? / â- <••â- â- 1 < , I" t V ^ FLESHEBTON ADVANCE. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES, JVOT MEJVV •ry VOL. Vn., NO. 332. 1.- FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1887. A. R. FAWCETT, ^'TnZ^nieron â€"I The Centre Grey > r^. Jewelry Store ^ Tf t - Bits. I ContUtitu/ of Local and Other Intereslinff I Items ijatherfd by 27i« Advance Reporters. See the Tweed at the Flosherton Woollen Mill. Mr. G. R. Glassford lias started a new bakery here. HftUowe'eu pawed off quietly here. \- K '<:^ \ Next Satnrdfty is the 6th of NoTember. » i Two weeks fEom to-day is Thanksgiv- ing, day. V* Commence* FaU Trade voitk a •ery I Horse Blankets at the Fleshetton \ ^> kJ W^Ien Mill. Conncil meets in the Town Hall next Monday. Next Monday is Cattle Fair Day in FloBherton. 'â- .omplete stock oj joodt in all line* that First- Clan ilutpt earry. If yovt wUh to purchasK a ReUahle Watch. <:ia4'k. Eimageinynf or :.i Wedding JtitiK ihxt villi he just a* represented in q*at- „ ,„ . _ , , ^. •^ Mr. n . A. Brown 8 new adTertisemont ity and udd otdi/ at a fair pay for your , will appear next week. Look out for it good* profit, do hueine** with fM. ^*The\ â- *" Assistant Teacher wanted for Kimberley School. See adyt. elsewhere. Get your Gray Flannel and Colored Yacns at Flesherton Woollen F'actory. ; If you want your Watch repaired properly, take it to Bussell, Flesherton. I Sao Market Report this week. Prices ' going up, UP, UP ! I We had a pleasant call from Mr. W. . H. Thurston, of Toronto, on Monday. If yon want your Watch repaired properly, take it to Rnasoll, Flesherton. I^Meiis and Ladiee Oveeshoes and liubbers in great variety at Will. Clayton's- A fine Walnut eit»ht day Clock for only ♦4.80, at Russell's Noted Jewelry Store, Flesherton. .Mr. Hawke has purchased Mr. Robert Clark's fine lot and briok residence in this town. We understand he also in- tends to run an extensife ejjn packing establishment in Flesherton next season. w PeopU" dont come to me of "necessity" .^ ^ ^^ Flesherton W â€" t\ey come at a fact from "cJwiee" to ^ti^^^^foodit and get Kork done ; for whiek^Mnfidenee I remain indepted to mf\»any patron*. I am in a petition to do butter by tke "public" ca*h or ^vedit than any other Jeweler in Central <irey. W. A. BROWN, The People's Jeweller. niarkdule. SAY. HALLO THERP: I ADVEBTISING PAY8I Of courHo it ilooH. JuBtpiuiit au ailvurtiHi^- Mieiit la Thk AiiVANCK aud duo for yoiirHwIf. HuudredB bavo donu su Hud wuro bvuatlttiNl. ilave you a farm you want to tK^U or ruut ? Ad- vertifw in Xuii Advance. Havu you anythiu^ iimler the Rtin vou want to sell or trade? Au wlvertineuieut'iii Thk Advancu will briug you <-uBton)urH t'Vtirv tltuu. Do you waul to buy any- »biug or biro liillp ? .\dvoi tiMu in The Advance overy timo. Addic-KH or call on A. K. Kawuott, Advancr OtUoe, t'leshorton, for tvrms. &c. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo CMsiPTi 'ii rLJini There being good prospects of a fresh quantity of Flour to be con- sumed in the village and surrounding country the present season, the un- dersigned has opened out with a good .itock of the following lines : â€" ROLLER FLOUR! ("oollen Mill for yoar Union Blankets and Twilled S&eeting. A fine Walnut eight day Clock for only $4.80 at Russell's Noted Jewehry Store, Flesherton. The fine ^ades of Coltinilms Watches that keeiJ perfect time, warranted for four and five years, for Ale at Russell's Noted Jewtelry Store, Flesherton. A large supply of Mens Frost Proof Boots, Felt Stockings, Gum Robbers, at Wm. Olavtoa's. Mr. .John Wright, jr. , has purchased the house and lot on Collingwood street ntly \-acated by Mr. Fetch. Those who intend to bring wood to this office in exchange for Tuk .\dvancb can do â- m at any time between now and t>«£i l3t of February. If you waut a Watch to keep perfect time, go to Russell's, Fleslierton. A very large stcck at tremendously low prices. Get your sale bills and other printing done at Tuk Advance Office, Flosherton. Our new office is located nearly oppo- site the Pliotograph Gallery. When visiting our town, remember you can always get a good square meal at Mrs. .\. Thompson's well-known Ba- kery on Colliugwood street. Tho line grades of Columbus Watches that keep perfect time, warranted for four and five yonrs, for sale at Russell's Noted Jewelry Store, Flesherton. Quarterly meeting services, in connec- tion with the Methodist church, Flosh- erton, will be held on Sunday morning next at the usual hour. Rev. O. Edgclow, jiastor of the Church of Kiigliind congregations at Flosherton Station, Duudalk and Max- well, has decided to remain where he is. The Rev. gentleman has made many friends since he came, and the fact that he has changed his mind in the connec- tion mentioned, will bo h^bv gratifying to his pariahouurs and Ib^Hklic gener- Hear Mr. Watson in ^V^'et^t lecture, 'Pluek, Fntii-nce aiul Persiveraiice," in the Town flaf? Fksherton, to-morrow (Friday) eveuiug.* No charge at the door. Those not satisfied with the lec- ture will not be asked .,or required tq contribute to the collection which will bo taken up afterwards. Mr. WatsJon enjoys a continental reputation as an orator and a humorist. Go and hear him to-morrow night by all means. The finest make of Nickle alarm Clocks I now selling at Rusrell's for 8'2. We will ship one to any address on reccijjt of price. Ye Editor, family, staff, household | effects, etc. , removed to the new rcsi- | dunce on Syilcuhaiu street â€" adjoining the printing officeâ€" of which buildings we shall have something to say in a future issue. On the same day Mr. J. Kester removed to the residence of Mr. R. J. Sproule, also on Sydenham street. The day was bright and full of sunshine and everything pusse<l off pleasantly. | Mr. Noble Lawrence, our energetic town carter, with the aid of his splendid and J well-matclied span of heavy draught ' horses, did the business in fine style. i Discount Sale! -OF- Mr. Pennington, the well-known life ! insurance man â€" General Mnnnger of the Provincial Provident Institutionâ€" deliv- ered an iutorestiiig and instructive lec- ture in the Town Hall here on Monday evening, in which the contrast between i the "old liners" and the assessment plan was viviiUy, strikiiiLtly and convin- cingly presented. He spoke very highly of the Ancient Order of United Work- men, of which or^'ouization there is a dourishittg lodge in this place. The speaker showed tliat lio was thoroughly posted on the great quustiun of life in- In order to make room for our large Fall and Winter Stock, we have decid- ed to give 20 per cent, off on all cath mtUt ofil.Oi) and over for the next 30 DAYS! > At the meeting of tho Trustees of the Methodist Church, Flesherton, on Mon- day evening last, the members of that body were agreeably surprised by the presentation of a baudsome silver Com- munion Sei'vice and Baptismal Font â€" six pieces in all â€" by Squire Armstrong. It was the wish of the donor that his name should not be pnblicly mentioned in connection with the matter, but Ed- itors are apt to uionopoliise items of this kind, " whether or uu," and wb,^u we accidentally heard of this graceful act of the Squire's, of course we at once dropped it in our "Tit-Bits" drawer, :iud lo ! here it is. Tho finust make of Nickle alarm Clocks now selling at Russell's for 8"i. We will ship one to any address on receipt of price. Best Brands. Rolled & Granulated Oat-Meal. Corn Meal, Cracked Wheat. Chop. Shorts, Bran and Oats, At Bottom riiccs for Cash. S|HH'ial Uiscoiiiits According to amouiU of rurchtue. W. W. TRIMBLE, Next door to Clayton'* Shoe Store. (312-304) The neat display of meat, poultry, &o. at both tho Flesherton butcher shops, is very creditable indeed to the res- pective proprietors. Mr. I). Clayton is doing a rushing business, having been obliged to secure tho assistance of a first-class Harness- maker to enable him to fill orders. If yon want a W'.atch to keep perfect time, go to Russell's, Flosherton A very largo stock at tremendously low prices. LOST.â€" On Sunday, ICth inst., a Purse containing $6 in bills. Any per- son returning the same to this office will be suitably rewarded. We are very sorry to learn of the ill- ness of our respected friend at the Sta- ( tion, Mr. Fred. Gee, but hope he will soon become convalescent. On Friday uight last three young men got on the roof of Mr. Sproule's store and threw a pail of water over the cor- ner, where a number of boys were play- ing. One boy was tho recipient of this pecuhar kind of baptism. Two or three of his couiriwlos ran around to tho rear of the building, took away the ladder by which the young men got on the roof, anil loft the latter to get down a.s best they could. How they reached the ground, "history does not tell us. " Mr. J. B. Watson, tbd talented young Canadian orator and liiimorist. will j^ivo his brilliant, instructive and humorous lecture, " Mind Your Own Business, or the Eleventh ComniaiKlnient," in Wat- son's Hall, Pricovillo, on Monday even- ing next. This lecture is well wordi treble tho price of admission charged, and was recently d(:livcred in Flcslurton witli great acceptiviicc. We can heartily recommend I'ricovillc readers of Tin; Advanck and others to atteud tho lec- ture in thoir town on Monday night. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo PBtVTISG! YES, OH, YBH! IT WH.L PAV all iiiaUTisrBOf vorsoiiB who reivrt this advt. toi!ut thi'ir Printim; doni' at Tun .Vmvasch Of- llcn, Kleshiirtoii. (ii)oJ work at hoiiost prico» fVcry tinu) ! A (loUav sitvod i-* n dollar oaruodâ€" »(i tho provorl) «o««. ramiibluts, I'lmterH, Cii- culaiK, ProuraiMH. DoflKoiH, KtroamorH, DIM HhiuIs. Noto Huxifl. Kncuiiitrt. Nntc Fonus, Itusi- nf>«H Cardn. VisiWiiK Cards. LalwlK, Togs, Ac , 3'liiin or Colored. .VildrpHK or call ou A. 11. Vawoett, AuVANCB Office, Flenberton, (or teitux. ADVBRTI8B in The ADVANCE Wo are pleased to learn that onr old | and esteemed tricnd, 5Ir. AVni. M. Cl.ark, and faniilv. will shortly take up tlicir abode in Flesherton. Wo bid tlicm ' heortily welcome. i Pleasing, soothing, healing, rclievinc, { curing, is the description of Nasal Balm which is roccving a national reputation j as a cure for Catarrh, Cold in tho Head, Hay Fever, &o. The constant success of Thr [!hi:<tr'iti;l London News (American eilitiou) is not by any means a surprise when even tlu! contents of a single week is consiilerod. Take for instance the issue of October '29tli, now on the market. The suii|>le- luent alone, giving; an excollciit colonal l>ortrait of Prince Bismark, is a valuable souvenir to possess, while in adilition there arc pictures of the Nizam of Hy- derabad, two piigc'-i devoted to illustra- tious of tlic state of Ircl.and, another I'age of Our Troo.i.-i in lUiriiiali, one of Border Sketches in Kolso, oiicol Hristcd Cathedral, and a most .attractive ;ii(tuve of a little girl and a dog entitled Speak ! j The reading imvltor is as interesting | and complete as over, while the iniii' for all is only ten cents. AW newsdeal- ers have it, and the New York oflice is Ih the Potter Building. This is <i rare chance to teatre fine goods at Wlwlesale prices as the stock vitiHt he reduced. An i$18.00 Watch /or only iH.iO ; a ^I'lOO Watch for 812.00 ; a 81O.00 Watch for 88.00. warranted from three to five i/fars. Thise are the goods that received first prize at Flesherton Fall Fair. Vome along and gel some of the Bargains. Positively for !{0 dai/s only, at RUSSELL'S NOTED JEWEIjKY STORE, Oct. 6lh, 1S,S7. Cn 1v ^<^> Birtbs. UvDKB. â€" In Flesherton, ou the 'i7th Oct., the wife of Mr. Fred. Ryder, of a sou. Lawrence. â€" In Flesherton, on the 27th, the wife of Mr. Noble Lawrence, of twins â€" both girls. nnxwell. From otir own ( 'uncipomlcnt. A very interesting meeting was held in the Mi;thodist cluueh here on Mon- day evening, being called for saying farewell to Mr. K. tiordon and fwiiily. who leave here mi Wednesday for their future luuno in Michigan. The cluirch was filled. Rev. W. Ferrier .ind Rev. W. E. D'.Vrm'iit gavo short a<ldresse», expressing regret at parting with one so iinicli esteeiuiMl liy all. and Ui>ldiug him (iocl-s|ice<l to his new lioiiie ; alter wiiich Mr. (iiirdioi waspri'seiitcd williaWatch and Mrs. tiorilon with a Butter Dish as tokens of esteem from the many friends in this place. .Mr. Ciordini replied in a very Uiudlv iiiauncr. after which mutual farewells were exclianged. News ha.s just boon received of the (IcMitli ill London, England, of J. R. Stirling, the only son of Mr. .las. Stir- ling, lucruhaut of this place. Tho family ire |ihiiiged in the ili^epest grief, as they had no liiinwledgo of his illness. Con- si'iri|)tion is said to have been the cause of his death. Tilly .Madden, a daughter of Mr. Thos Mailden. died on Siinday evening of ty- phoid fever, having been sick fur sev- eral weeks. The cidd weather of tho last few vNeek.s has prevented farmerf! getting tlieir potatoes and turnips secured. Tho very gooil priceK for farmer's pro- duce hasriaused quite a rush of grain to market. The small boyii enjoyed thcmaclves imiiU 'i.sely on Hallowtvo, but tho noise they made seomed to bo their principal eiiioviiicnt. KInihcrlry. From iiiir men t^nrrtspvniUfnt. Mr. T. Briulbury, of Artomesia, lia^t bought a lot in Kimberley and is build- ing a house and siioemalior's shop whicli he will open in a few weeks. Success to friend Tom. Mr. Condy has moved away from Kint-. berley. and we understand Mr. .\. Bur ritt is keeping a Temperance hotel in Mr. C's old stand. Mr W. H. Thurston, of the Toronto World, spent Sunday with his parents. .1. F. and Henry Lawrence have g'i:'.-,> to tho timber shanties near the Severn river for the winter. .Mr. .loseph wlio has boen in .\cton thnuigh the season is home again for a short time. • ii^ M ~ ''i^-..- ^ 3 5 '~, w m ^ ^ »-N W 1- 1 V -^ ^ Asthma cured by the double treatment of Southern .\sthma Core, is a oommon remark. M a â- ^â- â- ."^ L.i.J^,Lt.