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Flesherton Advance, 12 Jul 1888, p. 4

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'â- â- in VI â- .â- wi 1^ iHjT^:^^ T THE FLESHERTOM ADVANCE. { '' Removed Again ! â€" This time to- OUR NEW STAND Opposite Dr. Christoe's Drug Store, vjhcre our numerous customers will find us BETTER=^ iPRErARED Tlian ever Id fully attend to all their wants in the Tailoring Line. Thirteen 0/ the pleasures of life are com- hiued in having your clothing fit properly. Enjoy them by getting your tailori,ig done at LEITCHS TAILOmUG EstalUshment. THE ADVANCE. I* publlihc'l Every Thursday, Fbom thh Oppick, Hydenham Street, â-  - Flesherton, Out. TKUM8 OF SUUBCRII'TION: fl |>er annum when paid atriotly in advance $1.50 pur annum when uot ho paid, A. B. FAWCETT, Editor awi I' ruprietirr. SALESMEN WANTED 'r.^l^^u' ijliin.l Niiriiri. »,i!i!tablisliod ..vcr ;io \om«, Ttie 'lid reliable nuraery. Mun wiiii push, oriurgy, (ifod hablta ami clean rliarftctur alwayii miccoeci '.Vii can give you goo.i pay kihI stoacly worli. Wrii.i forUruis to (.HAKK liI(l>rm;Ub COM- I'ANV, Nuneryuiuu, Colborui!, Out. TO EENT. flood liou«o and lot to Kent iu Fluoh- piton. For li»rttiMiliirn*p|i|v tpTlioB. OHlMrnn. Kmi , or at The .\ijvav<k ..f. ijj! JUlflce. AIho a wull Lulllvat.V.i farm of 'i tovJUHHacren, with k'<ml Iioum and orcliard. oiic miltf from {''luitlierton. for nalo or to ront on rnatoca'.du ternm .Xpidy to Mr. Urborue or at TuK AuvaNCK olBov aa afx>vo. Lost Catt/e and Sheep. sJ«TUAVED tiom tli I 7 nignol, i,ot .16. C pronilfon of lb.) under- 3. ArtiiUioala, one me- Hum Hlte red and wliitii ytarliUK liuilov, almi oiiu tdjiail ru.l .lu.l a liitu yourlini; lioifer. hIho -hip flood youhK ewu and nni' ewe lamb. Any porHon illvinv luformutiou lundinii to tlio rucovery of the alcove will bo i>uit:i|ilv ii'Wiud".!. HKNItV DOWN, I''leabyrtou P.O. LOST CATTLE. STUAVKI) hnni my pr"ini«P«, I,ot 34. Con. 17 I'lcromont. alKiut IMi May Innt, one red H.iif«ir witb whitt' â-ºtar on forclmad. onn rod Htonr, »nd ouu red and wliitii Htuer. all ynarliuk'a. Any peraou furniHhinK iuforniation leadiUK to tbe reeovarj of the above will be nniiably re- ^jrdwl. TFIOH ALnroilN, D|Oim>ro P.O. FLBSHERTON: THURSDAY. .»ULY 12. 1888. foro wo returned home from our holi- day trip ; so that we had no know- ledge of it until a few hours before going to press. The Rep. will pardon ns for saying that it exhibits, in speak- ing aa it does, not only wretched taste but a positive ignorance of the gist of the article complained ot. which was of a decidedly critical character, al- though written in a friendly vein. What uicst degrades rural newspapcr- dom is the hap hazard style of criti- cism adopted by some of its represent- atives, who frequently rush into print when they iue actually ignorant of tiie subject tlioy have the sublime gall to presume to write about. TIIE VUItONIC iilUnVLER. The chronic growler, hIiosc portrait we have endeavored to sketch above, (from imagination of conrijo) is to be found in nearly every community. Ho is forever sueciing at this, growling at that, and bewailing the sad con- dition of things in gciuntl. Not one word of praise ever fulls from his lips, not one grateful thou^'ht ever wells up from his cankered soul or emanates from his diseased intellect for the in- numerable benefits conferred upon him, iu connection with his fellow- mortals, by a gracious and beneficent Creator. He views the btaulies uf nature unmoved ; the majestic beauty of the starry host touches no sympa- thetic chord in his bosom. In short, ho is constantly looking at pictures on the reverse side deep darkness like the bat and vam- pire. H( sowa tlio seeds of di.sseiition and strife here and tliei-L'. His mis- I sion boems to be one of eternal malev- olence towards everything animate and inanimate. He growls when the weather is hot, and wonders what on eartli the country is coining to anyway. He snarls wiien it is cold, and wishes himsiilf in a wiinner climate. If the miniuter preaches a lengtliy sermon, he is a crank and tedious old fogy ; if the sermon bo short, the preacher is lazy and don't earn his salary. If the speaker is earnestly vigorou.s, he is a fanatic ; if \w is quiet and dignitiod, he is a long-faced, dry old chip. And BO on through the whole lengthy chap- ter. Roadcr ! many people are not chron- ic growlers, but some of theiu Imve acqiiiiod the bad habit of senseless fiiult-fnidiiig in this or iu that particu- lar, as the case may bo. If allowed to develop, the lial)it soon becomes cliriiuic. Stop it ! It distorts the t'uatmes, slullilies the intellect, and o'ersiliadows the soul with the dense gloom of spiritual midnight. "Tho face IS the index of tlie mind," and just .so with the Chiouic Growler. Tho woebegone countenance, with tho corners of the mouth jiointing earth- ward, ai'c but tho rcllectioiis of what is within. Everything within and without or which eniaiiatos from the pessimist has a degrading downward tciidency. Cultivate a cheerful, liappy disposition ; mingle only with those of a similar disposition ; be true to j your Creator and yourself, and yon , will pass throuoli lilb with infinitely move of sunshine and loss of shadow I than the Cin-onic Cirowlor, while your rewar.l will be greater beyond. ' Frh-evllle Items. Fium iivr oini C(>rre»pmuleiit. The fireworks on the evening of the 1st were not as good a display as we have had sumo limes. A great many of the rockets were not aspirants for a heavenly altitude â€" they hugged the earth too r.inch ! The public had a good opportunity of tastiiii^' the abominable water that the childicn have to drink out of the School pump. The bridge on Durham Road street has a new covering put on and other repairs. Farmers in this neighborhood are complaining of the injurious effects of the dry weather on the crops in gen- eral, Tlie hay crop will be light. Miss Mary Huddy, of the South Line, and Mr. Dingwall, of Proton, were married on the 4th by Rev. Mr. Ottewell, at the Methodist parsonage. We wish the couple success. Meaford Road. Fruin mtr mct> Curreipoiident. The garden party held on the school grounds on Friday evening the HOth ult,, was a moat decided success. The evening was warm and pleasant, being just such as young men and maidens like for a drive. There was a large turnout and all ))arties ex- pressed themselves as being well pleased with the entertainment, The Flesherton ISrass Rand rendered some Ho dwells in tho : choice selectious of music. There was also singing and music by the school children. The proceeds omoiintcd to about $25.00, Tho Sabbath School picnic was held in Mr. W. Buchanan's bush on till! ;ird inst. and v/as very well atten- ded. The day was tine and tho ohild- ron enjoyed themselves accordingly. The Meaford Road and Ninth Line base ball clubs played a second game here on the 3rd inst., which resulted in a victory tor the home t(^am, the score being, Meaford Road 21 , Nhith Line 4, On Wednesday evening, 4th inst., Mr. David L. Dovons, of King, was united in wedlock to Miss Minnie Mary C. Hutchinson, daugliter of Mr. Win. lluteliin.son, Postmaster of Van- deleur. The ceremony took place in the Wesley church and was performed by the Rev. (i. Bnggin, of Markdale. We wish tiio young couple all pros- perity and happiness. Mr, .lolin Weber was home last week for a short visit from the North Shore. Haying has commenced, riic crop is good. liuiii is anxiously looked for, BELL" Unapprokched for Tone and Quality. CATMLOQUfeS FRKE. BELL&CO.,Guelpli,Ont. CANADA'S COMIC PAPER. J. W. UKMtiOUGH, Aniitand Editor. ISiUgU WBBKIV. $2 1 Year; $i fof 6 Monthi, The Mt, Forest Repre.acntativo is I vexed because somebody wrote in a [ kindly manner about tho Editor of Thk AovANrK in the editorial oolumns of this paper. Tho Rep. calls it "bad taste." It so happened that tho ar- ticle in qucstiou was left wiih our nit^uagerjnv tim, and put iu type be- GRIP in inorcating in influence and po))iiiarity every year I it i. a •uprcnie liuBtehold tavurita, M-hiia every i'(>lttit:i.iii aiul Profexnional and liusintu Man enjoy* the clever bits whicii appear itt every i.iue. Subscpiba now I .See our Premium and Clubbing X.ilt. Circvlari (iv- ini lull parliLulata teni Tree. M'Look out for Orlp'i Comlo Almanac fur 18U. Price to eonti. AonKKts, «Rir ruBLisHixe co. TVHOKTO, OK% Grand Excursion. A t'rand excursiun, under the auspices of tho Workmen and Forester Lodges, of Slielburne, will be ran t'> Lewistun (State of New York), and Niagara Falls, on Thursday, .)uly 20tli, 1888. TickeU will be issued for the rouiiJ trip from sttitions, at rstoa aa follows \ }â- â- â- - TO LBW- ISIOM. NIAUAKA FALLS, »1 90 81 75 $2 40 m 25 1 1 ] i 91 00 I 82 00 Markdale Flesherton Prot<iii Duiid.ilk Corliettoii Meliincthon Shulbunie Crumbles Laurel Orangeville June Oranooville The excursion will leave by regular morning train, 'fhoso taking; Lewistou tickets will return same day by special train, leaving Toronto at 0:SO o'clock p. in. Tickets to Ni.i)<ara Falls are );o<k1 for thrue days. The trip to Leiriston will lie made by the magniticeiit new steel steam- er, the "Cibola," leaving Toronto at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, nrrivins at Lowiston at 4:30, and leaving at 5:26, roachini; Toronto at 8 p.m. Excursion- ists to Niagara Falls arrive there by New York Central Railway from Lewiston at 0:30 p.m., and can return by any regular train or boat to Toronto on Friday or Saturday morning, thence home by regular C. P. R. train. There is a service between Niagara Falls and Toronto, three times a day, leaving the FallsAt 7:25 a.m., 9,40 a.m., and 4;55 p.m. For particulars see posters. To most ohildreii, the bare suggestion of a dosu of castor oil is nauseating. When physic is iioceitsary for the little ones, use Ayer's Cathartic Pills. Tliey are safe and pleasant to take. Try them. EuKcn ia. CurrupiiiuUntct vf The Adtatvce. Mrs, John ISenson and Miss Rose Carr t<M)k tbu train on Saturd.iy morning to Owen .Sound, where they paid a visit to an old friend and neighbor, Mrs. Heron, and saw thu sights of the town, Tuesday morning following they returned homo much pluiisud and refreshed with their trip, [Above should have appeared lost week but was overlooked,^E(l.] Martyrs to Headache Seek relief in vain, until they begin to nso Ayer's 8arsa|>arilla. Then they r<)- grta tho yiiars of suffering ttiey might have escajjeil hail tbey tried this remtiily earlier. The trouble was roustitutinniil not loeul ; ami, until Ayer's iSarsapa- rllla did its effective work an an Alterative and lllood I'liriflcr, ihcy were co!n|ielled to suffer. The wife of Samuel I'age, 21 .\usiin St., Ixtwell, Mass., wai, for a W>ng time, subject tn sevoro headaches, tlie rmult of stomach and liver disorders, A per- fect cure lias bcou eftectod by Ayer's 8arsa|<.trllla. Frank Roberts, 727 Washington st., Itoston, says that he formerly luul tcr- riblu hea<lac)ios, and until he took Ayer's Siirsaiiarllla. never found any lueiticine tiiat would give Permanent Relief. " Everv Spring, for vcarM." writes I.iz./.ie \V. DeVeau, au" Kiftisenlb St., Urooklyn, N. Y., "I have htui intoler- alilu heoilaidies. I commenced the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla last March, and have not hail a headache sluco that time." " I suffered from headache, indiges- tion, and debility, and was hardly \Ma to drac myself about the house," writes Mrs. Si. Si. Ijewls, of A St., Lowell, Mass. " Ayer's Sar8U|iarilla has worked a marvelous change in my case. I now feel strong aiul well us ever." Jonas (4arman, Esq., of Lykins, Pa,, writes: " For years I have suffered dreadfully, every .Spring, from headache, caused by Impurity of the blooil ami bilousness. It seemed for days and weeks that my lieail would split open. Nothing relieved mo till I took Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This mediciuo has cuced me completely." When Mrs, Oenevra Uolanger, of 24 Ilridge St., Springtield, Mass., twRan to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla, she had suffered for some years from a serious affeotiou of the kidneys. Every Spring, also, she was atllicted with headache, loss of appetite, and indigestion. A frii^ml per- suaded her to use Ayer's Sarsiiparllla, which benetlted her wonderfully. Her health is now perfect. Martyrs to hoail- ache should try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rrrpart'tl hy Dr. J. C. Avtr & Co., lx)Wfl1, MiiMk Prle« $1 ; six bolthi, %b. Wurtb %b a boUle. NOTICE. At. The s . ^ Millâ€"now briiiK "along your ijraiu ami gut it chopped up tn abort order. HINOIjF.H vnnstantlv on band atnl for sale olioap. Just |iut iu tirat-cla^iB new ClioppiiiK J. n, SI.OAN, Kuguqia. Central Store, PEICEVILLE, Unprecedented Brirgaint in eeen/ de- partment during the present mo^tth in order to viakt room /or Fall Purchaies. Highest Prices Paid for Butter, E^gs, do. Call nnd iimpeot our goods ttnd compart prices be/iyre making purchases. A. McCABE. rLESHERTan implement Agency ! r J. G. C ARSON Takes thi.s opportunity to thank hi^ many customers for their hearty pat- ronage diu'ing the past 8 years and to ask their continued support in bis new premises on R, Trimble's comer, op- posite Muusliaw's Hotel, Flcshertou. The following is a list of the Imple- ments I handle, all tlie mannfiieture of that famous and reliable old firm. Messrs, PATTERSON BROS,, Wootl stock. Out, : Bi)idrri, Graiit Drills, Reapers, Broiid-cut Heeders, Mowers, Spritig TiMIt Uar Hakes, rowt. TVaqqviis, Iron Hamm-s, Bxiqijies, Tifii-Fiirrmo Ganq Sleliihs, Pt,nc, Cuttvra, /Votes, Fatiuimj ilUh, itcH^ers, Spnii'j TooUi Culti- Tuniip DriK.K vntvrs, Laiid RMcrs. Flesherton MILL! Tlu< mu1er<tiKued bu^s to announce to his nuin eroiirt cuBtuinei s that be ha» KOt tbu MiU in Good Ruiiniiitf Ordor and have got Iu tbo Very Latest Improved HOLLER PLANT And capable of turniiiy out FlrBt-ClaHS FLOUU. (iml Kill iirepariid tu kivo luy cuHtcmierti GCOI)- YIELDS AND FIUHT-CL.VS8 FLOUK. IIo))hi<4 to receive a Bharo of your i)atronat>o au I mil proparud to plmiKu. I Rotnaiii Yours Kesp., WM. BRADLEY. ^-L** l_P |0 |0|o|o|0|0!o|o THE MARKETS. FLESHEliTON. Cavcfally Vorrectetl Each M'tck. B'lour ?â- ! 50 to 4 .JO Fall Wheat $0 78 to *» 80 Spriuf,' Wheat 78 80 Barley 60 50 Oats C 45 45 reus 60 O 60 P.uttcr 14 It Eggs, IVcsh 14 14 Potatoes bivsli -iP 50 Pork 6,50 6 50 Hay per ton 700 8 00 Hides 4 60 ."i 5i», Wool 19 22' Sheepskins 60 1 Oo Geese 00 OtJ Turkeys 10 10 ChickL'ns per paiji' ..." 25 30 Ducks per pftir, 50 CO; , Ji ,^\ •>.n

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