^v"'** 1 t THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE, [July 28, 1887. / , - tfttbllee OrutiUide, iKu|{)ii'stud liy llui Divtue Sor»ic« in Wurtiiilii- iiUir Alilivy on tlie.£.!iiil ult. In that ntirvicr Kra lli'uiln to the M<isl Hittli anil devutiou to lliir MajcHty wcri' Miiklriijly hluui^d.) UaiMO the huii({ of jiiMlttw, Sprcail the ti<tini;ii faraud wide, l.i-t till tlu-' naliotlH joyful lie. And triumph in tbo cruciftcd ; Tliu year <if jul>iK'o proclaiio. And tiiti^ the (;rvnt KtHlcuniur'H uainu. <>, hUiiH thv (mhI of ^raco Vor all tlif favors hhown. To ln-r w lio riiliH In ritihtooUHnouf, Anil sits tin Uritiiin's llirone- Our ttohli- <^>iii-i-n li'iif^ niuy hIik ri-i^n. And still till' I iiiisii of riiiht maintain. l*or«l. yivc licr siil'JfftH ^rac« l.ikv h«r ti' r..ll,.» V\tv>: In all Tlimi o«m u|i|iouitt"l »«\s. In swci't iKunilltv Sill' Ik. 1011^. I'liNs lii'fcui' Thv tlirono, .\n.l ..»ns Hull 'I'liiiii art KiliK alonf. Ni.t to imi.ic. s >,( ..tohii If, tuT duflliii;; I'laco uouHnud, lift s'.it'jf ts uii- her living; tlironu. Uct set i-trc Is litT mind. >liflivi-s 111 living licartH aiuctire, .\n,i , Ktintli-ss hosts hor naiiiti revrre. }'â- </,â- liiiii. .Inh, ^:>th. ISfl7. r. \\. liiislioK<'< Ffotn tttit i>ir,i t'orn'niMnitlt lit. \iii\\i\'^ [» alimiHt nvur huru imw iiiiil .'"iiiu iif till- fanners are Htartili;,' tn cut barley anil full wheiit. There will lie a picnic in eoiiiiecticni with the Mellniili.st .S.S. held huie mi i!iu ('111 (liciii'.' 1,'rouiitlN I'll Weiliiesilay liril l.rox. Mi.sH I.,t/./.ie liutchiliHoii who haM been visitiiii; friends in Herlin mid Pre.stini f. r the la«t tttip weeks, haa retiiriied licino. The l^iiarteily Meetiiii; in coiineeto.ii â- ,ulh this ciiruil will he held mi Sunday Till "f .\nj;u»t III Curbettmi. Mr. and .^lis. Thmiiiwini, of Oraiiije- ville, were the i,'nest» of Mr. W. I-ndlow, la.st week. Mr. M. Leech liaa i.|iened mit a li.ir- iiehs Kh.ii> here mid iliteiidi goillK int<' the busine».s exteiiaively. The llilatlooe DiviHioll, 801111 â- if Tiin- iieraiice lia.s, we l>eliuvo, a iiieiiilK.'r»liii>j â- i .•.ivty Mr. W. .Imdan who ia einiilnyed at McQiiaya miw-iiiill narrowly e8ca|>o<l liav- 111;^ his hand turn iitf by the shingle »aiv lint fiirtuiiately lie eiK:ii|>u<l with it tlesh umindaiid heisaoain at hiiiwnrk, M.«i'i>. MuxwelL /•'com oiii' oirn ('orrfd/wmi/eiif. t.Uiite a mniibel i>f mir villii(,'ers were Mieiiailed one eveniii),' liiat week by » eiti/.en \vlii)s<' time and t>ccuiialioii |>ro- luiited hiiii from celelir«liii;{ the Qneeii's .ttibileu at the ]iri>|>er tiiiiti. but done it u|i ill |iri>|>er style at his luiaure, by walk- inu the Htreets sin^ini; uiiil slimitiin; at a MM y liioh [iitch. ynite a iiiniibur arnse tioni tlii'ii .slnniberH ut tliu siiiind of his liariiimiii'H to iihicli they listeiiud until near inoiiiiii.^ but that citizen has imt lieeii out for any bi|o juice aiiico his jii- lilll-K. All accident ha|>|ieiied on Sunday hist aIiicIi liai>|>ily was not mo Nerioiisiui iiii'.'ht have been. Mr. John Kurtmi with his wife and youiii(er Hon, nucmii|>nnied by Mis. Will. Morrison were ilii\iiio aeioss ilie bridt!e over the Heiiver ri\er just north of our villaoo, the brid-^o Ir.-oke iiown, when horses and buKty with its M'cu|iaiits all fell into lliu river a Uistaiiie â- ( about eiu'ht feet. The biiKiry wiui bad- ly wrecked and one of the horses badly laiii Mis. Moirismi, who is uii a'.'i d I. Illy received ainiie aeveru briiiseii, beside lieiie/ Severely shaken. Mrs. Kurtmi was .ilsii slightly bruisei!. Mill the giealetil \. miller IS tftlit they esl^a|led as Well as they did. Tin' blid^'e has been Very mi- .',afe foi .some liiiiu and the rontract for erectiii'/ a new om- in its place was let by pubhi' oiiction hint Week. Mr. David .Madill bein'4 the ooiitiiu'tor. An other accident occiiired mi M.Jiiday by which Mr. •bhn l''ield who is aioiind buyilii{ wool received some severe cuts and briii.ies. Ili.s h'lses becomin,' uii- nianaijeabhi he was thrown from hi.s ikajon w liii'li ran over him and is now l.iid »;• at his brothers, Mr. II. KieM. Mr. \V, (iuy, who has fjmie pretty ex I MLsively into the bee busiiiuss, treated III* friuiiiU and nei;,;liborii to the lirst I I nits of his appiary by passinii; it around Irmii house to house. And wo would Hity collie oil aoain Hilly, the last was â- very j;iM.d. AiiiuiiK tlio fariimrs, hayiiii! in iilsuit jit an eiiil and a holiutifiil crop. Kail H heat is beinij cut and the »auiplo is rixcelluiil. Other cri>l)« will soon fol- hiH aiuJ »t preiHiiit prfunise to bo the iitoKl ftbuiidiiiit over harvontod here. KOB DVSrKPrtIA mA hirer CompUInt, vi>a hhtv It priiitud Ku»'»ut«« •»•> every ImiI- itl« o{ Shiiol. s Vil»li/.er. It neret fnlU t<> ^iir«b Held at Medical llall. M«>nronl Koad. fVoHi uur (oeii {\irirf)i>imlrnt, Ntjarly all the farmers have liiiished hnyinj,', the crop was giMnl and hn» been saved in prime condition. McsBm. T. (iillicrt and E. Urmlie had each a lirld of Barley cut and in the barn last week. The S.S. picnic was held at IV-H's lake â- 111 Diiniinioii day anil was wel^ patroiii/.- eil. .\ very »ucce»sful garden party under the auspices I'f the day school was held ill the Bvhitol gjiiUUiUi just bWore the liol- iilays. Miw Aiiiite Xnchannan has u'one on a pleasure trip to Sault Ste -Miirie. .Mr. Adiiiii Hislop has piirelMised ii self liiiider and Ls well ple.iscd with the way il works. Another ioatr>iii»iiial bu»ine»» partner- ship has been elitervd into here, the cmi tiactiiii; jiarties lieino iliss Hlair and Mr. ,1. I. (â- raliani. .\ ccitaiii wiimaii. .Mrs. who hails from near Flcsliertoii, lia.s been ill this iieii^hborhood, but who made a sudden departure, had better stay away from here or else tar and feathers niiiiht be pos.sibly called into re'piisitioii. YoiiiiK .\iii4'ri«-n's 4|Hi4'k Wit. \ ipiick wilted yoiniiister who is always ill dirt, out into di8i(mce the other day. The teachcT fernle in band called him to her desk, and on the way ihitlier the boy made a hasty jireparatimi for the ap|)roatb- iiio ceremony by hastily drawiii" his tmiL'ue across the palm of his ri^'hl hand, and wipiiio the latter upon lil.s pants lei;. .\r-..'in',' at the desk, and at the wuril of coiniiiand lie extended the newly cleaned hand. The teacher looked at it a • iiKiit in silence, and then in a solemn ami lepioviiio voice told the lille culprit that if he would show her a dirtier h|yid III that school she wi uld let linn off. guick IIS thouoht the little fellow whip- ped out his left liaiid from behind his Imck, and looked uj) with a smile of tri- umph. The ferruliiio was indeliiiitely IKistponed. A FnCil .Hislakr. Waldeinar, July 'M. Shortly after dark on Saturday eveiiiii(4 -Mrs. Tliomas Cole, who resided with her husliaiid on a few acres not far from here, went to y^^•i Irink and took a cup in which there wiis AUVICK TO MollUlls.-.Vre you ilisturl.uil at iiiijht and hrokiii of vonr rest hy a biuk diilo suireriuB »»d cry i.ig with [lain of <ilttinKT«ulh V II HoaundiitoucoanJ Beta hottluof 'Mrh \vii.|. slow •» Hoothlnx svrnii for l-hildren TBcthini.'. Us valuii is lucalcufnhl.i. U will iidiKvu the poor little BuHuriiinMuedwteiv. DBpelld upon it, inothura; thei» is uo mistake about it. It cureii Dysentery and Diarrlma, reKolates the Stoniacli and Ki.«('ls, enres Wind Colic, softena tlleiiuuia. reiUurslnllaminatiou. and Kivos tone and uiierny to till' wliolu system. -.Mrs \\mii- low'sSootbinnSirnp" for children teethin),' is pleasant to the t»<toauills the prescription of one of the oldeiit and best female physiciana and muses in tlit I nit».l States, and is for sale hv all drn«Kist» ihrouKhonl the world. 1 llco twenty-ftvecefrtsiiliottle. Be sure and ask for • Mrs. WiNHr.nw's Hoi/rBi»B SrauPi" and take uu other kind. SIiKKPIjKSH NKfUTS, made miserable by that lerrihle congh. Shiloh's Cure is the renM^Jy fiw vou Sold at Medical Hall. MAXWELL CARRIAGE WORKS ! Little & Blakely, .MANCF.VCTfKI-niS OK Carriaoe.s, Deinoi.rMs, Wagons Ac Eepairing, Painting, Horse-Shoeing, and General Jobbing Done on Sliort Notice anu at Kca.sonable Prices. SIIII.<)H'8( I III'' witlimuiedialelv reliBVe CroHp. \Vboo|pnii; Cough, uud Bronchitis. Sold at Mediciil Uall, THE UEV. (iKO, II. THAVKH. of IJour lion Ind savs : "Both myself and wife owe nnr lives to .'^IIII.OIIS CONSU.MIMTON CUKE." Sol.l iit Medical Hall. NKWADVmiSEMRNTS. â€" AT â€" RuSoJaLL o NOTED JEWELRY JOHNSOI^I LITTLE. IthuUitmith, Maxwell, .May W'tli. |s,<7. THOS. A. BLAKELY. U')iiiou-M<ilnr <l- Vuinter, B OOTS & s HOES! ,'00(1 sn^iply on a < some paris yreeii which she had been usiiio on the potatoes ilurini; the day. She tilled the cup with water and drank the fatal diaiio|it. She was almost im- mediately seized with convulsions. Dr. (iavillei, of (irand Valley w.is suiiiinoned and did all in his power to save the life of the iinfortuiiate Woman. On Tuesday she vomited freely, and it wiis thoiij;lit she inioht recover, but early this (Wed- nesday) niornino she bieathed her last. She haa been residing in this neiijhlsir- hood for some yeam, and was highly re- spected. Her husband is old, and is left ill a rather sad condition. She had no fiimilv. Not a particle of calomel, nor any other deleterious substance, enters into tire cmiipositioii of Ayer's TillH. »>n the contrary, this medicine is carefully c.uii- pounded from the curative properties of purely veoetablo substnncos. Try it. â- IIACKMKT.^CK," a bistiiii! and fraiiraiil pirfnni". I'ricc J.'! and ,"iii cents. Sold by Mi.liciil Hall. JLU miiiniJiiOr"aii and Piano Ca -i!*L:ii.»'f:-V^ \ â- .-ir',,?.j J.? lias the larKCst and most complete factory tn the lioiiiiiiion iroxinfi Bliktit Hsini eTir Imrtil to »; UtlM li ilia WnU. Mcilal sad I>li>loiua at Centennial, IRTIi. Mi'ilal uikI lllpliMim nt Syiliiiv, Aualralls, 1071 lUiild Meilal at ITiolurlal Knhlbltlen. Inrento 11179. HlKlnsi Award! at luduatrlal CihlblllDn, luruDI^ l.lW-'DU.'ai. Wl ARK VOW MANrPAirri'HlNn SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. UaaT in Ttia Masxit. Cuvtipondanea Bullcltcd. Srnd fur lllualrattsl (<>» alanur, mailed frm. Addreai lH>MINtON OHUAM ANU PIANO I'UIU'AMT. JtownaVTiLLi, orr. STORE. Ifeshertoq ! h to Lf/onnd the Jiuest und molt com- jilete Mock of WA TCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SIL VHIifVARE. <n,<i f'Aycr Uooih in thin mrtioii <>l' aiUHtrij. Somr Leiiiitiful ilrsitfint in Iniliti R. I'liitr H'lr y'lHH liwi }ir'*iilit». Just renUtil, SrHCTACLKS /or the mil- Uon. In Wulrliit, icf krrp WitUham, Klyiii, Spriugjiild, Jtlinsit, J/umjxIen, ('oliimiuii, A«iJ», in </'>*/, goMjilkd, /deer and tiUcmre cii*-», 'i. Il, 4, & 6 ((M. at from JlG,!>0 to $GU, icirrrtmfrii from 'Ih to i> yriin. t^Our Watrh Itrjtair Hook teflt the starttitig t<dt of ^%:^ti iratehei re- jiair> d from dull/ \ St ISM to July \st 1887, trhiih M 140 over and almve what ani/ other dealer eaii show in this i«T- tion atid {\\'e\ did not add the watch I'llei and clock repairs and call them wateh iri/airs to swell the number ai some ileal'-rs ilo. Of course our watch repairs increased eonsideruhli/ since last /'all OH account of so many /mor watches ieinij auctioned off aroinol here which needed any amount of rcpainutj and the ptopic ar* liecoming wise to the jact now that for thoroughly good Watches, Clox, Sileerwre, etc., and for Fine Watch li'ejiairinij. ihey have of necessity to go to liussc'l » \\otd Jewelry Utore, FUshertun immm rnlCKVlLlilL While returning thanks to his patrons and the pidiUc for theli caliiable sup- piat in the past, begs to announce that he is ]>icj>ur^il to supply their various needs ]\\ iiiaLe it our business to keep a supply of (itods suiiabU for the needs of'our ciistmneri, tintl as We Buy in Lar^e Quan- tities Direct from the Manufacturers, FOli CASH, vce are in a /lOsitioH to iliw i;\(ra Value i» everif drparhnent. Every one should see the imninise vcliu: we have in FALL GOODS just arriciiiy Vtry Jiefj>cc{fully, J AS. BUANDER. l-ricevllle,.l\ilyi!0, IHH7. CAMK to the piunii-es of the inelcrsijjnecl, Lot :l (on I, .\rtelinisia. on Itli Inne. 1 steer. Owner can have the same >'v. I'revjnrt proiiert.v and payinit expoiisos. \\K. H.h H.HkiM Ilaviiis icceivfj large auditions to my Stock, I have a Imnd of Siimiuer (.ioods. J,.\DIKS' WKAR.â€" A fine assoitfneut in Ihiuicdla, Fiench Kid, Goa». I'olish t'atf, Jiittr iiud Heavy Jiioots. MLSijKS AND liOYS \V£A1{.â€" A large varietj of Lace i Bnttou Boots Slioes mill Slipper.s- CIIILl>liK>S \TH.M'.--A very hufje assoitment of all sorts and sizes. MKNS W'l'.AK.â€" I have Kuff, Calf aiul Eiiatuelltd Balnwials, Oifoixl Tie? and Stroiijf Ijise H)oti». roi: n;i( T. and giALfTY, cannot kk srT.PASSED. IVWr. CLAYTOIV, , Plesherton. CHEAP t^ AND DUE ABLE \ T 1 1 E \V r: L L - K N O W N SPEIGHT WAGON ! Call and get Prices, &c. irom undersigned. STOVES/riNWARE. &c. for !>afe u.s usual l-'irst-class value iit ivsrv tlcnartineiit. A(;tin for VICKER'S EXPRESS. AU parcels hft u-ith him ic'ill be proiicptHy ami carefully oHimJuI h. FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS B, VANZANT, to ALL KINDS OF Sitoli' oi» M'oiiiirvpiit.'!, Tomb Tables, Uoiulstoin'-* C'tuniter wuV Table Tops â€" in -Anierii-aii aiuli ltivlian> ALii'biu and ('mtnite, and made oi> .short ivotx-e, Al.so Mi»iitl«B in Marble ain^ Marbleiced SJute, \y.> *o.. l>'leshiTtoi», Ainj. 30, iSm HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS&OIMTMEMT 11 Xji-^'ei* THE riLLS l*urifv %hv lUiHxl. ccrivtt all DiHui'ilurs vi the Thuy iiivi»{ornfc»ttud roNfc«>r4t t<r him^lh IMl'ilitACiMl Citnoititiitloiiff. mid are iiivfiliinblf in alt Com- pltiiiilH tni^iilisutiil to Ki'i:ittU»»nl all a«w». Km CliilOmi aiul th« iified thev ant priei'lesA. THF OINTjMENT Uftnitifalllbloroinnily f»»r Bad Ih'^,'m. narl }fVc«t*tB. Old WouiuIh. Son-s ami I'l^crH. U i- faiiiousfor (tout and KheiiinaifHtii. For AKonlom of the Che.^t it has no f^pial, For SOUE TJIh'OJ'I, BnCMCHlTIS. COlUUtS, COLDS (llancUilar Swellings. mill all Skin niseasiw it has no rlxal; iiinl for coalmctcl uuj atilT oint^ ituct.sllllea charm. Mauutucturad only at TrofMiicn- H(>tj,i>way'n r.stolilialiin«mt, TH, Xew Oxford Ntrret ( late 5»:». Oxford .Streot >, l.nndon. and aresolil at Is IW ,2». IKl., 4a. 6(1 . IN.. lMh . and .lis. each Hox .r Ilit, anil imhv he Inid of all V.td liine Vendors tlii'ouuliont tifu World. ,?•*- Pifrr/iii.^T.f .t/imiW UxiTt 1i 'A.' Lohrl .tn the I'nfs ,i,id BiMVi. If the nJdys.-< in i.„t 'i.lfi, (hforil Street, Lillvh,ii, thrij ,i,e .ifrKriirta. ^ , -'^ FUOM the preniisBB of tin) nnilorsiiilied. Lot H5. -.Ind Tlanue West, Hark Line, I red, y«»r- llnRftoor. Anv peraon Ki^ii'B infiirinatlon will b«»«it.bl,.ew.r4«t. ,,^,„^,,„„, ,.„.KK. FOR SALE. The nndiirsiuned haa Whito Aiih Mutter Tul's and t'liiu iia for aale. JUa MtCOHMICK. UM-ilSO, Kleshcrtun. FLUGUNI) BdliliS of superior quality, (or Or»iige mid tjther SocietieH. 0«ler early. .. Y^M TEiGART, 'niO''Hl"»'y. 0b», I tLESHKllTON J. W. BATES, Fiirnifitre JJenler and Undertaker, . OST. A