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Flesherton Advance, 28 Jun 1888, p. 5

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l.-^-- fUNE 28, r8880 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE BIG D I S C O U N T S â€" Still the order 0/ the day al â€" Clayton's Harness Shop, FlESHERTO N . Eugenia. From our oit-ii Comtpotutent. For some Uuie past it luta been the ciu- tom of gome sncriligiuuB persons to amuse tlhemselves about once a week by throw- ing atones through the windows in the Methotiitit church. Nothing has been said about it in public up to the present but a strict liiolc out lias been kept and tile parties are now known. If their ne- farious conduct is repeated they will pro- bably foel the weight of the strong arm of the law. Such conduct deserves the censure <»f all aiid the perpetcators of such dastardly acts to lie stii^iatized as infamous by a whole community. Mrs. Geo. Saut, of Toponto, is spend- ing a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. iSloan. On Saturday quite a nmmber of Fever- sham :u'isti>crats Iwld a picnsc on the ever I>opuU,r picnic ;jn>un<ls at Bsgeuia. They seemed to eujoy themselvvs heartily alid as tlviugh loath tu leav« the ronasntio plaos pRtluuged their stay faf into the ni^ht. Cn«ie agaia .' Miss S. Hogg, af Flesherton StAtion, is visiting at her brother's^ Mr. J. R. Bcigg, lA this place. Miss LUly Tayior, of Mount Zion, is the guest of Rev. J. S. Corcoran and family. Mr. J. Hopps has begun the bnsiuess of wagoB repairing, Ac. in our thriving town. AU we need now to have things handy is a railroad, a bout-black and a barber. Mr. Alex. Madill has arrived home from Southern Manitoba where he has been for about three months. He re- ports a rery ooM spring and altogether does not gtv« a very glowing account of that place. Crops were frozen close to the ground a f<iw nights before ha left â€" about the 1st of June. Mr. D. McMuUeu has returned home fn»m Nurthom Michigan, looking hale and hearty. Lao. South Grey Teachers' Asso- ciation. Sofne 0/ the Goods I offer for Sale : WHIPS, An immense stock, which will be sold at greatly reduced prices, Curry Combs, Brushes, PEERLEiiii Hoof Ointment, Peerless Axle Grease, Harness Oil, &c., (Sec. COLLARS A SPECIALTY. Rsnairing Promptly At- tended to. Thanking the public for past pat- ronage, I i-espectfuUy ask a contiuu- .auce of the same. RjEMEMBER THE PLACE : Gordon's - Old - Stand, BletaardsMi'i .bloclu D. CLAYTON. June :J6tb, 18S8. Mii44y TAllcy. Currftp u miemee a/ The Adnmee. Hero we are again, and the reaidents of Muddy Valley seem to think the wea- ther very warm and they are about right. Mrs. I>sn. Fergusim gave birth to a daughter a few days ago. The happy iathec waa so w«U pleased he bought a bottle of malt and treated the neighbors to a good dmnk all round. You must get a cradle n»w, Dan A yonng man named Bniwn got severe- ly hurt while playing f<Kit-bull at Swinton Park last Saturday evening. It ap[iears he was running away with the ball at a lively rate and was about to get it thruMgh the goal when his opponent, a big felUiw, ran against him knocking him down and hurting his leg and other parts of his body. He was unable tu walk home and was carried tu the nearest house where he remained until morning when his father came and drove him home. Mr. Tine M<jore gut married to Re- beckaGinn,ot Priceville. The ceremony tuok place away down in the lower sottle- iiiunt some place. You should not be so siy about it. Tine, you might know you would be found out, but nevertheless we wish you much joy. Mr. Peter Ferguson has returned from Toronto Gore where he was working since spring on account of ill health. We are glad to h6ar he Is getting better. Mr. Charles Tuck, of Priceville, is working with Mr. J. T. Wilson. He seems to think the days are lunger in Proton than they are in Priceville. Mr. D. Fertfuson is having a frame barn built on D. Elder's farm which he has rented. Etkholdkk. Klml>«riey$icho»l Report for May In Mrd«r of Merit. I DRPARTMBNT. IVCLASS.â€" J. Dynes, A. Tliurston, E. Carruthers. IV CLASS. Jr.â€" P. Dynes. G. Burritt, S. Mageo. Ill CLASS. â€"V. Gilbert, M. Stafford, J. Hammond. Ill CLASS Jr.- H. Dynes, R. Aber- crombie, M. Smith. II CLASS.â€" M. Smith, M. Howell, C. EllU. II DBPABTMBJiT. IICLjVSS, Jr.â€" H. McLeail, R. Law- rence, J. Gilbert. I CLASS, Sr.- G. Knott, A. Wickons, G. Stewart. I CLASS.â€" W. McLean, F. Boworman, E. Scott. I CLASS, (A). -A. Hill, A. X. Hill, B. Hammond. I CLASS, (B).-D.Mmidla, E. Plewis, M. McKenzie. Average attendance 01. I. E. Gauui.v, Frincipiil. Ml^s M, As<R<.'ROMBii, Aiiistant. The twenty-first semi-annual meeting of the Teachers of the inspectorate of South Grey took place in Durham on Thursday and Friday, June 7tli and 8th. About seventy teachers were present and, from the very practical character of the program all must have been benefited. The wise words ot advice given by Rev. Mr. McNoir and Mr. Merchant could ii4>t fail to inspire every teacher to a higher appreciation of the work in which he is engaged. Mr. McNair coiuiders the Work of the teachers second to none and his responsibility o<iual to that of the minister of the Gospel. Among the teachers were to be found many who seemed filled with enthusiasm and determination to pursue their labors with untiring energy. Mr. Campbell, the Iiupector, is fully alive to a sense of his duty and did much tu make the convention the success it proved to be. Mr. C. McArthur introduced a discuss- ion oil the New Arithmetic, followed by Mr. Irwin who waa appointed critic. Mr. Buuth introduced "Music" and was ably criticised by Mr. Sproule, an ad- vocate uf the "Holt System' and a grad- uate of that school. Mr. Edwards taught a little clasa in History in a very interesting manner. Mr. McCool, of Hanover, gave an ac- count of a case of corporal punishment in his school fur which he considered tlie de- cision of the magistrate unjust and con- trary to law. An appeal has been roado and comes up for hearing in Owen Sound. Mr. McCuol read the evidence of the plaintiff and the teachers seeing nothing deserving so severe a sentence pawed a resolution giving as their opinion that corporal punishment ia necessary in some cases. Mr. Irwin was appointed delegate to the Provincial Teachers' Association in Toronto, in August, and as an apprecia- tion for liis services as Secretary an addi- tional ten dolLrs per annum waa vote to his salary. The thanks of the Association are duo to the musical talent of Durham for the excellent vocal and instrument music ren- dered at the evening meeting. The next meeting will be held in Flesh- •rtoR on the 26tb and 126th of October. â€" Com. AuvicB TO MoTHKUs.â€" Ar* you (iiaturbed at uight ftiid broken ot yonr ru»t hy a nick oUild Bunoriiig aud crying with jmin of CuttingTootU ? If i.u Houd lit uucti and gut a huttlu uf "Mrn. Win- â- luw'ii Soothiug Syrup' fur (Jbildren 'roulOiiig. Ill valuu it inc&lculabln. It will reliovu thi* f>oor little nufFtirnr iiiiititMilatelv. D«p«nd upon t, motbunf; thuru ih no uiintako about it. It curutt l^yttuntury and Diarrlm-H, i-figulaluH tlio Stumach and I$ow«la, onruH Wind Coliu, tioftuna tbtt (iumtt, rudnneHlnflniijniatiun, and givutt tuno and onergv to tliu wboU. Hyntoni. "Mm. Winn- lowH Hootniug Hyrup " for aliildrun tuutblng i» pluaaaiit to tlu) ta»tu ant) in tbv iiruHtjription of aiiu of the oldest and bt)Kt foiiialit phvHicianH and nuraes in tbo United StatuH, and la for Halo by all druggiata throughout the world. Price twuuty-ftvu cuntaa buttlu. Be auro and aak for "Uhh. WiMSLuw'a SuuToiNu Svitup," auil take uu other kind. To Assist Nature la restoring diseased or wasted tissue is all that any medicine can do. In pul- monary affections, such as Colds, Bron- zliitis, and Consumption, the mucous membrane first hooomt's intiaiuuil, then accumulations form in the air-cells o( the lungs, followed by tubercles, ami, Snally, destruction of tliu tissue. It is ilain, therefore, that, until tliu hacking ;ough is relieved, the bronchial tubes ;au have no opportunity to heal. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Soothes and Heals *,ho intlamod membrane, arrcatx the wasting proeoas, and leaves no injurious results. This is why it is more highly eatomeed thau auy other pulmonary spaciflc. L. D. Bixby, of BartonsviUo, Vt., writes : " Four yearn ago I took a se- vere cold, which wns followed by a terrible cougli. I was very njck, and coufined to iny bed about four months. My physician linally sold I was in con- sumption, auil that ho could not help me. One of my neighbors advised mo to try Ayer'9 Cherry Pectoral. I did so, and before I had taken half a bottle wan able to go out. By the time I ha»J finished the bottle I was well, and have remained so ever since." Alonzo P. Daggett, of Smyrna Mills, Me., writes ; " Six years ago, I was a trov- •ting salesman, and at that time waa suffering with Lung Trouble. Foi; month.H I was unable to restt nights. I cojild seldom lie down, had fre<iuent chokins; spells, and was often com- pelled to seek the open air for relief. I was induced to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which helped me. Its con- tinued liM entirely cured me, and, I believe, sitvod my life." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PRBI-ARKD BT Or. J. C. Ay«r & Co., Lowell, Matt, S«I4 by all Dngglsu. Pries fl ; alx botilu, fi. No Universal Remedy has yet been illscovered ; but, as at least four-fifths of human diseases have their source in Impure Blood, a medicino which restores that fluid from a de- praved to a healthy condition comes aa near being a universal cure as any that can be produced. Ayer's Sarsaparllla affects the blood in each stage of ita formation, and is, therefore, adapted to a greater variety of complaints than any other known medicine. Boils and Carbuncles, which defy ordinary treatment, yield to Ayer's Sarsaparilla after a comparative- ly brief trial. Mr. C. K. Murray, of Charlottesville, Va., writes that for years he was at- aieted with boils which caused him much suffering. These were succeeded by carbuncles, of which he hod several at one time. He then began the use o( Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and after taking three bottles, the carbuncles disap. peared, and for six years be has not had even a pimple. That insidious disease, Scrofnia, la the fruitful cause of innumerable com- plaints, ConsumptloB being only one of many equally fatal. Sruptions, ulcers, sore eyes, glandular swellings, weak and wasted muscles, a capricious appe- tite, and the like, are pretty sure indi- cations ot a scrofulous taint in the system. Many otherwise beautiful faces are disfigured by pimples, eruptions, and unsightly blotches, which arise from impure blood, showing the need ot Ayer's Sarsaparilla to remedy the evil. All sufferers from bUHHl disorders should give Ayer's Sarsaparilla a fair trial, â€" avoiding all powders, ointments, and washes, and especially cheap and worthless compounds, which not only fail tu effect a oure, but more frequently aggravate and conflrni the dlaeaneB they are fraudulently advertised to remedy. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, FBBFAaBO BT Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maas. Sold by aU Dnifgists. Prte* tl i tU twulss, «». I^timl C/5 ^ fi^ U ti^ CS -^ ^ tm^ ~ Til Q (â€"1 < wq a < b 4-^3 J <J 1 ?m* •s eg ! > o :/2 H Flesherton DR. CARTER. M.C.P. AS.,Ont. PIYSICIAX, »1;K«E0N, Sic. FLESHERTON. Offloe, Straln'B block. Beaiilouoe, Wm. Wriufct « DEJSTISTRY. Thomas Henderson. L. D. S. SUKGEON DBNTIHT Gold Medalitt and Houur Graduate of the R.C.I).H., will visit FLESHIJBTON. iMunabaw'a Hotel 1 and 3 of each month. Teetii uxtraoted, iuMrt- ud and Allod in the hi(;beat atylea of the art, sad at moderate ratea. Hbad Upfick, TSl YoXuE !>T., Toronto. ICfgal. J. W. FROST, L.L.B.. B<irri0ter, Solicitor, Vtmre-yanfern. Offlee,â€" Htraiu'a Building, FLBRUBnTtis. A. A. CHB8LEY, Solicitor and CoDveyaiiMr, Kosldunt Manager. Un. FBOST will be found at tbe Offloaoa Tburadara aa bor«to(ore. p. McCULLOUQH, Barrister, Solicitor, ^-c •Oiee. over McFarland's Sitort,. IMarkdale. Honey to Loan. §tt$in($$ dSnriiit. J«Im W. Armttroo|y F1.EHUICBT0N, Co. Guar. DIVISION COURT CLKBK, COMMISBIONKR i o B. K.. Couvnyauour. 4c. Aiient for pntcbaa- aed aale of landa. Appralwr for C. L. C. Com. and F. P. B. & S. Society. Muuey to Uoaii on th« most raaaouable tartna. Isideb OV MABiM-VO K LICENSES. NOTABT PUBLIC. MONEY TO LOAN. AT L»WEST lUBBENI BATE»,. On Town or Farm Propsrty, B. DAMUDK. Pleahartom W. J. BELLAMY. TWP. CLUUt ASTSMRSIA. COHfYEYANt'EH, V()SIMISSI(»EH. IXSUHAyCK AG-T, dC DitKDB, MOBT«AOK8, LBAHIC0, <»«.. prenar- •d oud properly executed. Invuranc* affHC- od In drflt-claiH cuuipaniuM. Money (u lend ati lowaatratui. ~ ^^J^SPROUL. Flethtrtun. '.'o»ii>et/oiicrr, Ajtymifir, J'u,'- uafor ami .Vomi/ lender. Dff^ln, ittf- angn, lensea and Wills lirdx-ii iijn mui Valnatiuiu mndc mi shnrint ut4{cr. i'lurr- <je» wry luw. Auply lo R. J. SPliOVLH., l'<>$tmasier, Flcaherlan. James Sullivan, The Tiusmitli, - Fleshertoc BepttiHiiK, Kavetrniif^hilifr.and in factovery- tbiDR in Iho btiMiititHH will recei^'a niy prompt ftud cfirnfiil att«atiou at ruat^ouablo pricuB. MILL! Tht ThuTuuffh-Brid iHbviau* Bull, Gray Champion ! Will stwiJ jiior M-rricr nt L<it I.jJ i H'r.-t. Artrmtniu â€" abmtt <»ir mile /mm Fhrlurti'iv. I Utatititt. This ia a Jirfl-chin iitiimul uini farme-r* tlesirmta uf imiiroriny thtir ttoik loiU do well tu briuii their cinvi tv him. U-: it in yrime eumiitinu. TKUM8. -»1 per cow. Rudnced rates accnrdin to nuinbsr of cowii brought by any one man. JOHN ADAMH, Propriautr. The uDdorHiguod befjH to nntionDoe to his uniii- 1 erous oustowers that ho baa ijot the Kill in ' tiood Rnnninx Order and have got io tbo Very Latest Improved ROLLER PLANT And capable of turning out Flnt-Class FTiOl'R and aiu prepared to u>ve iny ouatomera QCOD YIELDS AND K1KST-ULAS8 FLOUB. HopiUK to reoeivo a Rhare of your patrona(^, SB I aD> prepared to plonae. I Bamaiu Youri Reap., FARI 1 SALE. BKINO Lot i», eon. n, .\rtwnonia, contalnin,{ lOOaoraa mora or hxw. For particulars apply to K«tieB LEYER, Fluiberton. Agents, Agents 1 >K)W 8»Anrâ€" ; â€" Oru New Hoos. EARTH, SEA AND SKY â€" onâ€" htarvsls of tht Universe WM. BRADLEY. .-^1!^ KOTICE. SHINOLEScouKtantlv on band and for nalo cbeap, Juat put in flrat-olaaH new CbpPPinR Mill â€" now brinu alunti your graiQ aud get It chopped up iu short order. J. B. SliOAkN. Eugenia. BaiDH klull au<lMrspbio JnDcription nt all that ia wonderful In overy Cuutineut tif the Globe, in the world ot it-nterK ami tbo starry Hoaveiia. CoDtntiiInK thrillini,' advonlurea on land aud 'ea, roiiowtiod (linoovoriof* (»f thrt w-orlil"" ((rfaluHt ex- tloreri in nil ih!o«, and timi'rkablo phononicim , ,n uTory rpntni of nntiirc. KmbraciiiR the »trik- ' Ing l>hv»iciil footunm of the earth tbo ptoulmr " oharao'turiition of the liunian racf. of «ninial». blrrta, in»oot«, etc., inclwIiuK a vivid iloncriptioii of tbo Atlantic. I'ftciBc and Indian Occam ftr»i of the Polar itoaa, tbo nionatera of tbo deep, bsantifnl aoanhella and planta. ainRiilar «""«â-  and dwellers in the world ot waUir", roniai kablii ocnan ourrouta. oto.. to(!«llior with tbo amajma Shenomonaof tboKolarand starry :«nry I)av«n|H.rt Northrop. O.D.. «uil;ollish»<l : with OTor WO fine .nuraTliiKS. Liberal toinis to I Rcenti. Oxford PuWlDhing Company, S Jo'd*" fi, Toronto, Out. J«>--'«lb. ttm I aaiiili a^hiii '' .J\t

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