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Flesherton Advance, 22 Dec 1887, p. 1

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•1^. FLESHEgfON ADVANCE. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" FRIJ^CIPLES, jYOT MEJ\r. VOL. VII., NO. 339. FLESHBRTON, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1887. A. R. FAWCETT, EDITOR * PROPRIETOR. DECEMBER AD. -^ $1,500 «^ l.\ <;ULD .4.\U SILVER WATCHES I U'nhnit and Mrklr Cloths, Roll t I'Ifite oikI Fine Oilt I'lmiun,' Ofiii (itnl tf'cilitiiiij Iliiii/^, I Jfirelrriftiinl Fine Sil- vrrwiire fttv Holiday ^ Trade ! If I f<U the /iiiblif were f(niJ» ennugh !â- ! hilieve mt awl kiieir •â-  inysel/" to be •• Lncue" tnouijh to h^nt thf ii:ltol<iiulf, I icoiild tttlk big ilimiiiuHl and triintriiilc jirlcet fur ulmor giMiU. Wholexnff piif- • t in n retnU »ti>re iron'l piii/ rriit. light f'lris, etc. Cnntmuou* ilisri,unt.i 5 tiirmt in I year, either pay* bi/ nurking (jiunU 'iiciii/ up, or else by using ilfciptiuii ti* to ipiulily <tf goods. There <tre Jeicel- lers irhn luicc 14 k. tre.difing rinqt .it'iiiijied IS k. Mg Hlniii Kiiias <ire made by F. W. KLLIS .(• CO'., uud • if'ter this u:iU hnce my initials, W.B. ttiimpetl I'll. Goods as represented every lime. I'rices at "whisper" murk. Diseountt^ cm usual, 5 per cent. Warrants cover Breakages ! j Dun't accept any oilier kind. Every- j body iiioiled to adl teheii in town and get my juices. I Tit -Bits. I ' Coiisistiiiii of Liu-iil rivH ()t>ier hiferesiing Items ijittliered In/ The Adt^tttce Ueparters. j I Irfw«I Sntfana intenitixl Hi beii<>flt any Indi- viflnal. â- '^«><-i»'ty or Coriiuration. clmrKed at the | ' riitt' of 10 c«ntt« \>i'r line fnt-li irwertioi. No lo- , I nil iiiHprted for Nwm than 25 ceiitii. Special rates ' to retiiilar a^lTortiners. Miss Alia M. .Spronli! lias returned to Flesherton to spend the lioliilays. BftRfains in Twneils this week (it | M. Ricliardsim & Co'a. j Mr. C. W. Rntledttc of the Markdale ] Staiiilitrd, was in town Thursday last. ' .Tnst tliiiik of it. all wool Grev Flan- Inel 'iH inches wide for 2i')c. vard at R. i Trimhle'a. BARGAINS! iMiil^ Mr. Gpn. Blakelv returtied home on Wednesday of last week, and did not ; for<;<'t to pay ye Editor a vitdt. Mr. Earlo Strain, wljo has been at- tendins; the Toronto School of Medicine, j is home for Xnias' holidavs. ' Immense Bargains ! Thk .\dv.\spk sprit for one year to ( the address of homu- of your friends ! would be a verv suitable Xnias present. Another very lar2« stock of mens Felt Boots. Rubbers, and Overshoes just re- ceived, selling cheap at R. Trimble's. NOW GOING ON AT RUSSELL'S NOTED .JEWELRY STORE. FLESHERTON: L«'in<)iis unti Oraiififrs at n^dUal Hall. FI«>sb«-rton. the WIIKRE WILL BE FOUND THE L.\KGEST .\ND FINEST STOCK OF Tor 4 Tears The People's Jeweller. W. A. BROWN, A toilet Inxury in every respect, .Xyer's H»ir Vigor never tails to restore the yonthful freshness ami color to faded , and ^rav h»ir. It also eradicates dand- raflaiKl prevents tlie hair from fallinu. OramI Christmas cutertaiument iu , the Methodist church. Maxwell, next j Moaday evening, 'ifith inst. Tea serv- ; ed%oni .5:.'!0 p. ni.. chair taken at 7:30. ' S«ii oil! for particulars. Ifenday next is Nomination dav in rton. There kIioiiIJ be a lar^e i I tnriinnt in the afternoon to hear tlie ! Fathers t;ive an account of their stew- â-  arilship. | Alarkdale, Ont. $350 WIM, HUY L0T;)7 in nth (.ox ,.\RTK.MK8U, 111" acrcn. .\pii)v to IH.\IILKS (;.\.MON, .';:n-4.i. C"i)lUiii;wooil. OavuRts, Ui! i«»iiu« ttud Tradu-Miirks nuturid. ami all uthor patunt cauiiUH in tht- I'attjilt Ottiee litnl Iteforw tlio court:* proiniitly and carefully uUtuitlcil to. I poll roccipt of nioilel or skcteli of inv«iition, 1 lilako cari'fiil I'Xainiiiatiiiii. ami ailviso a» to latuiitability Krcu "( C!liar(jc. Kke.h Mor>i;ii.\TK, aiul I nmkH .\<> i h u«ik cs- i.r.NM i»\TK\T IS s|.;<fKi.;r>. Inforiiiatioii. advice uild Hpcclal rofcrinocs stiit on ai>pliuatinli .(. U Ml'I'Kl.l.. \Va>liiii(;tou U. C OppoHitii I'.S. Patient OIUcc. W. W. TRiMBlS FOR Fiisf Clasi Furs, Furs, Fnrs, â€" I have decided to clear out my entire stock of Mens F^ur ) Caps, ladies Fur Caps, Mufifs, Roan, Uoat | Robes, Fur Trimmiiiji, &c., regariHoHS I of cost at R. Tiimble's. <'ards. <'ard!(, Cardfi, ('omc and Koc tiirin at the Nedlral Hall. The Hiyh School Entrance Examina- tions commenced in the new School- house, Flesherton, yesterday afternoon and will ccntinue to-day and to-morrow. A large number of pupils are in town. Just arrived at .T. W. Bates: â€" .Anoth- er of tliose beautiful Parlor Suites iu Hair Cloth and Plush Will be sold cheap for cash, .lust the thin^ for an Xmas present. Please call and sec my nice .selection of Mosswnre, Chinaware, Colored setts glassware engraved or plain. .lust see my 82.. ")0 Colored Tea Sett, best value in town at R. Trind)le's. Wareliani Public School children to the number of sixty or seventy sat for yroup pliotoKfaphs at Mrs. Buliuer's gal- lery, Flesherton, one day last ^veek. Mrs. Hulmer is gaiuiny wide and well deserved popularity as a painstakin" and clever artist. Watches, Clocks, Je^^elry, Silverware, Spectacles, Knives, Bazors, Sec . EVER SHOWN IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY. OUR GOODS TOQS FiJSSF 'F'SIZS .^T FLESBEftFQ^ F;£S^L, SmOW» .\nd iu order to (jive parties who were not able to take advantage of our discount sale in October, we have decidi d to again make this Great Offer and give TWENTY PER CENT. OFF Oil nil Canh .SiileH of $t and oier from litt day of December, tSS7, to Int din; of .Januury. ISSS. Now, this in a grand chance to secure fine goods at about wholesale prices. .\ll Watclies we sell bear a writtii; guarantee of from three to live years. We will still make another Grand Offer to auvone purchasing one of our L.VDIES' FINE (tEM RINGS or 18 k. WEDDING RINGS which we have for the nnm- bor of nearly one hundred, we will <»ive a beautiful Plush Ring Box worth $1.(M), any color. These bargains everyone should take advantage of. You will never luive as good a chance again and remember the only place to get your Watcli repaired properly is at FLESHERTON. â- -r«r ROLLER FLOUR. ITo. 1 Stone Flour, OATME.VL, ROLLED OATS, GRAHAM FLOUR, CltACKEJ) WHEAT, Shorts, Chop and Bran. POTATOES. APPLES, ETC ' lllSTEilS ]^()ll SAIJl W. W, TRIMliLE. Flcaliorton, Dec, 1st, 1SB7. .ill sorts «>r Knlrk-knark at the ! ModWal Hall, Flesherton. 1 Rev, Mr. Rautun, a well-kuowu evau- I gelist, has been assisting Rev. Mr. Sliil- I I ton at tlic special services now being I I bold at the Meaford Road appointment. I I Sunday week Mr. Rautoii delivered an j excellent discourse in the Methodist I church here. I We are pleased to notice that the 1 Trustees of Flesherton Public -Schools i ! have re-engaged the old Teacliors, Mr. | I Wni. Irwin and Miss (lanton. This fact â-  will be eipially pleasing to the ratepay- ers generally of this school section. Mr. j I Irwin ha.s proved himself a most pain- staking and eflicient Piincipal, while Miss (iantou is well spoken of. Please call at once and get your sup- plies of Raisins, Currants. Peels, Spices, I Iceing Sugar, Coffee and Tea at R. I Trimble's. My 2.') cent Tea is the best value ever offered in Flesherton. I Tamauac is an Elixir carefully pre- pared by an exiHsriencod chemist, which ! the well-known Taiuarac as the funda- I mental principal, and all tlio other in- gredients in its composition are of the purc-t, and best calculated to relieve all I uasicsiil Coughs, Colds aud Lung trou- Kuyal Ulaek rreeeptory. At the last meeting of Victory Royal Black Pieceptory, N... 2H2, Markdale, the fnllowilig were elected nllioers for tile uiisiiing year : ,1. Bridie, W.P. \V. Brady, U.P. .J. (lillesi'y. Chap. T. Elliott," Registrar. .1. Elliott, Treasuier. .1. El-skill, 1st l.ectin-er. T. Abbitt, 2nd J. McMaglmn, 1st Consul'. J. H. Ciwuuii, 2nd " T. Uilrav, 1st Standard Hearer. J. McFiidden, 2nd •J. Ciibsoii, F'uisuivaiit. T. ..Xboici'ombie, Lst C'ini. .1. Tiickcy, • 2iid " Rulludge, Old " H. .InhlLSou 4t,ll â- ' H. Heaid. .">tli " Uitcliic, <itli " W. Blakelv, 7th " Mc.Vitluir, Tyler. This Preceptory meets on tlio 1st Fri- day in each month in the (h-iuigo Hall. W. W. .7. v.. u. T. Thk AnvANCK aud the Toronto Lhiihi World for $2.r)0--two painrs for less than the price of one. Physicians prescribe Ayer's Sarsapa- rilla iu cases of scrofula, aud in every form of chronic di.sease, because this medicine is safer to take, and is more liighly couceutratcd. than any other preparatiou. It can always be depend- ed npou as an effective blood pnritier. Beneath the Fines. KunleHH (l(4HpB of northern pinoa! broail, Hiiow-ladun anna of fir! ' Dim aiHl.'H wcro wolvei* Mlip to and fro, .\Tni noJKcli-HH wild deer Mwiftly nhlrr! I) Ijoino of wind xon^s wild and k'raiid, .Vh Knits tliv nlJKlity HtraillK! li harp \ Ou wliicli the Noitli Wind lays litH hand I 1 walk till) piniufiit ^looiiia oiicv nioru .\nd ahout aiiiitt tliy Htortnfiil roar. ' .\h ill duep aoas in a haven found, No wintry tuinpcst stirH, thoiu,'li hjt;h .\h hillH tho tiiarchiiJi,' wavea npltonud .\nd break iu hisHtiiM foait , so I Walk huri* secure ; tlioiiKh far alx>vo Tho Storii) Kinn with hia train of snows SwecpH flownwani from the bitter north, .\na shouts hoarse fury as he mkmh. \ 1 laitKh in tones of uhimillg rtleo To sue Lliu shiikiii;^ of his hair. .\nil hear from out his cloud of heurd HiH vf)ice liin»«rml sweep th« air. Tho dark pin i i.wer their lolty cresta, ' .\s wan iois â- â€¢â-  . when chieftain t/i'tni^ Ui.les liv nii.l ^iioiits his stern belle-ts, .Vnd with swiU answers iM-iio Iniii. â€" iHaiiilin (iarland. Stop it. â€" Continual hanking and spitting causoil by Catarrh is punuau- eutly removeil by Nasal Bahn. Thk .Vdvancb and The Empirn one year tor 1(1. (!.">. Subscribe now and get the lirst nuniborof the Jiiii/>irf which will be issued next week. I'Vie Kiiipiri' is tho new Conservative ucwspa]>er, and will bo the same size as the Toronto Mail. It Nvill ciuitain several depart- ments, however, far suiierior and much more interestiug to country readers than tbei latter. cc O o < â- "^-s- •^^i: *; X r ir For Clioicu New Season Japan; and extra value go to M. Richardson & Go's. .;-a S S-. = 1 *'â-  . <?»â- ;: iT' V

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