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Flesherton Advance, 8 Dec 1887, p. 2

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T* • ' I BAPTEEZEMEirr OF THE BAIRH. A RoyKl Sa>>]r CkrUton»l Into the ^iotch Prcubytorliilv C'hijrcliSlinpIe but In- tair«M>liuic Ceraiuuiiyâ€" Til* llaliy'c Nil'ue, A litHt (Tkur^ay) iiigi.t's Loudon •.*ble to tht! Priuct'bs ffiilriru, anil the liihtuiiii' THE QEEMAN REI0H8TAQ. Til* 8pr<'i'h from th* Throne tianuitnjr htroiiK anil KeHdjr, ln4( Aiixluiu fur reiM:»-Ki»rtf>w fur the CTtiwu I'rllice, \ IttBt (Tliiiriduy) Bit(ht'i licrlio cablo M>b: TIiv ItuLchaiu); wkb opi'iiuil today. MiiiiBtcr Vdii Povtticlier ro«il tho Kpctch voraary wan Sfl.'ctea bv the yiiwii an chriH- from the Xiiruhe. Tliu iii)eech waa subBtan teiiiiiK day for llio I'mirtss' little jjirl. ti«lly aB followB: "LiirmaMy in her 1 1 1 otTBiiioiiy throutjhout was biniiile and fureij^n policy liaB aucceH^fully undcavared imU'td democratic. Little about it 8U)> gfblud royalty. DoublleBH aH a hk'cia! «3ui(jliiiieiit to Sootliiiul, tho Queen jIiob* tho baptiBiii forinnla of the 8coli:ii r.-t.>.l'V- terian Chnnli, and Belieled to otliciate at the font Dr. L>'eii, only three duyx home from hlB vihit to New York, lie ib the to strengthen the peace of KuTope by the cultivation of friendly relationu with all of the I' treatiea and alliancuB ainiint; to avert the dangers of war and to jointly oppubu any niijuHt nltiiukB. (ieriiiany had nu U)t({rkbuive t uilciici< b. She haB iiowantB to bu Batiklied thruuiih victorious warH. Ai miiiiBler of «l. Ciiliw', Kdinburfjli, a dean unchriBlian dibpouition to HurpriBo iieijjh- 01 the ThiHtle and principal Scoitinli ohap. ° . . lain to the (^'iieen. 'I'lius, for the tii'iittiinu â€" buoauBti lltu bluartB were Catholics a royal infant Iiub been bcipti^^ed into tho Buotoh I'reiibylerittn (.'hurtll. Une o'i'loi'k was tho hour selected, the place being that drawing room no oftcii re boring ptopluB IB foreiuu to liie German iiaturu and to the cunstitiition of tho Kmpiro. The military organisation <'f the coujitry is not calcuiated to dibturb the {jeucu of h(-r iiei^hborBby arbitrary attacks. Uermany IS strong lu parrying; Burprinos and in defeiidiii|j her independence. Hhu ferrod to in the Queen's books, with win- | wisjies to become so BtrouylhiU bUecail face dowH ov. rlookinj. the piciurennio valley of with coiupoburo every diiiitjor. TherebUmp- the Uiver Dee. in the ba..k«round of which tioii of the UeichstaH comes at a serious rise the »b»dows of the historic tiniinpian ii„,c. The (;rave complaint with UiIIh. It is a plainly furnished ttp,irlmenl which the Cro*n I'rince has been Buch as a buecssful merchant ininlilplaii visited fills the mind not only of the â€" a IniiH r.K.111, rich in windows, li;;ht and lOmperor, but also of bin au^uat allies and views, with ourtainsof the IJalmoral tartan " tho whole of Uerinany, with anxmus care. droppi..« upon a carpet of the Siuurt hunt- Nothing; that human Bervice, knowledgeand iiiKlHimn. Ihere IS uot one very luxurious careful Uudiog can do will be 1. ft undone. bilon>;MiK iilwiit the room. I poll the walls Our eyes and prayer.-, huAovur. h«M« proof ei,uravniKsi.fLaiidsefr'bf.mious directed toward God, whose decrifs deer scenes of his sujJUesllons of hunts over Hm deHlinies of imtious as well as th FLAVKD HI8 DOT ALIViS. labuiuiui Crim* of â-  ChlesKO Htepfatherâ€" KntlDK loMurdur. A Ohicai^o despatch says : A neiKhbor who had wanted to adopt little Ukx (iill- man, the ll-year>«ld stepson of AiigObt liat/.ka, sat by hi* uorpse on Linooln btreet to-day and sobbed as if bcr h**rt wotlld break. Tho child had ,bven beaten todsath by llatzka. His |MX>r, frail little body was literally flayed. The boy wag tho nun of ilatzka's first wife, whom he married in Ueriiiaiiy anil who died there about live years ago. He married a^siii within three noiiths after her death, and hisBeixjndwifo died June ITitli last ill Cliicsjjo. Kincelhen it apfioars the poor little wuif of a Btepsun has recoived more ki':k:! than crusts and was half bturved all the time. The neit;h- bors sity the boy was a nice little fellow. He could not Btay at homo to be beaten and starved, but last iii^ht hu returned -hen Ilntxka was out. llatzka went up to the boy's bed whin ho returned, and, taking a leather btrnp to which was attauluil a buckle, Biin[ ly tliived the help- less boy alive. This wttij about 10 o'clock last iiiglu. The iiei^iliborg heard tho soreams of the boy ihi-n, and later, about midnight, they were awakened by n fresh attack of the iiisenB>it>3 l>riitu. Nothing further was heard until this morning, when the sound of blowB and yroaniu); could be heard once more. About y o'clock this morning Hatzka told lOT A WO&D TO filS WIFE FOH 7EAB8. Th* Couple Then Uuarrolled and the WaouHi Wiw FaUUly bluit. A Chicago despatch aays : WQliam Myern, Wlio shot hia wife and child, ran away and aftervrarda K&ve hiinaelf up to thu 'pjlice, has made a atateiuant of the aaiMes leading to hi* crinis. "'I don't now bow 1 eaiiib to do the ahooting," he said. " I don't mean to aay that I was not aware of what I was doing, but ather that t had not premeditated it. Thi trouble has be>en brewing for two yeu IS. 1 have been married for about twt uty-four years, but for the past two years I had not. up to Sunday last, spoken a word to my wife. In fact, I had not even Been her moro than three or four times. We livvd in the sim'j hoini', but whenever she would hear me enter she would shut herbeK in her room and remain there uutil I lef'.. About three years ago she began to tre:>.t me with a sort of silout contucupt, wbii a began linally to be so uiilioaruble that I couldn't stand it, and I hsfl her compara- tively to herself. I furnished the meana of support, however. Well, everything went along in that way until Sunday aftirnoon, when I went houie, and, going upstairs, went to a store- room to get something. I found the door locked, and was about to go for a key when my ilanghter, seeing me, told Die I should not go into that room. I asked her why, for luadmiich as it was my house I BUp- oni) of tho neighbors that the boy had died pogg.) i h,j ^ ^ight to go where I would in suddenly, and they sent word to theji,. Just then my wife apiK.-ared on the C.roner and notih.d the police, neloclives , gc^„e ,,,41, ^ j^jjer in her hand and de- found the lody of the boy, yet warm, at 10 | c)*red I should not enter. I then went out oclook, showing that ho had died this I g^,,! bought a revolver, intending it for aelf. _ eer scenes ol Ins suggesllons ol Uiinls over Hm deHlinies of imtious as well as the life heatlier and hills. j of tho iiuliiidual iimii. I'irm confidence » <'lo<;k, showing that ho had died _ ^ ^ At one extremity of tho drawing room in Cod and the faithful fiiHilment of duty "â- orning, after what was at least the third defence only, for I feared there might be a Btood groups of llihnoral tenants, k^-iM rs Imve Uen in all especially grave moinenls ! ''i'""'« The bod > of the little victim is a ; ^an in the house who would create a dis- and aiien.lanls good, sturdy llitlilinders tlio tried support of our people, and t|„.y | niass of lacerations where tho sharp buckle 1 m,.!,,,,,,.^, for which I wished to be pre- â€" with their families, all in picluresijue ' now also enable us to do justice to the i I'1""K*'*''' »l' 'be quivering On the ' p^^ed. and vai legated costumes. At tile other , labors awaitmg tho Legislatures. Th:-re I '^"'^ •* ''f '''« '>e»d af f'''''l"«"' imprints of, •• I returned home about 8 o'clock, and. extremity was ranged an aristocralii group has been a gratifying improvement i„ tlie !*'â- Â« '""â- '<l'". «'"'"'" *"'I'I'"«'<* *bat ooucus- i ^^ing into the parlor, saw a number of of guests -the Princess Krederica of Han- condition ol the countrv, and it is expe-ctod i "•"" "' the brain fr«m tho blows there .trangers there. I said good evening and over, tho Dowager Duchess of Koxburgh that next year will s'liow a surplus of """"«â- ''">» '>oy'» death. Kxammation of ga, down. Some time after mv wife turned and the Marchioness of Kly, Court ladieB- | nearly hfty million marks. Hills will bo ' *''" premises showed that Hatzka had â-  ,0 ,„g ^^^j asked if I had not been there in-wMiting ; the Countess of Krroll, tho iotroducd. aljoliMliinu cniiinlsi.rv loi.iri. «"I'''> 'be blood off the bleeding body of the , io,n, p^ou^jh, at the same time slapping me boy and burned tho rags with winch ho did i j^.f, ,he room, and after the company had It. The bhirt the boy wore when ho was' whipped was found hidden away in a shed 'Walt Whitmaa'a Tbanlu. A New York deapatoh aaya the papeia yesterday published the following Than^ giving poem : TbaukH in old ai:!e~tbanks ere I go, Kor tiualth. the luiildav sun, tho liupalpablo ^ -ior life, mere life. For prealous ev'-r-lloseriD^ m'mories (of 70^ luy mother, dearâ€" you, father â€" yo*, ljr<4herH,' siflton, frifludsf, For all my ilayaâ€" uuttliueo of paace aloneâ€" tka da/a ol irar the saiue. For ^-ntie wuri)8, caresses, gifts from forolfa lands, For slielier, wine auil meat â€" fur sweet approoia- tiuu, (You dibtant, dim unknown â€" or young, or oldâ€" cuuntli ss. uijsp.;ciiled, beloved. We never met. anil 110 or snail meetâ€" and yet oar h.puIs embrace, loui;. close and long), For bciiiK. Kroups.loTo, deods, wurd>, booksâ€" (Oi culnr.^. fsniiB, Foralitlio brave, atrong menâ€" devoted, hardy men â€" wliu've furward sprautf to fruedumi tiel|), all yi ars, all lauds. For braver, struuiior, more devoted menâ€" 4a special laurel ere I go to lifo'i war's cbusoo cues, Thecanii.neprs of song and thoughtâ€" the grsat artillerymen -the foremust leaders, ca|^ tains iit the buul), Ai soldier from an ended warrotorii'd- as travel- ler out of uiyrlodi. to the luug prucefcsiuli retrospeetlVf, Thanks- jo>lul thockj Iâ€" a Boliller'8. traveller^i thanks. Walt Vioitmam '^"""'^•'"' "' Krroll, tho ; iotro.'iuce'd, aUdishing compulsory tontri- tarl of Hopetoun, who IS the Lord Uigh , bullous on the part of ollijers and IinjieriHl oflicials to the widows' and Commissioner to the (Tiurih of Scotland the Uight Hon. C. Kitchle. Cabinet Minis- ter in waiting ; Sir Henry ronsonby, the Qeeen's contideiitial secretary ; I'rof. and Mrs. I'rofei, the (jiieou's particular neigh- bors and her family friends, together with many other favorite guests. Several deer looked III from the lawn and seemed startled when the exercises opened with tho singing of a Scotch hymu by a aeleoted Aberdeen choir. In the centre of tho room stood the Itoyal grandmother, surroundeit by her Indian aervauts-ilark Orientals blazing in redand I of the court w'ere not occupied gold. It dill not seem that a Queen and' ' ' Kinpre ess Blood there, but rather a woman and a inotlur. wearing a smile whirh sug- gested youthful tenderness. She a dress of black silk, trimmed with blscklace. Across her breast she wore a narmo scarf of the Italinoral plaid. Keside hi r stood the father, mother and nurse, who held tho cooing cause of thoaescmblago, all fronting the chaplain, who in dress suggested the well-known piitturo of John Knox. Not far away was another nurse hohling the year old prince, who looked around with dawn, ing wondertiioiit. There was nothing royal or pi'eti'Titlouri in the dresses of either baby, althiiiit;h the christening robe, wilh lis wealth of iNittnm embroidery aud a^iorn- iiteiits of laic crossed with a Hcotcli rib- bon, was the object of iiiiich admiration. (Juriosity was visible upon all faces as the ininiBler approached the naining, Im- cause as yet the name was a secret. He finally anuounix-d it aa " Victoria Kiigenie Julia llria" Kutienie, after theex iOmpress ; Julis, after the rnnceaa Itatteiiberg, the Uerinaii grandniolher, and Mna as a Scotch name. Tho water used was from the Hivfr Jordan. After the baptism was sung the new lijiiin by Sir Arthur Sullivan, and the service loneluded with the singing of a choralu known aa the " Uermau Halle- lujah." What followed ? What follows at any well ngiilatid christening.' The whole affair passed iitT ill a thoroughly domestiu way, and nuxt came luinh'on for tho " classes " and afternoon jollity for tho massea. orphans' funds, increasing the corn duties modifying the Landwehr and Laiidstruin system so that it will be considerably strengthened, relating to the insuranceof artisans in cases of old age and sickness, modifying the fiiiiidly societies law wilh regard to the sale of wine, temporarily prolonging the Austro-Ueruiau treaty and ratifying treaties of commerce with some American States." One hundred and fifty deputies were presint. The places reserved for memliers lu tho diplomatic gallery there were only a few military attaches, but the public galleries were crowded. .\t noon the luenibers of the liuiiiiesrath entered tho White Hull, which was illuminate*), and took |>osit ions on the left of the throne. During the read- ing of the speech the .Minister was often back of the house. It was all caked with dry blood, and the clean shirt which Hatzka put on tho poor little fellow ia almost aa bhxxly. llat/.ka is M years oM, and was em- ployed in a furniture factory. Ho has two little sons of his own. aged 4 and ^1 years res|>ectively. ^at/ka obtained an unen- viable reputation in tho neighborhood some liiiiH last summer by his treatment of a young wuinaii whom he engaged as house- keeper. He made projiosalB of mariiage to her after she had t>eeii working f»r him four days, and was very much enraged at her l>ecailse she was already b-.-trothed to another insii and gone I went to where my wife was and shot her. Not knowing what the result of my work would be I left the house." There is very little hope of saving Mrs Myers' life. Personal l*olntK. Governor Ames, of Massachusetts, car- ries life insurance to tbo amount of »l-'.-,,000. Mrs. Celia Thaxtsr. the artist and poet has become a convert to esoteric Bjldhism The young English woman who figured in the Valentine-Baker affair is still alive autl unmarried. A KOHANTIC MARKIAGK. Five Farailira of Children Itroafhl Tof;ether I'nder One Koof. A marriage ceremony was perfortae^ i iiesday at the Ohio House, on Cart*r street, says the Chattanooga Timet, that attracted a great deal of atttntiou. The bride waa a mother and the groom had already lost two wives. 'The marriage waa the outcome of an inquiry which the lady made several months ago for a correspon- dent through a Cinuinnati paper. The lad^ was Mrs. Mamie C. I>oyle, of Cincinnati. The man who saw the inr]uiry and replied to it with success was John U. Wamlell, of Soollsboro', Ala. They made love by letter, ahe accepted by letter, be proposed to her by letter, she accepted by letter, and they made arrangements by letter to meet and be married at Chattanooga. Mr. Wandell arrived in the city yesterday and procured the license and made all th* arrangements to have the ceremony per- formed by Squire Unyder at the Ohio House aa soon as his intended should arrive. Mrs. Doyle arrived here in company witk her l-lyear old son on the Cincinnati Southern train. Mr. Wandell had exchang- ed photographs with Mrs. Doyle, and he waB at the de|)0t ready to recognize hia bride. And be did. It was the first tim* they had met, but they were fast friends at once and quite anxious that the brief cere- mony that was to make them twain ahoald be perfornie<l at once. At 1 o'clock in the afternoon Squire SnyJcr tied the nuptial ANAKCIIIHM I.N THK Fl!|.flT. hy An The ChlrNifo Kxerullon Coinit^rril 4'lrr|;yiiiaii to ttie ('riieltlxliirt. A Hartford (Conn.) despatrh says: excited nneling of tho Society of Unity ('hiirch (Unitarian) was held to. night, hav ing been called to di^'llliss Hev. .lohii (!. Kimball heraiise of hiH anarchistic syni- tiatliies. His sermon on the Sunday fol- lowing thii hanging of the Chicago aiisn liists compared thu ulfnlr to Ihecriici- iixion of ('hrist and gave great offence to many of his congregation. After a sharp debate of two hours this evi iiing Mr. Kim- ball secured the tloor, and said thu sermon was inspired by "a strange power." He said also that thu principles of the anar- chists weru destined to triiiin|ih, and that he uoiilil not take hauk a single sentiment he had uttered, however unpopular or whatever tho result might he to him per- Bonally. 1 he voto to dismiss him was lost â€" yeas, ;IH; nays, 4'.). The lady memlx^rs of the society, who compose nearly half of it, voted almost solidly for Kimball and aecured this result. Robert .Manchester is (lerhaps the oldeat j knot and a little later the couple, in com leclined' the honor of , aong anddauce niaiion tlie.\mericau stage, pany with Mrs. Doyle's son, left for Scotta- being hiswife. It is related that he charged I IJe '» WK'fh more than S.'JO.OOO. I boro'. She is about 35 years of agt. Mr. her with stealing half a shawl of his late Knglish newspa|)er8 announce the death j Wandell is a bueiness man at Scottsboro' K ". .1." r,,,,.,... ,,,0 .„,,i,„,v. nob u.ieii ' *''^ »"'' """" P'«c«» of table linen, butsho ; °' 'Ion- Captain,ityng, the popular A.D.C. and is 40 years of age. She has been mar- terrunted by applause and enthusiastic '""' ""'X 1'â„¢*'*^" ''*â- â-  '""°<*'"^*' ""' "''""^ 1 °' ^°'"^ Lanadowne at Ottawa a year or ried once and has oue child. He has beea - â-  l.i..-. V. 1.1 â€" • .1.- _i 1 I.; 1< -_j,two ago. ile had only beeu reoeatly married twice. Each time he married married. widows with uhildrrti, ami he had children _ Jlrs. Scott-f5idilons told a friend in ! by each wife. His preeent marriage tber* Kingston that her husband was in a lunatic ' fore brings together fiy<) si'ts of children. in , ^ _,, cheers. At the close he declared the Hoich- ' ""»* ''" ''»'' <=ut the shawl himself and Htsg oiwii, and Herr Wedell I'iesdorfT, tho 1 bidden away the linen. I'lesidont of the iMidy, called for cheers for j ^^'^en ofli -ers arrived at Hatzka's honao llie Lmiicror, which were given with eiithu- **'*y '"""'' *>'•" seatnl in the kitchen He was promptly arrested. The ' asyluinin Australia, and that she has not who are brothers, aiaterg, stepbrothers and but t' He vvaa v lOtXo U|M|pl KINU oV I II IN C-.iSILK. An AmunliiK Hli««trli of Mr. I*yne, M.I'., lu l.lsilnny Keep, A London cable says : A correspondent now in Ireland sends a whimsical account heard aboTit him for some time. Dr. lioratiua Bonar, in a recent letter to a friend, says : My writing days are done. The public must be contented with what I have wTitieii hi {>rose and verse. " '* Mr. John Greig, M.A., of Edinbureh, ia the hrst Hvotsinan who has achiuved the distinction of passing the examinations for the degree of doctor of mnsic at Oxford. The doi'iiinents and plans fur the cha|iel built in Itury street for l>r. Watts, the siasiii. The President, in liis oiiening I "'""'''''K - . address, alluded to the serious nature of ; "'»" had, evidently been drinking, the illness of the Crown I'rinoe, »ud the *'"'»''<"â-  l*'"â„¢ <"•''" ""'"â- '»«'''*y *"»""' grief of the country over his fate. Anxiety I apparent: He vwia very reticent, and pre cuiicerniug bis condition relegated all othef tended uot^o U||^|ptM.4i^>>>i(>i||lU. thoughts to thu background. Thu mem- Iters would join, the TreKident said, in expri'ssiiig their sorrow and declaring that they placed their coiilideiice in God's grace and mercy. He askeil authority to roiivey Ihese sentimenta to the lOmperor and send the following telegiam to the Crown . . â-  , . l 1 . ., » .1 â-  "i ^ â-  â-  . I'rince: "The Iteichstag, in profound i "'» Vrm 'l' .''"'l.iV'"''" '»''"° '"«<'-•'â- ", h->'7'""'"':y. I»'«''y <^»";'« reverence and cordial love, thinks of Your "*""â-  "'- ' *-kwater, m which Mr.Douglas into the hands of Dr. John Hioughton who 1 ynu. Ml', now resists thu service of a inentious that thu total coat of thu building writ. Lislinny Casllu consists of a siiiglu vvas only 83,500. That no doubt looked a tower or keep, alniut ninety feet high, dat- large sum to be exjwnded for such a pur- iiig from Sir Walter Haleigh's time, and {mmh in the days of Queen xVnne. BurroDiided by a large farmyard. It has , The new Canon of Wells, Kugland, who only oiiu narrow door at the bottom and a adds to hit other distinctions that 6f being small windosv near the top on the same father of the acooinplisbed elitor of thu bide. Tho other openings are tiny slits or I.:oiidon Tniift, is a ripe scholar, and ob- loopholes loo small to admit a man's head. '. tained his fellowship more than forty years 'Th« lower half of the castle has be<>ii com- ' ago. It is understood that Canon Ituckle filoiely separated from the up|Hir part by leans to moderate broad Church views, but ogs and masonry, and thu staircase is he has never been m any aeiisea party man. said by I'yno to be so undermined that) â€" â€" • I many lives will be lost if an attempt id 8te|isisters, and some of them altbougk brothers and sisters by the marriage of their parents are after all not related to each other at all. liii|jerial Highness. &lay(iod protect your jiri cioiis life and preserve it for the salva- tion of thu I'atherland." The IVputies listened to the address standing, and unanimously approved the I'resideut's suggestioua. TANNINO A lUIYW 11 1 UK. Trlvatr *lastlee Overtakes a VoMng t*4-urKlaii with l.e^Ml Consent. An Atlanta (Ga.l despatch says : Macon otVicials have a>lo|>ted a novel hut cruel method of intlicting punishment on juve- nile criminals. A young i.egro named Parker was arrested yesterday on the chaigeof abstracting a sack of corn from the barn of a farmer by the name of Davis. Tho latter withdrew his complaint with the consent of tho authorities, the boy's father agi'i ling to Hog him if leniency was shown. At noon the parent ap- peared at the barracks with a long, ugly strap that hail donn service as a buggy trace. The boy was not apprised of what was coming, and when it was announced that his father had come fill offender was alout to ' joy, but when the door of the and the strap was noticed hu " wilted The father was not disposed to stand Kllird Two Men at Oue Hhot. TnK OCK.\N HTKAMNIIIP CAI.AtllTV. Another Sud Case of the I.<»sn of Nearly u Whole Fnliiily. A Clotoland (Ohio) di'spatch aays : A German wurkiiigman named I'riedel, who oaiiiu to this city a fevr yeats ago with a young son, having nmnagiil to lay iiii some money, recently sent for his wifa and his five other chililren, who had reiiiaiiiid in the Kaiherlaiid. Mis. I'riedel ami her little ones Sailed for Amerii'a on the steamer Scholli n, niid lln y Were all among the lost. The unfortiinate man learned of his loss to day ibrough friunds and is ura/ed with grief- ^ An ICIephnnt as a National llauk. A Itriilg-port, Conn., lele/ram says : I'rof. Segiiin and Dr. Godfrey have riis aected the carcass of ihu elephant Alice, bur 1 111 Sunday's llioat the llariimii A llaihy wioler quarters. In thu stomach Were foiiii 1 over 1)00 Jiennies, part of a IXH;ket knife, four cane ferules, a piece of Icatl piiHi and soma pebbles. shortsighted to recogiii/o hiiii, but he knew his voice and let himself down on a ro|M> inside to a loophole some thirty feet above the ground, whence he convi rsed for a long time. He is in h gb animal spirits, and says the exercise lie get-i in going up and down the ro|ie keeps him in splendid health. The only difli :illty was thu v,vU\, but he had stulTed the loopholes with hay, and when a stove was lighted hu was quite comfortable, barring thu fact that the tho youth- stovepipe was ti>o short and tilled lliu top jump with of thu chamber with smoke. Ilo bad ell opened plenty of whiskey and tobacco and caiines meats enough to last till spring. When deputations come to visit him ho lowers upon ceremony, and at once commanded himself down to the outside in an arra- the lad to relievo himself of his otiat and chair, suspeniled from a windlaBS, to about shirt. This was done, but with great fifteen feet from the ground, where he reluctance. As soon as tho body was haro listens to their speeches and replies. He the strap swung high in the air, quivered coiilided to mv friend that it waa imjios. for a second and then came down with a ' sible hocouldbo captured, iM-oause, even if swish and a swack that caused the black ' the police effeoled an entrance, he had made to force it. My friend hailed Pyne j A painful sensation was caused vester- froiu a haystack outside. Pyiio was too day in Kaiigomi by the news that two cor- _ _. poraU of the Uoyal Scots Fusiliers had furnisheil the soda that, uieUeil with saiid A Lesaou lu CheiuUtrj. This is the laboratory that Jack built. This is the wiudew in the laboratory that Jack built. 'This is the glass that lighted the window in the laboratory that Jack built. Thia is the sand used in making th* glass that lighted the window in th* laboratory that .lack built. This is the soda that, melted with sand, oonipouiided the glass that lighted tb* winilow in tho laboratory that Jack built. This IS the salt, a molecule new, that furnished the soda that, meltwl with saud, compounded tho glass that lighted th* window in the laboratory that Jack built. This is the chlorine of yellowish hue, coutained in the salt, a molecule new, that furnished the soila that, melted with sand, compounded the glass that lighted the window in the laboratory that Jack built. This is the so.liuni. light and free, that united with chlorine of yellowish hue to form common salt, a molecule new, that b<(eii shot by Private Mulligan, of tho same coni|>oiinded the glass that lighted the regiment. Some tritliinj quarrel had oc window in the laiioratorv that Jack buitl curred on the previous day Iwtween Cor- I This is the atom that weighs twenty- jwral Thomas and Mulligan. While three, consisiing of sodium so light and Thomss was aeited on Corporal Crisp's free, that unitid with chlorine of vellowish bed Mulligan, without warning, tired his hue to form common salt, a molecule new ritle at a distance of a few feet. The bul- that furnished the soda that, melted with let passed throunh Thomas' head and entered (.'risp'a chest above the heart. Death was iiistaritaiieouH jIB both cases. Tho murderer narrowly escaped being lynched by tho soldiers. 'The murdered men were buried yesterdav v»ith full iiiili- sand, compounded the glass that lighted the window lu tho laboratory that Jack built. This ia the science of chemistry, that teaches of atoms weighing tweiity-and- three, and of sodium metal so liuht and tsry honors. Gen. Gordon and his staCf. free, that united with chlorine of yellowish with the entire regiment of the Itoyal hue to form common salt, as a molecule Scots Fusiliers were pruseutâ€" London â-  new, that furnished the soda that, melted '''"^'- , with sand, compounded the glasi that I lighted the window in the laboratory that Jack built. skin on the boy's body to turn white in striiH'S. Thirty-iiino times did thu strap come down wilh swishes and swacks. Tho son was exhausted by this time, and his bare back had a sickening appearance. The bystanders interfered at this (mint, fearing that the excited father would kill his olTspiing. When the ^t lash fell tho fainting boy was forcuo to assume his sliirt and coat and waFlead home. He will probably not steal any more corn, for a while at least. Bccret means of exit. Thu interview was ended by Pyno lowering a bottio aiul a tumbler by a long chord, and hia visitor pledged him health and success in good Irish whiskey. Nothing could show better the saddened seriouaiiess of the situation ill latter day Ireland than the fact that thia comical episode awakens no smilo A Terrible llereavriiient, A Syracuse, N. Y., de8|i«tch says : Tho wife and eight children o( ,loliii P. Frost, a laborer in the salt mills in this city, were lost wilh the strainer Scholteii. Frost came from West Priissiasbont nine months ago and saved all his money to pay for the passage of his wife and children. It took all his savings, Jirjlt, to buy the tickets. His wife wns alMiiit 4.'> years old, and tho uhildren ranged from 8 months up to "J'J years of age. A Willi CiooMO ICxperlinent An Ottawa despatch says : Six wild Irreverent Qualters. Apropos of Quaker bonnets, I was told ] •^ last year that some antiquarian, wishing A Story of Three l,a<U€««. to obtain a complete drees tx longing to this ' Two ladies in Dover, Me., saw a man sect, asked the younger members of an old 'y'"K drunk in tho ditch one hot summer Friend family fur some of their grand- 1 ''"X' ^"^ile his wife sat by his side knitting, parenta' garments. One can hardly iui- ^'"' ***'' been walking home with him, and agine the horror inspired by the answer : ^ben he aiiocumbed and fell she had ooully " Oh, you can have all the broadbrimmed »»ken out her knitting kneedles and gone to hats, but there are no bonnets left, as we ^orlt. BO as to lose no time. One of the took off the silk and usoil them as fnotlight l*'lie8 anxiously said to the knitter : shades in our theatricals last holidays. I "What would becoin- of him if he should' am so sorry, but they did capitally I" Oh, 1 die in this condition ?" " I declare," said that the descendants of the old Quaker , "'^ "''''â-  *» "be was toeing off tho stocking, slock shouU have so little reverence left " 1 '1o"'t know what his destiny would be geese caught near Grosso Island, river St. '"â- â-  'be memory of their ancestors Iâ€" Cai- â- â€¢" *^"'.f"""''-'. but he aeema to be having Lawrence, arrived by Dominion Hxpresa tfU't i'timi y Matintine. good time now." ^ --<! , for tho Cen'.ral I'xperimental Farm. They will be added to the live poultry collection, I A reverend canon of the church relates Olid I florts will be made to SCO "if they can '"i"* "" ""» occasion it fell to his lot to be doiiKsticatPil. Specimens of all tho "larry his footman to his cook. wild birds, including many aijuatic birds will alto be obtained. That's 8«. , On the deck of the Dutch steamer 9. hoi- . , , ^"O '<«"- ten, as with a horrible hole in her bow she man would persist tlirou«hout the service rapidly filled with the waters of tho Em-- j 111 putting hiH finger to his forehead everv 'â- â€¢â€¢â€¢'• '" ' .-. . , .. ^ â€"If all the I'realdenta eleated in the TlniledHtatea oonld be plaoed in a row they would reach from Waahingtoc to Cleveland. A Texas candidate for Congress wrote his coiiipaign speech on sheets of piiper and pasted them together. U carried the roll of niaiiUH .ript to a meeting, and in the exi'itenieni of the occasion allowed tho unread part of the roll to b. coino unwound '"K ,,. .. ,1, >, - ''"b Channel, an English girl atoo.lcom- timu his master addresBedhiu), in accord- posed and said to her countrvmen about anoo with custom. 1 he rev. gentleman her, "Lot us stand side bv side and «. remonstrated man imdortone : "Don't down together." The spirit of that girl i* touch your forehead, John, but aay tho the spirit that forms the hollow square in words after mo. 1 hen aloud : " Will tho last desperate rally on the bloody field thou take this woman •?" etc. John, bear- It is tho spirit that makes tho loiieliesi in mind tho vuar s hint, replie.! : trailer or missionarv iu t'<o isles of the s-» A prisoner in the Franklin (Pa.) jail ,- „.,, -mi, ,, ,,- named Joseph lieed, is but 7 vears old He "t"'" ""' """'"â-  ^V*"'" ''" """"^ *" "'" '*''" u . â- '' ''^^i' "'k ""' '"«»8aouibled friends hwk up lo the Hag and fear not in hia hard- was arrested for " maliciously trespassing." "-oad ibsuu he discovered that some of his """t iiito laughter. . ship. Ii is the spirit that brings tho Vivv ef "./" "rv'ivlrd-n "r"^ T ''' "^''"' i'''''"-"- h:"t^:^ ^a^^.ti 't';:::.- ' .ba^tZTtTa' X?n,*;bX7eVir rre/^n-dV^ves'": ^urto.':^ to" :tn

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