^ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE t. CoT'rKc'i Ui«r M mate twU ilk NMVrXOWK. THE ADVANCE. Is pabll>liu<l l-Cvery Thurwciay, Vhoh thb OrricK, HijletOMm Strtft, â- - Fi«*/ierton, Ont. TEKUB OF SUBBCKirTION : *1 per ansuoi when paid iitrlctly In advaneo 41 'lOpor aiiuum when not to paid. A. R. FAWCETT, Editor and Proprietor. PLESHBRTON: TIIURBDAY. DEC. 15. 1887. KDirORlA L NOTES. The TLornbury Standard calls J.B. ^Valsoii the "Henry Ward Beecher of Canada." If there is .sucli a marked uiinilarity between the grt-at Urooklyn |iruacliur and Mr. Watson, as the ^tttndard iiitiuiatee, tlicn all TuE Ad- vance has gut to say alwut it is, that iiM Mpiniuii of the late Mr. Dei-chcr has uiidei'){oiiu a mighty big chan<;c. Tlie Forestry Keirort for 188C, com- [iilud at the iustaucu of the Ontario Ciuvernuient, by Mr. R. W. IMiipps, of Tonjiito, has been received. It ia u very interesting pamphlet and con- tains a great amount of practical iu- fdiinatiou. Next week we will give a hyiioptiis of contents. In the mean- nine, those desiring to secure a copy (iff of charge, can do ho by simply bending their name and Post OlBco addrcsa to Mr. R. W. Phipps, 283 Uiclimond street, Toronto. There was heaps of excitement ia Diuidalk last week. A drunk was run into the famons lock-up there. The lock-up has two cells and a front room wliere the stovo is kept. It ,i8 pos- sible that the drunk thought hij last day had come when he was thrust into oik; of those cells : it rcuiiiided him of H coIlin, no doubt, and tlii.s was _poM- Kibly the reason he didn't attempt to make his escipc by mrniis of the stove- pipe hole. Then a poor Italian, who «o(tldn't apeak a dozen wonlB of intclli- ^^^iblfc English, waa iiuiuured in one of the dungeons. Here the philanthro- pic Artist of the llmdd found the drunk and attempted ta carry on a conversation with hini. He succeed- ed. The Italian occupied his cell only u sliort time. He didn't have time enough to cut a^Mle out of the wall with a jacknifiB 9d&°fhcreby efTe':t his escape. The drunk reiuiiiiied some time in durance vile. When meal tiiJt« arii/ed the Chief Conatuble iin- loukod the outer door, squce/.ed past the stove, opened the door of the coll, draggfd forth tite inmate and c.scorttd him to the hotel, where the ])ri80iier fared sumptuously and was uftcrwards brought back to. his ouU. TiiiH o|icra- tiuii was I'cpeiiitGd as oflcu as the "drunk got hungry or wuuic-d to "go out and see a man." A number of blackboard sketches appeared in last week's Dundulk Her- ald, in coiiiiectioii with a butch of dog ta.x "Court Notes," No, J was onm- pobi'd of a soHes pf hieroglypliicn, sup- posed to lepiesen* tho Otawf ('onKtiiblo ill the actof slauglitcring a tagl«siido<^. The dog looked stck, and the imin had uii unearthly looking' grin on lii.^ fuci. I<i0. 2 looked, at iirat Kight, like nn overgrown cabbage. A closer inspic- tioiJ â€" allied by the capital letters un- denieath â€" lovealcd tho iact thai this was supposed to Iw a good pictnro nf Joiiii liugan's dog. John ou^hl to club tlif! artist and then liliooi his dog â€" that is, if the picture is anything liki; his dog â€" or, rather, if his dog lo tci)il)k'H tlio picture. No. 8 look) like u full grown John Tliomas cat in the net of serenading his Muriar. Dub the leading matter below uifonn.-t us that it is a big Newfoniidlaad dog I Thus un the idle phunlasics fif tho brain disillusioned. No. 4 represented n C.«,\ in the act of walking olf with a bniidi;ig attached to his neck â€" prob- Vibly tlio lock-up I This ia designated. "Harrv Ball's Pup." It is decidedly wrong to iuainuate anything or har- bor suspicious in oiie'e mind. But it d<iti occur to U8 that our friend of tiic Ilerold wanted to get that look-u)) for a wood-siied. Did he hire "Harry Ball's Pup" and hitch hhn to the â€" but no I we won't insinuate and we will crush those suspicions under our heel ! "Miss Mythology" applies "Styx" to to editorial back this week with considerable effect. It shows that she is an observant young lady, who does not hesitate to haul forth the en- cyclopaedia on extraordinary occa- sions, and proceed to make the unfor- tunate ciiinmentator feel like crawling into a key-hole and drawing the hole in after him. We admire Miss My- thology's letter. It is cleverly written and seemingly puts the Editor in a hot corner of the world â€" so to speak. We did not want our readers to think that we inteudedjbecoming an angel of darkness some day. Quite the con- trary. But along comes Miss Mythol- ogy with her 'cyclopaedia and the cli- mate becomes too sulphurous for us altogether. We retreat. We think. Happy thought I It suddenly occurs to us to haul forth our 80-toii encyclo- paedia and go on a ".Styx" hunting pedition. Wo did so, and found tiiat there was actually a waterfall and cat- aract of that name in ancient Greece ; it still exists but is known by another name. It was regarded with super- stitious awe by the Greeks. Then we find in mythology that the "Styx" was a river of Hades, over which Cha- ron conveyed the shades of the depart- ed. Miss " Mythology " substitutes "Hsll" for " Hades," which is wrong, as Hades, in Greek mythology, "was the god of the lower world, moi-c com- monly spoken of as Pinto. " Of course the name was also given to his king- dom, but "devil " or "hell" is not even hinted at. Nevertheless our fair cor- respondent has taught us the necess- ity for exercising more care in this particular department of Thk Avvxscm, or we'll get scorched sure. Verily we are ^ged as it is I ^ L.C.A. OV EAST QIIEY. The annual meeting of the Conser- v»tivo Association for East Grey was held in Markdalo on Friday last, Otii inst., when the following were elected officers for the cinieiit year, viz., Wra. McLaughry, President ; Dr. Oldham, Vice President ; Adam Turner, Re- cording becretary ; James Biodic, Treasurer ; .lames Lamon, Corres- ixmding Secretary for HoiUhcru Divi- sion, and Alex. Erskine, Corresponding Secretary for Northrrn Division ; Nicholas Reid, Vice-PnsiJoiit of 8t. Vincent ; James I'attirson, A icc-Pre- sideni of Meafoid ; S. Hislop, Vice- President of Collingwood ; Thos. liowe. Vice President of ,TJionibui'y ; Wm. Norton, Vice ProBident of Hol- laud ; A. R. I'awcett. Vien Prrsidrnt of Arteiuesiu ; John fcjparrow, Nice PrCHident of Sullivan ; Win. Bindy. Vice I'roflideiit of Kupliiusia ; John Clinton Vice Premdenl of Osjiroy ; Di'. B'ur, Vice President of Melaiic- Ibon ; Samuel Edgertrtn, Vice I'rtsi- di-ut of Proton ; U. Covu*li, >Vice Pres- ident of Dundialk; 0: 'W.^ P.utlcdgc and J. Eosier, Auditors. Voti'S (tf coufidpncc in Dr. Sproulc, Nf.P. for East Gray and Major Itorke, M.P.P. for Centre (hey wcio carried nmuiimonsly., The fbrnier wns absent attending (he Not* Division Court nieoting in Owen Honnd, but Major Uorke made a brief and vory hapiy speech on boU^Jf of the Dr. and him- self by way of I'eply. A hearty and unaniinoua vote of tlianks was then tendered the I'etiring olKcers of the Association, to wiiicli Mr. Kells and Mr, Lyons very gracefully replied. The meeting passe*! off hurinoniously, after which all adjourned to tho spa- oioiis dining-i'ooin of the Mar^h hotel and dill ample justice to a bountiful spread of good things, provided througli tho hos])itableiustrumcntality of Dr. Sproule, M.P.'".^^ ;'. The Cheapest Morninc Paper in <'ainada. The Toronto World '\^ now tlie load- iiig i)apor of tliHt city, it is a bright aud aewny Hliiit and should have wide- spread patroiiaj^e. It gives all tlie news of the day in concise form, free from bias. Write to tliem for tlieir S|)ccial Terms. AddresH, The World, Toronto. Why You Feel 8o weak aud exhausted is because your blood is impure. As well expect the sanitary coudition of a city to be per- fect with detlled water aud detective sewerage, as to expect such a compli- cated piece of mechanism as the human frame to be in good order with impure bl(K>d circulating even to its minutest veins. Do you know that every drop of your two or three gallons of blood passes through th^tieart and lungs in about two and a MH minutes, and that, on its way, it -jB^' bone and muscle, brain and ner. fgind all other solids and fluids of the body? The blood is the great nourisber, or, as the Bible terms it, "The Life of the Body." Is it any wonder, then, that if the blood be not pure and perfect in its consti- tuents, you suffer so many indescrlbab'* symptoms? Ayer's Sarsaparilla stands " head and shoulders" above every other Altera atlve and Blood Medicine. As proof, read these reliable testimonies : Q. C. Brock, of Lowell, Mass., says: "For the past 28 years I have sold Ayer's Sarsaparilla. In my opinion, the best remedial agencies for the cure of all the diseases arising from impuri- ties of the blood are contained in this medicine." Eugene I. Hill, H. D., 381 Sixth Ave., Kew York, says: "As a blood-purifler and general huilder-up of the system, I have never found anything to enual Ayer's Sarsaparilla. it gives perfect satisfaction." Ayer's Sarsaparilla prove* equally effldCciouB in all forms of Scrofula, Boils, Carbuncles, Ecsema, Humors, Lumbago, Uatarrh, &c.; and is, there- fore, the very best Spring and Family Medicine in use. " It beats all," says Mr. Cutler, of Cutler Brothers & Co., Boston, " how Ayer's Sarsaparilla does sell." Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer It. Co., Lowell, Max. I'rie* %\ ; sli boltlci, %i. Worth •( * botU*. A beautiful stock of Xmas Card* at RusseH's, Hesherton, at very low pricw, don't fail to see them. lie Had Bad Lack. "Hello, Jack. Back fn>in Florida, I see. " "Yes, and I had plenty of aport shoot, ing Alligators. "Did you shoot any shark* 7" "Not quite. I shot at a real e*tate n'^eiit and crippled a lawyer, but 1 didsi't I kill either of them." I _ A V)eatrtiful stock of Xmas Cards at I Russell's, Hesherton. at very low price*, dou't fail to see them. Nasal Bai.x.â€" Deafneue caused by I Catarrh is quickly relieve<l l)y N'a«»l I Balm. Headaclie caused by Catarrh is quickly cured by Nasal Balm. NEWADVKKTISEMKNTS. FOUND. ON Floshnrtoii Show Fair Day, a Pocket Book coiitiiiiiini; asiiiiiof Moiier. Owner csii bare Hume by |ir<ivlii((proi>erti »ii.l paying for thin adrertineinent, on a;i|ilic»tioa at Avtancb OUce. WANTED ! A quantity of W'HITK ASH for Hiitter Tuba, for which '"ASH will be paid on .lcliv«-y. JO.S. McCOHMICK, Floaliervon. STRAY STEER. n.V.ME to til'! |>rouii»<M uf tliB uiid«r»*sn«l. Lot ' 8. (on rtOaprev. »'>''ut lat <>f OcfcAur, one r«<l and wbito yearlinK Stear. Owih-r can havy •am* by pruvlog propiarty aud paylue oxpouHes. I^sd'y Uank P.O. Not. 2«tb. IHHT. CANADA'S COMIC PAPEH. J. W. btNGOt'GII. Artist anJ Kditor. lS»USO WllkLT. $3 a Vemr ; $i (or 6 Months. GRIP i« incrrsmnf in i' fluence and pcvuIaHty v*i]r )p«ar 1 It i« a luprmie buui^holii fitvuriic, • hi.««v*tv Polnicimn ftiid Pr-Je^f-tonml *nd HuMneu wfan ttijoy- i' e clo^r hits which a^^pcar ia every i*uc. SubserilM now ! See our P-eTJiim and LluW>ing Lui. Circafcm gtv- nf full iianici'laM »*ni fie';. «rLooli out for Grip's Comle Al m i a a e for i9m. Prleo to omU. Audi Its, CRIP riBLIsniifi CI. '•••vTvi. nwT. Commercial Union Has nothing to do with the Big Sale of- 99 s to a OS 5 » a * =3 &« /T a JIS o o •J s o O -3 V H a 5 ra 3 jS-3 ::^ FROM TEN TO THIRTY PER CENT CHEAPER THAN EVER. , , , Below I quoto.a few prices to show I mean business ; Parlor Snites in Hair Cloth, Sofa, Ladies Platform Rocker, Gents Easy and 1 sniiill Cliairw for ?i»8.(X). , Ikfdroom Snitei 88.6(1 to 880.00. A beanty for 811.00. "RnrcauB 85.00 ; Cniihoards $5.00 ; Louuijes with springs 85.00 ; Spring BwIh $1.'2,') to 81.60 ; INM-foratcd Seat Chairs 75c. ; Perforated Soat and IJack Hockoifl $1.25 ; Wood Scat Bent Arm Kockor 81.85. Jfy Hollow Seat 4 Siiindlo for 40c., cannot be beaten. Hand Sloij^hs 85 to 75c., and in fact anything you waut in tho Furnitnie line, prioc and itntiB to nuit yon. See them at my Warerooms. Picture Kraminfr IS eat and Cheap. J. W. BATES, [fVRyiTVRE ItKALEB, VSDERTAKEJi ^cilial. 4 m t w m u f^' â- i " M'^ \}K. OA RTER, M.c.r. *».,»)»!. pavNiiiA.'v, HI k«;eok, &v. KLE.SHEKTON. Offlca, strain â- •< hlock. nesidonee. Wm. Wright â- ♦ ' ♦ gfutiistrs. DENTISTRY^ Thomas Henderson. L.D.S, SL'UOEO.N DENTIST GM Mafidilt aud Htmi/r Uradiuite of thf Ji.C.D.B., will visit FT,ESHJ;KT0S. (Jln»ihaw« Ho»«-l 1 and 2nf eaofa month. Tmrth extracted, ineert- e<l and Alied iu the hifibe^t it) lea o< the art, aiiil at moflerata rat<-B. Hkaii Ofkkk, TCI VovoK Ht., ToaoWTO. ^f%^^' ^miMfifi €nxii. loweatratn "BELL" Unapproached for Tone and Quality. OATMUOaUbS FREE.' BELL&GO.,GDelpli,Ont. rjH . I ^.iiiia .t'c, FLESHEHTO. .V.1 J. W. BATES, Fiu-nitarc Dealer and Undartakei'' .^ < >,:hW I. ' J. W. FROST, LL.B.. Barrmter, Solicitor, Voin-eyatteer, OtAce,â€" StraiD'a HuildiBg, fLKaHKIiTON. A. A. CHEftLKY, Solicitor and CoDveyaucer« Heiiident Manager. MR. FKOKT «lll be (ooad at the Office us Thursdavs aa baretotara. P McCULLOUGH, Barrister, Solicitor, Jfc. OHIrr. Mver McPariaiid's Htor<>» .MarkduU*. .Money t» Loan. John W. Armttrongi Fu:miKiiTt'N. Co. Orkt. niVIHION VOIKT CLKKK, COMMISSIONP.U- ** in n It.. ('<*iT«yanoer, <tc. Agrvt for i>nrcba»- atd »al.> of lan.ls. .Apprainer for C. L C. Con:.. and V. P. H * s. SorieiT Munejr to I.oan on tiw uumt reasonaUt. tcrnm laat-KR or MARBIAUB' UCKNSK8. SOTAKY PUBUC. MONEY TO LOA]S. AT LOWKiiT t'lBSEXT BATEH^ Od Town or Kariu Prop«rt]r, B. DAMIDK, Fle»b«rtOD. W. J. BELLAMY. Tnp. CLEBK ARTCMKItll. CONVEY ASCER, WMMlSHIONEll, ISHVRASCE AOT, iC TVF.EDK.MOKT«AG68.1£A8KI4. Ac. pnpM. .-u *» «<l a«d i.roiKirly eieootad. laauauea affac •d Iu nratclaaa coupaalaa. MoDr* to laud at, Ij SET YOUR MEAT i*FROM-i Fetch & Mitchell, GENERAL BUTCHERS, FLESH EKTON! K^Cash paid for fat cattle, Ac., Ac. Flesherfon Station Mill, The above mill is now in good running order for Chop- ping. George Moorehouse/ proprietor, will be pleased to see all his old friends. Quan- tity of four feet Cedar Logs Wanted. Farmers will do well to make a note of this ,#. f ..X ^'-