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Flesherton Advance, 21 Jun 1888, p. 8

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mm^ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE [June 21, 1888. <***â-  iimm In Every X^ine at J. G. ANDERSON'S, In Sproule's Block. X Wf can give yoii llic famous r. W. ASHTUNS PRINTS in iihiiost any pattt rii unit s!i:ul'> at iirici ;-â-  that will asliini--li von. We would ask you to c ill an'l ^,'it Sauipli'S iifoui- Famous JAPAN TEAS. \Vu will suit you fvciy tiiuo both in (Quality niid I'ricc. \\i- ]i;Uc 111 itJK r tiiiii' or space til iiiuiui rati' till- many liiu s wi' uri' on"i'i-ii.,L; at pliers thai will iirvi r tail to iiioic than tJatisfy MlU. X llEME3IBEli THIS. hi oiiLr to Clfur Out uiir stock of lVI«»nH' l^oiii? llootw wo will i.;iv(; you 30 per cent. Discount for either Trade or Cash. Wv have iu stock a nuniluT of DUCK SMOCKS AND OVERALLS wliieli wc will will at LESS THAN WllOLKSALK TRICKS. DON'T FOIUiKT TO ASK FOU THObE 15c. Dress G-oods we are selling at 10c. a yard. THESE BARGAINS WILL HK FOFNI) KVEllY TIME AT J. G. ANDERSON'S. County and District News. CUttiml utul Co)ul<-iise<l froiii Hit- Coliiiiitis of (tin- ilrvlmiiifcs, Tlio annual iiiatclics of tlic .'ilst (fircy) Ij.ittalion ii(ie as.soi;iatiuii will bu lieKl at Duiliaiu to-day. Some guocl jirizL-s are (.(IVtcU. Mr. Cuimurs, lif)teI-kei;iH'r of Duiulalk, ta|i|ii:il the barrel of lat'i^r bcor that lias ever been tapped in tliat place on Monday l.'u>t. Mr. Kichard liaker Steiihon â€" father of Mr. .1. Stephen, Editor of the Bruce Telescope â€"died in Walkertoii on the lOth iiist., in his 8(ith year. The Markdalo "Hustlers" played a ;.'aiiie of lacrii.sse with the Meaford "I'uz/.lers" a week ai,'ii P'riday and Were beaten by four straiuhts. .\bout si.x o'clock on Sunday niorniiig last, at (iaibraith's, a frei;.;lit train killed a v.ilu.iblu cow beloUL'ing to -Mr. .Vrthur White of tluH pl.aee. â€" [Chats- worth News. While assistili;,' at a raisint; l; week at .Mr. (iio. Mathews', L'nd con. (ileiiel;;, a youn'.< iiian named .\brahaiii Crutclierly fell breakinipt his ley; in two places.â€" [Uurhani Chronicle. .\ younj; lad named Mahn had the index tinoer of his riuht hand cut ott' at the second joint a few days a'^o at the cobinet fiictory by comini^in contact with a circular saw. - (Hanover I'ost. .\ two-year-old son of Mr.Ilenry ^loss, of Kvjreniont, w,is left alone in tlie house when his clotliiii'.; ciiU',,'!!! on lire while he was plaviii',' near the stove. His body ami arms \\eic liailly Ininied but he is leeiiveriiiL,'. \ b.iisi- b,-l>.iu'iii..^ t.. Mr. Thos I'.eattv, coiiprr, I.I' (;ieiu-(K:ii. was fiiiind one <!ay last Week in .1 lir.iver nieailow near l>al- liliftfail, 111 ally â-  ut of si'.;lit in the iiiiie, wheie U had died beloie beiiii; iliscovercd. |Mt. Forest Uepresentativc. (•lie nii;ht recntly .Mr. D. KilliiiL', a tanner in KasI hiitlur, was aHakeiied by a racket in the iiain-yani, and on risiii:r to ascertain tlie cause he Wi lit to the slalili^ and t" his surprise he .vi« a be,' black iK'ar make oil' with a kiiiib. Ihoke His l.e;.-. .Mr. Saiiuiel .MeCulcll- eon, eiiiiiicillir of Miihiuu, met with a severe accident in Tliiirsdny last. He »as at the raising of a frame buildiiu; at .Mr. Oriiisby's wlieil one of the bents fell nil liini breakiii,; Ins lei;. The fiactiue is a liad one. ."slulburne Free I'ress. .\ III. Ill iiaiiieil H.u <'.-> coiiimitted stiicide III (lueii S.ailid last 'rhiirsdiij. by droWii 111:;, .s^everal peisoiis him in tlie Hater and attempted to rescue him blithe piMstelitly pushed all a.ssistance away fi'iiiii him and wa.s drowned. I'ndialily lie was lued iif lite. | ( 'hatswortli News. Iliilleted oil the Track. â€" The down liaiii fmiii I 'wi II Sound yesterilay caiiie into collision with Mr. ^Ictiic'or's cow near the i;rist mill, lollini; it over three i.r tour times and then tiinuiiL: it oil' the tiiicU. 'I'he iinv was rather biidly injured but walked oil to thu comuions where it continued feedmi;. llbindalk Herald. .Messrs. Itiiliert White and Itolierl .McKenna.of .Mono, :;ot ipiarreliiiL; while u'oiiin home fium t >ran};cvillu on Tuesday of last week. They stood up in the wa^;. ^011 and the little boy who accompanied them struck the horses with tlie whip which made them oive a sudden jump tlnowinij White o\it on his head. He was taken liuiue and I'r. Lewis sent for but iiotliiii'.; could be done to .savti his life, lie died on Friday iiioniiiii; and was bill led III the al'teriio. m. .\n accident occurred at Ulaiichaid s, on the llth hue, St. \'ineent, on .Monday last which niiiiht have been atteiideil with fatal results. A barn was beini; raised, and as is usual on such occasions, sides Were cho.seii, and iv race was the result. \\ hell placiir.; the rafters in posilU'ii it is â- said considerable earelesiiess was mani- fested, and on two occasions .sticks fell to thu yiMUiid cuiiiino daiiijerously near the workmen eiiu'af^ed bidow. .V third time line of those beneath was not so fortunate. ,los. Ba.vter WHS stoopiiii; down to lift .soiiiethini; from the oniuiid, and w hen in that position a rafter fell and struck him across the sliuiilders, kiiockilii; liiin down. In the fall Im struck his face aiiainst a timber in front of him, ciittiiii; a severe L;asli. \ physician was sent for and an examination showed that no bones are broken, but the man is badly bruised, and it will bo some time before he can rosuniu work. The escape from instant duiith seems almost miraculous. --[Mea- ford Mirror. ^Tf^^^''0^ AT Climo s, Flesherton, Tlicu hare a, jine .stock of PEINTS, DEESS QGODS, &c., also a line .slock of Mens', Youtli.s', Wonien.s' and GirU BOOTS & SHOES. AlsQ U'c keej) (i rcjular .stork of K'l'esli Ci^i-oeoi'ie.-* and our Prices ijoii carnioi ben I. Try our ?.«•. TEA, <ii.<r. .,ur TEA DUST t" Ihs. i.,t */. )>V j^i.i f.iV viliiyj\,r ijul^ci d- Eijij^. (r'ire lis It I'htire nf your trtuir miil ire ivill nl idij to ijU'ise ;â- Â«.«. Wright's Old Stand. I have received a Very Lar,g:e Assortment of BOOTS & SHOES! Several Huuthetl Pairs of Mens', Womeus' and Cliildreiis which I am offering VERY CHEAP. ^YM. CLAYTON, - - FLESIIEKTON. FU'slioi-toii larriuse H oi-ks. fficTavish & Legate M \\l lACIl ItKliS OV iiAiKio.xs, SI. rums, ui a<.ii:s, />/;.« o<7f,ir>s. .iv. CARRIAGE - PAINTING - PROMPTLY - ATTENDED - TO Whv TKIMMIN(i.-> in jjiint vKrirtv. lldlWi: SHiHilNd proiuvtlv atleoiWa to. Sin.-.-ial .VttotiLi.ii). i^iviri to tiiiitiat-tt.Hl or Tviulci- Kuut. i». :«i(Tivi.sii, It. I'. LKt. VTi: FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, To THU DKAK.â€" A I'orsoii ciirixl of Doiitno«» luui iioiaim iu tho hand of 113 jroars' Btaniliii^ liy a Hiiitplu riaiitiitv, will svnil a doscripiiuu of it ri>t:K to any I'oriion wtic aiiplini to NicuoL.w.N, JO bv. Juliu bl., UouUcal. ALL KIMlS OK Harble d Msmeslal Ms, Such as Monuiucnts, Toinb Table.s, Ilcadstont .-n C'lutnter and T'lihlc Topsâ€" in Aiucricau Mni Itiiliiiii .Marble and (iriinite, iiinl .uiaJc ci> short luilic.c. Also Mantles iu Maiulo iUiJ Marbleized Slate, &c., &f. Flcshert.m, An-;. .'K), ISS.",. HEALIII FOR ALL HMtoM^iiiiiMiiiK THE riLLS Purity tho lllnml, cnnect nil Disonlors of tlio Iji'>'ei-, Wtomiieh, I'Widn'.y.-j, a,n<l 15«>>vels». 't'liuyiiivi(,'nratouu 1 riistoro to lu-altli I'fhilitiiteil Coiistitiltioim. nml arc iiiviiliiiiMo in all I'ou)- lilaiutsiiKUilciitiil tu foiiialos of all iiKiis. Koi (.'liiliheii iiml tlju iiKfil ttiuy am iiricelcoi.. 'r H F 1 N T M K N T B aniufalliblo romcuv fcr Tind Li-mm. Had Itronsts. (il.i Woiimls. Horcs uihI rU-ers. It is fauioUH^u'' (tout and Uhonuuitisiii, Tor lUyontern of tho (.'liii-*t it hun iiu cc/nul. For SORE TRllO.l'I, BROA'CHITIS. CCHJGHS, COLDS OlanilularSwolliuKU.aiul all Skin Disoasus it lins uo rival : and for coutrkcted and »tiS oiiitH it acts like a charm, AtAiiufactnrcHt onlji nt IVofoRsor Hor.LoWAV's KiitatiliBhincnt, TS, Xcw Oxford Ktrect ( late .'(.IS, O\l'or<l Street ), London, and are «old at In. lld.,ai. fW., Is nd., tin., <ll».. and .On. drpIi Itox or Pot, and may bo had of all Jlecl cine VoudorB throii«hoiit tho World. ^tr Â¥wt\a*er» ifkmiid look U. 'Jie Label on the PoU aitd Boxet. 1/ the aiMff.oM w »«« oSS, i>T^rd Sirtit, Lon<ion, M<y or* «pi«i«m».

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