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Flesherton Advance, 15 Dec 1887, p. 8

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^ •l^U THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE [Dec. 15. 18S7. • t 03 o Q O o W 1-2 O O cc UJ I CO LLl UL la Blill open and Old CuBtomerB will find it Stocked with C^grriage &, 'l"" e a. m HARNESS! Wbich has become celebrated throngh- oul this vicinity for Hiiperior quality, finish anddnrsbiiity. All guaranteed as here- tofore. At Reduced Priceg foi* Caali. Also a large stock nf Winter Goods iu the line of .«. of saperior quality, at the lowtit prices ever offered in Pleslierioil. A fine selection of Sleigh « Bells I at a slight advance on cont for the next SO days. If you want a first-class WHIP! It is to bo found at Gordon's. Also TRUNKS. VALISES, RUGS, HORSE BRUSHES. CURRY COMRB. SWEAT TADS and all other IIorHo FnriiiHhingfl found in ft first-class HarnusH Shop. Tkt Itlehlti lism ll\ Fu'pt constantly on lirind. But the ('rowuiM{^' JSpcciiilty is iho piM-ft'cl fillin;^ Scotch # Collar ! WaVranlod not to gall vdiu- Iioiscb and for which ihis cHtablislmicnt has hpcoinc so well kiiuwii tlirou^'li- (int tliirt Cniiiity. Hcpairiii<,' attended to promptly, caie. fnlly and cheaply. A Cull i$ J{f$]iccl/ul/i/ Iiivittd (It i GOEDON'S HARNESS SHOP, FLESHERTOU. TK-BHs. continued from First Page, Cull and see Kuftsell's immpiise display of fancy Plush Wall Pocketj, Dusters, Whisk H olde rs, Ac, they are beautiful and cheap. Auction Hale farm stock and implements at Lot .T4, Con. 9, Arteinesia, commenc- ing at 12 o'clock, noon, on Wednesday next, Dec. 2lHt. Scott Jainiaon, Proprie- tor ; A. S. VanDusen, auctioneer. See bills for particulars. We HOC by the Sault Ste Marie News that Mr. Tbos. UateRâ€" formerly of this town â€" is connocted with a Mining As- sociation, which has Ixien organizo<l in that place with the view of working a rich ijold and nilvor tuiue located on the Canadian Hide of the river. Till' F'loKherton Skating Riuk is being flooded by Lieut. Field, suid, it is ex- pected, will \» in good rnnniog order by tJliristmas. We hope to see the rink well i)atronizod by our young people â€" indeed it is good licalthy exercise for the more adult ivtpulation, when not in- dulged iifto excess. An announcement has been received from Mr. A. Dinimore, Markdnle. It came too late for this week's Advance, but will appear in our next. It is bead- ed :â€" "Orand (Jift Sale for the Christmas Holidays at the Markdalc Book Store." HcofTers great reductions in n<H)ks, Toys, Fancy Ooods, and Wall papers. Credit Auction sale of farm stock, im- plements, 4c., at Lot 20, Con. 10, Mea ford Road, Artemosia, on Tuesday. Dec. 20tli.. coniracncing at 1 o'clock p. ni. sharp. 10 months credit on all sums over JS. Sec bills for i>articularH. Da- vid Thompson, proprietor ; J. W. Mor- row, auctioneer. On account of the big rush of holiday advertising this week we are obliged to issue au extra page. We "furnish our readers with their regidar quota of read- ing Hiattcr all the same. P>eryl)ody patroniziuM Tiik A DVAXceâ€" whether reader or a<lvertiBer â€" got good value for their moooy. Temperance people will read with in- terest "Deacon Snuke's" lengthy but Htirrinc letter, entitled â€" "The floo<l Time Coming"â€" wbich wdl be publish- oil shortly in the Advance. We wel- come our esteemed and talented friend, "finukos," to the ranks of the groat Temporanco Army, which is making its influence for good felt in every portion of the cMlisod world. The patrons ofFlcshcrton Cheese Fac- tory ought to be happy. On Thursday last Meswrn. M. Kichardsou & Co. paid outt4,M0. 12 to them, being the pro- ceeds of lant sale of chueHc for the sva- Hon just closed. A largo sum of money is thus put in circulation, which will have a tendtmcy to relieve the financial stringency caused by the suspension of the Central bank. D. (i. Moldrnm, having completed bis apprenticeship with F. T. Hurgess. druggist, and successfully passrtl liis ex- ainination, left thismorninu for a week's visit to his borne at Kleshorton. He Kiarte<l away a bacludor, but it is re. porttid ln^ will return a benedict and take the ninnaf<enieiit of Hurgess' Wilton avenue branch drug store. â€" Toronto Nrir». David ilenius tho soft impca<di- nxMit contained in tho foregoing, to tlut effect that "ho will return a l)euedict. " Dundalk, Dec. H.â€" Some person un- known about ten o'clock last night fired threi! riflt^ shots through the upper sto- rey of (iralmni & Co's store here. The shots iH'uctrated through the inni'r jxir- tions of the buililiiig ami narrowly mis- sed Mr. C Oraliani who was sitting rending in one of th(^ apartments. No sli^ps have lH?en taken to find tho per- petrators. Magi.Htrato McOri'gor to-day loniinitted Kdwaril Heniish to tlio Con- tin! I'riscni for tlireateniiin to shoot his niiithcr. IJoinish is a liard citizen and has fro(iuontly boon arrested for drunk- ciuiesH. Wo visittnl RusHell's Noted .(cwclry Store, l''li'slierton, this week and found Mr. ,T. O. Ilussidl and his two smart as- sistants Imsily engaged selling goods, repairinH watches, clocks, jewelry, Ac, anil opHuing out u vast quantity of ben- tiful new holiday goods, consisting of ehigaut designs in plush, jow<'lry, paper niache, etc. â€" both and use- ful. The store is litiirally packed with pretty things. In silverware, the dis- I)lay is uuuKually large and nmgiiiflcoiit ii every particular. The display throughout is tho largest and best ever soon in a jewelry store lu Florhcrtou. There was a man once who approach- ed a lovely maiden and asked her baud iu marriage. His shaggy head of hair and disreputable looking lieard of a week's growth had a chilling eftect upon the lovely maiden and she coldly repuls- ed his advances. The man felt liad, but if he liad placed himselt iu the hands of Booth, the Boss Barber, of Flesher- ton, and got his hair cut and his beard shaved heforf "popping tho question," 110 lady could have resisted his charms. Now is the titue to renew your snb Kcriptions to the Advance for 1H88. Most of our subscribers can show a clcau sheet. Will all of our readers kindly commence tho New Year iu the same way ? It is only a small amount and will cause you no inconvenience ; at the same time you will have the con- sciousness that you are aiding your F^d- itor to meet large paymeuts now matur- ing in connection with recent building operations. If every sultscriber on our list would only pay in advance before the 15th .January, we would feel like sending Thk .â- \uvance free to them for six months during the year 1889 1 Prepare for the holidays by getting a first-claM hair cut, shave, and shampoo at Booth, the "Boss" Barber's. Flesher- ton. It is worth the money to sit in his magnificent easy chair, without counting in the hair cut, shave or sham- (KX). Ladies can get their hair trim- mod iu the latest styles of the tonsorial art. Gentlemen with long and unkempt beards will scarcely recognise thenisel. ves in the looking glass after having subjected the said l>cardH to the dexter- ous mauipulatious of Booth, who wiU trim them in the most elegant manner and in any style they may require. Re- mcmlier liis shop is next to Clayton's boot and sIkmi emporium and just oppo- site Leitch's tailoring establishment. A most absurd mistake crept into oar "Tit-Bits" columns last week, in which it was announced that Mr. Watkins, brother of Mrs. ShiJton, was visiting at the Miithodist parsonage. The mistake was the Editor's this time, and not "mat U^rrible com)H)sitor's. " We noticed a gentleman walking up street with the estet'iued Methodist clergyman here, just before going to press on Wednesday, and having imderstootl a week or two previous, that Mr. Watkins watt ex|>«ct- ed to visit Cmada ahurtly. (ell into the blunder quite readily â€" and the more es- (wcially as a certain young geutleman confirmed our impression ; lind, besides, we bad no time for making enquiries bo- fore printing the papers. A fellow can be too previous sometimes in his endea. vors to furnish his reader* with live K largo and pleasant gathering of members and others asseiOblod at the Baptist ])arsoDago, Fleshertun, on Fri- day evening. The pastor. Rev. T. Wat- son, is a very sociable gentleman, and be was pleaso<I with the friendly visit, although unable to divine the cause. At lengtli Mr. R. Knight and Mr. J. E. .Moore approacheil him â€" the forqier U'ariiig a splendid fur coat on his arm â€" and III the most informal and grace- fid manlier, the coat was transferred to the ]>opular Baptist pastor, accom- panicni by a few pleasant and appropri- ate words l>y each of the gentlemen, on U'lialf of niembers of the congregation. .Mrs. Watson was also made the recip- ient of a nice present lu au equally in- rornml iiinnner, Later in the evening, Uev. Mr. Watson made one of his hap- piest speeches iu alluding to tho presen- tation. Those present sjieiit a pleaseut evening. kiinbrrley. fy. From oitr own Corrtapoudtnt: DiF.n. Ki.Lls. â€" In this vIIIhl'u, on Tuesday, Oth Dec. 1887, after a short sickmmH, Mi-s. W. Ellis, ngfd 21 years, 1 month and 15 days. Our ymim; and esteemed friend, Mr. Kllis, liiiH the deep sympathy of many fiieiids, ill bis «»d beivaviMiielif. Deeeiva- ed wan ii loving wife, iiiid tbnuvli her iimrvied Wit' was very short, .itill it was a very ba|i]iy one. She lived a cbvis»iaii, iimi passed 11 way tnmtiim in .fesu.s. Scarcely bad wo yret'ted the twinkling (if the sleiijb-bells, wlieii the rumlding of the wheels wa« heard. Mr. K. ThuiHtiiii, iif Tiiidiitu, is ciniiiiii; hiiiiio ill a few weeks to spend hi.s Xiiias luilidiiys. Come (iiui, come all, but don't forget to liriiii' the "Heecy mantle" with you. Our nietid, Mr. J. B. WiUHoii. intend- ed to ijive us another of his iiiucli "appin- ciated lectiii'es," lui the evening of the (Jtli iiist. However, he whs not able to do Hii nil aeeoiiiit of sickness. No doubt, under the fosteiiiig care of a Oriersville innkeeper, he will soon lie able to re- sume bis daily vocation ; iiiul at some csily date again visit our cosy little vil- lano, wlien we shall, as on former occa- sions, ^ive him an audieiMe and if iiec- cessary, passed around t\tm "toast," but we cannot say that it will be of a strong- er nature than the pure juice of the gmiK'. LEADING I LEADING!! Aussff's Soted Jtwelry Store In F1e»hertoti SHU Leading tlut Iratle in thin County ! The people ask, how is it that OTHER JEWELERS GET MAD and say naugh- ty things about us ? The reason is very simple, namely. WE ARE A TERROR Tt) HIGH PRICES-».'//i.ig /»<•>• 'j<»'d* at lower prices tfuin tlwij can and of c >ur»e the public appreciate our efforts to i.'ive them tirst prize Koods at pricis awiiy down. OTHER FELLOWS «!i/( ^jet umii >rl,^i, they catnuit ijttll Hip itenplf into hinjiiig goods ^<i per cent, hujhi-r tluiu unrs. We would sutfifest to tlieni to buy from us ss it would enable them to eell at a siniill living proHt. Another l.MMENSE STOCK just received of jjtdd and silver ladies' and L'ents Watches, tine rolled gold ladies' and •,'ents' Chains and (•aards, (J<dd Lockets. Ac. A-1 xdid 18 k'. wed- ding Riiij^s, the Hnest stock of ladies' dia- mond and gem Rings, tine Silverware, gents' tine heavy W.ilthain, Elf{iii, Illi- nois, Spriiiglield and Columbus Watches fr<ini ?!() to J20, sold elsewhere fram $15 to S-2.5, 18 k. Wedding Rings from *T'IO to 85, sold elsewhere from S4.50 to ^j. All watches tw-ar n rifteu irtirn ntn /nnn 3 to -, y«i,.s, WARRANTS COVERING ALL BREAKAGES. We have done great business in the past and we intend to do even more in the future by u'iving the people genuine bar.;aiiis and we take this opportunity to thank our friend for advertising us so well. We are well pleased, it saves us nn/uey and increases our business every time. A few more of those famous 8 day Walnut Clocks still goini; at $4.80 ; other dealers ask S*'> for the same clock. A tine stock of FANCY (iOOl)S and XMAS CARDS to hand now. Be sure you see them. And always take y<mr Watches. Ac, to Russell's Noted Jewelry Store, F'lesher- toii, to be repaired. IT WILL PAY YOU. 2t. No one can describe the suffering caused by .\stpma except those troubl- ed with tho complaint. One package of Southern Asthma Cure will relieve any case. Double treatment in each package. IniHtiogr. From our oint Corrtrpvtulent. Practice is going on lively here for the Methodist S. 8. aunivtirsary which oinues off shortly. Mr. T. Ma(]uay met with an .iccideiit in bis san-miil last week while he was handling a lever. It threw him against a wheel while in motion which hurt him severely, but we are glad to learn that he will stsin be around aeain. The Rev. (}. B. Ho«ie will give a lec- ture hero on the 23rd inst. , on the eastern modes of "courtship and marriage." wonder if it will lie aa instructive as the last one he cave here 7 Mr. W. Hamt>s has renteil his farm here and has purchased the Victoria cheese factory. Hon. C. Edwards Lester, Late U. B. Consul to 11^^, author of "The Glory and Shame of England," "America's Advancement," etc.. etc., etc.. writes aa follows : â€" New York, .\nKaist 1, 1886. i Yil E, '.Till St. ) Dr. J. C. ATsa & Co.. LuweM, Miiss., Geotleuieii: â€" A sense of gratitude and the Oesire to render a service to the public iiii)iel me to make the lollowing statements: My college career, at New Haven, was lnterriipte<T liy a severe cold which so enfeebled me that, for ten years. I bad a bard striiKKle (or life. Heniorihace from the bronchial passages was the result of almost every fresh ex|Hi8ure. For years I was under treatment of tho ablest practitioners withovtt avail. At last I learned of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, whlrh I used ( mo<1erate1y and in small doses) at the lirst recurrence of ,1 cold or any chest ditticulty, and frmii wbicli I invariably found relief. 'I'liis was over 'J.') years a){o. With all sorts of exposure, in alt sorts of eliiiinlrs, I liuvo never, to tins day, bad any mid nor any affei'tion of the throat or liinfjs wliieb dill not yield to AvKX's Chekky I'KrToHAl. witliiii L'4 hours. Of eoiiiso I have never allowed my- self to be without this remedy in nil iiiy voyaues and travels. Under my own oliservation. it bius jiivcn relief tfi vast niinibersof persons; while in iiciite cases <if pidiiioiinry iiitlanimation, siiih as eroiin mid dipbtlieria in ebihlreii, life has been preserved tlivoncli its rlTeets. I reronitiieiid its use in li^ht hut fre- quent diises. Properly ailiiiiiiisteri'd, in accordance witli your direeliuiis, it is A Priceless Blessing in any house. I speak earnestly becauao I feel eiirnestly. 1 biive known many cHses nf nppiirently oontlnned hrunitiitis and coiiiili, with loss of voice, particu- larly aiimmr 1 lernyiiien iiml other public speakers, perfictly ciireil by this medi- cine. Faithful I V voiirs, 0. kUWAllUS LESTER. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prensred hy I>r.,I.('. Avor fk Co., bowoll. Maw. Soltl by itJI DruuKlits siid UuWia la MtiliciDc. I X-MAR IS COMINGâ€" LOOK I OUT FOR SANTA CLAU8. 1 -TO BE- GIVEN AWAY. AT THE FLESHERTON Furniture Warerooms SPECriL INDUCEMENTS! DURINO â€" ANDâ€" Holiday Season. »â-  ♦ » â-  We have bought especially for the Christmas trade, a lot of very hand- some Sofas & Lounges Which will be sold at a Small Advance on Cost, Small Arm Rocking; Chairs, Pcrfcit Little Beauties, Gents Easy Stuffed Chairs, Just the thing for father's X-mas box. Children^ Chairsi In great vanety. BEDSTEADS, A special line of low priced, very c]i«ap SPRING BEDS LOWER THAN EVER. MATTRESSES CHEAPEJR THAN HAVE EVER BEE» OtTERED. We tiill tnke the le„d in Picture Framing. A boautiiiil stock of JIOULDINGS and FRAMES to select from. 8a.In order to incst tilt wish of our patrons wo have ininnjjed to tle- livcv goods on tlic cvc of Christmas day, in coiiipanv with Siiiita Clans. Call and select yom* presents early. Wishing ijou a verij Merrij Christmas. J. E. MOOBE,

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