>2^ t * THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. TUE ADVANCE. In publlabod ^ KIIOM TUK OmCK, liS;/ i--)i/inm Street, - â- FUnhertou, (hit. TKllMS OK SUnSCKU'TIOK : %l i>or atiiiuiii whou paid Htrirtly in advanoe (1 jO pur aiiuuiu whuu uut no puid. A. R.FAWCETT, JCditur a)td /'co; rielor. PliESH^RTON: THURSDAY, FEB. 9. 1888. EniT<> nr.iL \o tes. An article on "iiKli'pniidf nt .Innninl- j.sui" in last week's Dinuliilk Ilcnild, ckarly explains to us how roadily imd graCL'fiiUy several representatives of thiit class of papers have allcaed tlieir 1 oliticul complexion with every clianj,'e in the jiersi I unci oS ihc I'loviiieial and l>omiiiiou cabiiielK. To blow hot and then cold ; to support Sir John to-chiy ur.d Mr. Mowul lomorrow, and blow tlicni both up the day all'rwaids â€" well thpre is heup.s of elasticity about iiideiH'iident jotnimls al'tri- all, and no ii;conaidtTij,ble (luunlity of diplonaacy i.s rct|uired in order thut eveiythm^ may be done decently and in order. We shall studv tlie question more closely iu future. As a rule, indepi ndent newspapers are not such from principle. It is purely a matter of dollars and cents aii endeavor to ride Tory and Grit horses profitably at the one time, and iu such u manni r as to leave tlie im I'll ssiou Uiat no partiality or unfair (livisiuu of the "corn" has bi'eii made. To ride two horses which aic always I'liUin;,' away from eacli other reipiires the skill of a nu)sl Jiccconiplislied di- I'lumat, and e.en \,\w\\, it sumetinii« l.a[i[>en8 that tlie rider gets a pretty rough tumble. It is a very good thing to be indciN'iident or act independent- ly, but everyboily nnisl perceive that there is a point at which independence teases and partvism -clearly and ini- mistakeably defined -begins. .\s the Jltruld very truly observes, hoâ€" iu> an independent journalist -nuiy some- times "express reform views," while il i.-. oipuilly possible that ue may oc- tdsionally "join in uilh ('nnsci valive \;l\ts." liut the llmilils indejHIid- ( i-.ee (politically spialdni,'! ceases jnsi a:> .soon as it takes sides with oin* or the other of the two great partus. If it does not expie.'ss il^elf with sulVi- cii lit detimtencHS on eillur side to be ckarly understood, however, its re- marks have littli! or no weight, but are likely to bring down upon its licad ll'.e scornful epithet- "iStraddle-the- feiice." It is a curious fact, that every iudepelidelil newspiipcr (so- tiilledl luis strong and decided lean ii.i;s in the direcliiui of either the Iti f ;ini or Iho Conservaiive party. tiitr has got Ins elastic back up be- cause several papers published au item rt'femiig to him and which appeared first in the Emjnre. The Tizer talks very learnedly about biography, but wc can assure him that we could go him several better than the "Vortex" racket. The Hi mill says that it may oeca i.i iially not agree with the view.; nt' either political paily and take "iicii- ti .il" gioiind. nil ss yoin heart ! why if tliat were good grounds lor neiilral- ity- -which is u iiientul, llidiigli pi r- chaiiee not an nii/Hirnit, inipossibility â€" a great many of butii jiailicH couiil bo safi;!}' set down as luiitial ; for, while agreeing with the general policy adopted by the leadeis of their res- pective parties, they often and not unnaturally disagree on pmnls of minor iioportance. Hut that does not furnish sufWcient excuse for mi t ward or ojtpuH-nt neutrality : there is really jso suoli tiling as taking a strictly neii- ir.il iiofiition, mentally. It is one of tlie tendencies of htuiian beings, that liny invariably lake one side or the other ill all the ipieslions which efleet our cxisleiice in this wwld or the world to come. They may not inaui- (est their predilections by any outward signs, but in their heart of heart.', or, ifyonwill.in tlieir mind of minds, tlio invisible and niysterionH Imllot marker of that inlellpc'. never fails to record its "votn" J'tr or ayitiml. The man who doesn't advertise in the newspapers might just about as well take down his sign and follow some other calling where the use of printer's ink is unnecessary : otlnr- wise he will only do ii " from hand to nioiiih " Ijiiiiness, w itli tin- p-.'ssibility of iilliinately joining the ainiy of bank- rupts and boodlelB, whose homes are cliietly found in the in igliboriug re- public. It is rumored liial Tiik Advanck man has re-considered lii^ resolution to " ipiit smoking foiever. " When that nisli vow was - niudc, he hud no idea of the power of habit â€" unties- |)ecially that seduclne and soothing one called smoking : chewing tobacco is a bird of another kind, and may be very pnnierly designated as cuiiilcnsal n'liitiiiLiis. Well, TiiK AnvA.NeK imrr was a 111 avy smoker, as asserted by an esteemed eonteiiipoiaiy, and never having fidt any of the ill etfects attri- buted to the practice, has conseciuent- ly come to the conclusion to publicly declare the word " forever" aniinlled, in .so far as il refers to ourself person- ally in this connection. In eonelnsion let us say to onr young readers : The best viiij til qiut any habit, it niver In hiijlii it ! All ounce of |)reveiiiion is worth ten thousand poinid-i of cure. M.t.siji i:j:.ihj: CMtsn al. Our Hand boys may safely congratu- late tlieiiiselves upon the success wliicli atteiideil the (aiiiiviil held mi the rink here last Tluusday evening uiuUt tlieir auspice. 1. 'I'lie alteiiiluiiee ut it|H^'ctat<>rs wiis large ; and although tlu^ niaHi]uers did not turn out in as huge force as might lia\e U'cii exitee-ted. the prneei'd- iiigs were nevertheless pleasant and ii terestiiig. The following gciith juilgi'ti, '^'ly- I'riceville ; .Mr. Wm. Mmir Simnd ; Mr. .1. (i. Jtnssell, of Klesher- tun. I'lll/.KS .VWAUOKli ; llest I.aily SliatiT 1st Miss Sarah Smith. *Jiul Miss llattie fule. Host Costume (ladyi â€" Mi.ss M. Duniude Host (lent Skater- 1st A. U. Fawe<'tt, •iiul 1). Clayton. Host Clowu J- (iil)l>i>ns. Bust l.'ostunie (••ont) â€" Win. Ariimtront^ Hest Lady ami (ient Skater â€" Miss S. Sinitb and .hjseph Kitlil. IJost dressed Military Man â€" 'riioiimH lliilhn^;.-r. Fat Man Wcs. .Vrinstrong. Fastest .Skater (geniiâ€" .1. Oihbons, Itest Dressed Little (iirl (speciall â€" MisH \Av./.'\v Strain. We wi'rii pleased to niitice the pleas ant eoiinteiiaiiees of >\ gociilly iiiiiiilier of youii^; people fruiii Duielalli, Markdale, and I'rii'eville alwiiNs };lail to set; visi tills frmii sister villaL^es. Cuan! af;aiii. HeatlieuiMui In Canadtt. '• What ! is itjiossible you don't know auythiug at all about the Scriptures ? " said the surprised Methodist Sunday .School Teacher to the new Ijoy in lier class last Sabbath. " No, never heard of 'em," replied the boy, "wo have just moved here from .Markdale : but pa is going to buy one of It. Trunblc's overcoats for five dollars and be real genteel." Wheezni};, gas[iing suffererers from .Asthma receive quick and perinaiieiit relief Ijv iisiiiH Soiitlieru .\stliina Cure. Silil l)v ilruggists or by mail on receipt of price. WANTED ! AyimutityofWHIli: ASH for Iluttor Tubs, for wliicli C.\SI1 will bi- luiicl on ilrlivory. JOS. McCOKSItCK. Fltwhortoii. BELL" Unapproached for Tone and Quali*jr. CAT«LOGIJtS FREE. BELL&C9,GQelpli,0nt. James Sullivan, The Tlusmitli, - Flesherton. Itt-i>aiiiii^-. Kavutroui:tiin^'. Aiid in fact cvery- lliinu in tliu btmtfit'HH will rt'riMvv uiy l'tuiui>t aii'l cuiitful actuutiuu at roaftoiuiM*' iMJctts lia» n-vdlutionizfd tlio \vor)>l liuriiii; tlu- lant half contury. Sot l.'ust aitiniif; tht* wutulursof ii:vrn;'.vc' i>ru«russ is a iitutlKMr ainl svitciii i»f W'irk tint t-aii !»«» jK'rfoniUNl nil i*\vA- til.' cnintrv with Mit Hi'piinitinti tlu.' wmk- i'»>fr.>iii tlifir lioiiH- !*a%' lilmrnl; any 'HU' ran «lo tin* wui k ; oitli<r (twx, voun« or oM ; lit) hi iiilahilitv r*M|ulr"l. ("Kiiltal not n«*t>«l*'il; yiHi all- vtjirt*''! frwtv t lit thin out anil ii'tnin ti) us \nt\ \\v will M'Uil yt> I fror. «oiiiytl!iii« of Krrnt valuo aii'l iiuiMirtanc*' t<> yi»u. that will j^tart you in lnisiii.>-*. wliich will IniiiK'xtMi in uioro iiioiifv rik'lit awiv. than anythtii:* clsw in tlio woihl. (iu.%Nl> or TFir i-'UEK. .\iidroH)* Tlit'K A Co.. Au- l*uHi«, Mniiiu. '1 ii«' CHILDRENS HEALTH. Cbanse in Business ! The unrlfmiiiiiert linTiiig lioiiBlit out S. Sjiirif » IJutclieriiiK bimiucBii iu Fltfi-hurtoii. lia< oiiciie.1 One of i\nlin:'ii Ainilflt Oi/ls m </ 1 1,,, with » ftim stock of OyKtors. !,ilm<iri. Saf- r, ,,, y^ .-. .• /â- I -. • i , lilies |.'ri"^h .t Driud .\!i'at<. Frusli .\: Salt I-n.i. Ili'ullhy ContHtutwn. OtinrJ it agutnut : j!";,,„J„ )w,io({.io. ic. aii'l iuvitu^ tlm i.uoplu v> iliseiise. by usiiiy I •.-'»" "'"'."'-'""-â- ^'.\*''"r'.I"','! .'.?.?*'" " "'*' "'''"' Siamese Worm Powders. for uiivtlnui; iu thu abow liuo-i. JOS. McCONNEIiL. Flcsliurtnll, Fi-n. 1st. 18SH. Vi'orinn iiri: tlie f mil fill cinine o/ vutni/l ilis„nl,-r> in ChU.ireu. S'lAMHSt. WOIIM I'OW.OKh'S Kilhrjul Wnnui in irvry ci/.v ichrrc tiny ixiit, icill rnjii- bill tlic Stnninili itiiil liuiceU at the torn:- time. Cue Ihim, t/oit leon't regret it. l*fOlc% l*lensi:xnf I*illj«! The Boss Barber, iLttto of Sliulburv.c) Iscxt ~ ilixif - to - Chiylun'* - Shoe - Slt'ip. L.VWIKS- IIAIK < ITTIXC; A Ei-erytUinj SJ'EvlALTY Shoubl aliriiys bf uanl far Hick Jhml- , _^â€" â€" â€" â€" ache. Tlitir openiliun i.i Diilil iinili Shariiu/, Sluimyiu/imj, li'., d vlrijtant. Tlii'if »trikK linmi: rarh time' jimt-ciuna. irhim nuciljhr a Pimudirnl Lit>-r. .Uk^ Oct. 0th, 1887. /'or them, (iii tlirni. Dun t fonji-t llif I'Tii*!""*''" ^'•""'-^"^' CLAYTON'S J/ your druggist him not the iibnre pre- â- « • â- * %• B^ ci £t ti||i\n f paratiim in Stork. W.W.STKl'llEN ||AK.Mi3^ Ml W I I <(• CO., of .MeiiJ'oril, frill srnd tluiii tn i/im prtpaid on nceipt of-lhc./ur either, \ fLESHERTON, ') of each, or assorted for ^l.OU. I j Is the pUiri- to ijrt ijiiiiT Uiinies.1 Vulbirii, dr ntmle Hy> in ijoo*l -itijle. I ''Shop iiL Jiihiiitiiii's Lii> ni Otfif . F'-eh erto^i." w.w.nmmm. l>rnjiji.ii$, W'hiAeaule <£• Reiuif, >IKA.FM>Kr>. GREAT RUSH! m\ TAThat For? "Where? Ui:W.\i;I>KL) »io tlio.-o who real tl'.i^ mill tlii-M act; tlicv willftiKlhi-ii ornlili' t<iii|>loviueut tbut will uot t.kku tlioiu froui tliuir liouic-s an t (ai.uli.s. Tim proHts are laiKf au.l sure (or every imlnstrioiis iiersoii. iiiiiiiy have iiiftile an'. are nuw luitkiit;; several lnuitlru*l dollar*, .t .month. It iaeasv for any one to uiake n^j an 1 ' uinvanls jierilBV. wli.i is wllMnu to work Ki-.l. I ur s»'x. yuuiit; or ohl . eapital not ne«ilc"l vi- start viiu. Kvervthiui! uew. No special ability 'ruiiuiiel: \ou. reiiiler.cau ilo il as well as auy lone. Write to us at once tor full iiartkulars, I winch we nmil frou. .ViliUcss Stiusou & Co . ^'•< To \V. S CUUts I'uK S Mt'tiical Hall. Flenhurtoii. ,, , . ,. for the r.lohiatr.l nuiliciues. JOHNSON h 1 iVirHaiifl, Maiue, TONIC lU'l'lKlIS. lohnsou'x ToMii; l.lvo: rill .U>HNSt)N S ,\l,l.HKAiaN(l WHITK UINT mi;m TITT? "DrTQtr is for the MITTKKS as mri IVUOIl known to ht- thu bcHt lo all lu'ivou'* ili>La-fS. H vt^toi i.i. Duhility ul u:iv >;jj^y Ufai>yâ€" â€" Oiu Nkw HouK Hdi-t, |,i»f*siif Aipirtit<'. rvniuU- <.'oni|ttututH. ainl | I'aU'UfKH t>i (MinpU'.xiuii uiiil ull dittuidc'i'-i ai i iuK itoni I'uvt'itN of tlu- Hlotnl. Tha Pnah '^ ^*'*^*'" ^'"•^'^ '*'* i. ii" XVUf^U aunt! lH'tlt*r th.iii tlicHc loi liivt-r t'oiiiplaiut and duranKDintMil of tlK^ di^c-Ht ivH oit^iiiiN. THi; UL SH is for tliw OINTAIKNT as it lankh lltKl Ul it-s hi'uhni: i|tialttif> fur all .skin Di^i-uitt-s of a sriofuloii-* i;uturt.*. liuriis, Scahls, jt c.. Ac. Anil it is to hv. lomiU at the I)ui;; Store ul w. s rilHiSTDi:. b'Ie>herton. Come Hiul try atul see for youi^ehe.^. it u Agents, Agents ! •*=>>. Nt>w Ukauy- , -Oiu Nkw HouK. :: ft EARTH, SEA AND SKY Marvels of the Universe l-H C V) -* -^ ; 7 'â- C s. j: I * „ '•^'^ X , u ^ _ ^ a ;5 ^< w 11 ^ ^-. -fc r - 2*> '^ u ~ ^ w a im O !^ K. 1 T 'O ^ '"^i Uj X Id <i K^ o -<; h-. -/J "^ i ^ --J â- * ~N "^ â- 0 «^ Sh »:^ ^ i>i uj ii ^ Q^ a ^> CO ?â- Photos, The Editor of the t'rcoinoro Adutr^ Photos, Photos. ]\'i: are now turning out work far unimrtiir in style and finish tit any ever pro- ihiceil in Flesherton. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTUBE FEAMINQ done in all its buniehrs. A i/ooil stoelc of' FKA.MFS mid .MOl'LDIXOS kopt constantly on hitnil. iVill iiUo int-ndit-e the Jieic llROiMlDE rOh'THAIT, a pictnrc that is yiifiiig entire saiiiif'aciion inhereeer introihiccd. SA.yi'LES can be seen at my Gullcry when ull partiadars as to I'ricc, Style kc, can he atcer- taiutd. FliESHERTON. Heliij; a full ttutl graphic <leHcrii»tion of all thai ( is wonderlnl in rveiy Continent i«f ih« (ilolw. ui I tUu worhi (tf watwrs aial the Ktaivy Heavelr- I (-'oiitainin^ thrilling adveiituicstui lunil^ud kvA. i 1 i-uowneil ili.-.t.'ovei ie> of the worKl's (^uatcct t^- jtlorers in ull aj:ort, au<l reniarkahU' |>hi<nomei:!k 1 ill uvury realhi i>f natmu. Knibi acinn the »trik- I Intc iih>'HlL'al features of the earth tbu pecnltifer - I eharaeteriKticH of tlie liuniaii raet>, of Hnitna'.^. I'trds. liiseetK. etc.. iii--Unliiii,' a viviti (K-mi il'tioj; â- - - ^^ J"" I .« â- /r 1 T\ 1 ^ 1^ rv\ -"« I I'tnls. insects, etc.. iii--linliiii,' a vivul ile>ciilitu 1^ \\\ a l-f k Li I W I of the Ulaiitic. I'BciftcaiHl Ili.liau Oeeaus ai j^ -t'i A HA Hj 1 0. 1 ;:'...'.','.'".,!.':'l!'.L?.^v,'rj .^l:*; '.'.',^'.'.':'."r;.:'.f..fl'.'' «l';r FLKSUKKTON. Flour Fall Wheiit Siuin;; Wheal I'.urUy Outs " I'eus ISutter KlT^'s, fresh l^Dtrttoe.s bush I'ork Hiiy,pi'r ton Hides Wool Sheepskins tieesi" Turkeys , Chiekens per (mir Diieks i)i'r pair ,. beautiful seiuihells iiiui plants, sin^nlai' ftslie*. ; uikI ilwelleis in the wiulil ol wulers, reltiarkablo oi-ean currents. »»tc . together with the uuia/iru^ lihcnouieli;! of tile solar anil stall > s\ Henrv Davenport Noitlirop. D.l) . elubelIi^lu«l ?1 (H) to 1 i!0 1 with ovii .!(»Jrtuoen«iiiviiu;s l.ibeial tei lus l.. U . . II Ci\ a^;«uts. Oxford l^ubHshin^ ('oliipau\ , J .loi.bt:: o 1,0 11 fU sf T..n>i,r,, Out " iir-.l-M 78 tl GO SH (t "i8 (I 17 17 W r, •)*) H t»0 1 51) IS .^0 n I 10 -25 Til) (I 78 70 .S8 jS 17 17 I) -10 G 75 10 (to 5 51' '21 1 ot; n 00 10 30 «o R.J. SPROUL, Flfsh'fUoi. Coneiiiniiei r, Ap/iniiacr. I'ul- loitur lOid Mom II Uiiibr. llied.i, Murt- ifiufs, liiisi's and if'ills dniint up ami I'atiiotioiis nuiile on shortrst iiotire. Char- ;/..< cerij tow. Apfilij to Ii. J. SFIiOULE, I'ost master, Flesherton. SK.V WONDKUS exi.t ill thoiisauda rf f'trnis. but are suipasseil by the marvels of invention. Those who are in neeil if protUiible woik that can he ilone while livin;; nt honie should at oiict* send their a<l- ilroKS to lltillctt ,V Co , I'orllaud, Maim-, auil re- ceive free, full information how either si-x. tif all a^e-.. can earn from ^.^> to ^-JS per day airl upwarils whurever they live. Voii are started fietf. eapital not rci|uired. Some have made over (ijO 111 afin»;le ilav ut this woik. .VII auc- eeoil. A Positive Cure. A Palnleas Cure. FACTS FOR MEN OF ALL AGES. ^^. DISEASES or MAN. Marvel ot Healing, and KnhinQorof Medicines, thu trrribin c«kii«««H|ii«>ii<MM» nl'In4llNrr«tlon« i::«|>o«ure niiil Ovfrwurk. e. "sro-criTO, 3iv<i:ix>r>i..:E!-^«L.3-3:iD .A.3iTX) ot iT) iwCEasr Who arc broken down from the otfecta of iibuso will fliul iu No. n a radical ciira for nervoua dubillty^tu-eaiiic wtml;uea.'», involuiitaiv vital losses, etc. Symptoms von wnieii No. tiaiioei.o uk I'skk. â€" Want of onaray, vertigo, waut of jmrixxe, iliinnes!! of (i^Klit, averelon Co Hociety, want of coiiAilonce, avoidance of eonvarsatlou. doairo (oruolituao, listlossuKM au I inability to tt\ tlio atloution ou a particular nubject, cowardifo, ilopreaaioii of npirits, ^;iddinn.sH, loss of nieniorv, excitability of toiiiper, sper* mutorrluia, or loaa of iliu Houiltial Ihiidâ€" the result of sulf-abiiso or luaritai excessâ€" inipo- tuucy, iiiiuitrition, ounioiiiioii. harrininoss, palpitation ot tho hrari, hvstaric fe«din):~ in teuialOH, troinblin^:, iiielaiicholv, disturbiuu ifrtmius ate., are f)l syiuptonia of this terribia habit, oltentimoa iuiioceuily nciiuired. lu,shor^ tho e|irinK <f vitjl force having lout ito tonaion, ivory tuiiotloii wanos iu couaeqiioiico. Sciontiflo wntoriland tho siiiHirintendeuts of iusmn asyluiiiH unit,, in i.scrihiiiij lo tho effects of solf al.uae the creat nisjorlty ot wasted liven which couio under their notico. If you are iiiooniputont lor thu arduous duties of busiiuisn, inciipaclvate I for tho cnjoyinenti ot life. No, ,s offers an c-capefioui tho otieota of early villi. II you aro udvanco.t in yoars, No. 8 will (;ivo you full vii.ori'Ud Btreiijilh. It you aro broken down, pliysicully ami nioniUy ironi carlv iinliscrotiou, tbo reaultof iKUoranot and tolly, send your addres.s aud 10 cents iu tilanipj for .M. V. 1a no.v'a Treatise iu Book Form on iMauasts of Man. Keaied nud sei uro from cbscrvatioti. Address all couimunicutioiis to H. V. LUllON, .|7'W<'lllnKt»u Kl. K, Toroutw, A Manwilhoulwiidom livculnaloors paradiie. CURES CUARAHTEED HEAL THE SICK. A Permanent Cure. Hh A Pleasant Cure. ^\ $ ^