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Flesherton Advance, 24 May 1888, p. 5

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t May 24, 1888.1 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE • K J. E. 1O0RE, Funeral Director. rieshertoii I' . Furniture Wsireroiiis, DURHAM ST, Owoii Sound. Frum mil- mrn Currcspnmlent. A grand base ball matoli will bu played here on tho 24th of May, between the Torontii and Owen Sound clubs. The boatti are now bes'imiin': to run. 13 THE Mr,| Fral hm la. pa t/i A'/a< 6V(y. Kiirrythinij in aimox- tion is First- L'luan. Uur The first excur-sioii of the season to be on 1 l.'4th of 3Iay, no report say.s. | Dr. Jolui Uarnhart, who left ( K S. last .summer to reside in Haniiltun, luia re- | turncHl, and will build a n'siilence in I Bror)kholin, a few miles from this town- Mr. Harry Tucker leavc-s shortly for a j tour to the old country. Mr. Tucker's law ali'airs in his abseiiee will be attended to by Mr. Cha.s. Xotter. We wish our youni; friend a safe voyat?e. Mr. M. Riehardaun, of Fle.sherton, was in town last Saturday, Sumlay, and Mon day. He was warudy welcouieil, it bein:; .souitf years siiioe he Wiia here before. He addressed the Methodist .Sabbath SeJjool on Sunday afternoon and delivered his reuiaiks iu an iinpressive and pleasini; manner. Mr. Hichardson inuloubtedly l>os.sease3 tine intelleotnal abilities, and should he at any future date visit our todii a'^'ain, we bespeak him a warm wel- come. We are u'hul to learn from him that Flesherton is iuipr<iviii<^ ; we had that idea anyway. Why shouldn't it go ahead with such enterprisinj,; people, and such an " Advance "-inii paper ' A company has struck natural i^'as at Collinywood. Tlie O. S. Advertiser ex.- presses eomjratulations and siiys its re- freshinf» to hear of that deeayim; town strikinj4 eoinethin.; ehso besides hard luck ! : ! it.s conversion, in visitinu the sick, and oouiisellin;.; the erriinj, as in [)resentiny the claims of temperance. Their muttu is â€" "Total abatiuoncu for all and prohibi- tiou for the .state. " Or, lui Hro. Smith very aptly puts itâ€" If I Imil 11 fcilil whero tlio wnlf iirolit 111, .\ntl Hill ilji mv simi'p and Itmilis likusill, F. I'd hold liiiii in flight luirtitiiin, I'd I'lMko out thu howl oj Ins tainted lii'imth, Viul siivo iiiv llrtck by his instant duatli, And THAT in prohibitiuii. Advance Stock Register. Friiyn. uur <iivh O/rrt'.i/wmYdid. HEARSE is the heat ill the section (ind equipped irilli cliiiit iinii u:c/l-)n<itrhud liursen. A f'liU and complete, line <>/ Itiii'ial €ase^, Robes and ANOTHER OLD ItKsinKNT liO.VK. On Wednesday tuoriunjJ!, Kith inst., Mrs. Wilson, of Eutieuui, pa.ssed ipnetly j Black's corner and home, where ho will " The Fiirniers' Friend.'' This general purpose stallion is the property of Mr. Colin Lauiont, EL'remoiit township, is well and favorably kiiuwii in many parts of this district â€" liavinu been travelled in this neighborhood for some years â€" and '.vill make tlie season \<i 1888 as follows : â€" Monday morninij will leave his own stable, Lot 27, Con. 22, Eiiieinont, and proceed ailing town line to Priceville for noon, thence by );ravel road to Flesher- ton Station for one hour, thence to Flesherton for one hour, ibeiice to Eugenia for i.i'jht. Tuesday will pr()cee(l by I'orteoiis cor- ner U) .lolm Blackburn's for noon, thence by Idd Uurhaiu Road to 20 sideroad and ;icross to South Line. Arteuiesia, thence to his own stable for iiiyht. Wednesday will proceed to oO sideroud to Frederick Kennedy's for noon, thence by Con. ;i, Olenelg, to Buatun's corner across to Kob Roy Hotel for nif^ht. Thursday will proceed alont; Lcravel to Dove stonehouHe for noon, thence along gravel to -lU sideroad and home for night. Friday will proceed south to Sackett's ciirner, thence up the I4th of Proton to .\rch. Fergu.son s for noon, thence up the 14th to .\gnew's corner, thence acnjss to Itith to Wm. McNaulty's fiT niKht. Saturday will proceed down llith to ^l"* rriiiimiii£!ii â-  ••t' (ill kinds kept eonstinitli) in stork. Prompt attention givin to idl orders en- trusted to us ill this line day or night. Baby Carriages ! BABY Cx\EEIAGES I ISAKY i'AKKI4<;i:S! For I le^ance and firii.sli liit for tlie Itoyal HouKoliold and at prices within the reach of the humblest of Her .Ma- jesty's subjects. Call uiid see tlicin. Also Express lATagons for tlie boys and girls, iVoiu sOe. each up. Wc have a few more of those woiidoi'ful Union Churns to sell on their own iiionts. .'V four c-0"v C'hian for §7.00, tlio wouder aud delight, of the dairy. J. E. MOORE, .away ti> her long home. Tho deceased lady was a native of Helfast, Ireland, and came to .Vinerica in the 187'.*. She was one of the oldest residents in .Vrte- inesia, having attained tho ripe age of 93 years. Tho remains wen; interred iu Salem cemetery on Friday and were fol- lowed to their last resting i>laceby a large concourse »f friends and nuighbora. Thu obsequies were conducted by the Rev. Thos. Watson, Baptist minister, Flesher- ton. The sid)ject of discourse w.-is Ps. xviii, 15, " I shall be satistied when I awake with Thy likeness." X very earn- est and eloijuont address w.os giviu. I hie of our townsmen, Mr. Wm. Sug- gitt, started for England, the land of his nativity, on Tiiescb.iy morning. Wo wish him a prosperous journey, a h,a|)iiy time, and hope to neo him back in due time looking hale and hearty. Messrs. JiLseph and Robert Williams have gone to spend the summer up the lakes. Tho migratory fover has broken out in Eugenia, and unlesa .some buailies IS started .soon to furnish enipleyment, it is feared tho town will be depopulated. The lishing season has fairly begun and " the small boy " hailed its .advent with almost as much delight as he did the sugar-making seiLson, and may be seen every evening with tackle in hand trying to take tho tinny game. K.vtk. remain until Jloiiday. .\bove route will be continued durinjj season health and weather permitting. •' Arteincaiii Duke.'' The splendid tliorou'.;h-bred .Shorthorn Bull, " .Vrtemesia Duke, "â€"the prc^perty ni .Mr. T. \. M. F.'rgusiu., Priceville-- will stand for service this season. Uegia- tored in Canada Uerd Book, No. n,;!22. Vol. 8. Pedigree can bo seen on premises when disired. Terms 8L You Carry A who/e medicine chest in your pocket, with one box of Ayer's PllU. As they operate directly on the stomach and bowels, they indirectly aSoct every other organ ot thu body. Whan the Htoiuoch is out of order, thu hood ia affected, digestion fails, the blood be- comes impoverished, and you fall an easy victim to any prevalent disease. Miss M. E. Boyle, of Wilkesbarro, Pa., puts tho whole truth iu a nutshell, when slio says : " I use no other medicine tiian Ayer's Pills. They aro all that uny one needs, and just splendid to save money iu doctors' bills." Here is an instance of A Physician who lost his medicine chest, but, having at hand a bottlu of Ayar'.s Pills, found himself fully ecpiipped. â€" J. Arriaon, M. D., of San Jos6, Cal., writes: " Somo three years ago, by tho merest accident, I waa forced, so to speak, to prescribe Ayer's Cathartic Pilla for several sick men among a party of engi- neers in the Sierra Nevada mountains, my medicine chest having been lost in crossing a mountain torr<!nt. I was surprised and delighted at tho action of the Pills, so much so, indeed, that I waa led to a further trial of them, as well aa of your Cherry Pectoral and Sarsapa- rilla. 1 have nothing but praise to offer in their favor." John W. Brown, M. D., of Ocoana, W. Va., writca: " I prescribo Ayer's Pills In my practice, and liiid them excellent. I urge their general use in families." T. £. Hastings, M. D., of Baltimore, Md., writes: " That Ayer's Pills do con- trol and euro the complaintu for which they aro designed, is as conclusively proven to mo as anything possil)l y can be. They are thu best cathartic and aperi- ent within thu reach of the profeasiun." Ayer's Pills, PKBPAUSD BT Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Matt. Sold by all Druggists. â-  «"•» , DR^ CARTER. , * M.'c.p. &.s.,qjiV. FHY.SI€IA\,. K.VK<;E0>', &e. FLECTtellTON. Oflloo, strain's block. ItoKidencu, Wiu.WrJK'i*- s Jcntisitry. ^^ DENTJISTRY. Thomas Henderson. L.D.. 3. .smtonctN oicN'TisT <i(iUl Medalist uud'Hi'iuir Uraditati "f 'he will visit KLKSIIKll'I'ilN. iMl:llKlmW» (U)t( 1 I umi liof (lacli iiioiitli. Ttiutii t-xtriiutuil, limert- cKl mid lUlwl ill iliu hifjheBt stylet nl' tho lut, und- lit modi.-rnte rates, Hi;,M) OKi'K i;, 701 Y'lNio; St,, Tohi.nto. ^fijiU. ^ >iz| The Kmeriilds. In addition to generous reports of our work, the Jlethodist, of Montreal, says editorially : "These gos] ud temperance revivalists have had a wonderful success in our city during the past few weeks. .Montreal audiences are aid, to be very critical, especially on musical matters. :iiid rather chary in takinti "P anything now, and wo can conceive of no better ciiterian to judge the Enioralds by than thu fact that tho largest churcliOa have been crowded nightly to hear them. Over 12,000 have taken the pledge of total ab- stinence, ami hiuuli'eds have made appli- cation for inoinbersliip in the dill'ei'ont Councils of tho Royal Templars of Tem- perance, Mbtuopolis Council receiving fiu'ty-lwo, iSr. Lawukni'k one hundred and twenty-five, and Rei.ianck one hun- dred and thirty-two ; bosiiles which, OlUKNT Council was instituted '^y Bro. Smith, leader of the band, in the east end of tho city, on Wednesday the 25th ult., with ono hundred and Ihiny-two chfuter menibora and thirty-si.K other aji- pUcftut.-.. The Royal Tumplnrs seem to have struck the right line of acliciu in in- troducing the (iospol plan into their work, and have undoubtedly boon vary happy in tlioir choice of men. The Emeralds have a power not thnir own, aud thus are able to win their way to tho hearts of their audiences frmn tho vory first, and to retain thoin to the last. Thuy .are as much at l:inie, pleading with a soul for Malarial poisons contain the ocrnis of , dange'roiis iliseases. If these poisons acetiniuliiti! in tlu' system, T'yphoid, Hihoiis, l;iteriiiitteiit or Chill Fever is sure to I'oilow. .Vyer's .\giie Cure is a warranted specific for iiiiilarla. Leave your urih'rs for Hookbiinliiig .it Thk .Vdva.m'i: ulhci!. Flesherton. A good farm hand wants a situatior. Apply at TiiK .Vi'Vanci: <dlii-(;. Flesherton. Martyrs to Headache Heck i-i'lirf HI vniii, until 111''.',' lie;;iii !o use .Oyer's Saisaparilla. Tlicu they rf- gret tho years ot sulfeiiiig they nii:;lit have escaped liad th.-y tried tins renii-dy earlier. Tlie liouhle was i-onsiiluliojial not loi-al ; and, until -Vyer's Sarsupa- rlllii did lis ulfoirtivi: work as ;ui Altcrativeaiid I'.Iood I'inilicr, llii'y w â- â- re compelled lo siufcr. Till! wife of .Samuel Page, 'Jl Austin St., I.ow.dl, Mass., was, for a long liiiic, Rilbjecl lo si^vcre headacln'S, tlie refill of slom.aidl and liver diooiders. -\ |hi- fei'l euro has hcun effi.'Ctud by Ayir's iiarsnparlll.a. Kr:iiik Kuhfrls, T'J" Wasliiu^'ton st , Hd.sloM. say.s that lie foniieilv liuil in- rilile hi'.adaclies, and uiinl !.â- â€¢ took AyiT's Saisaparilla, nevi-i- fuiiii.l any incdicine wi'iild :_;r, e Permanent Relief. " Rvcrv Spring', for vi'ars," v.rites Li/.'/.ie W. UeVeiiu. '.'i;-.! Kifte.-iilh si., ]5rooklvn, N. Y., " I have had intoler- able headaches. I .â- oiniiiiMii'.e.l the usn of .\.yer's .-sarsapanlla last Man-li. anil have" not luid a liead;i.'lii! sime time." " [ snlTer.'d from l^'adrvhe, in.ligi's- tiiin, and duliiliiy, ;inil was hardly aMi- todriig invself a' tin;," nrios Mi-s. .M. 'M. bruis, ot .A. St., Low.dl, " .V.viM-'s Sarsaparilla has worU-'d a marvelous rliangi' in my lase. 1 now feel strong and widl ii.s eviM. " â- Tonas (iarinan. INcp. of t.ykins, Vn., writes: " l''iir yi^ars t Ikivm siilTrrcd dreadfullv.rvi'ry Spring, from licndacln-, raiisi'.d by imimrity of llie liloo.l aud bilimsness. It seeiui'd for days aud weeks that my head would split o[)i;n. .Notliing relieved mo till t took .\yi,'rs Sarsaparilla. This medicine ha.s cured iiuj completely." When Mrs. (ienovra Hclanger. of 24 ISridge St., S|iringliidil, Mass.. began to .Ayer's Sarsaparilla, she liad snITeriMl for some years from a srrions alTei-lion of the kidtieys. Eveiy .Spring, also, she wiw alllicled with lieadarhe, loss of appetite, and indigestion. .\ friend per- anaded lier to use Ayer's .Sarsaparilla, which beni.'llted her wonderlnlly. Her liealtli is now perfect. .Martyrs to head- ache should Ivy Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rrnimrr.l hv I'r. .t.C. Aver .V- I'li., I.nw. 11. Mn»il. I'rice *l ;'«U buUI'm, ij. Wurib t.i i\ boltju. C/5 z CO a »-H K-^ -1 M < -3 a iJ =^ < 1 Q 1 !Z5 1 < 4* \ â- â€¢-4 !(X2 » J. W. FROST, L.L.B., Barrister^ Solivitor, Convrifanrer, Ollici'. -StrHiiiK Miiilciin;:, I"i.j-,Hiir.iiT<'N. A, A. ClIl'lSl,*!''^', StilicUor itiul Coiivcyaucer, Mil. K!U)HT win l)u fuumi at :1ju Cilice jO Thursdiiv.'* ;ih liurotofort'. p. McCULLOUGH, Bd.rrisfcr. Solici'for, i\c. OHI<'«>. over n<-F:irl:in«l's Stortv !llark«lal«*. Money to L(ian. John W. Armsfrangy l'i,i:snKinoN. Co. Oui;v. rjIVISIO.N CUIHI' CLKHK. COM.MISKKiNKl; â- ^i n H. K.. (.'onvuonn'm-.iVc. .A^nnt Uir |Mn<•lla^• iitMl still! o( liilnts. .VppriiisiT lor e. b. f. O'-lr ttiiii F. I', It. i; S. Sduaay. ,\limuv m l,,,ui, <,ii t:.,. most ruiisfiiintilu tfrniH. Insitku or MAltit! \Ci :â- ' LICK.SSKS. NOTAUY 1'LHJ.K'. MONEY TO LOA.N. .IT LUnE.ST (IKKKAT K.iTES. On Town or Farm Pitipui ty, 's. D.V.MfI;i:, Klcfihertoti / .1 TWr. CLKUli'fMlTBMKSlJl. ' ' ' ' '( ).v I '!â- : Y.AS( 'i>:n, ' •< >mm i^suiseiZ IS.iL^ilAycH AUT, d.-f' D1:KDS, MiU;T(i.*lli:S, t.KA.SI'S. .Vn., pr.;|,«.i- '»4 anil proiiurlV uXDUUtud. ln:ailiim;i> iiifcc- 'â- >! in lirst I'luHS ( uiii|iunii!s. .Mrno'V lo iuun -,'>. lunohl rules. ~ R. J- SFROUL, I /'I'sli' rl'OL. '.''(iit'iiniior. Aji/irm.vr, I'oi- â-  Kiil'V ,tii<:. .V/../(. 7 Uiiilir. '/'.•â- /,<, kim' Vr(.;v>, /(â- â- Mis .(ill/ il'iV/s ./Aniril vji -tl^.-f r.'i/iMrtoii.s (iiiii/i-.on httrte.-:! i^iHr^' t'hrr'. I ,1'S Mi-t/ liiie. Amihi to li. ,/. !<f'}\OXTJi. I /''l.«(llll'l.s/.T, VhsKpU.H. ' g ^ ! James Sullivan, . ' TheTiusmith. - P-lesbertoti- X COS I'lrpHiriit:^, l-iivftronchiuj,'. aiul in faulovr v tiiirit; 111 tM»' â-ºtn»*» \\iil rci'(M\o iny liroiiipt iuiil i-iirufiil rittf.'iiliuii lit rtMi.-uiuiiil" [IT ii'frt. ^HbrcUaucmiV'. '/'Ar Tli'ii'iii'ili- lif'i Ihirlt'iiii Hvi Flesherton iQj^y Champion! Tlu- nndcrsipiieii hci-'s to om.i.inci) tolnsniun- uruiis cijstoniL-rs bo Im.s (;ut tin; Mill ia (;4>o«l Kuniiinsi; <^rd<*r Mid llftve ;;-Jt in tho i»:7i -tund j\,r :;,nf :t l.ul l-'l i ;r.. .1 r/<»iiiMii' iilhnil -III': iiiUefi'nn Flainti.n .Sf'dioii. '/'/ii.s/.sn /ii-.<f-<7(j.';.s iiniiiiol 'i/.d l'aru\e.ys ili,:tiintj.-< <>/ iinptnriii,i th':ir .s*'.. .'v irill il'i III// ill hi mil ihnr im/.-.i in him. I : •• is in prviie luihliiinii. ri'.KMs .»! |.,.i ,â- ,,« ftijibu'i'd ai.i;ri io.i; to naiiibor ol oi'Us In.'UKiit by n.iiy I'Ui: iiiu.;. Jr.lIN M.'AMS, rr.|ii;.aoi FARM fDE SALE. BJilNi. Lilt Si. (.'iMi. :i. ArloniL-^in. L»;rta.^..i;i; iiiu acroH nioro ^ji lost*. r,.r inirtivUiiiii s â- tl.lMJ 10 KOiilvR I.LVKIt. r'i"lin;l.if,. Very Latest Improved ROLLER PLANT ^g^^*^, Agents -Villi oapabln of tiuriiiiij^ r.ul First-Cla-a FL(.1UU iiiiil am pii.'purtjtl lit ^ivo niy ciiHtoiiior-; (U.'OD vii:lds ano kihst-ulass klouk. Hoping ty rflc«ive !i filiRro ui' yoiir patronaRo^ fts Iltni prisiHi-ioO to plcaho. 1 Hoiiiaiii VijuiH Uusp.. WM. BRADLEY. WANTED. Locaf if ml Travvilimj Salesmen, To pmII oiii- choioo varietii's t>f Nursory Stock I either on salary or ' ('m?iiinrtioii. Peruiaiioiit I I'lniiloyiiiiisnti to th«' li^lit iiu-ii. No ronm for In/.y oiu'n, iirrif'h*^ aiul lictic^t. ar<^ I'nn <^>n<)H wu ui'u I'jokiuii for. AJdruHH with i>for»MicoH. MAY lUiC'ilirns, NiirsiM-vm*'!,. UbuhoHtor, N, Y. Sew Ili:;.ui\ i.M ii ^^';:v. 1."I'K 'EARTH, SEA AND SKY \ : .\farucl.s I// I'll. Universe Hoiii(,»n full and uriipbic ili- oriiition of nil ll;i't IS wmiiiftrfnl in I'voi V runiinont if ilio fjlrl oi tbn wiirlil of wiitoril .uid tho stnrrv Hi:(\v.i'.;>. i.'onlHiiiiin; tbrilliiii; .idvontiivcs on InniUinI son. ronnwijisi fliscoviivir!' nf 'Iu; v.or.iVf- i'>ciiti'i.t iv lilortrs in nil iittos. iimi ronlio loil.:.; I'liolintin- r n in iivrrv roitlni "f iiatuH' I :nil/i ii<i!i>; tlin sll iK \ in«iilosioiil tho onrtb tbn pociilmx ' obiirRotoristics nf ihi' hiininn ra. i\ nf nniniitlii. birilfl, illFOCts. it.;,, i'a lu;lil!|: n >'i> ii' ;'.illiCTiptliiI. of t,hi> Atbuitio, riu'ifif iohI ln.iiun ('.:ori!W ai«! of tho I'lilar Siiioi. too nKiNKtovn ol llio 'b-i-p, lioantifnl «o>'llB mid pir.iitB. iin(;olnr fisl:. < nnd ilwolliivK in tlu- world ol wator^i. roninrl.nblri ooimn oin-vonis. ot. i. -orlar Ibo nmii-i!!« idiononion.^ of tin n hir riml ttan y ^vstiir.s. b» honrv niivoni.orl \oilbiop. IMb, omliolb.sjin'l • with oTor :inu lino oMiirnvini;-', l.ibornl torn:* i j i«iont,». (ixford I'nblithini; Conipnny, 5 .lordsn St., Toronto, Out. 3.0 JCar> 1 - - " _^»J||Mdk

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