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Flesherton Advance, 7 Jun 1888, p. 5

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June 7, 1888.] THE F L E S U K R T O N ADVANCE. The Priceville Pointers. Affrirultiifftl Ell if Of <tg»iii lli'Ui'd From. D. Chivtou s WELL-k.\OW.\ HiRXESS = = SHOP! I{i5 bevu rcmnvetl lo ilic stand lately OceupiuJ by Mr. John Gordon iu Uicli- ardsou's Block, Sydenham stveot, ricsLortou. Crash, Bang! Ugvi.HV fccttKi'ticsn. the \)Mic iiniy link out for TREMENDODS REDUCTIONS. Stock must pusiuvcly bo choree! riglil or.t to uiaku room, (.'oiiio nlon^.; and no will iiuote prices tha,t will open vjur t'Vi'.s. \ barn belonginij tn Mr. McCabe, nier- chiuit of Priceville, wm cumpletfly des- troyed by tire on .Saturday nii;lit last. As the buildiiiir la some distance from sny residence, the tire is supposed to h.ive been the work of an inceiuh.-iry. A barn belunijiiig tcj Mr. Janie.s T. Wil- .son, of Proton, w.-is burned about tlie same time. A i^reat iiuniy changes are likuly to be made thi.s year by tlie Stiitionin-; Com- mittee, in connectiiin with the Gnelph Ciiiiference. It is currently reported that Rev. Mr. Ottewell will be removed to ani'ther field of labor--a fact the many warm frieiid.-t he h.i.s made on this circuit durin!» the past year will reyret very much to hear. Rev. \Vm. Ottewell is one !•! thnso f|uiet, di^iiiitied, stalwart Chris- tians, whu fiirni the stronuest bulwark in any cliurcli. Tb.e ofteiii'r you come in contact witii them the better you like tlicni. Mr. R. L. Mortimer, Editor of the .Shelburne Free Press, visited friends in this i'eii;hl)iirhood last week, spending Sund.iy liere. [Correspondent at Priceville will please send Items to Aovame ottice as usual, nitwithstanJini: the vi.sits of the A^'ricul- tural Editor. W hat the \.K. misses the cor. can catch ''on the ily," and between the two, Priceville readers ought to be well supplier! with new.s. We expect to visit Priceville at least nnce every two week.s in future, e.tceiit during the pres- I'lit tiionth, when we attemt ct-nferenco and t*ke our usual holidays. â€"En. ] .\ eorrespondeot lotiids us the following additional particulars in reference to the fire lo».ses alluded to aljove ; â€" Mr. McCabe's harn Contain^rd several farmint: implements, which were vlestroy- ed to^other with the building. Mr. Mc- Cal)e has the sympathy of a largo nutubcr of friends. Mr. Wil.son's barn caught lire while that Ljentlenukij vas at cliurch. It in supposed that the building to(tk fire from somj \ matches with whu.-h 'Hie of Mr. Wilson's little chddre<i wtis ^ilayina;. Loss about JICOO. -Mr. \Ni'.*.oi has the k"""! will of i all hia uei^Ub<ir.<i. at the Heuv. r River. Mr. Srtninei Huehan.m ia hnmo from ( ireyon on a vi.sit to his parents. He has been a»ay f<'r a number iif years and has done well out there. Miss Minnie Hutchinson is home auain from Hei>wortli where she was on a, visit to the Rev. .Mr. Nobles. Saturday's ram made a markiul im- provement in the lix.ks of the trees and crops. Jttedial. DR. CARTER, M.C.P. it.S., t)NT. PUYiilCIA^, S1K€F.0X, Ac. KLESHERTON. Offlee. strain's block. Resirtt.neo, Wm. Wright a out nuxwfii. From our mcti CutrtupDmleiit. The fnlluwin'4 items were crowded of hist week's issue. â€" El>. A little son of Rev. W. D'.Vrgent is lyin(4 very dl with c uitjostion iif the luns^s and his recovery is considered doubtful. The new biiildin« en-cted fur a iieneral store is now at a .<!aiid still. We hope to see it proi^ressiiii; anain shortly. Our old friend, Mr. CJuy, is airain launchiim out in the bee bu.siness. The I last winter seein.s to havo been a severe I DENTISTRY Luxuriant Hair^ Can only be preserved by keeping the scalp clean, cool, and free from dao- druff, and the body in a bealthftU condition. The great popularity of Ayer"* Hair Vigor is due to the fact that it cleanses the scalp, promotes tba growth of the hair, prevents it from falling out, and gives it that soft and silky gloss so essential to perfect beauty. Frederick Hardy, of Roxbury, Mass., a gentleman fifty years of age, was fast losing his hair, and what remained was growing gray. After trying various dressings with no eSect, he commenced ThOlHaS HSUdSrSCIl. L. D. S. the use of Ayor's Hair Vigor. " It stopped the falling out," he writes ; "and, to my great surprise, converted my white hair ( without staining the scalp ) to the same shade of broicn it had when I was ilH years of age." Ten Years Younger. Mrs. Mary Montgomery, of Boston, writes: "For years, I was compelled to wear a dress cap to conceal a bald spot on the crow^n of my head ; but now ,./ fhf. SUmiKU.V DliNTI.ST Gold Mtdaliat iimi H'lunr tlnubnit-- H.C.IIS., Wni visit FLKHHKIl'rO.N. >.Vnii>l:uw» Hotel 1 rxnd 2»( iiach montli. Tuetli .•xtrufO>ri. insert- mi auti liUod m thu hit^liust ^.tylut. uf thu art, and at Uiiidurato raten. Hkad Oy»-i< »;. Till V .noi; St., Tf i;i nto. i'fgiil. one on bees. The Dakota fever has asjain -.'ot a hold of some of our citizens and several are talkin;,' of visitiny that country this sum- mer. To TflK Di:.\F.â€" .V Porsioi ouro.l .it De»r:i-ni. an.l iiniso'* in tho him** uf -t years staiiitlti;; by a NiriipW' roiiimly, will stMul a iluncniitiou of it PltKt to any IVrson uU.< api>ii»*» to NicMoi.sds, 3) S-. I.jbM St , Muntreal. Flail tiiiu: Ev«Ty;reeii Trct's. WHIPS! Tie tiiicsl .slock ever sooti in Flesh- wrtoii, and at prices wliicli inust .suit i'Vei\bodv. Fruiu 10 couts no. Kvcrytiiiiig usually found in a first- class t'stablislimc'Ut you may count on Cfttiii;,' at 'S Ears;:: Skp and at prices which mii.-t pati.sfy even the closest bnyer3 tliat uo better value can bo obtniiied auy where. Soliciting your patronage, I remain, Yours truly, I). CLAYTON. IClvsl'^V^*"' J-"ic -J'-'. 1SS3, Eutfruia. ^â- '""'.'.'.'li wti.'cn.';;:i'eaout ..< ut werk's issue. El'. (hi Krid.vy, Mr.s. Duncan, ...f Eu;;en;.i, wll.< had lieeii pr. ..str.ate-.l a few davs l>y Kicknes.s, .piietly i>.a.Hsed (nt<i her eternal rest. .Mrs. Duncan was a youn>; woiiian ' iu the full vi;;iir and bloom of womanhood j but lately w>>akeio-d h\ iiiothorhood. Ily ' reason of her lato severe eonliiiouuMit Jier death was not unetpeeted, duriii-.; the last few days, yet it fell with .nadness and :;Iooiii oil her family and friends. Mrs. Uuucaii was .an excellent yourii; woman and died with hriyht hopes 'if a olorious resurrection. Mr. Duncan has the sin- ceie sympathy of the entire nei','hborhoi nl in his very .sad and .sorrowful biireave- nient. The funoral which took jdnce on Sunday to the .Methodist cemetery, Mesh- ertoii, wa.^ largely attended by friends and neighbors who wisheil to pay their last tril)ute to the departed friend. Tlie 2UU "f M.iy was July ob.sorved as a holiday in and around Eu'.'enia. .\1- thouoh there were no public oaines ipr special iiiduci'iiicnts the roiiiantio sci'iiery is always an attractii;n for plea.sure-seek- ers and tourists. .\ picnic held under the auspices of the Royal Tein|)lars of Flesherton visited our town and ap|ivared to enjoy thoin.selves splendidly as Fleshurtoiiians ijeiierally do. Mr. and Mrs. ,Jo|ui Howernum and family have arrivod in our Nillaoo. .Mrs. Dowornian and fftiuiJy intend speiidin;; the summer hero and .Mr. Buwerinan leaves on Wednesd.ay via Owen Sound for .Sauk .Ste .Mario to .seek his fortune, L..I-. iHoarord Rond. I'l-'ini 'I'll- niiyn ('urr'-.ipiiH'I'i,!. The followin'4 items were crowded out last wook. â€" Ei). ()u Sunday the 20th iiist., a little naked boy came to the i-esideiice of Mr. .1. I. Graham and as tho little fellow seemed to have nil homo Mr. tiraham very kindly decided to keep and clothe hint for the present. Mr. Win. Hutchiuson, sr. , had a run- away with a span of colts last week. They i,'ut fri^htoued and started otf with the wagoB^ which they weio attached and sina^liod it JMidlr. Theywerp eauyht T'> Ih.- Editor „f The Admnrr. Sir, â€" Perhaps you will allow me to re- nund your readers tliat the lirst week in June Is the best time to plant evergreens. We are iettiiiij throui^hout the country m.iny beautiful rows of maples planted which add much to its summer beauty, do sjood service in givim; shade, and by uiodifymo the force of the wind are val uable in preventing the t\Ki rai'id drying up of the land. But m winter and e*Hy sprniy when much needed as wmd-brcaks they arc not nearly so as ever- greens wouUi be. Yc^urs, Etc.. R. W. Vuivr-. .VDVirK TO .\l.jrHKnfl.â€" .\ro you disturbud at iiiKht aiiil brok.'n of ynur rout by a Mvk ebiUl siilTitriiiK atul CI vinKWith paiu of ('iittnn;'ri.'e<li ' If so M!iJ'l alolieo and :;et a bottb' of ".Mrs. W'ti- s'.ow's S.mthinu Svriu) for Cliililrun Tuwthin^;. It!* Vrtlil.j i(* iocaicilIltbl«. It will if'iuvu tho IUK>r little sulfcrtir ninnediatolv. Di-i'enii iiiioii It. Tiiotli'M'., ; thuru iH no uiiataki.> about it. It ouien l.'\H,.'niery aud Lnarrlm-u. rt-KulutcH tbe Stimmrb iiiul HowotS, cmeH Wiiiil i-iIk-, HoUtiiis tllo (iuiu*. r»Mb:eoi* Intbuiiumti'tn. tiii<] i^ivt-M ttun! aixl .!lKryv tu tbc wl'-im-'"cfA7;;;.^ "Mrs. W'lii^- low »Si.i/ibiav, '•«"^«ii'i i" tlici pfBufKuhuir or |,lo»»--- â- ; ;,l,lost »n<I b|.»t felimli. lih\sK-i„ii» oucoI_^'„,„tl,„ l-^j„,l status. alMl i« for ..«;., anJ,.fl druKcJBi. tliroiiuboiit tho w..rbl I'nn. twuiity-rlvu cunts a bottlo. B» iiirc .iiul auk for ".MiiB. Witii ows Svuir," ami ta!,i) uo other kind. Why You Feel So weak and exhausted is because your blood is impure. .Vs well expect lli« .sanitary ron.lilion of a city to be i)er- fei't with d.liled water and di.fective s«w>T:i)je. as to expect such a ronipli- fiU"d piece of mechanism as the liii:ij:in ftaioe l'> be in good order with iiiipiire l)lood 'â- ireiilatiiig even to its mimiiii-i veins. Do you know that every tlrop id your two or ilireo gallons ot blood paiwos through the heart and lungs in about two and a halt minutes, and, on it.s way, it makes bone and le, brain ami nerve, and .all otlier >olids and lliiids of the body 7 Tlie blood is ilie ,;real nonrisher, or, as tho Uiblo tertiis it, "The Life of the Body." Is it any wonder, tiieu, that if tln' lilood be not pure anil perfect in its consti- tueuls, yon sulTer so many imleseriliablo s\ inptoiiis? Ayer's Sarsaparilla stands " li'ud :ind slioiildirs" above every otlli^r .\lter- atlvoand lilood Medicine. .\s proof, ri'ad these reliable testimonies: (i. V, Ilroi'k, of Lowell, Mass., sa.\s: " I''or the past 25 years 1 liavi' sold .Vyer's Sarsaparilla. In my upiiiiou, the best remedial agencies for tin' iiire of all the diseases arising from impini- lies of the blood ate conlaiued in tiiis medicine." Kmgene 1. IIIU, M. 1>., .tSl Sixth Ave., New York. sa> s ; " .Vs a blood-piuitb'r and general hiiilder-up («f llni system. [ havo iiioiT foiiMil aavtliing to .(pial .•Vyer's Sarsaparilla. It gives perfeet 8Utisf,action. " Ayer's .Sarsaparilla proves ecpially etlli-acioiis in all forms of Serofida, Boils, Carbuncles, EcT.ema, Humors, Lumbago, t'atarrh, &c.; and is, tloTC- fore, the vitv best Spring and Family Medicine in use. " It beats all," .says Mr. Cutler, of (.'utier Ucolhers & Co., lioston, " bow Ayer's Sarsaparilla does sell." Prepared by Or. J. C. Ayer li. Co., Lowell, Mast. I'rlcu !)1 ; nil boitlcn, $j. Worth ii a bolllo, A Great Big Offer. I I gladly lay the cap aside, for your Hair Vigor is bringing out a new growth. I could hardly trtist my senses when I first found my hair growing ; but there it is, and I am delighted. / look ten years ynumjer." A similar result attended the use ot Ayer's Uair Vigor by Mrs. O. 0. Pres- cott, of Charlestown, Mass., Miss Bessie H. Bedloe, of Burlington, Vt., Mrs. J. J. Burton, of Bungor, Me., and numerous others. The loss of hair maybe owing to im- purity of the blood or derungeinent of the stomach anil liver, in wTiieh case, a course of Ayer's Sarsaparilla or of Ayer's Pills, in connection with the ViEOr, may be necessary to givu health and tone to all the functions of the body. At the same time, it cannot be too strongly urged that none of these remedies can do much good without a persevering trial and stricrt attention to cleanly and temperate habits. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Prepared tiy Dr. J. C Ayor i Co.. Lowoll, Etota by DniKKtBU ud I'erfumara. J. W. FROST, U.K.. BarriHtei\ Soiifitor, Votntyanrer^ . Offlce.â€" Htrftins Miiihlint,'. Fi.Rf.HKUTc.'*. A. A. CHESLEY. Solii it<tr and t'oiiveymicer, Uc^uli'Ut MAnp.i^or, MU. KU08T will I),, tinimi ul ihc on ThurftdavB &b btiiMtufurt). P Mc'CULLOUGH, Darrinter. Solid for, i^c. Ollice. over HrFarlaiid's Htor**. Markdale. Noiiey to gtt.5inf5o (Earils. John W. Armstrong, FT.KsnintTiiN. <'o. Gust. rvIVlSION COLKT Cl.KHK l.O.MMISSirjNEK ^ . u 11. H.. Coucoiucf-r, .vc .\;,'i;nt toi' luoibas- aod Halo of Innds. AppmiHiT for (' 1. (' Corn. and V. V B. .* S. Society M.juoy to Loan .oi liiK rnoHt roaMiuAble tiTtiiit. Ihhl km or M.\r.Hl.\t>K LICKN8K8. -NOT.UiV I'LllI.IC, cc y "S < >3 o MONEY TO LOAN. AT LOW'E»ST (IKR£.>T RATE.S. On Town <n Farm t'r.'iurty. S. UAMIIJK. Klciiliurlon. W. J. BELLAMY. TWe. C1.;.11K illTKMr.slA. J I CtiyyKY.i.M'l-H. roMMissK >>â- !::{â- :. Ph I IXSVHA.M'K .1<;T. of ^ ' rkK.EDH, MuUTli.UiKS. l.K.\SKS. ic pr. par- ^ \ â- <. -^ •••-^ *-*-*•/».**'> .â- -Hfiiito(J, iiikurunce Hfffrc. ^ I •<! in nrslclnnH cuinpHiiieH. .Vuuuv to ,'cuilat lOWuilmiM. 8 ;:;i R. J- 8PH0UL, ^^^ •« ' Fl' \hfitun. ' 'I'lirfiiuii ^Q *• [ uofor and Mnsfj l,„ . I ;-/"•• hn.l,. , ijaiji.t, Iciuff mill H'itU diHi' J. I f'o/uii(i«iij »)(•/./.â- ,. I, ,/i,,;7, ,s( „,„• S5 iA^^~^ -< •^ ^ ^^ X ^ U "T^ ^ N ^^ " > -«' ^J^ s ^^ ^ Hg 9^ GO .-. Vnl- STi.r'- ji n\,d I 'jfs wry U,w. ,l,,,,t,i ^, a, J, >Jlini LI\ I !'"illml>trr, /-v., •/(. ;'.,/!. : James Sullivan, 'TheTinsmitl], - Fleslieitoa KopairiiiR, Kaveuoi;ulinii: . and in tHutu^Hi y- j tliinfi iu the ln;•il]^••.^ «ill r.'io.-.e my prompt ami 111;.. ftil uttuiit^ou at reasoliibltle pi ices. iili;iCCtl4ttC04ll rib Flesherton 1 je Advance sent balance o) yenr to anyone in Canada or tlu U . S. for 50 cents \po(, cash ! N'CZi''s your chance,^ MILL! Tht Th.,r:<,;h t:-.l I'urh.n,, .Vv', Gray CHampicn ! I ){'i7(,ifi«ii//o;- ,„,i,. . .1/ /...r .',',' .' ]{',.•, Aitiini'suk,- 'liiant .on ind- /itnn F'-.-)i, ,1, ., St'iiinx. Thif U 'I jin,t'<i,i^f ,in,)ih-i , r, 1 fiinncrt difinms of â-  ,i.j,i;,tiHil (/i. ,r . fo, ,; u-ill do kM to i'liii.i thur cks to i.jn. /.'â- â-  is in prinif r.'mdi'i'jn. TKUMS. -#1 (Ml, !!â- â-  Ulcull^ato^ acc..nlii:n to imiuber of eoAs l)..;,^'n: i> anyone icnn. â- 'OMN .\I>.\MS, l'r.jpiii.tor. FARM f!E SALE. Tho undorHigiiuil l,>t.'ns toannoitnce tohismiu orouB cuHtoiiierBttia& bu has Kot tho Mill in Ciood Uiiiiiiiiitf Order ftiul havo ;,'ot in the Very Latest Improved ROLLER PUNT And nftpnbloof tuniinK out Kirftt-tlftss FLOCK ftinl am proimi-fil to h'tvo niy oiiBtonnTa(iCOD YIKbDS AND KIUST-CLASS FLUL'U. HopiiJR to rncoivo a Hharo of your patronago, M I am proparud to please. I Uenmiu You];s Uo&p.,. WM. BRADLEY. \ B" il. .\rt.;iii.,' i.t. eoiitainir s' ir l"s?. Kor paitici.'.a. .* â-º KINO Lot :.'i, CV.; 100 acres tiii)io apply to { KOilEK L£VEK, FltJbhott*)!! Agents, Agents! Now ItEAi'Tâ€" -OCB New Boor. EARTH, SEA AND SKY Murvels u/thc Universe lloliigafui; »iiil Krni.hii: (loBoription of nil that li woiiilor''.U, iu every (.'vntinent of Ihii Glolio. in tho world ot waters aii.l the Ktiirrv Ili.uvcnu. Containing tnrilLe^; nitvintiiiexon lainlaml fen, renowii«d iliiicov.ruis,.( tl.e w-ild'H (;reatu»t. < 1- plurem in all aK<.s, aii.l ommrkabio f*..n,. mena in ovury realm of nauioi, CinhriiciiiK the stiik- ins pliy»io«l foatur..!i(i( thn enr.a iJi<< r>i'culiBr â-  cliaracteristicftof tivc hiitnnai roee. of .â- oiiraals. birds, iiimttii, otu,, nieUiuniK K vind JoHciii.tioti LoCftl find . Trttvvllnnf Sill.CHmen. of tho .Atlantic I'l.eilu.uid l:o.tian t'ccsh... aib T ... of tho Polar Sua«, tlio i;ioii«torii of ;lio iloer. O sell our choice varieties of Nnroery Stock boaiittfnl â- lOR«h<^ll« io,.l pl„iit«. sii.Kuliir flMl<.'» either on salary or aouiiiiisiiion. I'wtaauant ami dwalloia :n th» v»»rld . t i»ftiorii. ninnrkablo omployineut to the 1 ijiht moii. No room tor oouan ourvi.:»t>. uti: . t..(;..t.lj.-i »ithUie uiimriiiB phenonuuia of tllo -.oiiuRii,] "tarry H\«tenis. bv Houry Davunnort Xnnti-np. p p., xiiihoDifhnt MAY nUOTHKKS, "ith ofor 3(KX.1nn «nin»«inKS. Uboral terniH to Sur«6rymcn. »«un»«. Oxforil I'ubl.Vkbiiig Coaiiuuiv, i .lordan BccU»»t»r, M. T., 8V,S«tMitOvOtt»k. n*«»s^ WANTED: Imv ones, npri^h* and hi^oost, aro too otuis wo are looking t^r. AddreHH with rcforoncefi, \

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