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Flesherton Advance, 3 May 1888, p. 1

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7 .1 â- â- Â«â€¢â-  - â- IH* \^ ^"^ \ FLESEEETON ADVANCE. 'I»2- :.?sr: '" ^ "TRUTH BEFORE FArOR."^*PJiIjYClPLES. jYOT MEjY." VOL. VII., NO. 358. fVtl FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1888. A. R. FAWCETT. ^°'?,l,% wn AT Russell's Noted: Jeweleryz â€" '*': zzzStore, Tit - Bits. THlin^ tvhat ^o4*th oit In and nr- oun4 FlfHht'vton, Lncfil Noticofl liiteiido<l tn htjnrllt any iudi- v4<1iial. Society or Chniorfttioti, uhnr^ed ftt llie r»to of U* ceuto p«r lino i\r(»t iiiffirtion. No lo- rn.1 iiiKtjrtad for luss than 'i^ I'eutu. Siienial rnttis to n j^'ilar aiiynrti-^ors. - JnKt to liaml ; 10 caseK Ladies and McuH Bootfi 4 Slioes ;vt E. Trixablen. FLESHERTON ) li/ii will /ml the finest and bett difjiUiy ^ Watches, Clocks. Jewelery^ Silverware and Spectacles FOR SALE. â€" Two 3ve»rold Colts !er salo. â€" J. H. Heard, Flesherton. '2t If yon (lid not ri>o the riiBli at J. G. Aiiiluraou s Gr^at Haruain Houue last week be sure you Jo tliis. Mr. Kriw. Choiiie â€" not Cbole as Htatc IsHt week â€" is anioiij^ tlie important ad- UitinnH to mir Lacrosse team this yi^nr. Groat Bargains in yvory lino at .1. G. Anderson's. Did yon set" that 'i5e. Embroirlory ? Its ;,-raiid value. Jn«t received at R. Trimble's : 1 car !nnd \o. 1 Godcrich Salt, 1 case Long Ckar Bacon. Oatmeal. <,'i)rumeal. h'e JIfdn MuKtiirnit. All parties indebtal til the niiderei^n- ed will please call ancl settle their iiccts. by the 15th May or Aw they will be put into Court for colleotloil. Fetch & MiU'Hell, Butciiers. In EiiiilaiiU. I Mr. and Mrs. .Tiinies Bnecroft have arrived safely iu Eiij^laiid and are en- | jiiyin(^ their visit to the old land very , iriucb. When within two days sail of their destination, Mr. B. wrote a very 1 iutorostin;; letter to the Editor of the Patriarch, R«v. T. Watson, and ties- ' patched it by a Canadian bound veusel f)bitnkiy. Mrs. John Duuuaiuof Artciuesia, de- parted this life laaf ^reek. Docoasud was a faithful wife mi a dovotcd mo- ttlmbt'rley. ther. She wasouo of ma pioneer Bettlers I Frmn <mf own ' 'uirrjfpimtit^tt. of the Township. Bxif remains were ] Miss M. E. Smith, of Flesherton, has interred m tlie Fla^tou ceiuutcry. | been spendiii- a few w^uks in thin village where the last sa«l riku were performed ; _» ^,a„d phice to rusticate. m an impiossive ancHolemn maimer by i jiVs. Bowenuan, <>f Eugenia, who lias Xew Spriufi (iiMulH ArririiKj (Idily of Ji. Trimhle'it, See his Nobby Hats. See his Stylish Dress Grsids. Stacks of Cottonades. Shirtiri;,'s. Gint'- fianis. Seersuckers. Cottons. Print". Muslins. Choice grades of Clover. .Msike, r.;; 1 Timothy Seeds. Rov. .-V. Wilson. DeootMd leaves behind hnr an agod hnshanti and a larj^e and respectable family t4JF'BJ0uru her loss. (1nrk/>burf( ^rnitr/i. Mr. K. Vaueaut lul shortly start a bruiicli marble wonfg in Clarksbury. T'lii:-: will ouablu hiiuillie iiiori- promptlv to fill the larui; unniliiir "f cinlerH which That feelinyof weariness, so often e^-. perieneed in the spriuu, resnh.^ froin a sluK{i'«h condition of the blood which, bsia^; iinpnre. does not (piickeii with tiie chanuiuu season. .Vyers Sarsapariil.T. by vitalizini{ and rleansini; the blo'id. strennthens and :nviL;oratcs the svsteni. j^WADVFJlTISEMI'.NTS. Auction Sale OK aru pourin<! in from worknianshiii. yood py, geiiiid uatiiro precurs(nii of snco lo-raorrow is Arbor Day. ^very one should turn out and {daut at least one inihia nfthtcvvntyandj>uitex<if1lf tree iu onr village and Public Sehoul :park. OA DPP nPMT inWCD* ECOS WANTED.â€" lam oaying the ZU rLn vLn I . LL/l'r tl/ll highest market uricu in casli for Kgas, ih'in fithir deuitrt viU atU you (htm, fun Fiitf Ameruum ai^l Wcdtliam Wati-Jtm from S:i..',ii iifi,u<irnwtcd/rumStv'iit«ara, mid the pKkffle for fif fetnt tniUi arotnul til- imiji fiik.' tlutr IVuicltei, Clodaemd J"ttueJ- 'â- ry Wr/H'iVs tn fiiiaurf/, Fleshtritn, an *hey have fonnif by fx/wrteare he is the Oidy man thiii .11)1 di th'-m in (I Mifwfaetory matutat. All v:urk itcrtvitally attetuleit to ut }. A. Kennedy. Lot 18«, 2 W. T. A .S. R. Artemefda- near Fleshartou Station. '« quarters. Good rial, and a bap- Van's are sure ing show. w, held liere on tely att( niled by TliiT" were cltVK.'irH 1)11 the that a ' iirp and ig taken in tliis of stock raiHiui;. Valuable Farm. Eugeoia Union Sabbath School, augre- gate attendance in .Vpril, ;!02 ; average attendance in .\pril, VO 2-^. â€" Jobm Aum- »Tiu>.SG, Sec. " My : but that is fine tea. Biddy where did you get it f " Biddy â€" " Sure I got it at J. 0. Anderson'sâ€" faith an' I knew George wud give nic good tay ! I gut A poonds «v it fur gist one I. EtiHt fire^ The E. G. Spriug;^ tlie 'itith lilt., was vibiturs and exhibit lots of line auiiaals iirouiuls, wliich slio' growing interest is very important phi Following la tlu! PRI/.K auT : Imported Draaghjto*-l8t R. Paton's "Baron," 'iiid r. WrWit's "Derby." Canadian Drau>4ht.?.lat .laiiics Ryan's " Honest Tom," 'iudX Bcattio's Liicky La.1. Oener&l Purpoue. â€" Ist A. Kennedy's Perfection. Uoadster.â€" Ist A. Haunah's borso. ud J. Honry's liorsa. been here for soinu months, \& now under the caro of Dr. MoBiide, .if Huiitlicote. We biiliove lier bealtli is much U-ttcr than it Wiia at Christmas. Hope it may con- tinue to improve. Two tons of .Mr. .). Carruthers^Tlios. and Robert -have moved to Flesherton. These youni,' men will lie misseil very' much in our .social (•iicles ;u they have always taken an ;K'tivo part in ( liin-ch and teinperancu work. But what Kimberley has luHt Flesherton has (gained. Wi; wisli tho hoVH â- luccess ill their respective vocations. Mr. .1. Tliurst<m s tally party was a grand About tifty pei-soiis were pre.ieiit ami .Hpeiit a very pittasaut evening toi;i't!ier. [.Vbove eanio toe late for last week's ! PuTiJirViiotion tit 'vil'NsiiAW'S litiTKl paper. A imniher of tho items wuro loo OK Ki.usHruniN. ,.ii stale in conse.iuence, luid lience we have ; frljlfty, the 11th «l:iy uf May. ISSX, i /» thi- TijH-)ifliiii iif Gre>i. m till 1 TTND" 3BR aiiilby virtue .f tliii jiowiir of Sn- r»mtaim'»l in li inortvint'.. fr'rni !ti«M>ir I Hali'V u> lilu Vi.mlnrs whit-ii \vill i>« ))r">inc. I thii tlluu of sh1<i aiul on <).>lhitit <>1 tlif. â- i\ .^..U' |^nlittud them. â€" Ed.] EuKciiia. i^'roiu (XI r oioi dnrttpinuliMi. On Friday morning Mr. Jas. Williams met with a severe and painful accident. at a o'clock p.m. by .V. 1. V.vsI)rHi-s, Anrtionofr Tim followini! prnpertv. viii. Lot minjhir i... yi llu o» <ili.l>.ir. of wlilcb fib.!-.!'. On tb"|'f •â- """â- " RUSSELL S TO LKT. _ .^.Stuilk). with a bottt j^ FLiBSHEBTON. .Vt Little \-\\\f. House .^ n Station. for lurUiMT purticuhiri) or to MOHtl, vill bo tna»b» avply M> AuotioTi«T MttXVcU. Fron "iir ""•'» OiM^fmdmt. That -iuspicious p" I of lumber that lesherton ' i-ti«' hiM at I. The liandsonie monument about to bo erected to the memory of the late Mr. Robert Batlger. Collingwood Township, will be the work of Floshertuu's popular sculptor, Mr. E. Vanzant. Notices in reference to those excellent stallions, ''.luHt in Time." "Luekv Lad" aiM "Y.iung Leaboud," .are holdover fo^next week's Advance, on .account of tlje crowded state of our columns. wmtiur for Mr. Brow(i» nj SuJkHW'i^n. Tlio Spring .Show of borncs came off as usual here last week. Soiue very line aniiiials were (xliibiteil. but. .-is usual, all were not satisfied. One of the judges Tim followini! proper* . - . , , . tlii'Ttli i:oiicei.»ion of. ho rown»bip of <.l<.i conujuinti UU HcrB* uiuro or loHn 7Uacru»ivre sniaiobe .Ifarifl. C Hreiuuilto bu a Fraiiiu ho<i»e, L^K »ar" 8t»tlo. . , 1 , I I TKUMS:â€" Ten per .â- â€¢â€¢nt . Kt time "f ""lit- As ho was onga>;ou in hartiessintj a horse ^j^^ b«|»uoe tunu* Ul.ernl ami the aiiiiual kicked, striking hnii in the ^ known at timo ol i»lo face, layinn bare the cheek bone and fracturing the oyubrow, but, fortun»t«ly, the eye was not iujurotl. Dr. Cartur, of Flesherton, dressed the wound. At last | account the patient was doiiiH well. On Saturday » three year old son of Mr. F. T. Cnrr was pbiyinu with ii uuirble and accidentally swiillowud >t. Tho inar- blestuok in tJ»^ „kUJ', V'T^JTl^^^ Mi»» Bella Gordon, a T<imnt<taiao. im\ »[)eiidinK a few days visitiin; lier sister f BABWJCK. * IfEANKS. Vcnaon' Solloito Toronto, April «Ut. isbs. Y~ 6R1ST IILT ~!Ialmeal Mill, .'Mrs. Chas. Turner. ( )wiii!r lo the impassnbln state of wore not silLIsni'ii. v.'iie oi uiju juokos . i ,i â- * r l.. . < i -t ^^^'^ " , ,• 1 1 â-  • • roHils, the Kov ,J. .S. Coiconiii, while ro- luiiiir at tones a nun man, lii.s opinion I . . . ,â-  . , » c i neiiiH iih 1.HIO s .1. . . I turiiiiiK from his appoiutineiit on .'Sunday is of course open to criticism. j j^^^j ,,^,^,| ,,,„f(, hrokeii ..ut of his l.uiruv. W. H. Guy hiLS reiitcl the -«'««'<:i' i ..i„a narrowly oscaiwd a severe areideiit. ' Katk. [.V iimnber of items omitted on account I .)f ataleiiuss throu.uh beinn left over from j hu>t week. â€" Kd. J ' ; Saw Mill & thai reiitcl the Maxwell | farm and is now busy tickliii« the soil. , Mr. R. M. Heron has rented andmov- | ed into -Miss Uevnolds cottage here. row -V.SH/F OF 'if a hen ami a half lays an egg ami a hUf ill a day and a half, how iiianv eggs «fll t! hens lav in 7 davs'.' Seu.l s.diitioii t()M. Uichardsou A Cos. where they pay c»«h for i.-ogs ami all other farm produce K lot of matter left over. Excuse us, ilbar reader and correspondent -adv.^r liners will use tho coliiinns of The Ad- vBnci', and this week we are almost ihiv^'ii toâ€" well, never niind ! m'xt weel We'll accommodate rca.lers, ontg. advertisers and everybody else '. Ahdriift To balance from Ibtfii •• amt bal. on Rolls IWIi " .•iiiiouut of Fines â-  " amt miscellaneous receipts ARTKMESIL Hniilils. no ' »2i(ir) i-ti)5 4 00 I4;w.j yi . The uoxt me.ting of th( Teacher's .-Association wil! Durhain imi Thursday and 7th and Htb of .luiie. S(Mitli C.ri' he hehl ii Fri.lav. th New afvlum wanted to accommodato the lumdredH of iieoplo getting era/.ed over tho hen and egg piiz/.le. Nev.r mind guessing ; bring the eggs to Rich- ardson & Co. and get the correct change Dvery time. .Vvrr's Pills are tho best cathartic for correcting irregularities .'f tlu^ stoni.aeh i.lul bowels. Gentle, yet thorough in their action, they cure coiistipiition, stimulate the appetite and digestive or- jans, and strengthen tho system. Uy amt paiil to Treas'r. Rates •• Uoiid expenditure War.l 1. ain't I'aid Sclio.d Sections, t'liinic il sessions Indiueiits DelHiitures iiiul Coupons. Sahni.'s ' Miseellaiieons Biilaucc iCiH r.ii I 147 10 1 li'i.'i iir. I 17'.J '2:1 4Ho;! ;i'.i i:il .->o lll'.i'i '.14 â- 111;! Ill) •ir.ii;( do 1870 H7 SI 7^)0',) ".IH ,,„/ i.i.ihii.t;. '[.'ax's iinc'll. i.'t'd .\SS1.TS. oil I'oU m fiET YOTJB MEAT â€" :.FUOM-s- Blakely & McGonnell OENERAL BUTCHERS. FLESHEKTON! " Wool. Siuidy, where awa are ye 'aen in sicna hurry'.'" Samly - " Did •e' no kon. Tibby. that Geo. .\iiders.m ms stairtod store iu Sjiroiile's block in illesheiton '.' An' losli nie ! sic terriWe lair.'ains he's gaeu the folk a' so I just in haine til sjieor for a few eggs tae tilde wi' hmi for a bit print tao ;nilke t' a biaw new dress, an' tae uet a new Hundav hilt, tao mysel'. Ho showed nie ijgvau' new viu at Hlk cents." Chan Siffvp fit DiimUtlU. l"Hill\ V" is one of tlie handsomest badstci- stalhoiiw in this country. .-Vt Lidalk spring show •• Billy V" made 1 clean sweep by taking 1st pri/.c ag- lust five horses exhibited iu tho same tass. His stock conmiands Ingli prices not loiiji since a gentleman re used »H0 r a colt less than a year old got by Ml "WUv V" is the property of S. Vanduscn, Ksq., Fleshortou. Cash in Tn usurer's hands... MrlsuMH B.aiiU. I'l •• del), '' in Coutral Bunk Non-res. land fiin.l. say.... Real estate, t.>wii hall, say Part of sal'.' â- ;•â-  , liable assets, del). ac. ac. Liicontroll I.I.VIlILlllK--'. School ni'benHireKUOituriiig ,v 1'.; (Sections Nos. .). Sehool eipiivideiit for IS.S7.. Unpaid salaries, e<)npi)ns,.ti .\.ssets over liabilities We, the .\uditors ol .-Vrteniesia lor tin; .Near in ourtifyiu iileasiiic' ... .. ., , over the Treasurer's accouuts and care tullv .•ompaied tho same with the elativo thereto, and liuU the t in every particnliir, and that the balance iu his hands is 91870.87 HbNKV MKblUtlM, \ ^1 ,.j;(„,,,. ,Jami;s BuoiuK, I Tren.surcr's Office, Feb. 3, 1S86. No Universal Remedy : Ims vet been iliscovereil : but, as at least j» of hiinian liiseases have tlieir .source in Impure Blood, a in.Mlicino which restores that lluul from a .le- , praved to a healthy ••omlition eoiiies iw near beiiiK a <miversal .air.- .us an.v tliat .an be Ayer's Sursaparilhi alTect-s the blood in .•a*'b st;i«.) of its j f..rmatioii, aiul is. lli.o.;(or.', adaptol to , a tjr.'atfr vari.'t.v of .omplaints ihun any other known medicine. Boils and Carbuncles, which .lefv or.linary treatment, vi.'l.l to Ayer's SarsapariUa after a comparative- ly brief trial. . Mr. C. K. Murray, of Charlottesville, Va,, writes that for y.^ars bo was af- llicted with boils which caused him much suir.TinK. These wcro succeeded l.v carbini. Ics. of which he had .sovoial ai, ono lime. Ho then began the use ot Ayer's SarsapariUa, and afti'r taking th'roo bottles, tho carbiuieles disap- pcaro.l, and for six years ho has not had even a pimpb'. That insidious disease. Scrofula, is the fruitful cause ot iniiumerable .;oin- phiinls. Consumption beinn only ono oC many e.piaUy fatal. Eruptions, ulcers, soio ev.!.s, Rlandnlar swellings, weak and wasted muscles, a capricious appe- tite, and tho like, an; pr.'tty sure indi- cations of a scrofulous taint, in the . dS-l.lO 00 system. Many beautiful faces ) are disllKure.l by pimples, eruptions. â- ^*^'' '^'^ and uiisiRhtly blotches, which arise !J7l 00 1 fj.^j||j iiiipiu-o blood, showing the need of • •^-"'^ ''''i Ayer's Saisaparilla to remedy tho oviU S1;S.')77 4',) "^n ^„ff,,r,,ra from blood disorders should «ive .Vyer's SarsapariUa trial. â€" avdidiiiK all pow.bis, and wiishes, and especially worthless eompoumls fail to c;ITei-t a lain .Sht flu: /•^â- .'''7. , I W.ll iJ1'i7C'i' •- 2 (iM,H 'id - .» :i,so M I 1S70 ^7! I'.l.-) 74 I 'i'.)S7 'iO I Mi) -M oOO 00 1000 DO 00 00 .-.4G'2 71 S.t.'!.-,77 40 Uniler ou<I by virtu.. ..f « Powor of Saj., .v,n. tuinecl Ml Ii Moi-tuitKi.. wliioh win lie i.rodnoHi at tiiuu of Saio, ihui-u will bu aolil by .\uutiou at McGIKK'S HOTEL. VILLAGE OF FEVBRSHAM, â€" In tho Townnbip of 0*pr«y, on Friday. 1 1th day of May. is.s.'i ,\t one nrlo<'k in tbo aftornoon bv MH. A. -'. V.tNUl'SK.N, Aiictiomior. Tho foIlowiliK !>•>- '"I'OtlTiL 1 .Ml and singular tlloso rertJiiri eui-cil-' or trscls ol lan.l and preniiwn »iti»t... h..OiK in th.. Townshii. of o»pr..>. â- ;. the (ounly ..( (ivoy. wli.oil "W.v b« I'et .t kn. « . Lot N... IC. ill '.bo nth fon. ..f I'-pi â-  â-  aol-sid.l. r.ol lai.l MO oil.. <in«»<n .'•'•â-  [>'â- â-  i,,m am-. 1... ,l.« ..» Kir.tlv, Ihni o'O-i 'i l.ot -Mi III. b.Hu; .N-itli ..f Peul «n-.t, >i t>i' Vilbuio'il l-'.^"'»b.oo, Ol tho tai.l Tp. "I ' Kpr.- . ,il,il W.)».tot Millstr.-.l. with the .-x.-.l.ti.." i Unit 1..1II .-..livov...! to til.- 1'rosbyt.iimn ( . s«c-.,mil\. tl.-a part U ,„« lOa-t of Mil nt,, .,.-.. . ii,,. -.00 v,u.*.'. «nii '""""'â- "â-º''''.i'" ,,;', J,. .,'. ... N,,rlb '.f l'...i s,.-.t, .oi.l 1...IS -JS im.l ?.l. >i<J ,,( P..,l slv.'.-l. Tbir.llv. that pait of Mu.l I ... • . IC. lui,BS..utli..(P-.Ul>oi't "".I V.-st â- '( ^1 I streeri.^..,! S..,lh ..I tl,. tu.r of lots ...ntoe' ;;. tli.i N.irUi -I'i. 'I Nul.-'iii Street wil!i tbe >. t.on ..I l...t- uunAu.. I--.. M. -ir,. â- .«..M.i â- v. o. --. . villaue Sc-.-..n.l, \l«""i«tpart. of »ai.l Lot N . ir, h .lie 0. I".-'" \\ "iloiiiion und S a l..ri.. -tv.-. : â-  â-  s.ivill.*.- will. til.. .xceptO.n ..f tlml "ort ,.-, I ! J s!k ..'r *r ..t Vi,.t.,n.. and Mill st, bm;-!-. â- .;•; I Holil and .â- .lllv.^vâ- ^»l b.i ono .laim.s ll.o.ii.t..ii -rlv ar.i ere.-lisl a ' '' liiiOHl Mill. '111.' '^Nnt. ..f till. HuKt ill til.' I '. On llu- iibov.' ;'l" Mill, Siiw Mill .111.1 ' l'.;Wer is -^ai.! t.» I't^ ..1 ' VAK('KI.'3. l.otN \Volliiii;i.>ii sir.-.l. 1 ()M ilii- rr..i..'rt> 111.- iJW.'Oim; lit pK.biint . i. I, on the S.iutb d' suiil Villimeof Kcv.-r- .. IS said to !«! ft sti-r* iM-iipioil bv Mr l.u'Ko ll.i of (4iil» will 1'" ''â- '^' Teiiiis mid Conilitioii known lit tiiiii- of Sill.-. .. ,,i,. , , Mi'ttiitini.' for pariiciilivrHOf »»nieai.i.l> t HF.OKdl'. MOltV.m.V. I M>li.'it«r lor M.'rl-:ii;.'. â- â- â€¢ 1 Collilli;ivood, .\pril I'.tli, !•♦«• FARM for SALE Bi Slil.xwell wttt.a.i.l, mi.l Well toi.rii.l. frain.' lioiise. I S4f)-:'71. halt mil" fr" um ma-.''.. Ci) a.-r.'« .l.'ii.- L _"' iin.lur ';..). I >liii'" "' â- â- ..ltl^â- '•" l,.ii '.I Iraiiio l)a. II ""1 ""'" Km- f.irtbor â- Â« li'l'l^ .niSl.l'll ltAIil.l';V. ITU Sl..i.lil..i V'.'."'."". â- |,,l..l.t'- till' Township of 1H87. have much 1 that wo luvvo gone vouchers ri sanio oorrec lair ointments, cheap and which not only but more freipieiitly aggravate and confirm tho diseases they are frau.lulently udv.'rtised to Ayer's SarsapariUa, FARM to RENT FOK SALK. Dr. J. C. 3ol(l by nil Urugglats. PKBPABKD BY Ayer it Co., Lowal!. Mass. rrica(li »u botilM, »». OK nriNfi i.ots H .t n, fon. a, Towtishb. j>f Mt.'ii"-- B ,hi .â-  taininu ^M acres more oi- le..s. iib..i t st.Oil.. iiihI llowln-ft^t UwelluiK H...i~' mil i i«.Vi!!!.u;uinK0r.4.ii.d. Apply on th.i proii.e.-, ;?°''"'"''^'""'''"il«'H. M.PHAIT,, . ,, ^ Vleflierton Station P i'. S.U.- l'oii>oii»h>ii(;iveniimiiedi»tBly. Si^"9 J \

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