Oct. 27, 1S87.] I'HE FLESHERTON ADVANCE % t fi i «®- "=©8 •AT THE- Medical May he found those BEUABLE MIEDIES FelloK-'s Hypophospliites. MM: Ciiiisirti: bpcd. Chloramine Pastilles ! /br ffoarsencss. C"uqhs, Colds. Liquid Malt Extract. LEADS! 0/ li'-tt tjtuility. JIIXEU PAIXTS t'n Oil, only. gETOlIf ^ I the be»t slock in town. Artists Paints & Brushes. ^if different manu/iictures â€" the Ditmond included. All cheap/or cash. COAL OIL «^?S2.rr. Ltimp Hixrnerss I OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE AV 1' ATE NT MEDICINES. Our Prescriptions are reliable and now numbers sever- al every day. CONFEGTiONERY AND BISCUiTS 4.1 large assorlment and of best qiutUty. BOOKS and STATIONERY. Pot.1 Books, Albums, Ftnclls, Pens, Inks, and a multitude of articles loo numerous to mention. We will pay CASH fur Clover <£ Timoths^ Seed Delivered at tht Hall. -i-h- .4W Fur The Advnnee. ] FADERINOTON, BY DEACON SNUKES. You will not find my Town so named on the amp, thuu^h it actually exists. I have, for prudential reasons, transposed the name to one which I think mure bctit- tint,' niy purpose and the present condi- tion <if its suiriiundiiigs. Faderington i.s a 0110-sided town â€" tliat is to say, has but one side, the other being occupied by one of our great lakes. The business centre is is oct.'iLSonal iu form, the Court House in the centre, surround- ed by a small park, a broad road with private strei'ts diven^in;^ therefrom. Just now an autumnal loveliness is scattered in rich prufusion, in the varie^rated fol- iage i>f the trees, which adorn the larger portion >'i its streets. On the lakeside, from the path, is ob- tained a grand stretch of water scenery â€" the pale blue of the water nierjiing into the deeper shadings of the distant horizon in a uiagiiiliceut sweep into the unpene- trable beyoi'd ! Failerington h.as been one of the most reputable summer resorts, iu the time when visitors took vacations ^uitu natur. ally : when rest, with moderate exercise â€" void of intense excitement â€" was con- sidered its chief recjuisite. There is a fair iiropurtion of moderately substantial residents, whose chief occupation appears to be divided eipmlly in t.iking all po.ssiblo .comfort from tlieir jjresent surrnundiutis and in juiliciou.sly eking out their means with due regard to their longevity. As a matter of fact Faderington has long been noted as the head([uarters of a large var- iety of extremely sensitive and amiable â€" old maids. I'ardin theabrui)tness of the confession. Could I but coin a word which would more tenderly give express- ion to the actual fact, I would gladly avail myself of itâ€" for least of all have I the slightest intention of casting .1 slur on so hutiorablo a Ixuly, However, since the truth is now made public, I am sure tliat all gentlemen of marriageable proclivities will at once avail themselves of my uam- ett rcconiniendation, and seek from the midst of so charming a selection, a part, nor for their joys and a true sympathizer in their sorrows. There were several interesting features iu this excellent boily. a few "f which were brought prominently under my uu- tico oa I sat at dinner engaged â€" partlf iu the regulation table duties, and partly in taking stock of my surroundings. Mrs. Sniileaby, an attractive elderly liuiy, snt at the head of the table ; at her left side the iidonible Miss Jiggilty, the boss mill incr, whoso slender arms encased in a skin-tight jersey are the wonder of the town. Now, that a party should be so constructed may Jiossibly be accounted for by one of the following reasons : Ist â€" Either by early nnsformation or (2nd) an acquired condition, the result of intense activity. From my own opinion I believe, in this case, it is somewhat of a combination of â€" bi>th ! Hut to gee the way tlmsearms moved in rmiching for table reiiuisitcs, w.rs little short i.f the miraculous. The curves, the waves, the twisting, the an- gles, circles and i;raceful movements were wonderful â€"not only in their rapidity but in their contiiiuosity also. 1 can readily understand, that a person for a long series of years engaged in putting the tinishing touches to feminine head-gear, this pecu- liar movement becomes a second nature, and as a remedial measure would respect- fully suggest a change in occupatnju, such as would involve household duties ; con- centrated in one word- marriage ! There were two other ladies on the right side- Miss Noddington aiul Miss Vielby â€" the former so named from the constant nodding of the innnensity of plumes which adorned the front part of her hat ; and the latter from the thick veil which covered half her face, shading from vulgar gaze her somewhat atpiiline nose, her graceful features and other po.s- .sibilities of more or less importance. Mrs. Smile.aby, however, managed to keep uji a motherly interest at their table, ami, save with a few occasional glances in our direction, their attention was chielly con- fined to the duty of the hour. The walks around Faderington aro by no means to bo dcspi.sed. A graceful sward covers part of the roadside in many parts of the town, which foriUH an agree- able change from the knotty sidewalks. As the shades of evening were approach- ing a quiet ramble was exceedingly ac- ceptable. Though October, the mildness of the eveiung was appreciated by the re- sidents, who sat at their windows various- ly engaged in conversation or lu probable meditation of their suggestivu (jHViroii- muiit, ao ^l^«>r ^.a?t» inclined. The strains of music from an open window drew my attention. I leaned against a maple, whose f<diage the breeze was slightly moving, and gave myself to a reverie. A graceful figure sat at the piano in the welldighted and elegantly furnished room. A white woid wrap was thrown loosely over her shoulders, while her fingers ran over the key board in a dreamy fashion. Her eyes seemed to bo scanning some distant object, or possibly her mind was faraway. The unconscious melody merged into the minor key, which in its (ilaiiitive strains appeared to surge in waves of harmony as if her tinkers were the exponents of the soul's niusinsis. Suddenly the tune changed, then in a clear, rich voice, came the words â€" "'Twas the Last R<iso of Summer left, lilouniing Alone." As the song proceeded, lier voice gathered an inspiration of bi-auty. Tlio song was exceedingly a|ipropriate, tor the fading flower, the falling leaf, were all silent yet potent teachers of the truth. As the song ended, I felt a mournful thankfulness that even Faderington had taught me a practical lesson, .is I da.shed a tear from my eye and quietly returned to my hotel. D. S. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Assistant Teacher Wanted. FOB S.S. No. 3. Eiiiilirasia. Duties to com- iiieuco ,)aii. 'Juil. 18KS and cuutinue six iimiitliH. Apply, Btating salary, to J. K. F.WVCETT, Suc.-Tiuns., Out. 21at, 1M87â€" 33I-1. Kimboiiuy I'.O., Ont. $3oO WUA: ntJY LOT .17 1.N lltll (;0N., ..\ETEMipi.\. 1U7 acres. Asuesftud iit .^tidO. M'V'? to CHAKLES GA.\rON, j:)l-44. Colliiifc'wood. STRAYED. How I'at.sy wil^ .irraiiui' it. •'Yes,'' said Mrs. (I'llalhuaii, "Patsy met wid a had accident, .sure enough. How was it after ha[ipenin', ye ask. It was loike this ; Ho was wurrukin', as ye know, on the sewer an' wasn't jiayin' much attintion to things, an' so happened to ha\'e his piqij^yp in the air when the si.x o'clock whillfe blowed, an' av coorse w he lets go av itTBi looks for his coat an' the pick cuino d.iwn 011 his fut ! Be g(djs it'll not happen so aiiain, fur he swi-ara he'll not sthnke a lick wid tlie pick after a qua-r-r-ter past foivo. " An liirant Spcoulator. Our little three year old is very fond of oranges. One d,ay when he had eaten a large one he came to mamm.i and wanted more. "How many are there in the dish ''. asked mauinui. He counted thcin. "Just throe," he .said. "Very well," was the reply, "there is one for papa and one for niauima and one for you. You can have one. He ate it and wanted another. "How many aro loft / " .said mamma. "Just two, oue for papa and one for me." "But where is mine ?" said the aston- ished mother. "Oil," he replied 'piicUl}-, "I've eaten it. " Lcs.soii For Yoiiii:; WrIU'rs. Caller (in newspaper oliice)- Twenty years ago I wrote a poem. Yes â€" Yes. "1 brought it to this "dice, and you refused to [mblish it." "Very likely. " "I remember I mentally put you down then lUi a confounded idi'>i who di'ln t know enouuh to ache when hurt. "Naturally." "I looked that poem "vcr again the other day, and have come to .see you about it." ".•Vha. ' "I have come to say (li.it if I looked as green twenty years ag" as that poem proves me to have been, I want to thank you because you didn't '.'ut me up and feed mo to the cow.s, CmmI day." Tlio Editor drew a l.'U.; chalk mark under the table. It wa.s the first ease in his experience in wliieh iwi-nty years had begotten sense eiiougli. to undcrstacul that it is sometiuies iiecc^s.iry to bo cruel to bo kind. Tli^ IJo^^ Barber, (Lato of Hll.i ilu'lel Ned - dour - tti ('/((;,â- ^â- ^l'.< SIidc - SIiuji. L.4MIKS- tS UR ri TTtX<; \ SPKl'IATTV- Sluiriiu/, Sh'.inijKiui.i.j. ,1 . ., .t''. Evfr\jihiiiij Ji.iM-cun'f. Out. ntl), 1S.S7. Fiesherton Station Mill. The above mill i.s now in good running:; order for Chop- ping. George* MooREHousE, proprietor, will be plca.sed to see ;ill his old friends. Quan- tity of four feet Cedar Logs Wanted. Fanners will do well to make a note of this C,\ME to the proniiseH of Mr. .Johu Porteoas, Lot ;iu, Otli Coll.. .Vrtuiuusia. on loth o( Oct., â- 2. Heift.'rs. OwtuT eun have sttiiiu by proving property and payiilK expensHrt. JOH.-^ POItTEOfS, â- Ul-.a l.'lui-lierton P.O. Oxford & New Glasgow Rail- way Sections. l.-it,â€" Hirch IlillUoiui to Pu;iwii.-li -luiict'n.i;* miles •2in!.â€" Piit;wash lunct'ii to Pu^wiiKh 5 uiiloB. ;frtl."l'u«WHhli)uuctri to \ViiUii«<» Stut'u. 7 milos. Ith. â€" Wullaco Station to Miiij;o Uuiiil..,17 uiilofl. TcihUts Tor <>radiiiu:. Uridsfe uud i'ulvort illusoiiry, IViirinu, &c. SKALKD TI:ND1:US. a.Mn'ss.MUo tli« uu.lur- rtiyiic'd Kiiti oiniin'iuil "TL-iKUir for Oxford atid N.-w (ila.s*;o\v Itailwity. ' will hit rociuvuil tit this t»llico up tu lioou oil Kri'lay. tluj IHth ilay of NovHiiiln^r. IKS7, I'ur thu tiradint,', bridKo autl cui- vort iiiu.soiirv, tenciiij:, •xn. Plans and prnrtUiH will Iji! opoii for insi»t>ction â- it tlu'olliceof thet'hit'f Fliitjiinufr of (iovoriimtmt Kaihvavs at <Htaw;i. atul ali^o at tlin otUcu of tliu Oxfr)r<l ati'l Ni>w (ilas^ow Itaihvay at Wallace, Ciiiuhorlantl Co., Nova Sdotiu. on tttul after the lutlniayof NovtMnbur, lKh7, wlu-ro tho funeral •<|t(iciflL'atio» an'i form of tuudcr may butditaiuod upon application. No ti-tidi-r will bo unturtaiued tinluSH ou oue of till' priiiii'd forms, and all couditioaa are (MUnpliinl with. This Dupartmont does not bind ItMdf to accept Iho lowest or any tcnilor. A. r. HUAULKY. Secretary. Dcpartmnnt (4 KailwavH ic Cauala, \ Ottawa. iSnh Octobor. lb*>7. i c Wll.li W- rofi'ivud till Uitli Novonibor. 1HB7, for Imiliiin;^ rresbvt«iian lirick Church in IMictvillf, Plans ami Spocillcatious to bo aeea vvitii Socrelarv. \ Mil'CAKi. Chairman ^ of Uuilding ItKV. U. \V. McLKUD, riocretary > Committee. :t:w-:ay. Hamilton SpectatMI MOUNINO, EVKNINH. WKKKLY, The Leading Libiral-Conservutivs Neicspajyer o/' Cunudn. â€" (iirr Tin: â€" Weekly Spectator One Dollar a Year. Hri(,;iii.. liieiHivo, Al'If i-'-iiitorials. Tho Coniplott.- N.-wi of tho day. Tlu; Choicusi Mis< cllaneuus BeadlDg. Soruil Stories* by thr itoMi Authors. Dr. 'ralnuHji: >* tiriiat Sorntonw. Tho K'llIoHt >rarkot Itop^rta. 'Dim Choicoat Humor. Evt'vi/thhiff /Vi/' IU' VI' If body. Till.' Si'i'crx ion iit'Vfr inis.m's ih-wj, Ih noTer ihtll, Hiid ni>vor ^'hirkM ji public (|uut*tiou. It tl iilwa\H L'ii-an and stronf;. ^x.a» th. 1 Vn Ad. 11 purchaHo for >oii f<ir a yi-ar th« Weekly Twoii. tliH bfNt (."on^trvutivo jourual and "Tit w"ok!\ ui'U-ip.ipiT 111 Cjinada. iiMuillv rib.Tui coitinii-^-^ions to afiontH. r.-s 'PHK >l'i:c'r,\ roU, Ibmnlton. ont. Auetiofiii Sale I Of \itlntihic i\ntn» in the 2*0RVi- s/h'/> of ArtcmrHUt. Ciiilrr and I'V virt'm of tho I'uwor of Sale In a rriiitiii Morti.'n;;t' from Atidrrw Itiitlcd^-o to th*» V.iid'ir'^ wbiv'h will in: ptoduitMl at tho timo of Stib'. liilault having' bci-n nuido in pavmont of liu- tiimiovs ibi'Viby si-.-iinil, tboru will bo ofler- I'il lor sa!o bv Public Auction at MUiSTSHAWS HOTEL. - IN THKâ€" Vi/lffQ'e â€"ofâ€" Fiesherton! -ON'-- Fridav, the 'isth day of October* Atl2oVlock noon, by A. S. VANOUSKN, Auc- TIONKKU. Tht' Sf»nthAV)>Mt part of l.ot mtmbor M6 In the Second CoiK-frtsion S. W. of tho I'oionto and Sy- Liiliuni Hoad, .\rt(!niosiiL. containing ^TKi acreH moriMir Ic-s of whirli ali.nit 10 aro sxid to bo L-lcari'd and 'M\ iwv Iroui stumps and woll foncod und I'uitivatod. On llm |ooiuiM.'.H aro anid to be a uood fraiim Uiirn and Housi! and an Orchard. '1 In- propoitv is within ono milo of KU-shorton, iindiftan K.XCKId-KNT WIIM.VT I-WKM. TKUMS : 'I'lm ptT cent, at tho tinio of Sale, ilfttjou por coot, within 4>no mouth thoroafter, and thf balance to he socured by a inortiiaKo or tile piomisfs payable at tho expiration of five \. MIS Willi iiitt'r"t!St at s(-voa por eont. yearly or MH'h othiM- tt-rniM as may bo arrariRcd with the puri:!ias(tr :it tinio of sale. For fuii-hor partlou- luiN apply to W. ,1. PKId.AMY.Ks*!-. t'loshertou, or to MOSS. I'ALCONlHUDdK i% IIAKWICK, <^ \ondor a Sulicitors. Toronto. Oct. lOth.1887. 32WJ81 NOTICE to CREDITORS. IN tlu) n.atturof JOHN (iOlJOON. of the Town of Klorthorton, in tho bounty of Groy.Huddler. Notiio is horcby j;ivt'n that tU« alxno named Joliii (hn-dnn han'nirtdo an asslKnniont of all hio cstatt" ami etTccts to tho uiiclorHif.'nod Cbarlea ParsoiiH of Toronto iu ptusuaiHii' of an ActBos^ pt;cdiiiK .Vssi!.;nn.tintK for tho buuriit of Creditor!", â- IH Virto'iii, Chiiptt'r'2(KLntlamoiidinR Acts there* to and tho oreditorH aro notifltil to uioet at No. 7'J Kront Street Kast. T'oront<» on thy First day of NoviMiibor, 18iS7, at ono o'cluok p.m. to receiv«i rttati-nioiitH of his affairs, appoint hiHpectorH,. and yivn directions witli roferonco to tTio dia- posal uf tho estate ({tniorally. .\U cioditorB are ro(|uostoil to Send forthwith to th»' uiidiTsi^nt'd statonumts of thoir claims vt-rifli'd bv allidavit. and notice iw horcby Kivuu that after tho fifth day of November next tho Haid trustee will proceed to dislrihulo tho asnetH of the said ostato ainon^ tho partieH entitled tluHcto havluK regard only to tho claimB of which iiotiuo Hhall havo been Rivtm. and will not bctiablofor tho assets or any part thereof din- ti ibutt'd to anv person or perwonHof whonoclaliu or 'luht h« shall not have notice. Utttwl thibOtU day of Oct.. 1HH7. CHAULK8 PABSONft. 920^ :m] AsHiKnoe, ^ctUat. DR. CARTER. M.C.P. ctS.,().NT. PHYSICIAN, i^lR<;EOX, &*: FLE.SHEUT(»'. Otfico. Rtrajn'K block, Kosidenco, Wm.WiiL'ht * geuti^tvy. taak DENTISTRY. Thomas Henderson, L.D.S. SURGEON DENTIST Oukl MfihUist ami Iloiurr OradiuUe of (/-- liJ'.D..^ Win viHit FLEhHliltTOS. iMiiiiBhaw's Hon 1 1 an'i 2of each luoiith. Teoth tfxtracttMi, iiii»ert- ed and rilled in the liigheBt styles of the ait, and at moderate rates. Head Office, 761 Vonok 8t„ Toboxto. ^rjjiil. J. W. FROST, LL-B.. Barriatvr, SolU-itor, CoNveyancer* Otiice, â€" Strain H Huildiiiti, Klkaherton. A. A. CHESLKY. Solicitor and Coiiveyaucer, Uosidont Munaj^er. Ml{. FUOST will bo found at the Office oa ThuradavB aa heretofore. P McCULLOUGH, Barrister', Solicitor, (^-c: OHIre, over MoFarland's Storo, Slarktlalt'. .Muiif y to Luun. MASSON & MASSON, B.VKIUSTKItS. S01jriT(^ltS. Ac. Officesâ€" Owen Sonn.l. in Vlcker's block, I'oulett St.; Hranoli ollice in Markdalu. over Mi- Farland 8 store, ou Friday and Saturday evcrv week. J MASSON. Q.C. S. MASSON. W. MASHON. N. P. -Private A Company s ftindB to iuvt-sl at from Six to Kij^ht pur cent. ilu^iiuss Catdai. John W. Armstrong, Fl.KSIIEUTO.V, Co. Qkkt. niVISION COLKT CLKKK. COMMISSIONER ^ ill II. U„ C'c)iive.viuic«r,*o. .\j;ciit for imrihas- aud sale of lainlh, .\|ipraii«'r for C. I., C Com. »ud K. P. H. 4 S. Socioty. Mi'iiay to L.oaii mi tlie uiout rvai<onal>l» turuiK I»i,ii;ii o» MAUKLAWK LICENSES, NOT.UtY I'lBLIC. MONEY TO LOAIS. At « l»er Oent. On T'jwn or l''anii l'rnji<rty, 8. DAMUDK. Flesliorton STRAY COW. riAMK to the iiri.'iiiisoH of tliu »iilipcrilrr, I.nr Y No. :>. Con. â- !, (.Ihprt'V, souie tilno il^ nr Cow, (i;:i.<I. (>wMof cHM liiivi! Haiiiu by in.iviiu; proi'oMv and iiavinj; cxpoiiKes. OEO. PIHHKll, OKpiey, Oct. itll, 1(*7 Jlajtwull, I'.O. GET YOUB MEAT :-FKOn.: Fetch & Mitcliell, (JE.NERAL Bl'TCHERS, FLESHERTON! ISsfCasli paid tor fat cattle, &c., ke. ^EW LIVERY! THK undorsi^'netl bot-s to announce that he hn" Ktartttd a flrtst-tdaKs Livery in tho Htaud op pO!*ito MuiiBlmw'fl Hotel. Flonhorton, where tho trftveiliiiK pubhe can be aocomuiodHted witli Kood riKK and liorHort at most rua&onablu prict " Try me and he couvince<l. UoHpectfully yours, W. H. JOHNSTON. Flushcrton, Nov. lOtli, IHliC, NOTICE. GRAY CHAMPION! ATHOUOCGH-l'.UKI) Dl'KHAiM BLLL, will! «oo<l iH?dii,'roo, will Htand for servica at I.nt U2 \Vu»t T. .VS.U.,.\rteiiieBia. Tehmh, *1 if pai.l ou or liuforo.lan, 1st. It*8H; iitherwiRO, ^X.IH. Also Mioroiigh-bred BEKKSHIME BOAIl at MUuoplaoe. J.\COB A. LKVEK BELL" Unapproached for Tone and QuaJitj. CATmLOQUM frkk. BELL&CO.,6iieiph,0iit.