w u I* n n / i' f. • >:-V .>.-*tr:?^ ... Ji i-^ •.♦» « .' â- i A^ VY •THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Photos, Photos, .*â- Photos. We are now turning out work far iuptrior inttyh and fini*h to any ever pro- duced in Fkiherton. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTUBE FRAMING done in all ill bmnchet. A good $tock of FRAMED und MOULDINGS hejit conitantly on hand. Will aUn introduce, the new liliOMIDK I'DHTKAIT, a jiicJure tfuit u gining entire talii/iicliun wherever introduced. SAMl'LES can he teen at my Gallery where all particuUirt us to Price, Style &c,, can he atcer- FLESHERTON. -^ H EARD'SE- Carriage Works, FLE SHERTON. MANIF.KTI KERN OF Jiu§<firs, Spring Was^ons, Litinher Wagons and Iron jTarroii'.s: Painting, Tnnimin0 and Revairui ^ protnptltj attended to. Jforse-Shoein^ a, S/tecialfij. THtS tILVERPLATf raSTRUMFNT Tk< Grealed Wicorarr tl th« Ag«. ^rloo - • $3. ORIENTAL CATAiRH IMPOUIftLC UNDER ITS INFLUUCE ; Tlia only eatArrh rrnimly twar ofTeriMl to thv publio on 15 dttft trlftl; I a wrltton iruarKnUti* ^Ivi'ii with ft&<'h Insiruuuiut, W. T. Baxs A Oo^ I lAA giuwa Strotit WmI. Turoiito. Out. ACTIHA THE GREXr EYE AND LUNQ RESTORER Actin* l« Ml • in«()icin« or â- dlfuiting lotlm or po«r<1*r b*N, but 1 Hrlf-Ranorft- XillSt Vnpnr, e»fllly ftn<l plcAHjinlly Apnlhi.! fit ivll hourn, tliiiM mul placfW. AcliM No. 2. - guickl) rulivvua uid Uiuruuijlily cum ftll Throat uid L.UIIK •liioui'a. ActMia N*. 3. roaltivxiy cures all illacuuH at tho Kjrv. Catnraet (Iran iiUUul KynUda, IiilluiiiiHl K/ua, uuar and far liiitiUKluiiu Tub Bn THK4TB1> WIIILH fJ.OMKII, Tii« AtTiN* in Moi.ii niOKH cirii wiinTK"* iiutn^MTIK on IS PATi TIUAL. Eiif'loatj HlAiiiit for liMitlitiiiiifljr tlhiNtratvd WwiV and livaltb jnurual. W. T. IIAKU « CO., 1 )S Uuw u HtriKt Wual, Torouto. Out Medicated Electric â€"â- mBELT* CURES Medlrattvl (nr all illi«>ii<>a <<( t)u< liUxxl and ner VIK1« HyaUMil. Iilkltm' Hi'lt »'2 for fulmiUi loni ilahiix 11 liaa noi .|iml. Muua' Dull tS, oumbbiad liilioji'l hua|<>'ii'.iTy tt>. Homlnat waaknmi, i.rfMra of youth, tout iniiuh(><«l, nightly |f*\.rrii«Hi .tin, i:t. Tho only appliances f living a direct current of Bloctrlclty otho parts. > '"•!â- â- â- »'â- '" '.iti't .j. -i"* 'iTml thoae mirwl of fi.liialu ill*. n.«.», l oItm In Lack ttiiil liipa. lu.a.l a , „. ., Ri.iKiral rtiliiUty. himliimo, rli.uiiiatlmii, (.iiralyaia. iii.ur»Iuia,iii;lfttuii |>ha iiiau of thu kiclmyii. a|MiiBl illaca*., t<.riiM llvdr, goul, loucorrhu'n. oatarrli of tlio lilaiU .t â- iHiiual «Omil«tioli, »..|iituivl ciiiUiloiia, aathiiialmarl (ha<.(ui. , .lv«|.ci.!.la. couatliiatloM .Tyalii |..|aa. liiiUK.'ntlon, lmii.it«niy„ pllua, i.iilltipav. ilumh aKUi' aiul iliiiholoa. Soiiil Btnanp [or IhaiKla.miuly llluatrntBd l.mii aiirt li.ialtli jourmU. (Virr.«>|ioii.liiiio.'Btri.-Uy rouMmitlal. Cou |auUatluuaud«l«ioUik>a) truatmout f run, A^i'iila wiuit<ij rviTywIiurc. I'at. Pub, iBtu, laW/ Curoa Ouaranteed Medloated Eleotrto Belt Co.. I BSQueon St. Wost, Toronto, Canada. itlmonlala on file I tllllit*. tM'I'V.ltlH .tl.l.illt Painless Cure. 1^^ FACTS rOR MEN OF ALL AGES. .2^. •^. TIIK DISEASES or MAN. _ fj n rut T II i\i I. Til u »;.*' #: H'KU, Marvel of Haaling, anJ Knhlnoor of Modictnr*. IliM a«*rrllil4« cAiivt'iiiiriid^ of Inillaftr^lloM, l',a|>«aur<i mill Ovrworli. iro"crKr(3, 3>>d:ippT. .-n- a.c3^ep -ajstjd oi-r> i^<tx::iT Who aro hroki.ii ilowii from thni>(Tii«i. iif iiliiimi will ninlhi No. Ha railloal riiro tornnrvoua %titMlity, «r(.'nMin wfiahti^aa. tnvoUiiiliirv vtlnl loaani*, otti, (•VMrT"»i« »on wmrii No, Hhiiuui.ii nie tlami,â€" W»«t ufviuuHy. vortiKo, want of |iur|Kia., â- Iiinnoao of muhi, nvoraliin to iKicioty, want of nonniloiioil, nvolcl»ni'0 of fonvoinailon, linnlrn for aolftihio, lUtlMaiiaaa nn.l Innhlllty to n\ tliii attiiiitloil im a |iarili'ulnr unhjixt, ' eow«rill"o, il<>|ii<>imlon of aplrlla, Rlililln<«>, li.a* of niiMiXirv, incilaMllly ol tooni'T, apur. niutorrli<Aa, or loan of tlui anniliial lluiil - tlin rnatilt <if anlf-alMino or iniirltal rxri.Nnâ€" tiii\it^ l«nny Innutrition, iiiintclatlon, harrnnniina, i<al|<llatl(>ii ot llm hiari, hyalfrlf ferllnn. h' f .iliial«>, IriinililliiK Innrtlolv, rilKliirl.lllK ilrxnina etii., nrn nil aynililoiiia of thia ti'ri IM 1' tlilt.oltoiillnK'a hinori'Uily ui'i|nlri.il. In atiurl, thn aiuhiK if vital forn. hnvliiii loatlla tonainn, nTnry furiotlnn waiuia In «onan<|iiuiion. Nnlontinu wiiltMaainl Ihn miinnliitoniloiitn i.f Inainn aayliiina unlt» In nanrlliliiR lo tho olTni-u of milf Hlman llio urnul ninjortty of wn«ta<l itvax wliloh oom. iinilur llirlr notlio. It you am Ini'oinpvtiMit tor th« anlnoiiH d'ltlimof biialiniaa, lnoa|>ai'llal»l for thn iiiiJoyiiHint* of llfi., No. H ollora iiii o-caiiofrom ' tho olTonUof omiy »lan. It ym aro ailvanovl in vnara, N.i. H will nlvo you full vhor i>nil itrenulh. If vou am hrolcou ilowti, |.hy«limlly ami niornlly honi tmrly Initlacrotlon, Imu r.-anllof l.norani-can.l fully, a4.nil your aiWna. anil 10 <'..i.ta In atiiin|i> lor %\. V. l.m.oN'ii IroalU" hi lloiik Korin on l>ln<umi« ol Man. Hila''.! "i"! muni from oh»«l viition, A.Mri.aaall o..ioiounli'aUon« to M. V. I.IIUON, 4V n'<'ltlnirl«u Nt. K,, Toronlu. A Man wlUituI wiidMi Nvtt li a hi.ra p.radlw. CURit GUARANTtlO. HEAL TI4E »ICK. \l^ •i^: \ JK pertnaifmrit CuiiH. '"h A Pleasant Cure. •,'i 1 > i^^Ji Inistiogc. From uitr own Corr'spoiidmt. Miw Mary Juhnatun and Mr, J. Rose- borough, pupils of tbe Owen Sound CullcKiate Institute, aro spending tlieir vacation with their parent* here. There will be no service in the Metho dist church here next Sabbath owing to the Quartely, nieetiuf; which will be held in Durham, There has been a great dsal of anxiety here about the dry Weather, but haying is about over and the hay has been an average cfop. At the recent sale of cheese made at the Victoria|factory, 8i cents per pound was realized. Quite a number of pe<'fil« /fv>ni wtroixl here' took advantage of the excursion to Lewiston and Niagara last Thursday, Your corr. , also took in the pleasures of tho day. The sail on tin- lake was very pleasant, and the tine weather throujih- out the day made everything go off |jovial. The remedy which most »ucce8sfully combats malarial disorders) is Ayer's .\gue Cure, It is a purely vegetable com- pound, and contains neither (juinine nnr any other dangerous ingredient. War- ranted to cure chills and fever. W. C. T. V. IX IT KIOUT. Is It right to licence a man to make druiiknrds and then piiiiisii tlio drunk- iird. Licensed Har-rouuis are neither a benefit in village or town they neither tend to man's iinproveiiieiit mentally or physically. The tcndiinci' of the liur-room is to make a poorer class <if Citizens, a {MMirer clas-n of work men -less valued Friends and less valued neighbors. Then we say emphatically,â€" .4way with the Bar-room. [Aug. 2. iSSS."*- --^ â€" ' '- A NOTICE A- To the Ladies ol the Coanty of Grey YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO VISIT : The Teaperaace Tree, "Woe unto thum tli«t atu tiiiKhty t*' uriiik wine anil men of fitrvn|(th t4> mingle utron^r drink."â€" luuih, 5th c, 22ud v. VlliAt A mlghtT trn* thou liaat cmwa Kiiictt Uuig yuArit m(o thv MiirifwuH «own ; Sown ill hli ImartN uf ir.cii by haiiil i1iviu«, It) (layn uf oltl, luok thou not U|K>ti tlio wlU9. Thy r*yot it U iteep within ihu •ai\. Ai fuiiil thy trunk un aui'/fntii cull , No fi'iir from tliwt of iu1<i^ • bite. Tlioii ilo«t prnttHii Mitl «1<1 Ihu rigbt, T'liv In Anch**N ii^iM-li iNn'nii Ck»«* iu«a All louklnii, ri*a<-hiua uh lovrftrtU TUeo; Tlioimli not aUk*', t^'tjoniA't In livAit, Of tliu itranil M iuv n ytut Til iiimrtt tho hnin<) thny nil kit*****. I.iki* rhiUliHu i>f oiiA i{r«Hii fauiily ; A rofutfd from th« â- H^ri'^'m** |»'W«r. Thou art i;ruwiti^ Ntronner «>v«try hour. Think nnt it oitn <<'i*r ho nUln. "Truth cnuhml to *fiirth will rl«« acftln." A "' ri*.'ht HhKJI tivwi c »ii«|unr wronK. Tbouijh UiD ittrifu bo llurco ftii«l lou||. Thv f«H^f> hiivn trltK). but nil in valii, T<| Htay thy hrauoUoi, rouil khoo In twain; Yvt all uultoil lhi>ii mill «loHt iitan«1 Fur Out), ami boiu«, an 1 tifttiv* l«n<I I:i.m:n Aunkh Mautin. Itrnco, llrot)klnini Co., l)akni%. You Carry A wlin> metlii'inp I'liD.Ht In your porks^ with one 1k>x of Ajur's rill.'. As tlii>y oiMTiito diri'otly un tli« sUimarli ami howeln, they Indlrcilly nfTect every other organ of the biMly. When tho Htoninrh Is out ot onlor, tlio heml Is itlTeileil, ingestion (nils, the blood he- roines imiNivorlshi'd, and you fall an vm^y vicllin to any ]>revalent dlHen.te, Miss M. K. lloyle, of Wllkesliarre. I'a.. pnta tho whole truth in n iiiitHhell, when Nhi Hays : " I use no other inedlrlne tlinn Ayer's IMIIs. They nto alt that iiiy one needs, nnd just splendid to save oioiioy in diH'tors' blllH.'.' Hero Ih an Instanen ot A Physician who lost his medleiiie idlest, hut, liavinK nt hand a liotlle of Ayrr'H Pills, (ounil hiniaeir fully tit|iil|>|MHl.â€" .T, Arrison, M P., ot San Josi'. Cal., writes: " Home three years ago, by the merest norident, I wiui fori'ud, so to apeak, lo preserltie Ayer's Cathnrtlo I'llla (or several aiek men among a party ot eng|. ncrrs In the Sierra Nevada mountains, my inedielne eheat having l)oen lost In rroaslng a mountain torrent. 1 was surprised and delighted at tho artioti ii( the I'ills, HO nnieh no. Indeed, that I was led to a further trial of them, as well as of your t'herry I'eetoral and Sarsapn- rilla. I Inive nothing but praise tu offer In their favor." .lohn W. Hrown, M. D., of Ot^ean*. \\. Va., writes; " I prrsgrDm Aysr's rills In my praetlee, ami l^nil thorn sxc«llont. I luge their general use In lamlllM," T, K, Hastings, M. U., of Baltimore, Md., writes: "That Ayer's Pills do ron- • rol and euro the lomplalnts (nr wliirh they are designed, Is n.<i eonelualvoly proven to nu> as anything |K<ssilily ran l>e. They are tho Itest enthnrtlo nnd n|H>rl- onl wlthlu the reiuh of the profession. " Ayer's Pills, rKErAB<(n nr Dr. J, C. Aysr & Co., Lowsll, Mast. _^ Sold t>r all UrucRlatt. V â- m-f^ CLUKO'SSTOBEINFLESHERTOK aud bring your Produce and ask to be shown the beautiful PRINTS suitable for any wearing. We have beautiful Satteen Piinta at from 10c. to 14c. per yard â€" sucli values you have not been offered before. Highest Price at/ owed /or Egga. Butter and, Wool. The best way to liettroy Beetlei it to tprinkle Parit Gree^i and Water on the Potatoe Vinet. You can get the Sprinkltrt nt Climo if- (Jot uhich are cheap-' and good. Only a few cm hand. Yours Tnily, â- ICLIMO & CO.,!- Wright's Old Stand, - Flesherton. I have received a Very Large Assortment of BOOTS & SHOES I Several Hundred Pairs of Meus', Womens' and Childrene" which I am offering VERY CHEAP. WM. CLAYTON, - - FI.ESHERTOJf. Fleslirrton Tarriage Works. McTavish & Legate â€" MANTF-VCTfUKKS OK UAOdO.yS. SLEWnS, JtraOIKS, nE.MOt'/lATS, ,Vr. CARRIAGE - PAINTING - PROMPTLY - ATTENDED - TO. AlaoTHIMMINUH In groat variety. HOItSK SHOKINd (irauiptlr attcndml to S|i<>r!al Atttntloiv (jivtfu to t°ontract<«l or TeluU'r Keot. D. MrTAVINH. K. l\ LKVATC IIKALTU FOR AI.L. lllH IMLLS PiiTitv thtt IU(M>il. t'oivtvt uU Oimtrilont of tlio Iji^^oi-, Kt<>inn4*h^ lvi*lii'j^"M^ aii<l IJoav^^Ik* Ttioyhivigoratoiiu 1 rontoro to hraHU nrhlUtatt'lU'ouMitutionM. kimI at* invalaahlc in all Coni^ plalnu IncltliMital to I'lniaS'it of all nnvH. Koi C'hiliht'u aifal tbo ai^iM tlitty aro i*i icilvsa. THE OINTMENT â- All iiiralliblt* r^HooiW (or UnA l^o^ii. )ta<1 Hrim<«tt, Oltl Woundo. Sort>fi ami I'looni. tl ft fatuODlfo* iiout au<l UluMMiiiitltini. Kor ili^onli^nt of tho CIumI it hat* tio t>(|ual. Far SOUK TIfh'O.lT, BROA'ClUTIS.WrCHS. COLDS Ulamlular Hwallln);«,anil all Hklii nixoaam it haa no rival ; »»d for oontractad sad still olut. it acts llko a charm. MAnufaclni'cd only si Trofeasov Hoi.i.owAV'a KatnMlahmciit. 7H. Nrw 0\r»r«l SIriM't < Inic S.t.t. Oxford Nlrrrt ). Lontion. and arc auUI a« la. Ii<t.,ila, IKI., 4a IVI., Ila.. d^ , stul :»«. eaeh no\ or I'ot. and may Iw bad of all M«J' eOir Vondort* tlimuKhonC (he Woild. t>Sf rurchmm tlii»dd lotit d '/ic T.-iftl on t)te /'t'(.< mi./ /i'<>jt.<. IftheaddrtM it nut .'^l.f, tt.^oni Sitift, ljt»ifftK OfM (n* i>;ii»n'i«M. FAKM for SALE BriNll l.otr., (on r. Onioev. linlf mile fresi Maxwell, inn aariia, IKI â- >'!«» .'lesiiil, kmII wateriHl. and iinilor nood state of eultivntton. Well feiioMl, I.arKo frame liarii and atah^t, fram* hon*% Foi further |iartirulai'i< iipjily I* Jl)8i;i'll n.Mil.KY, 171' Hi>»iliun Avoniro, :i«-;ni. Toioii»». m YOUR MEAT R EMOVE D. l-FROM-i- Booth the Boss Barber, \ Blakely d McConnell, OKNKRAL nUTCllKUS, fciin removal lo one of Ihf .Wiojiji in H'm. ] Strtiiu'n hlivk tiiiir ll"«i. f/<ir»A(H(,ie j '"'"' | «â- >â- »• â- !"> O TT T^11^T>/^XT •' OH./ fho>- *hop, Toronto >treft, trhrif hf \ [* Xj ll« O 1 JL lli Iv 1. v) JN I will hf ha}tp\i til »<'<• the .itni/iiii/ /tiers of oil hit old cfmtomrrt titnf a.i mmii/ neic ours on h«r* foncludiit to iji'ir me n cAiitnr to mnin- dliN m;/ rrioif.i/ioii ii,« thf Bum lUirlvr nai only oj MrMd'AiH, >«' o/ihc enlirr i/w- trift for twrutii inilrs rtvv>'>i<'. TIki i>alroniu!« of the ladiea rutvcotfally to- lioltnl. r,k.mi.,iw9. irAKTff: T^^OTTT. tiaSXaah paiit (or fat ealtle, ko., &e. Try The A dvance one year for ^â- frsfi.^u- mouths for 50 ct%. i;;^r'-^- 'W- /i i^ii I •» AV iS/