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Flesherton Advance, 21 Jun 1888, p. 1

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ADYANCE. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRIJ^CIPLES, jYOT MEJV. VI VOL. VTTI., NO. 365. FLESHERTON, ONT.. THitRSDAY, JUNE 21, 1888. A. R. FAWCETT, EDITOR «( PROFRIETCR. TJIIS IS FOli lor it MfX - â- â-  â-  â-  I Had AivUlent. I While Mr. W. H. Fle«lu!r wns wurkinif >>!f t» liftul F.L-ery;\TeVhiy u'haf <i<>fth on in and ar-^>^ *he dy«-hc.iiae of hts woolk-ii will on Tit - Bits. Will Piiff I lf<n'd ill. Thin Article, omul Flrsh^Ttoii. NEW fM)ODS. Flaiherton hna a boDt blacV. Lo'ik out fur Cliiiiii & Of'i ue«r sAver tis<^nieiiC next we«k. Where to get Yof^r InipleuientH, Wide-aw!ike farmeBI will do well to see Mr. J. i). Carson, Impleineiit Aj^ent, Flesherton, when in noed of aiiythini; in the agricultural implaniciit liiif. Mr. MiM Alice Bellamy returned borne from Camon's stand w oiijlr. U. TrimUu's BM<!ebn<i;<« on Tliursdiiy last. I comor, oppoHite Aluni^itw s hotel. MiiM Martha B«ut reOumed l»jme from Owen Sound wh«.-re she has been spend- tag her 'idlidaysi. Mr. Jintipb Uruu^htoii. wife and son, of Ma»che»ter, N. Y.. are rusticatiii-^ at Mr. Jos. LeCiard's. Doraiaion Day will not, \m ce pli FletherVin thit year, in so tar as hone •faciaa in oiiiioertied. Terrible ReUoctiiuis of kjiiverwaru ac UuHaul tkis month before niovin; â-  111 our tine stuck ^. H.-sliertoii, for Wednesday lust, liis (hirt sleeve caUL;lit __ jij [between the coirs dmwinii hia ana in Mr R. Trimble. », J' v^.'^nro^"crr;t'»t?on':',;iri!^Wa W'lt ' '""i -""">f "'« fl"-'' ^ the bone bet^vee.. â- oral n»archa«t. fleshe.ton. l.u. ^.le.^^u„.. i., , ^::l^^^:.^^VlZn^^Tl^iJ^, '^"^ ""'^"^ ""'^ "^« '''"•"*'*'^'-- Aliuouncin^ tl»t his .•!t<.ck of New .Sprhm to rBgular adTertiM,r». and Hammer Good* is now c«mi>lete i» every department. NEW DRESS GOODS. A complete raniiTe in binck .xiid colored Caiihmer(>a,^ band'' iiK- new Ci>nil>iiiat,ion Drew ji'iod*. Jtnd Plain and I'^uicy CUecks Xan'a Neil- \ â- insf, .Tersey Checks, Ice. WASIHNXi FAMUICS. rriuw indt Muslins. Ouratoufc is cnoijilete in nil lh« Liatest Patterns and Colors. (;REY cotton. S.-i, Toll yds. ertr* heavy (iray C<ftton, .'Mi inches wide, I 'NLY 5 CENTS PER YARD : H« >S1ERY & SMALL WARES. ~i Kir otock iii the lurgest ever seen en town. (iL< fVES.â€" .\ fill'; a.s.ion.iiii.'nt»f Lailies .and < iuiUs' Cilovfj. C( »RSETS. â€" Com|il.ste«t')cU. Re sur* t,) ask for our Daisy 4»o. Corset. JEfiSEYS, HaiidkercJiiefs. Embn.ii*. try, Lax' Curtains. Waterproofs, liuttons, Frillinss ajid" Laces. \ full nui^a, HATS. HATS, HATS.â€" Tko lar-e»* tad bast .'Msortod stock of Ladies, Ijenta :;oy8 and yirls Hat.s in town. liENTS FURNISHINGS.â€" This d«- partiuent is complete in ail the nobbiest >!!rirt», Cutfs, CVdlars .iiiJ Ties. iCLOTHINCi. â€" ."MiOiiien and boys waiit- 'â- & at tho I'MuIiiig ulotlnn^ li iiise. BOOTS A SHOES.- Our st.K:k ..fL*. ilus and Cioiits B<><>cs and Shoes is exceed- injJy {*rve. C; at )C ERIES. â€" Aiioth er lar«c 8t( .ck o( liiait fanioua unuolor»il Japan T»ri at 'i£c. Ih. DObo^esNo. 1. L«yur Raisins :at $1.50 r«r box. / " PROVISIONS. â€" Just receivwl lease Li'iin Clear Bacon, V.'KH) lbs. siund '>at I :enl, Corniiieal, Uiit d .Viiples, White iU'ans. SEEDS, SEEDS. SEEl>S. -Timothy iUd Clover, .Msike, (iardeu .Seed.-*, Tur- â- i.\» Seeds, KI.i.v, Ve:c!i<». BCTfEK, KCCS, and Kami Prndnce t.ikcti in excliaii;;e for l,'<ioi1s. Ul^hlâ- 8t •:ia;ket price alK'we<l. U. TRI.MliLE. Fleshertoii. Tenders will be received up to the 1st of July next for buUdtni: a Stone and! Brick Bridvje across t&* lioyne water near Flesherton. No tenJBr necessarily ac- I ^apttHl. Spociticationfr^at Dr. Christoe s lebratad Hofficn. By order, i WM.lSH.via>, 1 Dll.tluUI.'^TOK. I' June 4th. l^SH. J Beturufii ^oiiu-. Mrs. Edward Rosakis lnen mnier the truatniout c,f Dr. BainfM, of Toi-.jnto. dur- ini; tlie pa»t ten week*, .Vl>oiit a uioiirli at[o an ovariiin tiiniol^ wn.'hiii;; '-'."< 11 s, 9 oz., was removed from the alfl lady. Tuesday eveniag last Mi-s. returned home, .accolpjpinied by her hu,s- ' band, and we are idai to learn that -^he Now is the time for Mr. .iml -Mrs. H.J. A. Hull, of Thorn- bur}', passeil through Klesheitou, on their way to Diirbatn, yesttrday. Mr. James .\ikuul\ead and 5Ir. .and Mts. T. Aikeni.eaJ, of T.ront.j, arc the ,,.tu„,ed home, accoip&iued by her Kuests of .Squire Armstivng. 1 ^.^^^^ ^,j ^^ ^^^ ^,^ ^ , i^.,^,,„ j,,.^ Average atteixtince oi Ku;{enia Tnion ' '» J"""? " Wf'l !" cooJ* '^' expected un- Sunduy School for the month of May, 0-, J. R, Houc, .\sswtaut SecreUry. der the circumstance* Stuart Bates, of tho Toronto I uf Meiiiciiie, presents his coiupli- 1 to. the Editor uf TuE AovA-Nct. I Mr. School Kieiits Thanks rauehly l.*'^tuMMhMf«oa youdiliMiAMUa-iMUt another from Klesherteii St,ation the other iii',,'ht at till) latter phico, and tiju former came oti' vict(iriou.s. Call at once if you wouiil .secure some of the (ireat Baru'aiiis iii Watches, Clc^cks .lewelery. »tc. at Hussell s Noted Jewel- cry Store, Flesherton. DiniUnUni, IMty tit t'everMhiint. Foveraluuu sporta have .stirred them- selves up ill ;;oo<l form, and now lar^e posters are out announcint; that Donnnion Day IS to be celebrated in that smart little I plaaa iu a tiiuug van-^ er. Tho program j consists uf a pfood v.ariety of athletic •i.imes. a ;,'i-aiid tU'.; of war lienweeii M' Feveraliam !j> ys mid li.i Horn ,iiiy oii:,.r, aiiil ,1 t.'alilliumpiau parade <•; consiilerable iuat;iiitiide. See bills for ' particulars, aud Lie mre to get there on : our natal dav. < BARGAINS. Having purchased the premises lately occupied by J. W. Bates, we ;tj; purpose moving there by First of July, 1888, and therefore in order to clear out some of our IMMENSE STOCK before that date Great Mr, J ipposite GET YOUR MEAT j-FROH-j- Blakely d McGonnell, C.ENERAL BITCHERS, FLESIIEKTON! l-zafCash paitl £of fat cattle, See., ivc. FARM for SALE HoMf -Iff Iii It .' The Editor, wife and dauoliter return- ed lioiiie Tuesday eveiiim,', much refresh- led after their two week's outnii,'. Tin: I .Vl'V.i.ViK K-eii issued regularly in the interval, and we are sure ' iir riiiders will a;,'ree with us tliat our youthful niaiia;;er />rii <(.'Hi, Master John W, FieM. has at- j tended to the mechanical departnient, "l[ lour business with nr.ich acceptance. .\ 1 i'eiierous friend contributid theleadin.:i H. Bull, of Thornbury Pump editorial iu this weeli'a issue, and will be in Flesherton next Tluirs- ^"istcd otherwise during our absence in| T. Keefer built a new hhop Barnlioii.'<e's shoe shop and opeiietl out ill the Butcheriiiij; business. He .also keeps a Iari;e stuck of Flour i Feed for sale, Mr. Lindsay Longhead of ClarkHbnrL;. i;ave us a call yesterday. He on his way to the rille matches at L)urhani, and is one ot the Clarksburi,' VulunteeiH.'om;'- .any"s crack shots. Mr â-  Works day. pump .Uiy person wanting repaired will please I )iunip, or leave their or<lers with Mr. P. Munshaw. Mr. J. O. Keefer, of the Forest Free Press, attended the Hii^h Cmirt of tlie Canadian < 'rder of Foresters, held it Haniilt<'ii week, as a deleoate. He 'had the lionor of beiliL; apiH.mtod Press Repe'iter. Long life to you .1. (). his usual ublining and and able manner, for which he will please accept our wariii- es thanks. The need of merit for promotint; [ler- soiial conielines.--, is due to .J. C. .\yer iV Co., wh",se Hair ^'l^â- 'r is a universal ii'MUtilier of the hair. Harmless, ell'ect- ive. and ;i,TeeaVile, it ranks ann.'iiL: the indisiiensable toilet articles. BKIN<; Lot r,. Com. 1 Maxwell. liBi ui-i Osprev, biiU milt' from ^, iVt a,Tfis ele.'Oi'd, well i *a*.ere(l. aii'l tunlwr ;;oo.! sttil.j ol e.iJt ivatioii. ''\\'\i felioeil. l.iirec fntme Itarn ami stable*, I fi\rth^'r imrtieulars Jipiily to t ,JiU. Campbell, Esi|., License Inspector for Eiust drey, and Mr. Uaiiiilti'ti, mei- cliaiit. of Clarksburg, gave lis a pleasant call on Wednesday, Hotli iieiitKiiieii visited our them.selves ruuiu house. Kor luhlic schoids and 'expressed lighly pleu.sed with all they ,4j-:;7l. JOSEl-H U.\l>LKY. ll'J Sptiiliiiti Avenue, ToroiKo. saw. pjEMOVEQ Booth the Boss Barber, Dominion Day is to be celebrated in the e-ity of Stratford with great rrlut llin ye^ar. Reduced fares 'jii all railways. .\ very promising program has been re- ceived, together with Press badge, for which tile Committee of management will ple.ise accept our thanks. Irish lAtl^r l'i<ii ic. Tl e L ike Picnic i>roniises to be one of the :.;veate8t : ttractioiis o f the se^asi 111. The 1' rograin presents a variety of f eatures wh ich ciinuot fail to iiraw now ,u. 1 1 </â-  J from ill qiiiirteis 1 i the e-iii MS-l !;>â- >. .). J. Feeliy l.eon :nos III lelati-i ib'e ill his exeitii ii.s :• Bargains may be expected in \\ atelies, Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Spectacles, &e, during the present month at 13 I d li'iH renunvd to o;ic <'/' the .v/io^w in U- m. Slrdhi'f bldilc near iViil, B<inJli/u:'i'.i liinit •.'.riil nhtu' .s/if'/v, TiM'ituto iitrf^'t. v/ie/'f /iv H'ill be hufjp'j til .-iri' the .iiiiilitig fnces «/ '//( his old ciiatuiiu'is mid us wunii/ iwii' niti'S (i» hiivc coiidndnl to give nu: a chance to main- t.iiii, >/i;/ yepHtatinii, ci.t thu Boas Barker â€" ',ot only of Fleithertdit, hnt of the cutirt dui- .'ru-tfvr tweuty iiulfn amuiid. Tbo patronago of the ladies respectfuUj so- lirrted. ?*b.mb,ie«a WALTER BOOTU. make ilie I'lciiio* a brilliaiil. siieoess. - .\moiig the attractions are a LacroiJ.set match between Flasheitoii ami Markdale teams, a boat race between tw. • well known oarsiiieii, atiiletie games, Aic. , Ac, .Vdiiiissioii to '.'rounds 25 cents, ehihlren 15 cents. Dinner, adults. 10 cents : couple Oil Siiturday foriioon last a horse be- 25 cents: cliililren. 10 cents. See lar'.'c longing to Mr. Win. Strain wa.s trying to posters for particulars. throw its rider, Ed. Strain, while he was | riding it to water. Mr. R.J. Sproule , For chronic, caUvrrli. induced by a went to Ed's .assistance and took hold of: scrofulous taint.-Ayer's S.arsaparilla is the^ the rein when the horse struck him with \ true retnedy. It stops catarral discharges, his front foot beside the left eye makiiiR \ removes the sickeniut; odor, and never a deep Kssh. Had the horse been shod he i fails to thoroughly eradicate every trace of would have killed Mr. Sproule as the wound was near the temple. Noted JeAvelery Store, FLESHEIMOX the disease from the blood, dealers in medicine. Sold by the Vc not fail to come as it trill intii you. Fositirrlii for this Titoidh onlif, and ahva'js take j/ou?' IVafr/tf Clock or Jewelerij Repairs to EU SSELL' S NOTED JEWELERY STORE, FLESHERTON.

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