\ /.r- f » r. f . \- THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE .O.J A, THIS PAPEE Ti^£r^^^^^^, THE ADVANCE. I> |<ul>lUh«<] liLxe-^-y Thursday, FiiouTHK Officii, C.'.'iii/iivkh/ Stretl, • â- Fletkertou, (hit. TKIIMS OF SUnSCRIPTION : H |<or aiiiiuiii when |>ai<l striutly lu advaucu (1 'i'* t'lr auuuui wlmu uut ko |>ald. A. R FAWCETT, Eilitur atui Pro\inetor. FLBSHERTON: Til TRSDAY, SEPT. 22. 1887. KDiroUIAL IfOTEH. Tiic Durliam Chronicle Bays that Thk Advasck says that tlio llanovur /'' si iuys wliat is not triio in refurence t«i " v.hiskcy papers." For once the Chronicle tills the truth. Nu lawyer in Clirisloinloinâ€" of any standing â€" would risk his ropatation in the matter, as tiio article ooiitaiuod nothing lihclluuH. TuK Advavce rises to reiunrk that the Toronto World is tlio model daily pajJiT of (.'aiiada, and no live, wiJe-a- walvc publisher, bnsintss man, fi'.rnicr, professional man, or inochanio would be without its chewy conn«ny one hour, if they only new wlial an ener- getic galhertir of short, snappy, bright, vijforous, racy, pointed and reliable news items it is. And what paper on the continent contains sncb witty, pungcntand bnlliantoditorials ? None, IJrutus, none. And it only costs !J3 to get it every day in the year, Sun- days excepted. The Advance wouldn't be without it if it cost $12 a year in- stead of the paltry $8. At this season ot the year it might not hi' out of pluco to advise juvenile spo'.tsnieu to adopt precautionary methods in order that they may shoot K&xun instead of shooting themselves. "A word in saysou, Misther Hayes, sor-rr I " Tiicre arc some envious mortals in (hi? world, «'Lo cannot bear to soe ai:ybody get along well except thom- sclves. In grasping for the wliole earth, it maddens th<:m to find Uiat somebody else has been getting a few .stray chunks as well as themHclves. •Such, at least, is the opinioq of The AOVAMCB. The time lias arrived when a deter- mined effort should be made to carry out the long contemplatod Station The Owen Sound AdvertUer â€" in an editorial last week addressed " To Young Conservatives " â€" advises the said " Young Conservatives" to " cut themselves loose from the old party moorings and move along with the browl progressive current of the limes." Which, being iutcrpreteth, means, tuat they should sacrifice their politi- cal convictions on the altar of the Ite- forra party, and meekly follow the leading strings of the Gloht, Adverlite.r, and other elegant moulders of public opinion I Splendid idea â€" great head â€" long ears ! ! I Following tiie same line of argument, iiow would it suit the profound illogical commentator of the ^(/i)«T<i»<»r if the " Young Liberals" "cut thanathci loose from the old party moorings," Ac., Ac. ? level road to the C.P.R. depot will do more towards developing the grand I isoiirces of the town and entire com- munity generally than many people tiiink. By and by tbo suburb and tlio The Hanover Port is as innocent of guile as a spring chicken â€" at least it would like its readers to regard it in Itoad improvements. A good straight that ligiit. But, although young imj I own ui iglit become united. Stranger' liiiiigs have happened, you know. I'oliee Magistrate Gray's letter to 1. 10 Diifferin Adutrtiier lust weekâ€" and whicli we give in full clsewhori) in liieso colunins â€" contains a flat denial 10 the Dufftrin I'ott't report of a i^pcech allegiid to have been nimlo by liim (Mr. (iray) in which the Scott .\ct was said to have been oharacter- i.'.od ns a farce and high license as the only remedy for the liquor bnsiness. However, tho letter speaks for itself : I'l-ad it. litically, tlie Po$t is piloted occasion- ally by a ounnmg old hii-d, who is not unac(i»aintod witii tlie labryintlis of party polities. As Thk Advance has in the brief political career of the Putt, we find tho services of tlie " pilot " frequently called into requis- ition. Last week he came on 'lock in quite a flippant and gay mood, and re- mindiKl " Hro. Vaweett" that lie had siipporttsl Sir John MsDotiahl, know- ing tliut tlie hitter voted for the repeal of the Scott Act. We were not aw;ire of the fact, if fact U be ; but wi> do know that the " ctmning old bird " himself did all ni his pow'r to destroy the usefulness of that .'"elf-same Scott Act. Kh, "Hro." Ashley* .â- \ccording to the Grey Revieir, a Ihuhiini iiierclmnt threatens to sniasli r very other business man in the town Ml to fragjnonts, (commercially spoak- iiit;! should tlie roller mill bonus hy- l.iw ho carried. The liiiifw «ays many business men in that town ?,-tand a chance of getting' smashed if the lionus is defeated. So that, in I ither case, it would a|q)ear that the ancient village, yclept l)iu-haui, is in II fair way for a big "hnstnp !" The "poet," to whom we addn sscd u few words of scasouable advice a couple of weeks ago, called «t Tiir. Ai>- vANtK. office on Saturday last, and was ijuiie indignant at our neiption of his doggerel. If it is any comfort to his laC'Tiitftd feelings, we may toll him tliii' the Editor of this paper, when very younij, wrote doggerel in a some- what similar strain. Tlmnk lli^aveii, liov.ever, it was never pubiiHhnd. Our yoimg friend will be equally gratilied when ho thinks it over calmly and dis- pa.s luimtely. route for a nianiifucturiiig eslubliHJi- tnent at Bridgeport. Connecticut, for whoso servie*! tiiey had iieen imported, were ordered back to England on the gioiiud that they had come over in violation of tiie Contract Labour Law. What would American labour say to the throwing open of the American labour market to Canadian wnikmen under (Joininercial Union ifor we sup- pose labour is) to lie exchanged as well as commodities) * Or would it con- sent to repeal the Contract Luibour Law at the request of the mimufac- tiirers ':* This incident does not look like it." The LuMt <tuc.stiun on Exaiuiua- tfoii Day. Wj were rani;eU on tin: floor in front of the visitors on examination day to be looked at, and umwer such questions <is tliey or the t^'achera saw lit to ask. "Wfioro wii.1 John l{i);^ur3 burnt to death I" said the teacher U> iiiu in a eoni- niandiii)^ v<jiee, I couldn't tell. "The next." "JoHhua knows," said a little ^1 at tliti foot of thti class. **NVell," Kays the t«acher, "if A>shua knows ho may tell." *'In thu tiro 1" Raid Joshua, looking very 8»)K'nui ami wise. This waa the last question. We had liberty to make all the noise wo pleased for five minutes, and then go home. AimcF Ti) MoTifKnii.â€" .Vre you diiturbod At iilXlit Rtul broken of your runt bv a Hick child HutfiTtuK aiidcryiuK with pain of (;utUui{Tutitlr/ If HO lieutl at uuce aiul ijvt a hottlu of ".MrK. Witi- Blow's Soothlnn Svnip' for (.'liililrt'n Teething Ita valiiu in liiealciilaMu. It will reljow tlio )Ktor littlu sutTtirnr iiuiutHiiatittv. Uepurid uikiu It, iiiotlior»; tburu U uo uiistake about it. It cures DyKctititry Htid Dlarrtio-a, feffuIatuH ttiu Stouach un>l Ituwelx, curett Winil (^lic, softt^ni th« OuiuH. rtnlucoH luflamtnatiou, and kItuh toue aii<) tiiiurk'v to tUt) whole aytttuiu. "Mrs. \Viii»- low's KoouiiuK K)ru|>' for children teuthlnK if* l>li>ttji*tii tothtt tft^tt' and in tlu* prescription of ou«! ot ttio oldcrit and best fi-male |ihy«icIanB nnd iiurovH In thv I uittHt btafx. aud is for xale by all drutjK'iHtH throughout tliu world. Pricu twunly flvu i-t-ntii ti bottlu. He sure and afk for *MiiH. WiNHTow h SooTUiNO SYRL'r," aod taka no utbur kind. TT i<> 'I'ho explosion itt homt of Mr. It. Trimble's store hsro was uutdo the subject of lengthy but interesting com- iiMinications, by tli« Flesiierton corres- pondent of the Markdale »SV(*«(/an/ancl Duiidalk Ili-riiht, last week. In view 111' tile eircnmstances, we still inaintiiin it was a cniel and senseleRs trick, will rehy tlie life of a moHt (titimable Christian lady was «iidavi;.;ired. Tos- sihly those concerned m it did not in- tend urcatiiig anlhing more Ihini a Hcai'e, but that does not render the oilence uiiy Iho less reprehensible. Not kiKiwint,' whetiier they really were iiurglars or not, Tomiiiy llulliiiger would have been perfectly juslilied in shouting at the " iiractiral jokers," on the (ilea of defending the properly and peicinineo the life of his inaater. If sdinehody liiul been shot, what then ? There is a note of warning in this, however, which intending jokers (?) will do well to heed. CillLDREWS ._.__^U1|^ALTII. One of Kiilar^ Kindett Gifts i» a Ihiilthtf C«nttitutiitn. Guard it againtt diicnu: by miiig Siamese Worm Powders. Vr'iimii are ihf fruil/ul ciitue a/ many ilitordrrt in Chitdrm. SlAMtJSK WO/i.y POWDKHS will ,:Ti>el \V,u-mi in mcrj/ Mte icherc they e.ritl, will rmju- lute the Stonuivh and JUncili nt IIm sumc time. Utt them, yon tron't regrit k. P»eolc'Hi I'lons-Jiint i^iu^ : Should (dii<iyi be uted fur Sitk H>nd- iiiht:. Their operation it mild and pleasant. They strike home tarh time uhen used for (I Disordered Liver. Auk for thfin. Uel Ihi-m. Drm't forget the name. l.*eok'Rj l*lfllwn.m If your druijijiat has nut the (dmvr pre- poriition in Sine/:, W. W. STk'l'U/CX it' Co., (f Meifird, will send ihem to you prejiaid on receipt o/'-lUc. fur silher, of each, or assorted for 81. MO. A story is going the rounds that a I'criiiin man â€" living not lifty niilon from Flesliertonâ€" recently handed a cop, of Thk Advanck to his solicitor, and )K)inting to an article referring to himself, said : "If there is ground for a liix'l suit in tliat piece, I want you to take action at law against tho Edi- tor and I'ropriolor of that paiwr at cnce and sliovo it as tor as it will go! ' Underlying the " great" quoHlion of Coinmeiciiil I'nioii with tlio I'uited Stales, there are a multitude of dis- agreciihle little problems, which dis- ciples of Krastus Wunan in thia Coun- ty will do well to ferret out and pon- der over deeply. For instance, here is one clipped from the cohuuns of that well iiifuriued Canadian Journal, The Week :â€" "The rmna of Protection would seem to have pnased from the hands of the nianufaoturers in the Htatoa into the hands of Labour. Six En- glish weavora, lauded at New Vork <ii W.W.SWIIIJ^'&CO, WHAT IS IT? IT IS \ f.lCT ANll NO CONI'HDVKIUSV rHAr JOHNSON'S TONIC BITTERS iiml NKUVINK i<i Uin Ixwt n inoilylnthp iMiirk«( for htirvi'us (liht>u»it!s of miy 8oit. H>Kt«ir)a, Loss o( Appotiti'. DuljiUty from lo-iB of iluiil.^ or ovor- woik, I'altmcHHiif CoiuiUuxioii uo often htion in voiinu' foiiitilt'N Hiul ull t-oiii|i1iiiiitH arlHlnf; from po\orty iif lOootl. It in a fii<> niiit no jftiii«avliit,"tlmt.IOKNSON'S To:«l(i J.lVKUl'U.f.Haru tlio very Iwnt hi tin. niarkut tor dixMn (Uirriintjoiiunit of tho Htoiitac iH caiisuil liv TorjiiU r.ivor aiul lIIi or Kiduvyti. It iit a fart ami m> olio will iluuv It that .lOIlN SONS .Via. IIKAI.INO WJUTi; OINTMliNTIa tliii bout ill thtMiiiirkut for linrim, SpalilK, t'hil- lilairin, Halt Itlieuui. llarliKr* Itcli. rim)>UiH anil all Skin Umonler.H arlsins troii. >ciofiiluua taint â- W. S. CUniSTOE ha, boon »i;i.olnte.l Aifunt for thr iihovo anil han tliBiii on aalo at Ills Day and Nig^ht PuriD^ au neute attSL-k of BroncljitLi, a cvoaeluss tickling lii the throat, and on exUuustlug, (try, backing cough, afflict the sufferer. Sleep U bnulnhed, uut] t;rcat prustrattuu fullowii. This disease is also attended with Iluarseiicbs, and soiuetlinca Loga of Voice. It U liable to becuiuo chrouic. Involve the lungs, and terniluate fatally. Ayer's Clierry I'eetoriil aflurd* â- peedy relief and cure in caset of Ilrou* ehltlg. It cuutruls the disposltloQ to cough, and liuluce!) refreshing sleep. I have been n practicing physii'lan for twenly-four yi'iirs. and, for llu; pant twelvi', hiivn ttulTcreil from annual attaiki of Bronchllls. After exhauttiug all tUo usual remedies Without Relief, I tried Ayer's Cherry I'ertoral. It lielpctl me Immedliitely, xiid eTecled a speedy cure. â€" O.Stovetill,ii.D.,Carrollto», Miss. Ayer's riierry roetnnil N dei-ldedly the best remedy, wtlhiu my kn«wledi;e, for chronio Itruiicliitls. and all liiii^ disease*. â€" M. A. Uifst, M. v., Sumb l'aH.1, ile. I was attacked, lai>t winter, with a severe Cold, which, from exposure, trcw worsu and finally settled on my Lungs, liy night sweats I was reduced almost to a (keleton. My Couch was incessant, and I frequently Hjitt blood. My physician told me to give up bu"«ine»s. or l' would not live » month. Aftir tahing various reme- dies without relief, I was tinaily Cured By Using • two bottles of Ayer's Clierry I'ccloral. I am now tn jxrireet health', and able to resume bushiess. after having been pro- nounced tncunible with <'on«imi|itlou. â€" 8. r. Henderson. .SauUiiurgh, I'eun. For years I was in u decline. I had weak tung". and suffered from Krouchiti* and Catarrh. Ayer's l hcrry Pectoral re- stored me tu health, and I have been fur a loim tluio eoniparadvely vigorons. In case of n nuddcn cold I always resort to the Veetoral, aiul find speedy relief. â€" Edwarvl £. CurlLs Itutlaud, Vt. Two vears ago I sulTcrcd from a severe Bronchitis. The plivslciait attending nie became fearful that the disease would ter- minate tn Pneumonia, .\ftertrvlng vari- ous medicines, without In'netlt. he llnallv prescTlbed Ayer's Cherry l'e<'t(irBi. which relieved me at once. I eoi:linued to take this medicine a short time, and wai cured. â€" Ernest Cultun, Logaus|Kirt, lud. Ayer'8 Cherry Pectoral, , I.owcll, MSM. •ll l>OlllM,$ik rrrparad by Dr. J.C. Avrr SiCo. r all Drugiftsu. yt rrrparec SoUbyi • *i; James Sullivan, The Tinsmitti, - Flesberton UepalriDg, Eawtrvughing.anil in fact avery- tLiog iu the busiiiesa will receive uiy ivouipt and careful atteution at reasonable prices, STRAY COW. "^ e-iiiie to tlu) ;)reuiisea (Utile Hiitiscr^tMir Lot 29. <••"â€" '^»«â€" •»«»i». mi tbaiSlrd lusl.. it red and property anrt (luvlnK ex|i»«i«o«. , , , , .VNTHONY KENNV. .\rtelllc^itt. .Inly {.MtU, IcHT. THE MAMETS. FLKSIIKRTOX. Flour Full Wheat Siuin;,' Wheat ..... Harley ..^. Outs ..... I'eas ,.,„ Uutier K<,'>,'s, fresh Potatoes buslu Pork llav.por ton Hides Wool Sheepskins , (.leese .^ 'rurkeyg , Chieliens per pair ., Pucks 1)01- pair trU Eiirh U\fk. to 4 20 to t» 78 ?1 DO §0 72 72 45 28 48 10 14 i'lO 5 00 ! 00 iOO /s (I Oi I) A 2.1 40 78 55 2il 50 (I 17 !4 .jO 5 CO 6 00 7 00 21 80 AT GORDOIU'S HAKNESS SHOP iLEsui:tiroy, You will find au asscrtmaut of Heavy and Lieht Harness. Whips, nniahes. runry (>>Q)b«, Sweat Va.ls, ami tlio erlabratei) "UlU'llo»i Oil ^t'OLLARS .1 .SPi;nALTV.^'''& Clicai. forCasli Call aii.l Ixmniiu,. R. J. SPROUL. tletkerton. ('"nrei)oneei-, Apjvra-ier. 1 al- HiiUii- luul Monrit Itnd-r. IhnU, Mi rt-. ijaqef, Itaar.i mid M'ills i/raini i'}> ojiit i'aluiitiuu* iiuole irii shi^rte^tnoticf. Cluir- ijen vrnf lov. Api'lij tu It. J. SPIiOL 1,X*, Fustwustm, t'le^titini. CLAYTON'S 114R\ESS SHOP ! KLESHERTON, Is the place tv ijtt i/iiur Ifunius Cullurs, dc, made up iu ijoiid style. "â- ^Shop in Johistrnt's Liver)/ Office, FleiJi- ertun." DUNDALK PUMP WORKS! C. R. PHILLIP'S, Manufacturer of all kinds of PllirS. Cylinder Check Valve & Cistern P u mps. . Orders Bespeetfully Si>licited &nd Mtisfactioo guarautvud. JAMES SULLIVAN, Tiu-hllUtll. .VliKNT. Kl.KSHKliTOS. PHOTOGRAPHY, MRS. BULMBR. l'liolo^raphet\ Flesherton Ont Haviugspent some time In the studio of the fatuous Toronto Photojtrai'lier. Mr. 8. .). Dixoii. wBere I acquired valuable knowle<li{e iu lietoii- eblDc, I feel asinreil 1 can cive cood f;e:i,.ral satisfaction. .V call respcctfullv solicited, MRS. BULMER. FIo8h«rton. S«|>t. 17tli 188.5. v.*^D?GHASESL HAVE YOU Live i-uiiii'laii I. I>i*(>ep%ii, Ti ill^wtion, filiou'n^^, J:iuii(!ic**, Hr.i.'u>.he. ( tirrim â- -». Vwn in the l^ack, Ct'Aiivnr**, (.T i*t.\ liiNti**! (.n-s'in; irtux « drruiiK«0 . IncT, I ».:. (. 11 ^-.t S I.ivfc.t Ul K^ w.U be fuurhi u sut« Aad LCitaui It 1.1 Oy. NATJHE'3 WEMCOY/ rbe u-ipi.itifi*"! Mi»v**t/ I»r ( ha.«"» ljv«r Cure ir. i I.ivor ^.oitti L.int r«->i.». -.«tci>- ^v'ln ti>« UcC thut tt U co't'iK'Ui doil iVotti wan '»»»'. Wiiowt!iv<TrtBu!i*lor*, M A,\ut-Au:'. \\" f*\N.ik:M v, cnml<in-d wiin rn tuy uih«r iiivn'na'lf f ^^. hirLit- himI t.crlw. lia^iniE » ;'"»er^ill'efrecl <>** I'li: Kul i»y.s S oin-th, 1m>w«U Hud Itiooa. 600.000 UOLO i>T*' i'HfA.i'/ SK M..'.( â- / j'f. K'kaiis Kt //*â- /'i\>vt . u-€»f **» ii /•* ( ..'I I..-".! .1 ,'«#-. ,W V tv,tHt a-fy wr.i«, u,t>M<tf a*'tf iltii'tf Ti*A«» /'» trrm.^fj fcvtrt Lt'xtr C^mt- SOMiTNiNsHcw Givfi AwArFnz Wrappc'l ur. liuilci^Trv Untie v»f i»r V.lii-«'» Liver Ciir« u a vuUi.iuc UuuMitoul .Mci.i^.il i-i^ilc ui'il kccif« iijoli (34 |»^^c*), i,\>iit.iiiiiat( o\Kr too VncUiI r<;tip#*, jwoii 'U.i.ci! ty inrt!.c.-il men .intJ (liu;;ci>;* n^iiivalu* alile. arul wiuth i-n linie^ the prin; ol ine medicui*. TRY CKA5€'^ Cat^R^H ZjK. a ».^fe and po uive - reiiiody. I'l At*. } -^ i.<:i.i^- TRYChasc's K^ON.y and L vei Pius ^: ctv per i>o*. SOLD DY ALL DEALERS T. CpMANSON * CO.. Sol* As«nt«. Bradford Flesherton Meat Market. 8. Sl'IRIT, PnoPRiETon. Ca8\i paid for fat Cattle and 'i Sheep. Fresh* Meata constniitlv on linnd for Cas]^: Oidrrs pi-omptl.v filled. Meillual Hull. MuBliwrton. ami be 8atiiiA»>). Try for yoursalvaa UOTICE. GRAY CHAMPION! A TIIOK<U'nH.|IURD Dl'KHAM HULL, with "â- (!>M>il pedixnw, will ataiid for service at Lot Hi SVoat T AS.ll.Arteiiioaia. Tkbmk.*! If paid on or iMifiire.laii, 1st, 1H8S; othorwine, t\.i!i. .Mio thoroiiHh bred UKIIKHIIIRR nu.\K at Bkuielplaca, JACOU A. LKVKR. EUGENIA Real Estate Affencv MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates of interest and on terms ol repayment to suit borrower. FARMS bouf;ht and sold. ^SJiY.^I'^^^^^''^ °'' '^'l '<'"^1'^ properly executed. ' ^COMMISSIONER for taking affidavits in H.C.J. , Agent tor the Norwich Fire Insurance Society. All bu.sinesa P'orni't'}'. carefully and confidentially attended to. ORice, Corner of Inkerman and Napoleon Streets. . HENRY MEIjDRUM, AGLHL * * '-\. â- .. » V ' .â- ' pi"-- â- i :'} m •v.-.-:f'v.' a- ^. i. ?â- â- â- :v â- h' .*' . / t »- .eV^ m^ \ ^ *' ' ^