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Flesherton Advance, 26 Apr 1888, p. 4

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«p ^, THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE ADVANCE. la piiblishud Kv-ery Thursday, Fbom thb Orricii, SyUnluim Street, • • Fleshertuu, (hit. TKUM8 oP 8UB8CKIPTION: •1 par annum wlieu paid strictly In advance • t.aOp«r»nuuui kUou nut ho i>ai<l. A. B.FAWCETT, Hditi/r aiid I'mprietor. FLESHERTON: THURSDAY, APR. 26. 1888. //OA'. Tiros. WHITE. Hon. Tlios. White, Ministur ot tho In- terior, in dead. Cut down in thu prime of lifu and in the very zunith of his ruc- ct<«.t, friend and opponent throughout tho li-ni;tli mid breadtli of Canada sincerely miurn, in the death of Mr. White, the l'.« of a true patriot, a distinf;ui»lied statnsnian, and a brilliant journaliat. He wax tlie hardest worked man in Kir John Mobotiald's cabinet. His death is gen- crnlly re^'anled as a great national hiss, and tho VHoanoy caused thereby will l)e a diDicult one to till. The dead statesman w%!< immensely popular among all cla8Ke.i, ami held a very wurni place in the atfec- tions of tho old chieftain. Sir John. Mr. White was born in Montreal on tlii> 7th of .\ui;uRt, IKiO. His father was Irish, a County Westmeatli man, and his mother Scotch, having been l)orii in Kd- inburg. After attending High School in Montreal, he turned his attention for Some years to mercantile pursuits, when lie accepted a piisitioii on the editorial •taff of the Quebec (iazettc. In 18^3 lie ant his br>itlier-in-law established the I'eU-rborough Review, with which be was connected until J8(>0. He then studied law for four yean in tlm office of Hon. Sidney Smith, Q.C., of Cobourg. From 18<>4 to 1870 ho held a half interest in the Ilaniilliin Spectator, when be and his brother, .Mr. itichard White, purchased the Mmitreal Ciiizette, which is now the b'.iding newspaper in (Quebec province. On the r>tli of August, 1885, he was called to Sir John McDonald's (iovttrnment as Minister of tlie Interior. Died, April 2Jnd, 1888, ageil 57 yean. Siri'OItT JIOJUK l.\OUSTRY. We have often called the attention of tho public to the iiii|>ortanoe of sup|Mirt- ing home enterprise. TiiK AnvA.NCK has never given forth any uncertain sounds in this particular; and, what is more to the point, it has practiced what it prea(;lied. Wi) have often pointed out the evil of diverting businesa from its natural chan- nel, ill so far as it related to every other industysave our own- that of [irinting. Yet, strange ah it may appear, some of tho very men most likely to Ui Uiietitted by this course, have â€" whilst energetically endorsing tlio wisdom of the position talii'ii by The AiiVA.MK regularly pat- ronized tho tramp canva-ssers of certain '• ciit-tiin nt " city printing otiices, whose managers frequently retire aeross into the i; S., followed by the pathetic himenta- tioiis (if duped creditors ! Forgetting or i,'iioriiig the fact, that their local printing otiice turns out just as good work and at as reasonable prices as the same job can lie done for in any honestly conducted city otiice, these »c(/t»A /Ki^riofji spend tliinr luiiney outside the town to the detriment not merely of thuir local publisher but of the pliioo generally. - The saimi can be f>ai<i of busineas men in Markdale, Dun- «lulk and elsewhereâ€" in each of which phiees there are well-appointed printing cxtablisliments. 'I'lila is manifestly unfair, unpatriotic and snicldal. Tho local publisher spends bi.i nionoy in his own town, lii.s propor- tion of taxes help to keep tho cogmration wheels greased, and ia the moat powerful f.ictor in advancing and promoting the best interests of the cnminuiiity. This I 1st ativteincnt may appear t<i somo to be boastful. And si> it is : but it rusts on a solid foundation. SoinBtimes, when taxed with doing I'.unself pretisi'ly what lie oondenins in oiliors, yimr " selHsh putriot " puts for ward the tlimsy excuse, that he doean't like everything tho local publi.sher puts in III* paper ! Profound logieiaii ! what w.mld liocomo of your own busineus, if your oiistiuueis addplod your line of rea* soniny? Do not manyâ€" in some cases ♦ 'u. mn»»- «f your patron, hold opinions dianiutricaHy opposed to yours in religion, t»:iipef*nce politicH, and what not } If *aej- tlTMted yuu|as g«»iwou»ly (1) n« you treat your home publisher, you might just as well take down your sign at once, put up the shutters, and go into the lucturii.g businesa. Subject : Patriotism ; or "what fiK)l» these mortals be." You see, tho " Heliikh patriot " is apt to forget the pow- er there is in example in that many jjeople naturally infer that if it pays him to deaj elsewhere it will also pay them to di> likewise. We have in our mind's eye tho case of an individual, for whom tho people have created a monopoly. This person is rap- idly accumulating wealth, nearly all of which has been gathered in from the com- munity in which lie resides. And yet it is a well known fact that he buys every- thing used in his establishment outside the place that has given him riches with a lavish hand ! Although standinf^ high up in the sctde its a representative of his class, we know of no man, who ia so siiiall-souled, miserably mean and decid- edly unpopular in his own neighborhood, as is the person we iilludu to. Takeaway his monopoly, and this miserable sinner's business would collapse like a ]iuncturcd bladder ! We reitenite what we have stated time and again, that every dollar spent outside your own town is an injury to it. You are thereby building up other places at the expense of your own, and what is an injury to the community is, of course, an injury to yourself in coniinon with others. Don't do it. Help to build up yoiir own town and avance your own interestM. Deal elsewhere and a precedent ia established which will just as surely recoil on your- self as it will upon the community at large. Don't be a clam. Your local printing ollicc- -whether it l»e the Heriihl, Standard, or Thk .AnviM k â€" deserves your hearty support. Nothing paraly/.es the ettorts of the local press so much us tliis " siltiisji piitrintiHiii " - not that it exihts to any very great evteiit, or that the home journals enuKl not exist without such patronage. < >ii the con- trary, other enterprises are by far tho greatest sutl'erers. Continue the praclico and piil<lic conlideiice in home uistitiitions will gradually but surely lie witlidruwn and diverted into other channels. .Again we say : stand solidly by homo enterprise 'tirst, last, and all the time. Talk up your own town; IsHini it for all it is worth -at bonie and abroad and prosi>erity's sun will beam upon it and you. So mote it be. SrrdM, Meods, Nrcds. rli«-»|> fur oiihIi III Mrdinil Hall, FI«'Mli4>rloik. Auction Sale OK â€" - Valuable Farm, lu the Totrnthip of liit^ntfij, in thf (\ntnt>f itf dlt'tj. UNDKU and by vlrtu« of tho pownr nf HaIr ouiitniiiiHl in •« tiM>rtutig» fruiu lliiliiiril Halev tu iliu Viunlortt wliii-li will \n\ itunUtCinl nt lliii tiniu ttf Adit' (vikI oil ilcfftult iif utt* iiuuiovH tiittrtihy NHtMitiM) lliurit will be offttnxl fnr hivIo \ty Public Auction Ht Ml NSH VW'H Ht)Ti:L. In tbo VILLACiK OK KI.KHKKUTON. <.ii Friday, tliolltli diiy ofiMay, ISHK, (ii 2 o't-luiik p. It), by A. H. VanIMkkn. Aiictioiio»r. Tli«! following |)ro|rertv, vIr. : Lot iiiiiiibur l.'i, in tliti 7th ('oiicfHtitnii (if ib« 'r<iuiiBlii|» of ObfiielK. odiitHiiiin^ 104 ncritH more or Iuhh of wbiob nlxiiit 70 KcrttM Riu Hiilil to bt* cbmriMt. On tho |irt'nukOH am Haiti to bo k Kiiimo Ikmimo. 1<o^ ilurii ami StaLln. TKIlMH:-T(ni jM^r ctuit tit tinio of «alw, for tho halanno turiu* libeitil tiiitt will bu niailu known at tiniu of Hah<. l-'or further parttuulurM npiily to Auutiouuor or to MOHH, IIAUWICK tV KUANKS. VttiiiUjiM' HulloitorH. Toronto. April ilht. Ihsh iNEWADVEKTlSEMEiNTS. GRIST MILL, Oatmeal mill, Saw Mill Sc Store • Under und by virtuttof a Power of Halo con- tained in a MortK^u, which will bo produced at tiuie of Halo, there will bo hoIU by Auction at McGIRR'S HOTEL, VILLAGE OF FEVERSHAM. Ill the Tiiwnnljip of Ospruy, on Friday, lltli day of May, 18KM At one o'clock in tho Rfternoon bv MIt. A. S. VANDUSKN, Auctiouuer. Tho following l»ro- portv :â€" I'AKCKL 1.â€" All and Hingul&r thoao certain narct-Iri or tractn of land and firoiniKt'S Hituate Ivint; and buin^ in the Township of Onprey, iu tho County of (irt^y, which may uo better known and deMcri'bcMl an folIowH: First. The Northerly part of Lot No, 111 in the inh C*<in. of Onproy, aforenaid, not laid out into village lotH. Thia tiart may bu duscrilied h» Kirntlvt that part of jot No. IA, bviiik' North uf Peel Htreet. in thu V'illaije of KeviTsham. in tho Hai<l Tp. of OHproy, and West of Mill strot't, with tho exception of tliat part conveyed to the Pruttbytorian (iiurch ; Hecondly, that part lyiii^' KaHt of Mill Ktreut. in the Hiiid village, with thu exception of hotM 1 and 'J. North of Put^-I Sreet, and LotH 'JH and '£), Konth of Peel Htreet ; Thirdly, that part of nairt l>ot No. ir>, lyint; South of Feel Htrett and \Vet.t of Mill Ntreet and North of the tier of IoIh fronting; on the North Btdo of Victoria street with theexcop- tion of hotK nuiuberu l'>, '24, 2.% 'JC and ^, in aaid village. Second, AIno thiit part of waid I,*ut No. 10, lyinK between Wellington and Victoria btreetH in saldvillaf^e with the exception of that portion at S.K. corner of Victoria and Mill St. heretofore Hold and conveyed by one .JainoH Hauiiltuii to Kobt. Urown. On the above property aro erected a OriHt Mill. Saw Mill anJ Oatmeal Mill. Tho Water Power in Kaid to bu one of thu Itent iu the l^ocal- itv. VAUrKLa. Lot No. 1, on the South mMo of Wellin^'ton Street, in Maid Vflla^'eof KevorHhaui. On thit I'roiierty there it* naid U> be a Store and Uwulliii^ at preaeiit occupied by Mr. huke Hall. TeriuH anil ConditiouH uf Sale will tx) made known at time t>f Sale. ML-untinie fur particulars of Kamo apply to (iKOlUiK MOHKULY, Ktilicitor for Murtf;a({oeH. (\>llhi(;woo«1. April 0th. IHhB. FARM for SALE â- pF.lNii lAJt 0. (1111.7. OM'roy. Imll mill) from .Maxwell. 100 scrL'M. lib iicreN olnanitl. well watiirtM), and iinilor Roml KtHto <if cultivation. Well (oiicutl. liart.'u fiAiuu liarn anil Htablo, fraiiiu hoiiau. Kor furtliur particiilara apply to JOSKl'll K.\I)1,1:Y, I7!> Hp»ilina ATeiiu*. 34*371. Toroulo. FOE SAXiE. A GOOD RUOO Y tml a i;oo<t sot of Siiiijlo Har' uii<a for akle cb«*|>. .\|>ply to K! J.\M CS KKSTKK. KIi)»horton. WANTED. Local ttml TruvrHiug Stth itnirn, TO Boll our choice varietluH of NuMerv StfK'k either oil Halary or runuiii<»Hlon I'eiinaiieiit eniphnnieiit to the riybt men. No room for lazy oiii'H. uprtKh* and lioniHt. are the oiioh \se are looking for. .\tl'lre«H with rufereiiceK, MAV 1IUI>THKUS. Nuraefyinen. Uitchuutur, N. Y. FARM to RENl" OK FOR SALE. BKINd I.ot« H A 9, ('tin. Ti. Township of Arteiiie rtia, eoiitainiiiK hWtacreM more or letet. about HU of whlcli are cluared. (iood Krainu Hnrn and Stable and lioui^diraHt l>weltiiiK Houie ami a uiHtd bearliiK Ori'lmrd. Apply on the premirtOH for pai'tioularh, or to AULH. M( PHAIL, flehherttin Station P O. N.H.â€" PoBaeHHlou aifon immediately. itA^-.tSH \OTItE. SHIN'dLKS coiiKtaiitlv on hand and for sale cheap, JuHt put in flrst clftsn new ChoppiiiK Mill now brini4 alon^' >our ^rain and K^t it chopped up in Hhurt uider. J. II. SLOAN. Mu^eiiia. Photos, Photos, Photos. We are now turning out work fur »\ipi:rinr in iti/ti' ttnd /iiiigh to auy ever pro- tlucrd ill Kle»hert(tn. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTURE FRAMING ihne in all it» Itranchei. A good itock of FRAMKS and MOlVyDIXCS kept ronifdnllynnhinid. Will nho int'nditce the vew HliOMIDK /'OliT/iAIT, a picture ihtll t'n jfi'i'i'm/ cilfiVfi mitif/nction tvherrver intrnditeed. SAMl'Lh'S can he »ren nt my (JalUry when all piirtiiulurt ai to Price, Style Sic, can he uteer- taiutd. FLiBSHElBTON. 1 h*' CHILDREINS HEALTH On* of Nature* Kindett Gift* i» a JletxUhy Cu-it'Jitutim. Guard it agiiiutt diteine by uii.-iy Siamese Worm Powders. -0 u .uieeWipTnTiB g"- Wormt are the fruil/iil caute of many diiordert in Childrm. SIAMJ-JSE WOHM POWDHUS .•:ill expel Wormt in eoeri/ case uhere ihri/ rxi»l, will rega-\ 1IJ''JJ TK'SH lale the Stonun-li and JiuicrUal the siimrl time. U$e them, you icon't regret it. Sarjeant & McGonnell, DE.KLEBS IN" ALT, KINDS MEATS I*eclc'H JPlen?* Should alirayi be tiseil for Siik Head- ache. Their operation is miltl audi plentant. They strike home each time j ichen used for a Diturdered Liver. Afk\ /or them. Get them. Don t forgrt the. name, Ir^tjek's 1* llim^ttlil JPillH. Jf your druggist ha* not the, above pre- paration in Stock, w. w. stki'hen <£• CO., of Meaford, u-ill tend thrm to you prejxtid on receipt of'lbc./ur either, a of each, or aitorted for $1.00. Fiih, Fold, etc., t»i their Seatuti*. W. W. TRIMBLE FOR First Clas'.^ ROLLER W.WJTliPIIO&CO. l>ruij<jists, WhUende <l- lietail. GREAT RUSH! ITVhat For? 'Where ? To W.8. ClIKLSTOi: S .Modicul Hall. KloBherton. for the celebrated uiudicineii, JOHNSON'S TONIC HITTKltS.Johniions Tonic Liver Pilln, .JOHNSONS ALL-HEALING WHITK OINT- MKNT THP T>rTQTT idfor the HITTKUS aa it is XUiJ XvUOn known to ho the beitt fur all nervt>uH tlineaHeM, Hvrtteria, Debility' of any Hurt. LoMH of Appetite, Female Cuinplaiuts. and PaleneHri of (.'oniplexiun aiiit all dmurdura aris- ing from poverty of thu HIihhI. Tho Plioh '» '"*^ the PILLS an there are XLlV XbUDii none l*utter than lhu»e fur Liver t'oiiiplaint and duraut,;emunt uf thu Ui^eiit- ive 4>rKaiiH. THK UrUH iu for the OINTMKNT an it raukn hrttt in its healing ijuahtiea (or allSkiu Lliaeasen of a MirttfuloUH nature. Iturnn, SeahU, A c. Ac. And it in to bu found at the l>ruL' St^Te uf W. S. (.'HUISTOK, FlUMherton, Come and try and aue for yuuinulvus. (II d i I I ft I 1 1 1 I I a THE MARKETS. FLKSllKUTON. C(i refill Iff CorrvctrU Kitrh Week, Flour «J! 8;j to 8 !»,'â- , Fall Wlit'iit ?0 78 to HO FLOUR. No. 1 Etone Flour, U.VTMKAL, ROLLKD OATS. CiUAHAM FLOUR, CRACKED WHEAT, Shorts, Chop and Bran. POTATOES. APPLES, ETC iiisTHJisloii s/ii: W. W. TRIMBLE. Flealiertou, Dec. Ist, 1887. BELL" Ututppcoached for Tooe and Qtiality. Spring Whuiit (I Diiili'v 50 Oats â-  87 I'oii.s U .')M liiUtor 15 Kkk's. fresh 10 I'otiitocH bush 40 Pork (1 »0 Hiiv.per ton 7 00 llidcH 4 50 Wool IK Kiipopskius TiO (iiiese (Hi Turkeys 10 Cliicki'iia per puir ... 2.") Ducks |>or jwir "ill SO fjf) 88 tio 15 cathLoquls free. BELL&CO.,Giielpli,ODL KIlHI Y this and thenar MiVMl (>r»hle <-iiiplo>i nie thoMu who mad Mt; they will fliiiUtoii- . luent that will b*>t tihke them from their homei* aiil faniilieH. Thu proht;* are larKe and mire U*r every initufttiiuuh perK<>n, many liave uiavte auii are new making Ktfveral hiUKlriHl dollarti a month. It iH eany for any one to make d& atxl upwarilH per day, who Ih wllliuK to work. Kitii er Hex. vuunK or (>ld ; capital not uuetlvd ' «u 1 Htart \on. Kverythin^ new. No M)HiciaI ability U) IrequirtNl : you. reatler. can do it an well art aUT one. Write to I1H at c^rice for full (larticuliii-*, which we mail free. AddresH Stiuaim 4t Co. I'ortlaud. Maine. 50 G 60 8 00 5 50 21 SKA \VONin:B» exint in thou.aiMti rf forms, hul are Huri>aHHed by thtf ii>ArT«U uf iiivuDtion. TboHe wliaare in neMi t<r pr(»f1tahle work that eaiin>e dune while \ Qo'livini; at home Hhuulil at once »end thuir ail ' dreNH tt.> Hallett iV Co., Portlaad, Maine, tuicl »â- - eeive free, full hifnrmatfon liow either r«x, of all a^eK, ean earn from 9^ to 9'25 pur day and upward'' whurevur they live. Yeu aro started free. Capital not retjnired. Sunie haru made over :t*50 in a Kin^jle day at this work. All hul- eeed. 0(i 10 30 (!0 A Positive Cure. A Painless Cure. FACTS rOR MEN OF ALL AGES. e. DISEASES OF MAN. IvH. TT. Hj-CTBOItT'S SI=EOIFIO ITO. THK antUtT HEALTH UEJTKWtlH, _ Marv«l ol Hntlinq. ami Kohinoor ot Medicinei. ^T'J^'B v«^s>4as (ho X'rtlblti <Hin»e<|iiru<irs nf ladiacrctlon, 2£^aS^_2^^^S t'.xiMMurc aiKl Overwork. TC>TJ-l<Tar, 2s/!riX)I3Ij:E:-.A.<3-EID -A-irX) 0I-3D IwCEiT ^V^o aro broken down from thimllucta (if litniHo will fliul in No. Ha radiuHl euro for Durvou9 dutiility, organic weakneitH, invoiuutarv viiiil Iobsuk. otc. BymptoMo for wnirii No. 8 Hmoi'I.h bk Uhbh.â€" Want of energy, verti^-u, want of purpoae. diiiiiitiHH of Kiftht, uvoraioii to society, want of coiiQilonoe, avoiilancu of couveirHaiioA, dtiHiro for bolituilo. liHtleHsiiess iiud iuabiiity to Q.x tho attention ou a particular iiul>je«.'t, cowarilK'o, iloprossion of ppirits, f;i(ldinu8ft, loaii of moniorv, exoitaMIity of teniiii-r, aper- iiititorrliu-a, or liiaa of iliu Buniiniil lluliU-tlio roftult of noir-abuse (>r marital vxcukb â€" iiup<v- tuuoy, iniuitritiou, oiiiui-iatiou, liarroniiuhs, pulpitatioti of thu litiart, hy8tf.iie fooltu^'- iu females, troinbliiiu', iiii'I.'i.Mrh.'lv, iliitiirliint,' dreauia etc, are all Byiiiptoiiia of tliis terrible liabit, oftnntiiiioa iiiiinoiiiily iiC(|Uiru<l. In ahurt, tlio spring nf vital force liavint; lost its tunbion, I very function w.uieK in couauqnuuoe. Hciontil\o writers and tbo superiiiteoilout. of inwiiiiB asylums luiitu m iiscrlliiiiij lo tho etiiicts ot nelfahusa tho jiraat majority of wnstoil lives wlvioU oomo ini'ler Iheir iiotieo. If you are incoiu potent lor tU« ardm uj dntiort of bnaioiMs, iiicupaeiwlel fur tho enjoynientH of lite, No. 8 ollera uu eicape from tlio otloota of early vice. 1( you aio artvanco.l iu years. No. 8 will nlvo yon fnll vk'or imd Btroiii;tli. If you aro broken down, vhvsienlly and morally from early imllscrutiou. tro ruBult of l^uoranet and folly, amid your adilrosa and IU eoiits instauips tor M. V. 1,i'bon'« lYoatis-i in Hook Form on iiiaeasea of Man. Heiilml iml secnro fioiu observation. AddroHsall ooiiimunicatiimato H. V. M'UOTt. 47 WelMuKluu Ni. E.. Toroaato. A Manwithaulwiidom li*e> inaleora paraillio, CURES GUARANTEED. HEAL THE SICK. A Permanent Cure. Pleasant Cure.

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