\ *v* ^oaam THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE [Nov, 3, 1887. u a pi imiiiimmmv. â€" AT â€" Flesherton Furniture Warerooms. We arc thnwinq this week Parlor CENTRE TABLES At $1.75. f>ininQr u.nd. Extension Tablet), Kitchen Tables WJTJI J) HA VfER. Dressing. Fall Leaf, and Music Tables. Work and Fancy Tables in great variety. Special Line of ClIKM' WASHSTANDS juar h\. SrillNG = ]!EDS 1 I'rom $1.75. Solid ('oiiif«)rt t I IsindHoine PAPEE RACKS CJ^oo<l, Wt i-ong- dlotl)c^ l^kdk At «0c. €onnty News. The new county bridge at Heathcitte h&a been comiiluted. W. J. Morrigon, of Oranjjevillo, was fined $50 fur violation of the Scott Act. The Snlvation Army Imrracks at Thorn - burj- waM dustroyed by (ire wvtk before lant. Last week Tlios. Woodyard, of Dun- dalk, stablnd .liiinea Irwin throufjli the band. Tlie former has buen arrested. An eif^bt year old son of Ale.x. McLe'Kl, of Melanctlion, near Corbetton, while Bwingini; on a door, fell otf and Iiroke hia leg one day butt week. A Shelburne schoolboy was run over by H horse and rii; driven by a reckleng Jeliu one day liust week. The little fel- low was not seriou.sly injured. Mr. lUaney Mc(iuire â€" once interested in the hufferin I'ont, and now of Toronto â€" wiu) married to Miss .Jennie Uenry, of Oraniieville, on Tliinsday week. Two Dundalk huMteni came suddenly upon a family of liears while out huntin>j one day recently. They tired one shot and then climbed a tree â€" to make some oatronomical observations probably ! Two I )rani{eville cowtj have instituted a sort of a "reign of terror" in that place by breaking into gardens, destroyinj} trees, shrubs, itc. Nothinj? can ket-p them out short of a stable or a forty feet stone Wall. Wo are i<lad to learn that Mr. Kauf- man's child, whose tlisappearnnce from its liome at Dunkeld, we announced biat week, viiui found alive and well the day after it was missed. The little creature was out durim; the whole of a very ci^ld night, and wiui found a))<>ut tive miles from home. â€" H'aikirlun Urrnil. The Grand Trunk freight shed was entered a few ni){hts ago and a smidl (juantity of a|iplcs and buscuits carried otf. The next night a freight car door was forced and Komc rai.sius and canned salmon stolen. No clue has yet t>een ob- tained to the |>erpetrators. â€" Ihtrham Vhrimicle. On Wednesday of last week Mr. and Mrv. .lohn Esplin, of I'roton, father and mother of Mrs. Itobt. Little, of Mt. Kor- est,, saw the 54th anniversary of their marriage. Mr. Esplin was 23 years of ago when married 54 yearn ago and his wife 18. Few couples have been R|>»red to each other as long as Mr. ai,d Mrs. Esplinâ€" liepranitaiive. .\ sand pit on Mr. Doukcs' fann in .Amaranth township i:ave<l in on Monday week, burying a man luimed John .Milli- gan beneath the debris -nearly thr<;e feet. When rescued it was thought he was dead, but ho recovered consciousness. lie is so terribly bruised and injured in- ternal ly that fears are entertained as to his ultimate recovery. Monday lust as Mr. Frank Huggins, a young man who has iH'en living in Shol- bunie for some time past, wan working at a building of Mr. A. R. Noble's, he sustained serious injuries to one of bis eyes. lie was starting a nail with a hammer, ami the nail bounced and pierc- eii his left eye. We regret to have to state that Mr. Huggins will in all pndia- bility lose the sight of that organ.-- .S/ici- burne KriiiKimid. Those who live fourteen weeks longer will have the ])rivilegu which will never occur to them again, vis.: of writing one tigure tliric limes in the date of their let- tors. It will be one hundred and eleven year before it will occur again. â€" (.Vic^/ci/ EnUrpri^'. .Stuff, Bro. Uobb ! They'll wrilii "one figure thrir times in the dale of their lettei-s" the Htli and IHth of each and every month 111 the year of grace IMHH. .\nd that one liguie will be written fo^\.r limes instead of three, as stated. L.iHl Friday whih^ Mr. .lames (iibson of the Ttb line Eupbra.'iia was digging for hims(Of u Well, the biioket became detach- ed from the rope and fell a distance of .'(0 feet striking him on the head brenkiiig his skull ami causing instant death. Mr. (iib.son was about 40 years of ago and leaves a wife and family to nio\irii bis sudden demise. They liav(^ theprofmind sympathy of the whole neighborhood in their severe affliction. â€" MinkihU >^iiii- dard. â€" ^ * > .#. « ^ Rolling Pins and '' Potato Mashers, loc. each. J. E. Moore, Parham St. The T«w«'rs of Silence. Af»r in the roslmof Inilia The Toweifi of Silouoe stand, Those Ull anil Htatily towersâ€" In the heart of that mystic land. And ott, with a pravor the lliudoo, When (lay has Ifft the bIiv, Goes up to thf T"Wors of Silence Where the doail of India I io. My heart ha» itH towers of silence. To the world unseen, unknown. And often, wuarv and broken, I visit them all alone. The portals, uoisi'loasly swioKing, I pasa witii a s..linin troail. I wander anions tliti dead. 'J ill till, gloomy towors Into my towers fit«ilcnc«", Knters no worldly care: Over tile altar a ( iliser Swings ill till' listl.iKS air. The place is hii^liod and lioly, The moment .alio and sweet. And no one hcarB in toy towers Tije patter ol liusy feet. By the ludian'n tower of Silence The Ganges slowly flows. With a inurniur lull and dreary Which only tli,' Hindoo knows. 1 read in the VMlnines myotic How prayH h.iat liia shrine, Till I feel that tin' prayer of the Hindoo Is nearly akin to mine. He prays to pods of the rivers, To Kods of th.' UHKjn ami nnn : He b.iartith hih heart to a thousand, .And 1 liear mint! to One ! He asks for a HtrenKtii that saveth When flerce O'MiptatioQS try; He comos from tlie towers ol Silence titreiii^theiied. and so do I. wonderful towers of Silence! O mystical land afar. Where the pravir of the kneidint: Hindoo F'loats up to tlu; hriuhtest star ! There falls on our towers of sileuce, A li»;tit that is all divine. And tliy voice comes over tiie waters, O darltskiuued brother of mine I â€" [T.C. Harbaugh. Tho.se Splry Bn-ezos. At the theater. Mr. Yoiinghusliand (after the third pil- grimage) â€" "I always feel so much better after goini{ out to get the oir between the acts. I can always get off some clever things when I come back. Don't you no- tice I'm a tritlc .spicer ?" Mrs. Youngliiisband â€" "Yes, dear; I thought it was your breath." The Human Form Divine. The proportions of the human figure are six times the length of the feet. Wheth- er the form is slender or pbimp, the rule holds good ; any deviation fri>in it is n de- lutrture from the highest beauty in pro- portion. The (irceks made all their sta- tues acconliiig to this rule. The face, from the highest point of the forehead, where the liair begins, to the chin, is one- tenth of the whole stature. The hand, from the wrist to the middle finger, is the same. From the top of the chest to the highest {«<iiit of ihu foreho«d,isasoventh. If the face, fnmi the roots of the hair to the chin, be divided into 3 e>iual parts, the first determines the place where the eyebrows meet, and the second the place of the nostrils. Tho hight, from the toot to the t'lp of the head, is the distance from the extremity of tho fingers when the arms are extendeil. She Felt for Fido. A lady who owns a dog and, incideiit- nlly, a little girl, heard a commotion in the iwljiiining room. Upon investigation she discovered that the commotion came largely from the dog, "You naiiglity child 1 " she said, are you trying to burn Fido, that }ou hold his hdsd so near the grate ?" "No, mamma," replied the little girl ; "I'm only trying to warm his nose." Oxford & New Glasgow Rail- way SectioDS. lt*t,- TUrch Hill Uoail toruj^wiihli Jiinct'n,13inile8 iliid. !*iiK\v«--h .Iiinct'ii to I'uk'WftRh .'S inih-B. Jnl.- -IMi^'withh Junot'u ti> WaIIacu Stat'ii. 7iiiileti. 4th. ~\V»lluc;(i Station to Min^o Ktrnd...!? uiiluB. T('iulrrs Tor <<ra4lliis;, Kri<Iuo nful fiilvcrl MiiKoiiry, iVtiriii^, \.i\ SIIAI.KO Tr.NDGUS. ailc1rt)f«tt0(l to tho ninlor- t4ii:iit-<l iLiht oiidorfioil "ToiuU-r for Oxford aiul Nfw (lliiHUou Kailway." will Ihi rL>i-(.MVt'il at this ollico up to iiDoii on Kridny, tho IHtli day of Novi<iiilt(n-. lKN7, for tlto KrHtling. t>ri<l^u uiid riil- VtM t iiiiisoiiry. ttiticiliKt (^u. I'lrtiiH mid prki|\luH will bo o]M-n for iliKpoctioTi at thi!(>(!\crof thoChiuf Kiij^iiU'L-r of Goviirnim-nt UinhvavH tit tittiiWA, and aUo nt thu otUuo of th<i Oxford iiTKl iNttw Olasfiow Uiiilway at WhIIiuh), Ciiiiilifrliiiiil Co.. Nova Scotia, mh iin.l aftur tho liithdiivof Novombor, Ihh7. wlmrt! Iho Kt'in-rnl h|p('cilW-ati<>)i II lid form of tondurmay buuhtainod upon appliciitioii. No tt'iiilff' will Lu ontortalitdd unltmH on ono of t>Hi )>tiiit('<l forma, and ull oondltioiiH aru (â- (implicit with. This Utpartmoiitdoos not bind itttulf tooocopt thu lowest or any teutlur. A.r. nUADl.KY, Secretary. Uepariiitoiit of UatlwayH & ranaU. ) Ottawa. Juth October, 1»87. f Having opened out a lot of Fall & Winter Goods Personally selected by myself, I can confidently recommend them. I have a large assortment of Mens, Ladies, and Childrens BOOTS AND SHOES! Also a full supply of Mens and Ladies KUDBEKS, and Mens FROST PROOF FEI.T BOOTS. I hope to leceive a lilxnal share of the trade in this vicinity. I will endeavor to satisfy my customers in QUALITY and PRICES, mm. CLAYTON, , Flesherton. IIImilton Spectator! MOllNlNll, EVr.NINO, WKKKLY, 77ie Lmding Libernl-Covixrvativt Xevapiiper of Cunuda. GET THK Wet^kly Speclsdor Duo Dollar a Year. HrlKlit, Iiu'ihivo, Able K(titi>rialR. Thu Coiiiploto Nowfl itf tlio ilay, Thu Choicest MiHcDlliinitoiis Uoadliig. Soriol Storlus liv tlic neat Authors. Ur. 'ralinaKu's t)re»t Surinons. Tho Fullest Miivkia Uoiioits. Tho ('Iioi04*4t iluiiiur. Krcri/tliliig for Hvvvuhodii. CHEAP ^ AND DURABLE f THE \V E L L - K N O W N SPEIGHT WAGON! Call and get Prices, &c. from undersigned. STOVES, TINWAKE. &c. for sale as usual Fir.st-cla.ss vakif in everv deuartment. Agent for VICKER'S EXPRESS. All parcels left with him will be promptly and carefully attended to. MAXWELL CARRIAGE ^ WO RKS ! Little <Sc Blakely. .MANUFACTLUEUS OF Carriiki^oa, Doinovrftts, AV'agnns &e. Repairing, Painting, Horse-Shoeing, and General Jobbing Done on Short Notice and at Reasonable Prices. JOHNSON LITTLE, Itltuksmlth, Malwill.May 3r,tll,lH«7. THOS. A. BLAKELY. ff'af/oii- Maker d- Painter, FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS OF ?'*^i^.«ii5§^'^ Such ii.s Moiminonta, Tomb Tablet, Ilcadstonns Cuuntor and Table Top.s â€" in American and Italian Marble and Oranite, and made on short notice. .Vlso Mantles in Marblo and Marbluizod Slate, Ac, itc. Floshorton, Autj. 'M, 1883. HEALTH FOR ALL. THE TILLS Purif V tho Hlootl, correct all Diaorders of the ILiivei*«» Stomach, liicln'^w, a,ncl J3o\veI«i. Thoy inviKorutoaml rustoro to heftlth Dubilltatetl Conptitutioiid, and are invaluahio in sll Com- plaiutH iuci(lonta) to Ki>iiialci8 of all u^us. t\ir Chiltiroii aud the afjoil thuy are pricelesB. lluiii THE OINTMENT tsaulufallihlo roiiioily for Had I.c^^s, Had HroaRts. Old 'Wounds, Soros and Ulcers. It la famous fo*" CKnit and Ulutuiiiatit^m. For diHordci'* of thu Cboj^i it has ito equal. For SORE THROAT, BROA'CEITIS. COUGHS, COLDS OlamlularawelUDBB.aud all Skin DUoaseA it has tin rival ; and for cootracted and stiff ointH it actH lika a chain). Till' SiTi TATdii nevor nii-.^f^t news, is (â- lull, nn'1 ncvpr siiirhs a j>ulilic (jiioKtion. alwayn cliiaii kikI ntronx iiovor It iH $i.m Will piiinliKiio fnr you fi>r a yiiar tlio Weekly Si'KfTATon, till* lKi«t Conflorvatlvo journal and tlu) buKt wnukly tiowHpapor in ('aiiada. UiHiHiially liberal coniiuiAsionH to ageiitB. Addroaa THU srECTATOB, Haiuilton, Out. Muiuifaoturod only at Professor Hollowat's Ratabllshmont, 7S, Xcw Oxfonl Street ( late yi'A, Oxford Street ), London, anaarosohl at U. IJd.'Js. (H., la. r,.l.. lis. '>2s., and :i'!<. nach Hon or Pot. and may bo had of alJMod riufi Xcndors throoKliout tlio World. p^ir Furchasern jAmiJii look ^. Ih: Lidid on H\o I'olt and AVvm. If the addrens i» not ;),j'i'', Oxfurd StiVi't, London, thpy iitr .ifmriimn. NATURE'S REMEDY., m ^ iaii ^ ^eam Instant REUEF'PosiTWECURt OOUVLC TnCATMINT IN KACM PacmaQC SOUTHLHN ASTHIVIA CURE msTANT ncLicr ron ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF PRICE SAMPLES, 2Sc.; REQULAR SIZE, tl .00 AODRIII FULFOHD & Co,, BWOCKVILH. ONT. J. W. BATES, Fiij'nittire Dealer and Undertaker, FLESHERTON ONT i 4i--