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Flesherton Advance, 12 Jul 1888, p. 5

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'July 12, 1888.^ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. ^ BIG D I S C o u N T S â€" Still the order of the day at â€" Clayton's Harness Shop, FlESHERTe N . THE FiESHERTON 0) Kiiuberly School U«^por t for June â€"III order vf merit. -ON- Durham St. IS THE S&me oj the Goods I offer for Sale : l\ii\\ I Double I&r&e:s, WHIPS, An immense stock, which will be sold at greatly reduced prices, Curry Combs, Brushes, I'GERLESM Hoof Ointment, Peerless Axle Grease, Harness Oil, &;c., Sec. C0LL4RS A SPECIALTY. HeiDairing Promptly At- tended to. 'i'hauking the public for past pat- ronage, I respectfully ask a continu- i\uce of the same. REMEMBEK THE PLACE : Gordon's - Old - Stand, Rifliardsoii's Block. D. CLAYTON. ^ll^? 26th, 18^8,. mi I DBPAKTMeJW. IV CLASS.â€" E. Carruthers, A. Thurs- ton, J. Dynes. IV CLASS, Jr.â€" P. Dynes, G. Burritt, S. Maj^ee. Ill CLASS.â€" V. Oilbert, J. Ham* inond, M. Loughead. Ill CLASS, Jr.- H. Dynes, A. Burritt, R. Curtes. n CLKSS.â€" M. Huwell, T. Dynes, W. Mundlu. al DEPAIITMENT. II CLASS, Jr.â€" H. McLean, T. Aber- crombio, R. Lawrence. I CLASS, St.â€" M. Hurd, A. Nickens, M. Ellis. I CLASS.â€" W. McLean, J. McKenzie, J. Mundle. I CLA.SS, (A.)â€" M. Batterick, A. Rill, Annie Hill. I CLASS, (B.;â€" D. Mundle, E. Blewu, M. McKenzie. Average Attendance G3. L £. Gaviuk. Primipal. M1.S.S M. ABEBrnuMiE, AsuUtaut. The White Crosg Society. APPEAL. FOB THE BXTK.NHIOM OF THE WORK. has kindly cnnsented to receivo Local SubscriptiiinH and Donations, and for- ward them to Lord Kinnuird (Treasurer of the Fund). The White Cross degree in connection with Fountain council R. T. of T. will hold their ineetinijs on the first Wednes- day in each month in their lodge room Sproule't block Fleslierton. U. KKBrBii, Sec. -IN- South and Central Grey. A FULL LINE OF House Furniture at Prices that will attonith the doKst buyers. Our stock cvntitts of CHAIRS of evert/ description in Wood, Cane Scat, Perforated, Slat, FoUUny and Easy Stvfed Se<it and to suit all ages from the baby chair to the old gent* chairs, TABLES in endless variety. Some very pretty Extension Tablet of new designs just in. SOFAS, LOUNGES, WATNOTS, SIDEBOARDS, CUP- BOARDS, BUREAUS, SECRE- TARIES, BIRD CAGES, PAPER RACKS, HAT RACKS, LOOKING GLASSES, SEWING MACHINES, and anything and everything you re- quire inside the house. In' our stock ic«« ticver so large and varied as at present, con-iisting of Wool Mattresses, Springs, Bedsteads, Cots, Cribs, Cradles, Etc. Every article marked low to suit the times. To be seen at my Warerooms. Fuueral Outfits a Specialty, 1 . J. E. MOORE. Iiiistioge. (The "White "Cross society took its rise in a meeting held at Bishop Aackland, under the Presidency of the Bishop of Durham, on February 14th, 1883, at which Miss £llice Hopkins bore a pro- minent part To Ubjecte of the Society are three- fold :- L To urge upon men the obligation of personal purity. 2. To raise the tone of public opinion upon <|uestionB of morality. 3. To inculcate a chivalrous respect for womanhood. The policy of "the Society is especially to indueuce young men of all ckumes, and in all conditions of lifeâ€" boys at «ohool, undergraduates at the cniversitie8,'olerks in business houses, soHiers and sailors, artizans, labourers in the cuvntry villages, <fcc. It will tliuB be seen that the work of the Society is dolinitely educational. The method of the Society has been from the beginning not so much to create new machinery for the special work, as •to utilize tlmt wliioll Is .llroady existing â€" Temperance Sooieties, Guilds, Bible Classes, and vimilar agencies. Tlie -siireaa of the White Cross Society within such organi/.ntions as tlie Y. M. C. A., Young Men's Friendly Sociisty, the Church of England Y'imng Mens' .Suciety, the Church of Scotland Young Mens' Guild, &c. , is strongly rt-commondod. The diffusion of healthy littraturo, sft- tilig forth a high ideal of iiianlint'ss, liax been systematically undertaken, and more than a million of the Wliite Cross Scries have Ueeu circulated. Grants of iiapers for distributiou hiw bexjn fi<acly iniide. I'pward.s of live thousand wore given away during a general mission rucuntly held in a largo uianufiwturing etly. The tivo White Cross Obligations liavu been acce|)ted as the coiiiiootiii.^ link wliicli binds togi^her Societies m England, Scotland, Ireland, Canada, the I'liitcd States, Australia, India, ,Jii|>an and other parts of the world. 'J'hus the spread of the .same priiici|ial.s is srourud outside our own country, and a Viisl moral federation is becoming an accomplished fact. The wiirkiiig expenses of the iiociety have been defrayed up to this time by a few warm liberal friends, who jirovided the iiecesnary funds for three years. Tlio period for whicli [â- rovisioii i.s already iii.ado is fast i4ii>roaohiiig its termination, and it is necessary to lo<ik forward to the future. The work is rapidly increasiim, but it is estimated for the ne.xt few yearn a sum of £000 a year'',%iU sultice ; and appeal is earnestly uiiyil/if for Coiitriliut ions, securing ivithoulMelay this annual income. It is, however, thought advisable tliat an effort should be made to obviate the uecesBity of annual appeals for .milwcript- ions liy rai.sini^ .in ICndcMvineiit Fund of (say) t'JO.OOO, wliioh, invested, would place the Society beyond risk of pecuniary embarrassiuent. The Earl .\berdeeu, Lord llerHcliell, Lord Keiiiiaird, and Sir. T. Fowell Buxton, have eunseiited to act us Trustees of tlii> Kuiid. Donations and Subsoripticjn.s inny 1>o Bent to the Bisho] of Durham, Auckland Castle, Bi»l»op .\uckland ; The Lord Kiunaiid, 1, Pall Mall Eitst, London ; G. S. S. Vidal, E.s()., Houvorie & Co., I, Pall Mall East, London. J. B. Ci'svi.M, President. Auckland Castle, Bishop Auckland. Dr.T. T. W. Reynolds, Hamilton, Ont., From iiiir oioi t^urrespondttU. Mr. Geo. Moore and wife are visiting relatives in Uweii Sound. Mr. A. Scott has the contract for Geo. Ludlow's frame barn. The framework was raised on Tinesday last. Miss L. L. Hutchinson, of Midland City, cciiuc home on Saturday last for the midsummer holidays. Mr. Tlioa Hutchinson is having a residence erected, Mr. Alk-n Henderson, of Uiverview, lieing the contractor. The folluwing were elected ollicers of Inistioge Division, Sons of Temperance, for the -current term : â€" Mr. Goo. Baiiiion, W. P. Miss K. Acheson, W. A. Miss C. Acheson, Rec. Scribe. Mr. Tiles. Foster, Treasurer. Mr. Will. Reddick, Fin. Scribe. Mr. Win. Hames, Chaplain. Mr. Wm. Hutchison, Conductor. Miss .Vniiiu Bannon, Asfit. Conductor. Mr. Kichard Hodgins. Sentinel. Mr. John F. Hutchison, P. W. P. Hon. C. Edwards Lester, Late U. S. C!onsul to Italy, author of "The Glory and Shame of Eagland." "America's Advancement," etc.. etc., etc, writes as follows : â€" New York, August 1, 1886. | VI2 E. mh St. 1 Dr. J. C. Atbb & Co., Lowell, Mass., Gentlemen: â€" A sense of gratituile and tlie desire to render a service to the piit>lic impel me tu make the (olluwiug stateiuentH: My college career, at New Haven, was interrupted by a severe cold which so enfeebled nie that, for tun years, I had a hard struggle for life. Hemorrhage from tliH bronchial pnssagos was the result of aliuuut uvsry fresil ezpoaurs. For years I was under treatment at the ablest practitioners without avail. At last I learned of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which I URod ( moderately and in small doses) at the Hrst recurrence of a i-uld or any chest dltBculty, and from which I invariably found relief. This wan over :'5 years ago. With all sorts of exposure', in all .sorts of e'liniates, I havu never, to this day, ha«i any cold nor aiiv alTection of the throat or lungs wliicOi did not yield to AvKB'g CHBiutY Pkctobal within 'J4 hours. Of roiirse I have never allowed my- self to be without this remedy in all my VDvages and travels. L'uder my own observation, it has given relief to vast uiinibersof persons: while in acute coses of pulmonary iiitlaimuation, such as rroui) and diphtheria in ihildren, Ufa has ncen preserved Ihrounh Its effects. I roceniineud its use in light but fre- quent iloses. Properly administered, in accordance with your directions, it is A Priceless Blessing in any house. I speak earnestly beenus* I feel eariu'Stly. I havi; known many oases of appari'iillv contirmed bronchitis and Collin, with loss of voice, particu- larly among clergymen and other public »|)eakers, perfectly cured by this medi- cine. Faithfully vours, C. EDWARDS LESTER. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Pr«paro<i by Dr. J.C. Aytr fcCo.,Lowe',l, Mm«. Hold kjr mil Druggitu sud I>Mklen ia Sltdicioa. U4 C/5 H â€"I H-4 Pfdial DR. CARTER, M.C.P. &.S.,Ont. PHYSICIAN. Sl'KGEON, &c.. FLESHEBTON. Offlce, Strain's block. Residence, Wm.Wrig bt â-  60 CO DEOTISTKYr tâ€" I *. ^ ^ Ih'r^ O a I b â-  Thomas Henderson. L.D.S. 8UB0E0N DKNTIST Gold Medalist and Honor tiradiuite of the B.C.D.S., Win visit FLEBBEUTON, (MiiDKbawg Hotel 1 aud 2of each montii. Teeth extracted, iiiBfrt- ud aod Dllud iu the liitjheat stylus uf tb« art, and tit moderate rates. Hkad Offick, 701 YoNOE St., Tobosto. . h ^t^^l J. W. FROST, L.L.B., Barrister, Solicitor, Vonveyanrer, Office, â€" Strain's Uuildiug, Fleshekton. A. A. CHESLBY, Bolicitor aud Conveyaucer. 7 Besideut Mauatjer. MB. PB08T will bu fouiiil at -tha Office OE Thursdays as heretofuro. P. McCULLOUGH, Barrister, HulicUor, c^r: Office, over .WcVarlund's Store. Markdale. Money to Loan. Joka W. ArmBtpongy Flksukiiton, Co. OitEV. nivisioN t;ouKT clekk, commissionek â- "i u U. 11., Couvuyancer, A:o. .\Kuut for piirchax- aud nalo uf lauds. AppraiKor for C. L. C torn, and V. P. H. & H. Society. Money Uj Loan on the luont roaiiouable tc-rnis. Ihbikh ok .MAillllAUK LICENSES. NOTAUY I'UDLIC. MONEY TOLOAIS. .IT LOWEST i'lRRENT K.1TE!«, On Town or Farm Property, S. DAMt'DB. Klesherton. W. J. BELLAMY. TWP. OLEBK AllTEMEHIA. CONVEYANCER, njMMISSIoyEH. INSCllANCE AGT, <C<' t\EEDS. .'tfOKTfJAGKS. I,E.\Bl.;s. ie., prcpa.- ^ (id and properly executed, liiwiiranco affi.c- od in tlrnt-clusscunipauies. Mouuv to leadat lowest ratos. , R. J. SPROUL, Flealirrton. ('imirijiinivr, Ajij/iai.ier. I'm- mttor ami Motiry timUr. Ucfds, Mmt. ijnges, leaaes and M'ilU dnnm up iii.</ laluatidiiA iiuiUc an alufrti'M imtice. Clidtr ijes very luw. Ap/>lii to li. ,1. :<r2iOL'L£, Fustnuistrr, Flefhrtmi. James Sullivan, , The Tinsmitti, - FleshertoQ UeliAirint;, KavftroiiKliiii^.aiul in factevcry- thin^ in the biiHini'sn will i-iM-tivo uiy prompt and oar<*tul attoiitiuii at reasonable pricun. §ii$(cUHU(OU$. r^ie ThiroMiih-Brcd Durham Dull, Gray. Champion!" Will Mnnil for si-iricf al Lut l.'il .' IIV.-/. Artewrxia -itliimi mir niilnfr'mi Flfflierti'i- SItttitin. TliiK in a n'r.s(-(7ri.vs aniiiial. a.ij, famifrx desinrus nf imiriyiviiai th^ir xtit^;; uill lit) well tolirimi tluir aurs to him, II' is initrimt cianlitinii. TI'iUMS.â€"i?! pel (I'W. llednceil rates iiccor(ii:i to Dtiuiber of cow(» Urouuht l)y Hn> one iiinii. ,70I1S ADA.MS, rropriitor FAMISAIE. BRING Lot 33, Con. il, .Viteuiohin. oontaiuin;; 100 acres more or lest*. Kor particulars apply to KOCiER LEVER. KUfburton. Agents, Agents! Now Hkadtâ€" i â€" Ot'R New ItcoK. EARTH, SEA AND SKY â€"onâ€" Marvels a/the Universe BeinK a lull and i^rapliic dcnription of all tli it is woitderriit in every Continent of tlo Globe, in tho world of WHtern nnd tlu. sturrv Huavun^. Cootainin^ thrilling advontiui'iion hind aud ata. louowiu.'d discoveries of tlie world"^ !,'rfatust ivx- nlorors in all a^'^s, and reiiuirkaldo idionomona in overy realm of nntni«. P.nibincliiK the »trili iia! pbvbiual featiiros of tlio oartli tli" pcculinr oliarai^toi'isticf^ of tlHOiuinun vaoo, ol atiiinnlh. l,irdn. insectB, etc., imdudinii n vivirl doHcriptioii of tho .Mlantic.l'aciflc and Iiiclfan Ocrnu» anil of tile Polar Soa.H, tho inoimterH of tlie dt'e}\ Ijeautiful Beasliiills and plants, sintjnlar tlBboJ and dwellers in the world ol waters, roniarkabio ocean currents, etc., toKellior with the anm/inj phenoniena of the solar and utairv systeiuB, by Honrv Davenport Northrop, D.D,, euibellisbed with over .100 nun onpravinwa. Liberal terjps to agents. Oxford PubliBhing Company, 5 Jonlan 8*.,'Iorouto,Oiit. Slt-.KftH V? â- V

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