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Flesherton Advance, 3 May 1888, p. 4

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•^ jcssi^ .*jr^ .-& THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE TUE ADVANCE. U |iublUlK<(] lilvery 'JTliurstlay, Kbom thk Okfick. Si/tenhuin Stnet, - - Flesherlvu, (hit. Tl^UMH OF SUUSCUII'TION ; >1 par auiitim when pairt strictly in nJvsuce #1.30 l>ur auuuiii wlioii nut bO i)Hi<l.' A. U. FAWCETT, Hiiitiir mui I'roprietiir. FLESHBKTON: TllUUSDAY, MAY 3, 1888. LOUT. oiLUtv I v/> ./. oon- ixt.s Mon .tr. Many of Dur rendbiTi will iviiieiiibor tlio aliuvc lialllfil ^ulitU'Illl'll, botll of uholll i.i.iuo 11 sort of " staiiiiif; " tour tliroiitjli- lut Kiu»t (iiry iluriii,' llif Dniiilliion elcc- l.iii i.aiii|)aii;ii, on;r a yinv ayo. (iilniy li'i.osed Dr. SpKiuli', and at Sliolbunio and otlicr i>laci'.s postMl as a friend of tlie Scoll Act. A tew weeks auo the twin I u!itician» and Uioii couipanionh appeared kjJdenly in butfeiiii couidy as cliainpion ciiouler* aqaiiiiit the Scott Act, and here jj wliiit the iJuiroiit) .Vdvertiser â€" the or- (,':ni of tlio Kifonn ]Kirty in that county - ha.< to Hay about them : " The Aiili-Scotts Iiiid a nieetmu in the t'lwn h:Ul (I han'.<evilli) on Wediie.sday iii:;lit. J. (loriloii Mowat and U. (iih;\y, of Tor.. iito, were the Hpi'akeis. The la»t iiaiiiL'd tJentU'iiiaii oavo e.\pn'.'U<toii to the vilest rot nvLr spoken from a public jilat- f'Tiii ill thin town. He went so far a.i to for synipatliy fiJr dynaniiteis and l.i« bieakei*, HO loiif; as the oOence was coniiiiitlud in a Scott Act county. The hi/tel-koo|«jrs tlieiiiselves were aHJiaiiied < f hiiii, and half the audience left while I.e w.ia .tpeakiict;. Mr. .Mowat wa.s a little better, but still piitty rank. Ho spoke f ir two houLi and ten iiiinutts and wliiii he tiiuslieil tlieio Were almiit forty of an audirUcc left. Mr. \. \. Hiii;li»on ro.<e t) speak at twelve o'oloek, and '.;avc rx- pi'cssioii to more coinnion sense in tiie minutes than Mowat and (iiiruy tot>ether wi le -.'uilty of the whole en'iuin;. .Mr. Hu^'liHoii showed olf to uooil adianta;{u f.'liowiiig such a pair of blatherskites." KDiTORiAL yorics. " riio Chronicle as an advertisinji me- dium la unsuppoBud, " says the Durham Cliroiiiclc. Ves, •»« •»..««i«lc;iul 'j •'•<••• »Hy. It lakes 'euyoflui>- *^""0 Iieoplu k; pi..)»o the Chronii-le '" '>'' " newspaper <f the " unsupj/o»d " sort, and they're iik;lit. Editor Mi^i^'hell himself has said Hi, and wi) have tieeii credibly iiifoinied I'lat he ti-11.1 tlio truth ninety nine tiiiins out of every ten thousand. I'olitically tlio Chronicle has rather an "unsupposed" n putatioli. In fact, taken altogether, its III.' most " unsuppoaeil " newspaper we L.ioW of. KroMi the many absurd allusions made, «..• .should judj/o that the Thornlniry Niws hit.i been afflicted with Moflenin;.' of t!,e liiaiii duriii)/ the jjnst two or three wiiks. Ditto tini Duihain Seavein;i'r bi .; p.iidoii, the Chronicle we mean. We l...].u no ill utfect« will follow in either Couuty and District News. ('Iif>ltr<l onil Coililriisol from tlir (.'iflitiiin.i of One l''.rihiiiiij< s. A ciiekot club has beiui oiu'anized in Diilidalk. A library has bi'eii strirbd in connei tioii W itll I'l liH'Villc pllblir school. The Kree I'ress is opp.wi-.l to .^||l,p ll- Li uses III 111^ liiantiMl in Slu'lbiirne 'I'lie Standard «ii;;;4.>-ils that Kiiday, Mav Itli, be set npait as aibor i!;iy for,.. .\ â- j,„.,\ id.-a. Diindalk li;ui a junior ba.-i' I all iltili liaiiiod tile " Imperials." \\\; .tiippuse tin! prcHident will be called " I'mprror " and the captain "eiown piii.ce." (ieoiKe Moatz shot a pike in the Hal liiiafiid lake, wlii(-li weitdied 12 llis , wijs tl..! Mt. Forest Itepresentativo. Mr. \\ III. l(utherfoi<i ha.i dispimeil of i.oi properly at I'mtoii Station fi,r the round siini of $li,5U0, and intemls nioving to Dreyou. All esteemed old resident of IVoton htHtiiiii, in the peuson ..f iMis. Wlnti^, died oil the l^itli alt., aitd vias biiriiMl in h'limlnMtoii cemetery Siin.biy IoIIowiml;. â- Shelburnu iiierchaiits will dose their business places at (i p. iii. every eveiiim; ill ettcli week, CMcept W ediiesday ai d SatiU'lav eveiiilii;s, from the 1st of May l.i the l."it]i .September. A middle a^'tid man, reprcsiiiitinu' him «elf iis at one ttimi bijino spoi tile,' editor • â- f the .Mail, visibed Diiiidalk luiuiitlv and .struck llro. Spiirr, of the Flerald, for a bran. The latter had his weather eye open, leiwcver, ami diiln't bite. Mr. Mi:<>owiiii H uoini.' on with the liiiildini; of his roller mill at Durham, Jiulttillisbwidliif,' the (p.rtsliing of the by- law alluded to last week. The people tli»re will liiid iu Mr. Mctiownii a push- ma, ontflpliiini; and thoroui^hly lioiior- able business man. A child of Mr. .John Duncan, whilst playing with a powder Mask near the store on Thursday bust, accidentally allow- ed the combustible to ignite and explode. The result wna that the child's face and arms were very much blistered and in several |ilaces made raw with the explo- sion. Medical ai<l was at once procured and when etticieiitly attended to the suf- feriii;; ceased. Jt is exjiected that the child will not be much dis(ii;ured. â€" Duii- dalk Herald. What niii,'ht h.ive proved a serious ac- cident occurred on the farm of Mr, I'at- rick FhiiniiL;an, I'Jth concession, Hentinck, a few days linn. There was a wood bee, at which many men were eii;^as;ed. when a Hust of wind blew down a,saplini; which had been partly cut. The men had a miniculoiis e.scapc. (ieo. Klaniiigan, who bad one hand lestini; on a lo!{. received a blow from a limb which severed one fiie^er completely oil' and severely injiiriii;,' the whole hand. The hand may be saved. â€" Hanover Post. A number of desperadoe.-: around liad- gorosâ€" a short ilistaiue from Diindalk-- reci'iitly proceeded to eject a jjoor woman and lier cliildieii from the house occupied by them. The inhuman scoundrels were masked and went about their infernal work after the shades of iiiijht had fallen. They were extieiuely violent and even threatened to burn the biiildiiifi over the poor creature's head if she ilid not vacate the ])remises at once. Down with such law less terrorism ! J.,et the black-hearted monsters ;,'et a taste of liritish justice, say we. Wni. McKee, Liitlicr, met with an iin- timely end in the early |iarl of last week. He and two other yoiiii',' men were en- t;ai;ed in cleippiii'.; in a bu»ii l>elon^iii',' to Will. McKec's father. When the tree beini; chopped w:ui falliii!,' it struck on the limb of another one, and was thrown ar- ound in a (litleieiit direction, one of the limbs strikinu' McKee U'liind the ear, when rimidnf; to oet out of its way. The youiii; mini was 24 years of ai,'e and wiia a favoritt^ ;iirioni^ his ini;;libois and companions. Mt. Forest KepiiBeiitative. ,\w«y up in Siiiohainpton they have a vi^'oroiis little boom, wliiih altliouj;li nut so bulky as the .Sudbury article is very ex- citin,' III Its way. ( oal oil has been dis- covereil in the ministers well, and it i.s proposed to sink a shaft for oil. It cioes not follow that there is a vein of oil con- iiectliiH with that well. We once found two ale botths siispendeil by a strim,' in a certain w.ll imt a lliousamt miles from a Scott .Act town, vet we di.l not a^l ex cited and swear there w:isa vi'in of ale Imttles rimiiiiii! beneath the village. Not much ; wu k.-pt peifi'ctly cool and watch- ed for more tnilicatKnis. .\s a result wo became (iiiiviiiced that id.' ilid not exist in that well in paying; (piantilies. Let the people of .SiiiLjhampton pn.lit by our example ami insert no expeiiHlve hole in • 1... u.-,.iii„| notil Ih.v linil i)leiity nf indi- cations I'ick.-rinir News. oikJ'i a',M. i;;..V.:;.'.'!,'-vfc,-r'V«..y'iii 'U-»iu-j»«i.ft>. Nufl.M il)»i iiM>l rr \ ill;,' with )iiiiii of I 'ilttili;,' I'lrtll ? If sn ^fl'l (lt<.|l«-.< HII'I «<'t H i.'.ttl.. of '.Mrs. Wi(,- hIoW-* StMiihtn^ Svinii" for ( liil.h.-ii T.'i.tliiii«. IlivHliiMii Inrnl'-iilaltU^ II will r<>!l.'Vr th^ IMtor littli- HitlfDi'nr liiiiiiriliatt-K - D'-pt-inl h|>i<ii t, lii'itlimt*; tliuri* i-* no niistukf ubont it. It cnrt-H livH*«nti>ry hiiiI IMiirrlifii, n>t;Mliilt''* tlio htoiiinrli uijil llowt'ls. t-iiiKs Wliiil ('t«lii-. suftt'iin thi< (iUlil^, IO'lili->'s Iiitltiliililitttoti. mill u\\v* tntin Mi'l t'lM-ri.'N lo the wtioli- ^>«fcia "Mrs \\ iiin- inWH Su.tllillk' SvMlp â-  fm .(liMji It t^â- rtlli||^i is plnfisiklit tntiii- tu;<t«- nii'l in tin (U .'m-niilinii nf iWK* of tilt' (>]<li>»t Hinl bK'-t fi'iiifilit |iliw ii'laiiH Mill iniiH's in tln« riiitf'.l Stiitt"*. ikifl iH for kkUi hv ull 'Ini^^ltts thruiiu'liniit ilir wrM |'il<>o twenty flvt> ri'iitM II iMittli- It*' Miit^ iiiiil fftk for • MitH WiNHic.w'h StMHiiiNo HYitri>,"and tiika no ottii r ktnil To Assist Nature In reHturiiij; dis. as.^l or wast, il ti.s.sii.' ut all tlial any medi.'inii .an do. In piil- moiiuiy alli'ctioiis, sinli as I', Hioti- "liitm, and ('iinsiiinptiiiii, tlo^ nni m munibraii.f tirst b.-comi-s iiitlaiiKnl, then ii'i'imiiilations forni in the iiir-ii'llH of tli.i liin;;s, (ollmved by tnli.'nlBS, and, fliiallv, destruction of tiji- tissue. It is olaiii, tlier.dori', that, until ih.' Iiiickili); :oiikIi Is relieveil, tlie lironidilal tubes an have no opportunity to heal. fVyer's IJlierry recteral Soothes and Heals '.lie intlami'.l nieinliiane, an.sls tlio wasting process, and li.'Rves no iiijiii'lons -esults. This is why it is niore lii^,'ldy estiineed than any uther piiliiuinary Hpeciflc. L. I», Ilixby, (if Rartonsvillo, Vt„ wrltiis â- . " Four years auo I took a se- vere cold, which was followed liy a teirilile coutjli. I was very sick, and eonlinitd to my bi'd aliont four months. My pliysician lliially said I wiis in coii- HiniipliiMi, anil tlinl hi^ could not help me. Olio of my iiei^liliors advistui imi to try Ayer's Ch.rry I'.utiual. I did so, and liefure I had taken half abottl.< wa.s aliln to ^'o out, Ky the time I hail tiiiislii'd the bottle I was well, ami have reiiiainiMl so ever since." Aliinzo I'. Harnett, of iSniyriia Mills, Mc, writes : "Six yi^ars a^o, I w as a trav- eling' salesman, and at that time wiki HulTuiiug with Lung Trouble. For months 1 was iinalile to ri'St nights. I iiiiild seldom lie down, had frequent, choliing spells, and wa.s olt.'ii coin- pelliid to seek the open air for relief. I was induced to try Ayer's Cherry I'ectoral, wliii'h Indped ine. Its con- tinued use has entirely cured nie, and, I believe, sav ed my lite." Ayer's Cherry Pectorair PUUFAKlcn UY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mat*, dbld by all DruKgiilt, Trice (1 ; all tiolllue, (i. C/5 cc 03 K w tâ€" < w M yA < w^ W l-^i a < 1 Q sz; 1 < m ^ > O ^ rjl •H ^Q ^ > (0 n Flesherton mint 3IILL! T\ le GlIILDREINS R EMOVE n HEALTH. Oni of Naturei Kindest Gi/lt is n Ilejtllhy Comtitution. Guard it ugainut disiiise by utiiig Siamese Worm Powders. Worms lire the /ruit/iil cause of tnani/ (lisoiilcrs in (Jliildren. tSlAMESE MOliM POWDKRS will expel Worms in cvi:rj/ atsc ichere. they exist, will reiju- Idle the Slomnch and Jioiccls at the same time. Use them, you won't regret it. J*loni Booth the Boss Barber, lias remi>ved to one of liw slmjis in W'm. ,iitrain a block near (Fr>i.'s lux.t ami .i/iof' «/i('/), Tormttii stn'it, trhere h« toiil l>e lu'ppy to fuc the smiliiKj faces of all his old< uad us iiimi;/ iietc ones tw luire concluded to ijive mc a chance to maiit- fiiiH iiiij reputation aa the Ho.i,i Jiarher â€" not only of Flaherfon, hvt if the enfire dis- trict for twenty miles around. Tbu t^atroiiago of the laUius ruspuotfully oo- licicud. Feb. nth, im. n'A L TEll Bi )i iTU. o" l" .> ) I I I i U |_0 I I 0"| o THlTMAllKm : n n t Should ahraijs be us^d for Sick Head- iiche. 'J'hidr operation Is mild and pleasant. They strike home each titne tchiii used for a Disordcreil Liver. Ask for them. G'tthnn. D^ni t Jonjtt the name, IP'eCilc'H l"* let> J^ant i I'illts. J/ i/our druggist has not the iihoee pre- paration in Stock, \V. W. STEl'lIES . A CO., of Meaford, will send them to you prepaid on receipt of'lhc.for either, o of each, or assorted for gl.'IO. w. w. smEi\ & CO. ] hwi', Whdesidc .{• lietai', ^ FLESHERTON. Citrcfully Corrected Each Elour ?;) 85 Fall Wheat ?0 T8 Spi'iiig Wheat , li.irley Oats PfcUS IJutter E,ofi;s, fresh Potatoes bush Pork Hay, per ton Hides Wool Sheepskins .. (.iecse Turkeys Chickens per pair Ducks per j Mr 4(» no (H) 50 18 .'•)0 01! 10 23 â- iO n'eek. to 3 9.1 to yo 80 0,5 t),s i;o 15. io 5t> C ii) 8 00 5 So 21 1 0(1 oi; 10 3i) bit FARM FOE SALE.' wanted. Tilt? undurHiKncil Ik-j^s to luiiiuunco to his luiin- orout) cuhtomoni that hu hua k^^ ^^t^ ^^^'l ^'^ <;oo(l Uumiiim Ordrr aud Imvf (;ol in tho Very Latest Improved ROLLER PLANT And capable of turniiiK out Kirnt Clasft l''I*OrU aiul iitit prrpftrt-'l tn ^;^vo my fii.^lniiit*rrt OCOD MKLDS \SD KIUSTCLASS KLOrit. Ifopiii^ tti ruci'ivo a bhiiru of yuur patroiiaK'u* an I am piupart-'l to pIoaHu. I iCuiiiuwi \t»uiri . WM. BRADLEY. yi t^U: m s V. a V. ^ w ^^ ^ fee -J O CO ^ BELL" BKINT. Lot 2a, Con. 11, Artoiiicsi*, coutainiuR 100 acres moro or loss, for jiarticulurB apiily to KOiiER LEVEU. KU'iiht'rton. Local and Tru vi'llituj SaleatmeH, To aell our choice variutiort of NurHt'ry Stock either uii Ktilary or ctTiiutii^'<iv>u. L'oi'Uiaticti^ employiiiciit to the ri^ht men. No room IfiT lazy ones, uprit;h* iiiut boiiortt, aro i;:o ouci wj aru lookiug (or. Atlilreiiit with i\.'tt loucuti, i MAY HUOTHKKS. j Nurbei \ in-, i:, Uuchuctor. N. V. Photos, Photos, PhotoSi Unanproached for Tone and Quali'j. CXATntOaUlbS FREb BELL^CO.,Gnelpli,Ont. Advertise in the Advance. l\OTltE. SIIINCl.t'.SciiiiKtHntlv on liMKt aiiil for Rale cluiaii. ,ii|.,t {lut in tirftt-c.liiss new Clkupiiin^' Mill iiiiw liriiit; liUiUK your tiraia nui) ijet It cUoiiiicil uii iu lihorl onlcr. J. Ui 8I.().\N, Uuuouia. ll'c iirr not/' funu'iii; oi(f work far supmior in style iiio/ jinit\ la any ever pro- duced in Flesherton. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE M TES. PICTURE FBAMINQ done in all its btanches. A good tJick of' FKA.VES and AtOi'Ll)l\aS k,pt constantly on hand. Will also inhdiice the new liliOMlDK t'ORTRAlT, u picture that is yi'ing entire tatis/itt.ion wherever introduc{;d. SA.Ml'LES cun be seen at my liatUry u-here all firticulars us to Price, Stj/le &c., inn he ascer- tained. FLESHF.HTON. A Positive Cure. A Painless Cure. FACTS FOR HEN OF ALL AGES. :m:, DISEASES OF MAN. , "v. XjTJBoznT's s:F>Ecir"i:a isro. Marv-;! of Healing, jnU Knhinoor of Meilicinet. ^rS'V%'^^^^ St ^l*" " '"'"â- le eoiivvaiiM'iieeM of In<H«cr«tlon, l:xp<»iire au>l Ovvrwurk, WLu uiu broken ilo» n (i ojii th» etltH'ts ul i.Iiuhu will fin<l iu No. H a ruillcftl cure fur uurvoua tKiMlity.erKanio woakneBii, involuulary vital luBsua. «to. Symptoms fok wniiu No. H biioi''" "u Unko. â€" Want ol enivrjjy, vertigo, ttaut of i>uri>o8i', (lininusg (if BiKlit, avttrBiou to Bocliiiy, «ant of ountlilouou, avoiibinco of cunvorHaiion, (\uAiro for soli'.u^lu, li^tlortHiioHfl und iiiikhitity to fix tlio attention on a particuliir subjuct^ C(»wuriIi('o, dojuortflioii of epiritrt, (iiiiLliruiis, I.ihs of niuniury, ewitttliility ot toinver, B|>er« lutitov. tiu'a, (ir loBB of ilio soiniual tUiiil--tlio rortult of HuU-abiiau or marital cxiH-briâ€" inipth- tniicy, innutrition, oinuoiHtioii, barieiinusd, iniii.itation of tbo lieart, hyBt. rio fooliUKN la foiiialus, cron<bliU|j!, niuliint'holy, (liKtnruiuv: ctreum.. eto., aro all ayniptoum of tbiK turriblu babit, oft.intiiuoa innoc.^utly iioiiuiri'd. In Bhort, tbo u|irint4 of vital forcu baviin< lout it. tuii3ion, tvcry funotion wanoB in consoiiudtioo, Soientirio wntorauud tbo HU|<t-Miitoiitlont4 nf itiHaue u^ybinoi nnito m iiHoril't:i^ h, tbo oiT.icte ot HOlf-u'.>uBu tbo iiroui mujorlty ot waHtoil hvoH wbii'.b com© tuvir notice, if you ur.* Incouivulpnt firr tlia arihiou4 duties ot bvlsilu'^^, im'iiiiftciiiitO'i t^'r t!io onjoyinotiti. ot lifo. No. H ouura uii orcape froui tbo oiTuotaof uuily vico. ll yoi. '^ru aavaucoil iu years, No. H will i;ivo you full viiior pnd Htroiit:tb. If vou urii brokou iIowm, ^ihyyicully and morally from uorly iii(Ui.crutiou. ttio r.iBiilt of iKuoniiict anil foUv, Kcini voiii: acUlrtiKB and 10 coiitH in Htainiis for M. \'. Iii'iio.N'a Trctitiio in lloiiU Form on I'isi-iats of Man. Hoaliul nint st-'c«ie fvoiu obsorvatiotu AililriiMH all oiininuinicatliins to N. V. I.tJUON. 47 WvlllUKiua HI. K., 'I'oruniu. A Man without wKdom livct in a loai's paraijite. CURES GUARANTEED. HEAL IlllE SICX. ' ( ' I Permanent Cure. Pleasant Cure«x J

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