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Flesherton Advance, 28 Jun 1888, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE ADVANCE. Ib publiBbod livery Tliiir8cln.y, FsoM THB OrricE, H'jienham Street, - - FUsherton, Ont. TEUM8 OK BUI18CR1PTI0N: *l par annum when paid atrictly In adTanca 91 JO par aunnui whau not no paid. A. R. FAWCETT, Editor atul Profyrietor. FLESHERTON: THURSDAY, -lUNE 28. 1888. THE MONTREAL TION. VONVEy- the people's hoipitality or gonerosity that is in qucHtion at all. Tho host or hostess mir^ht be ever so bospitable, and still the "uncougeniality of oom^ panionship and diversity of tastes" might or might not be there afl the same. The delegates who refused to be billeted at private houses, did so pure- ly and simply because they preferred stopping at a public house. At least so they told the Editor of The Ad- vance, who penned the objectionable paragraph himself and not "your cor- respondent." To prevent any chance for mis-con- struing, let us say that the Editor's billet was quite satisfactory. That is all wo have to say about the matter at present. drunkard, and tlie girl who does so will deserve all tho unhappiness she marries. â€" New York Bun. The Montreal t'onvention. Tho great Temperance Convention to be held in Montreal next week, is boiug looked forward to with consider- able iucerust by all classes. Teetotal- lors arc hopeful that wisdom and har- mony will sharactcrizo the delibera- tions of the couventionera, whatever the outcome may be. Many of these consider tho country ripe frir prohibi- tion and are in liopcs that there will bo a unanimity of sentiment in this particular at tho Convention. Tlie licensed viotualk'rs, although sonous- ly alarmed at the tremendous growth of Temperance principles, are confi- dent that the recent sweeping anti Bcott Act victories will have such a dampening eflfeci that no definite act- ion will be taken. Tbk Advance believes in educating lliO people in this matter ; and, much 9,i it dislikes anything approaching tanaticism and gush and froth aenti- mout, it cannot bu'. recognize that tlioae are, after all, educating forces â€" tho natural sequences attendant upon tho uprooting of great social evils. It aldo believes that tho prejudice of cen- turies cannot be overcome and groat moral reforms effected at a bound, so to speak. The agitation against slav- ery has been going on for a oen^^ury, aud tho end is not yetâ€" although, in process of time, every root of that Ijioat evil will have been torn up from tho face of the earth. The first Tem- poraiice society was organized half a ci'utiiry ago, uiid although the growth of tho movement sin'.;o then has been the theme and wonder of the civilized world, it is yet practicully in its in- tdocy. It will take yerfrs' of patient, p<ittiiilcut, solid work ,j( before signal tiiuniphH can bo aciiievcd. What matters a few reverses '? No great end has over been attained without defeats as well ati victories. At the saiuo time, let Ti'miwrttiicc people be warned by thi-Ko " beacon lightu " and avoid tho danger of taking ground too far in advance of public sentimont. EDITOllIAL NOTES. There were four cases tried before the Judge at the last session of Mark- dale Division Court, and two of them were adjourned. If a stone and brick bridge can be built over the Doyne at anything like a reasonable price, ii would not pay to put up a wooden structure. When gravel is used for the purpose of improving the public highways, it is not a bad idea to spread it evenly. There arc hills and hollows enough as it is. A meeting should be called at an early date to take into consideration the Biraightening of the road to the Station. This important project should not be lost sight of for a moment. The sooner it is taken hold of in a practical manner the better. Dominion Day is to bo celebrated in Dundalk in bi;; shape. The Com- mittee of Management aunouuco that priies to the value of '•$600" will be given to competitors in tho various games and spurti<. Consulting the prize list, our B)K)rting Editor could only find "$'2!M( m Prizes" instead of "$50<i in I'rizes ' as annonuced in a . display line on the same bill. Do they possess the secret of converting $299 into $.500 by some feat of legerdemain kno7/ only to themselviis, or have tluy entered tho lists as champion "fish yarn" spouters. niLI.ETISO AT CONFER- ENVE. Tho Secretary of the Billeting Committee of tho Methodist church, writes tlio Kditor of The Ai>vanok an- ont a clipping from this journal, which apiieari'd in a tecont issue of tho Toronto Daily Globe. The following is tho clipping : "iSometines a representive come in ooutact with people after his own heart, but moi(! frnquoutly there is diversity of tastes, opinions and evory- tliing else, which has the tendenoy to send tho delegate out on the streets, in order to B«ek for more congenial companions. Hevcral delegates refus- (â- d to be billeted at private liouscs and went to tlin hotelsâ€" preferring to for- feit the $2 de^sit lather than run the risk of uiicMigeiiial comimnionship aud diversity of tastes." We are sarry that there should have been any fueliag h| this matter. The Tho Dominion Prohibition Conven- tion, to be held ut Montreal on July 3rd, Uh and 5th, will be a gathering of remarkable interest. It will be the first national Canadian conference of delegated Prohibitionists. The greet meeting at Montreal in 1875, out of which came the Dominion Alliance and the Scott Act, was simply a mass convention of active Temperance work- ers. In the coming meeting every de- legate will represent a constituency of Prohibitionists anxiously waiting the decision of their leadei-s and the call to arms for further conflict. The convention has been called by the Dominion Alliance, but it will be thoroughly independent when it meets, and will organize and control itself. Every Local Temperance organiza- tion, every Lodge, Division, Council, Union, Club, Church, Society, or any Kuch institution is invited to send a delegate for each fifty of its member- sliip, any number not being a complete lifty to connt us fifty for the purpose of lepresentation. Every Provincial Temperance organization is invited to send Its Executive Committee or an equal nunober of representatives. Ev- ery Provincial Branch of the Alliance is to send ten, and every County AUi- ancc or Scott Act Association is entit- led to five. The principal Railway and Steam- boat lines are acting very liberally to- wards the Convention. The Grand Trunk and the Canadian Pacific Rail- ways and Richelieu Steamboat Com- pany will issue return tickets to Mon- treal, for a single fare, to all persons applying. Tickets will bo issued on this plan from Saturday, June 80tn, up to Tuesday, July Hrd, and will be good for return passage up to Saturday, July 7th. The intercolonial Railway will sell single fare tickets to Montreal at usual rates aud will issue at Mon- treal return tickets free, on present- ation of a certificate signed by the Se- cretary of the Convention. It will be seen that all who attend the Conven- tion (which will be open to the public), whether delegates or not, may avail themselves of these reduced fares. T)ic meetings of the Convention pro^x-r will be hold in the Victoria Rifles Armory on Oatlioart Stre«t. On Sunday evening, .Uily Ist, there will be held a great Gospel Temperance meeting at sonio central point ; on Monday, '2nd, there will be an excur- sion to Mystic, and a Prohibition pic- nic there ; on Tuesday evening, 8rd, a monster Prohibition mass meeting will be held. All these gatherings will bo addroHHod by tho foremost mor- al reform workers of Canada. pleted. Rev. Mr. Ottewell, the esteemed pastor of the Methodist church, is stationed here for another year. PrescntatioB and Address. Early last Saturday morning (about 2:30) Messrs. (Iraydon and son, of Streetsville, discovered two suspicious looking characters lurking around thoir premises. They gave chase, when one of the supiK)sod burglars suddenly wheeled and fired three shots, each of which lodged in the body of the elder Mr. Graydon. Tho sou continued tiic chase and grappling with one of the rascals, wrested the revolver from hiin, and would havo succeeded in eflecliiig hia capture liad not the accomplice returned and assist- ed his comrade, when both made good their escape. The rural districts are swarming with suspicious characters and people will do woll to be prejiared for any emergency. Keep your guns loaded and bull dog's teeth filed if need be, hut be always on tho alert. Oil Monday evening previoUR to the departure of Rev. J. S. Corcoran and family for their new Held of Jabur, a iew friends met at the parsonage nnd present- ed them with the following address and Mrs. Corcoran with a purse </f tiKjney as a small token of the re^'ard with which they were held by them. Mr. Corcoran made a very appropriate reply after which "The Sweet By and By" waa sung and the assembly dispersed : â€" To Mr. aiul Mrs. Corcoran. Dear Fkienos, â€" As the time has now cume when we must sovt- r our cnniiectiuii as pastor ^nd people, we, the friends uf Salem and Eugenia app<iintments have met here this evening to say "good bye" and wish yuu God speed. Yuu may feel assured that yuu will be followed to ynur new home by our proycrt and sympathies and that we will cherish the remembrance of your faithful labors on this circuit. We take this opportunity to present Mrs. Corcoran with a purse of money collected by the ladies and may we all meet in that better Home "where coiis^regatioiis iie'ei break up and Sabbaths bare uo end." SALESMEN WANTED ^^^ gland Nurseries, u^tAblfMhutl f>ver ;sO yoain. Th<j old reliftblu uumery. Meo with puiih, auerity. uood tmbits aod cl«an charaotvr always Hucceevl. Wu cau tCiVH you goud pay and t>t«ailr wwrU. Write for torniB to CHASE BROTHhRS* tOM- PANY, Nursoryinen, ColborDe, Out. rLESHERiaN Implement Agency .i w. V. T. r. Their wine is the poison of dragons and the cruel venom of asps. â€" Deut. xxxii. 38. A FOUH or ASSASSINATION. The encouragement of drunkenness, said Thomas Cailylo, for the sake of gaining money is more desperate form of aRsassination than has been adopted by tho bravos of any country or age. Mariuaok. â€" Marrying men to re- form them has never been a sucuessful enterprise on the part of woman, quotation above does not cover all the i Girls are wortli too much unmarried ground. The article anent billeting ' *" sacrifice their lives to beat sense was general in, its tone, and there was ' ';:'° .''''^ ^'l^,t, "f ""^ '»"" "" ""'l" ." , 1 . , , I footstool. Such a man does not wean no intention whatever in the mind of go easily as a calf. He will go home the Editor to reflect ujion tho generous only to sober up, and then not till the and hearty ho«pitality of the good o'''*"" places are clohod. A girl will people of Seaforeli. In short tho sen- ^""^ such a man. hoping that next " , J .1 /^,i 1 , . yoaa he will bo better ; but the next tonoos quoted in b..e Globe were taken y^^, ,,^ ^i,, ,„ ^o^se. There are here and there at random from tho gober hoys enough for all the girls ; ^£^ple iii XnA. AbV/W<('iv. I3iititisnot aud (ji.ere is ijio need for, marrying a â- axwelL From our ouit Correspondmt. Although times have been very dull here for some time past the si>ell waa broken last week. On Tuesday, Mr. Mark Murphy raised a large implement building and on Wed- nesday, Mr. Jacksim Reed raised a large addition to his barn when the usual strife took place, but the greatest event uf the season was the wedding of Mr. Thomas K. Heron, of Buffalo, to Miss MagK'e Burk. There were about one hundred guests invited and the presents to the bride were numerous and costly. The happy pair leave this week for their home in Buffalo and carry with them the best wishes of the entire community. A Sunday school picnic was held on the prairie on Mrs. St. Johns farm on Thursday laitt which was quite a success. Rev. W. Forrier, returned from Con- ference last week and will preack his farewell sermon on Sunday next when he will remove to his new held of labor at Queensville. Farmers are com|>lainiii!; of the dry weatlier and liay is likely to be a short crop. In coiise(|uence all other cn>ps are looking well but are in need of rain. Priceville Pointers. Mr. Murdoek McDonald, of Toronto â€"formerly of Pricevilleâ€" is visiting friends here. Mr. Thoi. Atkinson, landlord of the Commercial Hotel, had a narrow cs- ca|>e from death last Friday. He was driving one of his spirited horses in front of the hotel, when the animal suddenly belted and made for the stable. The vehicle was brought vio- Idiitly in contact with tho side of the stable door and Mr. Atkinson was hurled with great force iigainst one of ilie stalls. Although somewhat ser- iously injured, he is now able to move around. Mr. Uobt. Watson will take a few weeks' holidays shortly. About a hundred maple trees were planted along the streets this spring. They are all thriving nicely and will add greatly to the appearance of the place. The Trustees of this School Section are to bo congratulated for their en- terprise. Shade trees are to be plant- ed on the school ground and other im- provenients will be made in duo time. In ordtr that the vulgar gaze may be most offectimlly eclipsed, a fine high board fence has been erected around the premises. I)epiUy-Rft(!Ve MoArthur returned home from County Council last week. Mrs. Dr. James, of Orangeville has boeii visitiug friends here. She re- turned lumio last week. Mr. M. Reiley does a rushing busi- ness ill blacksmithing and carriage making. No matter how dull the times arc, Reiley is always busy. It is reported that three young men from Flesherton visited this place one Sunday recently and got badly left. Tho Agricultural Editor enjoyed a pleasant row in Dr. Hixon ik Co's boat on Monday. *y>{ Work has commenced on the new Presbyterian church, but the progress made thus far has been rather slow. It will be ft, Ijue structuio when com: Ayer's Sarsaparilln operates riulically upon tho blood, tlioroui;hly cleaiisini; and invii{oratiiig it. .As u safe and absolute cure for the various disorders caused by coiiHtitutioiiul taint or infection, this remedy has no equal. Take it this mouth. To THK UKAF.â€" .\ r»r»ot) ctirutl of Desfnesfl aiiil uuiten in th« hoiitl of a yesrn' nUiiiliDg hj a HinipU. reniHilv. will neiirl a duMorltitlou of It rnxB to any PurHnn whu applins to Ni<.'iioi.HU.<<, JOSt. Johu St., Moiitroal. ShulburniteS will shortly vote on a by- law to raise $20,000 for waterworks and sewer. j;*'^ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS^ TO EENT. (loo<l house and lot to Kent in Fleab- ertoi). Kur partluulum a|i|ily toTbux. Oaliurtie, Bsi|., or ut Thk Ai>vaN( k of- [floe. Alnn » wull cultivatixl farm of ^i lacrtm, with t{uod houuu and orobard. one niilo fruni FleBhortoii. for naleor to runt on ruafiouahlu turmR. Apply to Mr, Osborne or at Thb Adtamck offl«e at afiOT*. Lost Cattle and Sheep. STKAVKU from the liremixoa of the under' •iKnod, Lot Ha. iUin. 5, ArteuiuBia, one iite' dtuni kIiu red and whitu yuarling huifur, alHO one â- mall red aud whitu yenrllnnholfor. alaoone good your^{ ewo and one ewe lamb. .\nv person givinit iutorinatioii leading to the ruuovery of tbu above will be Buitahly rewarded. HKNBY DOWN, Flesherton P.O. LOST CATTLE. STKAVKI) from my preinisos, Uit 84, Oon. 17, K^remout, about l.ith May laht, onu red Heifer with white star on forehead, ono red Steer, and one red and white Httier, all yoarlings. Any person furoisluu^: information leading to the recovery of the »hoTe will be suitably re- warded. TH08. ALDCORN, Dromore P.O. J. G. Carson Takes this opiwrtnnity to thank \m many cust'jmcrs for their hearty pat- ronage during the past 8 years and to ask their continued support in his new premises on R. Trimble's corner, op- posite Mniishaw's Hotel, Flesliertou. The following is a list of the ImpL- meiits I handle, all the manufacture of that famous and reliable old firm, Messrs. PATTERSON BROS., Wtiod- stock, Ont. : 40 Cents Will get The Advance for the balance of this year, Sutsqrito How ! Binders, Hettp^r.^, Afoiceri, li,ikri,. Bugyica, SUifjhi, Cutters, Fanning MtH.^, Sprinij Tooth Cvlti mtvra, Oriiin Drills, Broiid-i:ut H'eder^, Upriwj Tooth Mar- roirs, Iron Harrutv», Ticu-Furroic Oauj PUnc, Plom, Hcufifrs, Turnip Drills, Land KolleTS. The CHILDRENS HEALTH. One of Naturti Kindat Gift* it a Ueallhif Constitution. Guard it tfainst disease by using Siamese Worm Powders, Worms are the fruitfitl cause of man^ disorders in Children. iil.iMESE ViORM POWDERS mil exp^ Worn* in every case where they exint, mill regu- lute the Stomach and Boicrls at the same time. Use them, you won't regrtt it. r*eol£'i!» f*len.wa.nt JPillw : Should iihcayt he used for Sici: Ilend- iiche. Their uperution is mild and pteiisdiit. They strike home eiirh timf when lined for a Disordered Liver. Ask for them. Get them. Don t forget the name, I^eclt'e* PleH-Mant If your ilruggist has not the iibooe pre- paration in Stock, W. W. STEl'llli.y ct CO., of Mejiford, icill send them to yon prepaid on receipt of'ibc.for either, o of each, or assorted for $1.(K). w. w. s'ii;pHHi\ k i]o. J'ruyjistii, lyiiol'-.mle tt Kekii', Ul i)iOIO|0|0|0>U|UIA|U THE MARKETS. FLESHERTON. Vare/nUy Corrected Euvh Week. Flour ?4 50 to 4 oO Fall Wheal $0 78 to (• SO Spring Wheat 78 80 Barley 50 55 Oats 45 45 Peas 60 tJO Rutter !4 14 Eggs, fresh 18 13 Potatoes bush 40 Q 50 Pork 6 50 M Hayperton 7 00 8 OO Hides 4 50 5 50 Wool 18 21 Sheepskins 50 1 Oo Geese 06 OCi Turkeys 10 10 Chickens per pair ... 25 30 Ducks per pair .... 60 60 BELL" Uaapproach«d lor Tooe and Quoli*?. BELL&CO.,6Mti*.oiit. t-^.

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