:V mm mm ^^R / THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. THE ADVANCE. In publlHlilHl tlvery T'hiifMcla.y, K li'iM THB OrrivB. tiliUnham StrtrA, - â- Fk.ilierti'U, Out. TEUMS OK SrUSCml'TION: *I per annum wh^ii ini.l utrintly in nivance %l.XI i>«r •nuum whin not su pai i. A. R. JFAWCETT, Kditnr nuii Proprieliir. Letter from W. Suggitt, Esq. rONTINrBU FROM LAST WEEK. It waa a delightful thiii^ to 8uu i>uopl« of (lifl'eioiit c<iiiditioii» inukiiiij their yray to the place nf [irayer and joiiiiuaiii tlie old faiiiihar hyiuiis and ronUunng thMr a8cri|)tioii8 of praise to the Oreat Ruler of larth and sea. Day aftui- day pauea â€" all in their ocean homo 8t»rainiiii< every effort t(p make eadi hap|jyâ€" B.mo telling the stones of bye- 'gone days, piist to return no more, some reading, ami otlu^rs availin-^ theniHelves with the amuseniantt furnibhed in the ship. i JJut, ailenctr reigns I Tlie moment has j arrived to catch the tirst tslimps of the ' dear old landj and in a few hours the I Great Unseen (Japlain- who hiis ever j been with us all tlie way across the tri)uhled sea of life â€" leads his earthly , . I ship in safety to the harbor where she The undeisionod lias disposed of "'"**''l ^*-'- Lis New8pai.or mid Job Prmtins plant *^" â- ~^"'""i«y. '"•' "^ J""« »' '^ ^^ P'"- ill Flcslicrton to Mr. \V. H. Thurston, late of tljo Toiotib) World. Mr. TLurstoii is' 11 Uionniijbly practical FLFiSnERTOlT: tUURSD.W, .IILV 26. 1888. Change iu Business man, au ubk' jutiriialisl, and ia well Luowrt in llie district. A full anuoiiuc(.'ineiit in couiicctioii tlicif- witli will be made in next week's Advance. The public's ubediciit servant, .\. i;. I'aWiETI. J'ricovilh' iK-iiiK. We wi^! would ad .1 ' could avM I !i luiHtakc!" I- V cattle tii^ Some t:ik< II oil wt^k iiy and otiii for he In l!i .Vll.- I. I I' til' Mlldc I .rioted t II II h' .•.<;v,„./,t/, .\lA.vM K dr\)l 1-- S.I tlllll l.r .•ii lilmiilriino ii till- price- III' .1.1 liii\. lei n i cllllilio III,! W.if, \Vi,i. VV,„.,„, '.; ^ Wail .aiii s liie le;i 1, It N|«:ikleil biiiiity on Kiiicardiii< jiliott biid^v' tlie otiier day iLat weiL'liid over 2 lbs. Aye niou, 'twa.s a ^'H(l<. yen I passed the Parisian, of the .\llan Line, and wundere-d if dear Mr. and Mrs. IJce- croft were on Imard. 1 understood they uxpucted to sail about that time. Monday, the 11th, at noon, Liverpool is reached and the parties, which had iiuvor mot before, di»[ier8od, never, perhaps, to meet ai^ain on earth. Warm friendship.s had been formed. .\fter liaving jixssed llii'.iui;h the ("us- toms, took train for town of Hull. Ne.it day visited the far-famed city of Lincoln, where I called upon friends. Viewed the celebrated cathedral and far- famed liell. \isilod Mr. Le;,'ardH former home and other places, then returned to Hull. LKTTKU .NO. 2. .Mr. Sii:,';4ittM Second letter was written lit Kihaiii, Hhsi Kiilini^ of Yorksbire, .liuie liHtli, .111. I wu ijive that which is .f lilt, lest t'. liie 1,'eiieral reiidi-r. Mr, ."^iijjilt sa\ - : III iny li-t I had visited various |ilaeis in Liiicoln^liiie I may .say I saw Kini; Willian s fi.ilHv at Hull. Your frieii.l. Mr Will Cuy, ..f .Maxwell, told me t.. watch and when Kint; Win. heanl the Mr. Hiiyh .McArlliur ttlls liow h<; , Mi.di Church clock strike he would o wa8 out looking after lii> cattle a few days u;;o and fell in with two young bcaiH wljich he followed acros-! tlio fields mid into 11 jiiuce' of wooils owuod by Mr. 'P. Ihiousoii. in the Huburbs of the villftj?e. Oil renchiiio the bush llioy tiirni'd to hIiow Mr. McArtliur ibfir l.elb and he retreated. _â€"__?''"' ''"*" ''^" 'â- '"'' '"''' juhjlant nvor . the house and room in which he fiast saw flier.-\-icUj«iiii.Murkd;iIi. Th,. return Ij.^ht. At Iteveriey I saw the yrand old Ranie ".TiTl be idayrd tlii.i ne.k. mmster, which is said to have been used It isjiisld.liohtful to walk hitolhe ,,y ,,|,ver Oomw.dl as a stable during Toll .:ia|ih and I'ost ( Klires sine... ihey | ,^,^ ^.,„„i,,f,„i ,.,, liav' l"<ii [iliiccd under Mi.s.s Hrowii s down from his b..uHi' .uidf.'.! to dinner ! Kindly let friend <iuy know he can't have heard it, for he is there in the market yet (and likely to W !) so is the Cliurch, and the cluck. I saw the m.nument <if that k""** "'id and xixjd man. Win. WiDierforce, also Vinll. jenm a; Nfll luaiui;,.< iiiiiil. !â- , veiytliiiii; neat, clean and ill Older. Tile wiiidiiwrf are decoiut^'d •..illi the liiieHt collection of hon.-to plant) in the vilhi(;i.. Oil. 'if oiir ntizeiis reinark'd tin; other <l.i} that ".Mudily \'iilley must 111 ci.iii| h ti ly cliy, never, ti ci;0il1i or ciiirp this two \vi«i ki^.'' !'erliups tlie lati» . liovv.T.^ will iiiliveii the faid \'al- ley a â- •.it,. Yiiiddy tallf). h'liilll n'lr Dili, (.'nllflji'iii'lrllt. Til', f.iniiern around iierc are earii- csliy prayin;.; for ruin. Wi- Impo ihoy will ho iiii.-iwered as thi; croii.i are f{et- tiii:' hiully withered with the nun. "J'Im re iiio tieldfi of oats licailiiio out and tin .^triiw not ovi |- .^ix iiiehes loiiy. Mr. .liliii .Mcoiii hapiii'iii'd willi a H!ii;ht iir(ii|i.|it the other (lay in wjiieji I .â- hail hotli ey< .^ bailly hluckelied. Ill- iiaii a hiiri.<'liy hoiM- and in oidci' J.' . • p liiiii ni the Ii. Id h<! liiiH him 'htii .ifolil.d. One day tint loin; aoo ill ii:.'il hiiii ill the nliihli; and was in Ihr art. ol pnituih' on the blind lio tliii \N It over hi.s <ye^ Huddeiily when I (Mirist. tl.i horsiii became friKhtt-ncd andiubnreh lis III Kii..^laiid. Ibe sli..]i wh.-re I worked lifty It is carried ..n still by youiiLj- er iiiemlnTs of tlio saiie^ faniilv . Wont and liiii+^i View of the oLl li.iise. wlier.' I boaidi'd mill a bi-..thcr -i lainily. When I loft bii- I '.iiuiil.i, tliry h:i.l one little baby u'irl. Nou I have met n ith live ii..Me I lokim; iiiec<*s nil nianird and com fort ably .st'ttletl ill till- low II ol' Hull My KiDlcr aIso alive and liKikiin; excei-dinoly will, altlioii'^jh 7o years of at;e, I lia\e st-eiiicd to lire tliooe early days ol iiiy life over aj^ain ' .Apart from my "Wii liear lainily oon necti.iiis, I hare Utm most a'.jiee;iMy surprised to im-.-t iiitii .so many of my earlier associations. Arrivnn; at my own iiativo town, (I'roat I)iitIIol(i, the first en quiiy was f.ir Mr. Merkin and Ins tjood lady, Hchoiil ihildicn with mo. Yoii will iiiiderslaiiil how- ..'l.-id nml «hat .'i lia|i|.y iii.s-tini.', when I nil'.iin ynii that R.aiiie K. Murkiii and iiiy.self two boys 'M years of ie.<v!, were placod on the .\letlio- ilisl plan t..i;ether as K.\liortors and Prayer l.uadei-M-- tins is W) ye.irs at,"". I found liiiii .still li\iii.; .-ind \v.<rl,ii|..; fi«r III the gumiiicr of ]M(I'.I, the cliiireli of St. Petor'x, in tlie P.irish of stnlrkhiini.i the f,ce With hlR foot j ,„,Ue Dullield, one mile from my native )ii.ii Kill;; liiiii badly. \\<- ' - lavo Hoeii IriHli I/iike ly V-flo who W'.-io at til )rt«oii'' (hit ranio oif .-al'i-r. Ml . .•iicliibalil Sliiiw, from Dakota, n ilio x^'t'it of Mr. I>. Fert'iiHon. Ml. .h'loiiiiiih Ibirko, of J'roioii, and MlHH ( 'oiii III Wodlm t..wii, It was, from an entry in the Pari-ih Account Hook, rebuilt ; but this Htatument clearly iloes not apjdy t<i the chancel arch, tower, and Koutli wall of the chancel â€" these all tell of a chiiicb of yreat of .Soiiforth, wer,. niiiti'd ""'''li'ly- ^''''i'-st the f.-ict that Alfred, much. Had the pleasure of reading the i'leshertoii news in The Akvince. Ke^^ret to learn of Mrs. Duncan's death, but it is all right. With kind Christian greeting, ever yourB till wo meet in Glory, William SfOoiTT. A ten acre field of standing hay belong- ing to Mr. Miles near Maxwell caught fire last Saturday and the wh<dc tield soon levelled to the ground. The fences were also burned ill places. â€"[DundaHi Herald. TliK dwelling of Mrs. McKiiight's farm, con. 2, S. I). U. , occupied by Mr. Chris. Weiidorf, was destroyed by Hre on Satur- day morning. The contents were nearly all consumed. An insurance of $150 was on the building. â€" [Hanover Post. Bert Telford, a little fellow about nine years old, »on of Mr. Robert Telford got the ends of his third forth fingers on the left hand liadly crushed, while playing with the cog wheel machinery of a grind- stone, liuit VVednesday afternoon.â€" [Chatsworth News. We are sorry to leari^ that our friend Assessor, Mr. James Campbell of Pretty River Valley met with a bad accident lately by falling on a snag and cutting the calf of his leg in a horrid manner. Mr. Campbell will likely Ihi laid up for tw() or three weeks. â€" Thornbury Stan- dard. The Uov. Mr. P.'isa, our PresbyUiriau minister hero haa.JMeii invited by the session mid managing board of Maxwell and Mclntyre Presbyterian Congregations to accept a call there at a salary of not lu«a than 8W0 with mans.-. \N'e have nut yet heard his decision on the matter. â€" IDundalk Herald. Not a particle of cahimol, nor any other deleterious substance, enters into the cniiipiisiti.ii of .Oyer's Pills, tin the coii- tiiiy. thi- meiliciiie is lacfully com- pi nil. led fr.iiii the curalivo properties of imrely vi yo'.aVile subsl.uiees. Try it. The cliaiuberinaid at the Middaugb House found a pocketliook under a pillow »liile niakiiig one of the Ixtds last Tues- day forenoon. She at once handed it over to Mr. Middaugh, who on referring to the register, found that Mr. V. Adains, of Drayton, had occupied the riNim. To say that Mr Adains wak pleased on the recovery of bis piicketb<Hjk, which con- taineil between two and ^ireo thousand dollars, would be a uiild-way to czpreu his feelings. â€" [Durham Chronicle. If you wish to restore the blood to your wasted chiiek, and .so improve your health that pinnipiiess aiitl strength will succeetl emaciation and debility, punfy your Moml with .'Xyer's Sarsaparilla. This remedy will beiietit you more surely and .spewlily than any other. To TIIK IiI-lAK- A I'l.rBonc ail. I ii'ri...s in t'lo hi.ii.' i.f I uurt-<I .if IidiifnpffH an \ .'ifcrs' ^tiiii.Iin^ !>> ft Hiii.pl,* ii'iiH.av will "'U I s .ICM.;ri|itionof it riiUK ti. niiv INtk. ih wIk. upplkm to Nil ii.ii.sii:., .lOM Juliu Ht., Moutre*!. NKW ADVKKTISEMKNTS. $2,800 Wll.f, |.UI ami Oi rchtt.si. till. |i'i<vi.r))iiiin Ciri»t. Hnw tlutliiusl Mlll^ Aliply to MoltKKI.V A ('.,\M(>N, ('..Ifllll^'WOlHl â- i. lew llipp\ einiplc liavc ('latuiatiollft. days a«<». Tho our lioaitv cou- SriMcr. T. MiniEiis -.\rc yoii rtUtiirt^oil »* ir....hl Mill l.inlii-ii of vnir lust Ijv n i,ic|< ,:»i|);i â-º llf..ri:i«,lll.i ei yiliR wo'i psili .(f rilttlilcToctll ? IT â-ºâ- . ..Ml. I «nni!i. iii'l i;,.t u l,„uii- of -Mrs. Win- ii'.iw " So<»n.|iB Svriii. f.ir 'iiil.lri ii TwthiiiR. lis vilnii U innsIriiUI,!, Ii will fBlluvo tho |.').u llit)«hiiaji-_i niimn.ii«t,.u I)..p.iii,| iiiMin li, iiii.iii.irii; tlisii, i« ii„ i,ii»ink„ about It It •â- â- " lO'i'iiii'rv snil DlarrtiivB, roiTiilstuii the KtoniRili aii.l H.iwi.U.iurn Winil Coilc. •oft.inli th.- 'liiiin.rB.liii'nsIntlsiMii.sti.m.niilgivcifitonn we.-ks Sll'1 iiiwrirv to till. wli.>l« iyntiMll King of Norlbuinbria, was buried there .•\. D, 705, leaves no doubt that this has laieii the scene of ("hristiaii worship for 12 centuries. I alan visited llie place where I had s^iiit iteveii long years as an apprentice aiwl where I had formed many Christian lutsociati.iiii. Siirpri.sed to find ho maiiy stilltiviiig. Mrs. .lames IJeecroft's native plaiit. Klu^ li.ul Ih'oii there alHuit two \\Kii left when I arrived, but STRAYED I.^IiOM the (Frt'iuUrn nf tlin uti'U isif^niMl, on nr uIk'UI Kriilay, .lul> '>itli, umt larcr Mlack h«-w. .\iiy |iiTsoii t;iviiin {iiforiiititioii Ii>ii<HriK to til.' iiTi.\»'i V of tlu' n»i..vi' â- will »>.» fultul'l) Hi w.iiMu.!. M. CONM.I,!, A- HI.AKKl.Y, UnlrluTH. Klt»nh€H-t<'H. CARD OF THANKS. ii^nriiiHt- CoiiitNiM} forth* ini'mpt hiHiMicr 111 wlitch, thrniii;)) ilu;ir â- Mhrrloti, thiiv nvitliul 'II l>ani ili^Htroyi'.l by V .1. .SVIKUl.K. 1 tuHi r{ itiil rcntl V HKftlt. W. J. Mi^lltllllV. II (lltt cllUIII of illHUriLlKV' i nm .liiih' THi. "wanted ! l,<trt(t (i»it Trail lliiif/ SoleHiiifn. To SKI. I. cult- Choici. Vaiiutiea nf Nursrry St.ick, uithvr on salary or couitiilHsioti. I'liniiHTiiiut i'iitplii\-nii.nt to tho ri^lit fiit.n. N<i room for ltt7.]F oiitfH. l v.ii^lit titul liontiHt aru ttie iiiu.s wu ui-ii liiiikliii,' f..r A.l.lri'ss. witli rcfor i.nioB, MAY HllllTllKKS, Niirsiirynioil, IKMTH HoniKHTKH, N. Y The ThiiiixiijU-ltred Ihirhuiu Hull, Gray Champion I At Tli« low sHooihhiiiHynip" ior ohu«'i«.i 't.tnihlnK I" le*nu'd siliotihat they hail not yet »aih«l liJRassiit. lotho tastn anil i* tile â- aeacriDtloii of i i - i i r .i i .on., of tv« 'ildsn aiil bi.st f.inJS.i i*\.iloi«i,« home haviug Oie-ard from them by ::^':\r'Z!iiJi:ll:il^;'^^:!:T:,,r^:i,:!:"y^ '""•"'«. «ho Imd st«„ Mr. and Mrs. Pee. t,v.iitv flvi. <•,»«. nh.jttifl I)r> Hu»» anrt a-lk for croft ill Hull. tUniiot say when I shall vMr.. W>M<i.o« 1, S(oo7»iiv,i HvM».i â- au<i UVo , , » . â- ,, ^•iriiirWInii rutuni heme. I aw enjojing luyw'lf verj^ H'lll Mniui fur AiUiiif^iii iilitint Sliilinm. TItu is /(0'i/i.r.i 'JrAirimM i ici'W ((ii f,rjfl til hill â- rnrc III Lul IM ;' l\'c!it, "III' mi/c/iojM Flenherton I tifsit-iiiiii.i 'iiiimal itiiil [f impruritiii their stixk ./ tliiir lowg til him. He if ill iiivMhi itiulitmn. rlllMti. iljieriow Uediirinl rates acoorclin to tiuijihcr tft,4>.nvM lii-.iiif^lit li\ any oiiu iiiaii. .JDH.N ADAMS, rruprlotor. SALESMEN WiNTED ^.i^l^ Ijlaiiil Nuii«rii«.iiHt«l)li«lieU (n-or .siiviiara. Tlio uhl rulikllaiiiirsiiiy. ,Mt,ii liJtli push, onurity, UoimI haliita ami cloan eliaracf^.r always Hucctiod. We can ttiru vou ||ooil pay Mwl steady worii. Write for t#riin to CHAhW HKOTJIKWH' COM i'ANY, Nuiriiu juion. t\\ll)oru^^ OiK . Central Store, PEICEVILLE, ITnpreceAented Bargnint in rvirj/ de- partment during the present month m order to make room /or Fall I'tirchiites, Highest Prices Paid for Butter, Eggs, dc. Call and intpecl our goods und comjiarc prices before milking purchases. A. McCABE. rLESHERT3N lni|ileiiieii( Agency ! J. G. Caeson Takes till!! opportunity to thank hi.s niaiiy custoniers for tlit-ir hearty pat- ronage during the puti H yearn and to ask their continued support in bis new proniises on H. 'I'riinblo's corner, op- ixj.site MiiiikIi.iw's Hoiej, 1 Icshertoii. The following is a lint of the Iniplo- iiioiits 1 handle, all the inaiiiifucturo of that fiiiious and rtliable old linn, Me-^si-s. PATTKltSON lUiOS., Wood- .stock. Out. ; Hiniters, HeiifierAj yiiwrs, litlht. Waiiijims, Hu<nifs, â- Slei<iht, Cutters, Fiinniiu, ^fUls, .^firinii Twt}i t'ulti- I'ttvrs, (wruiH Itrilt.i, Jlnxid-riit SeiiliTt, Spriiiij Tinith Hue- roirn. Iron Harriiica, Tii^i- Furrow Qamj I'loii; I'lows, Hi-njfflrrt, Turnip I hriUt, Ltiiui HiilUri. Flesherton M I L L ! 6E0. MITGHEU, BAIffKCR, DIIAVOHTS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Special AtlmtioH paiii In llie cMertiim nf Soles anil AccoinUt, Und door Surth if Jliehardsim <k Co's. ffld ical. DR' CARTER, M-C.P. A.S.,()JiT. FLESHERTON. Office. SIraiu » hlock. Rwiidelice. Wm.WriKht » mma^^mti^^mm^mmmm^mm^i^^^a^mm^mi^ '^g^ DENTISTRY. Thomas Henderson. L.D.S. UlIlliKO.N UKNTIST Hold Mfdiiiitt ittiii ItimoT iiradnaU r-f i\e H.C.lfM., Will visit rlKsillKUTON, .Munsha*'! HoUl 1 au'l '3of I'lu-i: ;:i,-,-iiCh. Teutll fitracted. iuaert- wl au.l rjU-ii 1 1 ibo higliat Btylen ot ttte srv. aovi at ui. .-l.-rat.. r:tti;ti. HiAi> Ol 1 1. K. 7<">t Vrsei; .St.. ToRobto. J. W. FROST, L.L.B.. liarrlstrrf StUivit^^ Vonrfyanrer^ Otflct),â€" Sirftiu'8 Huild>ire, l^Len^iiTON. A. A. CHKSLKV S«licU«H- and Cu»i>«yftueorr lU-Hidvnt MftOftgfr. MU. KUDST v.m ha fMnd lit »he Office o» Thurhdiivs U.I lii'iutcloro. P McCULLOTJOH, Barrister. ISnlicitor, Jfc. Ofllrc. ovor Mt-F.trland's )it<«i^e, .Markdah'. .'tfi>ii<-y to Lo.hn. i^noiiifr-j (tavds. John W. At^mstrong, I'l.Ksiitind.N, Co. Outv. niVlSION COUKT CLEItK, COMMISSIO.NKK s^i u 11 J*. Coiivoj-nm-ur, Ac. Ajrent for puiclias- aud Bulo of lan<i». AMUaiwr tor I' I,. C. Lorn anil K. 1' II, ,t K. Socii'ty. Money to Loan on th.» luoatruatooahlu toniit. Ubi'kh ur UAUIiUCiK L1CE.N8E8, .^OT.VKY fUBLIC. MONEY ^0 LOAN. ,IT LOWEST riKREXT KATE.V On Town or Farm rroptrty, S. DAMUDE, Klesbsrtotf Thii un.'er^ijip.vl I.oj!*. to aiinomu-p (o Iiis mini eruiis ciii>t'.inorf that h.- ha* |^<it tlio Mill in <.'4MMi Kiiiiiiiiis; Orilt'r ami havu not in the Very Latest Improved ROLLER PLANT Aiul CHiinMo f»f lurniti^' out KirHt-CIasH KI>(>l'U aii<l mu pti'i»ni.'.l ti> n'lvx^ my ciistoinem (K'OD MJ:M)S and IIKSTC'I.ASH KliOlU. Hnpuiw to rciuivij fi Hlmro of your ptt'rcna;;^ sa 1 ikiu iirf|>areil to pliiuHu. I Ueiimin Yvurfi Itnsp.. WM. BRADLEY. t) 1 •) i (I I i (I I I (I I II I I I THE 'markets. FLHbllL^KTON. Vitrrfiillif Vorrvfted Knch Itivk. Flour '?4 75 to 4 l:> Full Wheat 5;0 78 to HO tipriiif,' Wheat 78 (180 r-arley II TiO So Oats .. ... .1.^ 45 VeaH 00 60 liuttcr !3 15 KkKS, froHh 15 !5 I'olatoes busli 40 50 Pork, fi 50 60 Hay per ton 7 00 8 OU Hides 4 50 5,50 Wool 19 '23 Sliccpskiiia 50 1- 0(! Goose (»; 06 Turkeys 10 10 Ciiickeiia j)er pair . . '25 ;-iO Ducks i)or pair ..,.,.., 60,; Q 60 W. J. BELLAMY. TVVr. UIJl'.K A!iriIUIi..<lA. ('<*.vr/;r.i.V(7.'/.', cuMMifisioskn. Lssru.fsci-: .uit, dc â- pVKEDH.MllRTOAtiKS, M'.AKKH, Ac. frefs ^ oil aii.l i.i.ipi.i Iv fxi'iiiteil liimraiice affet I'd in nriit t-hiHit ci.iutiaiiiuH. Moiu>r to laud at lowoit ratuB. R. J. SPKOUL. Flesherluu. ('onn p/oiin r, .tjijrrniter, t'ld Hii(<>r uiii( Mviu 1/ iriulir. heeds, Mort- ijagrs, letin.i und H'llin (/miicm up aiui l"(i/i((ifi<»ii.i wioi'c (.11 nhiyrtest â- otiee. Chrr^ S/.M r. ) |( foir. . l/././v f.. ]:. J. :>FliOUI.F. /'osfi/uijifrr, /'"' ,<Ai';-foii. James Sullivan, The Tiusmitli, - FleshertoQ Kepairing, KftVotrouKhint-.atul in faotevery thtnt; in Hit' liiiwiu.ish \\ill rucuivg luy prompt hikI fnrf ftil iiit^'iitiou at ruaMoiifthlo prict'H. gti,jircllancou$. FARM 1 SALE. B P.INO Lot a.. Toll IT, Arti im.sia, contaiuiUK iu)ftcr(»8 leoro i>r I,:^8. For particulaii* apply to ro<;er lever, I-'l«ahertoo . XOTltE. SHINCiliF.Sooimtniitlv on hand and for iialu i-hiiiip. Just put iu lli-Ht (-lans now Chuppiiiu Mill luiw hi-iui; iiU.UK >..ui xraln aud (,ui It choiipuil up in fibort ordtv .1. B. SLOAN. Kugtiaia. TUK HlOII BllKK Dl UHAM Bui.i., *'K1NG BILLY," 7Vi< llvyal i'k'impion ! Will be for service iit Lot 16*2, Con. '2nd Weal, T. iS, S. !{., Artemosia. eSrTcrms 50 centK. Come along. Uoys I I'fMes to suit the times I