THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. i TUB P APKS r«^J?r5,7K"iiS2S ^flE ADVANCE. ,OEvery TfliMi'sday, FnoK TBB OirrirK, ifj/dfuham Strfft, - - FlethnUtn, Out. TERMS OF SUIIHCKII'TION: 11 per annuiii wlien paM utriftly in ad»ancB |t.3U per annum when not ho paid. ':. A. R. FAWCETT, * EilUnr awi Proprietor. 1 KiHTOISlAL yoTKS. A lot of i-atrpa yri .-> arc fxtrcmcly l^ixious to see Mr. Purdy's address to tlic flectors in print. We don't think Mr. Piirdy will disappoint thorn, now I^jal lii.s Klur Im.-. iiri.scn above tJic .Municipal horizon. (), no ! Four of the C'liicn(,'0 Anaroliista wtri' li!Ui<,'cd in (,'liiea<,'0 last Friday. One commitlod suicide u few days I'lt'vious. The ollii.r two had their (tcath sentei)C(» coniraut»d to iiiipris- omiiont for life. Tlioy were nuirdcr- u« and paid tlif: just iionalty of their arinu'S. No need to slieil crocodile (cars over ihc roniaiiis of soonndi'els vho did not hesitate to take life while i'Ct they were in ihe flesh. TIfl': SAItn.iTH ItA 1. f. *riiere seems to he a diversity of ^liiiioii anidiig Christian prople as to l\u' keepin;,' holy of tiie Sabbath day. TliiB is not to he wondered at. Peo- pie interpret scripture differently in couiicction with olhrr Ihiiifjs, aud it Bt nut at all siirpribin;; tliat they should alwj differ in this respect. Some very ^'ood people believe in a rigid observance of the Sabbath ac- cordiuK to certain rules laid down by men who floiirishcd hundreds of yeani ajjo, aud who interpreted certain .pas- sages ill the Bible touchin;{ this point with Uiu aid iif a vory dim iiilallealuul h(,'ht. And yet, while ritjidly observ- ing certain rules, iit the same time very inconsistently and absurdly vio- lating (iod'H laws ill other particulars. For oxani])le, the threat di- vine, llcv. Norman Macleod, tells uii Uiniisiiig instance of the piciiliur in- eonsisteiicy of this clads of "rigid" observers of the Sahhath day. Uite <liiy, in walking towards a small coun- try chaiMil, ill which he was to pieach <hat morning, he observed a lady bt'iidiu)^ her step.-i in the same direc- tion, and carrying a small lap-dog in her arms. IminediHtely behind her walkeil a man with luiHteudy steps, who hud only a few muiiieiils licfoH: <'merned from an inn close by. The man was palpably under the infliieiii'i,' of liipior. Siulch illy the dog leaped tiom the lady's arms and ran ofl in an opiHisitc direction. The lady po- litely ftski^d the tij)Hy man to whialle for her dog. That worthy looked at ill cviduiit aniai;einent for u mo- ment, then steadying himself with an tlfort, replied in very severe tones : â€" *'Meiu dye ne ken this islJK! .Sawhatli day !" Ho it is with many p<'ople. While tlu'y are vco'V senipidiHia and liair-.spliiliiig in luutlers of little or no ini|iortance, they are equally lax in things of inlhiitely greater niomenl. Another class of people, while faith- fully perfurniing their duties, in uo I'm- as attending divine woisliip and other services connected with (ho chun'h »fe concerned, do not hesitate to crii- ^eisu their iiii;4)ihors hai.shly, and pitr- haps most iiiijustly, as sunn as they are l>eyoiid U^ sound of tiic preaelier's voice. Indeed, Huinelii^iea tlio good jireaclier hiins(df wnnes in for a share of this idle, and,, in m*ny eM4!8, mal- icioiii gossii). This love ott4* gossip Mcema to b() au inhoiout \v'C4knie8fi of the bam*D family. The disease, ntor. ally spoftkii)& â- '* coivtu,g;ioiis, and some of the very bent jirople have been l^iiown Vp.K>v« way ta it. in dkhiu ntH ^ forgetliiijj,''HH. Kver; aiali mkI woman living has some weak point in his or her character â€" ample food in every life for the satire of the social vampires which abound in every com- munity. But let critics be just in their criticisms, and while expfbsing the faults of their fellow-inen, let them not forget the good to be found there too. Yes, and in tens of tl^ousands of instances it wiil be found tiiat the good far outweighs the bud. \t the same time â€" ^ "O wKil tUu powor noino Kittle gle ua, To Htiu oui-Nulit a.t itiiert k' u us, It wad fraf uiaiiy a iilutider (rue uh .\u footUh uotiun I" So sang the immortal iiurns, who, with all lii.s lault.s, has given to the world many beautifid and iuspirmg thoughts, wrapped up in simple but expressive verse. There are many other classes of Sabhath observers. Mr. A. is of opin- ion that a little ride out into the coun- try with his wife and httle ones â€" who have been "penned up" in the hot city all the week â€" would not he coii- tiary to a scriptiinil observance of holy day. God make the trees to grow and the tlowei-s tn bloom. Sure- ly he ^an study tline work.s of His hands by a drive or ii stroll out into the rural district, where the uir is pure and scented with the sweet per- fuiii"' of llowors, or newly mown clover it may be. He cannot afford to take holidays and go to the seashore or to iioine pleasant country town â€" sucli as Flesherlon, for intsancc. Oh, no! he eiiii sintrc neith(>r the time nor the means for that. It is only some high salaried layman, minister, doctor, lawyer, or editor wiio can aiToid such luxuries as lluit. Mr, li. is horrified, "(ladding about the country" on Sun- day is simply a detestable practice and wrong in the siglil of tlie Lord. Vis- iting fiicnds is ei|nally bad. Nothing, except what is altoluldy necessary, should lie dom; on the Lord's day. Hut Mr. J5. doesn't tliiiik it wrong for hiH wife to stay home from church Sunday morning.-^ and cook a good hot dinner for her liege lord ! Mr. ('. thinds all is vanity and vexation of spirit. No cooking on Sundays in Mr. (-'s house. i''.vcrybody moves around the like a funeral pro- cession, Mr. C's face is two inches longer than ordinary and woe bolide the unfortunate son whose exuberance of boyish spirits tempts him to give vent to a whistle. No bootk blacked. No bangs ciiihd with pipe stem.: arounil his domicile. Nu shaving .Nobody suiilrs â€" at least they iloii't when Mr. C. is around. Mr. C. niar- tials his family ofl' to cliuicli after the manner of a policeman in charge of a gang nf desperate young culprits. His spinal eoliiinii is as utitT as a poker, while his features preserve a grim ligidness suggestive of cast iron or marble, .\fter pinner every member of the family reads his or her bible siill in charge of the pcdiceman ! In after years Mi. C. is astonished to find, that with all Ins (•(//vyu/ religious training, his smi.'; ari' far fnmi liecoining eiliier distinguished theologians or useful jucmberH of the clinroh of his choice. However, it is to be hoped the theological freezing they got in youth will bo pnsceptible to rays of true religious wiirmtli in later life. IC very man has a con.solo)ico. (ioil implanted that )irinei|)le within man for wise puriioses. Wlieii an individ- ual does wrong, or oven thinks wrong, conscience immediately makes him cognixaul of tin^ fact. Call conscience what you will, "the soul," or "the inner man," that man or that woman who obeys its voice will not make many iif any'.') hluuders, cither in keeping holy the Sahhath day, or in the more commonplace things apper- taining to this life. That tlio SiAhbalh aliaidd be sacred- ly observed as a day (\evoted to the sevice of the Iiord, few. but skeptics, will deny ; but just hom it should be observed so as to fulfil our L ord's oommaiid, is a question not so easily anflwercd. However, we have no further space at our disposal this week and uiU!^ leave the matter over for furtliot oiuMrvati^s a^ wuio future lime.. Maxwell. From our omt ConutuoiuUiii. Our mail of last Thursday fmot Flesh - ertoii beiiij; delayed fur 8uine cause un- known, except U) the mail-carrier. We hull a liuiiiber of usuless trips to the Post Oftice for the AiiVA.vcE which did not arrive until abt)ut 7 o'clock p.m. Mr. Parks is respectfully lequedtcd to select some other day in the week for lii.'i late tri]'. t)ur school trustees are reported as hav- in>i cui^uj^od Mr. C. J. Sproule, of Flesh- ertoii, as teachor here for next year in place of Mr. iJrummoiid, wlio is retiring. One of our leading luerchAits is very anxious to exchauyu his stock of jfooUs fur a farm. He apjiuars to think farming is a paying business. We arc to have ft new Postiiiaater in our villa>;e after a tiiiii;. Jiut at present he is only a few days olii. We wish the new airival every success. .\ new way of disposing of poultry is being introdtioed.. Kaffles at farmers houses are booiiiiiiii^ numerous.' Perhaps they fori;et tlwt it is only gambling no matter how respectable they may try to nmku it appear, and the parties bringing homo turkeys and geese have generally (laid iiiorc for them than they would have to pay ill a more honorable way. -"ISIr. Aledlur (juy is homo visiting his friends. Th<.' liulit fall of snow last week brought out the »lei'.;h» and for one or two days it looked as tlioiij^h winter had counnenced. There are uiuiiy coinplaiiiiuK of the wells goiii!4 «lry ""d water l)econiing sctrcc. TT lo CHILMENS HEALTH. One of NatuT^JL Kimiat Gi/f* in a Healthy Comlitution. Guard it again»t disenti; by v*lng Siamese Worm Powders. V'ortnn are llie /rmit/ul eaute iif mnny ilUnnlem in ChiMren. SlAMKSE WO KM rOWDKRSiniU expel Worm* ill fieri/ aisf where they exint, irill regit- lull- the Stoimuh aud JtU/iceU nt the tame time. Ute tlian, you Kon't regret it. U. J. SPKOUL. FUiheriim. ('iiiieeyaucrr, Apyruifrr. Val- uator tiitd Mcney lender. Ofedt, Storl- gaijes, lentea and WilU drutcu «;> utnl y'alutititmii nuidt oti tlufrtett notice. Chor- (/»â- » tery loic. Ap/Jif tv Ii, J. SPHtJULM, PoftMa»ter, Fhtherton. CLAYTON'S HARNESS SHOP : FLESHERTON, It the jtltiee loijetyimr Ilnnie»* Collars, <te, tmstlerup in good »<;//«. "â- Shop ill JuliiuUim'i Lively Offiet, Filth- erUM." l*i C.ix.^DU.s Ci.iM.4TK. â€"The Canadian climate is particularly [iruductive ot Cold ill the Head and Catarrh. lu fact Catarrh to-day is more prevalent than any other diHcase. The discovery of Nasal Malm places within the reach of all a certain ineaii of cure. Auction Sale! UF VALUABLE fanii p roperty I I.\' till* 'I'uuittiljiii of ArtviiiOMin, County of Or«y. VhilDr Hiifl liy viitiuiof A |Hiw«r of Salu eon tainini ill a i-eitfiln ilNirtf^st;" <wltirh will be pro- • lueuU At tile titiiti of Halut and Hijbject to % to- K,jrvc liid. tiiurt) will bu olTcriKl furkalu l>y Public .\iletl<'n ut MUNSaAWS HOTEL, â€" IK THK â€" VilUi^e -â€"otâ€" Fleshertoii ! Suliirday. th«> :tr«l <lny of i>evrin' iM-r, IHHT. .\t onu ii'cio, k ill till) sftcnioon, nil and •«inRular tliiit certain parcel of land situate in the Bald 'touiirtliiii uf .Vituuiuifia t-uutuiiiluii nfty acres iiKPiti or liiHH couiiH}!!,^! itf l<tt iiuuil>er unu huii. fireil kihI Hixty-oiut in ttu* third concesnioii north eiLi^t of the Toronto and Svdenhaiu Head. 'I'iio abovn proiiurty in alxjut two and <iiie-liulf inilus from tloi Villii|;v of Kleshurton and liai ereetod (liovnen a aiiinll fraiiiti dwullini^ lioiltti!. .About .i^a<-^efl lire nald tn be under cultivation. I'eruiaaiKl uoiiilltioim inmlu known on day of Salu. KiU furtliur puttlcultirs apply to v.. M. niADWlCK, Vendor « Solicitor. IIK.tTTY, CH %U'WlCK.lll..\r.KSTO<^KA(J.\LT, .'â- H Wullillgtuu SUeet, Kast, Toruuto. nutxd lit the (it) of Toroiitu, tliiH'iSth day of Oetnber, ,V O Should ulirayt be nteil for Siclx llrnd- ache. Tln'ir operation Is mild and phntant. Tiny strike home earh time ivhen used far a Disordered Liter. Ask for ihevi. (Set them. Don' / fortfet (he name. l*ef?l£'i«! l*lea>»ant If ifuur drufigist lint nnt the aboor.prr- pum'tiou in Sinck. W. H'. .STh'HlHiN if" CO., of .Meafiird, irill send them to you pripiiid on receipt iif'lhc.for either, o of each, or aitui^d for SI.IIU. 11'. W, STEPHEN &(](). Druififists, Wholesale it- Httuil, GREAT EUSH! 13 City I . IHHT Oxford & New Glasgow Rail- way Sections. Ut. JUitIi II ill K<«n!tol*ii;,'wash.InnCtn.IJlniil«s â- Jini I'lii^wiish JiiUct'M to I'ii^TWahIi rtiiitl*-'4. Ird, I'liKWUah Jufict'ti U> Wallace Slnf 11. 7 luikH. UU WulltKc Stfttioii tuMiiiKo UiiacI .17 luilen. IViHlrrs for C>nullna, Krtd&ro and <'iilv4M*l .llnsonry, l>iioln:;, dcr. Sl'.AlJ.U TKNOKliS, tt.Uln:sh©a to tin* unaor- hi^'iiud tiiid ttuikprHUil "Toudtiv fur().\fnrdtiiid New (ilft.-*(;nw U;iHwfty." will be lecelvi'd ftt thin oltliM) up to iiotiA-oi] Fl-idav. tlu> IHtli dHV of Nwvt-iiil'tii. lhH7, fC-f ttiuKritdhiK. l»ri(ii;i' and cul- vi'i t tnii^toiii'v. foi^in^, iVtv - I'laiift (iiiil iiritrtlOH will he ojion f<ir inspnotuMi III tlieotSl'Tof theClii* f Kin/inoor nf Oovi-rninent Uailwuytt ut ottfrWH, and aUo at thu oliiii*^ of tho D-vfoid mid Ntiw Glus«i.w lliilhvay at \Vftllftri\ rutiiiiorte^iid Co.. Nova St'otia, on and aftov thu mth Aaym Novinrttu/. lt«7, wIuto tlio ^eni'val K|tm;ll\(.iH&iiin and frtrmnf tender may liuoittaliieil npon apulit^atiiMi. Nu trtidtir will ht> eutertainoil \ndotH on onu of tho ptiiitcd forniH, and all couditionK aru cuiii)i!U'd wf%U. TlunDoiiy tn tent d<ioH not bind Ufiolf toaccnpt thu luwt^Kier any tonduv. A.P.mUDTdCY. Doiiaitnu'ntof UftlJwayB A 0»iialB,» , 1/ * Ottawa. iSnth Octobiir. 1B«7. ) . ' ' VIThai For? Where ? To W.S. CHRI-1H)F. S .Mwiical Hall, Fle»lierion, for the celebrated medicines. JOHNSOX'S TO.Slf Hrr'lKKS,JohnRoir» Toiiic l.iver I'ills, .nillN.SU.N .S .\I,l.-HK.Vi,l.Sli WHITK OUST- Ml. ST, TU'C' DriQU i« tor tli« HITTRKS as H ia iaa AUOH known to IH, the turn* for all uuivuua aii>ea««s. Hysteria, Deliility uf any Kurt. liOHH uf Ap}HjUte. Feuiale Coniplainta, aud PaU-ni^Hs of Cuniplexloii and nil disorders arii>- iuti Irurji povertv of the Blood. Tho Rlioh â- â- '"â- ^^'>*' I'lLil.!^ K> there are XIID XVUnU none better tluMi those fur Liver f 'oiuplaiut and deraiiueinent of the digeat- ivu or^iiiib. THK HVHH it for the OINTMK.NT as it rauki amt ill ita Uculini; qualitiet. fur nil Skin Diaeaaeft of a KcrvfuluUft nature. Ilurus, Suaids, ice, Ak. And It l« to be fouud at tlie Druii Htore of W. 8. CHUIHTOK. Kle»liertou. Come and try and eee for yonrselveii. I I I I ft I I I |0 I I THE 1 ARRETS. I'LESIIEUTUN. Varr/uUif Correctid I'Utch It'erk, flour «4 00 to 4 20 Fall Wheat $0 75 to 75 74 71 29 56 20 17 40 S 50 8 00 7 Oft 31 50 05 8 HO DO DUNDALK n. : PUIP WORKS ! C. /?. PHILLIP'S, llamifaetnrer ot all kiiHU of PL MVS. • Cyli nder Cheek Valve & ClslernPumps. OrdtTi ll«»p«tlfnny Swlicitfd and batiaXatli*>:» ^nitrautt-i'tr JAMES SULLIVAH, • " Tin-Sniitlj. .\<;i-;nt, Ki.Ksn!;iiToy. PHOTOGRAPHY. MRS. BULMBR. Photographer, Flesherlon - Ont. Sprinj,' AS'heat 7-1 ISarley 60 OatB 29 I'eas 55 Itutter 18 KggR, fresh 17 Potatoes hush 40 Pork 5 GO Hay, per ton 8 00 Hides 6 00 Wool 18 SheepRldna 40 (iocse 05 rnrkeys II 8 Ciiickena jK-r pair 20 IVncks per pair 40 :?.*-•• h Hnvinciipentiouie time in the »lBdlo of the iinonn Toronto Photocrapher. Mr. .S. J. IMxoii . where I aeiitiired valnable knowlediie in Ketuu chini;. I feel awured 1 can tiive gootl fjeueiai aatinfactivn. .\ call r«»iieetfullv solieited, ilRS. lULMEU. Flonherton, Sept. 17th. IHH.'!. U'lesherton . Meat Market. S. Sl'IBIT, - • Pbopuiktoi:. Cash paid fer fat CHttle and Sheep. Fresh Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. ,•^=•1*- » IT. S0OTM, The Itoi^si Barber, (Lateuf .Shulburuel Nej-l - door - to - Clayton's - Shoe - fVuip. I,A»»ES' HAIR <'I:TTIX« A HPEtilALTY. ..^^,^,t ffhuvfoq, Shamfo<iing, itc, <tf. EreryjUlmf finti liUiis. Q<^t,,HHi,iti«T,, - AT CORDOirS HARNE8S..pOP rLKSIlKKTOm You will And au amcrtweut ot Heavy and Lierht Harness, Whipa, IlrnahoH.rHriy rcinbu. Sweat Pads, and tike celebrated "HarueRa Oil. ^^%4'OLLAKK A SPE<'IALTY.:S1«: 4'hijip fur Cash. Call uiid Fxaniinii. James Sullivan, TheThismlth, - Flesherton Ktiuairlnif. BaTetrouKbing.Mid In fa«t evirr>- ^ tlihiR in the buaineeti irB) rvcuiVe iu> prompt and careful aktenCrouat reanonable prices. Agents, Agents ! Now Rkadtâ€" I â€" Ooa New Boob. EARTH, SEA AND SKY Marvels of the Universe HeinR > full and in-aphie d»«oription of all that in wuodarf nl in erery (.'untenant of llie (ilolw. in till- wuvKI of watem auU tho aUiiv Hvaveim (â- â- nulling tiirilliuK adventures on land and n-a. ren(i«*pd dineoTerie.t of the world h Kruatcst e\ ploior^ in all af|e*. and i-emarkable plienoinena in iv.jrs ri-alin of nature. Euibraeini^ the atriK ini: pliyiiieHl features of th<t earth tlie peeuliiir ohiiracteristiciiof the liiiniaB laco. of uiiiinalK. hivds. ItiM-etti, etc.. inelii(liof( a vivUI description' of tlio .ttlantle. I'aeillc and Indian (leeaiiH ami of tho IVdai Seas, the nlwUKteis et tliu deep, heautiflll seiithellH rioI plants, siiii^nlur flslien and tlwellers in the world of water'*. ie<oarkaMe oeeiiii eiirreuta, etc.. tof^ether with the aniaain iiomena of the solar aud atiutry syateiiia, h. ry tlavenport Xoitliiop, D.r>., eiiihellisli, .1 phenouiena of the solar aud atiutry syateiiia, hj Henry tlavenport Xoitliiop, D.r>., einhellisli, .1 with over ?KÂ¥i nne en(jraviD(fa. 1,iberal terms :.i aiieiita. Oxford Puhliahing Coin|>auv, 3 ,lnr<h,tt Ht .Toronto, tint. :iui-!ii;« EUGENIA Real Estate Agency i \ MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates of intere!\>; and , on . ^:ms of repayment to suit borEOwer. ,..!., ....;.i FARMS bought and sold. â- «*. I'O' >«;« «* i .^, CONVEYANCES of all kinuH* properly executed!. . me* COMMISSIONER for t»king affidavits in H.C.J,,. /^tM lor the Norwich Fire I«suranc« Society. All biti6w«ss. promptly, carefully and confidentially attended to. "j;;;;;; OM.ce, Coruer of Inkerman and Napoleon Streets. ii â- Ii .i"l Iv. ^ HENEY MBLDRUM. % --J. «^b!^ ..*y'i?*' r^si^rS" J^