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Flesherton Advance, 16 Feb 1888, p. 3

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Th« UrmTv on the HllL tk*n'B a ipot oil ihe iulisi'ie tu awtj, Wben in 411111 lucr Uur ipras* elbows green. 'Wbare, l>-ti«;«tii a ruteliuf; eim tibe'i ahgde, A UÂ¥^^ -tjv*?rt:ii nbjiia le etMii. *Tliaqui»t &a<i uu.'r^qatrntcd nyot, A eoiuu'Jt; luuc ui'l wild ; Titâ€" iomebudy's hdpo kre buried thereâ€" Ti« tee KTuve of 4 httlB ciiUd. 1b the winter, ml&ii ! tliftC inoeey stene Is bid 'ne&LD m »br md uf ni< -w , â- itt»r<iuii(lii. Ill -1 ' Ljiiiiit;, frmil and Bvevt, The du<'i«a uid ^ id °>i Kruw ; And u'trr >t til* Bum...or ur«n;z«r» hum With a (rat^nkiict: Mjti &ud mild, Amd the autuuiu'» lii-aa k-avf e thickly strew That grave uf a litUe child. AndeTfiry ye-«r h»-r«;'t^ a r* dbreaxt come WbrD the oujuih *i( Uay u oigh, Aad boiids tivt uimc in ttua qjiut lipot, "M id ihe eluj tr<.v'» Lrai^ciica hi^n ; Willi her melody sweet, b> tli« hour she triUs And ii iiy the scou': tA).'Ui:«U, TerbaiMâ€" «hu knuwn f ti* au angal eom«s To uie grave ol tu»'. .i.tlo i;o;id. Tea,Bomelxidy'9 hopv« Ue btiried there. Borne nj'Hher ia werpiut; in rain. Vk though years oia., couie aiid years luay k'o. Twill IjtrVer come b^i^k. A^iiu, T«C bleeaed are the« w h< * dte tii yoath, The pur- and cue U'ld.-flk-ii : fltame ruad lu heaveu. p«-rcuaiice, runs throogh. That grave ui ii Ii'.t.v clii.d. BUPEBSTmOH EXTRAOBDHABY. A Grftit tjcaro in the Ijimiingtiam. To-svn ol THB LAST DAY LOOSED FOS. of the anrv'.val of ADVICt: T«> VUL'NG â- y • MEN. Churrh Lnt Iht* I uiier«rH at tlie Uoorâ€" .4 U<hm1 B«nkUag. Every yuuoiii mau who earnj wages ooghl to buy a lul aii.i uiaii<r a Htart for a borne. The v.ay to ft a blart :j to skve a little money each ai d make a paymeui «B your purtha^r, and ao. little by httle. iMkjf (or your lut and build your houje. Von't Bprutl all yuar 'iiuLiey on livery turn- •atl ami dahce^ a;.U icv-c-rtam to please joar best nirl. .ifier a * hile you will need s home (or that ctst ^irl and the young â- tors that some way or aiiotber generally oome arouihi .tit'i 4'4ut to "pucuu" with yea. Put a iitile oi your spare cash into tko grouud ii,>uu t:'j alo;i^, aud after maDY days it will lin- .; »ou« njy alty.â€" t'aii/t^mia Architect and liriildi'it/ .\Vu*rf. Will the >ou (. uini. wb'j takes his posi- tion along ihv < u b9tu::e in front ot the «hnrch every Suniav uit.hl to wait for his kesi girl please o.-:.' his e-ar iu this diree- tioo a miuiitr ? Oo»ip desirts a word witli him. \\>ii .tre an utHuut;:ate<l uuis- â- M*, >ou are, an<i the i,:irl who will p«riuit kwa.-lf tu b<^ |n ked up uy you :u front of tbb church is w-»i;iii.i; lu *<r!fre«f;e>;t. Why doo't )oa gi) lo i'>t hi^U!* and take her to ohorch, and ^II Uxidi- her during the ser BOO, and Irani wuiuui. ai^d take h'^r home in a rei»pt-ct»nl>- â- nanur? Do you know what )uu li«'k lUe rai >;ed along the curb- •tone ? You kvk a lot ot crovir» on a laoce-rail Ih-ti' wuat you look like.â€" HmrrUburj/ TeUuraph. A 1'<>1>! K>>K I>.VKW1M.%NS. It> Baby Monkey I rU. i Ik.- i* Child Ov l>e .1 tLiiKcr, A correspui.i. ni wiii the Nicaragua Caoal expr>uiiiii, m Central America writes ; A luiici i-iiKer rei-ultnre i:i thes« ngious will a. d iuit<rially to the convert* «t Darwinism, lur me h*4 only to 8<J* the monkey in his naM^e ciiiiie to sppriK-iate th« «i*ii)in .i( ; h- gr- at philosopher. Ou Christmas l>oy W't.ave ilie men a treat for dioner m the â- ,<nu\ .•! a rt-.! tnonkev, which, naxi to the Urt- ii/.->ro, i^ coisijertd by thenatuts oi.of ihr ^li>".c<st of n:eats. Thouxb We wer- u>>c<.<i to walk over teo milta to our cat c>«-. ihe dead bcoly of tbeviciiiM was i.lUiAed ihe entire distaiKe fcy one of her ynmi; When we reached borne an 1 thr--» ii<- lx>iv d^wn in from cf ftbe tent the lic <et)i,, ra!>lu d up for recog- â- Hiou. Kailin:, 1 . tiii9, \i<- began to ruh Ti([oro:i»U li h SlKUCCrSsfi.l. w thai ahiiui-i br ke threw hm » BCther and <'ti !>•>•<•( r> storing life. Still li a heartrruilitg scream ^!;u*rs to haroentJeyes, ; u^on «h^ breast of his Ilk !« clnid. .% U«ll i>i'> •ail lleiiUi. A Ouluth. Mm. . df-( it h says: A far- mer liymg ui Uie •>..' Hit -rve!«l miles from tfiiM city rei^irT. \hv discovery lu the woods taveral miles 'nvn hi- dwelling of a •trained bail- o . He also disouvered iu the limbs of a ft- , a^tiust which the hklloou WHS c •n.h; ir.t -lead and half de Oayed bo-h â-  ( â- Â« mm:, wh â-  had evidently keen thro-^n %.' h i tiy frv-ni the basket, (or the bo>iy was w.-.;i;>.| in tlie branches. The man bait been prticably about 30 years of age. There WM!. I o't ing in the poikets of the dea<l man bv »l uh lie could be identi fled. The car loiiiauied A Sand ba){ half fall, » i-onn>»iis. etc. .\ brjkeu rope, trailing »â- Â«)•- di.H'.t, sho>vtd that the unfortunate a>roi:i>ut ha.i iiiaiio every effort to briiii: his 'U:t;'^ioiis cr,ii't to a standstill kefore It was toi n i; pieces by the gale and kew«sda,-lnd I 'd.nUi It issupposed the balloon was the one wli'.rh went up last â- priug from a soutiierii point aud was never heard of. A singular evideoce siiperbtition in the niiiet««nth ceutory , and of the strong grip which i\ retains ou the (ears of ignorant persons, hag been fur niahed in Birmiogbam. Cjooie day a ago the newspapers contained the bold prediction of some sapieat astrologer that ou the 1 1th of January , in conse<|uei.c<; uf the violent " fiery planes Mars " formn g a coujtuiction with the â- ' evil planet Uranus" in the eighteenth degree of the zodiacal sign Lil/ru, and at the same time of the evil aspetjl of Mercury, which waa mischievous euougb to preoeal itself 90 degrees oistaul, the un- happy denizens of this globe might look out lor all manner of calamities. Among these Were named " many sudden deaths among the nobles of the land, nomerous accidents in collieries, lires, explosions, murders, wars and earitkjuakea," and lastly, as a makeweight, " siurms aud bigb winOs, wiia many ontoward events, result- ing iu much fatality," The wiue compre- hensiveness of this prograuimeof prupnecy, while iastructive and amusing to the judi- cious, set^ins to have had a very different meaning for the auskiiful. To them it was eAplicabie only ou the suppoeiiiou that the last day A'as at hand. It must be admitieu that such a prograaimo seems too i.oeral of mischief for auy less momeuloas ccca- sion. The occurrence of thick darkness at an earlier hour of the day ihau it might have been expected in the absence of a log was accepted by more than a few as a tartlici; con£rmatiou of the prophecy, althougn it bad not been specially named by the prophet. There were people who Went aLMJUi with the luformaiion, exclu sively theirs, that half-paal '2 in the after- noon was the exact time at which to listen for the craiJt of doom, and when that boar had passed iu peace and qiuei they probably hailed the earl^ darkness as an incident behind which they might stkl ter thcoiseives from the liie ul chatf wnich had begun to beat upKju them. All this, ot course, was a source* cf Innocent merri- ment to the vast majority of people abou'. town, bat It was so hrmiy believed by nl educated people here and there that many of them made fearsome preparatiuu for the end u! ail things. The police report that i^t only did old wcuieu bctaite themselves to their B.OleS with unusual zeal, but younger women remained lu bed ail day, dreading the coming eartb>}uake. Chl.drcn were kepi away from school as a similar preparation, and thoiw who attended school came home full c! fear and alarmist rumors. Two lisiie folks, the children of a i'oUce Inspector, beggeu their father at dinner-time not to be out in the stretfts at midnight, tor two stars were going to meet aud burst and set the world on tire. In Cousutuiiou Uul, the new cable being set rauuin^ as a trial of its working, a tradesman, statlled by the unusual noise it aiaue. rushed cut of tis shop with a pale face, aud i.alle<4 the at- tention of a passer-by to it, ofermg the suggestion that 11 was the Crst sympt,^m of a convulsion of the earth's crust. Krom the Lady wood I'olice Siaticu it wa> reported that there seeoied to be "a general stale of fear." Some women called at the Moseley titreet I'olicv Station in the hope of deriving comfort and support from the constable in charge of ihe o&ce. aud seemed a goo>.t deal shocked at the levity with which he tieated their forebooiii»;s. The) went away at last to buv a copy of the bible, (or which three of theui tiubbe-d to geiher their coppers- At Mo<.>r Street Toiice L'ourt, in the mormi g. a woman ol the saiiic class, on being ti rd a shilling for ultenng threats of bodily harm, had ac cepted the alternativo of a week's impri- soumeiit wiih the observation iliat itdidu t matter, (cr the world WLul 1 be at an euc soon. She was evidently sincere, and ima- gined that she would perhaps be la^ky enough to cheat the law out cf a part ol its penally, although she had net ventured to cSer in defence Ihe plea that she would have no time to carry out the tnrea's she had made use of. At night a halt -drui. ken soldier was found praying in Hoilowav Head, with all the fervor of fright and a troiibled couscieuov. The auiouni ot credulity which actually prevailed wilh reference to this »iily astrolegical bouey was not even paralleled when many thou sands of people asse-mbltd in High sireel and the bull King tosee .â- >pruig leeled Jack leap from the roof ol the Market Hall against the spire of St. Martin s fhnrch, au!* for a fortnight afterwards pursued thai ntii-iuitous spectre all over t'ne town.â€" Litcrpovl i'usl. A BLXZZARI) HEROIXE. MinBie Freeuiaii, a Nebraaka Girl, Save* a iscluMl ol Children. Not many miles from the town of Ord id sitoated the school-bouse of Mira Valley ncnoui district. The house la a sa.all frame structure, and the nearest dwehing to it in at least one-half mile diatant. Thursday morning, January I'itb, when the bUzzaru came, there were in the little achocl-huo^*; Miaa Minnie Freeman, the teacher, yet in bar teens, and thirteen pcpUe between the agesof 6 and 16 ytars. The children were wrought up to Ihe highest pitch cf excite- ment by the (ury af the storm. In the midst of the teacher's assorance that all would be well a terrible gust of wind s'.ruck the boilding.the windows rattled, the house shook and the dcxir of the structare was lom from its hmges. It waii men ibe young teacher realized the Dewrssity of pre- paring for emergencies. With an exhiDi- iion of rare judgment she gathered her Utile brood together, and securing a coil of strong heavy twine, began with the largeaS one and tied the children together by the arms and boo ies, three abreast. This com- pleted, she huddled her charges around the stove and awaited the pleasure of the storm I king. Its furious work came soocer sbas was expected. The terrific gale, sweeping everything before it, stru.k the building anu carried away, in the twiuk-ing of an eje, theentire roof of the structure, leaving the frightened little ones expoerd to the ele- ments. The time for prompt action had arrived, but the plucky teacher was e<jaal lo the emergency. Taking the yaungest and frailest of her charge in her arms, she tied the remaining end of the twine around ber own body, and with all the words of en- couragement she could muster the ccurageous teacher sarted with her ' team " of frightened little ones into the fury of the storm. Those who have braved the terrors of a Nebraska bitzzard need nut be lold thai it required coaiatce to enable a young girl to breast those (ones, having in her keeping the hves of thirte«;a little ones aud the happiness of thirteen hcmee. Those who (ell and sneered from lh« effects of Thirsdiy s storm need not be tcld that the act of that young girl was one from which strong men mitbt .jaail. Selecting her way carefully, following the course cf the storm, the brave girl led her litt'.e charges throu«i,h snow. drifts and blinding blizzard, nowcau- tiouing them about their stepe.uowencour- a..'.ngibem So cheerfulness, and all the way t.ersclf bearing an additional burden of somebody's darling, urging them into re- newed efforts. And thus it was iba*. after a wearisome j-oumey of three .juarters jf a mile, through all the fury a storm coalu muster, the little baud reached the tbres bcid of a farm house, where she received a hearty welcome. Al the house where they found shelter one of the children made its home, and if the eyes cf a loving mother tilled with teani as she pressed her little one 10 her heart they were not dried when she gave to the brave voung teacher aucni- braee lu which was embodied all the love and gratitude wichm s tcocDer's heart. It :s safe to say thai the SBbenjueBl reception ot Miss Freeman ij ail the borne* whoae Inile ores she had rescue.! perhaps from death Were e<)ually as warm as thai ac- corded lo her in the hrsi iusianje.â€" >.>«<-.: ia Bet CURREKT TOPICS. tVU of Other Land*. Creditable Relationship. â€" Visitor -Don t \ou miss jour liitle nephew very much. Fre>idie .' Fr»d'iie I whose rephew die>i she *eek before) â€" Yes, 1 luii-s hiuj very much ; hut I like 10 be the uncle to an angel. â€" l.i/e. In School (Facti; a Class of Littl- CiiiUâ€" The Teacherâ€" Whal '. Don't anv To have made a possible '.'''T is triav well claim Marrlril in IMIO ; Kviuarried In 1M88. An Eatl,. Kiv. r. Mi. li , dispatch says : A strange w.-oon.g has taken place here Col. Wni. B Wi;,ht, an oil settler and well-known liiUel man, w-is uiairied ai^ain tohis wi'e l>, uiaMievi 4S yoarsago. He is the rrci|iient of 1 i*rg«- jvnsion from the Ubileii Stat- » Ho\. rimieiit, and knowing how dithcult it would he for his wife, in ease of bis detil,, to draw his pension without a niarriALt ct rtificite, had a new oerenii'iiy f»-rforine.t The colonel and Mrs. Wriiilit w.-re married at Sackett's Harbeir, N. Y . in November, 1^40, but while moving ironi Kagii- Uiver luauy ysarsago the mtriiagx certificate was lost. IrrrslstJbU. Kev. Robert CoUyer tells ' an amusing story of a trained group of monkeys l:e ouce saw in London on m stage, whi-se in- telligence was such that he wao almost (wr- saaded to accept ihe I'ar«ii ian theory on Ibe spot. They had be-eii drilled carefully to go through a series of military exercises in uniform, and were making a tino dispUy of their atlaiuments when a uiau iu Ilia t allery threw a handful of nuts on the state, and the simian soldiery al once broke ranks, threw down Ihtir guns and scram bi<d for the hard shelled dainties. ' rhal inouient, ' says Dr Colher, " the hand ou the dial o( time was turneel baA a thousand years! " '( you know whal an epistle is .' Answer (titer some hesitation) â€" Y'es, Miss. I know. .\n epistle 19 the wife of aa apostle ! â€" J/'.Vt3iif*e. Cousiderat-- â€" Ai;d whatever you do. Msry Ann, said a !oviug mother to her !;urseK.aid, as the latter set out in charge i-f ker two hstle children lo walk iii KeusiLg'o:i Gardens ou a rainy April day. don't let my darlings sit down ou (he wet kraits. If ihev are tired aud waul to reel, you must 111 down yourself on life grass and let ibem sil on your lap. .\ Weary Waiting â€"Yoacg Man â€" Isn'l the Sermon nearly done .' Deacon of Cturch â€" .\boul an hour yet. He s only at his " lastly ' Young Mas â€" Will it take luiii an hour So get llirougb his " lastly ? " Deacon -No , but ihere's the ore word more and I am done. ' and the " dually." ^ and the ' iu csuclusiou " to come yet. Dou'l i be iiu|>ati-nt, young man, your girl won't siioilâ€" .<i«trai' i^mlfrn. The Uraud Old Name of Gentleman. â€" Bog p.trdon, mister, but whal particular breed niiiihlver be callia' this ere lillle dawg o' yourn! You'll ascuseme aharskin, govner , but ire aud another gentleman ' »j{ed respectively 1 ere as just been 'avin a small bet aboat Ii 'â-  (DisKUst of Montmorency I'e Vere Snobiev, who has always described himself as a geulleiiian ) â€" fuinrfi. WoBin, the Fraieh niiiiner. livee in ihe saborbe of Paris in a palace thai covers Several acres and is gorgeously furnished. Once a yeur it is tarown open to his em- ployees, a:.i the fete lasts a day and a uigbt. Or. this day each of the' women -mploTe<5 'cy Worth is permitted to ;• lect a dress from his stock, and it is made ap acoordicg to her directions. MoEf! than 810,000,CCO worth of cyjlers were shipped from Maryland to all parts of ihe world this season. Over v'D,00<)per«'.n3 are employed in tbeiadastry in the State, and is supports besides 1 !10U schooc-irs and sl'Xipe. To enfvrce the law for th-j reg'ila. tion of these vessels the State maiiSams an •â-  oyster navy," consiaiicg ci i.-ie fVjamers. six scbooctrs and eight sloops. A:( American who saw the iliks io of Japan at Tokio rececily says ; He sal in Icnely slate, a d»rk-feat::red, black- haired, thick-lipped dan, dressed in the uniform cf a European genera], and with noihing grand in his make up or appear- ance. The absolute monarch of thirty - SIX million pecple in a tight-^iiir'.;. go.d- laced blue coat and a French shako fcr a cap! Shades of Gilbert and .-"illiva:: pre- serve us. I wanted to pull ;C his fcreign lailcr trumpery ard pitch bis coal into the nearest canal, scatter bis monkey -like sol- diers aed ciaAe him and them all over again m the Likeness ef their royal auceij' tors " A Siiw method cf ^resorving oj iters in the shell, so as to sracspcrt them :o acT distance in a perfectly fresh coaditicc. is beii'g tried at Uiford, ild. The process is of the simplest description , c-cnsisting wholly m a single turn of iron wire twistsd tigbliy around the shells seas to keepihem so closely shut that occe cf the juice of the oyster can leak out. It appears that it is the opening oi the mouth cf the oyster when out cf water that causes it to "spoil." There IS evidence that oysters clamped by wire bv ibis method have kepi fresn for several months. Arrangements are already made for the shipment cf abc-..s twenty thousand oysters a day lo Liverpool. EucTuaTi IS abcat to be put to a new Bse. The emptyicg of the -lewaie cf Lon- don' into the Thanj!:? has n-scessariJy polluted that river ; aad. searching (or some means of preventing this pollution, it has been discovered that electricity tracsmitled into the sewaj-e produces the equivalent of a chemical charge. The elcciri: current sets the particles of matter in a circulatory moiicE, and ice result is that the crgan;: matter collects at the top '3 a setnisoiid form, so that it can easily be separated from the transparent lluid beneath. The experiments have so far been conducted on a limited scale, but if the plan shoui i prove to be cheap and practit-abie i; would go far io«ard solving a problem that agnates every large city. A CCRJO"- case is hkcly to com-, befcre the London co-jrts. Some month? since a young girl was apcrenticed to a fashion- able city miilicei" She lived with her employers, two maiJeii sister». and a we*k »,o for some alleged c5er.ce .-cmmittea in the workriiom see was «;:>eu a severe or- poral punishment by cne of the sisters. The girl cocipiaintd to her sunt, who at once wrote demandiog an explanatic;;. A reply was received •laling that by the teriES of apprenticeship Ihe proprietor cf the establishment was tu .Wo ;vet-n;.*. and had the ri^ht to ad-.niuisler such ch-istise- ment as a mother might i- diet 3[>:b a dis- ob«:«iient child. She further stated that she found the rixi a^ indispessa'cle adjinct of the workrcvm. and was juite preparenl to defend her right to use it. Ths giri s aunt threaten â- ; to bnag an action for assault to lest the case. â- ,HJ couples happy .ut of a marrying record thai the hymeneal champion- shifi. .Such IS the ktiot-tyng j>ertoraia=ce of Rev. Ellis Howell, now visitici; at Kacsas, lUmots He is S3 years ol skv, and has been a minister of the gospel siiiy- two years. It happens, curiously encti^b, that the one divorce that resulted from the '.'?( marriages was that of a brother cler- gyman whoni he deadheaded on »..vouut of "the profvsh. ' To eke out a day s deve!opm«ut» in the line of connubial curKvitieS tbe.-e comes from Fmdlay, Ohio, the story of a colored woman who was married at 11. at I'i bore a child, which, beii^; a giri, was in turn married at r.'. and b^-fore arriving at the mature a»;e of l-J herself became a mother, so that the orixinal bride o( tender years is a ijrand- mother al '.' J. Then at Fairir.oUBl. Illi- nois, occurred the wedding of two children. and 13. bv consent of during the Nebrs^ka bluuard, has received tLre offers of mamaee. Minnie bad bettoC poiider the subject csrefoiJy before accept ing. As a contemporary observes, sb< laj^t strike a matrimonial s<:jaalj tb* would lasi longer tiian the blizzard, and a good deal colder ia the end. A LoM-ON cablegram ancooDcea th^A Lord Bute, who has made many miUionj dan:]g the last few yean by the simple process of silting still and waichmg %ka growth of ihe town ,f Cardiff, which t Qwua. has donated fflO.uOO toward boilduig a Roman Catbolic church at Rothesay, sa Scotland. He had previooely diven aboai half a miilion sollan fur a siu.ilar puj pâ€" io England. His Ltniship )oin«d the Catholic Chtirch tifteen yors ago. A Nn» YoF-i artist teils a story whiek wj 'oe cf interest to any one food al psychical iJivestigasions. He waa silting in his â- iieeping cham'ser late at night ntd* in^ a French nofel, w'neu his wife, who ha4 rvsirsd some hou s before, suddenly iwokB xcd related a dieam whicc she bad jost nad. The drtam was an exact ixunierpart â€" even to detads â€" jf she plot of the novel, which the lady had sever read. Is a Vermont town not long ago a jaaticB inal for isaauii was she order of the hoax. The jury had been empanelleii t'ne plain* tiff was test;f;_cg, a:d he ck~:i his story by pcintmg to cce of the ,ur)m-a and sayuig : â-  He sa-v the wr.o.e affair and knows ail ab-.^ut is. ' Where-jjxn th« attorney fcr th- .'espocdeni had •hat jury- man excused m short metre, i.n the greuA thai be was disij-jahhed by reason cf inow- in,; too much. S..>nt entercnsing luduviia capudiola have ux iertake ri she scheme c: transport- ing natural gas by rail in large reservuir* (reel the wells to Fort Wayne. U ike gaseous fuel which namre i» turi.i.hirg s« lavishly in certain paru of the country caa be packed into tanks and carrieu like oii 19 distant places for eonsumptiou a very great step will have been takeu iu the directioa of redacicg the coetof beating and illuuiia- atiag. It remains to be seen, ho'.vevei, whether the experiment va'. ce in every way successful and feasible. CiRTisH HijiiuscN. -X- Vavcrof Chicag*^ writes from 6a gkok thai he nas had aa audience wish the Kinx of Slam SpeaAiof of Ki.'-g Chulalanghom Ur Carter writes ; ° Vi'ith a kindly, gentle face, bespeaking % warm and generocs heart rapar le of deep a?-.t:on. and showing his lomg iij'posi- ticu by his real grief for thr- untiiUf^tT death cf his i^) leen. he is compelled to takia many the daughters cf his LObie> men, and now. at a litile over Mi vears 9I age. he is the father o( some thirty od4 chikireu. Focr CbaiaWn^boru ! Iris said thai when exposed to -KverV oold a feel:i-g of warmth is created by re- peatedly £ the lungs to tbsir utmost la this manner ; Thro* the shoulders well back and bold the h^ail wi! up. Indata the langs slowly (ihe garments being lc«^-»e), the air entering entirely ihroanh ike Boa«. When the lungs ar- coinplele.j filled, hold the breath for ten «eco<ri» or loi g-r, and then expire 11 .[niekly thr. u>.h toe uiouth, It IS important for all to pracuce this exer* cise many times each lav . es- e- lally whea in the open air If ihis habit ver beXKiies univtr.iial. lung diseases and nany othor» will rarely be heard o, .V lermanetit ex- ^lansic.n ct the chest Lf on-, two and even three inches, will eventuailv ( l.'ow. Ir will please those who have loo long been anncjed with stories of the infelici- ties cf the Marquis of Lome and the Fricevse, cables a correspondent, 10 know that they »r>< travelling on th.s Continent lo«eiber. .Vt present they are stavii 1; at Naples, where ih-y live in a simple, nncsteniaiious fashion, dining al the public table ai ) oihervstse praotising rigid economy Tfie Frincess and k«r husband travelled iVii^xtiu, aud ou their arrival at Navies watkeal to the bolel. The manager, however, rvccvmzed the Fnncess. and ofTere-i her a suite of apMrt- meets on ihe tirst flivr. r>»erved (or nota- ble". These were devhi:ed. as was â- x »ai{- ^estion that she iliusiiioos guests sboolil eat in private. .stlfis III the I'nuMcll Chamber. Tho Toronio U'.irhl colK'cts the following "bulls" iierjK-l rated III tile Council Chamber of that 1 it> : Kh\. Baxter- The voice e( the vox populi Aid. St. .Xiidrew's Carlyleâ€" Pedestrians 00 (oot. Aid. Ritchie â€" Vn rely upon a thing like this is toially unreliable. Th.' .Vric-.< Mhm â€" I doll"! see soy of the absentees pre.seiit .t HurKlar;. On the lltih ui hnrvUrs entere*! Tap- low Court, near .Mm lenliead, England, the residence of Mr W H. C.reHiifell. M F., and ransaiked Mis. Oreoiifell's dressiog- rootii. They got iivav vnih alioat JtO oiio worth of jewellery, principally' wedding preKents, iuclulmg a uecklcl valued al £1,S00 It is tru» that the busiest mau is often the happiest iiiaii, bii» he often doesn't have time to realize it. â€" iittrlm^a }\ft The Cateh of the Year. Ctali mother (10 daughter)â€" Too will probably meet young Mr. Brlgham at the ball lo-iiigbl, dear. Daughter â€" Yes. mamma. Utah motherâ€" And you must be as plea- sant as (x'^Ssihle. Mr. Brigham is ihe moel desirable party of the season; be has only •ae wife, you know. Oa General Prlnrlple*. Gontle'nian (to Uncle Rastus, who i« troubleel with a balky mult) Uucle Rastu", do you think kicking that mule iu Ihe stomach will make him go '? Uncle Rastnsâ€" l>a haint riiftin wot'll make dat mule go when he 'uludes nol to, sah. I'm only ,kickii>' him fo' my own talisfaetion.- .4cci.'m( .Vr»«. Worth AtMui t «atVe«k. What is Beauty worth on the stage .' The average salary for Beauty alone is about $r2 a week Beauty with talent .' That de|.iends on the lalent. The salaries of the ladies named ruu from 850 lo JlW a week, accorviii'g 10 their talent and eXfe- riencf. not according lo their beauty. MisK Cheatham probablv gets >he smallest aud Miss Rehaii the largest of these sums The stage is p'robably the worst market in the universe 10 lake Beauty to if there is ro otltr ware lo Iv sold with it. When Beauty goes on t'ne stage alore she sinsl verv scsnii go as " Beauty unadorneil. " aud Beauty unadorned on ihe stage cannot drape and dress as she almost invariably wants to IU private life ou $1'J a week. their parents ; while st Fetersburg. Vir ginia, a father managed to prevent the' elopement of his daughter cf It?, '.vho bad walked eleven miles to ruu away with the man of her choice. L- sr DrvTESiN, says she Ediatursh ScsXivuin, IS a man of many accomplish- ments. He is probably the most cosmo- politan statesman iu the service of Great Bitfain. an£ in his lime has learnt some- thing cf many laui^uages. To bis other linguistic accomplishments he seems to have added, al least, a sufiicient cX)mmand of Fersiaii to enable him to read a sjvech 10 the chiefs of the frontier tribesat I'esha- wur, as he was reported recently to have done. It was surmised that Ihe speech, although read by Lord I^urferin, had pro- bably been coinpvosed by some one more likely to be a 'quainted with Oriental Ian guages. but, if an Indian paper which I have just rec-eived is to be credited, Ihe Aa Imp«>rtaot t itilc Miaa. A London ca'^ie says : N 1 dynastio '•,uestion 13 the su" je t of more poliiiral in- terest m Germany ihau that of Holkand. The King is li vears of age. and His Maje«tv 's only surviving chiKi is a danghter, not Vet S years old. If the King survive* ten Vears or so he will have probably xo decide between a German or an English husband for this Princess. If she comes to Ihe throne during h«-r minority the matrimonial i|iiesiiou will be more anxious; and outside the present liinils of Germany, nn matter is so near the heart of Frinoo Bismarck as the entry of HiJIin^ into the German Empire upon a fooiiig like that of Bavaria Not ob1> the jweitioji of Ho laud, so favorable for the deveUpment of Ge'r- man strength al sea. bnl her cokvrial possessions are esi-ecially allrac ive. They are not so much coveted by Eagliskmen, but were Holland to jiviu the Gerraan ' States Ihe new empire would at on.-e becvme Ihe second c«lonial power in Ihe world. A Dai: VaaU of Ftrvworkv A d.-'g story recentlv reached me which shows in a remarkable wav bo.v that ani- mal s tastes adapt iheniseUes to his sur- roundings Messrs Brivk. thewrll krowu pyrotechnists, have at their factory a New. foundland dog which positively revels m Proof Pwltive, Oh, by the way. Job, " said Mrs. Shnit le studies »8 she handed him his warm slippers, "yoa them re'ad Ihe lllh part of the Koran remember that >e>u wilh the New Y'ear. " " Yec, my dear." " And I found three cigars io your over, coat pocket this very eve-dng " fireworks. He» rushes mio a shower of Viceroy ri-o-ntly examined the bovs *i the sparks with as much delight as ui'st of his Badshahi Mosque at Lahore " iu their kind display in a cold batb. and on a Forsian, Urviu, etc., snd heard lighted squib being thrown wilhin his reach he will run after the smoaltlerug stump as abandoned smoking after which His Excellencv â- â-  expressed his satisfaction at their proi:ressiu education." There may »t ill be some room for doubt j whether ihe versatile Viceroy relied on bis j own knowledge iu commending the vooth- if it were a bone and Irainple it out with his paws. â€" Lc'ui»ii Trutk. Cerlairly. If I had been smoking they (ul students of Persian and Urdu, but Lord Iu many cf the chuichee of EdiubDrgh on the I6th uli to ihe Rev. Dr. W. Wilson, and Mr. B. 8, A. wottldu'l have been there." â€" Hurtjirrd Post. She Knew tfhat to Jo With It. Husband (exas^verate^itâ€" W'hst in the mi-chief did von do with the snow-shovel Dufferiu is a student as well as a diplomat isl, and there is uothiug iutrinsically its -Love is like the ra- asles ; we c*n hava it bad but once, and Ihe later in life «a have it the tougher it gc*? with lis. A presse<) glass tanibltr nine inchee Ikll J ISthult. pulpit re(er«nce. were made, brought hom; Um* nighl ? ^deaths o{ the Kev. Dr. Phin the Wife- Whal did you ex probable iu his having devoted someVf his ""^ " ^>»F»-"-^ "' «''k'».^ oni.*s.iheUrxe8l leisure time 10 aciuiring one or mere of in exieteuc.-. was made in Kcvhesler a (e« the main languages o( the East during his davs ago. A special pre^s was w. si rawed ....- .„„ , .pect I would do Herdman, ^j,h j,^ jjj,„ < 1 ii«d a ribbon around the haudle and pot it in Ihe parlor.â€" i>p<** to shape the glass.aiui glass-winkers regard it as much ef a masterpiece in its line as the heroic young ,he treat sse-el gun cast at Pittsbunj re- fohool ma'am who saved thirteen children oeotlv. iguages enforced sojoarn there Miss Mixsiv Fkksiux

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