THE F L E S n E R T O N ADVANCE [Fkis. i6. 1 888. \ /i •^ -4 FAEM for SALE T)HIN<i I, r..ii,7. Dfinri. liiilt mill fnmi ^ Mm«.ll. IWi liens, m mrVK . liiin'.l. «i II M;ll.'ri'il, ulhl iiliilrr (.â- I â-ºlllll- lit I'lllllviltioll. ^\tâ- ll (I'liml, Lnr^ii fiiiUM- iiurii iilnl htutili*. IraiiiH h'MlMi. 1 .ir (iirtlii'i tmrtli llliirx iililiK In .lOSr.l'll llAlll.l.Y. 170 Sl>Hilillll ATflllH*. «»a::T1. 1..n.iiii.. ittcdical. M . 1 1! IS Til. I ri-rs < o vi: r. Thv Linitlloilfi of tlif Tviiiin-ronn- I loir I MiihvH hrr Itihiit. AMI- TOn.irtO LEA 111 K. t'lmfrihiilftl f'tn' Tin- Ailrtinrt- hfi i Til)- l-'iifhtliift lUlilof. I Aiiti-Toliiux'o Lca<{iii- iiiitliiii ! TJial U wliiit i SUV. Wliut's tlic Hffiil'l * </;iir liicUiii' lit imvuiiyV SeciiiK to li«;V a lioliliy fur Ktartiii' up a lot of siK-icties, sicli as «il(l iiijiiii iiiliiuii fU-itcry, to DR. CARTKK, MAM". <V- S.,(lNi. j VIIYSK IAN. SIIC4;i:0^, 4Vt<. I n.KSliKlfl'iiN. 1 lllll.-,.. Stfuiils l,l,„k, K.-ci.l.lri-... W inAVrl(;lit H Jlcntiiitvu. DKNTISTRY. Thomas Henderson, L.D. S. SI l;(il:ON lUiNIIST ';..;./ .i/../,i/m.' .1,../ y/.-.i../ (.v.i./ii.((<- '>f ihf i:.i:i>.s.. Will \i-h 11 r.SHKlI'lIlN, iMui|..|ii<n n llnlil I ii'iil Jiif firli iii.'iith, Tii'lh i-xtrint».il. iiiiirt- • ' I mill mil I In till' liit.<lii'>.| Plyli > nf tlii' iirt. Hliil ut niii'trniti' riitrn. HiMi 111 in I . 7i'.| Vmm.i. SI ,. T. .iii.Mi.. Oil Tliur.iday afliTiioun, Mrs. Uol> iimoii, of tlif 'IViiiinraiiCf Hotrl, Kli^lui' toll Station, a|i|Hai'iil liofoic Sijuiris .\riiiNtiiiiii,' ami Uicli.iidsnii in tliu l»ivihion Court ('Kik's otiicc liiirt', to aiisuur to a i-oii|iU' III cliaru'fM iiruft'rrud iiu'iiiiint liir i li<'fl> tracU of wliiili is ciiouuli liy l,ii-i'iisf lii.s|ifftor ('aiii|ilK.'ll. I to kiunk the co^s of a fellows brains 'I'lif cliari^r was fur ku.'iiiii-,' lii|iior out of •jear. lliiiiiiili! striKcs iiic J"ll on thi- ]i|<MniH(s <niiti-aiy to law. 'I'lir i li<v to j^it aiiotlicr cliili ami lo.iil it « itli l.irciisf Ihspiitor liiiim (lulv sworn, (rs- | ilyiiuiiiitc, so's that ivi ly tiiiii- I strike CLIMO & CO. *«'})al. J. W. KHOST, L.L.H.. Jtn$-r(iitrr, Solirllor, Cimrri/iinfii; Dillri'. .Slruiii'* Kuililiuc. Ki.i.KiiKitTuK. .\ \. <Hi;si.KV. SoliiMiiir iiiiij l'iiui<')aiimr, lU'niili'iit .\luiiiiv«tr. MK. KItOHT will l»' f.iiiiiil lit t)M' ORIri'On 'I tiiirnilnvii iifi liiTuCiifiit'. - p. McCULLODGH, llnrriatcr, iSolici/or, <fr,. Ofli«*r, ovrr MrFiirlaiHl's Slort*, Mnrkduh*. .Moiu-y l<i Lonii. ^iwiuffis (tards. John W. Armttrongy ri.isinuTfis, (.'ii. (liiir^. TVIVISIDN CDIICT CI.KUK. COMMISSUiMnll ^ III II. II., ('i>iivii>iiii,.f r. ,ti-. .^f;*.|it for iiiirrliiu*- n,'i1 Mttlf n( liiTiilf.. .\|>lirnii.i.r for ('. I,, i*. i'lliw uri.l K. I". II. A S S.)ci.,n. .Mmii.) lu Limii mi the iii.i.,t rr»<iiiiitlil,. t<'rin«. Usi >:!â- . or MAUItlAriK i.irt:N!sr..s. .not.\i»y i-iiimc. MONEY TO LOAN. IT LOWKST «'l UKKKT N.tTKM, Oil Tiiwii iir tWai rro|«,riy, N. I).\Ml'nU. Kli-iliurtMi. tilii'il that lit; liail foiiiHl lii|iior mi I lie iniinisi's. .\ hi-oHii j\i^', containing; ' lllll' Lfaljiin of wiiiskc^ , >v:is foiiml in tliu land- lailv's lit'ili, lllll). ,lu'.,' |iroihiiiMl. Thitir »or»lii|is siiillrit at till' o|iiiiinu, after the eork had heeii witlulraH 11, tlieii touiliud tluir re»i>ei'tive ton.;iies to the liottoiii of the i-ork itself. It wa.s wlii.skey Holiiiixoit fraiiklv ailmitteil the aiiyliody then 11 lie an e\|ilosioii, like- a funeral- nml III jiroviile the eorpse. Its (airly ayjjerwatin'. Mere tlif Killing's coiiiin' on, too, andrilhe awfully husy with theiii skylarkin' toin tootiTH of S|irino I'oets. Why in tliiin- der ean't the //< ni/i/ hottle ii|i his old Mrs. Aiiti-'rohafeo Lca-^iierK for n few iiioiithH rrert- 'i"d f,'ive me and the hoss a show. .Irr in-rfxir'uiil lo opi-ii (Uil n J\'t'ir Sfnr/ c oj dptxls iu II 'ni . Wri'-lif's Sfnrr. Iiess of their liiiself, Init said i ^ ln'.v'll keep. .ilie yot it for the sole lis.' nf li r family. She had always kept a little drop annnid the house, hut mily for medieiiie. \Vns Hot aware that this was C'liitiarv to law. 1 lie oilier day- i-'riday I think it wiiz ill eoiiies the lioss il mean the Kditori witlia lot of letters and pa)iers. In eoursi; lie reads tln' letters tirst. He EvtTjbody will bo Wc^koigud. W. J. BELLAMY. 1 Kl'. ei.KHK AllTlMkSii. ' 'o.v »•/; V.I .v< '/â- ;/:. < -oMMissiosKk, issrii.iM'i-: .uiT, .<(' DV.KIIS. Moini;.\iiKS, l.i:.VhKM. .*c., iiri-i»i- ^-il ftii'1 )>rii|iorl> fict'iiltMl. liiitiirKiier iitrtH'- • >l in fli'pt i-la.>p ciiiiiiiaiiit'.'. Mouvv to leiiil »i l.iw<-«trnUl', GET YOUR MEAT t-F U O M-t Petch & Mitchell, (IKNKIt.M, m IVHKlt.S FLESIIEKTON! l-a'^l'iiHli paid for fat rattle, .^r., ir. Aiivii'K rii .Mill iimiH. .\ru you ilistiirlinl iil nL'lit unit liriiki'ii fif \iiiir n-st li.v t\ ..irk cliilit hilKi^riniJ lllll U: I- > ill K with luii II iif rutting' l'|.. Ill ;' If Ml «i.uil III iiiiii' mill v^'l II li.iuli- iif "Mri. U i.i. .-l.iwV Siiiilliinu' S\ rni>" fur Cliililrcii Ti'iitliiiir II. VitUli' I' liiritlrulnlil,'. Il u ill r, lii'ti' llii |ii>iir liltir HlllliTi'l {lllllluililltrU. l)i>pi.|lil ll)iiin it. liiolhiiis: tliir,' ii im iiii^tnk,. iiliinit it. It I iir,.s |l>'-i.iili'r> uiiil lliiirrliM-K. r(-;:uliit(-!. llii' Stiiiii'iclt mill Uiiwi 1-. i-uir- Win, I I'l.lii'. Hnfti'iis I 111* (•lllll-. rt'.liiri-^ I nil. I nun II 1 11,11. timl i,'iv,-w (nil,, iin.l •â- n.Ti.'i til tlie .v-tiTii '.MrH. Wiii^. J.,v»'i* Siiiitlitnt; Sv ril|i â- fi,r rtill,lr,.|i t,',-l)iitiK' i.* ]ili.i4siint liillii' l'i~li> mil) in III,, i,ri..i,'ii)itii>ii i,f nil,, of ttti' iiliint iiliil l„'..t ft'iniilx ),)i\ "ti'inii., itn.l niiiM's III tini I nio-il StiitrM. iiint m fur,- liv nil iiftn,".ji»il-, tliniiiu'tiiuit Ihi* wmlil. riii-r twenty lUi lint- II liiitllr 11,. ,.iiri> iiiiil leK f,.r â- Ml»^. \VlN.*l.i,wV Siiiilllisi, Si at !â- ," mill tikku III! illtllM killil. until now, when the eeitainty of a heavy j •'•â- iid twci or tliree of em, and then piek. fiiie made her painfully eiK^ni/aiit of the fact. She did not keep whiskey fur sale. Declined to he NWoni, hut made a statu- meiit, which was committed to writin:;. .Said she jfot the whiskey on the very day the Inspei'tor visited her. (lot it in a li- HUor store, \>ut deelined to say wliosi- or where. Fined filfll and costs. ("liar^'e numlH-r two : sellinu Iii|i)iir without a licetme. Dates specilied, Fri- day and .Saturday, Feh. .'lid and 4th. ,1. il. ('aiiipai<.,'ne, hlacksmitli, Floalierlon Station, heiMu' sworn, testilied that he was in the iNtr-riHUii of the Teiiipcralico Hotel oil Friday, Wiui there ou with Ills i-ousiii, Sam ('a)iipaii;ne. Drank nothiii;; whatever. Did not drink eider. Did not hriiii; a tiottle of aiivtliiii-; away wit!) him. \^'as in the same hotel Sat- urday eveiiin'.'. Sam i'aiiipniifno and iiiy Itlncksiiiith were there ,'dso. I treated. Did Dot drink eider. Did not ask for Hiiythint; in particular : merely asked for iiomelhiiii; to drink. It was htroni;er th.^u vtater. Knouudi of it niit.'ht iiiiike a iiiau intoxicated. Do not know whether il HAS whiskey or iml. I'usitively could li,i| say uliether it whiskey, hut it was certainly strolij/er tliali water that's eiioii.;h, iiiiw ! Did imt pay for the drink*. (Wered tu \my, liut it Kan not ueeept<-(]. One of the others treated hut that was all the treatiii); there wa.i done. Did not see any inoiiey paiil. .Miss Itoh- inson attended bar. Did not see the landlady, I )nly stajed a short time, hut eould not say how Ion;.' or when 1 cnnie in iir when 1 went away that's eiiouuh iii>w ! [Witness seemed consideralily irritati-d tiy the sharp cmss i|Uesti,>niiiu', and fieipieiitly eM'laimed "that's eniiii'.{h now I") The was |Hislpoiied until this after- noon, ill order to procure additional evi- dence. I'lirlicnlars next week. eil ii]i one that didn't pear to hev any tliino ill it liiit the envelope. " Hallo ! " says he. '• what's this â- .' " .\ little --lip of printed mutter ilrop]ied out. He tiHik it u|> and read as follows: â€" •• He who doth not smoke hath either known no ^reat (griefs or refiisi tli liiiii- scdf the softest i oiisolatioii, next to that wliieli conies from heaven." -/in/i" c- " Here, liiili." says he, addressin' me (lie's hlained familiar with nie, that's a faoti " you can just count me out of that Lea}{iie. Writt! what you like for 'I'mk .MiVASeK next Week, hut you must ex- press your own Miitinu^nts, my iKiy.' .\s if I'd Ixither my he.-xd with otiier IM'fiple's fuolisliness. I've ipiite eiiou<{li tn (III to attcMid to my own, thank you. Hut this .\iiti-'rohaoco iH-a^iie in a ({rt-at racket and uo mistukf. Our devil Hays he'll raiM- till' niiscliiefs own raeket if lie slioidd ever ehauce to run up n;>- aiiist the man that wrote that piect* in the. Herald aliuiit him. The ilay the article was rt<A<l tu liini, he tired u lot of tyiHi into the (ielieiinn Imix and swiire lie would huT«f rtveufje if he had to pawn every hair on his head. I toh) him he'd iM'ttcr size np his man tirst- -that's the way I ulwavM do. Once it luau calltsi iiM.- a eiimed liliif shark of n liar in a Hoiiiewhat iiiifrieiidly manner, and put u stick on his shoulder and dared ini- to kiiiH-k it <i(I or lie called " covvardly eiis- tatd." He was aUnit 7ll Ihs. heavier th:ku ine, so 1 juNt turned on my lieel and trt'ated liiui with silent contempt. Next day a little chap, \n1io looked like 11 walking stick, -iiid I was a prevari. eator. The undertaker and toiiihstoiic iiukii out a joli, " iu course," .\lways si/.e yiMir man up. Hut druppino Spring I'oets and com- ino haik to this tohaci o Inisiness, I niii of I he opinion that a ^reilt deal eould Ih' said on hotli sidcM. I'liere's the man that wonhl like to smoke Imt can't \:k is a Lea){ii<ir. There's the niAii that never smoked- lie's a Iioaouer, Tiler's the man wliose bttter half is such in reality he's a Iionoiier and no mistake Mr, .MeCiinnis, the new hotel -keeper i uliout it ; if he weren't, he mi^lit as well here, is iHtMimino ijuite a popular ho.<t. I linve the hell tollol for his funeral ri^lit .\ I..iteriiry Smiety was formed here ' away. There's tlio voiitli that's eoiirtiii recently, and on Tuesday eveiiiii),' of I a nice yoiiuj; lady over the way, who lust week the nieiiiliers thereof iiidiil^eiM stroii>;ly ohjticts to siiiokini^- Ih''s u in an exeitiiio and iiitiri'stiiio ilehate. Ijea<4uer. Th(^ri''A the iiian to whom Suhject : Which would he the nmst hen- j siiiokilii^ is positively injurious he's a etioial to the early settler, the <i\ or the i I..«"Heupr. Then there s the man to horse'.' hIioiii smokinj; has always lieeli a plea- .Mr. I'lirdv. postmaster here, is aide | sant and harmless pastime, hut who, in to move around aonin. , ,\, monieiit of enthusiasm or iiii|iiilse, lilt in I oives it up lie's a I.eaiiuer mii i- .' BOOTS & g HOES! I / have a Full Sujtphj of all IJties of WINTER GOODS! Ikubhkks, ovkkshoes, felt boots .vm. felt j stockings selling cheap. FLESHERTON STATION. Inlrrt-ntitiii Iti-ins CoUfctrtl for Till- Aitriiiirr, lit! till O,*i'ii.-i('o/iii/ f 'iirri .i/Miiiiffiif, WM, CLAYTOW, Flesherton. CHEAP AND ^ DUEABLE! T II E \V I<: L L - K N O W^ N SPEIGHT WAGON! Call .Tiul j.;ct Prices, &c. from undersigned. STOVES, TINWARE. &c. tor s:tlc as iisu:il l"'irst-cl:iss valiu' in everv department. Ai;ent for VICKHRS' EXPKESS. All puruls left uith him will be promptly and airt/ully athmlid to. tm FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. YANZANT, The Durham sta^e-driver has pi an appearance here every day this win- ter, iiotwithstnndino inclement weather. C'aiiipaii^ne has rented his hlHcksmith shop to I i. McKelvaiiie. lip .'Mieiii ! I*'rups now I have said en- otioh alMiut .\iiti.Toliacco I.eaouers. Nevertheless I could .say much more, and if 1 can only oet a ipiiet eveiiino to Al.t. KlMiS OF »> P. Ilarrinoton is the new iiiolit oper- j myself Is-fore tlu^ crop of .Spriiio I>(«,ts J. W. BATES, Funii/itrc /halrr and I'lidcrtak-er, ri.R.SBBUTOS ONT. THM PIFEB r/Lir-'frSTiR: <ajl**»^*«« .« 4 •arlMiiV llw«a« (OOvrCM » ator ill the ('. I*. It. olVice here. \S . \. I'arker \mis visitiiio triends in I'ricevillo a few days last week. Miss Sarah Hooj; has heeii vislliiij^ 1 and no imstake friends at iMieeuia. ( - - .Mrs. ,1. I'hillips forMicrly of the Sta- \ tioii and now ot Itoltoii has lieeii very \ ill hut is now recoveriiio. W. .1. Wadsworth and family reiiioveil to Toronto last Thursday. Donald Mel'herson has returned from Michioaii. I'lie hkudhidy of the temperance liote' here has oot into trouhle with License Inspector CamplMdl, who had \wx licfore the inui^istratcs last Thursday on two charocs ot (Il keepiu){ lii|Uor on her premist^s and \'l\ stdllii),' the siiiue con- trary to law. Filled 9'20 anil costs iiii the tirst ciiar){e ; licariiigof Hi<cuiid]Hist- ' I>uiivi] out- Week. arc ri|K', I'll let iK'ople know a thiiif^ or two aUiiit this tohacco luisiness that'll knock 'cm cold with surprise, 1 will ^G-RI-Pi^ CANADA'S COMIC PAPEII. J. W. l.l-;.\(;()l'i;il, Anitt ami KJitot. issirii wr.KKiT. $a a Year ; $i fui 6 Monthi. I Mil li Mo&Esal&l W:r!!; vTTv Such as Moiiiiinciits, 'I'lUiib Talile^i, Hcnd.stoiw-." JYv I'liiintor ami 'I'lilile 'I'ops â€" in Auiericuii ami â- ^^5 Italian .M;irlili' ami (inniite. iiiitl made on short iiiitic.e. .Mso Maiiilis iu Marlilu aiiU - - :, .c\y-" Marhlei/otl SliUe, .'Lc, I'v.c. ''•9*®^?m85^ Fleslicrtoii, All- ;!(), !.S,s:;. HEAIVni IX)11 ALL. ""^ (•Htr i« inrrtaiinf In tntlucnct Kmt i^>iiUrity e»efy jear! It \% « luviremp liuBsrliold UToritc. whi> e»ery Voltfician itnd rrofetitottal atul Itu^lneita Man tniov* thf cUvcr hii» which ap{>car in tverjf tk«u«. Subserib* now! Se« nut I'icnituiii aud ilalihin^' Liti. CircvUri pt- ing lull |-artikuUri Miu t»c<. 4VLook out f6r Grip'i Comic Alm&nae Par IMS. rric* 10 eenu. At''.'keMi, HIP riiusHiifi ro. rUKO.VItl, OK9, mxmmwmmmm THE r ILLS I'lnifv till' lUiniil. iinn-i't ull DIsnrilurs i>t tlio Liver, $mointi<>li, lvl<ln'yw, xxncl J5<>>vels. Tlui> invi^-iirikti'ioi I rc^tcTi. ti> Ii,-hU)i IVtiilitiiti'il ('oii-.tiliitii,li-^. iinil art- iiivitlu.iMi, in sM I'oui- I'laiuisiiu'iiloiiliil to I'l.inuU.^ of k)l uki'k. foi I'liilunii nml tin- iii;>-il tluv uru iiiiccli-!,». THE OINTMENT |sniiiiitftlllli1i<ri'iiii.tU- fur llml l.c-rs, Binl llrniits. ('1,1 WinimW. Sorci unit 1"Io,ts. It infiMiintui (i.r I lout HMil Ulii-iliimtisin. I'ur ilisonli-rs nf tlm I'lii-t it liiis iniciiiial. For SO lit: THIUKIJ, Hh'OjYCJtlTIS, COCUJ/S, COLDH LflsniIuliirSwiillinKS.uiil nil .Skin |)l«i'n>-i'K it )ins nn rlvul ; aiitl tor cuiilrnctuU «iid itttT niiitii it artii like n utiuriii. Manittac^arod only at rrofo-mor Hot-uiWAV's KstuMtsliiiiint, 7S, Vvw O:(ror«l Ktrrrt ( Intc .%3», 0\r»r«l .Strret ). l.on«Un, lUHl »ri> Hiijil at la. I)il., -Jn. W.. i*. M.. IU.. *-> . nlnl ;i.'s >i»'li lliiv Iir IVt, uiiil luii> l>c IiikI nf all .\fl«l ciio- Vemloi-i throiiiihinit tJic Wnrlil. /I^ l'>tTchn»tf» thi'M h«>k U thf /<>(iW on f/o- /'iif,< iiinf /.'oj-wt. // tht ittldrtM i> »"< 5S3, Orforii Strtrt, ivmivn, thty are ijrmrwm. . ^Mlltalfe