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Flesherton Advance, 12 Jan 1888, p. 8

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â€" :-r-7^ THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE [Jan. 13. 1888. «9ie ftUcttl DR. CARTER, M.C.P. &S.,Ont. PHYHICIAN. Ml K4;K0K, «p«. KLK*HKHTON. •i (rt* 1 - V ( tfOloe, Ktratii h liluck. iCcf hluuce. U'ln.WrlKbt â-  gcutbtty. DENTISTRVr Thomas Henderson, L.D.S. KllUilUl.N DENTIST Gold Medalui mul Himirr (rrmluatt of Ux li.V.D.S., Will vlRlt FLKSHKIITON, iMuilshaws Hotel 1 and 2of tfacli iru>iitli T«-eth t^xtraoti^d. imort- f-l and flilixl III tlic lii^linKt HtylcK nf thv art, atid at iiio.K'iutt; na»'t-. IlKAli OKFll K. 71II Y'lNCiK St . 'IVllinsTO. ^rga!. Tii-Bits. ^'ontintu^^t from First jfage. Another coiisi^nnient this week uf Choice New Season Tea, very cheap nt M. Richardson & Co. J. W. FIU)ST, 1JJ3.. lUirristir, Sttliritin-, Coiivcyiinrer. m Olllci'. -StraiiiH llulliUni!, Ki.KHnKIiT •« A. A. CHESLKY. Solicitor ami ConveyauMr, Kmi'li'Ut Maiiniiul'. Mil. FltnST will Im' roiiiKl Ht the Officii on ThurvdavK "» iMrruiofr-re P McCULLODGH, Jin rrisli'i-, Solivilor, i^-c. Oflirc, oviT 1l<-Fnrluii(rM Mtore^ )Hark«lHl<s M<»ii4'.v lo lionii. Jhi$iuc&\s (tavrtfi. John Wa Armstrongy I''l.KHHKllTON. Co. OllKY. DIVISION roi-KT CIJ-.llK. COMMISKIONP.R in II, It., <*oiiv»'yauc»r. A'c, .\}.'i-iit for iiurrliiu*- ao<l aalu of liiiidH. ApiiraiKpr tor C. L. C Coriw and P. F. It. it S. Koclety. ' Monoy to Ijoaii on th£ laiMt roaaoiialilu turiim. Inni k.ii ur MAUKIAUU l-ICENSKB. NOTAltY I'fllLIC. MONEY TO LOAIS. AT LOWEST 4TKKEXT KATE8, Ou Tuwu or Karui Truiwrty. H. DAMUDP. Kletherton. W. J. BKLLAMY. 'mi'. CI.KIIK AHTKMIEHIA. CONVKYASt^Kli, COMMISSIONKU, tssunASi'E Atrr, hc DKKDS. MOUrtlAliMS. l.KAhKK. Av.. prtiiiiir- I'll itii'l iTopurly uAtM'iiiod. liiHuriiUce aflALv <>t in lii'ht i:laria companitiH. MoDuv to laud at lowubt ratvR. TEN1)KR8, for the erection of a Brick Dwelling in the villaire of Klesherton will l)e rocoiveil up to Saturday, January 21at IHHK, by Jo.seph IMackburne, Esq. Plans and spucitications may be seen at the ottice of M. Richardson & Co., Flesherton. Tenders iiiay Vie ijiven fur the whole or part of tlio contract. Rev. Dr. Stuart, of Owou Sound, lec- tur(«l iu the Baptist eliapcl hero on Fri- day cvciiinj^ last. I'lifortunately, a lirussiiin eugayeniout ilsowliert; provent- o(l us atteiidinfj; what was, no doubt, a rich feast â€" iutollcctually KpcaUiiif^. Moreover the hour for coiniaencin(; the lectureâ€" 7 o'clock â€" was too early to en- sure a htrj',e attendance, csi>ecially on Friday ev(iiint,'s. Miss Mary Wright had a most mirac- ulous eacajie from death in the woollen factory here, on Saturday afternoon last about four o'clock. She was Hte[)- pin({ over a rapidly rcvolvinf^ shaft, when her dress cau^t on a projectiu't b<jlt. Instantly she was drawn around the shaft, and, as it waH within a foot o» BO of the floor, the unfortunate y»un}{ lady's head came with terrific force against it. .\ severe wound was inflict- ed on the back of her head, while there is a probability ot internal injuries. The prompt i-'tuppaou of the machinery no doubt save<l her life. p gOTT&" S H0E8! GET YOUR MEAT â€" i-ruo.w-i â€" • Fetch & Mitchell, (IKNKR.AIi m TCHEI18. FLESHEKTON! iJK'Ciit^li paid for fut cattle, kc, Ac. Flesherton Station Mill. The above mill is now in f^ood lunninj.; order for Chop. \nn'^. GKOKtiE MoOKEHOUSIi, jiroprietrr, will be plea.sed to sec all his old friends. Quan- tity of four feet Cedar Lof^s Wanted. Farmers will do well to make a note of this J. W. BATl^JS, Fiunifine Dritlvr and. Undertaker, VL.KHHKUTUN (INT. "BELL" Umtppwch t d for TofM Md QuAlH]!, . ' oatmlooum pimi£ i':, BELL£CO.,I!hI(1i,0iil Rev. Mr. Sliilton exchanged jmlpits with H<v. Mr. Burton, Methodist minis- ter of DiuKlalk, on .Sunday The latter ^'outlenian is a fluent H|M!aker, with a peculiar but rather Htrikin<{ style of delivery. Ilis text on Sunday even- ing was, "All thiiif^s work tof^etber for (^ooil totlieni that lovodod," from which he preached an interesting Berniou to a \a.tnv. <'()ii[;re{iation. Principal Irwin is to be con(;ratulated upcn the success of his pupils at the re- cent Entrance Kxaiuinatious. Robt. Keefer, Willie Sinclair, and Frank VanDuseii pasned creditably â€" the first named standing high up on the list. This showing is all the more creditable wht'n it is considered that Mr. Irwiu has been actually doing the work of two teachers and )iad very little time to de- vote to the special work necessary to prepare pupils for such Kxaiuii. AVe Is'g to congratulate Miss Minnie Brander, of Priceville. n]>on the brilliant success achieved by hnr at the recent Entrance ExainiuatiouH, iu obtaining the highest nnml>cr of marks and there- by heading the list of 'UV3 candidates, of whom 111 were successful in passing. We also congratulate her excellent teacher, Mr Kerr, as well aa her es- teemed ]iarents, Mr. and Mrs. James Itrander, who ought to b<! proud of their daughter's success, as no doubt they are. Our young friend, Mr. J. O. Keefer, of the Forest Frte 1'riD.i, writing to us un- der date of Jan. '2nd, says : â€" "The Ad- vance is always a welcome visitor to me. I go to the post office every I'ri<lay even- ing and there find it always waiting for me. The people of FUisherton should foel proud that they are able to have a Ijapor to represent their local, aud not only local but outside int«!re8tH. Some people will say to me, "Why, whore is Flesherton ; I never heard of it before." They pick npTHE .\i>vance, look over its columns, aud are (piite surprised to find such a tlourishing place aud so well re- presonte'i in your advertising columns." Ktill at the Helm. The ''Old Man," according to to liis own account, enters on his seventh-fourth year to-day, but those who claim to know him better say that he is really 70. We would not besurjirised if the latter figure is the correct one. But still more sur- prising >s the fact that Sir John is as young, indeed, appears youni;or, than he was ten years ago. Within the last five years, ho his doctors say, he has acquired a new constitution, and the restrictions enforced in the matter of diet some years ago have W-en removed without injury. He attacheii great store to n prophecy made by an oW gipsy woman whose son he proBocutetl in » horse case at Belleville wime forty-five years ago. The old dame IMiinting her finger in anger at John A., exclaimed : "May the devil an' yeu go hunting together for sixty years toc</ine." â€" Turimto HWd. A cow belonging to Mr. Samuel Ped. lar. sr., of Artcmcsia, swallowed a bro- ken piece of a »lii|istock about a year ago. 'I'lic other day one eml of the wliipstock was noticed protruding from tlio cow's side, when it was imlliKl out. '1 III' aiiliiial is now none the worse for tlie niuarkalilc transit of the piece: of wood, which was Im otij-thri-i' inches in length. Mr Joseph Pedlar, a respect- able farmer ami brother to the owner of till! cow, vouches for the trutlifuluess of this extraordinary occurrence. Ill renewing bin subscription to Thk Ai'v.vvi'F.. Mr. T' E. Mcdirr, of Kmer. son, Manitoba, says:-- 'The year that has just closed has been one of prosper- ity ill Manitoba. .. .Weather clear anil c<dd at )iieseiit (.Ian. ihd.) but very little snow, and wliiit tlieii' is has been blown into Ik a)m ; so tliiit there is scaieely eitliii- sleighing or wheeling. Notwitb- stand iiig thctio drawbacks, however, business has lieen good. Our cash re- ceipts for the past time moiitlis amouuts to about $7000." Our young friend, Mr. W. J. ISlakes- toll -H keen, smart and clever educator of Public School children in Protonâ€" re- news his siibsci iptioii to The Akvanck, 1111(1 adds;"('oiil(l not do without your newsy and iiiterestiiii( paper." Scores Kpeali ill a similar strain, and, like friend liliikoston, tliey come forward with the niedfiil every time. A large number of iicNV snhscribers have been added since New Year's, while a half dozen or so old Milwcribers have seen fit to discon- tinue their «nhsc.riptioiis, a fact wo regret, .\ii Editor cannot suit everybody, how- ever, aud we do nut iuteiul to try to do HO. Hon. C. Edwards Lester, Late U. S. Consul to Italy, author of "The Glory and Shame of Englaod," "Amerioa's Advancement," ettx, etc., etc., â- writes as follows: â€" Now York, Augunt 1, 1886. ( IL".' E. STthst. I Tin. J. ('. AvitR& Co., Lowell, Mb.hs., Oi'ntb'nien: â€" A sense of cratitude and tlic ilfsiff to render a servin- to the piililii- impel mo to make tlic following stiili'iiii'iits: .My college career, at New Haven, was iiiti'rriipled liy a severe cold wliiuli so I iifielili'il nil' tliitt, fur tiui years, I bail a liaril striigule for life. Hemonliaijo fiiiiii till' iM'oncbiul piuiHUges was the ri'siilt o( almost every fresh exposure. Kor years I was under trratuieiit of the alilt'st prni'titiouers without avail. At laM I liariHcl of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which I u.ti'il ( mislerately and in small ilii.Hi's) at the tlrst recurrence of a cold or iiiiy clii'.st difflculty, and from which I iiivarialily found relief. This was luir 'i1 years ago. With all sorts of I x|Misuri'l ill all sorts of iliiimti-H, I have iirver, lo this day, hail any rohl nor liiiv affection of "the throat or lmi({» wliiili did not yield lo Avkk's Ciikrky rKcioiiAi. williiii '-'4 hoiir.H. Of course 1 have luvcr allowfii my- Ki'lf to he without thi.H remedy in all uiy voyages and travels. I'lider my own ohservation, it has given relief to vast iiiiiiibersof persons; while in acute eases of pulinoiiiiry iiiMaininatloii, kiiiIi as iioiip anil diphtheria ill children, life liiis Ihtu preserved thioiigh its ilfeits. I ri riiuiiiiKiiil its use in light hut fre- <|iii'nt iloscH. Properly administered, in accordance with your directions. It is A Priceless Blessing in aiiv house. I speak earnestly becaus« I feci eariii'stly. I have known many cases of appareiitiv contlrmed bronchitis am) counh, with loss of voice, imrticu- larly among clergymen and other public speakers, iierfeetly cured by this uiedi- ciue. Fiiithfiillv yours, C. linn-AUDS LESTER. Ayer'8 Cherry Pectoral, Prpiiarpd hy Tir.J.C. Ay«r& Co., Lowell. Mwi. iiold by ftU i)rug|[Uu aad Dealer* In Medicine. / have a Full Supply of all Lines ofâ€" WINTER GOODS! RUBBERS, OVERSHOES, FELT BOOTS anu FELT STOCKINGS SELLING CHEAP. lATIYI. CLAYTOWr, Flesherton. HEARD'S! taiTiage Works, Hesliertomi, .HA.MF.VtTIKEKS Ol CUTTERS, SLEIG.IS, BUGGIES AXD IVJGOXS. SPECIAL ATTENTION *^'I^J:?Ki^;'>^'^2'^K?^iS Manufaeturori of Iron Harrows anil I'lirm flKtcs. liORSi: SH(»KIN(i promptly attended to. C»U iiii'l HVAi. Durham Stri'4't. KUtKhvrtoii. CHEAP # AND DUEABLB! THE W E L L - K N O \V N SPEIGHT WAGON! Call and f^ct Prices, &c. from undersigned. STOVES. TLNWARE. &c. for sale as u.sual value in every department. Agent for VICh'EKS' EXPRESS. AH parcels U/t nitlt him will be prcnnptly and carefully attended lo. FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, AU. KINDS OF kills li tmm\i Vcrks, Such as Moiiuineni«, TombTablea, Heartstouct* Cmmter and Tiible Tops â€" in American ami Italiiku Miu'ble jiiid Granite, and niiide on short notioc. Also Mantles iu Marblo and Mui'bleizcd Shtli', Sm., &c. Fleshcrtim, Aui;. 'M, 1883. HEALTH FOPt ALL. Hill Ci.rn Okfi'.u. â€" Wo w ill funiiHli tliatexculleut religioux paper, The Mk- TiioiiisT OiisKHVKR, aiid tliis journal for 1 .S88, liotb jiapors for only 81.00. Tho Observer is an 8-p8gc, 40-colunin, week- ly paper and is cheap at 91.(10 a year, li^iu'li iBSUu oontaiDH • 6 to 0-ooluiiiu Huiiim&ry of MothodlHt Olinrcb miWH, and a great variety uf choice reading matter. Send yoin addrena to Jamkh I'uiiLUiiiNi) HouHK, Bu«>manviUe, Out., < for a free Rample copy, or call ftt khi ufncc aud ane one. CANADA'S COMIC PAPER. J. W. llENCiOUOH. Artist and Edrtor, MSUKO WBIKLT. $3 ft Yoar ; $1 fur 6 Montht. CRIP n tocreeuag in inHucnc* and popularity very year ) li h a supreme ho«*ehold tai whi!« every Pt>lhician i •very year 1^ li h a' lunfeme ho«eehold' favuritt, ui aM I^rofeMional afid HuMtieu Man enitjy* the ckever hiu which appear in every >Mue. Subtertb* now t See our Prtttniiim ami Clubbing List. Ctrcvlart giv- ing Aitl f«rtlculars tent free. iVLopk out fbr Grip's Comio AlmanM fbr IS88. PrlM 10 MDU. siir miusiiiKi CI. I ToinntTit, ojrm THE TILLS Purify thw Mlood. corrtut nil DiM»idci"n of tho Ijivef,, liLi<ln\yw, tincl J^ow^ls. TlieyinviKoratPatul restore to hmltli lU»lMlltalo<H'oiistitiit ions, and iivf hivKliuible in uU Coui- pluiittitincidoiit«l to Fcnialus of all aMun. Kor Children Hud thu tu;t)d thuy aro pricultiMa. THE OINTMENT I aninfftUtblo roinody for Had Lt'«s, Had lhoft»t». Old Wonurts. Sorea and Ulcwa. li Ih famoti«for (lout and Khuuuinti^iu. Kor disorders of the Chv.-it it had no equal. ForSOIlE THUO.^l, BROA'ClUTrS. COUGHS, COLDS UlitncltilKrHwellingii, mid nil Skin niKiiftfioK It lian no rival; and (or coutrsctixl and atifl oiuta it act* like a cbarni. M.kiiiiractui'od only at l*»(jfi!snor Hoi.i.owav'h I'tttahliftlinient, 7H, N«w Oxford StreH ( Intr 5»», Oxford Street ), Loiitlon, ana are aold at la. lid., 8a. 9d., 48. r>d., lU., 'JSo., and xm. pacli llox or Pot, and may be had u( all Mcil clni' Veiidoiti ttiron^liout tlio World. Purchatera should look ii the Ldu-I on tin' /'(.f.< (iik^ llo.rt.i. If the addiesn ii txA 5S.1, Otfiird StivH, LoiiiloH, thfii nfe .ijm i-wftci. To (he People Kvecutor's IVofice Of Arfemfsia, Ot*prvy, and Sur- roandinfj nistiirt, Tho undurHiunod roMitiot fully tenders Iuh nin- c'or'i and grateful thankH to the fjonnval puhliu for tho oxetdloiit itatruutLge oxtendod to hiui Hinco oponinK out in the Itoot <^ Hlioo HuHiiioHs in KUiHtiorton, and truBtii ho hau meritud tlieir contiiuiod H upport. At the HAUiu tiuto, ho wiithos to 8tato that ho haH a^oo) Htuok of Mous Louk Hoots, IvadiuH ItootH d' HhooH. Ac, of his own make, whluh wiM bo Hold at <'oHt rriooi. Mubt clear outtbeittoek â€"come and ^'et Uar^'ains ! \Vi<)hing one and all a "Morry r-hriBtinas and a Happy new year." Floshorton. Doc. illrt. 18H7. JOS. SMITH. James Sullivan, The TiDBmith, - Flesherton Raiialrlnu, KaTotroiiRlilng.and In faet ovarjr- Ihinii In tha bualucM will racalva mj l>roaipt atnl carsful attauliuu at rcMOnablc |irifet. IN inirMunnce of beet. 1. t^hap. 0. 4fi Vic, notice is hereby j^iven tlmt all creditors »iiirt otlu'i!* havini,' L-lairiM Q^^aiiiHt the uHtate of \V. H. C'ol- quett, deoeaaed. late of tlio towiiHliip of Arte- iiiOHla. in tlio County of Uruy. and Trovinco of Ontario, who died on or about tlie liOtli day of May, l(««i. am to aent by post proiuiid or doliv- er«<l to Williuni H. Christoa. M.U, on or boforu tlio l.ltli day of Jamiarv, 1888, a »tutuiiiout con- tHiniii); their names and addreniieii and full p«i- tloulnra of their claims aud of the securitie" (If any! Iiuld l>v theiu and after tbo said. laHt iiieu tio'ned date, tho Haid \V. 8. Christeo. fortho jui â-  fonal K.-itato and effectn, rlghta and credit.* of thi> •aid \V, H. Oolqnettâ€" will proemnl to diatribnli- tliu asneta of the said deceiwod ainoiiyst tho par- ties ontitlod thereto, regard Iwinu had only to tho claims of which notice has lieou Riven a< above roqiiired. aud Kxeeutora will notlK'liahli- for the aaid iwaetB or any i>»rt thereof to au>' Iiernon or pomons of whom elaiuiH have W leoli received bv the said W. S. Christon And further. aJl partiaa who are indebted ti- the »aid KBtato of tbe (aid W. H. t'ohinett, de- oeasod, aro tu pay an the aame iMouiiiua due, to the >aid W. 8. Chrlstos. W. 8. CHHIHTOB, for tbu l':x««ntora. JAMK8 LOVK, 8AUUBL COUJUBTT, ami 5 a • . â- 'mum. nWMWIl'iWI'r .^

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