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Flesherton Advance, 14 Jun 1888, p. 5

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»> â- % JCME 14, 1888.] THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. ♦ « t 0) o uj O O o THE PATKIARCH. ^1 Monthly Munimrript I'aper In HHfit bfj the FlfHhfrUni Dicinion .S>>»|» of Tempernnre, hotKir and then been in vain. our lifu will n<jt havu EMITOBIAL NilTKH. Temporary amalpamatiuii.â€" The Eiiitur • if the Ai>vaM E being away and the Edi- tor (if tliu Patriarch just goin;,' away for a week, we have resolved nn a joint is- sue, nr at leaat the Advance will jjivo the Patriarch an much space as it can. Coiuparsioiis. â€" Lest anyone outside of oar own uieiiilMjrship should t«; mis-led as to the relationship existing; between the two papers, let it be remembered that from time immemorial comparison li.-ia been an element in hiisty description, and that it is only for the sake of descnb- msr the Patriarch that the two are some- times mentioned together. As a nrttter (jf fact there is no rivalry and no kin. I of competition Ijttween them. They are the i«!St of friends, each works aion;^ its own line. Their one aim is to help one another and to promote the public ^ood. Our principles illustrated. â€"It certainly speaks well for our principles and for those who hold them that "ur esteemed Brother Field, so youni;, m 'ilest and re- tirin^j can V>e left iii charye >)i such impor- tant business :ui the entire mana;:eraent of the Flesherton Printinij Establishment for nearly three weeks. Let Bro. Field keep "at it, ' a;in at real erticicny and not be put otf Ilia guard by mere putf. Let him continue as he begun and he will be , tnrtuential, wealthy and wise â€" when oth- They are the heirs 1 ^.^ who as to ,H;cup»tiim have ••b<jxedtlie the trustees and exe- ' con.pass" will be despised, penniless and D. Clayton's WKLL-KXOWX 1I4R\E$S = = SVLQVl lia.'i been removed to the stand lately occupied by Mr. .Joliii (rurdou in llich- Hnlson s Block, Sydenham stntt, Fksh»;rtoii. Crash, Bang! tiaviug bou«lit Mr. Gordon s stock At a grejU reduction, tiie public may •took cm <or TREMENDOUS REDUCTIONS. Stock must positively be cleared liglit O'U to make room. Come along aud wc will qnoU' iirice.s that will opeu your eyes. WHIPS! The tiiicsl stock ever seen in Fltsli- .evton, !ind at \)i'ice.; which must suit everybody. From 10 cents up. Kvcrytliiiig uiii'.ully found in a lirst- class establishment you may count on getting at miimrMiris:: Sb; and at prioo.-i which ujust .^aii.-<fy even the closest buycru that no better vtiluc cuii bo obtained atiywhcre. Soliciliuo' your jiatvouage, I remain. Yours truly, D. CLAYTON. Fleahertoi), June y.lh. .19S8. Fl.<shertou. Jiiue I3th. InHM. Vol. I, No. a. LIVINiJ Kott THE .NEA.T OENKUATIO.V. A I'Urdun t<i itself is the life that is livtd without an object. It is a rainless cloud, a well without water and a discord- ant note in social harmony. Such lives souietfnie.s deserve our siiicerest pity ; for since th-ir coiiiineiicement their record ha.s lii.eii i.ue of uiicea-siu'.; struiii»le for a bare •--.xisteiice, or a half-de.fpairina tiear- in<; u\i under repeated|ppointmeiits. Sc.nietioies they ju.stl y uieiit the .â- iti-oiig- est C'lideiiiiiation : f'lr notwithstanding^ the I'l-st beij'iiiiiiii'^s and the most favor- aliie surroundings they wnuM not be per- .suuded t'. take Iwld vi.luntanly on any of tlie â- _'niiiil pniiciplea that lead to success nor ki.'cp an object in view that would impart importance to theiryears and unity til tliuir actions. Every successful life has lieiri lived for .some supreme object. Elevated by a worthy [lurpuse, clarified by :\ imre motive, it has Iwen made a cen- tre III hel[)ful iiiHuences through its own â- <ncceediin;, niakiii'.; success easier to oth- ers. The real workers whuse work abid- i-th arc they who live for an uii.seltish ob- jcict, who live ill the present, o/i the :iiid/i.c the future. of nil tliu aues jiast cuturs fur all the time to come. And wlr.le jorue lives are spent in mere sen- satiMiH, emnti'His and recreations like bliis.ioiiis that nevvr develop into fruit, tliLSi' aro devoted to practical persiuts, heroic endeavors, or foresiijhted enterpri- ses : layin'.^ soliU foundations for coinint; oeiioratioiia and pa.ssiii'4 on to them thf seed L'erin of future t;reatne8s. VVo all iiw: much to the [last ; do we all realize the important claims of the future and so .seek to hand on to ijeneration.s yet un- burn the capital with interest which we have inherited fn>m the noble wurkers whii have entered the silent land. In a stern material sence we are L;reatly in- delite<l ti) the past '.generation and under \ the 111' I.St sacred obliijation tu the coininsj j one. These criwnless kiiit;s. untitled . noblemen aiul unniedaled hei'S tliey who a.4 tint Settlers foujht our battles with hands s.> brave and hearts si> d'luntless 1 are the company to whom we are most i i heavily iiidebteil. They braved the 1 dangers 'if tlie iicean befure the helpful I secret nf the steamer was breathed into the nars of aieii. Th.^y beijan their work ; without ft Word u/ welcome to cheer or â-  encourage tlicin. Their capital was their principles, their aiachinery their muscles. their educators ex[i«rience and their hope and reward a well earned kome. They cleared the fields, they cttt the roads, tliey built the milli, ereotad the bridges I and chansted the wilderaew iuto a "do- 1i.;litsoiiie land" aad owdd the desert to ' rejoice aud blossum mm ik»- roM.'* Int<» tlieif labors we have «Mten)d, whether we are land-owners or not. One of Britain's I best iihilosophem said : "wy some half I d'izeii iieiKhburs own these fkrina around I nie but who owns the lan<isca(>« ; every I line who has eyes to see and a mind to j appreciate it's beauty. What our coun- 1 try '.s now we owe largely to the laborer* of the past. Shall we not enter into their lalii'is and u'ive tn the next i;eiierations ill this district a country Ktill further eu- Molied, iniproved aud Uiaulilied. The ] vein of profitable iniijroveinent is not ; worked out. Their are luteiit capacities in this land which we h»ve not dreampt if yet. And whether we plan a city, or miiM a biidne, or cultivate a farm or iiiiiiiiie a liarden, or plant a tren. besides limliii'.^ eiijoyiiieut and profit in such work kt us ill all sacredly consider our duty to I live fir the next u'eueration and for the weai<if iitlier lives. On .s>>cial ','iouiids we are also clearly I and coii.stantly constrained to live laruely ' firilu' next i,'enerati'iii. Good society â-  andpleaHantsis;ial intercourse are amoniist j tlie most endearing thinys of this life. It C'ist much to i;ivj us the social privi- 1 lei;e8 we ]xi8Sess to-day. Tyranies had ' tu be ilethroned despotisms maimed, ' iiii.nopiilit-.s iibolished and a thousand be- iievnlent institutions reered by which ati atniii.sphero has been created in which ' sweet social lifu is possible. .\nd we owe ] it.lothe next Kciieratiou to make social life { still better. In the remote past « I intercourse was founded 011 fear, now it is i Lowly fouudedon equal ri>;hts aud avsnt- I u.dly it will be founded on "lov^, purity I and fidelity." Society, if it can bo call«>l .sii:h, WM.-* furinerly ruled by physical 1 force, it is now larvtely ruled by commnn I sense and we as executive stewards of the j futnie must so hilmr and live that in the I cmiiiiig time it may be ruled by Spiritual . Law. ' And in matters spiritual wo are under j still more sacred oblij^atioii to live for the I next i;eiieratioii. On this subject ; â€" "t HonietinxiH tiold it half a sin To put in words ttie truth I fool. For wt,»rils likii nature half rt-vottl I .\tiil VkiK uoiiLcal the trutli withJD." Ttirou\rh the darkness of savaije paii;ai)- j ism and the hmss darkness of religious pa','anism a little of tho lii;ht celestial collie to the people of this yeneiatiiui. It is our most sacred inheritance. Let it be treasured wtth care, utilizeil with de- votednes.'* and in renewed clearness be- fpicathed to nations yet unborn. The no- ble reformers betjaii a i;rand work, lit us continue that work until it results in the .siiiritual einaneipation of all men. Let not 'he next lionuration have to rise iu jiidiiement to condemn us of our pa^an priictices, our superstitious be- liefs and our conchi.sioiis. Nei- ther let u.i w'ive to them "arelioion" of mere netjotions, dead forms and morbid sentiments ; but by alt the iiuans within our reach ever live to nuitiire thorn in a faith that is anchored in eternil voreties, held by intense personal conviction and practiced ill m.-niliness, cheerfuluewi^ and fooliiili The z.a-za â€" iiotwithstaiidiii)^ the Dr's labor, expense and \iood intentions the za-za proved the worst uudertakiiis; he has ever taken in hand. The players were a talented sjronp no dmibt and their selections were all that could be desired. But as to the music itselfâ€" well, if it had not been for the big tli".;ht nf stairs the Canailian Band niit;ht have come and brought an action against us for infrim;- iiiVI on their patent. Conferences, a.s»ociations, conventions and ueneral assemblies will be all nver by the time for our next meetiii'.'. Let us therefore have a <;ood meeting and a bright and cheerful time a week from next Wednesday m^jht. niVI.SiON NEWS. (.)ne interestiin; communication came to hand just a day t<nj late for last month's issue. Correspondents would oblige by taking a larye share in our literary work, and also by sendinn 111 their contributions in ijood time. The International Royal Templar comes rosjulerly to hand each issue. It is well Worked widly scattered and cannot fail to do â- ,;<i. d. Dr. Christoe and his associates deserve our heartiest thanks for their patient paiu.Htakini; and ardeuous labor in con- nection with our last meeting. .\11 cnti- eitims we have heard of said uieetiiiu, have been veJy favorable. Brother Latinier aot his fin-,.;ors Imrnt pretty badjy inltre en(»fki;e9 in the utui ex[>eriinents last meeting. He dues iii<t roijrot his misfortune and is always williii'.j to take 111* part in whutever perun'tes the welfare of tho Order. By next meetiiii; we expect Bro. and Sister Beecroft to be with us acaiii safly home and ipiite restmed to lie.ilt!i. The members received last mitiafi' 11 are likely to be of real vhIm.- to the Ibvi sion and will doubih-ss find in its meetin;;s much to employ, interest .iiid profit them. Brothers Irwin mid Shiro attended the teachers convelilinn 111 L'Uihani !:isl week. On their ».ay they practesed tlio pedes trian art. and whih- there 110 duiilit enjoy- ed the nnetiiu{s ami coiitributei share to the coineiiHim's suoci'is. .). W, AriMStiii .'. Eso . i\ li < IS attending; tlic .Metimdisl t'.ino i Seafurtli. A. K Fawi,^-. also away on tin same place and i; jiiiiriiey will take Wf wish Iiiiii a ] .W.V fii, V. t.h In., biiays. .1 s.ife jiiinies liiiM. -sm^ mvif 1- 111 "drar lid .'si'.,r. I! lier l.aliij: K.S.I.. II. I' lMis:in<s ci l.tiec;:"!! " us aiiiiiial h' h luant time and return. .Mrs. t'awcett ;icc"ii Sister E. I'll-iwii has pri' tioiis to visit friend land' and will du s: [lerniit. Br<i. Victor Ke:>ii-r is nii t! start' and L'lves l;iio"1 pruiinsi' ini; in his well ch'iM'ii oailiir,' The '^dad sprini; nine siyns nf life t" the Kiijoi. Surely its root is ^;lll aliii.-. i-oMMt M' .Ml' >'. To lift F<l,h,r iif'f.i. /'ii,',,./...'. Dear Bin..- 1 sliall eiiOiiiM't t.i a short note on ••Tnithliilui-ss." We lielieve flKit truthfulness is thill'.' which We .ill shunld plartiei wish t" he successful in lifi-, n-'t 1 truth ill word but also in act. Hiw â- alth r s lie I' .\liV \X( 1 if succeeil Vt' u^ht 111 .1 l>r, ;si"n Martyrs to Headache Seek relief in vain, until they bp|;in to use Ayer's SarsapariUa. Then tliey ni- gret tlie years of siilTerini; they mJtj'it have escaped lia<t they tried this reiiieily earlier. The truiiljle was cnnstitutiniml Dot local : and, until Ayer's Sursupo^ riila ilid its eflective work an an Alterativi-au't lilooil Purifier, they were compelleii to siut'er. Tlie wife of rianiilel Page, 1\ .\ii8liii St., Lfjwell, Mass., was, for a loni; tnin'. sui)iHrt to .severe lieada>:h«s, the rrsiill of stoniiu'li and liver clisoril«-is. .V per- fect cure lias ijeeii elTectud by Ayer's SarsapariUa. Frank Koheris, TXJ Wasli:n'.:*on sf , Boston, says tiiat he foriuerly liini ter- rible heaiiaclii s. ami until l.i- took Ayer's Sarsa|iarilla. never found any medicine that would (jivo Permanent Relief. â- â-  E'.'urv .Spr;:i:4. for vi:ars," writes Lizzie W. UeVi;au, -Ji;:!" Kifteenth St., Brooklyn. S. V., â-  I have ha<l intoler- able headmlies. I eoiuiueneoU the use ot Ayer s SarsapariUa last March, ami have not had a heailai:be since Uiat time." " I siiffpred from hca<Isi'h<», indiges- tion, an<l iIkIhIitv. ^iml was hardly alile to draj; iiivself iilioiit the house. ' writi-s Mrs. M. 'M. I.i'U-is, of .V St., LowmII. Mass. " .Vyi-rs SarsapariUa has worki-if a marvelous ihaiiun in my ease. I now feel strong and '.veil as ever." Jonas (Jarnian,]., of I^ykins, Pa,, writes: "For years I have sufferi'd dreiuifullv, pvery Spring, from heatlaclie, rau.seil by impurity of the blooil and bilousness. It seemed tor davs and weeks that my hc-aii would split open. Nothing reUeved me till I took .\yer s SarsapariUa. This medicine has cured me completely." When .Mrs. fJeuevra Belanjfer, of '.'4 Bridge St., Springtii'Ui, Mass.. liegan to .Vyi-r's .SarsapariUa, she had siuTend for some years from a serious alfeetiuii of the kiili;eys. Every Spring, also. sIm was alll.iteil with headaelie. loss of appeti'i'. anil indigestion. \ (ri''nil per- suadeil hi-r to ns« Ayer's SarsapariUa, which heiiertted lier wonderfully. Hir healtli is now perfect. .Martyrs tu head- ache should try Ayer's SarsapariUa, |£ l'r.'pare'l •>» Or- .1 1'. .\vi>r»l'o., lowril. Vlu& rriee tl , 'lii buUl-u, ill. WurUt •& a ImUIu. pdial. / DR. CARTER. M.C.P. AA., O-nt. PHY!i»ICI.4.\. !!»1;M4;£«N, *h: FLE.SHERTOJf. Office, strain's block. Residence. Wm.Wriijh J » Jcuti^try. DENTISTRY Thomas Henderson, L.D. S. SURGEO.S DHNTIST <ii]Ui Hedaliat ami Hmior llrmhidU' '.; tiic \ IO'.D.S.. wnl viflt FLnsHEKTO.V. .MnnFllnw's Hotel j I aliil Jof uueh uiontli. Tiietli I'.xtraoteii, iu>,ert- ! oil ttu'l liUi'il lu the hiulient styles ot tho art, anJ at mudcTate rates, I Hbju> Opfiok. "I'll YoNfiK ST., Toronto. ilajiil. J. W. FROST, L.L.B.. B4irristei\ Solivitor^ Convtijtnu-er, Office.â€" Strains iJuiidini,'. Klehkkwton. A. A. CHESLEY Solicitor ami Couveyaacej*. MB. FUOST will bu lound ut the Olfice on Tharsdavs as beretofuru. P. McCULLOUGH, Barrister. Solicitor, i^c. OIHi'e. uver NcFiirlaiiU'ii i»tore, .Harkdult*. .'Noiu'v to Lottn. business Cattls. John W. ArinstrQRgf Flehherton. Cu. GitRv. IVISION COURT CLKHK. COMMIBBION r:H I n B. U.. Couvevmiour. tVc. A^itMit fur purclin-- Atfii hhIu u( IaikIk. AirpmiHur for C. L. C. Cnn;. »Ufi H P. \^. & S. SiM;ietv. Mi»uey to Loan on th.- inuHt ruftiMiuablu turtiiH. [shi kh up MAKKIAUK L1CKN8ES. NOT.AHY I'LBLIC. c/5 ^ •7 °° -I (â€"1 a < -3 :; < a X (f ^ MONEY TO LOAiN. 4T LOWEST ITKKKM U.ITE.S. On Town or Fftrui Proiiorty, U.VML'DK. Flosherton. W. J. BELLAMY. TWf. CUBK ^RTBMiaU. COJIiVEYA -V< 'A'ii, Cii.\t.\f[SSI<.>yEl:, ^. , lySL'HASCJi A<jr, IC ^ rYprrofr, â- OirraAGKS, LB.VsES, ic. prerar V I Jl/ ed tad properly vlecutoU. Iniumne* aSac fd 1q dnt-clttaa couipauies. Money tu lend a*. RnrMtratm. t K^ - j: u A H h <** > OS Flesherton R. J. SPROUL. Flethtrtim. ' Vnwyuiicer, Ajjpr'uier. J'lt/'- uator ix)%d y/oney Itndrr. Dcnh, Mi/rt- >fage$, Unaes mui WiUs drawn up a)ui Viiltuitivtia made oi» shurtKat notut. I.'har- get »try tow. -ipflii '" R- J- ^I'liOL'Li.', pQltmaiter, FtetherUm. James Sullivan, . The Tinsmitii, - Flesberton KepHirinj;, KRVftrotiffhiTiir nn.l in fi-t ovpi y - prwnpt a:j*i mrffiil ;it.wi;:i'iu at ^li5ccnaufo«5. The Tlf'fMi'ihliriu /<i<!7'i<(iii l;ull. mj. Gray Champicn ! _ ! Mitt Mau-i /»,â-  Mrrii- 'it Lot ]'i .'(('....r. ^â- J r> \ Artnni :mt - 'ihtiitt on<: mtt*' fri'tn l''l>-niit^'hin I L # St'ilvH. Tl'ii 1.1 a lirst-iUtfK iKi.iiiui lOnt ^J r> \ /'•'â- 'M'r.i il'^niiiM.i .if ii(i;» â- oiie; lli'ir ntui k Y I I "^ ''" '""'' '" 'â- *''""' ""'"â-  'â- ""â- â- 'i '" '""'. li' _^J J A I' ^n jjriiH'^ riiii'htiim. 31 1 L L ! TKIIMS â€" ?l V'er cow IttsO"'«'ii ratu.* ui'Cnrii to number ol cuws hrouuhi Ov iiiiy on-- man. JOHN AD. VMS. I'l .inifto si'ir.i' It we lerel.'. loaiiv FARM 1 SALE. Till! -i:: b-',,s til ftunoiinoo to his : .ut iio .liis .;'Jt tho Mill .11 there are who wir.iUl think it a .' sin to deliberately '.ell an nntrutli and vvt I would try to mislead or deeen'e, not think- iu)4 that it was just .is i,;ieat li.irin to decive as to say that wlneli is not true. Have W" I not he.iird little thildren snviii'.' (rifter niis- I leadino .simie persiei) "w.-Il 1 didn't tell .i storv." How inui.-li '^etter it K.itild In.' if I we would always lie truthful in the true ' sense of the wi ;.'. invrr fearinj th" omi- .sei|U3iice kiio»iii'_' that tile tiuih ni.iy he blamed I'Ut not shamed, 1 •Jiiii], ue lo.iy e<ui(<ratulate nur-elves nii li.ivin..' s.i iiiiieh of that i;o.iil 'pnility eM.^tiii.; in "Ur Division, H"tiiie; that my fe'.v ieii:ai-lis 11 be reeeived m a liindly iiiiiiiier. "'uiitv Uixxl KuiiiiiiiK Order â- i;.'i ;iti\i.' :.;.'t i;i tho Very Latest Improved ROLLER PLANT Con. il. Arlenief i.i. uro or lt.'f*p. Kor i aiticular;* BRING Lot 93. C \fJO ftcrofl luui I apply to I ROIiiEie LEVtK, I''lo»i;urton. Agents, Agents lA.ili I anil 1 VlKt II.. :i' I II Sow IJEADTâ€" -Ol.K NRW 1'..' 1." ]ir.-li,i'i ANU ; wil Allow me to reiiiaiu Y'lurs in Li and Fidelity. A Si A Great Big Offer. The Advance sent of ycnr to anyone in Canada or the U.S. for 50 cejits spot cash ! No'Ji''syour chancr. 1 1: out yii-st-LlRHs FI.Olll i to i;ive iir. rmtonii rsLrtUU i;ST CLASS Kl.OL'l: \i.' a sliaro of "en'c. iiiili Yo'.ns lit EARTH, SEA AMD SKY your I'fttronaKO, Marvel J l'>iivirse L'Sl'. LiK'ii! I i â- it.l.'.'r .•nii''."Uii'. li â-  ', a:', lookill WM. BRADLEY. _ WANTED. iiikI Tro n llhm .Sulcaiiten. t '.II ll:n- ii (ilohe. i'l , Hiiavpns. ml and «eB. (i.-atest oTt- tu'licnu-f.a I. tl-,0 strik- n I.!'.' :.â- .â-  viivii'iii"* of N''iri*ery S'.',s:k I'l -.n'.arvor coiiiiiiUsion Pi-rii:;i;ieiit ii fo '.Ui' rinli nan. No ris.ii! for Miii •'â- .* ii'i.l ho;!.-ii,t. are t>"> '•^''s we for. .V.iilre-s uitli i-oforenoesi, M,\Y HUOTHFUS, N-.irsiirx loori. Kocho»lcr. N, Y Ueinfafnl! r.ii'l ura) liii: .â- i.-cril'tio" i« '.roil lerfnl in evi'iv Coi.c.euiit of 11 the worJ.l of wati-rs a:: i t. o sLiiii Ifontailiini; thriliinu ailviiitiKes on In I reuOMiii-,1 liisoovi-i us d !!â- <â-  *"''lii * 1 i plorors 111 iill nii<^'. a'i'l 'â-  non kab..- 1 In over-, le.iloi if natnic. I-.,-ii Oracr i )ingphv.-ioalfeatur.isofth,.' enrtn IIm puoeliar ;«hamo>L.ristic.. of tho hn:.. an raye. ' 1 "'n'"''; ofth.i \;lii'itic. I'acilU'niil Imlnn oionna ami o tho I'olar Seas, th- .vo„-'.or« ol ;1'0 deer l.o»utiliil''<.'a»licIU ami iilai.ts. sinMular fishe- and WWlt-» m tho woj-W o! wa'ors. :• markabl'. ooenn ciirn :.ts. bIc. to|.oM-.or with 11 . amft/.iii,.; phenomoiiaof tlicolarfinil .tRny .ystiinis bv hour, Davonpon Kortloop. U tV. Hiibolliahcit with .'rorJeOfiiio I.ib.oal toiniB to amenta. Oxford I'uolifli.rg Cenipan 9t.,1i'i5ronlo.Ont .lord a r. ^il 8 ; '•ii « ♦

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