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Flesherton Advance, 3 May 1888, p. 5

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J^ ^'W-''- â- \F M.\Y 3, iS88.] THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE '88- SPRING I 1 •• â-  . '8.8 '1 M. RICHARDSON & CO., FLESHERTON, Respectfully call attention to their very complete stock now well assorted in every line with Choice New Goods for Spring and Summer Trade. r'- DRESS GOODS DEPAETMENT. Our Dress Goods always make a fine diflplay. This spring it is tiuer than ever. Full rauges of Black aud Colored Cashmeres in Uuiou and Ail- Wool. Black Orapo Clotha, Coatumo Cloths, &c. i:n FANCY DKESS GOODS Wo Lave a beautiful assortment of the Latest Novelties. Tweed Effects. Stripes, Invisible Plaid, Plaid B'ancies aud Combiuatioa Goods. Nuns' Veiliugs lUM Jersey Chocks. WASHING FABEICS. In Printed Sateens, Cambrics, Lawns, Zephyrs, Cham- Irys, Chevoits, GiuyLauis aud Seer backers our stock is very complete. IN OUK SILlKS <Sc satins Are to be found Black and Colored Merveillcuu, Brocades, Shot Moire Silks, Grograins Silks. Jetted Greiiadiues, Gau- zes, Faucy Trimmiuj Silks, &.C., Ac. TboBe goods are Now aud Y«i> CU»»V. . .• j»'.^k^^._ .. MUSLIN and PEINT DE- PAETMENT. Ill Prints our I'xleusive stock was never before better as- sorted with clioice desi^^ns and cifucts aud Prices Very Low. Muslins Printed aiul Plain, Swiss. Tape. Lawn, Lace and Cord Clacks and Stripes, Victoria A Bishop Lawn, India Linens and India Muslins, .laconots. Naiusuoks, Tarltous, Lapot Spots aud a variety of Novelties. HOSIEEY AND SMALL WAEES. We show an extensive ninge of Infants, Misses, Boys, Mens' aud Ladies' Hose in Impoited and Cauadiau Goods. GLOVES. A Fine Assortment of Lisle, Taffeta, Pure Bilk aud Black aud Colored Kids. UNDEECLOTHING. Ladies aud Gculs in Cotton, Balbriggau and Mcriuo. COESETS. Full Liucs iu Bamestic aud For- i m i,)amest eigu Make T-fTl "D CJTJTVQ Special Valuo in Plain and Braid- U Jll n O JCj X O . ed, Black aud Gray. BOYS' JEESEY SUITS. 4».attracti,'c range iu commpn sizca.. Ladies' Collars an€l Cuffs, THE LATEST NOVELTIES. HANDKEECHIEFS. White aud Colored, Cottoa, Liueu aud Silk. EIBBONS.â€" All Desirable Qualities and i Colors. LACE CUETAINS, White aud Cream. Complete range. Curtain Nets Very Cbeajj*. â€"â-  â€"r: EMBROIDBEY. Edying, Insertion, Ailovers&c, iu Great Variety. FEILLING AND LACES III Enghsli and German makes. PAEASOLS.â€" A Splendid Ka WATEEPEOOFS. ngc. Misses A Ladies' â-  Full Lines. BUTTONS. Fancy Bress Buttons. Wo liav(! a tine assortment in Pearl, Ivory, Mulal, Mohair Ac, to match yoods. MENS' FUENISHINGS. This dopurtinent is now replete wiih Latest Novelties and will be Ibuiul worthy of a visit. We 'voiild call si>eeial attention to the following; lines : â€" NKCKWEAK in the leail- iiij; styles in l'>laek ami Faiiev Mat-iials. White, lieijattu and Uxfjid SIllHTS. Lintii CULl.AUS and CIFFS. Celluloid COLL.VUS and CUFFS. Cotton, Natural Wool and Cash- mere HOSE. American and Enylisli I.K. COATS. UMBEELLAS 111 Silk, Alpacea and Cotton. The leading lines in Buttons. Braids. &c. For excellence of taste and goods that will sell themselves, this department is not surpassed by any iu the trade. HATS! HATS!! HATS!!! For young men and old men too. U' vc;a want to get a Nob- by. Stylish, Durable ilat in Straw, i'elt or Silk in Bla-jk or Colors call and see our stock. CLOTHING Reody-mnde for Men and Boys, t'onio and see the extensive stock we display for this seasons business, tlood goods well laado, and what is as important as anything else, prices right. We cordially invito you to come and sec, never miud whether you v^ant to buy or not.. Tweed Department. Imported and Canadian Tweeds aud Worsted. It is our to maintain t;he high reputation which this important branch of our business has had in the past by buying in the best markets, paying close attention to style and prices, we are thus kept in touch with the latest developments of the trade. We have in stock a very line assortment of novelties in Imported Stripe Suitings. Chevoil Suitings, Fancy Worsted Suitings and Trouserings. Halifax Tweeds aud Blue Serges. Extmordiuary value iu Black Worsteds. MILLINERY. Our Millinery Department under the mauagemeut of MISS MAUD UlCHARDSON, who lias this season again ex- ercised the greatest care aud used her best judgement in the selection of stock that she might have the most seasonable stylish and prettiest goods in New Hats and New Bonnets aud Trimmings to offer to her numerous customers that the best market can afford. In cousequonco our Milliuory deiwrtment is uow the attraction many have already inspected were de- lighted, aud out of the pretty stock of Hats aud Bonnets were able to make a sclcctiou at once suitable to their taste. Wo cordially invite overv lady in the towusliip to oomo aud sec this atti-active stock. BOOTS, BOOTS, BOOTS. Mens", Youths' and BciyS, Womeus', Misses an J diiT- drcus' for all kiuds of foot wear. Visit our Boot Dopartuieut. . BUILDERS HARDWARE, and House 'riiininiiigs, Nails, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Ac. Our stock will be found complete at bottom prices. Come or send for quotations. CHINA HALL. Always to the front with China Tea Sets, Derby Dinner Sets, Printed Ware all kiuds. Biscuit Ware, Glassware aud. Lamp C'loods in great vaiiety, Plated Ware a tiue assortment. BUTTBE, EGGS AND FARM PRODUCE Taken iu exchange for Goods, or Cash if desirable at-.tlic high- est market value. IS. RICHARDSON & CO Flesherton, Ont,.

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