^â- T?Bsr^»"""P"~" M^'^i- ..TON rr.P. r- TRUTH BEFOliE FAVOR."- ' PEIMCIPLES, J^OT MEJV.' 70L. Vn., NO. 353. FLESHERTON, ONT., THUKSDAY, MARCH 29, 1888. A. R. FAWCETT, ^^'lH^r. PRIETCR. 1 To All Whom it may Concern. I Tit - Bits. CniiiMiiid of Liiriil iftui Otlifr Jnirmiiiuj \ Items ijidhercd h<i The Advance I licimrtrnt. I TiOcnl XoticnR intfii'ied to VtAiiiii. WtK'ii'ty or r.irpnniti'f infit any in^U- I r«t«of 10 ci'tit* per lino each iiiTOrtiou. No Jo- eu With a fioodly array of choice Gro Attention is directed to Chuio J: Co's new annonncenrent on last pa'^o of The Advanx'e. This new addition to Flesh- erton's commercial enterprises has met witli tnucli favor at the liaiids of tlic pnblic. The store, which is in Wm. Wrifjht's well-known old stand, is stocij- \ cnX ilHHrtml for l»'Rn than 'i5 oo:itH. 8{)uci«l ratuB to rn^jular ailvertinnrH, Pay the printer. Now beRin to look for spring. Master R. J. Bates lia.s gone to ton, Mich.. U, S. /, W.A.BROWy, "TU P<»ph'k â- Jeieeller," doing business in MurhlaU, i f/o Iterrlj/ make xtatanent of tkefoiloui' ing Hitcontrooertahle "/net*" : That I , , , , , ^ „ ' To-raorrow Good Fridav. and have th« only complete and fully assort' \ Sunday two days afterwards. <il stock of Ameriatn Wntclu-s, Clucks, Jeirellerij, Spe-x, Flnledwdre, Etc. 6«» twein ahdbume and Owen Sound ; That I (im selling th<se different Une$ cerios. Dry Goods, 4c., ic. antl custo- mers are politely tUD«( promptly attended to. 4 Stan- Wall Papers, more tiuiu Thirtv ilrsitfiiK and Cheop. at .Hedii-al I Malk Fk'ti^h^rtoB. Easter All kin4is Af SfMNls. Fl<-ld & Ci.ir- den, at thv 1Iedi«-al Hall, Fleisher- tou. B. B. B. stand* for Booth the Boss Barber. His shop is in Strain's Mock, â- It "Chter Jt*ric€a- than other ./e«-e«er» ! *''«'herton. in thif section ; That I buy of better >irm* ; That I have more Watchei, Clocks, Jet. in. the hornet 0/ Cetttrall MotKUrnert Artom««ia "Coonca will Orcy, hacked up hy written warrants â€" ^e^t in the Town Hall for the trausact- '. ion of business. Assessor McLawKhry will soon visit Flpsherton offici»lly. 'I'Wu corns the Pathm&sters. Tlie leadinj; editorial in this nioritli's Fatritirrh, entitled, "Ideals," is the most profound, logical and concise article we I have ever read on that subject. With I each nnmber. it becomes more and i more evident, that the Fleshertoii Division, Sons of Teini>erance, were ex- ' tremely fortunate in sccuriiij» the ser- ; vices of such a clever writer as the Bev. . ThoB. Watwon as Kditor of their mon- ! thly manuscript ma^ziuo, 77te Putri- Mtr/i. my oicn name â€" than any Jeweller that â- hat ever done biz in this vicinity ; Tbml 'I sell double the amount of 18 k. Flatm liinjs sold by any other firm in 21) mifitt riidius. (I'loJs always as represented, I will tell ypu Goods »o close to coH that other Jewellers quotations to beat me loill have to be on the Lankm^ line. /difficult Watch Repairing, and icatcJie* improperly repaired iy "Giant Big Tnlk," SpecuUtie* with . W. A, BROWN, The People's Jeweller, Inistioiie Sons of hold Open Division morrow evening. Tenjiierance will a w««k from t»- Se«4l!« See4.s S«'«'d»>. Just, ri'cciveil a ver)- larye stock Timothy Seed Red Clover & Alsike R. TRIMBLE. of Ik-ath of Mr. Purdy. Mr. Wui. Piudy, P. ^l. at Fleshi-rton i^nU.ion. departed this life oil Wednes- day of last week. Mr. H. H. C\jok, who wcw with him to the last, says h* passed Dr. T. Henderson. Dentist, of To- away peacefully, beiut; perfectly con- roiito, will visit VlesherVm profession- 1 sciow* np to the verv inoment of his allyon Monday next. i death. He «poka "chwrfuUy al»ut â- â€" - â€" _â€" I divine things, and talki'd frequently ,,,.,,„ ^;.'^''°i®' ^'- about his past life. Deceased had b.!on P., and J. Blyth, fcsq., .M. P. P., fwr aihng for some months. His remains were iiitorred in the ctjuietery near Out thanks are dne , and ^jarliauontary papers. A Sundaij to he Reme inhered. The services in the .Methoditit church, , Flesherton, on Sunday la.st were of | special interest, and were largely at- j tended. Rev. Sir. Shiltou delivered two ' sound and eloquent Gospel sermons I morDin({ and everiinf^. .\dded to thes<: were the services of souk, conducted h\ Mrs. J. bhilton, of Georuutowii. It is dilJicuit to describe tlie siuKiuf< of this sifted vocalist. Hor voice is one of sur- 1 THIS IS 'S vhile THE NOTEB passinc; sweetness and volume, there in an utter absence of that "tril- j ing" affectation so common in celebrated ; vocalists. Her accentuation is faultless > and her powers of expression indescri- bably pathetic. An she sang, many -y -»-, -r-rr -râ€" j -r- -râ€" 1 -1-^ , (->. wei)t, and a thrill ran through the con- \J jjj yV Hi I 1 H | Xv S Kregation like a niiyhty electric current. ' It was not more sentiment â€" the singing i came from the heart, and many hearts I beat resiwnsive to the soul- stirring I strains. God blesses such song â€" song that tends to elevate man and make him better. 1 S P .1 f E Great Huiih. To the Leading House ' What for to ' buy supplies of Mens Boys A Ladie* [ Boots & Slioes from the inatrniticent stock just received at R. TRIMBLE'S, j Married. Ulak«lv â€" Parks. â€" On the 21st inst.. at the resilience of the bride's parents. Artoniesia, by the Uev. Mr. McC'aul. Mr. Guy Blakely, (of Blakely Bros) of Floshertou, to Miss Minnie k. Parks. Best BaklDK Powder in County at .We dlcal Hall, Flesherton. As effort is buiuf; nj&do to start a creamery at Flesherton Station. Our friends oat there deserve credit for their push. Markdale. Out. (/) â- ~ V 9 5, Priceville on Friday. liankitt^ Facllltifn. The rapid inoroane of businnss in I Flesherton, anvl the constant ailditions Richardson dc Cos page advertise- ' to our many healthy business enter- ment this week is a striking one. And ' T""'^": ^'^l' ''>0<11> f<nf better banking it is equally interesting and inatrnctive. facilities. This is an excellent contro 'Hea^n. j for working up .v^ev/^owive and sound â€" . â€" __ . ' outside business, also, as any person, I Wrapping paper for sale at .\t>VAN(K with "half an eye'' will perceive at a office. Four cents per lb.. 8 pounds for ! glance. If w*; canu'^t induce some 25 cents, 10 pounds for 80 cents. First ' oliartcrnl mourtary i;oncern to locate come first served. Supply limited. ' a brani.-li here, why by .•<.1I means let us â€" â- ' encouraue a similar institution to that Clover Seeds. .Hnniinoth Ked,l»o caretullv and H.'irewdlv mauaged by Coiiiftion K«-d. Liir<rii«> and Alsike | Mr. Wm. Lucas in Markdale. also liniorliy i\%t4k Orrhard 4>ra.HS \ __. eheav Tor i-ash at .Hedical Uall, Brothev J. yf. WebHt^r Heard From. FleHierton. â- * 3 - Sf P5 ^ ^ c % = Sfc-S _= *> c a - o « 5 a Is CD cd Cd 5 K3 S "5.5 ~ 5> 1:1 a. W.V.NTKD. â€" .V goo.l stea«ly yonng man <vk apprentice to loam the rarjien- ter work. Also want three stood men to work at Framing & t'arpenter work. .4pply*o JNO. WRITTEN, Flesherton. The >roprietom of the Flesherton Station Creamery will be pleased to re- I coivo names and addresses of jjerson-* hving within M) milea, willina to sell I their cream. See, or address W. Hooo or R. H. Cook, Flesherton Station. R ;5' « GET YOUR MEAT t-FRUM-t- BLAKELY BUOS GENERAL BUTCHERS, FLESHERTON! y^CasIi paid for fat cattle, <SiC., &c, Dear Suhicrihers, â€" The F.ditor of Thb .\nvANc'K hasa payuient to make next week. 'Will you, in your usual hoartv manner, enable bini the more «asily to do so by sending in your subscriptions as soon as this catches your eye '? Our accounts are all small and it takes a good manv of them to make a i>aj-mont. ^Vho"U be "first? -ilabastine for Wa.shinK and Col- ' oriiiK Cfilins and Ualls, at the .Uedieal ilali. FU-sht-rtoii. Ui/uietieal. Mr. Guy Blakely, of Bliikcly Bros., I FlcsherUm, coiniucuccd business in ! pro[ier shape when he took uuto him- I self .an amiable and estunablu young lady partner, on Wi-dnesday of last week, I in the person of Miss Minnie .\. Parks, of this l'ownslii[i. Tlu; plea.snnt ovciit I occurred at the residence of the bride's parents in what is known as the Tvrono settlement, and tlio nuptial knot waw firmly and scri[>turally tied by Bev. Mr. McC\iul, I'lesliytcri.au ininistir at Proton Station. Mr. Josi pli Viirks w as grooms- man, and .Miss .Vlico Boyd wa-s brides- maid. The bri'li.' s costuuie was hand- some and chaste. We wikIi the happy couple all luauner of success in life. We were favored this week with the San Francisco Jmirnul nf Oommerr.e's I special edition on British Columbia. It is truly a mammoth number and paints 1 the future prospects of theproviucel)y the ! Western sen in glowing colors. Our old 1 and esteemed frii-'uds, Mr. .1. M. Web- 1 hter, Bcut us the pa{)er. While opeuiuu 'â- it out, a (laming ncHdloâ€" with a par- | ticularly sharp point â€" dropped from its I folds upon the tloor. We suppose friend U'ebster ilesiies thus to convey forcibly to our mind the fact, that the Yankee newspaper puldinliers .are xhtirjt, euter- prisiuK anil thrifty fellows. Seeing that they liavo complutely outgeneralled the lionii^ publishers â€" in tho matter of widely ami ett'eotiially advertising the reKoiirc<.'s and future prospects of Mritish (.'oiniubia this fact must be patent to iill. They liavo al.so raked in numerous shekels as the reward for their enterprise, as is ani)dy testified by the eiiormons advertising patron- age. The ouly pUice fttr GENUINE < BARGAINS IN Watches, Clocks. Jewelery. Silverware, And the only place to get yotir Watch or Clock REPAIRED is at EUS SELL'S MOTED JEWELERY STORE, FLESHERTON. Prepared Paints. Oils, aini Tiir> pentiiio at Medical iliill. I'lrsb- erlon. ,, in Os- I Into JBtiMtwus Af/niu. j Our good friend, Mr. .Joseph Smith, I has not let the j^rass grow under his ' feet since his premises were destroyed by lire. His many customers will now I fiuil him ready t" fiU all orders prompt- ly, .and in his usual ey.i.elleMt manner, in tho sliop formerly occutiied by Mr. r. Duncan, tailor, 011 Sydeiihaii) street. Mr. Smith enjoys a good reputation as a boot and shoiiiiaker ainl we trust he ' will â- ;et siitlicient patronaijo â€" over and I above liis regular business â€" to enable him tlie better to sustain his recent I severe loss. Mr. Smith would like ' those owing him to pay him cii or be- _, .,â- â- ,,. , , .. . ' fore the 1st of .Vi'ril without fail, and it loronto Hospital for a short time. An 1 j, ^o bo hoped tlu'y will see to it that he PerinmulH, Miss Brownridge, of Mich., U. S the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thos borne. Mrs. Shilton, â€" wife of .Tohn Shilton, Esq., Barrister, of Georgetown â€" is the guest of Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Shilton at the Methodist parsonage. The first named lady is a charming vocalist and took the part of Queen Esther with rare ability when the oratorio of that n.ime was given in Brampton not long since. Mr. Will Heard has returncnl from the Some Day. oi>eratioii is to be iierfornied on his eye shi rtly. when he will return to the city. It IS to lx( hoped that sight will be re- store).! to the injured optic. Mr. Will. Rutledge. jr., weut to Ma- berloy. Out., on Saturday evening last, where he will bo located m future. Success, friend Win. Mr. Wm. T. Thompson, lately with Messrs. M. Richartlsou * Oo. , has se- cured a jHjsition in the counting room of Mr. Hatley's mammoth butchering establishmeut, Orillia. He. left Flesher- ton for that town on Monday. "\Vo wisli him success. is not (lis:i.ppo!i Adviinci Mr, D. 1). M Ynii flu y your I.ivo wil! ncvpriic. But ntfoHR ns .'v«r hol'i it» t^way ; 1 lot vmi wiiisitur o'er tlin wuhIh. }lut mnc will tell souiu •Isy--Hoioe Jay. Yon !ovi! nip now- I doubt i* not : W'v lov.t t-ach oth,^r. nn wi- ^ily. Hut nil tliiwu throhluiit^H i>( (iiir lieartH \\ ill ceaso. I know full woll, aouie liay. .\lu\ yet, if I shniild loavo you uow. Or you shouU) turn for oV'r away, Wonl'i wu not inoiii-ii our snvpro.I liv(!H .\u.l VL'iuii to meet afjaiii sunjo tlay ? TliHii wlint if) love ? Ik It a loy Which sitrvus t(i paHH (lull liuurs away? A triflo whifli wo luluj to awu Thtjii wuaritMi, cast it liy, HUDie day ? No mattur It ia best. I 'Idout. To ptill till! riisus wiiili; wu may, .\n,l wiwer t(, forj,'»;t tlii» otnl The end, wht!n love sliiill (Ml', s'oiiu^ day. â€" Edith b. VaxDusen. Owoii Sound, Mar., 1S88. in Hi rs "^ ^ 3« a ;3 'â- r. t> r. 1 : -^ i ^ W IS Tri-iuendous Uaricaius. In Raisins, ju.st reccivici t<U I'.l.xos No. 1 London Layers selling off iit S c. yr. lb. R. TRl.MBLK. CI. CO ia R EMOVE D. / I stock Jti-gisfcr. Karliine, of Lot lii, con. tlie possessor of an ex- Just to Hand. 5, Osjirey, is I celleiit pedigree Shortliorn Bull, wliici; ' will stand for srvvioc, season of 1SS.M, at ' above lot. IVdigvee can bo seen on the premises. See hills. j Mr. John Adams, of Lot 151. '2 West, 1 T. & S. Road. .Vrtemesia about one mile from Flesherton - is now owner of I that well known Uurh.am Bull, "Gray ' Champion," wliioh will stand for ser- I vice at above lot sea,son of 1SS8. Sec advt. elsewhere in these columns. 1 Notices similar to above will bo iu- Mr. .lolin R. Wright, representing! n j l j. L n n / Messrs. Kvans. Sons * M;i.so... wlmle- : DOOtn iZ/fi DOSS DdrOer, sale dnipgists. Montreal. s:iys â€" .Nasal ' Balm cured me of a long standing v:\.Mi\has rtfnoved tu rmt of Ihe xhovs m H",;,. "f t'atarrli after many other remedies i .Sfmii.'.i Wuft tiMir (f'm. D.iruln'X.v's ':..t A lariie stock of No 1 Long Clear j serted /rcc »/ Juiryc to those who get Bacon, Lard, Dried Apples, C()dti.sh, | their priutim; or advertisin;: done at Oatmeal, Com Meal, Cracked Wheat, 1 The Flksukkton Advanck otiico. Our Labrador & fresli water Herrings rates are reasonable and our work flrst- ii. TRIMBLE. I cla8s.-Ep. i failing. AovicK T" MoTHF.Ks.-Aro voii .listurbed at iii^'ht and brokon of vour ri>«t hv n sick cliiKl Biitforinu and oryiuu with imiii of Cnttlii(,'Tui'f.li '• If HO Kciicl Riouc'ii iiud net a bottle of 'Mpii. Win, slow's SocithiiiK Syvnp" for Chililrcii Tpothinji. Its valuo ii tiieaicMilaMf. It will rclirvd the p.xir littlBSuUumr iruniBdiatulv. Uii)uiiid upon it, niotliers; thuru la no mistake iilnuit it. tt iMiros Dysiuitery iiiul Uiarrhira. r»•Kulato^ tile Stt>uiAch aiii! Uowfls. oiirpH Wind Oo)ip. soituiia the (4iim«, reduooK Infiaiiimatioii. and tiivo-itoMe and onoruv to the wholo svstHin. "Mva. Wiiia- luw'H Soothiuii Syrup ' for ohildron ti'.)thiiiK is (iloasant to the taste anil iH tlio i»rc'scrijitii'n of o:u» of tho olilcat au.l brst fonialo {ihvRioiAtia and niirsoHin the I'nitHd statuti. and is for nale by all dniK'uists tlivoiichoiit the world, Frico twonty-ftvocpiitu a liottlii. Bo nnro and ask for •MitK. Wissi.ow's HooTuiNd Syuvp, '»nd take. iiu otliur kind, ,â- /„•,â- . 'iiid .i/kw shiifj, Tiirinitii xtiwt. "â- (11 (>,' hn/tf)*! tti .Vf f/i< itnilimi t',H;:i .if .1 ' kif M cnstl'H>^m in.ri ,(.,â- ii„i-„y „-ir ,i„,f ,>. /»<tiw cAiHcituUtI t{) </i<y III"' (( cli(i)uetii nin.n- ttuii mil rr.p>if<itii»i k.i the Jiuits ftir/u / â€" >i>i^ imlii of Flfs/u'it(^ii. hut of tlie rutin ./,.'- f net fur t^etnlii inileji iirotind. Tho patronatjo of tho liidics rosi'ivtfullv »» Iiii,tod. Kcl\T7th, 1888. )r ALTER BOOTH. Advertise in tha Advance. ^ A \ \