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Flesherton Advance, 17 Nov 1887, p. 7

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4 TBLiEQRAPHIO SUMMAlvY. R. W. Thistle & Co. have boa^ht oac a too mile limit on the Indian River from Mr. J. R. Booth (or >25,000. Earnest 8impaon, who was ao fearfully injured at Kingston by falling from a bay toft upon a thrsshing machine in operation, died on Saturday. Edward MoCracken, aged 19, son of Joseph tloCracken, lumber merchant, Leamington, waH thrown from his bug^y on Friday and killed. It is stated on good authority that some of the Sudbury gold quart;! assays as high as 930,000 to the t«u. In the poorest of it the vein of gold is as Urge as a leadpencil. The dead bodies of Wm. Elliott and Wm. Tower were found in a bout adrift on Salmon River, N. B., on Thursday night. The men had been on board one of the river stramers on Wednesday night and left t jgetht-r in the boat. Nothing more was seen of them until their badies were found. The cause of death is unknown. It is learned that the postofficeat Thorn- dale was entered by burglars on Saturday morning between 1 and 2 o'clock, the crooks securing between S90 and 9100 worth of stamps, 870 in cash, and probably a unmber of letters. The authorities think ihey have a clue to the thieves, who effected •n entrance by forcing a window. The last diphtheria card in the village of Loudon West was taken down on Saturday night, and the Health Of&oer •ays the schools can now be opened. Edwin Shepherd, of Kingston, sent his wife to the country for the benefit of her health, and when she returned on Satur- day she found he had skipped after dis- posing of the furniture. William Harris, a 14 year-old son of a Metcalfe farmer, was tried before Police Magistrate Noble at Stratbroy on a charge of criminally assaulting a young girl about his own age, named Annie Holdams. The Police Magistrate, after a lengthy hearing, sentenced the )Ou<h to two year* in the Pen<rtanguishene Reformatory. Two burglars entered a London South residence ou Sunday night while the family were away and ransacked the^house. Not discovering any valuables they helped themselves to a sijuare meal and left. They were seen by a neighbor, who inquired their business, when one of the intruders presented a pistol and threatened to shout. The pair then made oB unmolested. Mrs. Boland, livin;; at Cap Rouge, near 'Quebec, went to call upon a neighbor yes- terday morning, leaving her three young children alone in the house while she was ftbsent. The youngeat child, a boy of 'S years of age, amused himself by lighting chips at the stove, when his clothing caught tire, and before his mother re- turned was so badly burned that he died in • few hours, after suffering the most fear- -fnl agony. From this out every officer in the A<u- triiu army Who has served thirty years nninterruptedly and gone through one cam- paign iihall be awarded a title of nobility without the payment of the usual heavy fees. Tha Praaaian bndHet will shsar a dafioit of 40,000 marks. It is hoped to cover the detioii by increased returns from the State railways and tha share of Prussia in the brandy tax from Octebar, 1087, to April, 1888. The Ameer of Bokhara hasimformed the Czar that the Bokharans object to a p«r maneiil Russian ocua|iation of Kerki and hasa'<ked tha Czar to poHtpon* the trans- fer of trtwps from Charjui to Kerki until the Bukharans shall have been gained over. The steamer Umbria, on which Mr. Jay Oould is a passenger, arrived at Qjeens- towu yesterday. A hurricane was experi- enoe<l on Wed-iesday and the steamer shipped a numberof tremendous seas. Five steerage pasaengers were injuredduring the storm. One bad a leg broken and another was cut on the arm and head. Baron Wolverton died suddenly at his hotel at Brighton yesterday. He attended the raoes at Lewes on Friday and at riympton on Saturday. Yesterday morn- ing ho bathed and shaved and appeared to be all right. Some time afterwards he was missed and his room was enterctl, when bis dead body was found. He was 03 years of The London Obterver. in a leading article yesterday, siiid that Canada must have a Comnierci»l I'uion with the United States and should not be interfered with in her attempts to briug it about, but that any attempt on her part to prohibit English imports as ameasureof protection to Cana- dian mauufaotures will tend to a complete Separation uf the Dominion from the mother country. The preparations Italy is making at Mas- eowah indicate the speedy beginning of a serious campaign, the object of which is supposed to be to occupy and fortify Karen, andopen trade with the Soudan. The arrival of a su>>posed English media- tion committee at Massowah is interpreted in some quarters as denoting the oollusion of Eukilaud i:i tha Italian project, booause the prupirations of Italy have gone too far to permit mediation. Th<) Crown Princess has sent a message to Dr. Mackenzie, requesting him to reexamine the Crown Prince's throat. It is expacted that the doctor will reach San Remo ou Tuesday. Dr Mackenzie has fassed through Paris en route to San Remo. lis visit to iho German Crown Prince is not for the purpose of performing an opera- tion, but for the puri>o8e of considering the advisability of allowing thePrinoe to return to Germany. Some reports say that the Crown Prince is again suffering from hoarseness. It is officially announced that cholera has absolutely ceased to prevail in Italy. The Prince of Bulgaria has found some more men plotting against his life, and has oaught one of them, who was maturiag a •ohenie tQ blow up the entire Bulgarian Ooverument. It is reported that Rns Aloola has attacked and defeated all the allieASribes south of Dongola, and that he advanced thenoe to Assaorta. Two Russian officers ^ took part in the battle ou the side of the Abysstniana. _ Mr. Archibald Colquhonn, tha dis. tinguished traveller, read a paper last night before the Loudon Chamber of Commerce advooating the oonstruction of railways be- tween Barmah and China, to open op new market* for British mamhanls The Indian Government is about to con- struct batteries at the principal seaports of India. Dhuleep Singh has sent a telegram to the Nizam of Hyderabad, saying that be is mistaken in giving sixty lacs of mpees to England, becanse India will be taken by Rnsai^. Advices from Kurrachee say that the tour of the Earl of Dufferin, the Governor- General, along tha northern frontier, is associated with the formation of a railway between Kurrachee and Upper India. The establishment of such a railway, it is be- liev^, will enable producers to place wheat in London at one shilling per quarter less than at present. The programme of the ceremonies at- tending the celebration of the Pope's Jubi- lee was made public yesterday. On Decem- ber 31st the Pope will receive the members of the International Committee, who will present him with a gift of 1,000,000 lire ; on January Ist the Pope will celebrate mass in St. Peter's ; January 2ad he will hold a public reoep:ion at the Church of San Lorenzo ; on the 4th and 5th he will receive foreign deputations ; on the 6th he will open the exhibition of the gifts pre- sented to His Holiness, and on the 15th the Pope will canonize ten saints. The trial of Gen. Caffarel, Madame Limousin, Madame Ratazzi and Gen. D'Andlan for selling Legion of Honor decorations, was commenced at Paris yes- terday. All the defendants were present except Gen. D'Andlan. Gen. Caffarel was examined and admitted entering into busi- ness relations with Mme.Limoasin, in order to obtain resources to relieve his embar- rassment. Ha interested himself in the applications for the Legion of Honor decora- tions solely to oblige Mme. Limousin. H« never received any money for them. He denied that he divulged the plan for the mobilization of the Seventeenth Army Corps. THE CKOWN PKINCK WORSK. Dr. Mackriiila Says There 1* Another Cruwth In the Throat. A Berlin cable says : The lieklu Anstigtr publishes a statement from Dr. Mackenzie that the Crowu Prince's throat is worse, bat that he is in no immediate danger. Dr. Mackenzie telegraphs from San Remo as follows : " Regarding the condition of the German Crown Prince, there has been a recurrence of the growth lower down in the throat. I am issuing an unfavorable bulletin to-night." Dr. Mackenzie says that the general health of the Crown Prmce is excellent, that he takes a great deal of exercise in the open air and sleeps and eats well, but that the local complaint within ihe last few days has assumed an unfavor- able character. The Emperor has in- structed Prince William to obtain both a written and verbal report from the phy- sicians as to the stateof the Crown Prinoa's health. At 7 o'clock this morning Prince Wil- liam, son of the Crown Prince, visited Prof. Bergmann to arrange fur a confer- ence of physicians, which was held this forenoon, the Prince being present. At midday the Prince started for San Remo, via Frankfort. At Frankfort he was joined by Dr. Schmidt, the specialist, who is to decide whether an operation is neceasary or not. It was reported that the growth is a tumor, and that the Prince's voice is again hoarse. A later despatch from San Remo says : " Dr. Mackenzie found a totally new growth half an inch below the ligaments of the glottis. There is no im- nwdiate danger. The doctor thinks that the growth is too low to be operated upon through the mouth, and that an incision will have to be made into the throat." The news of the Crowu Prince's condition has caused a great sensation in Berlin and Vienna. -UAKWlN'Ii LirK." A Forthcomins Book Say* Be Was a Nauchty Child aud a Laxy Buy. A Loudon cablegram says : The Pall Mall tia.:e((r publishes lengthy extracts from a new book entitled " Darwin's Life," which will soon be issued. From these extracts it appears that Darwin as a child was naughty, aud as a boy be was lazy, lie left Shrewsbury School after seven years very little wiser than when he went there, lie frankly avowed that he did not work because he knew that his father would leave him enough to live on. He was placed in charge of Dr. Brother, but his horror of the sight of blood and his repugnance to dissection prevented his becoming a doctor. After two years bad elapsed his father con- cluded that he would not make a doctor and designed him for the Church. He was sent to Cambridge, where he led a dissi- pated life, gambling and neglecting his studies. The idea olhis entering the miu. istry was ultimately abandoned. Darwin was passionately fond of music. Ho fre- luented the concerts in the college chapel and paid the choir boys to slug in his rooms. Yet his ear was strangely defec- tive. He was incapable of perceiving a dissonance and could not hum a tune correctly. In 183<J Darwin became a deist and thereafter rcniaiued one. " Never in my most extreme tluctuations," he wrote, was I an atheist. I never denied the existence of God." THE GBEATE8T AST PDBLISHKRS. A Wonl About Kapha** Tnek &- Soas. wbuae Famons PnbM latlona Go All Ovar the World. If a dozen ordinary men were asked to name the greatest paisrter now living, tke chances are that they would give a doun different answers. Anybody, thoni;h par- ticularly any artist, will tell yoa that Ike house of Raphael Tack & Sons are the greatest art publishera in the world. There can be no doubt of that. Their publiuk- tions are before yoa. no matter where you find an art dealer's establishment. Their largest hoase is in l<ondon, but they have others almost equally extensive in Berlin, Paris, Leipzig and New York. Their bead- quarters in this city, by the way, is in charge of Mr. Samoel Gabriel, at Xo. 3U8 Broadway, where the firm's latest produc- tions can be viewed. The coUectiou there displayed of reproductions of the most noted works of all the modern masters is worth going far to see. So extensive have Messrs. Raphael Tack A Sons' operations in America become that Mr. Adolph Tuck will visit the New York agency about the middle of next month and make arrange- ments for still further extensions. The factories of Messrs. Raphael Tack ^ Sons at Leipzig employ an army of more than three hundred experienced designers, litho- graphers and transferers. Besides this they have their own paper and cardboard mills, where are prepared the materials for their art printing. Altogetner the firm employs more than one thousand people in their printing, cutting, embellishing, finish- ing, packing and shipping departments. They send their publications all over the world. These consist of large and band- some oleographs for framing purposes, artistic studies for painting and drawing, circular and shell plaques, wall pockets, etc., for wall, mantel aud cabinet decora- tion : Christmas and New Year cards, and a thousand and one artistic notions de- signed t} beautify the homes of those who have learned to appreciate the beautiful. Messrs. Raphael Tuck it Sons may truly claim to have done more to render art popular than any otbet publishers in the world. They have reproduceil and sold at popular prices all the paintings in the world-famous Berlin gallery, and the works of some of the eminent forei^in and American artists- In Cnristmas aud New Year cards alone Messrs. Tack .t Son annually print more than 2,000 desiijns. Among their latest novelties is an exquisite line of Porcelain Studies of superior quality and thickness and bevelled, and each in- closed in a wooden safety box, guarding it against risk of breakage in transmission through the mail. All the designs are by well known artists, and the best that has been thus far brought out is the portrait of Mrs. PresidentCleveland. generally acknow- ledged to be the beet picture of her extant. â€" .V. y. World. Why He Couldn't 8wliu. Little Girl (to visitor, whose business is in a shaky oouditiou) â€" 1 say, Mr. Brown,, you don't know how to swim, do you? I Mr. Brown â€" No, I can't swim at all. I Little Girlâ€" I thought you ooaldn't ' swim, because I heard Pa say the other day that you had a great deal of trouble in keeping your head above water. , New York city has about three thousand polioemen. , Wm. Cash, a Huron constable, was fiued $25 at the Qoderich Assizes for allowing a prisoner to escape. Mr. Ijams is running for officein Omaha. The prohibitionists will vote against him, because he oomes within one of being Mr. J. <Tain!i. A family named Turner in the east end of Woodstock early last week lost a child from diphtheria. The following morning two others yielded to the dreaded disease, and another has since died. An imposiug demonstration in honor of Mr. Mcrcier, Premier of Quebec, was held in Montreal last night under the aunpioes of tna Club Leteliier, between 5,000 and 0,000 people being present. TUKKW VITKIUL AT UKK. A Yonns Ljuly Teacher of Norwich the OI<]ect of a PteudUh Act. A Norwich, Ont., despatch says: Upon reaching the usnally quiet village of Nor wich your corre»pondeut was surprised to find the place thoroughly aroiised over a case of vitriol throwing which had taken place the previous evening. The subject of the attack was a Miss McMurchie, one of the lady teachers in the public school, a position which she has filled to the great satisfaction of the ratepayers of this town for the past four years. On Friday even. inK, as was her custom, the y^uug lady went down to the I'ost-ofiice for her mail and was returning along Stover street about 7. 15. Just as she crossed Court street a man, whom she had not previously noticed, and who, she thinks, had con- cealed himself in the shade ot the fence, faoed her and threw directly at her head a i|uantity of vitriol, probably a pint, judge! by the marks upon the sidewalk and the grass, which is badly burned for a full yard in length. Fortunately for the young lady, she was wearing for the first time this season s fur coat and cap to match. Tha collar of the coat was turned up, thus sffording very complete protection. As the scoundrel threw the vitriol from the vessel she dodged her head, thus escaping the full effect of the attack in the bee, the contents largely passing over her right shoulder, the balance falling upon the shoulder aud collar of her coat and slightly upon her right cheek and ear. For the moment she thought that it was a mere juke of some friend throwing water upon her, and turning to ask the scoundrel why he had done that she felt theburningaensa- tiou. Uer voice failed her and she hurried into the house of Mr. 8. Allen, where the acid was washe<i from the face and lard im- mediately applied. Search was immediately made for the assailant, but thus far uo ar- rests have been made. Suspicion points very strengly in certain directions. Miss McMurchie, who is one of the most highly- esteemed young ladies of this town and a member of the Presbyterian Church, is wholly at a loss to account for tha assault. She has no enemy that she knows of and cannot imagine any ground therefor. At first it was supposed that the vitriol had been designed for another, but maturor judgment is in favor of the idea that her assailant knew well whom bo was attack- ing. Strong feeling is expressed that the Council has not been called in tha emergency and a reward offered for the apprehension and conviction ot the offender. Worldly Wliuluui. Don't be a clam, my son ; but if an old friend come to you and aska for the loan of to until Saturday night, just close your shell lor repairs. It may look rude, but under some circumstances it is better to leave than to be lelt.â€" Hurlingion Free Pre$f. SIKGUI.AR MATRIMOMAI, BOMAMCE. *• A TouBff Scotchman Whose Faithfulness to HU Promised Wife Could Not Be Shaken. The New York correspondent of the Brooklyn Eoi/U tells a pretty story, as follows : 4rtaM* tiii> Rather a natable wedding took place here the other day, with a romantic story attached. Young James Rubertson Blackie, of the great Glasgow publishing house, came over the ocean to take back with him in the guise of a helpmeet Miss Ellen Arthur Butts, of Savannah, Ga., who is a uicce of the late President Arthur. He is a tall, blonde young fellow, who is an excellent business man, as the present prosperity of his house shows, and with a bean in the right place, as the following little story proves : His wife was a relative of his stepmother, and came M a school- girl to Glasgow to be educated, living in his father's home. He fell in love with her promptly, and they were provisionally engaged owing to her youth. Upon her return to this country she was for some time the devoted nurse of hci dying grandfather, and after his death was at- tacked with fever as a result of her fatigue. While still convalescent the great earth- quake that shook Charleston to pieces came to Savannah, and the shock and terror act- ini; upon her enfeebled nerves entirely destroyed her sight. The specialibts here, when consulted, declared the case was hopeless, and she must resign herself to lifelong blindness. Upon this painful verdict she wrote to her fiancee, releasing him from the engagement, and resigned herself to darkness and loneliness for the rest of her life. The manly young Scotch- man, however, refused to submit. Ue took the next steamer for this country, and on arriving declared that ho loved and would marry her whether she ever regained her sight or not. Stimulated by this unex- pected happiness she at once began to mend, and with the restoration of her general health her eyes began to improve, and now she has as bright a pair u( brown ones as are to be seen anywhere, and no one can see further into a millstone than she. They were married ou Wednesday and will return to Scotland some time in November. A New S|>ort. SlLlVlN.i AUAI.VST TIVK. On Tuesday night, at No. 418 King's road, Chelsea, says the London Teleijruph. an extraordinary shaving match against time was decidtnl, Teddy Wick, the cham- pion barber, being backed to shave 50 per- sons in 60 minutes for i.'15 a side. He actually shaved 77 persons in 5'J minutes j:i seconds, aud thus won the stakes. In the first quarter of an hour he disposed of 21 men ; in thf second, 14 : in the third, ly ; and in the last 14 minutes 53 seconds he put on a "spurt " and finished off 23. A Hint for Teacherm. Miss Gleeson, teacher in an East Mid- dlesex school, has a reading-desk in a corner •t the school room, and on it keeps ""trea- sure Trove" and "Our Little Ones on file. These are specially useful in stormy weather. During the time of any special event, such as a war, she puts the Graphic or odd numbers of other illustrated papers on tha reading-desk. The children at noon hours read in turns : sometimes one will read to a group of listeners. The Bustle In Already Sut Upon. As the protective tariff is responsible for the extremest exaggeration of the modern bustle, both ought to be sat down upon. â€" (ialieilon Sevt. Was America Bvar Ulacovarad ? At the time wheu Columbus started in search of the New World nearly every man, woman and cfiild in Europe insisted that there was no New World to discover. When became back, crowned with success, a large proportion of these good people ad- hered to their theory , and if they were alive to-day many of them would doubtless insist that Amerisa had never been dis- covered at all. .\ man will give up any. thing iu the world more readily than a p«t theory. For example, look at the indi- viduals who still maintain that consump- tion is incurable. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has cured thousands upon thousands of cases, and will cure thousands more, but these people can't give up their point. Nevertheless the " Dis- covery " will cure any case of consumption, if taken in time. ♦ â€" Mr. Edison is unquestionably the smartest inventor of the age, butif he really wants to serve his fellow man let him invent a machine that will takeall the little bones out of fish. ♦ For Constipation, " liver complaint," or biliousness, sick headache, and all diseases arising from a disordered condition of the liver and siomach, take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pelletsâ€" a gentle laxa- tive or active oathartic, according to size of dose. • Six Mouth* After Marrlace. Sheâ€"" Whv do you look so unhappy, George ? Don't you know we are one, no* ?" Heâ€"" Y'es, I've heard that before, but when it comes to paying the weekly board bill the landlord don't seem to think so." Putnuni'tiCuro Extractor Is the beet remedy for corns extant. It acts quickly, makes no sore spots and effects a radical cure. .V hundred imitations prove its value. Take neithet substitutes offered as good nor the close imitations ot the genuine too often offered. A Mean Man. Husband â€" Getting ready for the opera ? Wifeâ€" Yes, dear. H.â€" D'ye know why a woman getting ready for the opera reminds me ot an un- plucked fowl ? W. â€" Not knowing, can't say. H.â€" Because she has to be undressed to be dressed. â€" lioston Courier. ' LAOBA pa«H wotrnv. In Coatpaar WItB Bar HnsbaiMl Sb*- Accosts Hm Father. Advices from Buffala convey the infor- mation that Laura Pagh, the IB-year-oId. daughter of Mr. Wm. W. Pngh, formerly of Hamilton, who disappeared from her father's house in Buffalo six weeks ago. was found Wednesday afternoon by her father. She was walking on the street in Buffalo with bee husband, Fred. W. Adams, to whom, she was married in Toronto imm«diat^|r after her disappear- ance. They have bsen in Chicago during the interval and o:ily returned to Buffalo on Wednesday. Hhe law of New York makes it a felony to marry a girl under 16 years of age witbeat the' consent of her parents. The penalty is live years' imprison- ment or 91.000 fins, or both. Mrs. Adams- has her marriage oertificate, and it is not known whether there will be any prosecu- tion or not. Mrs, 9ngh, her mother, i» verv ill. Do von foel dntk iiing-uiii. !i'i»-8rir!te<i. life- less, auHl judescnbably mioc-nitjle, butU. physi- cally und niuniaiiy : experience a i>cui>e ol fuilDe«s or l>l(Mitta(( after oatini;, or of "t^ne- ness," or uinpQntvs of stomach In the rnorn- iag. toagtiv cuaSed,. titter or bad taste in muutli. irruKUliir spietite, dizzineu. £re<|uent beadacbL-s, blurred eyesight, " tl^mtjnif jjx-cks "* before the eyesL ncnroua pn^stnitiuu or cx- taaustiuD, irntataiity of temiM-r. hot Hushes^ alteruaunir with ehtUjr sensationSv shariiu biting, tmnaienfi pains berc and there, culd feet, druwtiininss alter ni'-ais, wakefuini-ss, or disturbed uui£ vnrcfreshiiiir sleep, constant^ uideecnbublu iheling of dnsd, or of ImpetMi- ag cuiaxnitv '! If yu . uu buve an, or any considerable anmber of these syTn(>ti>ms, ruu are suilehnaf froaa that most cuiniuiut uf Amt-Ttcan maladtea â€" liiliuus Uyspt-psia, ur Torpid Liver, associiited wKh Dystjepeia. or Indiifcetiua. I'he more compUcat»t your disease has become, the greaUT the number luid diversity of symp- toms. No TautVT whiii KXjuTi' It has n-ached^ Dr. PterG«>a Goldeu netlical Oiscoverr will sutHlu* tt, )f tukrn aov-oniing lo dlre*- tiuus fur a mistmablu leti^h of tune. If not cured. coaipAioitioi]9 multiply and Consump- tion of tile L&uijrt. Skin Iiist-aA'S, Ht-art l)i8i*uae« Ktaeurnauna. Kidmjr Distase. ur other gmre Dialailies are ijuite liabli! to si't In and, souner or tat4.-r, ibdut.-e a fatal t'>rmin:&ti4>n. Dr. Pierce's Coldou nedlcal Dl»> eovery acts p^jwerfuily upon the Liver, and thruugb tli^it xn-M Mi»'.l- punfymg urif-an, cleanses the •>> eteiii if ail blood-tainti; and im- purities, (n>m wbaU'Ver catae arisinic. It la e<|ually elHoiciuus lu octinv ui>i>n iho Kid- neys, and uther e.\ervt<»ry orirana eleunsiDsr. strpuKthuninir. aud hi-ailiiif tbeur diseases. As aii appotizinx. restoritive Uinic. it proinulea diirestion and nutrition, thereby buililiiiir up b^itn Hesh and strvnjfth. In nmiarhil difttnrt^ this womlerful mu<licino tuis niiiiitl irrval celebritv m ourniir Fever im»l -Arn â- . CInl^ and Fever, riiimb Atrue, nnil knicir*-! .! s, hh.hi. Dr. l*lorrt.'*a Uoldeu MedUnl Dls«. CURES ALL HUMORS, from a common Hloirh. or Ki'int on, to the wont' Scrofula. *iilt-rt)euiii. " Kevvr-norea," Scaly or Kuugh Skin, in short, all iliiu aiKV caused by tmJ bluud arv cun«iuer(Hl by this pommgtMi^ nurifylaff, and lnvt|r«trattDff medi- cine. Great Eating Ulv-vrs i-Hpidly heal under its beaiirn inllueuce. Es|.>ev'iully has it niuni- fested its potency In curinir Tetter. Kl'^e|||||. Erysipelas. Uoil.s, C^rbiiucii'S, Son- Eiifi, Serof- uloiu Son-* uid Swellinirs, IIij>-Jolnt UiM-ase. " White Swulliuira," au/trc, or Thick N««.>k, and Gniaryed Clauds. Send ten Lvots in «ainps for a lai->fe Treatisf, with colored plHU-s, ou Skm liiM-a*-*. or the same aiiiuunt for a Treatiai- on Si-mfulous .t ff.t.tion«. " FOR THE BLOOO IS THE LIFE.*' Thonuighly eli-anse it by iisinir Dr, Pierced tSuldeu .llodlcal Dlarovery, and g^xxi digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spir a. vital strvurth and bodily bi-alth will be ivtablished. COI^StMPTIOIV, which is Scrofula of the Lniiira, is «rrt«t«l and cured ky this rx-niedy. il taken m tlie earlier statfe^ of the dist-ai**'. Kntin its niar- vrluus power o\cr this terribly fatal disease, when first offering this now world-laiDetl ren>- cdy to the public, l>r. Hiorce thought avriously of callintf it his "(.â- o.NsrMPTioM Cuius," but abandoned thai name as too restrictive for a medicine which, from its wonderful com- binstkm of tunic, or strengthening. aJtemttve, or blood-cleunsing, aiiti-bilii>us, iHvtoraJ, and nutritive proporliea, is uniNtualed. not onlv OS a remedv ft^r Consumption, but for aJtl Chroulc Dlacaaes of the Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of IHihhI. Short- ness of Ureuth, Chronic .Nasul Catarrh, Uron- chitis. Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred aSeitious, It Is an clflclcnt n-medr. Sold by druggists, at (LOOi, or Six Uottles fur$&.0O, fSr Send ten cfnts in stamps for Dr. Pierce's bouk on Consumption. .\ddrvss. World's Dispeasanr Msdictl Issoeiatioi, ees nain st.. bi'ifalo. n. t. U U .N C 40 HI. Merchants, Butchers, AND TRADEHSOENKR.\LLY. We wuit a ooon in your U>ca)ity to pick CALFSKINS For us. Ciksh furnisb«»tt on AA'i«ifiiotorv Ku&ranty AddrbsuC. S. r.\(.iK. Hy.l«> lark, Vertuout, U. 8 COHdUNif I iON. 1 b«r» ft pt)*!!!*" rtltl«^l• 1i>r IU« ftt^>.i>.ll»r*M , b Its hm tboaaftnda orr*svfe ul (Im « or«l kitio mu »' loon M«ti*lias kav* bMit evn^l IbJm^I, to •Irtmx ->t telUi la lis •Mcftcj, tb«t I «l I Mn.l TWO Bon LIS . â- Wllh * VALnABLH TBRATtSK OD tttl* v •offtrvr. dt*« anprfw tB.i P O a^i-lr***. DK. \ si,t> r^, BranoliOffiee,37 Yong«St,To«MitQ Phitbe Uicks, of Petersburg, Va., has married a widower with thirty-orieohildreu. She is hiseighth wife. Mrs. Anna Sachs, of St. Lonis, who threw a pancake at Mrs. Cleveland during the Presidential visit, was released yester- day on the payment of a tine of }15. She protested that her act was unintentional. The orik:inal fine was 850. There is so muoh off for cash, doubtless. Chronic ntCsal catarrh positively curfd by l^r. Sage's Iieme<ly. ♦ .Vntou von Werner is paiutinK a picture of Kaiser Wilhelm at the age of IH), sitting sorrounded by his family. It is to be a jubilee present to Queen Victoria from the Germans reside^ in England. There are nearly 5,000 Hungarian voters in the city of New York. Only t^vo of the thirty best shots at the last Dominion Kiflo Assooiation matches have declineil togoto Wimbledonif selected for next year's team. DUNNS BAKING POWDER ICUREFITSr m«Dl Mr •^tu^ I >lo *<>t in*«o nMrcly t.> stoptbotn tor* %tm* ftBd tbMi tuT» th«m rMurn a»la. 1 ni«An » r»tltc«l car*. I h»»« w»Jeth#(11»«k*e c-t FIT^. BPILKr>Y v PaLI<- IKQ aiCKNIfrtAft 1lf»-ICBc â- ti. ,r I tiarruit nij T«m«4j lo cor* ttM wont c«aM. BsckoM others h - r* fftil*d Is *» rMaoater aet now rMalvlai a car*. fl»n,l ki i)a«« tor % trMlt*« fta<l ft Free HotU«ol my tnfftlllNr r«mi>.lr. OI«« llf>r«al ftB't PoaiOtne*. U oo«M t.^a aoiMai fovalrtaft •nil I win cur*, toi. A<1<1r««a DR. II (», HOOT. Brflncli0fflce,3]Y0MeSt.,TQrQiit(i. I

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