Dec 8, 1887.] THE F L E S H E R ' N ADVANCE OCR TOWNSHIP FATHERS. />««•* ittetittii in IMS* of the Aa- Mrmhlfd tyLnilum of Artrmetia. Minute* of last uieetia^ reaJ aiid cou- flruit;<L ^ CumiKViticiifiuiu.â€" Fricu Geii. M<i«>re- liKaxe, FleiherO)!! .Sutinu. asking i-vliatu <>t taxes ou gnat mill : Wm. Wr);!lit :uk- iii>; rebate <>t taxes mi li<<UBe in Fle«iier- ti>ii : J. H. Heard, avct. ^, for lumber for brid({e. i'ctitiuu fpmi John Annatroir^ and V'theta, re cl<jsii;u' deviation betwireu 'Jih niid lOth coiise>uioii8, wiu jAucvtl nn the table and coiiaidered by C<junciL 3fored by Mr. McArthur, «st;oinletl by Mr. Sliarj. â€" That Wni. Meade \>e refund- ed the sum i>i .â- i4 for statute hibor i>er- f'Tnlcd on Lot. 28, Con. 1st N'.D.R, and Thuuias RikU'-soii be refunded six dollars, being an over-chari^ of atatute lab<jr a^^ainst D.ts 3 Harvey street south and L»< :i, El&iiu street M-rth id the i'illa^>? • >f FriceviUe l4.r the yean l>i*4-*i. â€" Car- ried. Biilanu, McArthurâ€" That Benjamin Culeniau be jaid 88 for repuinu^' btid-,'e <>ti toirnliiK! Arteinesia and <ilenel^, be- iU'^ Aiteuicsia j<>rti"n.-- Camcd. M<-Anhur. .Sharpâ€" Tluit the Cleric be nnd is heieVjy instructed to L-rait.- the ta«- vs a'iiuust Lot No. 7, Kmcarduie street }}outh in the villa'.'* of Priouville. amount- ia'4 Ut 94A'i, the aaiue bein;; church ['ro- J»ert3'. â€" Carr»«'d. Rc| oit of Committee â€" a[)[)«'inted at last sessi'iu i>f Cuuacil t>> exaiuiiie road, A. D. Sinitli's, Lot Ul, Cun. 10, and road between y and 10 c<'tice««i<nis- was jire- Jkelited and ry ail. McArtliur. Sharpâ€" Th.kt the Comniit- Tee's report rv deviation on Li-t 'M «u the 10th coll. be .-uiopted. â€" Carried. Messrs. Uawkiiu, Gdlilaiul and Pedlar appeared before Council B<>ani re devia- tion between Oth i lUth concessions. Cainis, Mc.\rthurâ€" Tlukt Mr. Gillilaiid l)e remitted $14 beim? rebate ot statute ialxjr for Ir^iH. â€" Carrud. McArtliur. BtiUud -That the iwtitimi of Ge<. M'Mirehousti, re rebate •>{ taxes, be Bot ttutertained. â€" Carried. Itolaiid. McArthnrâ€" That the petition • •f John Ariuatruiix .Mid others, re'.'ardiii;: a road l)«twe«u !^h and lOtli c<xi. ui Ar- teiiiesiii, cannot W granted for the follow- "ill:: reiisuiis; â€" (1) Because the [wtition it- oelf. from its ONirdiii^ .tiid coni[«<«itiou, «luiiote^ lusioosnty and lack of candor. (J; liwausu this c<iuiicil eaniioC excet.-U the suttute ill the case, which previ-nts the shuttin'.; up i>f any in^ess or ei{ress to the parties using its (Ul Because, in- <le[><in«lent of the Council, any mie re- •jairiiig a reinsil by-law tested can do so by api'licant payini; reasonable expenses therefor to the Clerk of the Municipality. See sub sc:. 4, sec. 50<), •( Mnnici;*! In- ittitutiou .-Vet. (4) Beuiusu the H'«>«'i>t Council wa< not a party t'l c-onfirmin^ s.ii«l deviation and therefore tleeiii it inex- ]>eUieDt for tlieui to interfcrv in the luat ter. (n) Bec*ll^^e we believe that if the bulk of the [letitionors kn-'wii the true poditioti uf tbu roAil, tliey would iM-ver have .-ffixvM their ii.aiiifs thereto, (ij) rKiL-au-se a Rejoul from a Cotnimttee, comprised of members uf this Cnuncil. lind .^ny other outlet impracticable w;:a- <ut .in uiireAsonab'e cil^i-itse to p.irties requiring this roiKi. Seeing that he ludds the present nvid Ie','iilly. â€"Carried. Mc Arthur. Cairusâ€" Tliat the coiiiiiiu- iiication re rebate of tnx>^-M at;ainst the j>niperty of William Wri'jht be not en- turtaiued, ;m this Couucil hist part <<f the taxes oil the same pr<>perty last year. - Carried. By-I«ius 41(». 417 and 41S were carried throuu'h the various stages and p;issetl. Mv.-'V-ii's. Alex. Brown, Tho.i. Boland, W. .1 Bulkuiy and H'.Hiry Meldrum were ii;>[xHMt«<l Deputy Keturniiii; otticers f«ir W.irds 1. 2, 3 and 4 f.r the year 188S. McArthur, Chrisfceâ€" That the follow- ing bills be i"«»i<.l, John Boland. $4 ; Hen- ry Cairns, SL-jO : Win. Sharp. ?1 ; for lettiiii; and inspevtini; j<.>b«. - Carried. McArthur. Bol.Mid -That the thanks of tliia Council .â- >»« due .uid iire hereby ren- dered to the Reere. Dr. Christ<ie, for the fnir and impartral m.tnner in wiiich he has presided over the Couucil durin:; the year 18t^7 and for the able and imi>iii'tial iiiau- iier in which he h:v< iu all ca.ivs di.'char^- «d the oiKTuus duties of tiie Reeve of this Municip.i!ily.- CarrieJ unanhiious- 'y. Dr. Christoe replied briefly to the vote of rhaiiks, in which ho e^presswl him.^plf ple^ised wiih the confidence |<1acedin hiii) by his o<»yivrf,«. luid itssutiiiu; them that lie liad .ilways aimed at reuderiug strict justice to i-viiy ratt[>ayer without dis- tinction, aiwl to kejfi ik>wn tJie rate of taxiitiou as much as was consistent with tUf prviper care o/iur highways and the interests of the ratepsyen aa a whole. McArthur, .Sharp-That \V. T. McKee. Thos. riamey, aud WiU. Wticjx, arbitra- tors in the matter uf the Valley Road. re- Lever, be paid $4 each ; also A. Hislop, witness, $1 : (Je«. Latimer, witness, 81 ; altii drawini; ijmvel, McKee for notices, Ac, $2 ; Geo. Latimer, for attendance, «l ; re Valley Road »!.â€" Carried. McArthur. Bolandâ€" That the Reeve endeavor to tindoutthe necessary amount requisite to finiuli job partly done by Me.isrs. .\!Ien & Pifdier and if b<jiids be nut <,'iven f<jr its completion in a reasona- ble time, to adopt such means ai may ap- [i«ar expedient to compel them to fulfil their a'.{reviiieut. â€" C;uTiud. Council adjounie^l. Fur TTit Adruiicf.] ~ Look on Thl«i PH-tiir*" :iihI Then ou Tliat.' BV •*. L. H. LIKE. There a tune, n^it lonj; distant, when the Tiront<: Olitb^ conid lay undis- pQte'l cl.iiin to the championship of Can- ada in the art of ter.{iversation and false issues ; but, a rival has arisen which bids £sir to endanger the i{uesti<.>uable laurels of the iiUiif. The Toronto il'iu. has j shewn itself an apt scholar, and "rinj; ! the chanses ' with a hyp<M-ritic!il sincerity I that would dii cr^-dit to any of the old masters iti the Gliiit schu<jl of scandal, i Take 57 of the <V//-Ar, and '87 .)f the SLtil, \ ajid We find b<illi papers ridin:} the hi^U j Protestant horse ; heiio.' it would appear | tile il'iil is about to [rtirody the <iUii* in 1 its absurdly inconsistent career ; and if so. tlie year 'Wi-W will find the il-tU \ niottu, as was that of its »ieDtor in '5«- I Jk*. "Down with Kni'.^ WiUiaxii, and up with the I'ojie." Our re.ojeis may re- i collect the utteranci-s .ittributed to Mr. ' Cliaml'erhuf), relative to Commercial I Union between Canada and Yankeedoui. ' that "unless the dt.sire for such Uiu-n i was universal on the |iart< if Canada, such i action would be disallowed by the Home I Government," meaning; thereby that the interests ^f the iuin<.mty would be pro- tected whfn it came to a national, or •('â- I natioiializini;, issue. "The •'Rmhts of ! >IiiiontB?s " is a recotfuized principle in British i«ilitica! ethics ; and it is a i;rati- (yiii^ aseurance that we have the aIl-i<ow- erfui ann of the Empire to shiehl the iii- da^trious portion of t.'ana.hi from the machiu.Uioiis of enemies abniad. with ianorant dupes and purchasable tricksters .it home. Speaking of onr brethren in the British Isles, the iltU. Xfks : •â- .\re we to impute to them, tiueii. a determin- ation to injure us, by retarding our prs- ,'jeriiy. for the sake of the reUitivtly pal- try protit.s they derive from tiieir trade with Canad.v." The fi-rvgoitig is a lose>ricatioii. No neiitiment has been ex- pre«.sed either publicly or privately in Britain as would justify tlie laiii:ua::e used by tiie .Voi7 in the foregoing quot.atioii. Its ai-ti and object is to create ill-will ikuainst the Mother C-uiiti-y, that U-iiig the initiat«'ry ste() to cultivate tre:i«on. and then rctiellion. The seditious lan'.ju.-\ge of die (U'/Ik fall harmlesiily ujhui the pu".>- lic ear ; but the iLiU lias hitherto lieeii a trusted ex [H-iient of the tj-.tter chiss of Canaiiiaii ^«.'titiiiient ; but, when it sells its Britl-ih birthri'.:lit for a mess of Yan- kee i^'ttaoe, it may it^a-si nably ex[)ect to find itself, ill the near future, another Esau. .XL'atn it says : ".Mr. Chamberlain is for c> inpellin'.; (1) us to cIpk se Wtween being loyal to the British eXf'orter (iJ.and retaining British Con"ecti"ii." (1) The wi't'l i-ninfjeUiitg. or cuiiipulsioii, or any word bearing its equivalent si;,oiifi cation, was U't expressed by Mr. Ch.imljerlain. Converts are generally zealous, and in thi.< instance the M-iil has succeeded in beatinn the (r7. /j. recv<rd in falsiticntioii. (2)"'BritisL exporter." â€" Let the nader turn bcick b' his fyles of three weeks aijo â€" even the .Vf';!/ -and he will there see in the rej-'it â- < Mr. Chauil-iirlain's wortls oil the occasion .-xilu^ed to th^U no word or expression of his Wrv the slishtest al- lusion eitlier to the British exixirttr or British trade, <ilher than that if we shut our ports against British con>me'"ce we could iittt consistently expect British pro- tection. Commercial I'liiou means that we will close our jxirts atrainst the Mother Coun- try ; adopt the Yankee Taritf : all revenue to be funded at Wishiiiiiton, and get back such shaie a.s the Yankees deem iw enti- i tud to ; in short, jducv ouiselves in the j unenviable (M.>sition the Mail occupies to- \ day. j COUNTY & DISTRICT NEWS. Vllpped ami Coml^Hsed f'rtun the Column* of Our Kjrrlutn{/e». The Standard Bank commenced busi- ness in Durliam last weejc. Mrs. Scott -Siddons recitals in Owen Sound attracted a lar/t- and fashionable audience. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred .lohnslon, of Honeywood, have gone to Enjjland on a two months pleasure tnp. The HtriUti man sucvests that the Dun- dalk Village Fathers sell their famous l(M:k-up to kim for a wx^l-shed. 74 candidates will write at the High .Sch'xjl entrance examiuations in Tlioni- bury, of wbum 19 are from Clarksburg and 19 from Thombury. People wonder at it. but .^till we give the finest article for the least moaey in thin section of country at Rns.sell's No- ted Jewelry Store, FlesLerton. The hunting party from Meaford about whom there was so much anxiety felt and expressed last week hare turned up all right. â€" M'lifurd ilirrnr. .Messrs. Carroll & Pedwell, of Tliorn- bury, have purchased 1.2o<) acres of tim- bered land in the township of Keppel, within three miles of the bay. Mr. David Fleming, -f Collingwood â€" brother of Sir Sanfvrl Fleming, the celebrated Civil Engineerâ€" died suddenly of heart disease on the Siih ult. , aced l>i years. Ward Beecher Smith lias itruck Mea- firii. aud. as the itirrtrr puts it, he "made Rome howl. He usually d'w* : but if •'Rome" was any g<M>d it would transfer the "howl U) W.B. Mr. Nathaniel Jamieson. of Mono township, died on the Zbth ult., atjed 90 years. He was a native of County Lei- triin. Ireland, and emigrated t» Canada in l«iO. His wife died •.'.â- ? years ago. He leaves two daughters and three sons. 5Ir». \V. C. Myers, of TTionibury, died oil tlie 2Hth ult.. under sad and melan- choly circumstances. She was the •â- iily daueh-er of Mr. and Mrs. H. .1. A. Bull. of tliat town, and poaiied away at the early aae of 22 years. She had not been married a year. ( >ii Saturday aftemaon last, Mr. Geo. NahrvatiL'. employed in the cabinet fac- t-T\. met with a |<.iinfii! .iccident. Tne job at which he bail lieen working durinctb* dny^ it is4|^ run ?at Mrl-h* t!i< uxltt the buzz p2;ui«r aouUIn't bea hsu\ machine to handle and he went at it. In a few iiiiiiutis Geo. «ms initiu.s a little finger and a p<.rti..|i of the side of his haiiil. â€" //iiiM-nr I'ii*f. Early on Friilav^i'iriiin-i ls.«t a colt bo- l"ii:.'itu' to Mr. Will. McMannus juin;x.-d out if the field, and then leisurely walkeil "ver the cattle guards on to the railway tracl<. Shortly after the mMrnin;/ express came along, the engine strikini; th" clt. which it kni>ckeil a distuice of fullv six p<d<. Strm.'e. Ut say, th.\t alth-'o-.;!. rlie colt was killed, no marks were vixi'ble. -<'lfi!r'i Kitttrfti w . .\ Bad '' -t.- .V feiv iivs .t;.- a y>iiMt» rr.iii. «. !! .'f Mr. R. 'r-L (.'.^tr, one of the old pioneers of Shelburm-, had ,\ ve^y nariow esca; e. H-.- w.-vs at'imim; fr-m the niMids With hw axe i>ver his shoulder, and ill jettiii'.; over the fence the t>.p rail rolled "itii Uiiii, and in tr}i:i(» t.i Mve him.tvlf the a.\e »li!>ped and inflicted an U'.;ly '.^sl; on tiie s de of hi« neck. It re- qiiirvd !M.-< endai.tclies to chioethe wound. He IS nuw i.'etliiig al^'iig pretty well. â€" Sh>'lhnfn>' }'r^»* }*r>'s.\. RoWB. â€" .\ in.>-<t disMV-ssLug event "C- curred oil Sunday evenin.,' hwt, wli-n little Ernest Kowe was cln -kid to death The boy who was u«t quiie s<.'veii yejirs old wiw at ten with the family, and a'ter finishing playing â- -> itli a sii/.all collar Inittoii. Suddenly Capt. K'iWelieonl the child i^nsping, ami on examination found he h.ul swa!Ii>wed the coIIm button. I>ns. Stephen and .Vyiswurih were iuinie<iiate- ly sutniiioned. and found that nothing but an i'peiation wouW i.^e the boy s life as the button had lodge<l in the wiiidpi;*. But before the pftT*-: instruments could be obtained thvcliiid was dMU, tire whole sad atl'air not occu[>yiiig umre than twen- ty niiuutes. The atflicted i>aU'tit» have the syuiiHithy of al! in their very ".'evere trouble. The foBeral t^^ok place iHi Tues- day . â€"C(if/i'i<ficoo»f Kni-iprisf. CLl liHiyO OFFERS. Thk .\ and Toi-orto D'liljf World until Jan. lut, ls»9, fot »2.50. This is the best ofter we ba.'e ever made, as the jJaili/ World is one of the spiciest papers publishetf on the contiof-nt. Thk .\dva..vce and Wtekly Empire until Jail. Ist, Ittaa, for $1.63. The Empire is the new Conservative paper abonc to be pablisLeJ iu Toronto, with D. Creigliton, Esq., M.P.P.â€" a piopoj lar and highly esteemiil Co. Grey jonmalist â€" as manager. The first number will be issued nest week and DOW is the time to hand in your sab- scriptjons. The .\dvance and Wrekfj/ H'miltcn SptctatoT imtil Jan., 16.S9, for $1.65. The .S;)i?c^jror is a splendid ' paptr in every respect. j The .\dv.»..nce and Gri^t ruitil .Ian. I Is:, IS'?;*, for %-2.M. Advics to MuTHsas.â€" Are roa (lt»turb«d sS oishtMMibroiuiiof your rest bj- s «l«k ebiM • nSenngsiKi crTingwith paioof CuMini(Tee»h ? It »o Mud at oac't! and get a »>otlle o{ -Mrs. " i;. • lowtSoothinii Svrtni' tor Children Teethjcf Its »»ioe \t iTieafoifabl... U Kill relieve «:• poor liala saffBTiw imiui«li*t«!lv. Dapecd opf a h. moclMn: there u Bo inuitake sboiit it. It earea I>T»«at«ir> >nd Luarriiara. reti.lsten ths ncomseb snd IVjwoIs. euros Wind Colic. 9oft<.-:;s th« fiams. rodnces InlUmmatiou. and kitm »oi.o and nnariiy »o the wholn »yitt«m. "Mrs %V iin-- lown (iootliiHK Syrup â- for ehildren teething !» pl«a««Bttothe taste «nd is the presf rtptir ii if oaeof the oli«« and bert female ph>»iciai:» niyj mirsee in ?he L'liited :»t»t«". and is for â-ºÂ«!« by all dmi(s.'ista throughout the world Pritt xmnxy-tie centa a Iwttl.^ Be sors and a>k f"r Mb*. Wim»i.oWs .So>^thi>o Sriitr and :a^e no other ktr.'!. iilcrtical. The most beautiful sUxia of Silver- ware ever seen in this country i.s to be seen at Russell s Noted .Jewelry Store. Flesherton. I for the Toronto Ntw^, ->aysâ€" I was in- | ducG'J to try Nasal Balm for a scvi-re and troablenome cold in the head. Once i osiatj; it hteraily iva-slicd out the clogjje-l I secretions, and left my liead clear a.s a i bell. DR. CARTER, M.C.P. i ^. . O.NT. PHYSI4IA>. SIBCEO.V, dkf. FLE.-^HEKT'.'N. Offlce. Strain 1 h'oek Re-idenee. WLi.\Vr;,h- 5 ilcutiotru. DFNTISTKY. Thomas Heniersrn. L.D. S. SLEGEON DENTIST <}<M M'.JatUt Uffi Hirtftr Or'ulniit- of thr R-CD-i.. Will FLESHKKTOX. 'Mui.-i.air • Hot^! 1 and jof each monti. Te«tt: extr»..t«vi. iQ(.ert- «il and Allvfi lu the aii;he.»t st;. ;r;n < f the art, ai. : at uiod«rat«* rate* Heu '.>l»ri<F "'U V -.OF, ST T IIONTO i'rgal NEW A1)VI:KTI:^K.MK.NTS. CANAD.\-^ com:c pape?^ J. W. LLNw*^L'< .M. Artist an J turfor. %2 a Veax ; $1 ht 6 ^ionih*. vn y year '. It I* a »<|preiBc hous^noMi tavunie. â- -a € «v«Tv P'jiiix'.j 1 A u Pr t'eft*!'-***- *iiii Hu»in«i« a^u*. ^ubsertbe now : S«<" -ynr P-r-i't-n »r-i C'lthtnj List Cir.ulan ji^^ «* Loo'< m:t for CHp's Comie Almarae for i&6S, Pric« 10 cenu. ^ J. W. FROST, LL-li. fill? PI CLisni^t; CO. FOUND. ON V.-inhvrUni ^iiuw i-a:r ::iv, a r-icket Hook :ontAUi:ni{, A-^um at .Ntonuy <>w;i*;r ';aii h»T« a*iv*5rt;M*;-i»'Ut . WANTED A .ji!r.:--:tv .f Uhr'" 1»H fn." Tlutt.T Ti:i- for «hi£l. (A-hH *;:; '•.* â- â- •• ' -n i.-iiT^jr* JOS. >!â- â- <â- ' KUKK. iâ- ^â- ~il^n<,u STRAY STEER. Jiarriittfr, S<iliritor, Coureyiinrtr. Olflee,â€" Straia* HiiIMins. Fi.rsHxi'.T- ^. . A. A. CHKSLKY. S..:icitor and LoBVi-j a-<e. Keeident Manager. mi. PK06T wii: lie foaiid at the CflSee . a Thundave aa bereiofurc. P McCULLOUGH, Barriater, Solicitor, <)V. Oflire. over McFarland's Store, .Harkduk*. lliMiey tu Loan. MASSON & MASSOiX, B.VKKLsrKK.>i. S.3LK ITi Ut*. 4c. OrnciiH â€" Oven Sound. :n \ icker • ..If. k Poulett St Branch vllice in Wariilalo. ,jitr JK Farlaod'* store, on Krida* and Saiur'iav ,.%...â- week J1IAS.SONQC 8. SIASfeOS '.V II A;i.- _>> N.B.â€" Private Jlc Coiiiikaii*- .» fiiU'l* lo.iiv.-r ,* from Su %•} KuilJt per ce.-.; n\MK to the prwtiiiiM!* -if ih© nu.!.*-»ii(rii...l, r.^t ' :j. Con M. Oftprev fvliotit i4t of >><:<)lj*.r -^re red and white r«rw!rin s:i'-r»- 0-*-u r l-'i.-j have »*uie bv pr'. .'ins .Tep-utv Ml I pa ui;.* ftpenM-H. W& l-At!.. Lad-.- h»uli !â- J N.1V -iith :â- *•- John W, Rrmstpono:, i-'i.h -uiirr'-.N, i.\.. Gi..'.i. DIVISION- roi-RT cr.KRK. rcM3ifsni.>Ni ; tu B H. < â- iiTHvancer ,lc VxentfOT pr relt,. aol MtjM i,f Inn,!,.. .^ Jet I" 1- • ».ul. aiil F P i: .i; .â- ^. •xjciet> Ml:., r tu I.*;a . u tin til â- •E i-e««.ii*aldf *..nji« T^=.r r it ..^ J!.\I I I.VO- LICKNSKS NOTAJtY I'lBLR MO^EYTO LOA.N. .ir LOWEST 4 IRRE.XT R.ITES. Ud town or k'arui I'ropirtr. .- D'.VfDK. THE NEW PAPER. T W. J. BELLAMY People womler »t it. hut still wo Kive the fiue*t article for the least luoiiey in this scctiou of country at Kiiissell's Not- ed .Tewelry Stur«, Ftesherton. Remember oar xraiid offer of Fiae j Kugagetueut and We<Wiu<{ Hiugs. A ' beautiful v>liuh bON with each one, witrth \ $1. .\ grand a.S!wrtmeiit of lUuff* to ac- j lect from at Russell's, Fiosliertou. i Taxakac Kuxic Is not adverttso<l to ciire couHuniptiou. but is luLi iua''k' >»"nie reiuarkable cure* of porsimii supiK)!*.Hl to be iu the first .stages ot th*t disteose. HS new Con*err&nv« Joamal aboo* to b« started <WO