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Flesherton Advance, 19 Apr 1888, p. 5

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•â- *'â- â€¢Â»Â«â- â-  r'"v Apr. 19, iSSS.] THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE I, Why You Feel S>i viink aud exiiauateJ i^ because your 1>1"m1 i.s impure Ai well exjiert tiie N.u.iMry fviuJiUon of a city Vj tw p<:r- U-ri wi'h ilufilod water and defetti^i-. x«-trasv, a^ to expe« such a compU- «-j,teJ [iii-ce 1)1 mechauism iia the bamia iraiui,' to be iu jjiaiJ orJui with iuiwiro bicjixl circulatiug weu tu ibi c:^nute:it V.-1U11. l»v» jiju teioir that every drop <•.' \otir two or tlirte galloui vi bl< uvi V:i.««i through the heart and !nng> iu ,i'io':t twoai'.d a half minutes, and that> «)ii its way, it makes boae and Tii isi-le, braiu and uerve, and all utber solid*, itiid iUiJi of the body? The bluc^d il great uuuiisher, or, U3 tUu liibUi ter!i:3 i:. "The Life of the Body." Is it any wouder, tlieu, that if tlie bli."o<l i-K Slot iiure and perfect in .ts custi- lueiits, you suffer so tuany iudescribablo c.. ij];.iuuis .' A.MT's ;?arsaparilla stands " hv.i 1 smd ^'" iibove every other Alter- ntive aufl Blood Medi<|ln«. Xs proof, Ti .. ; t'.;'->«. rHliuble testimuii'es (i. C. lirock, 6? UjwiU. Mass.. says: " For lui; pa<t S3 years I h.iv.> j.jid .\yKr'4 Sarsapurilla." In my "Pini-ii, '111' liest reiu.ihal iiijeucies (or the ..• .re ' ( a! t!io di»eai>es arinlu:; fruui iuii>iui- Cics 'A tlie bl'XKl ace c-'ulaiued lu t 1.4 IU';»ilclUe. ' £».•.•:â- â- â€¢ I. Hill, M. I) . :>l Sixth .» e., N'W V' :k. lais: " Aj a blwKl-i'i.n::' .' illl.l ((ili.l il DUil'!'T-U(> "f the ^Jstelll, I I .I..' u.'. .T found aiiy;!iiu,j to cm::.'. .\\--:'- .•<,i;sapar!Ua. It giv. s perieci s.i:,-.'.vtii'r>.'' A;, r's Sarsap.trilla proves ..-.iiially .â- :: . .I.;- :< ill uU foria-s uf 6<'rofu:a, Ijoi;-. L'arl.uuclei, Eozvlua, Uui!io.-». I.uiub:!.;.), Catarrh, lic ; and is, then- tore, the very best Spring and Family Medicine 111 iwiv • 1: U its all." says Mr l'u:,er. . f <';;t!er Hrothers & C.).. Biwt..n. " how Ayer*s Sarsaparilla t Maxwell. From our otim Ccmtspuwimt. ' Beautiful spiiug «t»ather has cuine at ..I uiL.iUed t. ' "... .^cuas t I . .^t; 'U ii: Its en- ty. iu n •.•\er«rL«.iiaij.T 11 uii-j!if seeoi. Our Scliutfl System. To tilt Editor of TJte A'iomrf. As Canadians, ive b<>aat uf our System, j and 3.J we may, f.,r unUoubt«il]r k is well bst and preparation* mre made in every I planned aiid successfully carried out. ' qiArter for the rush of work now coming ' But, like .tlicr, ceutralizatiuii ^ ^a. Camp dies »re aeeu here and there | and a uraiuai withdra*al of popahir en- 1 ^ij^re the sap boiler* are busy luakinu 1 tr - takin» place. Inch by inch the ' ,a^_ir, and a ?'jf.d seaioii ;» rep..rted. I -.-t^ '•'â-  the puuyie ttTv invaded, »nu , iJur old friend, J.>|j»4k.[i Little, lu»», to ^ sooner -r later the pei.ple who pay tte ! better his fortunes, M*»»d to FleBhertoi. ' bill wi!! !).LV... aothitisr t «;<•• I ain m*j Station, whvre ue wfcB' him every success The lilaoi <taithiug bwiiicss here will be . carried on by his brofher, Charles Little, a matter j ^Jj,, ,„^ doubt wilT jflre every satisfiietion. I ' Miss Blakeiy an4 Jti^s Lever, of Flesh- 1 â-  l^-fore I i»r»on. are expected to d" a millinery bus- I â- â- â€¢'iedj;,,^ here, ai;J fn^Ol refutation, they I |Ut scuav « ;|! no doubt be siM^Msful in their uu- 1 dertakini:. ^ A enmiderable l^Mbnt of sickness b rei"irted in every dwect; .n. ' >ur P'^tn.asler, W. L-i.,', has been laid up a fe* iavs, »n': D K. Preston, ; i:iaii contractor, is abo laid a^ with a severe cold. Mr. -James Bt<'WDicU:;e purchased what s ki.own as tl«^{am»'n farm and y '.'n farming more _l '.-.l .•!• • ' (â- oi''-.:>. .., mj-self to . |rcn.v.L'. I.' :,..*i.. ii.y utilitw. h th' •. • I , .;n J.J recent I the >-â-  .â- â€¢â€¢.' •:•â-  'll, l-.W,!!!" 1 t'>r Hit; 1 , f lli-,'li Sc .t. *T 11..UI. Hiitr-m-v cT.iiiii:ation»~ ,>. r;-. visi.>ii ;,. t'vjvs'-i .^il;. .r...reciat(?<! and f <r [.residiiii; Am e ki.uiu t'ons there- in, tlie <t verirnwut I. I' |iR#*Mi«)» f<r p;iyuiei.: tli^ii-f r; »r was t- l-j u;.e of aevei.ty-hve cents [Msr i\:i:jiintitioii, ,.r $4 f>er t»o moder. VI.;. ; u; li L'' '.no .]â- . j da;'. The Ci i..:;ty t" 'jucil adopLAi the I sy-item ui To ceiiis ;*.f j.a[.il. In a lar^e ' C. I'.nty like thts. it was found very di-;i.l. will now le ai>;e to eiteiKjiveiv t >\ It.'* .*«.'. 1 ['repari-.L :â-  Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. r-: ;. . •.! 'j^'.'.!i-», jj. , Lowell, Mass. \\ urtii $i a b.j;::e. ,^J ('^a^/t /f't'n T-rt/uhin>J neat and I'iiraotive He v.ui'.i^ci -.J t.j sti.J ever -• « u:ji t.> Uweii I .'»iund to 'v esauiiiied. The Council ur- j • '..T.ii. r. let nie <ay. reqin'stcd. to have I i .ca. e\ uiiiliat: :is ai.d l!.e.y nere ;;r2.IJt- edâ€" one at Du: Lain. t< aiuniate with | M.irkda'^ .'i: •! F!..-!]^Tt t,. a:vl .i..- t.. si \ tcriiat.', I tl.ii.k. «itli Jleai'oj.; .iiidTii .ru- 1 lory, liu; :t w:is s .. ti fimd that the iri'pect. r t:;a.te \ plea that the ; ay waa u..: SijIlicieliC. ami. tiierelore. bills "£ 3-* per day and trji\el!iii',' e-it/enses. tor i>re- Eiiseuia. ' Fr m i.r iin Co- rttinrmit^'. Fii1i..'«m;:; ;teiiis w«re reoeiVB<i toi'late \ for l.i-'t we'.i'i :«per. â€" En.' We have one <>i iha most careful mail earners iu the ouutt^ â€" oiirefnl ot !i;m- ' self ! Last Friday wa£ one .f the plea*- , antest days ot tiie si a.*on. stiU Curry I f-i:!ed to \'^'. in sn :ippearan.:», C'lise- i ^aeutly no m.i.i eitlier wa^s. I have not been able tn ascertatfi the cause of his de- • siding' at tl:...s-,- .ii:J;...sts caiiie bcf. re th*> '.â- ..uiKi! . CX...I uitant .jharoe.s r..r careiak- •'"â- i'i^-''-'-T. b-n sn^pOBe he wi« awsy on •Av: t .ait:il.;e bouses au.i 5t:iti,.iiervâ€" j ai...a...r i....\.ai:iit.:iu- ex .ursL.n ! aiiJ t'.ie 70 ..::u [ rr I u^il «ere all :>b- j ^"^ '* '"""* ''* ^' '^f-'snuang » !So"» sorted •!. ()«..n S.-.Mid. I T.-i!::>emi:ce l.d^-e hu« This is a move .\'.y ,.;k. ,„:vy see. thxt it seemed t.. the I 'â- ' ''"* '''"''"^ dirvction, as I think it would C..uiicU a.< iiivini; t.-i n.ach for the addle. :ii!U .so I'.iej decided to abide bv their en- a t::ien' :ind m f'lture {wy iMtLin,- more t!iin ivasi.iiablo tnivelh:::,' e.lpelises vf j'crs. us sent to outjost.s, additioiia!. If my mem- ry n-r'. : ^ v.w. somethiii'.; like â- -';.o pu • cl.'^e U{kp« |".iiM.». The tuinutc* not :.:n 1:14 bc.'ti .vceised, ] -jn. t* from men: .ry. T'.c qUi'Stiun wa.« raised a4 v> nhoiii was pftil tirs lar-.-e sum â€" no bill hnviiii; I'een I â- jo I vast :ii:i.unt of ,'iv.d ill Euiieuia. < Hurnih ' l^ \i \:A jirls. au.l let us ;â-  :ii what we can to defeat Hon. G. Edwards Lesteri Late U. S. Consul to Italyi author of "The Glory and Shame of England," "America's Advancement," etc., etc., etc., writes as foUowa: â€" New y.jrk, AugMt 1. I«88. J 122 E. rth St. ) Dr. j. C. Ayer i Co.. Lowell, .Mass.. Gootlemen â€" A sense of {{ratitnds and the desire lu reader a ser\'ice to the public impel me to make the following statements: My college career, at New Haven, wM tntemipted by a severe cold which 10 enfeeble'l me that, for '•en years. I hud a har<I strumie for life. Hen. .'crbase from the Ronch:al passat;es was the result of ahuost every fresh exposure. For years 1 was under treatment of the ablest practitioners without avad. .U last I ;i:art:,-d of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which I used ( moderately and in -mall dc.»es) at the first recurrence of a -oiil or any chest difflculfy. and fr.-m winch I invariably fi'und relief. This was over l!5 years a^o. With all sorts of exposure, in all sorts of <.i;u..ates, I have never, to this day. !;ad my .old ::jr any affecti.n of the throa: .Jt luu^s wh:<.h did ti.'t yieJd to Ayks's OBsa&ir I'ettor AL within 24 hour«. t^i .onrse I have n.ver .ill.>w<.d '.v.y- s>'lf to be without this remedy :a afl ray • oya^es ar.l travels, Cnder my <iwa ob>ervatlon, :t lias i;iven rchef to .^.â- <l nuUibers of (i.-rsons, wJide in at;utK caMB of piiltuonary iuiiiuumation, such as croup and .'.Iphtheria in cliildren, life ! .LS been preserved through i"3 elfects. I rec.^nii!ieud its i:se in li-.;!.- but fre- ouent .l.wes. Prop..rly a.ltn:ni»tertd, ia accordance with your duections, it is A Priceless Blessing in anv h.-i-... I -peak car::..-s-ly I feel earnestly. I liai e km w n in iny cas.-s of a|>par'o:".!y .-..infirmed brouc!'.:i;» and cough, with loss of vo.Cf. par'nu- larly aiiioug cleroymen and other pubiije speakers. perfe.:tly cure.l by this medi- cine. Faithf'illv voiirs, C EDW.vRDS LESTER. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, rrep*f«d by Dr. J '.' .\_.«r Jt *.'o.. I. ./*«.:, Uu*. 5«ctlicn!. DR. CARTER. il.C.P. Ott» . 0.>T. PHYSICIA.V STRt;EO.\, Ar FLEs HELTON. Office. Strain • blouk. ResiAnc^. ^m w- _: geutistfu. DKNTISTRY Thcmas HenierScn. L.D. S. .SL'RaEC.N 3E.NT!>T G'M M-^daiiat Hud H;Hur tjn,.l\,.: t '.â-  R.i'.D.^., Will vi«i: FI.E.SHKI1.TOX, j: o-i.iit . ;• • : 1 1 *ad i.jf e«».-h ui.'tiClr. T^Hjfh .-itr^cre.' ...â€" - ' .It moderate rut^.*. I'fOal tile ..rder aiid J "did Kill',' AIl. !...1." It IS souietr.uis said "a word to the Aise is surticieut." I had hoped that , I the warnitio I had gncii to these little .s »e:e, yieic.1.1: | b.,^., , ,,- Euuema. «K.. ihemselvi., men. « jid le sunicieiit dso. But, alas for hopes' U .v..-v»r, *! eir iinnies are well kti.'wn. and if the- penist :n tbrir I r. w' tliey will pp'bab' a lueve a ) ittle !''..Mic II. tohetjr. Mr J Carsou ha* iu^t pi .n ono d ' Flesherton J. W. FIinST- L.l.l!,. B<irri.<tifi\ â- <<ilieitor, C^uirym:, , r, 0-tSe«.â€" .-itr !.:::s H^^!'}^y!^• Tz.!-n-..'s .\. .4. CHESI-.t V â- so»:.*or --â- : ! O.-av..- ,1. ... ll.s^J»nc M.iua:;e.' • Mlt. FKOST wiU be i.juni a-. :' .; ' r â-  Tbursdav^ 4.- in-itrt.-ivrt^. P McCULLOUGH, Barri^ti'v- 6olici'fo:'y <yr. OIH«"«'. oviT Mt-Fairluud's Stor*-. .Warkdalc. Yloiu'y to Lo:in. Joba W. Arcpstrong, Ft.':s.i«:BT' t C^ G'.rv. Divi^oN co;kt clerk y'>MMi8.«i. • • i;i B. U . c'u:!-... . iiuoe.-. te. .\.ieu! 'or J >\*-<\ -ale of Ian r*. .\p( * rC t (. • and K, P B. 4: ?». .S..K.'l«ty. VIon,.. v to Lo*n uost re*.-un<iol.- :er- .-.' U^i :- .h â-  r it.Ui^.. LICENSES N ' WIV P(.bj_:o I MONEY TO LOA> \T LOHtST tIKKLM B.VIL!*. It.-ty S. D.VMIDE. a.»kt..! .r reud.-rcd to sh< w it. TV.e i.-^iin- ' t It <~ re Bills ! ,/ ^:iij\chi be luld, ihiit I'i sherton AJcanc oj- filis 'It!' h'.U "xactly- midce tailetl to see the justice of this extra ohar>;e f*.>r sending t-. those ontp<«ts. â-  If Ml atodcnts went to the S>UT).-i, a I |,r. [.,<.. 1 â- ri;.'.:>e it presidlU',; ..fft- ! ccr.i w oil ' â-  .11,.! :!:crc 'â- aul, toe • re jt anyt ate c\:«iK'. s -N c-e 7-'' â- .â- â€¢.â- us In-: GLEANINGSOF TRUTH In all kinds of FINE PRINima The Jdrancr- Offiee has a ni06i enviable Countij reputation. .â- "â- ri;.'.;>e ' . Ilvce»> 1-^ o It tr:;velilT s'liii pr ovi.'o.-. ; '.1; i'. i-is .implc r It. I learn, uu* 'ccisiou i« 11. t t.. r. ill. ill-.' â-  â-  1- T- j-t.-c.. ..f »..:!].' â- : lli.'se • i..;|.i sts luiie Ucvii WMttcli to. \. KC""''-''!! It their l'iar<t ivou'd o-iy wl.i' the C .:o.i-iI loj. lutclv let'iH.-d t' .!o. witli the vei y uiild i:Hi:ii.itii.ii niin..-.ter R .js s.ays the exaiMinati.'Ms itcedii'.t be pla.-v.' .iUtsi.Ic .1 Hweii So.ii.J : ! T'l..- iiiju>tice .'t sticii a |.iop...>:tiiii is prv,...*- tof. u^ . 11 US !';u.,-. Kvery riinl section caim.'t furnish .icc..u::i:i.,>i!at:.>ii IT s'.icii ox.un li.ilioiis, heii.e the laii{er build;rly;^ arc soiioht, wlr.Ut t!;e students may bt- from every siKt.on in the T.>ttiislii;i». an! not .uie '.n'ln the place where it is 1. cut Yet Ficsl.crtou or Markuale, as the civse iii.iy be. is ».skei,l t- j.:-.y tlo' pi;er ' Tl.o Wiley le.ui-.i- of th...' ]'n>;.ositi.'n i< ».ji: ki.onii a man «!; ' !::m sn.-.'ccvicd .ului:r- ai'iy 111 tunes i.".i:e by ;ii ii.iii.puiatri..' tlu I'.'.i;^. .!. I'.y.t if the t. loier t t'l.. pres- ent *.'. iiiicil i>!i.:i::.s â- ,;:â- . !:.>:' .;i.^I. tl.-,.' ::%â-  o.^iiio to h.ive s. iiK'l..! .; t'.i siy 'i tl. - â-  iMcsti. 1, -t'eelui'.: a«si!t.-<i ti his famous chopping mills for .>.:r. i>l<3an The liidl ){ives entire iatisfactiou. â€" K.irs Take KtTww. >V..,-i •/;.• FlJ:tr\!..j >iri. 1 I >iir ex.-haiio<.s have been blatherint; ' al" lit \':iiideri'iit's Fix'iich cook and his 1 I Jl".iX'" »alary, until wc feel like rebeilin:.; ' i,:i:int fate. But the fates are ilisciVJt I .1 !â-  . itij *. iiie tiici: are Ixrii haiiu.s. iiu- I i:id » :n'.' Uirii I-vvik'i c. ..ks. Thee , I IS .!ie thcii.j a'... It th.< muter that recoo- ' I iilcs iM t . â-  arth th. ;i.;h. .md :h:it ;s tlic rertec'i n t!:at .Mr. Vaiidcibilt :uid his 1 Freii li cook hive :ot t.' -it rii^ht down ' this >;. rill.' :.:\e we piinaiy mortal- aii.l take's .eft of tl.c ikw totato,»g after ' t!:.,' r-Itiiy. .lii'y lif.e t'..tat.> bi»;s have ' ,'.t ::: t'ic:r wo||< | ^'^â- '- C'l.>d«>MljiU' .Siallioii. "Baren." 1 >I I L T. ! W. J. BELLA>n'. I^i-. ci.:-.iiK \:ir>:M' -: i iysri:A\cE .11; r. â- <: . TWEEDS. JlOMi. VoL-.. ;.K.\3Ks. i.. ...r- • •- 1» wl»-^M•^ \iT*»^'*r\Tv3^cu%ai. tDkaiwi,-.. «â- ', i H. J- .<PROr[>. en.' is c:.jt..ui'T- Uiat he Lai jiu: s;.- Mil: ,u (;"<ad V»iiiiiTi;i OriU-r - .: ' h.iv,? ; o. :,,. â€" ..,-. ;• ,<..-â-  .V... •/.I.,..). ,'. ..-. . il'. .. ^ery Lafe^t 'mnro^eu\ 'roller Pi A !\T ' Jair^es oullivan, Til'-: Tiuoiiiitli. - FltsLeitoo ".!';,â- 'â-  â- â€¢ -â- â- -" V--- â- "â- â€¢^^ »..** ... oi'e 10 !.-e* WM. BRADLEY, The 'v itiful ai Cl\ J-si!,ile »t:i'l: .11. Mr,' l'it..ii. .>L- 1. ;\i,.l . I -a I iMisc'i'ar Imported â- â- ,«i',.,n-y .1 l'; t.>wii*i;.l ;â-  lS>--,'< as ?.;:,«,.- â- 1.. M ." leavi l;:s <» n . I'l. ;r.:is .\Mo I'.'.' v y ..t 1'!- â- :! ic ;.. 17, K.;.;.. i:t. :. r ••• Sj bj ^ It U. .-4 11 !â-  .iiiv ..iher |c;-ioii laii ''y''::i' the-c ;;ciitlcuie:i l..ivc been u;i':i<t'v tu:itid. We pay ten d..ri.iis pc S'.-h 'ol auii ti.illy, w nil .it ;*l tri.ell.ii .' e\ peiiscs tor every school. i>e.sidcs SI", p.: d.iy. V. ! '«â-  prc.Ni'ii::.' at irtiriiiediatc ai::i Model f'clio d cxaiiiiiiatloiis. .Vid vet Hh' ;>eisoii ivlludcd to says it d. esii t pay. Why if tho..«t.' nitratuc ex;imi;i;iti.'!i» were Li>'cn or.ifiit.nislv. it w..ulil . nly be/et ft I bl,: .1-. 'l: .1 ; 1-. W : I'r. 1 .-'.:i-.*.. I,. " :.. '; n.ix . l; 'l.:t !â- â€¢ I tiieriX' to *.^'.t' c. - i Frid.iv A :'â- â-  'To i e: s. I'.'ii. I'. 1': i.::i[. .i;.vi i;, .it 1; â-  -McL-Lcii . u. U i.ell 1.. li. iv. Kse feeliiii; oil thoir jiart th:it the pcopo- were I Me.Miil.i;:'- i:,t tiiiaiici:iliy lirjclicil Iv every turn •<! j t!ie n';,!;t. the cilucati. '11 U wheel. What is wiuitcd i S.itiiivi.iv «:o is new bl.i'd -iiiOM that can Jo a day s 1 Suiti.'ii a: 1.0. ti, • «ork ill a dav. Tiicii, 1 am persuaded. : whcic lie «ul re.. the pay wouid l>e ample euou:,'!'- M^'iiJ:iy 111 I'.^u.- It IS t" Ik.' hoped the outpost School I .\lk*c ioii;e «â-  R..ards will refuse such deuinnds â€" if 11. >â-  tiling iii.'iv, it sh.'uld be done bec.mse oi the p!inci'>le involved. O.SE or THE SvHOOL CoM.MITi'FK. ..-1-1 <. \ . litiy, tor 11. .."ii .1 ;â-  i, I'Mlidilk. Il':;ilt. •^e.i t.. Andw .\K-Aj!- ::. at 11. ..•11. tli'.u l\ - t. !;n 0*11 stai Ic. for ;t. ,-cd .lel..-c t.' ,:;ii iintii to FIc'hcrtoi lis . â- '. !â-  stab! i.'Alll C/5 -n Q e •'... tllc seisoli â- lituule 1 during atiicr • cniiittiii.' L3 r^? -5 >5 'Si ^ /â-  liHi-iCillancou;.. Gray Champicn ! t4 laii ii«i\ ' â-  .i: jf.-. : -el .ir..- 'ill ;!.. ii. .;..â- :»»- ,51- f: 1. t I.. .. ;a-. !â- . t iv ^v' â- /. â- !-,.. -^ â- . _ . -I-. ,.«i.i;,f. â- .., ,â- .,.••,• ..,,; . \ .11 ^r,. -tar t-. i o x . T till- n..l i â-  ' : a- X X w.. •â- Â» â- :.: ' . •: . c - :.i. tuMq, \\'. 1*' ii; i i!.);h r:.,- ^-i â- ..- v t' .,: will .,:., i;i ''i;.»!Ti,.'-*.. w: â-  , » ,' *. : _: . . . â-  'i:or.. •â- .lot sw.i\ . til* .^lo:'. ' 1,; v-'~" 111 tht l.t!i.vvi. .nvi. .:.:: .V l-itv-- l'l..!:&i.' ,;. -til, >U.iie .\DVK-F TO .Mi.M'ttKU*.â€" -\rc von ilisturbe.l li' iiu'ii .fciiJ lnok.ju ot year rest by s sick chilii I si;l>'rili_i nil I ei-yilinwith i'iii:i ef I'littiuy Te.-tli .' j It -o -.enj It jiice ami ^'et a 1' .t'le of "Mi s. Wi'.- I Slows Sotithini; Svriip* for Children TeeiUii.y, I Us val 1.' n iiK'.i;e:il»l)!f. Ii '.vili ttdieve tlie . i'j,.'r lutlo suJerir iim:i«<.liat.-'lv Pepv:: t npoi: I it. lil.'»t^U'rs : t^ere ii iic> nr.-t.l'sp ftboitt it. U e ires Diseliteiv niul Diarrhea. reiJiilatiM tie .-Doiaach an-li Huwi>U.cuies W iii^l C.*lio. s.jfit.H me lluiiis, 1 u.).ieeH Inilautui ui.ii. uivi ijivo* torn- 1111..I uiui'-v to tlie w1u>;o system "Mrn Wiiis- j liiw'u S. .t'liii;; Svrnv" f"r cliililien leethinti is ploiwMXt to tlietSKteaiid is tliti rnteriv^ion u( uiio of tie o: lest Slid !.«st leiiiiili' physician- ,,. , ,, ... J ,7 /_,^. iiiul u uses in til.' liii»e«l State-, sii.i is for sale We <^et tlieve Wltft UOt/l jeer , bv »11 .lr.«ijist« throuchout th? iroria. Piiee ^ 1 twaiitv-ftvo coins ft lioute. Hesiir^aud a»k tor , t J. n â-  1 -Mils 'WiNsu'Ws Sjo.uimi SYiii r,' and tako ahead 0/ all T'lvctin- uc-tii«kiuj. ^^ U'/u^n it comes to SALE BILLS ! PDsmvE c'jai. CATARRH. taviis Inraciiite Raliaf yoa I Cold in Head, I HAY FEVEru l^V?V TO vss. >;v,i a SuuC;, PmvuJr or; I.i4-.;!a. i'n..-o :o ^ts, aod JI.1.XX It cot obuiinalle at yout ilr-is- ,ist5, svvit '.'r«p«i>; on rjcci;-t of price. .\.iC:^> . V-f ORP A CO.i Crackville, Ont j: CO Agents. Agents 1 EARTH. SEA AND SKY FAM m SALE. 'll'l> •â- â- J ;.â- :.â- . C i; ;'. \, ••'!* t.-i.\., c 'i.tK Mt:'*; iL.. â- -â- _ ;.-â- :<.â-  1.'- \ -". y M â- '_ u: *. ."â- ..'.ars i;0«;tK LEVEK. Eleshertou. MiV-i.> â- ;'â- >: L'niversc l:..;!!.; .< ' :il 11-1 â-  si ; iusojiiiiticr vfi si' t:,.t 1* *.;i!.,i..rttil .11 o^ii I . utineiitoi iLo,i .'..â- Iv,- •: •ii »..::l â- â- ! A : â- - 0-1-1 tl'.e -tsrrv >I.s\,ii- I'.'vt.iiiona t'-' - • r. â-  . • firw on iiiiKI m,.! -,» >,i|..»lle.l .li-c. V. Or- . f toe workl!t ;tV>.te-t e.\ I'.oiers 11' »r ..;.,,. . .1 r. umtkabK* pb.--n le, ;â-  \ :tiiv,!r\ retoliT' â- ;.,.: .. P :.i I'lacif.^ t he -t 'ik !:.» i'ln-i â- *! \-.i: : - .' tl: ' mrth th<> pe. n'.:iii- i' . ir»eter.-tie- â-  : .' .• ln'i-'iiii r»M'e. a* ar.iuiAo. , '..ols, insects vt. . iiK'lu^ii::.; H vivi..! iv*..*' ; tj^.,. . ( 'lio ,\-;,iii;i . V.i mU' aii.l P.i.lidii l'«c.-.i,-' ainl I'f "he Polar *Soji-. ih-- •.•o:i-ter- cf tl e b . p, â- '. .i'ltifnt -twis:i.l'- N'oi olnnts -iii^xriai ll-his .lu.i IwoJlei » ::i thi' ii.'ju' ot \trtters. reuia k.*'''. -cvsu eurr»tl-.- t-ic . 'oKctilel w:tlitli« hiik.::?..; â-  l:..:.ouiOii.\ f ilv -"lar ftiil stnui -js.t.i'.s l.^ Hi'iir\ fnvoiii'ort S nthn'p. L> li > ui':'cll i-Jie.i with over ««' flue .â- â- mrnviuKSj- Liberal leili.sto luteuts. Oxk'r.i Publwbirg Ccnumnv, 5 „'orJ»n I St .T.jrouto.Out. â-  UiJM* ''-* i.uii.11 miimâ€" ..m^^L*^^ m

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