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Flesherton Advance, 14 Jun 1888, p. 8

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«â-  r THE F L E S H E R T N ADVANCE â- ^â€" ^^â€" ^â€" â€" â€" "^i^â€" ^â„¢^â€" â€"â€" * â€" [June 14, i888-.- v^r IMII In Every ILiine at / i J. G. ANDERSON'S, In Sproule's Block. X We can give you the famous F. W. ASHTONS PRINTS m almost any patlc'i-n and sliadc at prices tliat will asloniHh you. We woukl ask you to CiU and got Samples of our Famous JAPAN TEAS. We will suit yon every time both in Quality and Price. We have neither time or space to enumerate the many lines we arc offering at prices that will never fail to more llian Kali.sfy you. X REMEMBER THIS. in order to Clear Out our stock of IVf onH» l^t>nt£ Hoots wo will give you 30 per cent. Discount for either Trade or Cash. We have in stock a number of - DUCK SMOCKS AND OVERALLS which we will sell at LKSS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. DON'T FORGET TO ASK FOR THOSE 15c. Dress Goods we are selling at 10c. a yard. THESE RARGAINS WILL BE FOUND EVERY TIME AT J. G. ANDERSON'S County and District News. Clipped and Cotutrntted from the C'olummi of Our Hxchangeit. Mrs. Teed, near Ueathcote, died Uiit week, and waa buried in tho cemetery liero on Saturday. Her huiband died about a year ago.â€" [Thorn bury News. An old man named lioyce, of Meaford, attempted suicide "u Tuesday by taking laudanum. Tlie doctor saved bim with his little pump.â€" [Thiimbury Newt. It is re|X)rted from a reliable source that burglars attempted to break into the resi- dence of Messrs. C. W. Bodley and Thos. lllakely, Wellington street, the nixlit after the robbery at Dr. Marseilles and Mr. Yeomans', but tho noise made by the burglars in trying to effect an entrance awoke the inmates and the robbers dc- camjjcd. Well Done. â€" A few days ago a number of children were playing down by the river, and one of them, Mr. D. O'Connor's little daughter, fell into the river. The river at this ]M)int was swift and quite deep, and tho little girl was quickly carried down stream. Several of the children ran tcjwards the village giving the alarm, but tho 7 year old son of Mr. John Leslie who waa present, threw off his clothes, and being a clever swimmer jumped in and overtaking his little play- niato, assisted her to land. The boy exhi- bited a courage and presence of mind often lacking in much older people: â€" [Pickering News. Settled. -The difficulty between Chas. VVill(nij;hby iiiid \Vm. North, of Protou, WHS Hultlod last week before Police Magis- trate Uyaii. The trial took i>lace at Hol- stein. North was hned $20 and costs and Willimtrhby gl and costs. Mr. A. S. Clark, of .Mt. Forest, appeared for Wil- loughby and Klgin Myers, of Oraugeville, f<ir the defendant North. â€" [Slielburne Free I'russ. On \Vednc8d.iy last a cow owned by the MisHos Carswell, con. tive Tecumseth, ^;avo birth to twin calves, and not to bo outdone another of the same herd brought forth triplets the next day ! Now then Meaford Mirror, Pickering News and other lamb story cotems beat this if yuu c an. â€" {Iteet4in World. Charles Kachelor's saw mill, four miles north of KinlosH, was burned on Tuesday niiiht, together with fifteen hundred dollars worth of lumber. Loss about three thousand dollars on which there is no insurance. â€" ] ISruce Herald. Mr. Anderson lost the left fore6ngerat the second joint last Tuesday, while sett- ing up and fitting a huop machine. â€" [Bruce Herald. John (iardinnr, whoUveta little outside the town limits, on the Holstein road, had three cows killed yesterday aftorniMjn by lijjhtemiig. [.\It. Forest Confeilerate. Two dwelling' houses and a blacksmith bIhUi were destroyed by fire last week in Canilialistii- Puiiilists.â€" Sandy .Mo.Xulay and S. Itanimh had a little encounter witn each other at I'roton Station laiit Mon<iay in wliiih the two combatants became very much onamoned with each other, huddline toijethor and grasping one anotlur to their lu.soms. McAulay tiKik a fancy to Poaniish and when his mouth cjiniu ncir to Iteannsh's face, he bit there- from alKiut an nich and a half of flesh widening his month to that extent. Wlu-u tho fun was over a doctor was call- eil Ml to Htitcli u)> the mouth of Keamiith wliiise knuckles wi'ro skiinied and one linger put out of joint. Sandy got a black eye in return for the bite and sun- dry other little bruise.a that made up for his too fiuniliarity. Mr. Frank .McLean met with a severe accident last Monday. While working at the small circular Haw in Taylor's mill his left hand came in contact with the saw and liiH thumb and first finger were very liadly cut, the thumb being split from tlie point to back of tho first joint. It will lie some time before he will Iw able to go to work again, â€" [Chatsworth New8. Mr. Miolmel lli.wt^y, of Holland, had a iiarnnv'e fmiu serious injury on Momlay moining last. While driving from KlUyth, in company with Mrs. Iturchill, Ilia horse became fractious and iip.tet the buggy, throwing tho occupants out. Mr. Howey fell with the small of his back on a large stone and was injured about the legK, l)ut ho managed to hang on to the horse and although badly crip- pled managed to occupy his place at tho council board the same day. Mrs. Buch- ill escaped willuuit injury. â€"[Chatsworth News. AT THIS PAPER Tl^T.^^SS,'^^ A il T«riul n» B«r«»u ( M) Spruce St. l. wh<T» iM tyHlf tM tnww mar b« uma» <ec M iH HmW ZVMK* Climo's, Flesherton, They /tare a jine stock of PRINTS, DEESS GOODS, ^Q., also a fine stocfc of Mens', J oaths', Woniens' ami GirlA BOOTS & SHOES. Also we keep a regular stock of Kr^^wh iiroceriew and our Frices ijoa cannot Ijcat. Try our 2Sc. TEA, nUo imr TEA DUST VI lbs. for SI. IP. p-ty Ml rulu- for B<i-tteT it Eyjs. ilirt us a share of your trade (iiid ice will stuiiij tij yleatr iji»t. Wright's Old Stand. I have received a Very Large Assortmept of BOOTS & SHOES! Several Hundred Pairs of Mens', Womens' and Childrens which I am offering VERY CHEAP. WM. CLAYTON, - - FLESHERTON. Flesherton I'arriase Works. McTavish & Legate M.\NL'F.\tTLRB»B OF n'AGOO\S, SLKIOHS, ItlOOIES, UEJUOCRATS, .fr, CARRUQE - PAINTING - PROMPTLY - ATTENDED - TO Also THIMHING8 I'D KrutT»ri«tr. HOHSE SIIOKINU proniDUj ktUndcd to. S|>«cial AtMntiOL-' IlivDO to Coutraetwl or T»a<I*r feel. ». MrTAVIMB, : : : K. P. LEGATE FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORK^ : E. VANZANT,' •oatnwwmar ALL KINDS or Such a« Monumenta, Tomb Table.'*, Headstone ?» ('ouiitor aud Table 'I'ops â€" in American and Italian Marble and Granite, and made on short notice. Also Mnullts in Marble aiid Marblcized Slate, itc, &c. Klesherton, Aug. 30, 1883. HEAL'lIi FOR ALL. i THl-: PILLS Purify tho ISltxiil. ooi rt^ct all Oittordora of tho ILiivei*^ Stomneli, liiclii*^i«i, a.iicl Howell. Thoy invigorate Airl roKtorn to hcfitth l)t'hilit(\tv<1 Constitutlont, &nd nro invuhiaMe in all Co» plaiiitAincidoutal to FiunaluH of utl ua^-ti. Vor C'iiililreu ami thu u^uil thu> tiro pricoU-Ks. THE OINTMENT • an infallible ioino(\y for Had Ikh.'^- l*tv*l Uruasta, OKI WouudB. Sores and rUi-rs. It ia fun>«nsfo» Ctoiit lind UhonmatiHui. For disonk-rs of tho Cho^t it bait uu iMjiml. For SORE THROAT, BKOJVCHITIS. COUCHS, COLDS Olanilulsr Hwolliugs, and sll Skin Disoanua it lias uo rival ; auil for coutracted snd Btitt uintii it act.4 liko a cbarm. Mauufacturod only at I'rofoHrtor Holloway'h BstaliliRiinuMit, 78. New <»xrord Ktrect ( Inte 53S. Oxfonl Ntrert ), London, and are sold at Ih. liil.,a>. 9d., 4n.nd., lU.. Sin., and lis. oach nnx or I'ot, and may bo liad of all Med cine Vondora tiiroiighout the World. PurckiHtrt thmdd look tc the Label on the Fott atul Boxes. If the aMrrM u 5SS, Oyford StreM, London, they or* spurioxu. i\ â- "â- â- "â-  : _a«tfiiiife>..-_.,8i.^ ,

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