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Flesherton Advance, 12 Jul 1888, p. 8

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w THE FLESHERTOI<? AiyVANCE.. [Juiit.i:i; 1388. Photos, / I f^ Photos, Photos. Vft art now turning out work far tuptrinr in ityh and Jiniih to any ever pro- duced in FUnherton. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RATES. PICTURE FEAMING- done U all itt 4r.«nr/..ji. A good ftock of FRAMES and MOVLDINOH kept romtuntl!/ 1)11 hand. Will aUo int-nduce the new HROMIDK PORTRAIT, a picture thtit I'l giriiw entire $atU/aclion tofierever introduced. SAMPLES can fie teen at my (Jo fieri/ ieker« all particuUim at to Price, Style Sic, can he atcer- tnined. FLESHBRTON. H^H EARDS^" Carriage Works, FLE SHERTON , MAKlFArTlREUK OF TNIt tlUEi-PLATEO INSTRUMfNT Jiugi^ic.s, Sprinjf ^Vas'on.'i. Luniher iVa^on.s and Iron JJarrotrs. Painting, 1 rimming and Revdiring Itroiiiptly attended to. liorse-Slioeing a Sjiecialfy. ORIENTAL CITtlRH IMPOSSIBLE UNDER ITS INFLUEICC Tlui nn\j c&tMTh nuio'ly ever offeruj to the public on IS dkyitrikl; » wrttiia Ruiirniitiio kiwu with n&< h iiiaUuuiuut, W, T. DaU A Co., U6 (^uuva Btriioi Wott, Turoulo, Uul. ACTIHA THE GREAT Erc «N0 LUNQ RESTORES Mbu h ••( â-  mttlclnt or a digutting lotion «r powler ball, but â-  Holf-genar*' tlii(Vftpor, eatilv w»l pluiuuill) &|>iilie<l &i all lioura, tiiiiua liiid placiM, /ktlwi No. 2.â€" <juiolily rellevea and thurnufilily euros all Tliruat aud Lutif; dia«aat)a. Actina No. 3. ruoltlvaly cnroa all diaoaoea cf the Kye, Cataract Orati olatvil byeli'ls, liillaiuud KyM, tiuar and far aighUMluuaa TiiK KvB TaiC&TBD WIIILK l.LUhKD. Tin ACTiNi 18 »ui.i> L'NOIH on« wiiiTi K^' (H'tnAHTrB on IS Dira TaiAX.. UnclfMhf ataiiip for haiidHoinuly lilimtrattKl lKK>k and liualtb Josroal. W. T. lUKU 4 CO.. lis yue«ii Blrout Weit, Toruulo, Out TM Grtttail DUmtott oI theAga. Pr\o« â-  ' tS. Medicated Electric Medicated for all dlii'-iuipii of the blood and nor- voUB ayattfU). Ladlen' ll*'lt 93 for femalo com* SlalDtalthaaDouiuiil. Uucs' Belt tS, oomUaad elt and BiuiMioaory (5. Bomlnal woakneaa. orrura of youth, loet maiilii)o<l, nightly only appllanoes CURES I'llllrtillolitt. Etc. The IC dre^spf Qn «|ln from those cured of fuiualo dwiawja, ii&iUi. in l'a<'k and liii>a. lwtu\ and limlH iKrvimB di>'.ilily, KMieral dohlllly. lumbago, rhitimatlaiu, |iaraly»i». nmiralKia.Hciatica timonlala f living a difeot current of Electricity O tha parts. ''»" ' •â-  »'"'ii ai.;ljt c.r day without ihr.jiivrniomv Hundr^^s of Taa* ---,.„ ... ... V"'* dlaeajU] nf thu kiduu>'!i. ipinal dUt^aao, torpid livur, gout, Icucorrhaii, catarrh of the Itluldur aoiual oihauation. at'Uiinal vmiaatona, asthinalioan di»uaa<^ dya|>ii|»ia, coDetipatlon nryslii- «laa. iudWvatiuu, iiui>ot«)Ucy„ pil^ia. ui)ilt'[>«y, dumb aKUo and dmUitaa. H«ind fltouip for bandaoiuuly lllaatrated hook aod liaialtb Journal. (:om«tK>iid«iico utrlctly eonfldeutial. Coo aoltatlon aud ulectrlgel treetmeiit f rus. Agoiiu wanted uvurywhvru. I'at. Teb. WUi, uaT/ Our«« Ouaranteed \ Medicated Eleotrlo Belt Oo.. I8B Queen 8t. West, Toronto, Canada. A Positive Cure Painless Cure. FACTS FOR MEN OF ALL AGES. j^. DISEASES OF MAK. •V. XiTTBOjj^'s SFEoinric a^TO. e, THK fJltK^IT HEjtl.TII itt:.rKU'EK, Marvsl el Hilling, and Kohinoor ol Medicin '«. Ikv trrrlbin cun*itM|H4*n4*<*« ol'f nillacretlon. i:xp«««rc HUil ttvirwurk. •aroxjosTO-, i>£ipx3t..e-a-g>-ed .A-irr) oi-id jsvCEar ^Vao are brolu'ii doirn from the e(l' ill of nhuan will find in No. x a rndicnl cure for uurvims diil'illty, orifMiio wf^akiiosii, involiiniary vilnl locsfH, ate. ETIfrTOMd FOB tvnu'H No. 8 biiot'f.i* iiK Uhiim.â€" Want of onoitjy, vortii^o, want of purpfiae, dnnunria of alKlii^ averalon Ut hotMety, want of confldencv, uvoKlafico of lionvoraatioii, duHiro for ^Httido, Jlwtle^NueaR un<l inahility to flx tho atioud'jii «iD a |iartioulur auhjuct, (owariiieo, dei>rnHbi<in of cplrito, RlddlurH^, l(jBn of tiKim'trv. oxcitaMlity ol temper, spur, inikton h(i<«, CMT^wsot iho aouiioal Ihiidâ€"thu result of Helf-ul}iiRe or ntarital exouHRâ€" inipo- teney, luiiMtvitlou, eiuufiatiou. harrunnoas, ptilpitalioii of tbti heart, h)eterlc fei>llnf{K ip fomalei^, truui)>liitc iij^lai'^llolr, di»ttirbiiii{ tlraama etc., ara nil syniptonta of thU toriibK. haliit, t,ft4,«;n4if.e9iiiiii)C,-<iiilv i'<'f)uirril. In short, the springi.f vitH] forco Imvini; lost its tenaion, *;V««ry functinM wanaa In toiiKM|iioncd. Hrientino \rritui'iiand thu ^npu^hltolldentrl of Inv'tao aayUoM ftuU.e m a>urihlii(; lu tho etf<<.;t« nf'iih.i tho (jroat juujorlty of v-::';tod Uvea wliioli coioe iiudi.r Itu-ir uotlcc. if you nrM iiiroinpt'tent for th« urthiouti o.iMiiffof tiiislncAH, tiicnparltaio.1 fnr the otijoyiiiunt-* of lili-. No, h ofTurs iiii OHcape front tho (fTiicte of i-arly viC'i. If y"<i are tfylvHtittA.l in yearn, No. > ;vtil ^'ivu yon full vti.'ornii'l MIreiiglii. If von lira bri>k«ii down. ritv^'jenUy and uiorally frot.i ourly Indiscretion, tt<o r, mil t of ignorance and follv, acul yojir a4iil.'''Hrt uud in count In i.tQiupa for M. V. Ijt'iio.s'u Trc.ttti*'.' ill Hook r^oriii on liidCMswi of IJait. Hf"t««l nid s.-curo froiu ohket VHtii>ii. .'.ddrrsa all commnnlcatlnnc to M. V. I.l'IiOBI. 47 Walllnirluu Ml. R.. Toronto* A Man taUhoul witdois li«tl in ( tool's (tariiditt;. CURES GUARAN IE£D. HEAL THE SICK. .A Permanent Cure. Pleasant Cure. County and Dfetiict JJews. CHpped (ind CoHttfusfid fi'om ttte ColuiniiH of iMr KcHaiigeH. And iKiw Moaford 1ib« tHe gas fever. Next, Forty-Bi* t)ii«ines8 places were destroy- ed at the recetit big fire in Chesley. liurglars Attracted $27 from the till in tlie Grand T/link statioH house at Durham one night last woeir - On Wednesday nigfff,- llxiut 10 o'clock, Mr, Clarkson's hotel n< CanipHell's Cn>»«, to'^ether with stables *nd outbuildings, was completely destroyeii.â€" [Peel Banner. The Owen Sotftid Advertiser came out in an enlarged and much improved form last week. It is now an eight page, tifty- six column paper. Success, friend Little. Duuilalk thieves will »teal anything from a moequito's fovicheon to a minister's wood pile, and a nightwatchman now guards the steegJu of the village church. â€" [Pickering New*. Mr. Wherry, ]irincipa( of the Durham public school, has been offered and hiw acce|ited the priiicipalsh)(> of the Morris- burg -Model School at i» salary of JB700, which is more than he haa been receiving;. A young lady named Nellie Beaton, from New Iajwi-H, and James ll^ibinsnn, of Alliston, were niurrieil at Grose's hotel, IJominicin Dity morning. Her piireiits objected to the match, liut where ther«'i a will there's a way.â€" [Beaton World. Mr. Clayton of Flesherton is nrst week to open out a watch making and jewi'llery establishment in Kelly's bl'>ck Clarksburg. Mr. Clayti>n is a first class mechanic, with seven yettrs experienco in the business.â€" [Thoiiibury ijtandard. YiT.\L Statistics.â€" During the half year ending June 30, 1888, there were in Collingwood h" births, 1(5 niarriagv's, and 3!l ileaths. For the same {luriod last year thu births were 47, the marriages 17, and the deaths 34. â€" [Collingwood Knterprise. FiKE. â€" On Monday (orenoun the bams itnd outHidebuildiiigs together with a threshing machine and other implements on the Tegart farm, KiiiKhamptoii, occupied bv Joseph Lougheed, were completely destroyed by tire. Loss Â¥1,- 000, covered by insurance. Incendiarism IS suspected. â€" Slielliurne Free Press. .V child of Mr. J. Caniahaii's, south of the river, came nearly Ijeing drowned in one of tho tiro tjioks one day last week. .V i;ive-iii or other bole at the tank was the tnip, and liiid it not been for the tiiiiely assistance of a playmate whi> seiz- ed the littht one and chUciI for help, a didwiiiiig would have «iccureJ, â€" Moaford Mirror. Tho only joke ever perpetrated by our Division Court Clerk, T. .1. Korke, took pliice here on lust Court Day. A liuly was exhibiting a dress to .ludge Lane who aiipareiitly |Aaid mote attention to the ex- hibitor than to the exhibited. She was good looking, hi referring to tho dross. Koike remarked that it was iiiuiiufactuied eviiloiice, and the Judge siiioled. â€" [Thorn, bury .Standard. .\t DundalU hist, Monday night Mr. W. A. Kniipp, of SUolburne, was iiiiiiiler- oiiHly assaulted by a gang of mughs who knocked him down. iiid kickulaiiil pound- ed liiiii about the head and face until a coti|ili' of woiiieii ran fi-oiii a neighboring, when tho ruttians mnde<iif, leaving their victim lying in a puol nf blood. Mr. Kiiapp has s»mie bad ciita â€" [Shel- liiirii i Kcoiioiiiist, U'liilu sawing shinu'leH in his mill in K'^ninout la«t Thursday Mr, Adam Wat- son had the index finger of his right hand cut oil' and the tliiniili mid seconil and third tiiigei's »o scrioiiMly injured that the iloetor is in doubts as to whether they can bo saveil or not. .Should Mr. Watson loose the use of his right hand it will seriously handicap him in his business. lie has tho coiitract for tho er<>ction of the PresViyleti.-vn chttrch in Pricoville and liis iiiiKfortuini may letavd the work some- what. I DurbaniChi oiiicle. Ml;. Mi'I.N.Nis, of .Sullivan township, lost several cattle lately, and has others sick. Dr. Tlioiiias of T.iia, after a carefid I'xainiiiatioii, priiiioiineed the disease with wliicli the ciittlu were iirt'ectod to l>e pleuro- |iiniiiiioiiia A representative of the Doniiiiion < loverninel.t, from Montreal, ittid of the Ontario (iovernmoiit from (iuelpli, in ctMiipaiiy with Dr. Thomas, visited Mr. .Mclnnis' place last Kritlay and exatitiiied the cattle. They deciiled the tlisciiao not to bo pleuro-pnoiimoiiia, but u«rt! iinablo to say what it was ; but took away a sample of the Mood fitr further exaiiiiitation. The favitiers of Sullivan, were greatly lolievod w lull tho disease w,i8 pionotmeeil not to be plcuropiieiimoniii. - [Owen Sound Tiinefc. NOTICE. To the Ladieis of the Coanty of Grey*. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO VISIT CLIfflO'S STORE IN FLESHERTOIT and bring your Produce aiuVrtsk to be shown tlie beautiful PRINTS siiitabl..'^ for any wearing. \Ve have Ijeautiful Sattecn Prints at from lUc. to 14cv per yard â€" such values you liave not been offered before. Highest Price allowed for Egga. Butter and Wool. The hetl way to dcitroy Beetles it to tprinkle Paris Green and Water on the Potatoe Vines. You can get the Sprinklers at Climo <t Cos which are cheap^- and good. Only a /etc on hand. Yours Ti-uiy, •ICLIMO & CO.,1^ Wright's Old Stand, - Flesherton. I have received a Very Large Assortment of BOOTS &. SHOES! Several Hundred Pairs of Mens', Womens-' and Childrens wkich I am offering VERY CHEAP. WM. CLAYTON. - - FLESHERTON. Flesherton Carriase Works. McTavisii & Legate M.\.SL'P.VCTURKft« OP uAoaoys, slkioiis, huooies, de.hocrats, ac CARRIAGE - PAINTING - PROMPTLY - ATTENDED - TO. AUo TUIMMlN(tS iu (•re&l variety. HORHK HHOKIN(t proiujitly atteuilca to. Spcciftl Attentior> ^iv0n to Cuatr&vtiHl ur Tomler L''uet. D. MrTATINII. K. P. LE«4TK HEALTH FOR ALL. HOILOWAY'SPILLS&DIHTMENT THE PILLS Purify the lllixid, correct all Disordurs of the Liver, Stomach, lilcln'ys, ami lioMvott-t. Ttaoyhivlitorateani restore to hoalth Dnhilitatod ConKtitstiona, and are ioraluable in all C'oui- piaiutainciduiital to Fenialos of all Sfion. For Children and the axetl they are priceU-xH. THE OINTMENT a an intalliblo reiiiedv li>t' Had I.eRn, Had llmaKts, Old Wounds. Borea and Ulcers. It it famona f oi (lout and Khtmniatisui. For disordura of tho it han uo oqual. For SOUK TtlRO.dT, BKOJVCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS 01andularliwelllUK», and all Skin nitonsos It has no rival; and for contracted and stia olntn it acts like a charm. Manufactured only at Professor Hollowat'r KataldiabmeDt, 7K. New Oxford Street (Intc .t:t.i, Oxford Street), Ii«nd«n. and arc soltl at U. lid., -a. iid,, 4^ M.. lU.. 2M«.. and :wh. ciich Itox or Pot, and may ho had of a?l Me'l cine VenilorB tlirotiKhout tho World. pif I'tirchnters alumld Inok U. tlie hilwl on thf I'Ma mid Bo.rff. If the addresi w nut 5.M, Oxford Street, Limdon. they ore spnriims. FAEM for SALE ;g£T YOUR MEAT BKISd hot (1, ('ou.7, Osi'rey. half inilo from I «â- â€" â€" _^___i_ â-  Maxwell, IIM aiue'<, CO acres cleared, well I watered, mid uiidur uood slate of tiiltivalioii. ! Well foliood. Iiarit" fraiiii' barn and Ktnble, freiuo hoimo. For further partioularH aindy to J08EP11 HADLKV, 17VI Hpadina Avniiie, ai.V.'WI. Tot'io-'o. pEMOVEQ Booth the Boss Barber, hat rctnored! fo niif nf tlie shujin in li'm. StraiiiK htink near H'm. /f(itiiAoii,'i>''.t hunt and nhi'i' shnp, Torimtn street, ivh'.re he irill lie litipfni til ICC the xmUitig f(i<'> nf uU hi.i M cnntoiners ami an many xeic irHes <t.s luive ciiiiiiiiileil to ijlie iiir <t chains to main- tain mil ri'inifiiliiiii, ii.i the Buss llurhrr â€" uiit only nf Fleslieitoii, lutt nf the entire dis- trict for (iiviifi/ miles iiriiiiiid. The patroita^'n of tho ladies rosiioctfully so- licited. Fcl,, 17th, lasH. W.l LTFR BOOTH. -t-FKOM-i- Blakely & McConnell, C.ENERAL BUTCHERS. FLESHERTON! Ii«*Ca8h paid for fat ctiUle, Ice, Sec. Try The Advance out; year for $1 or six vwuths for 50 cts. \> 1 4^- : 1

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