 J. W. FKOSi. LL.H.. IiKrri.'itrr, .Solii-itor. i'ititr^fi*»nti' I 11 1'. ^. 1. Olli.-e. â€" Mli.a A. :ii iiiir ..: Ma! iiid. Kl-rsHi-a". ..V. li.l Ceuve\ ai.ce MK. KKOST will 1., Thur4.1ti\ > K* h.-iet : . t'.uii.i at llie V. 111c v P McCULLOUGH. r>(i rristiT. S()liciii<t\ S'\ Offlrc. ovt-r M4-I'arl;iii(l's Siore. .llark«laU'. .Yluiu-y (o Luaii. John W. Arm8tr0ng, 1-1.1 SMI :;TON. C. tjKK\. IniVlSIi.N- l-.OlliT t'l.KUK. COM-KISSUINI;:. •''I II 11 1: . (' iMVi.»iMeer..l-i li;i lit for piiulis. ;«e.l >ll!e el lululi.. .\|.piaiM'l (er »' I .. I I .-l. UM 1 K 1' 11 .V S SiM-ieti M..n.\ to Loan .11 ; • iiiest re.t>.iiit..||r term-. I«»i vli of Xl.\lllil Al. " Lui'.vsL.s. NoTAUV rcr.Lir. MONEY TO LOAjN. .ir < I ki:i:m it ails. 1.1 I'H'l . ilv. S. LiAMlll" l"ie».he \\. J. BKLLAMY. ('. iV D^ •;'vvi'. .-;.i- :-,K viiticm) ..; i. ! /."V.l .Vi7-V.'. foMMl.'<Slti.\KI l>s XlnliTli VtiKS 1 r\MS. .<c . i-v.i ;«: : n.i I iTcin ilv . x.-,,l Ins'.uniii-. :.*. , 1. t . l;l>Mi-tii;ui: u--*. Mi.i:,.\ to l.luirtl- K.. J. Sproule, Tin- I.nrtfrst >'iiinlM'r orTi-m-hrrs" ] I >''â- = rM.v-ii'i'U, !-i.H!ii"t..n » .-nmi^civi Crrtitit-alfs in llll> rrinlHCO.. er m ll. n.. i.iconsul .\ii'li,.neer. Cor Fk.i:h -Kiill 'reriii, rU Apply to V. \V Ml-;lU HAST. I'liueipnl, or 1> It lUUili:. S.'C. lloiir.l iif l'..liiriilioli. iiwi.ii SMiii.t, .Viiu tail. ^Vl Th* To IllK IIKAl''. lin.l lti.l-.,<s 111 I .\ I'lTrtdll l'10...l (if |ll.liril..NH I the lieiiil ..( 'Xl yealH' HtslullllfC | |iv Ik nltiipl.. Ii.lti(«ty, will sull.l II .Itisorlpllell ui { 11 1-'Ul:K t.i liny PelHoii wli.i spplleM to Nil ll.i'lMiN, ;!0 SI, .lelili M . Melltrcill. i •! â€"•â- I'- ll I II I) { II I (I I (I I I) I u I TIIK MARKETS. FLKSHl'lUTON. ('im/'dllji ('(trnrtcil ICarh Wrek, I'Monr »â- [ 7r> to 4 75 Fall Wheal $0 78 to III ."() Sprini,' Wheal I) 78 » SO Uarley 50 DatB l.'i Vi'AH t'd) (I '.5 K...r','s, fiTidi M riilatoexhuHli â- (" I'ork (1 nO Hay per ton 7 00 lliiios \ 50 Wool la SheoiiHltiim fiO (ieeso Oli Turkeys 10 ('liicki'iiH per pair ... '2S Duckmicr pair 6ft .V. U 15 tlO » 15 » !l 5ti rt .â- )(> 8 (10 3 51) 1 m (m; 10 uo GO Central Store, PEICEVILLE, ['iil>rfr)ifrnliil /fon/iii'»i.« in rmi/ Ji . piirtmcul iluriity ihi' prrsiiit uutnth In. order li* vmkt mon/ur Full I'linhiists. Highest Prices Paid for Butter, Eggs, dc. Ctill mill iiK/iii'/ iiitr i/oi'il.i ii»il CDHiii.irc }tricc» bi/orc nid/cini) piirchitsa. A. McCABE. v.vaueer. .\ppraiser an.l .Mmie 7 l.eiiiler. Ileal V.state aiul Insuisiii-e .Xf^iit. IV.-.U, Mel t'jaces. leases siui Wills .trnivii up le.ut V.ili-.atiens ;:i lie on stuTl.-^; iioti.-c. .\-u tiou S.ili -1 rtlleiult-1 t.i i;-. ai-y paM.ftli.- Coauty. '..biiey to i m\ :\: l.-west i i!i< . I interest. I'l 11. etioiis at!, a.le.l t.i wil'i l'i-omptncs< ail. I d.'sputi-.ii. ('Iiur,;.'s lev, .Vi^elit for l!ip I'oiiiiiiion ,'^ll an.siiip Couijuiin l'1-..aii tickil.s (i, m KUsiicrten to Liv.ipoei lH.i»mi», Jsmdoii er lUiv of tli« l!rin>!i r.'rt<. I'aflics iiiteiul-iif; to visit Kin'lsf.!. Scotland er I.tI.uu! , will pi. aM> ask rates be (l.r.- inirchfsiiia tiicir tickets ilsewliere. James Suliivan, TheTiiismitb. - Flesbertou Ui'Piviuni;. liuvotion^jliiiin. nn»l in fai'tovery- tliiiii; in Iho l'UMiu'^8 uill v*'q«mvo my inoiiii'; -vTi I oHioful itttotiUniiftt Houses to (^ent or For Safe Two KiH>.l Hontttit i«no brU; luiil '*no friu\;o \\ iili lots Hju( fvuit I'l'iuitfi; or ><)inri1<*. (o loiit «»r ft»r «irtU> i li.iip. (•oo<t f'l Irk 1'H.koi s\*\ttn In coniuTCioii with M(iau< houito. )>oth buiUUuKH Intf'..* rt'pnii. tl I ii.l volUtvil tluon^'htMit. K>n* l».ir:iiMi Iai*. m'l'fv lit 'rujs Am \srk' ort\i'o oi (o tlie un lU'i-himi^.l. SA.XilKl. KlNtJSVoN. ^iTI I. l'n>niii'tor I I •IfTTQ t>A DIM) msTlw* f >iirvt on fll*. •! - ^^ AlUiS LtXkv ii...,...i u i.<in..w>iwu>. • AdTfttMnii Itsratu i Ktawwi-w sl v wh;r«siln.rUaba •cMnw* ttiM IM â- »«• iw U U^ XUIir I«i|Kk