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Flesherton Advance, 22 Sep 1887, p. 1

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r /\f- t< FLESHERTON ADVANCE. ^*^it^U BEFORE FAVOR"- ' PRIJiClPLES, ^OT MEjY. P-. • VOL. VII., NO. 326. FLESHERToi, (StTARIO. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1887. A. R. FAWCETT, - ^r- i :'â- â- â- > •i^' : : nij* ^ IBi^S ^on can bay a fintr Watch at a lower Died. Co^tutim, of Ucul ni.l >nli.r'lnt^^ing f*''^*^'^^^'"'''*' ''»"ai'«<l lo^g" »' BRAi.UY.-On the 14th Sept. • Itant yathfmd by Tkt Adatnee Rrporirrs. East Grey Show to-day and to-mor- w. nii^Vaialeft \ ntnnber of folks from Ai for the "Soo" l*8t week. ' Bring your pictares to Bites and get I them framed neat and cheap. Bosaeli's, Fii^AbertoD, than any place io this conntj-, The 9etM'-tt.t fines in the County o; BnHse, daring the past two months, amoonted to ^/ki^, which, with costs. Linen woold be ooasideCkLly orer $3,000. Th« Scott Act erijanth it- not much of "farce" i; Bmce. inst., Martiia May. gecood yoongest daugh- ter of Mr. Wm. Bradlev, Fleabcrtoo, aged 9 yeart>, 4 months, 14 daya.* 'I Selected by ytrt. Bradley, OH the Death oi'A^r Daughter Marth4i Stag, No pai - »r" Wait. befaiil spftri V to prepare Don't mi-vs the great and grand East aniple accuiiJjLivhiaii.j«fcfor the hnndreds ; Grey Exiiibitioii to-morrow in Flesher- ; ^^J*' «"iU â-¼Â»Â«Â»' East G^|f show to-mor- 1 Band compe- ' an i the grand n the evening, j ton. Rossell. Fleaberton. will have the fin- i est exhibit at Fksherton Fall Fair ever « shown here. row. Remember tition in the aftel concert in the To' I Come : All dsT long, we wa--cl>cJ tmdyftitei, Wfticed at car itihat'» iiti-s, VrhUehatnil bvk slowly drifted Oat open • iboreleM tid«. W« had wwpt in bittor •imui'ili. We bmd prmved with bomiog ta«r>. Whil« oar beArt* drew beck &Mgbced, Lookiaf^wn the looesonse yean. All in taSd. out Ushn uid pU^adio^ ( « I . â-  v.. « iy Don' t biy ang Waiehti, Clockt, Platedanre j'n/m me or ttny othtr Jtie- eller ' till yoH lee mg Lines uud Friem It the - ' Rev. Mr. Shilton will preach an edu- ' cational sermon in the Methodist church __ j here next Sanday evening. *. FlesIiertoE -V Zorra boy fell from the roof of a t'wo-»tory bailding, a distance of 80 feet, Bnd only sastained a few slight braises. •I .Smith, the Markdale Barber, will be in FlcHherion to-tnorrow to attend to -^ party of gj-psies his nnmeroos customers. Look out for *^* country, go to a hihi. ' enough hay to feed Pblice Magistraie Vanston, held a I court in Port Elgin 1m Friday last at I which J. Johns of fldULant t"" ^- ^c- { Keller, of North BrJ^. C. M liar. H. I Hellar, J. Vanwyck. Mrs. Kitz;:;_'er and ! Mrs. Keys, of Port Elgia^jl^.' each fin- ed for violating tbc Scoct ^^ta. â€" ChvtUf I Eiiterpritt. â- â-  > r 'X- The iyttrrprue says the town of Col- FLVEST DISFLAT ever ittoum at j lingwood "Sever was so stale, flat and ••>â- â€¢ .'.* « I V '•:> 7 intend nuxkiug, toithotU exception the FINEST DISFLAT ever ihoK that Fair, and icill dear tome Staple Lines nnproffUble as at present.' muuTipally ^^^^^. j^^^^ ^j^^, •P**^8- for days. through d ask for horse. The far- mer gives ft to them, an^^f aourse, does not chai^ anything for ^ They then ask the next f&nner llli ao on, imtil to lart them All in vtiaour Hjrr^jving. We cQUJd oDiy w&tcs Eud listen For the comin,, of Ifae King. O. the lerror of the coe-.Ing Of the Krim and gha«tl.« foe. O. the cuulmeM of the ijatbwsy. Where our d&rling't fe«( mu^t g«. O. Ihe Klory of tb« 9QauQer, Bending to blfit: ami clear. Aad the fpleador of the nMM. And the Urda aiiw fax and ti«ar. Moat (he l««Te thi* World of beaotj, .Ml the ioT our lore caa brine. .\cd lie down io darkaoioe uiesce. It the eomiag of the Kiii« f Came he solecBBlv aad tlowlr, A« a Lord tr<jaM claits bu <jwd. Touched the wfa:t« haooi daeped tosether i .\nd they ftK\ a* coM a< •ton*. Suddenly the' blae tyt» OMoed. Wfiile our heart* grew faiM with fasr. In their depths ic wleuin rapture. 1 hope wc Faith aad 1 lupe the icrv ihinlr.: clear. "•YOUR OWN PRICES." Be PrepAr«4 t* Mr. W. Wright's store here is being i thoroaghly refitted inside and out. It will probably be re-opeaed for business . this fall. ; Vintors to Fleahei Bhouklcot FOR 5 TEARS fail to call at Clayton1|^ HanK.*ii Shop > < opposite MuDshaw'^i Sotel) and get i . prices for ah kinds of Harnea^^ Bags, | An imtaense stock of Watches at Rus- ^hips. Trunks. Cwry ComV-s, ^nMhm, â- sell's notc<l jewelry store. Flenhertoo, H*rt»e«s Oil. 4c. The prices will astoo- from W.50 to $60.00. Warraaled from [ *»*» •'xl eonwace you. Scotch CoUaw • "ai to 5 years. , ^jeciality Di-i the tee the .jolt'en por^nU. Hear the 9oii^ ni.; T^le^^ad vine? "ftrti^t.t peace. ' the •oftljr Bttrmaxad, At th*; coouq:; of Ust Kiof . When the days are loDg and lonslf; BvamMr dan mo«t nreet aad fair. When we gather in the glooming, Roond oar dariing't eveaat ehair. BaT we •oftly to each o«h«r, Pairer wenea ttaaa We caa know, bae^^ter alra and eofter Voters. Hade oor darltac glad to g». 6b tne^ ber happy !aea %(ioa ^ Stiiia tuule 19 hageriBs. So. in pauoa: -.i j«t we tarry Tor the coming of ttre Kios. Mear«r4 From <mr oren Comtpvndent The tram« of the Iu««r itory of the The appearance of Mr. S. Daaude's ! Advertising and job accounts were aeat Eclipse steani saw radi was nused last Thp Ppnnle's IpU/flUfif , re«id«nce here wiU be completely alter- "ot from this oflfee before the 1st of Batur^y. The prottie«ui« «« purfiing J lifi t^mjyitt 'itiWallCr.l^.^ Vpthr tlir Innwinsanuli imw baing i September. W#,, poet remittance* on on the work »» fa»t »» p^^wMble. Thenew I ^„n;„„x.rr«v1 TnMvnshiD show takes i „„.^ hfine erected for as. Lone overdue j g^'W'' *T«Jte3'l.» . »â€" Several of our citisens were down to TiHouto taking in the tights of the Kihi- ii Co 5?. 2 5 a- Vl Harkdale. ^cd hy the tbe Smpr i^iiitimili inii baing . September. CoUingwood Tovmship show takes | ^j^^ being erected for ns. Long ovei i)laoe at CUrk»burg on the 4th a»d 5th I accounts not settled by the 15th of Octo .«»v Ht^LLOTHBBK! ADVBliTlSISO PAYS: Tub Au\i>rf. a^^^ ^^^^ benfftttad of Oct, next. We are indebted to Sec- retary Pye for compUmentary ticket. You can buv a finer Wat.6 at a lower price atid have it warraj<->l longer at =#;^:s,5r.^r\x;2rs „™,-., p,-^.. .^ -r puceiu ber, 1*7, will be put iu Court for col- lection after that date. No further no- tioe will be given. Have vo t a lami yu» "â€"- â- :;---â-  . _,, .uvthina ""liTtie.T.f^^^-^t'Vo ^'ror.'Ur.*'""?? i the county. *'°'.'fLH''.'"f.*in l^K ADViNc-swill bring you _ A Collingwood tame bear got loose the other day and wandered through the â- itreets "of that town in an uncertain hoT^aiid^l through ! fashion, to the terror of children aiidna- bition. Inlsti*ffr. From tnur uvcn <.'orrf>poiidA;iii. W. C. T. I . The members if the W. C. T. l" . wi.ra grieved to see a dancing stand ert^-uJ :i our pubhc streets on the I2th of July last. .Alarmed at the «i>ndenci«« and Uangen â-  i the dance we beliere »t our duty to warn Interesting: news scarce just now. idvertl«a..nt iu i;b. a°v VI,''^'! t^'^' ^7- 1 , r> .;^::rho7^andere<l through I ^a^l^n, to tJ^e terror oi cniiaron aiiu na- 1 jhe hsm of the threshing machine cob ' th»S'Srh!?rbe> / Ad%etti«. iu thk A L jesitj ^^ receutlv bear "^es. Ah the only thing he nnaile away t^ j,^jj j^j^ ,^4 ^\y ^j tbs farmer* • ibe voung men and women who w all be XTI^a^crSffi.';' Fl'iheAo"'fo? wr'J, Jicr^' ' ; »he streets o. Iha ^ _^ ^^ ^^ ^^.^^ , ^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^,j ^^ -^ ., ^^ ^,^„^i,t ^y ,y,^, ,,„;„ y.eld above the average. teuipted to sfKjp ao low aud lei.d tbe:r ^ lug a large Pâ„¢*^^ ^^ ch«:ap, only 10 , ^"^ ^^*^ *°y "*â- â- '""* intentions of offering Maat«r H. N. Hutchineon who is em- 1 influence t« attract others in the same dir- scribed, 1 himself as a sort of walking cemetery . pj,^^ j,y jj,g jj^n yf Bertman & Co., jeetion, we do hope the same th:ng v. .11 **'*'*• , I for the repo« of the renains of Bro. ; y^jj^ ^ salesman, was home visiting { not be seen during iair time or any suc- The At)v'C» o***'*'^ **"!*" ^^' Bradv of the £».'-r;/r^. : his parenw. Mr. sad Mrs. W. Hutchiiv- ^ needing natheritii;. We s-jeak iu kve ;or s of East Grey show, when ^^ j,,-,7^^.nia. of this town, re- ' .on â- Â»' w..,k. I God aud H..u« a«d Native I^mL .V large number of people from here 1 â€" â€" â-  manv ^^^^ ••'»^" ^'^ '* '^^^'^^'^^^ ' Mo'ndav ^"n'l". "aniTofl^^^ing the d«tth i vi.sited the exhibition held in Toronto, I Ru^^H. Fteherton, will have %be fir.- toca^O •" " â-  â-  OODoeooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ' was in mg both (T?"* of a cou- Tbeie beiug goovl prospect 4re?h qnautity of Flour 10 be -tfiwed ill ilie village aud sniTonmling the <?Ountrv the present season, me im- ; societv will accept our t dersignf d lias opened out >ritk « guid r,ii^,^,j;j,. i^,^,^. xLeit stock of the foUov,iug linc3 :â€" ; ^^^ ^^ j^,^ j„ Durham o:. Tii ROLLER FLOUUl.:: .\ v.iit^ will be happy to receive as ; , . . ., ihoKdiV ^-^ .^ convenient »«^i''ed a tele^am from his brotlier on, 1 Monday morii::;;. anuouucing the death 1 of his father. The sorrowful event oc- â- Yf Directors of South Grey Agricul- , j.,,^^,^ jq ^1,^ town of Collinc»o<->1. our thanks for ' eir fall show where deceasevl and his agetl partner I ai)d they say that the number of visiton ' est exhibit at Hesherton Falt'Fiir I there wis immense. { shown h«-e. Mr. Jotn A^'iiew of Essy ui visiting lesday aud Ve<lno«lav De:tt. 'i7th and JSth Septem- I have be«i teirfaing for the past Tew J friowds here, months- Deceased, who w*.sweU up in' Mr. W. Ludl-.w ha. bee- .a.|«o»ing vcars. fonncriv raided in .Xrtemesia. h» V«m by puttu^ an addifc^ tg it Several boys in this town have a ha- 1 Wheeling. gae{viag suflerers from A«- The celebrated Karn Orgaus for »*'«' I bit of firing stoues at everything ani- ' thma receive quick and pcrmaneat relief by J. W. Bates. Two fine instruments ^^^ ^^^ inaniu ate they chaiKx; to come by using Southern Asthma Care. Sold Visitors to the es- ' across. If ^hey could only be persuad- . rooms. Fleshertou. Visitors to tno es- ; ^ ^^ practioe throwing at certain ob- ihibition and others wUl do well te calj \ .^^^ without hurting anybo^ly. it would }*nd seethenjx [be alright. But they Jon t. and there train ' '* * likelihood that sewral of them will Rolled £- Granulated 0(.lt-\P^- now on exhibition in his Fnrnitnre ware- Corn Meal, Cracked Wheat, , Shorts, , . . ! f*"* «i»>- l***;-^^ l^k^Lw^ul»«i«*«---e<» l-?- Squire Armstrong, in Bran ?a Oats, Wlejl a ^7. ^" ^J'^ "^^II- "^^^^^^ an official capacity, one of the^ days. .'Aslt Hesherton and Markdale. 1 He carcass ,, / | At "Bottoi* Tiices fr^^"' .^.^g ,,uifca away but so much blood was ; B*.o»retul. t>oy». , n Mki *A||llt^ left on the roa*l that horses couUl not, Quite an excitemcut was c«nse<l in HlieClAt Ifl^^'* beinducetltopass. ; town on Tmsdav when Jerry OBrieii of furdkttn*. ~" ' brought in the news that .Joues. one of Act',- iii :/ <' mnv" ^ • Bo sure and read Mr. Wm. Clayton's jj^ ^^^^^ Stanley s employees was lying W-a«T T^fl^IBLE new advertisement in tliis issue of The i|t,jin in Scouc. Word wa.s sent to Mr. e » ' • -•-. ,\,^^ ' Akvasck. Mr. ClayU'>n is a reliable j^^^^^j^ i.j,„,,,p«^,„ nmi„tj^i^er, who im- ! Sixt d.-or to (f""'* ''^ Z'^^^ *'^»''^'^' ""^°™ ^'^ ^''^^ every confidence ', n,paiatc-ly hire.! Mr. J. W. Henry to ' iu recommending to the public. He has ^^^J.â- ^y^ ],inj aowii. when to his utter a."*- WOOoooiDOOooooo been over a quarter of a century in bus- | tyuij,iiuient he found the supi^jsed corpse oooooooooooo^-^, . iness in Fleeherton, i lying deaa ilruuk. It was a good jo'«e. ! bv druggists or by price. mail on receipt of The Farmer's Wife. Ob. sive me the Hie of a fanuer'f wife Iu the held' and wood* to bristit, 'Moug the singiDgbirds and the lowing; herd^ v., OH. V PisiSTisi;: \fI,.,o„ all mnii: ."-^ 'jdou- to ivl 'lie;' ''"'â- â€¢'/ixKi "i»"' t\iv, K'.e^ixir^^'U/arKBvesl cvcr> tiiuf i^jM. t»w\ie'* » the vrovfriiA .podRf " !;i>'»r' V rj8tv^.B«-' Heads, N-i-«nrtlniJ ' blared fife! IT VILI i\«i rea<t Oiio AD VI !itr..ainer». Bill rcncwe^l with .\yer's Sarsaparilla, V^i;'fiK-ir'TMi."*o'; lutxliciue invariable proves itself worthy .,__, .vadvf or cftii oiiA.K. of all that can be said in its favor. SoUl ^scBomo^ ^ by drtiggists and dealers lu methcines ITISB in T AI^VAU CE Price II. Si-\ bottles, $3. (Hi ILL PAY advt. AtlVVSCK Of- fttlmr. Aiiv vscK Of- ' When the svstem is debilitated bV a: hoiu^t prices " , , . . ., i j a cl^dlar eaiixsiâ€" diseases, it should Iks streugthenetl ami Pouters. Cir: , .^^^ , ,„ s- ,„„„,;ii„ Jl^ but take care that it is not cartietl too far. â€"Chali'j Eh U-r}>riM. ' James H, Gilmour, of T. Oilmonr * Co.. Wholesale (irocers, Brockville, says â€" I have used Tamarac Klitir fcr a severe cold aud cough, which it imme- diately curetl, 1 The note of the niorniog » heavenward lark \ if the mmic »o t»<-et to uie ; , j .\» the dewy flowem iu the early hours. The (;eu>t I lo»e to see. Oh. give me the breete from the waTingt»e«» Tlio muriB'.ir of Sumtrer !ea»es 1 Aud tho sw«How » aouR aa he tkiru9 along, 1 Or twittan beneath the ea veal | The plowuian » shiiut. as he t'jrneth out , Hi« teaui. at rise of «un: ' Or bis ricrrVuood night-by the firefly's lisht When his dally work is done. A:i 1 giv(? me tho root of the lu«cicu» trait ' M V own hands n-a.'-ed for fi^o.! : -Vud the bre«<l so lit .it »n.l h wiey white. 1 Xad the loilk so lure an 1 - >od. . For *ivv, • tho bTea.1 of HNor «. When the lieart i» strooB aod tme. .\nU blenings will couie to the heart and home II wur b«»t we bravely do. ^iia ' = .^ii. â- ^•"? 'r^ « â- ^ ^ i-^- '£ fl|5 tr i >; ;*i'- 01 = 4^ H f-" = ^ Pq J2 Si4l W Wheu symptoms of maliaria appear, in auy form, take .Vyer s Ague Curs. It â- will prevent a develoi-ement of tha germs of disease, aud eradicate th«ia from the '.ystem. A cure is wanaated in every instance. . ...> _.,-.. i -9 V j J; 5 ;: 3 fc ^ w 9 e 3.1J <â- Â«Â« ,' ^ ,.., ^^S'.

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