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Flesherton Advance, 28 Jun 1888, p. 1

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f. A FLESHERTaN ADVANCE. i â-  "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"-" PRIjVCIPLES, J\rOT MEJV.' VOL. Vm , NO. 366. PLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1888. A. R. FAWCETT, EDITOR* PROPRIETOR • B > i i'> It THIS ta FOR YOU. Will Pay Ynu to Rend Every 4$^rd ill TltlM Article. I Local Notices intoiidod U) beneflt any indi- vidual. S<iciaty or Corporation, cliarRed at the I rato of 10 -^wntH por lino first insortlon. No lo- cal inxertun) for loss than 'iS cuntB. Special rates to reunlar adTertieors. and price. Tit - Bits. XE1FOO0DS.-Mr R. Trimble, geii- ynX merchant, Flesiiurton, lias pleasure in ^iniiouucing that his stock of New Sprini; .itiid Summer Gouds is now cxunpltite in â- every department NEW DRESS GOODS.â€" A complete Tauge ill black niid colored Cashmeres, haiidKoine nu«r Cuuibiiiatioii Dress ^oods -and Plain and Fancy Checks' Nun's Veil- iDUr, Jersey Checks, ic. WASHING FABRICS, Prints and )f usliu*. Our stuck is complete in all tha Xatest Patterns and Colors. GREY COTTONS.â€" 2,759 yds. extra heavy Gray Cotton, 30 inches wide, JJNLT 5 CENTS PER YARD ! HOSIERY & S.HALL WARES.â€" Our -titock is the largest ever seen in town, GLOVES. â€" A Kuea«sortiuentuf Ladies ami Gents' Olovrs. CORSETS.â€" Cojuplete st'jck. Be sur« *o Mk for our Daisy 4&c. Cursot. JERSEYS, Handkerchiefs, Embroid- ery, Lace Curtains, W aterpr<iofs. Buttons, Krillin^H and Laces. X full ran)je. HATS, H.\TS, H.A.TS â€" The larijest and best assorted stock of Ladies, Gents Boys aixi tjirls Hats iu town. GENTS FURNISHINGS.â€" Tliis de- jjartiueut is complete iu all the nubbiesfc i^birta, Cutfs, Collars an4 Ties. CLOTHING.â€" 5(U) njen and boys want- <;d at the leadisg cKithiug h<iuse. BOOTS & SHOES.â€" 'o*ir stock of La- dies and Gents Boots and Shoes is txceed- nifi\y Urxe. GROCERIES.- Another ]taffe stock u( ihat famous uncolorud Japan Tea at 25c. lb. 50 boxes No. 1. Layer Raiains at $1.60 l>9t box. PROVISIONS. -Jnat wsceived lease Luni{ Clear Bacon, 1500 lbs. sound Out. ;ii«al, Coriimeal, Dried Apples, White Beans. SEEDS, SEEDS, SEEDS. -Timothy Red Clover, Alsike, Garden Seeds, Tur- nip Seeds, F!a.x, Vetches. BUTTER, E<;gS, and Farm Produce ukeii ill exchaii({e for ^<hx1s. Highest <iiiark«t price allowed. R. TRIMBLE, Flesherton. TelllMg whttt uneth on. In and ttr- outul Flenherton. The rush at Brander's, Pricevilie, con- tinuM. Mia* Ella Gordon returned home from Klora laat week. The Dress Goods Ht Hat< at Brandor's, Pricevilie, are surprising both in quulity They all Ulk about it. Salem Sabbath School intends holding; a bosket picnic on Monday July 9th, in the KCove at Lob 32, Con. 0, Artemesia. A good program will be provided and a collection taken up in aid of the school fund. Further partiealan next week. â€" Jno. Benson, Secretary. Misa Lizzie White, of Owen Sound, is visitintf friends here. Brander, PrieeTille, gives the be^t pri- eet for produce. Remember the Irish Lake Picnic to-day (Thursday). Go and enjoy youtaelf. Good supply Fresh and Salt Meat al- ways on hand at Keefer's, Flesherton- Our brethren of tfie Fovrth ICstate will I please accept our tbanlw for their good- I natured eulogiums un tlMMcasion of This Advan<'R entering upoa the eighth year of its existence. With few exceptions, our relations with the fraternity during the past seven years have been of a most pleasant character, and wu trust there never will be any change in this respect. A Boys good Snit for $4 and a good Broom for 18 centii at Bronder's, Pricevilie. Mr. S. Kingston has purchased two brick reaidences aiid lots from Mr. Geo. Glassfonl i>ii Boechel street. The reawin of the rush at Brander's, Pricevilie, is because he keeiw just what the peopio require. TerriUe Reductions on our fine stock of Silverware at Russell's, Flesherton, for this month before moving. Mr. Wro. Green and Mr. .\.lf. Wood, house, of CoUtngwood Township, were in Flesherton on Saturday laat. Bring your produce to Brander's, Price- vilie, .iiid you will l)e surprised the quan- tity of goods it will purchase for you. Artemesia Council will meet in the Town Hall oil Monday, July 9th, on ciooottnt of next Monday being Dominion day. Call at once if you would secure some of the Great Bargains in Watches, Clocks Jewelery, Sic. at Russell's Noted Jewel- ery Store, Flesherton. A Flesherton boy tiuew a rotten egg into the much prized and much used Boyne bridge spring ofc Friday eveniiif; last. This is one of the meanest little tricks he ever did, and were it not for the respect we entertain for his fnends, his name would apiiear in full. The spring in question furnishes the witter supply for a large number of faiiiiliea i>> the neighborhood. Atmiveriuirji SerriceH of dial- merit' Church, The Presbyterian congregation here have socured the services of Rev. W. A. Hunter, M.A.., uf Oroogeville, to preach and conduct the annivenary services of the Presbyterian church here on the second Sabbath in July. Preaching at 11 a.m. and ti:30 p. iiu GET YOUR MEAT Mr. Walter Keefer, of Owen Sound, spent Sunday with friends in Flesherton, and paid Tub Advanck a pleasant visit on Monday. Good house and lot to rent in Flesh- erton. -A-pply to Tho8. Osburne, Eh(\., or at Thb Auvaxcb office. See advt. else- where. i-FKO.n-i â€" BJakelv d McGonnell, GENERAL BUTCHERS, FLESHERTON! >.::^Casli paid for fat cattle, ftc, <Jtc. :PARM for SALE BKINU Lut G, Con. 7, Osproy, hiiW ijiilo from MaxwL-11, 1(K) AL'i'cH, fVJ iiorc'R uloarud, woll vi-at»»ri;fl. ami under good fltate of cultivation. Wull foiitiud. Lafgo fr&oju barn Ukl .stablo, ^riiLiiu btfuiitf. For fiirthur partricularti n^ppjy to JUfiKPfl It.VDLKY, V7V SjJttoJitia .Vvonuo, ;U>.i71 . T(»roiitu. pEMOYE[) You'll get a good Scrub Brush for cents, and a man's good suit only $5, at Brander's, Pricevilie. Messrs. M. Richardson & Co. have placed a fine awning over their plate glass windows, which adds to the comfort of their popular establishment. Mrs. Mittie Fraino Cook delivered a brief lecture in the Town Hall here on Wednesday evening lost, under the anspices of the W. C. T. U. It was listen- ed to with considerable interest. GonleM Party on Dttmlnion Dtty. A Garden Party will be held on the grounds of Squire Armstrong, Flesherton, on Monday next, July 2nd, Dominion Day, under the auspices of the Ladies' .4id of the Methodist Church. Gates upon at six o'clock, i;|r','.«Jimeut<i served afterwards. Ice Cream and Lemonade will bo provided for the occasion. -V cor- dial invitation is extended to the public to be present on this occasion. N. B.â€" The Flesherton Brass Band will furnish the music. Admission 15 cents each, or 25 centa per couple of lady and gentleman. The Place to (Jet Ba/riftUua. There can be no hesitation in saying that the place to get big barguiim in Harness, Whips, Collars, Harness I'iU, &c. , &c., is nt Clayton's Harness Sho|>, Flesherton â€" in Gordon's old stand, Rich- ardson's block. \ tine stock to select from. Now is the time for BARGAINS. Having purchased the premises lately occupied by J. W. Bates, we purpose moving there by First of July, 1888, and therefore in order to clear out some of our IMMENSE STOCK before that date Great Ediiiir Advance : â€" Would the manogers of the Flesherton egg-packing establish- ment name their authority for removing tlio sidewalk in front of their premises, a little North at the Boyne water bridge ? â€" Citizen. SUtch ltegi»ter. Mr. ^obt. Oliver, of the Old Durham Road, Artemesia, has two lino thorough- bred Devon Bulls and a Berkshire boiir for service. See bills for particulars. The thoniugli-bred Devcm Bull, "Mar- (jiiis," will be for service at Lot 151, Con. 3 E. T. & S. R., Artemesia. E. D. Le- Gard, proprietor. See bills. Picnickers from the neighborhood of Mt. Forest started fur Eugenia about four o'cl«>ck ou Friday iiuiriiing last. They ^ot eiitan^'led somewhere and found their way out to the Irish Lake. They reached Eugenia about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The Si!af<jrtli Expositor is probably the best country newspaper in Canada. Its circulation is 4,400, and its Editor and Pfoprietor, Mr. McLean, is one of the luost genial uieinbcrs of the Fourth Estate it has been our lot to come in cont«o.t with. The Expositor is an eight page, seven leoluuin paper, set in solid brevier type, hi III mij nimlatwn a» the Bon* barber â€" i with the exception of the editoral matter iiiit unlij iif Flimhcrton, hut irfthe entire dis- \ which is loaded. The subscription price trktfortwmty miles, mmmi j j, » 1.50 per year. The mechanical de- Tha patruuaijc ol the ladios ruspectrully so- ' partinent is a first-class one, under the '"' â-  nrirmvii tin/- ma | foreinnnship of a splendid practical print- ieb. ml), 1888. WALTER BOOTH. \ or, and its presses are run by steam, ) ^ Booth the Boss Barber, Jm.i rtinoml to ijiir. uf tlic .s/ii<ji<» in Win. .Stra'i.rJ'jt blnrk imixr (f'»i- lioriihiiumi hmd .mill dum aim))., Tonndu xlri:H, wlmrn he â- tcill be lia/ipp III .iv.i; tlit; xmillinf fijoet uj all Iiiji M .rniiti'mtiv aiid an imui;/ tiiaw utum an hunt: coiwlnded to glee me a elianoe to main Mcarord Road. From ti'ir mmi Curretpomlcnt. Mr. Richanl Smith's barn rai.siiig came off laat Saturday with W. J. Couoy and D. Johnston as captains. Cooey's side came off victorious. Mr. W. Cooper and sons are the builders. The annual garden party in connection with the day school will bo held on the school grounds on the 29th. Tho meiiiliers of the Sabbatli Scliool in- tend holding thoir aui.ual picnic on tlio 3rd of July. The Menfurd Road base ball clul) played a game with tho ninth line club un the 19th and wuro .ihead as far as tho game had gone, dwiiig to the interferuiico of some out.sidu parties the game was not tinished. Another game between the two clubs will take plitce on the 3rd of July. Bargains may be expected in Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Spectacles, &c. during the present month at iia 5) Noted Jewelery Store, FLESHEliJON. .\.void tho use of calomel for bilious complaints. Ayer's Catharic Pills, entire- ly vegetable, have been tested forty years' and are acknowledged to bo the best remedy for torpidity of the liver, cos- tiveness, and indigestion. Do not fail to come as it wilt pay yon. Pof-itivoh/ for this month oni\i, and aiivatjs taJce ]/out- W'atcli. CLocIc or Jewelery Repairs to EU SSEIiL'S HOTED JEWELERY STORE, FLESHERTON. i^ t â€" "-

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