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Flesherton Advance, 4 Aug 1887, p. 4

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THE FLESIIRRTO. .^ C C t|' U I CI T) A TST'T? mnrh*^ funnel on nio Rt<T«u •uouftcu UMk/ U* ludAltt lut LI Uff HJt: W Y ottiu 'THE ADVANCE. Ih published I'lvei-;^' '^rhiivKcio.y, KnoM THE OrricK, < 'V''.'iii/7irom/ S<re«(, - - Fle.*herUju, ( hU. Tri'.MS OF SUnSCUII'TION : •'. v«r annnin when ifftid fltrictly ill adv&iice 1 f l-.V) per (intiiuu wliuii not ko pnid. A. R. FAWCETT, E'litor anil I' â- ' jirictur. PLESHBRTON: THURSDAY, AUG. 4. 1887. IIOXESTY. It i.s not often we hoar such vis- rr;v.;s and practical sermons on the f:;l)j-ct of lionc'sty as was dilivcrud in tlio MotliodJKt cliurcli In'ro lastSnb- liiitli cvcniiif,' by the lUv. J. W. Miil- ton. li. A. I'liit wo do often licar sor- Dons ill wliich lionrsty i.s â-  va^'uely l.inii-il at ; or, if toiiclieil upon at all, an impression is created tliat it is but i nitiir of Secondary innioriance. So::utinus it is handled with such ni.Tiiiematical precision, that it fails to irr\l;e any impression upon tiie iiiiiid rf ili(( average litaror. At others it is to.'.i'liod so lij,'htly as to sojiijest the |:-')xiinity of dynamite, powder and i-.tli. r combustibles. I'ercluince tlie Fpeaker fears to give oftonoo ! Which ii mind.: us of a local preacher â€" a very f .eciitiic but pious man â€" who, one Sabliath many years a^'o, preached a pennon in a little villago church in County. In the course of his re- r.iarks lie nforrod to thedcvil. "Some rf your mealy-mouthed young preacli- <; s. ' he said, call him the ICvil (iin ; «nnip call him the Serpent ; .some cal' 1 iiM the Old SeriJent ; some uvonover- roiie' the jicculiar delicacy of theirfeel- i;:L:s ami call him the Devil ; hut Iti 'hn'ii"â€" here the speaker's eyes f' isljod and cleiichiii;,' his' list he struck •111 i>n!pit with terrific foici â€" "1 say M )j the Devil and tifc damned Devil!" ^•. :iysf)mo of our preaelu is are as •', . aly.montlied" ill deahM-/ with tlie qui^lioii of honesty as they are in ',1 .1'lin^; with matters of much less iiii- porlaiicc. \Vliiit is a man "called of (iod" to p:i iich tlie (losped for, if it is not to >\i<;\\i "llie truth, th<' wUoIe tnuli and milliin^; lint the trath" concermiii,' (toil's (le ilin^'s with man and man's duty to his (.Creator ! It is not hoii- ( -Jl 111 witliold part of the triUii in se- ciiiar iiialt(irs, how nincii less so in •lioso piitainii'g to the iiiiiiini lal well- ! ciii},' (if the sonl. And yet how iiiiich lii'^lioiiesty is jiracticcd in thonsaiids (if pulpits lliroii'^'hoiif the world, where i!ii n slide their honest convictions -- I 111 result of patient, careful and ilioiightfiil stndy and research â€" be- <anse some particular creed has or- dained that "tlum far shall thou ^o i.nd no further!" How he hedjjcs, and iiuks, and shorteii.s sail, tread.s on tliu (iaii.'erousi?) diviUing line, and tiiially drops i.ito the well- Worn old ruts oiiio 1 ravelled by men who had m itlur Ins tal' iits nor his capabilities for ac([uir- iii).' knowledge; but \t1io, nevcrtheloPR v,-( re honest, circninstiinees and siu- lonudiiigs taken into coiisideiation. 'I'lioii^j'ht has advanced and is advaii'j- Kij.', and with the iiiciciised facilities in- mental development at our dispus- iil, ;'.n>l an ever wideiiiii;,' circlo of in- tellii-'i lice constantly at w ul; (lilfiising 111"':; if spiritual and iiilellectnal lii'lit M;.on;; I'.io masses, it is int tj h • \v i i- iltidi a", that the fillacie? (iiileilained iir.d el.iiisiied by the .stniily and piuiis >ieonIf of past centuries, have' been ex- pl'jJed, The arts nnl ^eieuccs have jirojioiiioiiati'ly advanced. Kvery- tlii.ig seciiw tending to a higliev de- vue of perfection, in the material as v.f II as ill tlie spiritual world. But we diji'LSS, and in that revDc^t are like uiany sjl'cakerH, ivlio, having' clios- 1 11 a iixt, wander froia (ioiiiisis to lUVfclation and bnaU again, Imntinij f jr ideas, but never again rcfprrjiig to tLei. text I The Bennoii by lUv. Mr. Rliilton was (jjaiiiciit'y piactical. lie s[)oku "atiaight to his text." He showed liiat a man wiis possessed of a three- fold nature, viz., the body, the mind mid the soul, tiiid that he should deal lioiiestlv with eacli. Taking lor his text the words. "Keiider unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's and un- to God the things that are (iod's," the speaker proceeded to "how to the line let the chips fall where they might." It was man's duty to be hon- est with Ins body, and not overtax its capibilities by working sixtijeii and eighteen hours dining the day. (N.]5. â€" It is needless to say many people arc extrfmdjf honest in this latter par- ticular.) He should be honest with his mind, and last but most iinportatit of all, he should be honest with his soul. Of course honesty in our deal- ings with each other formed a leading theme of tliosoirnon. And so it should, fur without it religion would bcii farce and a inockeiy. I'eopl. must dial sijuarely and honestly with each oth- er if they ever hope to reach the "far hotter liuid." In doing so they are honoring their Creator and hi coming more and more like him. How beau- tifully the noble minded Hums put it: " l*riiiiH-H ami lorilH uri> lull tliii limttli of kinKH, Aij hoiiuHt mull's tlif luililei^t work of (,o<l." (Jiie cannot fail to be struck wi th the fact, that seriiiuns, such as the one we more ])iirticiilarly allude to, create lasting impressions. JSeiiig in- t» llectual and logical, as Wi II as breath- ing the purest re! iginii.; sentiments, they ai>i»eal with equal force to the doubter and to the belie vtr. Thoughtsâ€" healthy tlujuglits â€" are carried beyond the en- vironments of the sacred edifice, and who knows but that iIk; seed thus sown ill honest hearts may liave good results, althongli, perchance, nut seen until "after iiiiiiiy days?" The be- liever is strengtlieiud and blessed and goes out into the world with lighter tread and with a keeiii'r di'sir.' to nacJi greater heights in his religious life. His whole being is permeated with pure desires and lofty motives. .Step by slop lie marches heavenward Thorns there are, and rocks, and prec- ipices, and by-piiths, but onward and upwardâ€" as if on eagle's iiinioiis- he pursues a steady course to that liaVeii where immortal life and the best com- pany 111 the universe await him. What IS IT V : Not ft siinlf, ixiwder or liipiid, liiit a )»('parntion pi-eiiliar to it- Hi'lf. Kasy to M-^e, I leasant in i tfecl, Nasal Dalai will jioHltively cure cold in till- head, C'atarrli and kindred disord- er-. The Appetite >l:iy 1)1! liiircaMil. Uic l)ii;i>(iv.' or.'iini â-º Ir. n'tliciii'il, iiml lli>! lt«i«el-t rcKUlnUil, l)v l.ikin,' .V;ir"s I'illi. Tli<>e I'illn arc imnly vrpliilile in tlicir lotniiuiiltioM. Tliry lonliiln iicll lier cixlnnicl luir niiy dllior ilaiii?(r(iii» lira;.', nii<l ai:iy In' liikrii wllli luTfiilmifi'ly liy jierMiiu ef all luiin. I Will B crrni RuffiTcr frmu Iiysppixln niul ( (iii«ti|i:illiin. I liml no iip|"'lile, l>,->-uim^ i;ri'iillv ilililliliilril, ami w:i» imi- Hlaiitly iillllilril with Iliailiiflie ami Mzzi- llcss. 1 Cdll-llltril otiv flllllily iliirliir. «llii lircHcHlii'il for me, at varliniN tliiien, wllli- oiir ulloiillliK iiioie tluiii tiiuiiorary nliif. 1 tliiallv ciimiiiciieiil liikhiL; AyirN I'llU. Ill unliorttiuie my ilicislloii luid uiiptlilu IMPROVED iiiv liriwili wcro iiL'iiliiliil, ami, liv tlin lli'iiit I tlal-liiiltwo li.iMsof till-..' IMllniiiv tfiiiliiii'v to luiiilai liiD liiiil ilNii|>iii'airil. ami 1 lii'iiimc Uroiv,' mi'l well. â€" Dim Inn Jl. I.osaii, Wlliiilii-ton, l>i'l. I was liouliliil, for over n year, wllli \,tn» of A|ilMlile, ami (ii-iicra'l Uijilllly. 1 iMiiiiuicmril taklm; AyoiN I'ilU, ami, lai- furc lliiMiliiK lialf ii liox of tliN iiu'illclm-, liiv appillli! ami Mtreiiulli wrrn rentoicJ. â€"V. U. Clarli, Uanbury, I'ouu. Avci'h niU nrf. tli(> best moilldno kiivOMi 111 nil' for ri'f,'iilallii;; llic liowils, ami fur all ilisia^i-i cuusimI by a ilisonhriMl |.siiiiiiaili iiml I.lvir. 1 Milbreil for our 'ibiiu VHiirn wllli llriularln', lmli|^(•^lioll, ami ('oii.itl|ialloii. I Iiml lui a|i|>i'lili'. iiiid was weak ami inrvuiu luunt of llie liinc. BY USING llireo bnxi^i of Avcr's TIIU, ami. nt tlic FHiiiii tlllit! ilietliiii' iiiy«ilf. I wan loia- pli'lclv iiiiTil. My (lif.'iHlivn 01x11111 aro iiiiw ill ):imhI nribr. ami i am III pcrfiat Ju-iiltli. -I'liiliii I,iukwoiiil,TiiiiekH,Kuiis. Ay<i'< rills liavo bciioniiil me wmiiler- fiillv. Kiir iiioiiilis 1 ciilt'iriil from Iiidl- p-»t'ion ami lliailacln', was restless nt iiiKlil, ami liml n lenl las|i> In my inoutli i\rrv iiioniiii^'. Aftir lukiiin <imi bovof An'i-'s rilN, nil llioso troiililvs ilisap- pr'arnl, Iiiv fnml (lit,-i-!.|i'(l Well, niul liiy hb-ij) ,vasri fri>llim,'.--Ili:Ul.y C. IlCBlr liunwuy, Itiii kport, Mass, I wan (Mii'iil of llin rili'S by tlin \\»« of Amt's nils. Tliey not only relioviil imi of'llial iialiifiil >liM>rili>r, but ptvu mil lli- irwineil VlKijr, and nstiireil my licaltli.â€" iluliii hvziiniH, St. Juliii, N. n. Ayer's Pills, I'renArfd hyPr. .T. ('. A jfr kCo, LowelLMm. Bold by III l>ruK(1iKa aua Dtaltri lu Ufdldot'. t-v S**5! 'I h«V / CIIILDREW ^UjALTH. One. 0/ Aiiturei Kindi-tt Gifts is it Ileahhy Cunstitulinn. Guard it against diiente by utimj Siamese Worm Powders. Worms are the fruitful cuuie of main/ iliturilcrs in Children. HlAMKSK WORM PO WDi:m irill cje/jcl Worms in evrrij aise ichire they e.risf, mill rryu- lati- the Stomitch and limcrUat the same time. Use them, you leuii't nijret it. l*illw I Should ohrays he uteil for Siek Ilrail- ache. Their nperatinn is mild and ple'isant. They strike Imme each time icltm used for n Ditordend Lier.r. Ask /'or them, d'et tlum. Dnntfonjit the vami, I*t»r'l<'!s l*lesi> I'illts. If ijiiiir druggist has not the ahovr pre- parii'tiou in Stoch; 11'. JV. tiTKPlI KS ifc CO., of Meafnrd, will send tn you jirfjinid on receipt if'lbc.fijr either, o of each, or asserted fir ^1.00. W.W. STIPII[^U'0. Jlruijiji-ftj, \\'lii)l''ia!. a- Itcini', IN lla- inattor of WIM.IAM IHXifi.of t»i.t VM- Uyo <tf KlfshiTtiJii siatKiii. in iliu I'oiiiity of Ort\v. (iftifinl Stori K'.vjur. Thu iuMdlvt-tit Jiiiii inadi! uu ;i'i^t^tniio!it of )uw Kstatu to ttiv iitHlfrhlgiiett, in jMU'Miunri* of im Al-I nin}ii>etirit; A.-^Miuiuju-iitN Uw tlui l»in«tUt of <'ifilitorK. .(s Vic. (Imp. •St. nml tlic Ciii-htorH (iri! iiotirtud to tncot iit No. i>» U'.'lliiii;titti StitJit Toroiit*). on Mnii<Uy IHCh .Inlv. Ihs7. nt 1 oclfurk. p.ui , 111 ivtH'ivi; itiilfnu'iitsof hi.-i«tTmr«, appoint InttpcMtorrt, iiml fwi* thu urLeiitiK of the HtTttJiH (if ttii' KKtat<- ^'uiiurnlly. An. I Noiico iw luTMbv Kivcn, tliat aftiT l.'ith AnKiiftt. )u-\t. till- HHiil Trusti-u will piMctrl to (1iMcri)iu*.<' t)tt> ii.<«Hut' of tlut wai I l>(Iitor imionif the I'nitit'N itntitlt<l ibtTuto, havuii; itn^U'l only t'l tliu rlaiuM of witirli N'>tic« •^hull Imvi' Ik.*«u ;:ivi>n. ttnti that ht^ win not 1>« ImI'Il' for the as- M>t^. oi liny part tliitrcof ^^o»ul<"l to any piT-ifii or piTSiins of wlinM* (Uut or chiiui hu hhall not ilicn hnvc liii'i noti< •- i:. It.C.CI.AUKSON. Tru.sU'O. ir. Wi'llini^ton St. Haht, Toronto. 4tli July. IHH7 :ilf»:U7 Agents, Agents ! S'W lu.Aiivâ€" I â€" Oeii N vv ItooK. EARTH, SEA AND SKY Marvel.'; ofiUe Universe n«iiiK n dill «na Kinpliic iliiMrlirtloii of nil tlmt !â-º wiiiiili'riiil ill I'vury^'oiilliioiit i>r lliolOiilx'. ill llio w.irM nl wiitoiH uiiil till' "tarry lli.'iiviiik. (â- oliUiiiliiK tlirllliiii; iiilvi'iitiii,-»i>ii l;iii.liuj.| -111. ri'ii""' 1 .li,.iiiv,il,.s ,.| III,, worl.lV iT.'atc«t rs- ploria-H III nil iiK.-, mill ruiiiirkulilo pi >piii.'iui III ovi.ry niiliii of iiiiliiro I'.iiiPriirlii;: tlio stiik OIK |ili>sli'iil (I'ntlinit iif till) fartli tlli piillliiir i-lmriHti-ii^tle's v.f tliu luiHmii 1 iiiu-. ,i( iiiiiiiials. Iilrils. Iiisi'i'ts. I'tc. Iiicliiiliiii; II vivil ilisi-riptioii • 'f tliu .Vllniitif. Pncillcitti'l Iioliiiii Orciois an. I of till. Poliir Si.ns. til. I lii.ili-t..rB of tlii. iIim.|,, lu'ioitifiil si<«s1iu11h ami plnnin. siiiuular iI^Ihk lOl.l i| ill til.. u,.rl.l ..! HiitiTs. n.l.larKiil.l,. ."-.•nil . iirriiuts. etc.. toui.tlur witll tlin iliiiii/.ilii; lillulliililollA 1.1 Ihu Noliii ah I . tiirrv svitiliu. Iiv lliiiry liAviiport Nortlirop. D.I) , iiiiliolli»lu"l witll o\.,r.lh) Hull oiiiTiiviMi;, MImtkI ti.iius t.i iiKoiit,. (Ulor.l I'lililNlilni; Ciuiiinuv, :, .Ii.iil»ii St., Toiiiiito.diit. :',i(V;iiVs ROAD NOTICE. ToiiiisJii/i of .lrt.iiic.iii. Notice In lifriliy uiviti tlmt tlin Miiiiiiipnlitv of Aituliii.sld will iiftiT .•111' iii.oitll floiii tiii>nrst pillilirHtioll llflfuf in lilt, I'M - llf.uroN AOVANl K ll•â- ^^^pllp,.^. tlu' .Into of Urst pulilioatioii Willi II tliu 7tli .lav of Jiil\. IS,S7. piocccil ti pass II lly-l.uw ,.sliil»liHliliii( tJio lllMlorniDiitioiiu.l lliiviatioii of i,,«i| ill tliin I .iwuslilp, viz.. from a point liiiioli.'i. .1 II oil II .1,.\ i.iti. II mnlur My l,nw â- â€¢Â«i.i In T (iillilan'.l. l;.,| Lotwoi'ii Lots -il iiii.l tJl 111 III." IJtli C'oiii;4! on Haiiio luiurhii,' to ri.iittL' .tf Ito oi, kiioivn lu e.-iipPeirs roH.I.iii- Nton.l 111 .'II bnnrllii,' I'i lis iiii'iitiotliid on plan Py HiiKl (lillilaa.l, wliliili part o( -Bid Ily-hnw :t.i.i will III, n.pfitli'il, unit nUo to Mitn^fy tlio uri^ilinl iiilonCHin to t'lirry any ollii'i ] ..i k of sai'l roa'l in 111,' liivisiomil Itiio or'l.i.tsa-' far an iiriu'ttcal. c.'iiiH'il will iiuiL-t on sucdiiil .Moiidav of Anjj.. iii^ton.l of Nt. t.. pain It. W. J. lil'lLl.AMV, Towudhlp Cluik. (,<. (im, nit,'Ii-I!r(iil nuiliain Bull, KING billy;' 'iViC Holjul ('lll'IDptotl, Will ftaiiil for sorvii'o for tliu voar 1SS7, nt l,ot liVJ, Ul linil|!i>. W.T. .t S.ll , VitolllaslH, at tllii Miiall Mini ol .ai,' \v c, P MtKl'.l: FOR C0U6HS',COLDS,HOARS£N£S'S THROAT a LUNG COMPLAmTS iNStAHT ReilgporaSltlVE CUHK OOUTMCRN 1 ..CM PAc.o. ASTHMA CURE ASTHMAANo'DrioNCHITIS BY f/IAlU ON BECtlPT OF PfllCE SAMPLES, hSk:..; FIegular Size, $1.00 • ninicaii FULFORD & CO., BnotKVlLLr, ont. NOTICE. GRAY CHAMPION! ATHdllOUClH-llUKI) DUUHAM IU'1,1,, with Uooil piHlltj'roo. will stun, I for nervine at Lot 1412 U'tist T. ,v S U , ArtuniuslH, Tkuuh,«1 if pul.l ui| or biiforo Jan. lat, 18HH; otliorwiHO, ^1.2.'i. AUo thorough-bred DKHKHHIHB HOAH nt »aaiu place. JACOU A. LEVEH. Farm for Sale! inn '^t'UK I'AKM. tvi acros clearial. in fiooil lUU Btttto of cultivation. J^o^. llnrn. limine Stalilu ami otlior out Iniililinus. Uowl Uututh- cant HoiiHo, HpU'iidiil (â- filar, i^.io.l Woll al tlio door, larite tircliard witli tioarinu Kroit Trcus. IxilH US, Htl.lJO, :!r.l llaiinu Kaot, Artii- in(;sia. I'ossossiou can be had this fall. Title cloar. .lA.MKS llEKf:li(>FT. ail-aiU. I'roprietor. WHAT 13 IT? R. .!• SPROUL, Flrshrriiiv . IJiiiireijaiiecr, Ajtj raiser, Val- iintur ami Mnuey Inntir. Jjtrds, Mort- ijitijeji, leases anil M'ilU ilrairtt vp ojtil Ctilnations riinilc on shortest rotice. Char- ijis rrrij line. Ap/ihj tii li. J. SUktiiL'LK, I'mttiuisier, Flesheriv%. IT IS A FACT AND NO CDNTUOVF.KSY THAT JOHNSON'S TONIC lUTTERS nuil NKU\INK is tliu best n-nie ly intlic iiiarkt-t for nervous iUHeaiiu» o^any sort Hyhtt'ria.I.osfl of Appitito. iJobility from' Iush of tluiilt* or uver- w(»rk, I'lili-niirtH of Ci'uipluxiuii so often st-cn in yonii^ fi-nmloH and all complaints arising fi^ni povurty of blood. It U a fact arwl noKflinnavin^ tliat JOHNSON'S TONU* MVKU I'U.LSaro tin- vury brut iir th« nnirkt't for diKeartm uHuwud l»y Torpid Livrr ftSd diTrauKonieiit of tlio Stoniacli or Kiiliu-yH. It is a fact and do one will deiiv it that .lOH N SONS ALL. HKALINCi WHITKOINTMIINT is tlio U'^t in tlio niiukct for ItnVns, Scalds, (.'hil- Main--, Suit KJu'uni, lUrli.Ts Itch. IMinpIes and all Skin Ui-^orderB arinint; fron. hcrofiilon.s taint W. S. CHRISTOE ba^ boon tm'uintod Agent for the abovt^nnd lias tbcni on salu at liiit Mi!diouI Hiill, Klujib*.! ton. Try for yoi;rst;lvoii and bo Kutibllud. CLAYTON'S IIAKVESS SHOP r KLESHERTOK, Is the place tugeiyour Ilaniesi i'oflimf de, vuide up in good slijle. Shop in W. CUiytmi's Bool d- .Viue Store, Fleshrrtini . DUNDALK PUMP W OR KS! G. R. PHILLIP'S, Muiuif'ictnror of a!I kinds of rUMTS. Cylipder Check Valve & Cistern Piimps^ Orders Itcspoctfnlly Scntitt-.l und ridXi.tfaction tjuaraiit^fl. JAMES SULLI7A1T. Tin Smith. AoKXT. FI.KSIIKUTON'. J. b7 SLOAN //ff.s" I n ij (jit a 11 lit II of SJiin- !^'le.s. ifc, on lid n(( nt Ett^atia . HARNESS HARNESS. ...If yon ic»r.% Hume^s, Single or I)o»l>le,'or H»ise lilankets, Tiurl;.":, Ji€??*, Valises,, t'nny C'oBils. BiukI'-* CM- the eeU-briitfed Ilanus-s Oil. call*; c'xaiiiiiifc before pmx-iiai-^iii:,' elscwlicit. R J. WATSON. I'Rir V. V ILLE. PHftTOGMPHY. MRS. BULMBR. Plioiogruplier, Elesherton Ont HaviuB spoilt so>iie tiiup in the •tiilL* of tht faiiioUH Toronto Photouralihur. >lr S. J. Uixoli , where I nei^iiro'l valiiahlo kiiowU'i'v;«' in Ui'toii- rhinn. I fool H^»ll^••ll I can i-ivi joo.l ccMura.' satlhtttition .\ tall ri>»pottluli\ soli, iti.l. MKS. HILMKI!. Flesljcrtoii. Sept. ITlh, ISM. James Sullivan, The Tiusmitli, - Flesherton Koniiti in;;. KHVi;tt''ni;;)iin('. aitd in fact 4;very- tliiUK )>â-  tlio liil74'iii's>4 will rt'ceivu my pV' Uipt «nd fii-r»*rul utttmCion at rca.sonii Mt> pri*'t'^. THE MARKETS. flksiiki:t()N. t'liri/'iillff Corrt-rtctt Liirh Weeh. I'Moiii- »4 00 to 4 20 Full Wheat 4;o 76 to »' 75 Siniiii,' Wheat 75 75 Hailey SO -l,'", Oats 2(> >.'<; I'cas 17 4H Jiiiltei- (I '.I 14 EttKs, fiTKli 14 14 I'otntoes iiO ,'0 Toilv 5 00 5 CO Hay, per ton 10 00 10 00 Miiies 00 7 00 Wool ; i\) '22 SlieciiskitiH 40 fii; (ieesu 05 05 Tiiikoy.s 8 8 C'liickeiis iier pair 'J5 90 Diick.s per pair 40 50 AT GORDOIV'S HARNESS SHOP ri.i:sni:nros. You will find an ass^ rtimiii of Heavy and Li?ht Harness, Wliiii", UriiKlio^. Cnrry ConiliK. Swiiit I'aiU, and the i-i,li-liiatuil -Harnohs Uil." ^M'OLIiVltS A Sl•K«•|ALTY.i^'fe Clo.iip for Cii'.h. Calliiiol r-caiiiilio. THtftElE3R.% GHASEi] HAVE YOU I.ivw Cc^, ;_>v»t»«l»'»« lndH:*»ti:.n. lUliou.»nei«, J^wdice, iU^uulKc, ln/,zm">._ 1'» " >' '^c i;ac4c. L^>«tivrnc<i.i>. ..r ; :iv *li-*ra*« ntivnc b -m a dftAutftJ hvtf, I)R. C-n\'«K'' I.ivb". Lv kk w.M i c (â- â€¢'•nd a -.l-i j and certain r*m ('v NATJRE'S REMEDY The unqiialiiicil »iy.:vitT Ir I ba^L » l.tver Cure in l.ivtr (.oiiipl^^M rc'i-* * Inly vvnli i .« \ak.x. iliat ii U coT)*^" "'«*' 'f .»! ii:i:nr's wi-II-knowii li\rrfciiulatof., M,^M'«,^|;K .\.'' 1 » \N;tLi.i'-N, (.oml.inrd wiiii nm.y other iiiva*tiM lie r.rt>i-. l^rks .tiid lurlw, la*iniC a tt)wrriu! ciTcc. o'l t ir Ki ' ir\-«. S .jm..-.i, Uowcla . nd nioo.i. coo. 000 SOLD Oz'cr ont •''"*'/" rti:,\' Jit •/ /v. ^hau% vV^.i/*- liookt ucf i0f.{ in I'f'i'i./.i a.'oHf. tl'e 7v.tMt tti'y fiuxn^ â- Â».'oma*\ tiHii ..:..'/ :f'/(i^' /» trnti':'eti ifj.'-i Ctjfn- {â- taint ti* try ih-i CA.e^ttnt fct'iniv. Something New. Civen Away Fuee Wrap5»ed aroind every U>ltlc of I'r. rh:i*c"-s Liver Cur* is a va!uab'e l[<'iuct)>ld MedirnI (itiide ami Kcc){)« ISook ($4 pa^e^), tuiitairdns over aou ii-^ful reciftci, pronoii;i('c<t t>v iti'n' tiicii aiul tlru^^int^ a^JQvalu- aMe, and wor;'i [â-  it t'lmc-i llie ptit.i* pf fir incdiciiic. TRY CHASE'S Catarrh Cure, a safe and po Uive rtliR'dy. Tr.^-:. â-  \ ^ vi.t'. TRY Chase's K>wiy aho Liyet Pills ^'- ctv per Sox, SOLO DY ALL DEALERS T. IDMANSON A CO., SoU Ag^nU, Bradford iriesherton '' Meat Markel. s. sriuiT, I'llul'UlKTOr, Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fresh Moat.s coii.stiiiitly on liniul for Ciisli. Orders proiiiplly filled. â€" â€" EUGENIA â€" - Real Estate Agency MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates of interest and oq terms of repayment to syit borrower. FARMS bought and sold, CONVKYANCpS of all kinds properly executed. COMMISSIONER for talking affidavits in H-C.J,, Agent for the Norwich Fire. Insurance Society. All business promptly, carefully and confidentially attended to. Qffif?, Corner of Inkerman and Napoleon Streets. HENRY MBLDEUM, A(I£NT, I I I t I .tf I..K ^c.

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