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Flesherton Advance, 2 Feb 1888, p. 7

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TEIiEGRAPHIO SUMMAl.Y. Mtjor £. a. Prior. Coaatn»U%*, wm alectKl by sccUmation yesUrday to r n »r> io n« Viot«rM,B. O, ia tbe Hoa*e of CiMlIBODB. Tb<; Brantford Bvna' B«ciat7 wiU cele brate Bama* anniversary by a aoppt^r on Wednesday. Dr. Cochrane will deliver an address oa Ibe poet. Daring tbe past three montba there were 124 prisoners iu tbe county j*il at Brant- ford, showing an increase of 28 over tbe â- ame period last year. CoEtoms Of&cer Stayner made a seiznre yesterday at BrockvilJe of 8160 worth of goods that Were being stnnggled across tbe nvt7 by a local mercliknt. The preliminary trial of Henry Taylor at London came to an abrupt termination yeeterday, owing to tbe Mayor's refasal to bave it condacted in open court. Preparations are being made for the removal of the National Picture Gallery from the BupremeCoartbailding at Ottawa to its new quarters in the old Orange Hall. Tbe first commitment to the coaaiy jail at Kingston ouaccosnt of the Scott .\.ct has occDrred, the prisoner being a Verona hotel- keeper who persistently violated the law and trould not pay a &ae. According t} tbe official statement, the total number of persons in Montrtal onlitled to vote at the oezt mauioipal eleo- Moos is 81,505, an increase of 4, ICO over last year. Daring tbe month of December last tbe •moaiM deposited in the Govemtnent sav- ings banks was S314.907. The amount withdrawn daring tbe same period was t366.<J'iO, tbas showiug a decline of M1.0o3 in savings bank deposits during the month. The charges against Detective Naegtle and Constable Plante. of Montreal, of rob- biog Uvfresne of his diamond ring and of *he Lefebevre robbery have been dropped. Without Wilson's evidence nothing was proved, ar>d the only charge against Naegele now is the ' -rand 'Trunk robbery. Mr. Leo Smith, who lately started a tobacconist's suire on St. Paul street, St. Cathariues, is reported missiog from that city siitee last Friday afternoon, with no definite knowledge of his whereaboats. Mr. Smith was last seen at the Falls, inquiring regarding a train for Buffalo. A rumor was in circulation in St. Cath- arines yesterday that Mr. Frank Phelps, who for the past two years has been secre- tary 10 the board of water commissioners, has left the city under a fiuancial cloud. His duties were (o keep the books of the commission, soUect the water rates and pay them to the city treasurer. It is re- ported that he has uo4 made any pavment since Thursday 1 st, and the extent of his defalcation cannot be estimated until his books and vouches are examined. Reports frcMn San Kemo say that bits of dead oariilage are coming away from the Crown Prince's larynx. The tiiovemcnts of Rassiao troops in Galicia have been suspended owing to the •now imptMiing railway traffic. The Spanish Goveriuneul ha*e given orders to English houaesfor camp equipage, hospital and other stores, suflicient lor a furoe of 35.000 men. The debenture 'capital on the reoonatrac- tion of the Baas BrvwingCompanyof nearly a oiilliou pounds is reported to have been subsLTibed tiftetu timvs over. A Btory is being revived in diplomatic circles of the Czar's intention to have him- self proclaimed Emperor of .\sia, and, it is said, the cereuiouv is to take plaoe shortly •t Usrv. It is whispered in Munii^h that the mad King Otho has become sospioious of his attrudaute, refuses to eat or drink, and is d\ingfast. Simultaneously the ghost of his late insane brother and predecessor is re ported abroad nightly. Advices from the Samoan Islands say that the Germans are enforcing the pay- ment of taxts, and that a German judge is soon to arrive at Apia. The procla- mat ion of a German protectorate is ex- pected. An explosion of gas occurred yesterday ia the Bankruptcy Court, Dublin. The force of the ex^ilosion was so great that the roof of the Imilding was hoisted from the walls and the windows were smashed. One workman was killed and another was injured. It is reported that the Kussiau legation at Kiiuhareat has ruptured its nlations with Ui'Uinania, owing to a series of insults to which It has been subjecteil, and which was crownitl by the recent arrest of a legation otTuial. who was subsei)uently re. kased without explanation. A naval foriys hss been organised at Cherbouig for the protection of the French inleres's on the Banks of Newfoundland. This iiitelligenoe is important to British vessels ingSKed in the Newfoundland fish- ing, as signifuant of the determination of the Freiiih Government to disregard the provisKiUs of the Baits Bill. .\nti(]iiarians exploring Canterbury Calhtxiial. by pernii8»ion of the Arch- bishop, on Friday unearthed the long lost oothii of Archbishop Prt'fundus, who reigntnl and said mass just 300 years before the Reformation. Nothing is sacred to antiqiisriaiia, so they oi>ened the oofiin. Five hundred years had played less havoo with the mighty .Archbishop's remains than niiKht have been expecteil. The skull was perfect, and also some of the boiiix. Sad to say, the tomb had lieen rided of the many valuables it must have oontainMl, Mr. Shaw-l.efevre, in a sp«'ech before the Bradford I'hainber of I'omnurce last even- tng. snid that the wave of protection which had passiM over F.ur^ipe during recent years had not yet sinuit its force. Its movement was coiiicidont with and dejiendeul on the increaao of niiliiary feeling, which rei>re- sents an exaggerated notion of nationality. He wasiMiitident that K-foro long iheworUl would see serious oonthcts between the various Powers. The fact that German nianutaciurt-rs were trenching upon British trade wks due to their Iving b«'tter in- formed and having a closer connection with iheir customers. It was netniful, he said, for Knglaud to remedy this state of things. The President has nominated Marshal M< • Donald, of the District cf Columbia, to bo Coniw>»sioner of Fish and Fisheries. The doors of the First National Bank of Anbaru were closed yesterday moraiog natil farther notice, pending an examina tioa of the \fiaix8 of the bank in the abseno* of tbe cashier. The aenteooe of death pan«d on Brooks, alias Maxwell, for the morder of Praiirr ai the Seuthern Hotel. St. Louis. nn April 6th 1665, was coniirmedyesterda} by tkeUiittad States Supreme Court. W. W. Lawson, ex-sheri£f, formerly member of the State Legislature, a promi- nent political ard business mau of Buffalo, was instantly killed by falli-g down > fligl. of stairs into a cellar yesterday a(tenio».i. Charles F. Tonjas, of Brooklyn. X.Y.. after having run through a fortune of S:iOO, OOO ia speculation, is said to have forged his mother's name to a number of cotes, borrowed largely frot. friends anddtparico for parts unknown. The explosion of a blast of powder in a sewer being constracted on Dewitt street. Buffalo, at noon yesterday, seriously, if not fatally, injured two workmen. One of thehi had both arms broken in several places and one leg broken. The other was seriously cat and bruised. At the meeting of tbe Methodist preach- ers at Balt^ore yesterday, tbe reso4atiocs offered at a previous meeting ceucuriug President Cleveland for sending a copy oi the constitution of the Oiiited States to Pope Leo came op after the regular bnsi- uebs. There was much discussion, but the resolutions were nually adopted by a vole of I'.l for to 10 against. FAPA-S COXaOElTT. SOME UDD SIGHTS IN CHINA. Where Black CaU and Dog« Are for Sale In the Markets. A traveller, in writing from Canton, China, about that city, says : •• The streeto are paved with stone and narrow, not more than six or seven feet wide at tbe most, with just room enough for two chairs to s<]aeeze by each other. The foot-paaeers Were jammed against the wall withoulcere- mony and stared at us, muttering : ' Fan- qusl ! Fanqaal '.' We went down the street of ' One Hundred Grandsons ' and up the street of • Everlasting Love ' and through tbe street of â-  Refreshing Breeze*,' which is certainly a misnomer, for Canton beats the world in abominable odors. Both sides of the streets are crowded with shops and stalls. " Restaurants abound where cats and dogs, dried rats and black cats' eyes are served up to all who can afford to pay for these luxariei. Tney are expensive. The tleeh of black oats and dogs is much more highly prized than that of cats and dogs of any other color, and the nnskinued tail is left on the auimal to prevent any deception being practiced upou the purchaser. 1 had a black chow dog, to which I had become much aitache>l, but the hungry glances cast by the coolies upon that uuodendiug quad- ruped wbene\-er we took our walks abroad compelled me to part with it. In the fish market the dshswim about in little tanks. I •aw aChina.uan selsct one, from the side of wbicb ilie vendor cut a pound or two aud then returned the poor, bleodio^, gasping object to the tank to swim about until some other customer bought tbe rest of it, or death relieved its sufferings. During aur ramble we met Mr. Howqua, one of tbe richest mandarins in Obiua. and he took us t« bis house and introduced us to bis wi»es. They were much powdered and ruaged. Xbeir feet were about three inches in length and their fluger-uailsfrom five to seven inches longer. In order to keep the nails from breaking they are slip^ied into gold sheaths, which dangle aim lessly from the little, skuiny lingers. How- qua's wives are not things of 'oeauty, though I am quite prepared to believe that they may be joys forever. â€" FhitadetpMa Ltdfcr. Haw It Ha|ip»â€" 4 tka* M « »ma Ok- talned It. Soene I.â€" Place, parlor. Time, 12 mid- night. She ia in bar arms. He hogging h, r with an elaborate intensity damaging to the striugs of her upholstery. Heâ€" Darling, I love yon better than life. Be mine, sweet one, forever. Be ray wife, sngtl of my existence â€" will you, pet.' hhe (softly murmuring) â€" Yes, dear .Johnnie. Nineteen doable ^thstic distilled kiaiea in one minute by the clock. Grand lableaa. I'he cats sing in joyful unison en the fences in Ibe rear. Scene ILâ€" Place, family siiticgroom. Time, 1'2 4o a. m. She blushing by the stove. Her mather, rather wraihy. sittiag in tbe straightest back chair in the apart- ment. Mother â€" Good grscioua. Clan, what made him stay so late ? I have been sit. ling up waiting for you until I am half dead for sleep. Why, it's near.y I o'clock. She â€" Well, ma, don't blame bim. It was all my fault. (Ah ! the dear girls ; (hey alway s defend tbe men they love â€" uutU they legally get them.) Motherâ€" Why, Clara, what makes you louk fo funny '.' So yon love this young man 7 She (blushing more so, ard speaking with the vert-al difficulty of heartfelt emo tioiil â€" Yes, ddar ma, and he loves me, and I promised to-night to be his wife. Mother â€" Good gracious sakes alive, child I Why, he is too poor to msrry you. Wb.>l does he make a week now .' She â€" Twelve dollars, ma; but, oh 'â-  his prospects are so bright, and we are both young and ctn wail, and will, ma. Mother â€" Well, you can never marry him. He is too poor, Clara. She Weeps, not only in a wboUsomeman- ner, but with elaborate hysterical orna- ments. Mother (relenting a little)â€" Well, go to bed now, my child. I will talk to yoar father about thia matter. The cats sobs in painfal harmouy on the roof of Ibe extension. • • • « • Scene 3. â€" Place, bedroom of the head of tbe family. Time, 1.15 a. m. Tl-.e mother in bed and htuband asleep deeply snoring masically. Mother (to husband)â€" Say, father, John Deiuiv has proposed to our Clara. , Old man stands the assault for a fe DKATH ON THK K.\IU Bhoeklns I>iu«t«r ua the Delaware & Hnd- •iiu Kailwajrâ€" Four Uea Fatally IiOured â€"Several t'aweugvraMerluuitlT Hurt. .\ Troy. N.Y., despatch says : A terrible railway accident occurred yesterday after- noon on the Salem branch of the Delaware .t Hudson Railroad, from the results of which four men will probably die. Many others are seriously injured. The accident occurred on a curve about a mile west of lUxterville, between Shushaii and Salem. The train was -io minutes late leaving Salem, and an attempt was being made to make up some of this before rraohing Esgle Bridge, where it connects for Troy. Tho train was composed of the engine, one baggage and mail car and tvo passenger c^wches. As the train roundtd the curve the coach which was next to the last car of the train left the track, and bunn>ed over the ties for about eight feet btforo leaving the track altogether. This it did in a wild series of somersaults, turning over at least three times before reaching the bottom. The car behind foUowtxl and the scene was one of horror, ill which the frightful cries of the injured women and nieu were mingle\l with the crashing of glass and timbers. In the car first mentioned were seated about sixteen passengers. Wheu the plunge occurred they nvte all injured. David Owens, a Western I'nion lineman, was fatally injured : the recovery of Conductor Charles Frv>st ia iiu- jKwsible ; and Clark Kice, of Cambridge. T^ Y ; Clarence Sio<1dard, of Martin H Stevens, of Sha'<han,are(erioasiy and iierhaps fatally injured. John U. Shiilds, Miss Annie Shields. Nellie Tierney and several others whose names were not asiierlained are seriously cut and bruised. StrlvlDK Afier the Ideal. Grandpapaâ€" Ah, Johnny ! There are few better thingsthan Irish stew ! Johnny - What are the few better things, grandj^a ^ â€" i'l(«c'l. After a Dub Uliiner. .\t all events our stomachs seem to be full of all sorts of terrible f^ossihililies. â€" Kmt Senttinl. The Sydney Moninfi Htrald quotes an of^'uisl rt<iK)rt relative "to attempts to sup- press the rabbit plague iu Australia and sa\ » : " The evidence goes to show that the present system for the de,-<truction of the rabbits has been a completo failure. There has been jCatU 4'.i-J spent and 7,$d8,7$7 rabbits have been killed. That is, every rabbit has cost nearly a skilling to kill, while the lamenta- bls fsct rt-iii&ios that the rabbits have not decreased iu uumtx-rs, but have jatbwr increased,". A SAXESMA.N's MISTAKE. G«iu«s of Law Mat Eatabllahad ta Enferee iharr Ovntiacta. A case of Interect to the proprietors of large retail stores is related byibePhili leiphia K<>:^d It was tried last week 3efore Judge Gordon in the Common Pleas Court. It appeared that £!la Goodric entered tb« store of Scrawbridge i; Clothier %ad found a notice placarded offering bnt lOQS at 60 cents a gross. She was direclec lo the wholesale department of the store -uid pickeil out ttf ty gross, for which sbe was to pay iiO. After she left the store it «a3 ascertained that the goods she pickeo out c<^ntaii:ed mostly gotxls worth more than 14 a gross. A letter was written ker informing her of this discovery, which was ibe result of a mistake of the dsrk, and an offer was made to deliver such buttocs worth 60 cents a gross as were selected. and the balance at the proper market price. Mrs. Goodrich refused to ac cept any of the goods, went iato the market ai.<l hocght others at a greater advance, and sued Strawbridge & Clothier to recover i2-io, tbe amount which ahe claimed she was obliged to pay for buttons equally as good as lh>«e offered to her by Strawbridge i Clothier for $30. Wheu these facts were submitted yesterday Judge Gordon nonsuited the lady's ciaim for damages, holding that the firm could not be held for the glaring mistake made by the clerk. Tbe Judge said : When a salesman makes a mistake and sells Koods at an extremely low ngure, and at a price nine-tenths below the market value, and far below tbe resd vatoe, the emplo>er, upon discovering the fact, may rescind the sale, and is not obliged to dehver the goods. In this case the plaintiff knew sh" was getting tbe buttons far bek>w the market value. There was noucauimity of mind between the buyer and seller in the making of tbe contract, and courts of l%w are nol established to enforce any such â- harp contract as this. Oor MlBlster's tarmea. Tb« a, ::..*-. ,.r ^a^ or. e Di^&l, said ks, j. •• D. E 1 1« aira** c« fiTit' . f louiJc ain taarb Qixai:: t4t9ttnMkK \ci it S' f what 1 Mii u> B-y w^.'e. lajs 1, Ttcre'6 bro»:;. :tc ii::fr«r bi He'd »ccBer/a txftju itci^d »t«i A cect toward bu> in a « lLaocive I tell jroa OCT nsisisier is piivah bs is. But I cco'd:: t qoita dalcrftce, v\ hes I hr^-d talm a finatK^bt ac4 left Jast vbo was hi- by his^tartnen Of oeiuw lipcca coo^t baaay miiiake When te talked oi ! nj: w.=de<l in) In*. Fer Pr-.tis Li-d Jolauau tLmy aas and Kovled At every Tof d i3a was sayin*. Xn' the miiiuter te west ca to say. " There's wariooi k^ds o! ctie>aua', -Uid rrli^ioa'a aagucd lor every iaj \» it IS to bring ;o ;h«» ii^eeui^ . I do3't ihini moefa cl -Jir man 'Jiat giTCS Tie '.c-i a^iira aifrvarhi-! . Asd Bends kia liBM Ike follcwia' week In cCcai^s acd weiRachin . I euess that doa* was buiez aneoch Vor a man like Jcnes to sw»:!ow Battnnnsaii s^athaJi^lepgn faismoalfc " Bel OD(A\fter that ta holder " Hurrii:. " SAid I. '- lurtbe uinistsr, ' Of 0^ -arse I daid it qai«« â€" " Give OS a me more A ih-s .^pen talk. It*» Tery refrekhi::' dieu Tbe n U ni s MT hit 'em STsry tine. Aad when be »poke el fashion. And nsEin * <^ut id boss aud ^>^''*£f As woBaa s raUaitvaaaaoe, Acd coming to efaureii h>Me Uia stv'.es. 1 cvdldu'i help a And a n3<t{:ui D mv wil«. .J«I.- and says I. " That's The Kilt Threatened Acain. It 18 believed that the British army ^ cials, having nothing better to do. have turned their attention again to the kilt worn by the Highland reiriments. and the lace which adorns the ^--arlet jackets of the Horse Guards. Lord Wol*-ley. it is said, regarvis the Highland ana Guard uniforms as being absurd and theatrical, and nnct for active service. The uniform of tbe moments, anti then, waking ap. exclaims Guards is probably too consptcoous for the And 1 it sot hex thinkia'. Says 1 10 rayaelf . •* T^i serrnc-n's pai, but HASH'S a q-jeer creauun. And I'm macfa afraid iLi: mc«t of lbs folks Wont cake tbe apt'-i^atiun.''' Now. If b« had said a vcrd abcu: My perscual niLxie f iiiiria'. I'd goue to work uy rvh: mx aaif, Ajud aot ••& tbaitf a (naain . â€" . • . Just iteQ ihe isini^tcr, ta>-« be. • Xai new I v« ivme lo the faUers **bo'T« lo«i tiii-. shower by iisia' their friends A* a sort o meraJ onibrellu : Go b me.' says be, " snd find your laults, Irsia*! of bonun yoor bsectarrs . Go boiiis.''(aystie. 'and scar tba coats Yoa tried to til (or oUwia. ' My wUe the nad<ed. and Brown bs winked. And there was lota o' sniilin . And lota o' looting at our pew. It Kt my blood lubiUn: ^ajr» I to myaeU, ' Our muusier U cittin' a Uttls outer. ni lell hun wbae the meetist out that I'm not that kind of a en ter ' profanely, " Ob, it's you, is it ' Pretty time to get in bed with cold feet. What the mischief do yon want now ?" The mother â€" Ain't yoa ashamed of your- self to ulk that way to me ? 1 say that Jehn Denny has proposed to our Clara, and she loves him. too. Old manâ€" Yoa don't tell me so, Sarah. He's too poor. Do yon know what he makes a week now ? The motherâ€" Only II'.'. Old mauâ€" Oh! he's too hanged poor. She can't marry that church mouse. The mother (now taking sides with her daughter) â€" Daniel Webster Jones. I want ta ask you what salary yon were getting when you cried and blubbered for me some twenty odd years ago .' Old man (in a November tone of voice)â€" You know, Sarah Jane, I told you than, and you have not forgotten it. The motherâ€" Well, tell me now, Daniel. Yon hear me .' Old manâ€" Oh. 98 per week. The mother â€" Well, you got me in time, and I guess our Clara can have tbe young man she loves. He now beats you by 94 a week. We give our content. You hear me, Daniel ? Old manâ€" Yes, yes, dear. All right. N >w go 10 sleep. It's late. Good night, dMA i ,ie cats executed a regular breakdown of hilarity on the outer window ledge of the bath-room. â€" Chiengo Tributu. operations of the held, but if Lord Wolseley proposes to abolish tbe kilt he will gel into difficulties. In India, at any rate, the kih is cot an unsuitable dr, ss. and it has been to long associated with the fame and name of the Highland r«gia-.< nts that any pro- posal to do away wiih t would lead to much opposition. A gocsi deU may be said in favor of toning down the scowy uuitorms of the Guards, but there is no reason whv tbe kilts should be sacrificed. .\ tart«n uniform need not necessarily be glaring in color.â€" >"co.'.'uA-Jia<Ti,-aa. The Blcsv't LocoaiotiTe Tet. The largest passenger engine ever ocn stracted u now being bailt in the Scheneo tady Locomotive Works for the Michi>an Central Railroad, and it calculated for express and passenger purposes. It is almost completed, and will be sent out in a few days. It is a ten. wheel engine, bav ing three pairs of coapled driving wheels and a four- wheeled truck. The drivers are 68 inches in diameter. The cylinders are 19 inches in diameter, with 'J^iacb stroke. The boiler, which is of Ohio steel, is 58 inches in diameter, and has 147 twoinch 9emi-»teel dues. The fire box is S feet loo^ by 4S- inches wide. and. like many recently- built, is placed above the frames, which gives increased width. The lank is car- ried on two four-wheel channel iron trucks. The capacity of the tank is ,A.SOO gallons, and the tender has a capacity of ei^hl tons of ooal. Not Altogether Inexcusable. A young clergyman in a western town preached tho other day on "The Relation of Ministers to iheir Parishes." Tbe local The Re- lation of Ministers to their Pharisees." â€" y. Y. Tritnau. FalnlessDess ofDrowufog. .A medical book entitled " Euthanasia." recently published in England, thuii dis- cusses the sensations of drowning: "Even in death by drowning, where the mind is keenly alive and active throughout .. . â- . j . there is an entire absenciT of .P'.^T': "^f "f.^.': !?°!:\"!'^ . w*^.", suffering of any kind. The famous letter of .Admiral Beaufort, describ- ing his symptoms when more nearly drowned than probably any living man has ever been, is quoted from Sir John Bar- row's memoir. • I no longer thought of being rescued.' he writes; 'nor was I in any boilily ytda. On the contrary, my sen- sations were now of rather a pleasurable sort, (Partaking of that dull, but contented »at\ of feeling which precedes the sleep pro- duced by fatigue.' It is on this letter, though there is much evidence of the same kind, that the popular idea is based that drowniug persons, within a minute or two, seem to have presented lo them everv inci- dent of their lives. ' The whole (ierio<i of my existence.' says the admiral, â-  seemed to be plac«i before me iu a panoramic review, and each act of it accompanie\i by a con- soioiisness of the right or wrong, or by tome rtdections as to the oonsetinencee -,' though two minutes did not elapse between the moment of suffocation aud his being hauled up, and, according to the kv^kerson. ho was very quickly restored to animation. On the other hand, I have m\ self known half-ilrowned men, who tell me thev have BU "V'tfe Took Ulni. " I tell yon these leap-year dances are a tins thingâ€" my wife took me and paid all the exprnses herself " •• Wher d your wife get the tnoney ?" •• Oh, I let her have it. "â€" ICHitrtiife > IlL ) « . ijip^ed the Partlus Guest Hoet (who has trvsi on the Irdy's skirt)â€" Oh ! Forgive uie 1 Y'ou see, it's my natural instinct to detain vou ! â€" l\it(H. Weary. Yes. the motber s arm is weary M' b«rv be baby'i bead has lain, Kai tbe daily roand o< July Ceaara. to txipn acaui. Bat If Toa your li«e« coa!d fashion. Or coold alter at your will, V^ ould eoa choose the tired aching t Or tbeempty am;* and sull.' Better aoise and healthy clatter Than an sclio la the iw>m Heller floors beycnd SQfi('-.cion Ot ihe housemaid s tr-as.h and breoia, Tha:i uy have *.he Eesi all ompty, .Ul ihe darUiif '.^eatUsgs flowa, Aai to ait la lOl* qtiiet. Bat to sit and k -.lae aiooe. .^U(;el forms that vaicb atvve as, 0'*r oar lives Tifiil keep. Often look m (utyuif; wonditfrâ€" Wonder that we ut and wvep; Knoviuf that our KaLbar kitm us Eareat treasure*, richest jv>««. Much of earih ad » uie of bsaven â€" In our bahy ^irls and boys. -i-liiuNrCl Sektrmar. 4ach ai>a I. 1 was so tired of Jaok iv>r K-'v. .tnd Jack was tired of me. Most lonct-^l for sweets Will soonest cloy ; Fale had l<een kiud. aad we, Tvo fx*'i-h sf^nd-J^rift hearts, niade waste Or life s S«t ipita vilb oa«;er bajra, Oh ' tired we were. T-.aie seetns so loac Wbaa •«â-  r; tiuos (^<«• well I Tbe wails of home ros^fnm and stn^nf ; l,Lk» prisone^rs id » ceil Wf* claxikc^l oar uarris^ chain, and pined For fieedoia we had left behm,! Tired, tinsl of love aaj )>eac« were we. Of sven vtay's calm N:«s ' Wo had no goal to viu since tw- Was ii::oe. and I was his . ' .Vnd so we sighed in mute deapair, .tad wiahed each other anywhere. But sorrow came one day -the pain Of death s dark, awful 'fear . Oh. iben our b<«R« tvat warm a«:aiu. Than eaeti to «aeb was dear : It sseQwd that life cvuld aothii>« lack, WhUe Jacll ba.1 me aud I bad Jack! â€" KiiJ«!>n< S. liriJgta ia JVaak LftUtr Feiulnlue Title*. The klegreo of M. A. is one that any learned female tji.ty be proud of. but many true women have probably found as much coDiforl in the plain title of m.». â€" Semnton lYulH. lee llridse at the V^alK The Niagara Kalis, N. Y , i' •ur.<-r says : The ice bridge that formed m tbe lower river, at the ferry, last week, Friday ni^t, is a fixture evidently for some time to come. The masses of ioe constantly com- ing over the fails cause changes iu Uw contour of the npper lino of tbe bridge biA the main mass rvmaius undisturbed. Six "shanties have already been erected ia the centre of the river, where auythiag frctm a lunch lo a photograph may be procure«l. Great nuiubtxrs of people vioS the bridge daily to s^ the maguificeiit spectacle. Miss Katie .Ambherat.a former resident ot St. Catharines, while coasting with a party of young ivopio in the vicinity of RidgeviUe met with an a,.videiit whioh may terminate fatally. The sleigh i po i which Miss had no oonsiuoasntts oi auy thing save the Amblierst was seated iu company with two a^ny of beiig restored to life. A Map at »lx-Fo«ler». It isn't the tree with the loftiest head, • hat throws the most shade.â€" fAilad^fpAia »craiche.i. but they were otherwise unhurt lady friends w-as coming down hill at full speini when it 8lewe\i, striking a barbed wire fence, and throwing the party off. The faces of her two friends were badly A« EflfTMa. Lord Chief Ju>lic» C«l riige, while try. ing a case recenil>, v.\^>erienced great difficulty in swallowmg a lozenge, but a young member of the bar experienced oo trouble in com posing off-hand the following epigram : His lordsliip* a little unhappy la what eaters and comes ' fom his jaw ; For be cannot swaiUw his loieuge, .\ad we cauuot swallow his Uw. â€" Hittcm i-.ifiim) Tniiumpt. Coil. Advices this week from Scotland show the strong feeling of the crofters against the emigration scheme. A series of meet- ings was held under the auspices of the Highland Land 1/eague. Emigration \vas generally disapproved till all the gi^od lauds I are occupied. The Government was uri:e<.l to spend money in trenching and drain- • ing the straiha and glens at homo and Hsaisting crofters lo stock the land when they (jft it Arthur J. Sharman, of the township of i Oakley, about Vi miles from Bracebruige, ' cv'<uunitleil suicide on Tuestlay by blowing his brains out with a revolver. He went into the bush *K">ut half a iiiilo with a look- ing glasrknd a revolver, plaoed the looking glass on a stump to see what ho was doing, and deliboratel> shot himself through the head. His Kviy was found three days afterwards frozen stiff, with the revolver still in his hand. Sharman was about S6 I years of age and '.uunarried. I The wife of Henry Stennett, a promi- nent farmer and N-okeeivr of the township As a coii3e>inonce of the recent turf scan lials the London (England) Jix-key Club of Blancharvi, was kille^l on Main street, has refusiM to ri'new the li^vnse of Joi-key yt. Marvs, yeslerrisy by Ix-ing thrown from Wixxi. who rode for Sir George I'hetwyiui, a sleigh while retiiruing home fromchuroh. and who was chargo>l hy liOril Dnrham The horse bocamo u"ni»nageablo and Mr. with selling races. The dub has also re- fused to r>'new the license of Georgo Bar- rett, another well known jo^'key, on the grornd that k« bad been gtdlty ot tool (tiding in the races at Brighton. Stennelt Uising contrv^l was first thrown out. The horse then ran away and Mrs. Stennelt was thrown against a post. She lived a very few minutes after the acci- dent. Botk of theSaut* Mind. Mr*. Cb.trgeiipleasi"- -Goed morning, Mr. Tapemeasure ; 1 should like to see some, thing in the n-ay of a small check. Ur Tapemeasure (fervently) â€"So jibould I. â€" -^ An Knterprlslcg P m le i taker. Rooheeter. Pa. , has an enterprising undd*! taker who distributes cards at his riva)^ funerals, announcing that he ia prepared W furnish coffins, lHsr>e«. carriages and bearers at the vo-v lowest rates. This i« • c.«se ot ranning a business to the ground. HwdSismt Her I'p. Madame ia sooldiHg her oook. " It rewlh seems iiu(vssibl«> uowtidays tt get decent help. " " Quite true ; and if msdaroo herseS were a s»>rvant she'd bo discharge!.! even quicker nor me." A little ba>- was tcU that Kev. Mn Goforlh, tbe missionsry to China, would bo the only Christian minister in chargs e( a district having as uisny people as are ia tbe whole of Cana>la, " Mjr I" he said, " won't kM baT« to boUsr." ..^ i

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