THE FLESHERTOM ADVANCE \\ THE ADVANCE. Il publlbbud Every Thur-sday, t'ROM Tim Okkick. i'liiUnhmn Street, • - Flaheriurt, Out. TEllMB OF SUHSCKIPTION: • 1 per KiiniiiTi when |»ttiJ Htrictly in advauce 9 1.00 I'or duuuiu when uut ho paid. A- K.FAWCETT, Editor aiui PraprietoT. FliESHERTON: THURSDAY. MAU. 2-2, 1888. t:t>iTOIUAL NOTES. fhi' luuiily form and Kinilitig counten- uuci' iif Assessor Jlcl.aiif^liry can be seeu iKiwa-days on our Rtruets aud lii^liways. :is )iL' uui'tli forth from liouBU tu house in tliu iK^roniiaiico of Iuk duties as a Towiisliij) ofiicial. Tliu ixjHitioii of Ass- L'siior i.s a ru«i>onRilil(: and iuijKjrtaiit <iUf. and it ruust Ik; frankly coiice<lod, tliat tliu tuantlu haH fallen upon worthy Hlioulders iu the person of Mr. Mc- r,au(<l«y. •'See here, old chap." said a friend to llie Kditor of this paper the other day, " Vou talk of Markdale droppiut; from a town to a villa|;e, hut you forf^ot, that, without incorjioratKin, FIcKhurtou is luerely a country cross-roadsâ€"a part iind a parcel of the Townwhip of Art*-- liieHia 1" YcH, Rir, wo h<!0 the jmiiit clearly; but luioe huncHt friend, Flesh- I rton jireferu to be part of a larj<e ami pcipulOUH TowuHhip. witli some thoimands of Jieoplu within its limits, to the iiuey- tiunable dignity of a ouu-horHC mun- icipality. Wo can also see another l>oiut, vir.., that these petty cor|K>rations Lave a voiidcrfiil knack of adding to the Liurdeu of taxation. Mr. Itobert Myles, ox-llecvc, is iiiriii-^ liimiMilf thruuKli the public prcas at the c\)icuHe of luouiltersof Kuphriuiia town ship Cuiiucil. It may he that Mr. Mvles cousiders he is |)erf(iriiiiii^' a piil>lie duty, hut niimt {H'Ople can diHcover u motive III bis not beuiji rei»t>lH;iiited Assessor, 'riiis latter ft|>|>eaLrs the mure likely redHou, when we reiiieiu)M;r bin tarihiiess in exiHJsin({ the so-culled ille<4alities until after the appoiiitiiiriit of liis stie- l'K\ -i.Vi* I.VK'S. Sldilifn tirvr otnl 'I'ltrri' h// thr tifjhthm l-Ulitvr, THE WORLU. It aueniH to inu that the world laek» KcVerul s<(UHri'a of beiiii; round. Not thiit I tnur meu-turi'd it to see. I in nut that kuid ot ». uavii;ittiiiv Xiit I jildije this to bi! mi fl'oiii the pi'ij^lv I' V'/IWV >)l. coiit u:t witli. Tboy lire nlwnyN runniiix it down ;.iid heapini; oial.i of Hcorii nncl on It. If somebiKly acts in a real wicktMl way, ihe blame in attached Ui (Ac ivnill. If a fellow driiik.i eoiioatinuted esseiui' of «.ilei- and gometliin;; else, tlio world >utcbes it hot. If bo dot-gn't attend ]iayer ineotin;;, lie h culled woildly. If III' likes to make money and pay bis ..eliLv, and diK-nn't tro re^'iilHrly to the imutiiiy iioUKc, the wise mies solemnly .^liuki; their ihmIiHus and sadly reiimik - "\\\ ' t!ie VKirld has (jot n tirrible hold Hi! Inm, poor fellow I" The bim.t nays lie \u.tlies them Wiire nioio wolidinjjn like tlio last eliiip tbiiii there are. 'I'lieni s my seiitinniits, too, but I can't \u\\< tliiidaiiK', fiiiiiiall I hear, tlinl the vvoilil iiiiLHt be a little ulf somewlitiru or thuru Hiiuldn't be mi iii;iiiy peopio diiwii on it. TlIH rAliMV,\i.. K s|iaiikinu' tt^m froni KIder's livery conveyed icvural of nur boys to Markdale on Priilay liiu'lit. As tliey paused Tin; .\livAMK iHlco, Shaw saii;.^ out to tlio boss : " If yiiu put thi.s ni the paper I'll " I didn't uiitcb the biiluiico of bis s[iu,'ch, but tlio boss Concluded not to say a Word about i^iii Tiik .\iivaxcb. Say.ilio t<i nm â€" "'I'hwn fellows nrc ijoina fn the cariiunl at .Markihilo, Tliny f;cit foolod tlie ui^dik of tile oil,' stunii, for when llioy u'ot to th#. village, thoy found the carni- val had iK'on postponed until tonight ! (I' «N»'J bitUir say nothuii;." "You're riudit, IxMin, " snyn I, " wu won(> !'' We lieaiil afterward!!, thii^ the liii> n ju,|>tu»«<l iilsiilt half a dii/.eii pri'/xiM, Hootit the Is liarliur ^uttill^' two, onu bciuij U>r ^ hii; head. Nvxt day Kooth told uiu his headi if^X bin eiii)U'.(h to. titko anuthor |>«izo â€" his own head I in eon. TIIK I'ATUMA.STKKS. Wtn. Clayton and I'etor Holinan are the Patlimosters for Flesherton this year. Privately, I'd like to he one myself ; but then you know wo can't all he otticers, for where would the other fellows come from ? Besides, the boss said I'd be put- ling sidewalks all 'round my corner lot and levelling the backyard, and turnpik- ing the road, and digging di-ains, which wouldn't be right, he says. I didn't like such talk â€" oven from the bi>S8 ! If it had Ihien aiiyljody else I'd have kiimkeil him downâ€" provided he had lioeii a smaller man than myself ! I hate plain talk like that. It isn't polite, and besides its fooli.ih. REBCllEL STREET. This street runs from the corner of blakely Bros, butcher sh<ip to the Baptist chB|iel. It is much travelled. I walked down on it several times myself, and a friend of mine, who owes some little bills in the West End of tho town, frciiuentlv brought loads of gr.iin to a certain place, ri'i Beechel Street, during the past few weeks. My friend, Samuel Kingston, lives on it â€" in fact he's been there not many years short of a quarter of century. "Samuel," says I, "this is a tine street." "Yes," says he, " I've Iweii payin' ta-xes on il this twinty years, but divil the cint will they lay out on H'm improvomcnts !" I became indignant. "Samuel," says I, "we'll smash the township into little bits if loniethilig isn't done this year ! ' And wo will. Orange 8olree at Eiiuenla. Tile Orangemen of Eugenia and their many friends must have been grntitied at tho grand success which attended their annual soiree, held in their neat and at- tractive lodge room butt Friday evening. Tho hall was packed to the doors, and the proceeds amounted to something in the neighborhiXHl of ?;I0. Tho riMini was haiKlsomely decorated with banners and other attractive duvices. .\ splendid repast wiw served up by our well known and |>opular caterer, Mrs. \. Tliompgoii, after which our esteemed old friend, .lames Brodie, Esip, took his place as Cliftiriiiaii I'll the platfurm. The pro- gram was a very lenoihy oiio and where all did s'l witll, it would take more space than we have at coiiimand to particular- \io. Wu iiiiglit say that following laUiu' and gentlemen â€" so far as our memory .serves us â€" contributed to the enjoyment of the evening's entiitaiumeiit ; The members of Kugeiiiii Cliuir, under the efficient le;uliirship of Mr. .1. R. Hogg, si-coiiipanied on the organ by Mrs. .1. I). Iliigg ; .Mr. .S. C'lemis, Mr. Sloan, jr., .Mr. F. T. t'ttrr, MissC.irr, .Master C'arr, .Mr. Bruce, Mr. W. T. IVdhir, Mi. W illiaiiiB, Mr. .1. (i. CaisoM, .\. |{. Faw- I'ett, ami last, but not least, a stirring. â- lUt-aiid-out Otnnge oration by Rev. .1. S. t'liicorarr ./1\'o havp forgotten the name of the youBg man w ho .so cleverly assistid Mr. Sloaif) jr., in the niiiitli oiguii duett ; also the names of two of the colored gelitlemeii. .Vinolig the featurus of the eveiiiii'.' ware the ca(>itally rendered reci- tations by Mr. llruee, who is an elocu- tioiiint of a high character. .\iiotlier feature, was the solo part -in one of the pieces sung by tho t!lioir -HO chormini!ly ri'iidered by Miss Beacock. But tlio entertainment was full of gmid fiMitures and till in iii'_'lily enjoyed by tlmse prcwciit. Kiiiibrrlry T«-n-in«etliii;. According to advertiseiiieut our ann- ual church t(ia ineeti'ig was held on Thursday on'iiino. All who wore pres- ent appeared to be liig'ilv pleasivl witll the evening's eiitci I liiiment. Tho spread in the school b' ise spoko well for those who hoate'l tho ovens and needs not to be praiHe'i Shortly after H p. to tlui the literary part of the c '.'iiainii)' lit commenced. Sfjuire Sttiwiut was prmiiotod the idiair. As usual the clmiruiaii -â- speech was the lirst item on the progi.iituiie. His re- marks were very tsuitai'ie and iu length, coutrastcd strangely v. ith the hcignt of our esteemed frieml. Owiiio to tlie great ^tuin some of the rev. m'litleiiien who wire expected to bt! present, were uiiablu to attend. Onr pastor and the Rev. .1. Hoskiugs de- livered iiiterestiiig adlresses. Mr. J. R. Kllis and other locil gentlemen also added to the succeHs of the evening. Tho solettiiinK of music rendered by tho choir were listened to with much pleasure. Miss Thompson, the leader, certainly deserves praiso for tho able assistance which «he has always given us in this department. The proceeds amouuti-d to about Twenty-five Dollars. FOR SALE-â€" One set Double Harness and One Seed Drill nearly new for civsh or approved joint notes apply to JAMES BKKCROFT, Flesherton. Luxuriant Hair Can only be preserved by keeping the sralp clean, cool, and free from dan- druff, and the body in a bealtliful conilition. The gtroA popularity of Ayer's Hair Vigor i.s due to the fact tliat it cleanses the scalp, promotes the growth of the hair, prevents it from falling out, and i;iv«ii it that soft and silky gloss so essential to perfect beauty. Frederick Hardy, of Uoxbury, Mass., a gentleman fifty years of age, was fast losing bis hair, and wtiat remained was growing gray. After trying various dressings with no effi'it, he commenced the use of Ayer's Koir Vigor. " It (topp<'d the falling uut," be writes ; "and, to my great surprise, converted my white hair ( wliliout staining the scalp) to the »ame thade of brown it had whtMi I was lU yiars of age." Ten Years Younger. Mrs. Mary Montgomery, ol Bostoa, writes: "For years, I was coniiwIliMl to wear a dress cap to conceal a bald si>ot on tli<< crown of my bead ; but now I gliiilly lay tlie rap aside, for your flair Vigor is briiigin;; ottt a new growth. I could lianlly trust my senses when I first fiiiiiiil my hair growing ; but there it is, and I am dellglited. / look ten yean ymnijer." A similar result atti>nded the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor by .Mrs. O. O. I'res- cott, of Cliarlestown, Mass., Miss llcssie H. Ili-dliii', of lliirUugtiiii, Vt., Mrs. J.J. Burton, of Bangor, Me., and numerous others. The liiHS of liair may bo owing to im- purity <if tlie liliMsl or derungeniunt of the stoiiia>'b ami llviT, in which case, a conrsi' of Ayer's t^irsaparllla or of Ayer's I'llls, in connection with tlie ViKor, may Ik- necessarv to give lipalih and tiiiii' to nil the functions of the Ixsty. At the same time, it cannot be too strongly urgiul that none of these reniudirs can do much giHul without a persevering trial ami strict attention to cleanly and temperate habits. Ayer's Hair Vigor, PrepArfil bv l>r. .T. C. Ayer k Co., Lowi')|,UMa* Bold by I>rugflflU ftod i*«rfum«ra. Photos, Photos, Photos. We are now turning, out work f(tr mporior in »l<ik and finith to any ever pro- liitreil in Fle»herlt>n. COPYING ind ENLA,^G/N6 at MODERATE RA TES. PICTUBE FEAMINQ tlone in all tin hrnnchrii. A good >tock of FRAMKS and MOULDING!^ kept conntinilli/ on hand. Will oho iut'odure the new HKOMIDE PORTRAIT, a picture, that u gii'ing entire $atiii/aclion wherever introilucedt SAMFLKS can be »««» lit n\y Gallery where all particuUiini n» to Price, Style Su\, can he atcer- tttivtU.. MMS. MW&MMM, fiiBS^ieBRTON.. '1 he CniLDRENS HEALTH. One of Ndturet Klndett Gifts it a lleullhy Constitution. Guard it against disense by using Siamese Worm Powders. WDrvm are the fruitful cause of nuiny disfirdert in Children. SIAMESE WOJi.V POWDERS will expel Worms in everi/ case where they exist, will regu- late the Stnmnch and Bowels at the tame time. Use them, you won t regret it. F*«clc's X^leawant I»llls ! SJiould always be used for Sick Head- iiche. Their operation is mild and pleasant. They strike home each time whtii used for a Disordered Liver. Ask for them. Get them. Don' t forget the name, I^ecli'sj F'lea.sam I'illH. If your druggist has not the aboee pre- paration in Stork, W. W. STEPIIEy dr CO., of Meaford, will send them to you prepaid on receipt of 2bc. for either, 5 of each, or assorted for $1.00. FAKM for SALE BEINOt.otf.. Con. 7, Osprey, half mil* from Mmwell, 100 acres, OJ ucren olearoil. wall wataroil, anil uudur (jood stato of cultivstiou. Well feiiceil. Uarue (raiuo liaru ami slablu. framehousa. For furthor pai-ticulars apply to JOSEVH K.\l)l.KY. 170 iipailiua .^Tenne. S45-371. Toronto. Change in Businesfir ! The nndersinned having bought out S. Spirh * BuViheriiii! business in Flesherton, has opeuml uj) with a fluB stock of OvHterB, Salmml. Sar- •» diiiBS. Frssh A Drieil Meats. Fresh A Salt Fish. SiiiisagB. lliiIo<^a. ±c.. ami invites the people u call aoil ^et aoi|aaint«it and leave a trial onhir fur aaytiiintj iu the sljove lines. JOS. McCONNPILL. Plosherton, Feb. lat, 188a. W. W. TRIMBLE FOR First Class ROLLER FLOUR. W.W.STIiPHUN&CO. Drwjginti, Wholi-aale d- ItrtaV, GREAT RUSH! What For? ITVhere ? | To W 8 CHHtSTOK SMedicftJ Hall. Fleiherton. fi)r the cvlubr&tud inedicinen, JOHNSON'S roNU' lUTTEltS.JohQdoir* Tonic Livar l»iilii. i JOHNSON'S Ai.L.-HKALlNU WHITK OINT- MKNT. TTTP PrTQTI iafortheBlTTKUSas it is { irtD IXiUOXl known to b« the bent for all ti>-r\uuti (lisu&K«4, Hvttl(iria, DtibiUty uf &»y Hort, L.o>iH u( Apputito, (''oiiiale CoDiplaiutH. and I'aluiiL'si* of rouiplexiori and all diitorders ariii- iun from pi>vert>' of tUu lilt»id. ^}lA Pile hi itt for thu rU. L.S as there are IIIO rtUOlJl none better ihau thoHo for I-.ivur Coiiii'laiiit aiul iluraiiKVlnout of tlieUi^eHt- ivt) ar^aiiH. TIIK UlSH is for theOINTMKNT a% it raiiku f)rst ill itH healiutf iiuaUtiuH tor allSkiii l)iiii>a«us of a KcrofulouM itatiure, MtiriiH. S«)alclM, A c, A'c. Ami It id to be foutitl at the UriiK Store of W.S. CilUlSTOK, Klwhhertou. tt)iiHt ainl try anil poe for yoursi^lvos. ITo.l Stone Flour, OATMEAL. ROLLED OATS, CiUAHAM FLOUR, CRACKED WHEAT. Shtyrts, Chop ami Bran. POTATOES. APPLES, ETC OlSTERS 'm SAIH. W. W. TRIMBLE. Flesherton. Dec. Ist, 1887. BELL" I rf i I U I U I I OJ^I I J> I j THE MAMETS. FLESHKRT Cu rrftiUff Corrected Fhiui- Fall WIriU Spriii),' Wheat J'.aii.-y Oats ' IVuB Duller Kijijs, fresh Totatoes bush rork Ilav.pcr ton Hides Wool Siieepskins (ieesu Turkeys Chickens per pair Ducks per pair ON. Kavh H «4 10 to $0 78 to 78 G,-. () :i!)i •'is 17 17 40 t! .10 7 00 4 50 18 .')() n (h; 10 25 .')0 4 10 80 80 70 4tl IK) 17 17 4l» f.O HOD 5 .5i> 21 1 nc 06 1(> 30 f.O Unapproached for Tone and Quality. CATALOGUES FREE. BELLS CO., Gaelpli,Ont. ltKSV.\llDKl) lire Ihiisu wllii ri-a.l thiH and then ai-t : the.v will tlitd hiin arable einpUiyiiiolit that will not take tlieni from their homeH and faiiiilieK. The prolita are larKu and Hurv for every industnoUH pt-rwon. uialiy have inade ali.l are now liiakltlK neveral huililred dollarn a inniith. !t in tMiHv f<>r any one to make r^.'i anil iipMariln i>er day, who iH willing to work. Kith ei M'K. youn^ or old ; U4fr)*ital not needed wi» Htart yon. I-Aerythiny ik-w. No npecial ahility ri'iinired ; you. readier, eiiii do it an well an anv on,-'. Write to iiH at unco tor full particiilarH. wliich we mail /reo. Adiireatt Stiiiaoii ik Co., rortland, Maine. SK V WO.VOF.IIS exint in l^lMl^audll iT forms. Imt are HiiriiaHHed by the liiavvelK of invention. ThoKe wlio are in neeil of lirotitahU' wot k that eaii )ie done wlii)<* living' at lionie Hhonld at onte ^end their ad- dnvH to lliillttt ,v Co., rortland, Maine, and re ueive free, full information how either sex. of all iiueM. enn earn ftuiii tf.> to H^'iTt per day ami illiward). whuruVHr tliuv livo. You are Ntarttfil fruo. Caiiital not reqnili-d. Soimi havn liiadw oviir ^."lO In a ninjjle day at thin \vork. AU HU^- c-fi-.l. Positive Cure. A Painless Cure. FACTS FOR MEN OF ALL AGES. 3^. DISEASES OF MAN. THE tJlttUIT HKJU/rit itK.VEH'KU, Marvel ot Healing, and Kohinoor of Medicines, ^P^'^^ T* <^iEi6 tlif. K-rribIn r<>nH<H|ia<.nvfH of InillHcretlon, t:x|io>Bn: tiuU OTfrwork. "H"0"crisra-, i.4n:D£iiB--A-a-EX) .a.3>tid oud a^itEiT Who are broken down froiu tba eflocls ot ahuBB will flnd iu No. K» radical cure for nvrvoua. dehility, ornanio nonkuem, Involuutarv vital Iubboh. «to. Symptoms ron which No. 8 Hhoui.m mt Uhbi>.â€" Want of enorgy, vurtiuo, want of puniok*. dinuiuHH of night, aversion to Kiciety. want of coiiflilenoo, avoidance of couTeraatioD, ilfliiiro for solitud.i, liHtlemness iind inalulity to fix tho Httuntion ou a particular xubjuot, cowardice, duiiresaioii of Bpiritx, (tiddineKH, hi»a of inomory, excitahilitv of temper, spur- iimtorrh(«a, or logs of the seminal fluidâ€" tho result of 8elf-abii»o or marital exccBSâ€" imixv teuoy, innutritiou, cuneialion, liarrciinuaa, juilpitation of tho heart, hysteric fei-IiU|j« in lomalc '. troniblinK. iiieliinoholy, dintiirlniiK cfroaiua etc., are all sviniitOMiii of thia terriblo, o. cntimosiuiiocontly ei'iiuired. In short, tho apriiig i.f vital force havinij lost its touauni, cvnry function wanes in nonac<iiiouoe. .Sciontiflo writers and tho BiiperintoiidBDtH of insiino asyhiina unit.) in iiscrlliiuK lo tlio ettuota of self-abuse tho urea* majority ol â- waatod lives which ooiiio Ihcir notice. If you aro incompotent (or the ardiioun dntioa of liiniiicsa, incupacitiitod for tho onjoynu'nti of life. No. K oltors an efcape from ' tlio olTucts of early vice. If you iiro aiivimcod in years. No. Swill (jivo you full vltorend atroiiKth. If you are brnkeii down, I'hvsiciillv anil morally from early Indlscrotion, the result of ijjnoianoeauil folly, send your address aud 10 cents in atampa for M V LuMON'a TriMitise in Hook Form ou Disoaaos of Man. Seiiled I aeciiro from obsorvatiou. ' A.lilreHaallcoiomunicatlonsto H. V. I.UUOIV, 47 U'i-lilii|rUin St. E, Toroiiiu.' A Man without wisdom lives in a tool's paradise, CURES GUARANTEED HEAL THE SICK. 1' % Permanent Cvi'o* Pleasant Curiam