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Flesherton Advance, 26 Apr 1888, p. 5

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Apr. 26, 1S88.I THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. Owpu Nonnd. Frum ovr ««<.•« Curmpondiut, A (,'lo<>m i« CTist over ouc town by stv- ernl d«.'»ths wliii^li luivu reci'iitly occurred in our niidat, A few weeks »(;() was chronicled dw deatii of Mrs. J. Bready, mIio had b«;u nufferinsj ^i»r MHie time f'lr Homo time frriHi lung trouble, and shortly afterw.ird Airs. S. Connel, afflicted witli A similar, [wssud away. Last Thumd.iy Mr. liijrdler lost iiu infant child and on the same day Mra. James RutR«r- ford, in the 2f«h year of age, passtjd to hor eteru»l rest Tlio Methodist church wa» drapcU in mourniii)» last Sunday in memory of these departed nienibers. Their husbands and families have tho deep sympatliy of the community. Last Thursday evening a little boy em- [iloyml in carrying parcels from Douglas' grocery store, failed to return home. . i'o tidintis W!i.s received of liim, and the river was draciied, when his biwly was di-scov- eri'd. It is supposed to be a case of acci- dentjil drownini;, but no one seems to know .inything conceruini.' the particulars. Last Friday eveiiint; the tire bell was run-:, but as it proved to be a chimney afire the excitement soon died out. Be- tween 12 and 1 o'clock tlie fire-bell was a^ain run<; vociferously and the lar'.;e grocery store of Mr. f!eo. Meir and that f>f Mr. J. Xotter were di.scoverud to bo ablaze. Wilcox's variety store was also burnt. The buildiii'.nt were in.sureil. It is supposeil the lire Vi-.ut the work of au incendiary. In ooniuHtion witli liis i;ro eery store, Mr. Notter kept li(pior, and gome of the liremen took advantaue of its presence by iuibibin'.; rather freely, thus unfittin;^ them for their duties iu ex- tiniiuishini; the fire. An investigation of tho affair is beini; held to-day (Monday). Mr. W. .J. bracken, of I'ranipton, has «tartB<l in Owen Sound as Vet. Suri;con. T. E. Vanstone, an estimable yimni; citi«eu, has opened up a dry goods store on Poulett street. All are waitnig anxiou.sly for the dis- appearance i'( ice from the bay. Precious Promise. Ch, what would this uroat world be, Wera it not to iiiortMn (fiTon The nwet he«rt-iiladdBiiing promisa Of reat and puace ia buaven ! Tho tian of truest frinndiibip Ou uarth are oftun rivou ; Hear. bItiedinK lieart, tho iiromiae Of uuitjr iu hHavaii. When tiMd of life's burdoiin. And to (laHpair were dri»«li. How sweetly Hounds the prt>miae â€" • No WKAiiimtss m Heavsm.' And when tha boars seem darkest, â-  Hnt to do (iod'H will we're Htriven, Ob, grauil and t^luriouH proiniae^ •• A SUUE UEWiUJJ I« HEAVBX." Purk Kidyf, IU. -Lena. m^kmm 3;oldinthe:heao: CATARRH. CITES immatiiata Relief roil Cold in Head, HAY FEVER. liAS'V TO L'SE. Sot a Snuff, Powder or Irritating Liquid. Price Bu tla. and $1.00. It not obtubiablo at your druj« (intn, cent prepaid on receipt of prlci. AdCrcsa FULFORD A, CO., Brockville, Ont. CAi-AR'aH-.; POSITIVE GUi^ .K The exhauated and drowsy feelings, coininoji to sprinij time, indicate an im- pure and sluiri^iah condition of the blood, which may be remedied l)y the use of Ayer s Sarsuparilla. It i^ the most pow- erful, and, at the s^imii time, moat eco- nomical blood purifier known. W. C. T. U. Depftrtineiitl. Christian Plea.sures. How oft iH beard tlie question, Whfthor or uot 'tiH rij^iit For Christian?! seeking pluaniire, Where worltlHiigs flim du light. And many oiiuds baveKivun Aiirtwor in many ways; Still hoarlt* with tirowiiiR iutereitt Anew thu queHtion riii«o. To voiiiit; heart.** oversowing With innocence ami rIoo* 'Ti^4 hard in such n niattor. Wise uouuHellors to be. \Vhat rule than thin U Hafor, I'aul \o\iti awe did KJTe. Thrtt to (Joel's «Iory tliodo who His children are ahould live. IfK not 'â-  what other Christianti Do or not do '" Bhould be Onr warrant, but " What sav^tti The Word of God Co me? " Each Christian Khould the quostton .\t .JestiH' feet decide, And by the liKb*i that Scripture Sheds ou it to abide. When ho can pray. '* Thy blesHing Now. Father, bo on nie. That recreation Kon^'ht for May to Thy glory be." Wheu ho can eay to J«rus, " Conic with lue. Heavenly Krioud, For without Theo I would not One hour iu pleasure spend." Whon he can pray. "O Uloaiied Spirit bo my nuido. Keep niu from hiu'h deAlemeut. .\n<l in my heart abide. " Thus luay tho Christian pleasuroi Seok, when he can hu p^'i^y. And none Hhatt by uxauiplu Of hiui be led astray. .\iid when tho Saviour'^ pre^^onco Shall bewith him. and where He thall not sriovo tho Spirit. Hit) Cfud Hhall bltis>i him thnre. --Ki.i/Ai»Em Hbckktt. NASAL BALM.â€" Deafness caused by Oitairh is quickly relieved by Naaal lUlin. Head;ioh e caused by Catarrh is quickly cured by Niiaal Balm. APRIL 1888. The Flftherton Spring Show is now being held and it is an ucktwwUdged Aid that the ]343Mt I'l-ice.** are being secured at the Furiiitiire Warerooius, irhere every uurchaser is sure of receiving some valuable prize. Specialtiii are elegant. BEDROOM SUITES of Nev/ and Tasty Designs. Shit and tieed, Chairs snmething new and must he seen to be appreciated. Cliil- drens CARRIAGES which for Style and Beauty uf Finish have never ban tkoicn, in this section before. Perforated. Cane and ]\iiod Seat CII.llRS in en'dkss varieties. Ci'l'BORDS, SIDEBOARDS, lil'REArS, SIXKS, &r. In upholsteretl goods our sluiw excelU oil previous displays. To atttnipt to des- cribe a'l the different articles un exhibition would end in failure and so tre roclend a heartij lavitation to all to inspect the bent display of Furtiilure ever shown in FIcsherloH and remember that every article is for sale Cheaj), and lust but by no means the least tee have yiiuch jAeasure in announcing that ice hare the So.u Riijht to sell the justly Celebrated n ^ ^ a number 0/ which may be seen at our Warcrooms with Prices and Terms R'ght. J. E. MOOitE, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, PURHAM STREET, FLESJUERTQN. Meaford Road. from <M(r mim Correspmuleut. Miss .\nna Bucbanan has been contiDed to the liijuav thniui^h Kicknues fur some time past. Her many frioiuis will be pleased t<i learn tliatjtka is r^icoveriiig. On last Wednesday, 18th inat., the wedding .spuken of came off at the resi- dence of TI108. Kulls, £»(). , the parties most interested hein^ Miss Josepliine Kells and Mr. Henry Sparl in;;. Rev. J. Walker Shilton, B. A,, ..Hiciatwl. .\11 wish the yuuu;; people a pmsperous voy- age through life. Mr. C. Gilbert, of Wiaiton, was down on a visit. Mr. J. W'arling is fireman at the saw mill and business is booinini;. Mr. S. Gilbert lios moved biick to the old homestead. He tB goini; to try fariii- ini; this aumnier. The hard frosts that we have at nights are giving the fall wheat a very burnt look. A good warm rain ami genial wea- ther Would be very acceptable. As a hair dressing and remivator, .-Vyers Hair Vi^or i.s nniversally commended. It eradicates dandrutt', ciireit eruptions of the scalp, invigorates and livautities the hair, and prhvents its fading or turning gray. An Buy. who .i.sks for Fair Pluy. To the Editor id The Admncr. Dear Sir, â€" I have not been long out in this country fri>m England, but quite long enouu'll to meet with a man whone meanness will yet brini; him U> ixrief. I need not mention names, fi>r although tho man 1 speak of treated me in a most scurvy manner, 1 do not wish to hold him up to public scorn â€" unmasked ! This man I engaged with as farm help last year. I was hoineless and a wanderer and therefore only too «lad to gut a sit- uation. Hut what a situation ! .-Advan- tage was taken of my position to fleece me of a portion of my hard earnings. .\ certain article was palmed otl' on nie as Uood, which, investiiiation |)rove<l, was almost worthless. Shirting bought for me in a Kleslierton store at 17 cents (jer yard, was represented to mo as costing tveufy i-mt.^ /xr i/an/ .' Wlmt sort of a soul must a man possess who will cheat a homeless boy three cents per yard on a little cheap shirting ? In other particulars this man's iictions were quite <iii a par with the part he played in connection with the shirt trans- action. To add insult to injury, this man spread certain reports thronijhout the country calculateil to injure my char- acter, and said renorts were as false as were the statements he made to me con- cerning the cost of thn shirting when he broui{ht it boit'e fruiu the sturu. .Vll I ask, Mr. Editor, is fair play, and that, I think, will be accorded me in this great young country, where there is not such a marked distinction made between tlie various cl.isses as there is m many 'ither parts of tho world. Vours truly, E. C. Bt»H. Flesherton. April 'ilst, 1H88. .No one can describe the sufferings caused by .\stlima except those troubled with the C'Mnplanit, ( 'ne package of is.uithoiii .\stliina Curo will relieve any Oiise. llouble treatment in each package. You Carry A whn.'e medicine chest iu your pockat, with ouo box of Ayer's IMlls. As they operate directly on the stomach and bowels, tliey indirectly affect every other organ of the body. When the stomach is out of order, the head is â-  affected, digestion fails, tho blood be- comes imiiuverishcd, and you (all au easy victim to any prevalent disease. Miss M. E. ISoyle, of Wilkesbarre, Pa., puts the whole truth in a nutshell, when she says : ^ 1 use no other medicine tliau Ayer's I'lUs. Thoy arc all that any one needs, ami just splendid to save aioney iu doctors' bills." Hero is au instance of A Physician who lost his medicine chest, but. h.iving nt band a bottle of -Vyer's Pills, found himself fully e(piipped. â€" .1. Arrison, M. I)., of Sail Jo.Hi), C'al., writes: " Some throe years .ago, by tho merest accident, I was forced, so to speak, to prescribe Ayer's Cathartic Pills for several sick men anions a party of engi- neers iu the Sierra Ni^vada mountains, my medicine chest bavins been lost in crossing a mouiitaiu torrent. I was surprised and delighted at the action of the Pills, so much so, indeed, that I was led to a further trial of them, as well as of your Cherry Pectoral and Sarsapa- rilla. I have nothing but praiso to offer in their favor." John Vi'. Brown, M. P., of Oceana, \\. Va., writes: " I prescribe Ayer's Pills In my practice, and find them excellent. I urge their Kcucral use in families." T. E. Hastings, M. D., of Baltimore, >Id., writes: " That .Vyer's Pills do con- trol and cure the complaints for which they are designed, is as conclusively proven to mo as anything jiossibly can be. Thoy arc tho best eiithartic and aperi- ent within the reacli of the profession." Ayer's Pills, PREPARED BY Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mau. Martyrs to Headache Seek relief in vain, until they bei^n to use Ayer'j Sarsaparilla. Then tliey ro gret the years of suffering they might have escaped had they tried this remedy earlier. The trouble was constitutional not lo<:al ; and, until Ayer's !tersupa> rllla did its ellectivo work as aa Alterative and Blood Purifier, they were compelled to suffer. The wife of Samuel Page, 21 Austin St., Lowell, Mass., was, for along time, subject to severe headaches, the result of stomach and liver disorders. A per- fect cure has been effected by Ayer's Sarsapar'llu. Frank Uoberts, 727 'Washington St., Boston, says that he formerly bad ter- rible headaches, and until hi; took -Vyer's Sarsaparilla. never found any medicine that would give Permanent Relief. " Everv .Spring, for vears," writes Lizzie W. DeWau. JiU" Kifteentli St., Brooklyn, N. Y., " I have hail intoler- able headaches. I i'ommeiit;tid the use u( -Vyer's Sarsaparilla last .March, and have not had a headache since that time." " I suffered from headache, indiges- tion, and dehility, and was hardly ahle to drag myself about the house," "writes Mrs. .\1. M. Lewis, of .V St., I>owell, M;iss. " .Vyer's Sarsaparilla has workoil a marvelous ihange in my case. I now feel strong and well .is over." Jonas Garman, E-sip, of Lykins. Pa., writes: "For years I have sutTeriMl dreadfully, every Spring, from headachi', cau.seil by impurity of the blood ami bilousness. It seemed for days and weeks that my head would »[)lit open. Nothing relieved me till I took Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This medicine has cured me completely." When Mrs. Gene^Ta Belanger, of 24 Bridge St., Springtield, Mass., began to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla, she ha<l suffered for some years from a .serious alTection of the kiilnevs. Every .Spring, also, she was alHicleil with headache, loss of appetite, and indigestion. A friend (mt- suaded her to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla. which benetitcd ber wonderfully. Her health is now perfect. Martyrs io head- ache should try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rr«|mred by Dr. J. C. Aytr h Co.. Lowvil, Mkab Trice $1 . tU buul'««, $6. Worib $6 » boiU: Pdial. DR. CARTER. M.C.P. .its., Ont. PHYSICIAN, SI'R«EO.\, &r. FLE.SHERTON. Office, Htrsin'i block. Bsaideuce, Wm.Wriebt «- Flesherton mim 3IILL! gettti$trif. DENTISTRY. Thomas Henderson, L.D.S. .SURGEON DENTIST (iold Medalist aiul Bi>n</r Graduate uf the R.C.D.i^., Will visit FLESHKHTON. iMunsbows Hotel I and a of uach mouth. Ti'cth extructL'il, inaert- 1x1 and IlllHd in tho hiyhoist etylos of the an. uuU &( luoderutti rates. Hkao Opfk k, 761 'i'liSGK St., Toiionto. ^rgjU. J. W. FROST, LL.B.. Barrister, Solu-itor, Conveymuer. OtBce,â€" Strain s HuiMiiig, Klkkhkhti'M. \. .V. CHESLEY. Suiiritor and Convuyaucur. Kusideut .Maiiat^er. MK. FU08T will be found at tho Offlcu oo Tburadavs as berutofore. P McCULLOUGH, Barrister, Solicitor, cK'c. OtBee, over McFarland's Store. -Vnrkilale. Moiit-y to Luun. John W. Armatrong I Klkshkiito.v. Co. Gmkv. TJIVISION COUKT CLEKK, CO.MMISSIONER A'l n U. U., Couveyancer. Ac. AKout for pureha*- iiod aalu uf land,*. .VppraisBr for (.' 1,. C Cou; and V. 1'. It. i 8. Soeiety. .Mouuv t<, I.i.ku on the most rua«oual>le turiMii. Ishi kii oFM.\HUL\tiK UCBN8ES. NOT.^KY PL'HLIC. 1' 1'ho iiiKlurftlgnod bogn to announcu to his num- orouH cuNtuiuflrn that ho hau got the Mill iu Good Runniuff Order â€" aiji] hftvo ({ul in the Very Latest Improved ROLLER PLANT Atidcftpahloof turniuif out Kir«t-CIftHs KLOl'Il liii.l am i»rL'imrml to «ivf my ciibtuiiiorH GCOD VIKLDS .VNU KlUST CLASS FLOlK. Ki>|iiuK to rocuive A nharu of yuur patronaKc- &3i [ aui pruparv'l io pluaKu. I Huiuaiii Yourti Kusp.. WM. BRADLEY. MONF.Y TO LOA^ • .IT LOWE»»T 4 rUKK.NT K.iTE.S. On Towo or Farui Prujiorty, S. DAMCDE. Klushurton. W. J. BELLAMY. TWl'. CI.KUK AUTKMKNIA. CoyyjiY.iyfJiH. I 'I K\tMl.^SliiSEl!. ISSUHAyVE AiiT. di' |\KKI>H. M0KTOA(iE«. LKAHES. »v |>fp|.a, *' oil ami liroporly .jxtoutod luMilnjiw alTw; stl ill flmt'C-laHa coliipaiiicH. .Money to loud nt lowest ratcH. R. J. 8PR0UL, Flesltertim. Conniiaui-f r, Ajipciisir. \'nl- uatiir and Moueij Undrr. th-,h, .\[„r>- '/"â- I'S, lows and Wills drairn u)i on./ VtU-uatiiins nuuii on .ilunUil nolur. I'hirr- tjef irry lim: Apply tn li. d . Sl'llOl LK. I'oslinutirr, FUdoriiin. James Sullivan, The TiDsmitti, - Flesherton Ui'palnii!,'. KHVPtruiiRhinK.arnl in factcviTy- thinit in the biiKinoh^ will rt'oiiivu tiiy pruuiptautl i-iir<'fiil atkoiitioii at ruabUiiahlu priced. CO if^^ MM z >^. rt fc-i •H r^Q I V u a 1-3 I Q I < O pi$cclIanfo«$. The ThitroH,di-HriA lh(rham Hull. Gray Champion ! Will ilanti for stcviee at Lot l.'il ,' U'.^t. Artemcsia -about one mU^' from Fledierl' n .Stu<io«. This ui a Jirat-ilfi.ts anitiial iino farmirs ilesooHs >,/ inifiroriuij Ihur .<(i..A uill do uelt to hriioi tlitir â- â€¢oici to him. It- i.i in ;«im,' i-onditiou. TKU.MS.â€" 1<1 pur cov. UiMluced rates an ipiiIh i, to iiuiiibur of ouws lin>UKbl, by any oiju man. JOHN AUA.MS, I'lopiitlut 'UfffllfnfAIV 'o^" rsvolutiohizod tho world <lunuii tho la:,t half century Not least tniHoiK tho nnmlui', i f iiiventivo proKrens is aoK'tlH"! and RVrttuiu uf work that can ho porfuitnutl n't oviir thiicoiintrv witlii>nt "fparittiiiR tho work- ors frum their hoioos. Pay liberal : an\ oii.> 'i-ati do tho work : either hex. \ouhh or ,ilil ; j,.-. -peoial ability roipiired. ( iipital not necckKl : I yoti ale started fro,'. Cut tliis â- jut and roliirn to : na and wo will send yon flfo. soliii'thilii; o\ K'len-. j value and iniportaix'o tip yen. that nil! itart v. ii [ill bosinoss, which will bi iii^,' voii i n iiioro nionev litllit away, than Aoythillij olso ill llio ivoibl. (imso OITKIT KIIKK. AildloSS TUL K ,t On., A-:- liU'itn. Maine, Agents, Agents ! N"W llEAllV Oiii Nkw Hot k > GO FARM m SALE. B'llNCi Lot i1, Con. 11. Artomesia, oontaiuinK ICO ncroK iiioro or loss. For particulars apply to UOVEU LEVEK. Floahorlon. \EARTH, SEA AND SKY â€" OHâ€" Marvels ofih- Universe HeliiK afiill nnd Kraphie .lo=criptioii of nil that i« woiidorfnl in ovory Continont of the GJobe. io tho world 111 waterx and tho starrv Heavcl^-. I'oiitaiidnii thrillhif,' advonturos on land iiiid sea, renownoii discoverios of tlio worlds lirealoht e.x- |dororH in all a^o**. and i-oniarkuhlo phoiieniotov m I'V.ry renlni nf naturo KnibiaciiiK tho itiil;- ini; physical («»Hireii of the earth tho poonliiij- ch&riiotorjntios of the liinnan raeo, of auiiunl,^. binls. iiKocts, etc., iiK'Inillni.' a vivid dMscT(pti"ii r>f th« Atlantic. Pacific and Indian (Icraiiii ai«l of lh,i I'ular .Suas, the inonstora of tho di),,j'. boniitiful «ovholl» and plauta. sioKulai- fl«l'<« and dwcllois in tlio world ol waters, reinaikablo ocean c'lrronts. ntn.. tonuther with tho nninjij < iihenoniona of the nolur and starry svstonis, l.v Hour) linvuaport NorHivop. L) U ' ouibollii*e<} with oTtir ,100t\iio BiiDravluiii. Liberal toinis Uy asuiits, Oxford rubTkhlagCouiiiaiiy, 5 lor.'in Si,, Toronto, Ont. JUV3(#

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