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Flesherton Advance, 27 Oct 1887, p. 1

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v^* 1, ' -a i 'â- -?â-  %â-  ;â-  â-  ' ^1 '. 11 - v.- . â- . P If â- i •â- . i "I * ? J â- Â» "1 I!.- 1 1 4 FLESHEITON f TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRIJVCIPLES, J^OT MEJ\'.' VOL. VII., NO. 331. PLESHERTON, ONTARIO^ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1887. A. R. FAWCETT, EDITOR Sc PROPRIETOR. -i The Centre Grey yA.^, Ti*;?o!^'.. r J tonsuting uf LodXl una (>tlii:r liUereatiuy Jewelry Store Commencet Fall Trade with a v«rji complete itock oj goodt in all line* thaf Firit-Class »hops earry. 1/ you with to purchate a Reliahle WaUh. riofk, Eiijiaafiuyiit or thai will hejatt a^ 'epreienteftin qual- ify and iold only at a/uirjmy for your good* profit, do biuinett with »t«. " J^e Feoph" don't come to me of "necesrity" â€" they mme a* a fact from "choice" to buy good» and get leork done ; for yehich confiitence I rtTnain indeptrd t* my many patront. I am in a position to do better by the "public" oith or creditulian antf other Jeweler in Central Grey. W. A. BllOWJS, The People's Jeweller. Murkdalf. SAY, HALLO THEBE I ADVEKT18ISO PAYS I Of courHO it douii. Jut4( plant an a4lVfi'ttMo- tuout in Thk Advanc'k and hco for vourHclf. Handrocia liavo donu bo »ud wure banclUtud. Hftvu you a farui vixi want to aull or rout / Ad- rvrtiw iu 'I'liK Advanck. Havu you auvtliiiig under thu Mun y.>ii WAut W auU or tradu'.* Au ajvurtisoiniint ill TuK Ao\AXCE will brinK you cuBtc/Miors ovory timo. Do yon want tobiiyany- MiiQK or hire htl\' â- / Adv«rtiiie in TiiK Aiivanck every timo. AUiiruAH or <jall on A. U. Kawc«tt, AUVANCE UlQcii, Flobhortou. for toruit, Ac. OOOOOTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOdOOO Tliere being Rood prosiiocta of a fresh tjiiiiTitity of Flour to be con- sumed in the village and surround iug -ooHutry the present season, the un- dersigned has openuil out with a good -stock of the following Hues : â€" ROLLER FLOUR! Best BraiiiU. Rolkd & Granulated Oat-Meal. «CoKn Meal, Cracked Wiioat. >Uhop. 'Shorts, Brau and Oats, .At Bcrttom Prices for Cash. ;8pecial Di^iicouiit^ According 'to anunnit of Purchase. W. W. miMBLE, .Next door to Claytun'a Shoe Store. (312-364) O 000000000000000000000000000000000 PRINTING! YES, OH, YRSl IT WILLl'.W all inanncvR of jiorsona who road this advt. tosotthoir PrintiiiKdonoat Thk Apvancr Of- flco, FloHliortciii. (Jood work at hoiiost prices ovory timol A dollar aaved is a dollar oariuidâ€" •o tho proverb goes. Paniplilota, I'ostcra, Cir- culars, PrograniB, Do»i|?ors, 8trpaini>r», BUI Heads, Note Hoada, Uooeiiits, Note Kornis, Busi- ness Cards, Visiting Cards, Lalwls, Taijs, Ac, Plain or Colored. Address or call on A. K. Fkwoatt, ADVANCE OlBoa, Plesherton, for teriua. Items ijatheivd In/ The Advance li-'pnrtern. 500 yds. Grey Flanuel at 17 cents yd.. at R. Trimble's. JSoO will buy a farm See advt. elsewhere. in Artemesia. If you want your Watch repaired proiierly, take it to Russell, Flesherton. Mrs. Gould, of \Valk»rton, visited her mother â€" Mrs. Thos. Osborne â€" recently. Drop in and see our All-Wool Tweed Suits from S,") up, at R. Trimble's. Mr. Chas. Li(Jar<J lost a valuable cow- last Thursday, supposed to have been choked by a turnip. Mr. Walter Booth and Mr. W. W. Trimble of tliis plact; shot some flue partridges last Tuesday. Itichardsun I'c Co. want a carload of Fowl. Goose. Turkeys. Duclis, Cliick- eus, ilic.. for 1st November. ADVBBTISB In Tne ADVANCE C'arefullv read the Flesherton Medical Hall cohiuiu aunuuucemeut on auothe- page. If you want a Watch to keep jHirfect time, go to Hussell's. Flesherton. A Tery large stcgk at tremendously low pticoH. Tenders will lie received till the lOtli of November to build a brick church (Presbyterian i iu Pricevillo. See advt. ID another 'culumu. The gonial face and manly form of Mr. .John Wllkerson is to be seen on our streets agaiu. He is home on his annu- al visit to his aged parouts hert. The tine grades of Columbus 'Vatchos ttftt keep iierfoct tmrc, warranted tot four and five yean*, for sale at Russell's Noted Jewelry Store, l-'lcsherton. A fine stock ol H(>RSE BLANKF/FS just received at Clayton's Uaruess Shop, Flesherton. Selling cheap. Uet one next timo your are in town. Dr. Sinclair. â€" Wo remind oirt read- ers that the eminent Scottish phy.'^ician will be at Flesherton Hutcl, Monday, Nov. 7th. Consultation Free. The finest make of Nickle alarm Clocks now gelling at Kussell's for i'l. We will ship oue to any address ou receipt of price. .\n immense number of cattle, sheep, and hogs have been shipped from Flesh- erton this autumn. Also a vast ipiau- tity of grain. For all of which highest market prices were paid. Richardson & Go's H.HO Overcoats are well cut and surprisingly good value. Tliey have a large range of cloths in suits aud overcoats and can suit every- body, Mrs. J, H. Duckett, of Kugeuia, is buruing another kiln of her famous lime this week. Those wautiug some will do wi'll to order early a-< this is likely to In; the last of the season. First come first served. Mind \"oi/b Own Bbsinkss. â€" Now can any oue properly mind their own busi- ness or any other persons if they havt> spent ft wretched night of tossing ou a hanl or otlicrwisc uncomfortable l)cd ? There are lots of people simply wearing themsolves out for want of proi)er rest. You see them in every walk iu life, moot them at every corner aud in every store. Men and women prematurely old, who ought to be hearty and strong â€" in fact just iu their prime â€" a sliglit accident or sickness over-takes thom aud for want of vital force aud energy, they easily bo- come victims. All this could bo easily overcome by calling at J. F,. Moore's Flesherton Furniture Warcrooms and purchasing oue of those cheap Spriug Beds. If yon want a Watch to keep perfect time, go to Russell's, Flesherton A very large stock at tromeudously low prices. Call and see our Tweed Overcoats for U.7o, at R. Trimble's. .\ fine Walnut eight day Clock for only 84.80, at Russell's Note<l .lewelry Store, Flesherton. Teas were never so low in price in the i history of the trade. See the e.xtraor- diuary values offered by Richarson & ! Co., Direct Importers. Iiiistio^e. j The Weather is becoming cold and win- ter is aj)parently coming on at an early I date. Threshing is about wound up and some of the farmers have had to build now gran- aries. Quite a number of peoplo here have been on the sick list, but are recovering. The most complete equijiniont to face i The Sous of Tonipurance ;,'!ivu an en- the rigors of winter's cold and storms , tortiiinroeiit hero on the (ith inst.. which can be hail at Jf. Richardson & Ccj's. was a very pleasant affair. The order Every description ot Clotiiing and has a membership of about (JO and if the Clothing material. No need to blow Scutt Act is voted on in this county about prices they speak for themselves ^ we think IuiBtioi»e will be iu favor of pro- Mr. R. H. Henderson, of theC.P.B., Pcterborongh, Ont. , gave us a pleasant call ou Friday last. He uoticed a great improvement in the appearance and I Rrowth of Flesherton since his last visit. ' Of course ho subscribed for Flesherton's popular paper. The Adva.sck, and "went ou his way r< joicing.'' ' Dis count Sale! -OF- and the purchaser is the best judge 100 acre farm to let in .-Vrtemesia, be- ing Lots Nos. 8 aud 9, Con. '2, North of the Durham iioail. About tiO acres cleared and uudor cultivation ; well feuced. Gooil buildings ; Itrick Dwell- ing House, itc. Easy teni;s of payment to a good and suitable person. .\ fine farm. .lohu Stewart, proirietor, Price- ille P. O. See bills for particulars. The tluest make of Niokle alarm Clocks now .selling at Rusfell's (ori'l. We will ship one to any addross ou receipt of price. We notice by last week's issue of the Forest Fne /'ir.« that Mr. J. G. Keefer has boen elevated to the highest position iu tho gift ot the Canadian Onler of Forester's lodge in tbat town. Friend .lake is also a prominent Royal Templar. Our Flesherton Ixiys always leave tlioit "footprints in tho sands of time" wheu they Ko abroad. hibition. Mr. P. Sander has moved unto Mrs. .Mills.aii's f.irm, that lady having none to I'riecville to hve. I Mr. T. Reid is buildim.; a uew house. I Mr. .1. Mortre, of Hamilton, is visitmK j at .Mr. S. WaktUy's. I Mr. W. Tiylor .saw a bear croiwing the townliiie between Melanctliou and Arte- mesia last week. The echoes of Iuistioi;e are : Who stole the oil can from the church ? Who lost the pair of No. It hidf-solos on the side mad last Sunday night ? .\ud that some of our bachelors have a i;ravu appearance recently. .Inst arrived at R. Trimble's. Flesher- ton, a niagnitieent stock of Rubbers, Overslioes and Meus Felt Boots â€" best value in town. If yon wnot y, ^: »'sS:h rnpaired properly, take it to Uussell, Flesherton. .Vu examination of The Illustrated London New.s* i.Xti^ericaii reprintl for Oct. 'Jind, will show tho Euglish view of tho trial yacht race, illustrations in coiiuectiou with the .State of Ireland, Our Homeless Poor iu St. .lames's Park at Mid Day, the British Mission to Mo- rocco, and .Sketches on the River Congo. \ Sleeping Beauty rei)reseuts a hand- some tiger at rest, while Christening Sunday i>rosents infancy surroundc<1 by admirers. The price of the number I being ouly ten cents places it within the | reach of all. Kvory newsdealer has it. Tho otticc of publication is in the Potter Building, New York City. .Tust received at It. of Men aud lioys Lm est in town. Trimble's 80 cases g Boots. Cheap- IMowiiig Match. The .second nunui.l plowiiii^ un- der the ausiiices of .\ituine»ia .\L;ricultu- al Society held on the faiin of Robt. Oliver, Esq., on Thursday, l.'Oth The we^ather was fiiio and the turnout of spectators large. The competitors was not as great as could bo desired for there were ijood priaes od'orod. For boys under 18 years of ago there were no couipetitors. This is to be regr,,ttetl as it is to tho young We have to look for ouj; future .ag- riculturi.sts. The followiny are the names of the pi-JMo wuiiiuib : Class I., F. Cairns, E. Lomos, H. Kiiiy. Class 11., J. Oli- ver, J. Ch.ard, N. .McLean. The judgua were W. Nichols, H. .-Vrquitt, and W. Smiley. Tho fine grades of Columbus Watches that keep perfect time, warranted for four aud five years, for sale at Russell's Noted .Jowelrv Stjre, Fleshertou. \V. C. T. U Dopartiiiont.; Kiiiiiiuary of Scott Act Victorys. Nova Scotia has ei!{hteen counties i»nd rtnr city, "* whii-.h thirteen. countius have adopted tho .\ct. New Brmiswick has fourteen counties and two cities. r>f which ten counties and two eities have adojitetl the .\ct. Maiiitolm live counties and one city, of which two counties have adopted the Act. Prince EdwanI Island has three coun- ties and one city, all of which have adopt- ed the Act. Ontario lia.s tliirty-eight counties and union of counties .ind eleven cities, of which twentytive counties and two cities have .idopted the .Vet. Quebec has liftysix counties and two cities, five couuiies of whieli liavo adopt- ed the .\ct. British Columbia has five [larliuiontary constitueucies, none of which have adopt- ed the Act. In all, u[i to tlfc. present time, 81 cities and counties have \ >ted upon tho Scott .\ct, ami li;! hiivc n . '[ited it. Ninocoun- lies ami eities voted twice and two three tiuie.<, making .an agi^regate «f !)2 con- tests, out of which we have lieen vjetw- loim in 71. Tho aggregate votes cast iu all the con- tests have been : â€" For tho Scott Act 1()1321 Agninst •' " IIKWI In order to make ro&m for our larj': Fill and Winter Stock, ire have decid- ed to give 20 per cent. f>ff' on all cash sales o/Sl.OO and over for the next 30 DxVlS! This is 'I rare chance to secure fint goods nt Whnhitide prices ns the stork must be rcdurrd. An SIS. 00 Watch /'or only $H.iO : « 81.").00 Watch for 812.00; a SIO.OO Wolch for jJg.OO, trarranted /mm thrre to jive yearf. These are the goods that received firtt prize at Fksherton Fall Fair. Uome along and gel sornc of the Bargains. Positively for 3U days only, at RUSSELL'S NOTED JEWELEY STOKE, Oct. Hth, 1SS7. Net Scott Act majority... 40030 If we omit all voting but ;he last, in those places which have voted more than once we ;,'et the following as the latest veto ; â€" For the Scott Act 140974 Against " " 102100 The MidwalkH. Til flu; Editor of The Adniure. Sir,--.Vs tho winter is drawing on. apace, something ought to be dune in coimection with our siclewalks. Couldii t the Council juiss a By-Law compelling e.ach citizen or owner of lots to keep tlie sidewalk shoveled off durinjj the winter months ( As a rule, our sidewalks "ku into winter i|uarters'' under great hanks of snow. This is too bad. It would be very for each citizen to keep them clean opposite his own lot and thoreby save a deal of iiiconvenionco to the travelling public. What say our towns- pe.o()le ? Can't something be done .' If so, then i^et it into workiny ortler before win- ter, and not have jieopio of necessity take to the midille of the road. Respectfully yours, Pli-.nky. Knew What lie wa.s Abont. Scone â€" Jacob Levi's clothing store. Customer (who wislies a pluni-cohirod coat, but who is sliowu a green one) â€" "That is not a plum-colored coat. Why, it is green.'' Jacob (not to bo disconcerted) â€" "Veil, my good frioudt, dcm't you know dot blunis are green before they're ripe ?" 44803 It is more than eii;ht years since the Scott Act was first voted upon and adopt- ed in dill'erent localities, and no county OB cirv HAS YK r Ki'.i-KAi.KD IT, although many votiiiLts liavo taken place on the ([uestion of repeal. Furs, Fur Overcoats, Fur ^Mautlos, Fur Caps, Fur Robes. Seo the large stock at Richardson & Co's. What is it '? â€" Not a snuff, powder or liquid, but a preparation peculiar to it- self. Easy to use, pleasant in effect. Nasal Balm will positively cure Cold i^ Call aud see our Persian Lamb Caps | the Head, Catarrh and kindred diap^-. for t!i-75, at R. Trimble's. ers.

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