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Flesherton Advance, 28 Jul 1887, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. y^ 'S ffplTTa Tk A 1>1?T> tn»r Ha fnaiid nn m^ ftt fl«A> XUXS JTAITiSlA p. ftowffUA Cu'k N.KvxnatM^V Ailvrriliila* l«ur»*»uUO»prncebi. I. wh»*n- Btl»»)-*l»lfy| •uttUftou Uftr bo BiMto Ivr U Ul fllJBW V4MUb THE ADVANCE. Khou thk Orrii k. t\)Utli'JWuud StrrH, - • FlftiirrioU, Out. TK.KMS OF SUHSCUII'TION ; »1 pur aiiiumi wliun puiJ ukriilly in mhim.u 91 :*i per Aituuui ulK'ti nut Ko puiii. A. R. FAWCETT, Kditor (iml l'ri')iiutiir. FI.ESHF.KTON: THUKHDAY. Jl'LY 28, 1HH7. 7.7) / TOKJA L .VO TK/t, We onoc knew ii inau wlio tlioiifjlit ll:i editor of a corlaiii counliy i)iii«ir l.c'i no riirhl to (liop one issue iluriim t:..i year. Tlio editor got ii liiiK w.iiiii at tilt' man's "sniallnessuf sonl, ' :;ih1 llius aililiosstd liini : â€" "My IVieud, \ II ai>piHi' to liuve loit-otten tlio fact. tiuit VDU kfl sonic wood in my yai<l ].:-[ week ; and also â€" " "Wtll, sir, ; wasu t it good sound ninplu uiul l.icli wood?" iiiturrnptfd llio iiuiii a .snort. "It was, ruplifd llic' t.ii'.Dr fri'o/.in^'ly, "but it was just :>. iiuaitcr of a cord short of llio right 1... iisurement ! 1 would not liuvo lilhided to this fact if you had imt .«i>o- Ian as you have in rfforenoi' to my droppiuj; au issiie of luy i>uiKr, amiâ€".' I'liit tlif man was goui', and lliu editor risumed liis work with a sij-li. nn^^ht takt; a lessou cut of Inn book. The iirobiihililii's are that if tiio tiling' was projmrly manayid Wiu results would niorc! tlmu reimy tlie outlay â€" (iriy Jieview. 'I'he above is incorrect. Mr. A. Mmishaw, pioprietor of the hotel ln're â€" and not Mr, Flesher- "ofters ii mill site," (^c. to auy one wlio will build a rolli r tlour mill ni Fieshcrtou. It is also incorrect to .sjwak of I hi* town as a "little place" uules.s tin: Hi view is wiUin;,' to speak of J)inhiim in a simi- lar manni'r, Flesliei tun is away ahead of the "ancient village" to the West of us in many re.siiecls. Bk i>\ Youii tkiAiii).-- Don't alliiw 11 culil in till) liuud to Hldwly and Hiiri'ly run into C.itiinli. « lii'ii Vein can I"' ciircil [dr '.'."ir. l.v iisint,' Dr. Clmsiifc Cutunli Cure. A few iipplii'iilii n< cure ini<ii'Uiit ciitairh ; I td'J lii>xi)8 cuii'8 iiidinarv cutanli ; tilo .'> Iioxos iB^'lllUllllt. 111 ti'fure claunic Ciitnirii. 'I'r/ it. Only 'i.-i ocnlH Biid biir<« ouri'. Sclil by all di iilcrK. An anonymous writer, in last week's i.-sue of the .Markdale Standard, wi ii- iiii; alwve the signature, "\\\ Obse'rv- Ilr lluniora-rf lliui. A Now York stuck limker \v!;o T\a.i on his way to JIiilTalo last wuiik, idisorvod tliat one <>f his fellow p.isw ii.jers wut closely renarilin!4 linn, anil i;fur u time the Mi.iu caiiii' over and asked : " Didn't. 1 SCO you iu C'lui-a>;o ir lh7'.) ?" Tlio hrnUer wasn't iu ChicftKO that year, bet Uiinliin-j to Inniior t!iu htran^er hu replied ill the aUiniialive, "Don I you reiiieinlier of li.iiidiiiL! a poor devil a silver d<dlai- ouo uiyht ui (rout of the Trcmout V" â- â€¢' 1 do." "W'l II, I'm the chap, I was hard np, out of work and uIkjuI ready to coniiiiit suicide. Tlial money made a new iiiau of mo. Hy otio lucky shift aud auotiior 1 am now worth ?-J.'i,i)iM>." " .\h ! f;liiil to hear it." "Auiiuowl want yuu to tako $.'5 In place of that dollar. 1 cau't feel until ihat ilelit IS paiil." Tho lirokir protestt il and ohjcctod. ... I . I r .111 but tinailv, iiisl to hiniior the iiuin, ho e-. takes us to task for saynig what ! l^^^ ^,,,. >.^^ ,,;,j ,u»l«avehi,u l.aek »15. We did in refer'dice to tlie prece<lcnl. > The Strang" r 'heti withdrew and every. ( -t.ibli.shed by certniii citizens of I tlmiK minht 'avo eiul.-.! tli.^n and there Markdale, in the matt<>r of briii<;in 'riio CIIILDllENS IIKALTII. One of Natiiret A'imi'-tt (liflt U ii Jliiilllii/ Ciiniit tint ion. Guard it agninnt \ tlinc'ist III/ utiiit) \ Siamese Worm Powders. \ Wiinnii inc. lite /ruit/nl cuime of iiiiiiii/ I iUiiinkrn in Chihlnn. Sl.\Mh:St:\ WORM POWDk'/iS inll ,u-jii:l Wormi in everi/ aiu: wlitre thii/ cxial, will mju- lute tlie Sluinttdi and Ihwth ut the »iimc time. Uti: ihem, yuu iron't rrgrtt it. Farm for Sale! inn ^''"l' l-'AKM. K-, »cro« iliuinil, ;«i k.h,.) iyU »tiilo of inUlviiSkiii, \^f\i Wmn; Krniui^ Stitl.lo »n<l (itlinr iiiit-lniil'lliiKH Uruxl RoukIi- ciist Houi-c. Ki.liiiili.l •'I'lliir. «"i)1 W.iU ntUiii door, liiri;!.- Orclmnl witli K""! Rourinif Kritit Trous. 1,1.1* US, U'.l, IVI. :iiil Umini: KiiKt, Al»t.- nii'Kia. |'i<x»e»lli>u f«n lie Imil thi« full. Title cl«»r. . .I.V.UKS BliKCllOl' r, :ill-Jl'J. l'r».pri.jlor. "WHAT IS IT? K. J. SPKOUfj, - Flif}ii'ili'U. I'iilief>liiuri-r, Ap)>ritiiirT. Viii- \'ilfi,r mill Mi'iii'il li-tiilir. Itmh, Muit- iim/i'i. Unset mill H'itti ilintrii Hjt aud Vultiiiliiinii uimlf iiH nhmtfit iitt,i:r. i'hni â-  yi, rrr.i Inn: Ajit>ly to H. J. SJ'JttJ ILt!, 'Poiitiiii'-'<iii; l^'ithii-iiiii . T*<:»c;ljr*H I *I<>2I^^:II1( IMll: Should nliniyt 6c nml for Side Uaul- iichv. Thiir ii/nrnlinii it tiiilil iiuil plrjiiinnt. Thiij firik-: huim: iiiili tiiitt ah<n lined fur it Dinoi'lircil Lirer. A»li fur tluiti. (lit till in. Diiut fnrijit tliv nmni:, l'e<*lc'p» I * 1«* Jl wiinl I'illM. I Ifyi/ur ilniijqitt linf not tli' uLut'f pre i li'iriition in St'.ik-, 11'. W. STKl'/UlX (f* 6V>., of Meii/iird, I'ill trnd lliem tn â-  i/Dii /iri'/tiid on ri-ciij'' of'liic.forrillier, i .1 n/' iiic/i, (./• u$iirtid for .?1.0I(. IT IS V lAf r .V.ND NO eON lllOVKU.SV lilAT JOHNSON'S TOXIC BI ITERS and SKIIVINK i« tlio n-nn ly in thi- ni(ir»c« for iiul'Vc'ih .li.-.iiaK,*., of Miy liOJJ ll)>*t.Tiu, Imh^ 111 App.itilr, Dubllitv fr. .Mrii.».-'.f IliiiiU i.r ovim- wurk. l*a!( iiB^n «if CouiplBxioii .io ..It*!n licun hi jnuiii,' Cuiiiuii'HiiudaU uunipluiitn «rinini4 fioui poverty of bl.jod. It i« tt fuot and iioK»iii»ftjiiit(tlii»I.IOHNbO."<S TONir I.l\i;u I'll.Ls aro tlii' v.>ry l.ont Iu tlu^ niarli.t fi^r .li«iai-t.s cann-.l l.v Torpid I.Ivor and diriaiiKomi-ut of (In: Stouiiicii or Ki.inuys. It itf & feet and no oiio »ill iloiiv it that lOHN SllNS Al.l. ni-.AI.LSd wmiK OI.SIMKSI in ilie lioit in tln' market for llmiis. Scald*, riul- IdaiiiK, Salt lUliMun. UhvIiuib Itch. I'iuiplo'* ami ail Skin l)i-cidi;s aii.-iny frou mrofnloun laiut W. S. GHRISTOfilia- lH,.n .iT<'i»t.'.l A^i-nt lor Lliti ulioVM ati'l hai* tlii>ni on suit- at hi-^ Moiliial Hall, Moi-liLiton. Try for yoursulvei, and n«* Hatlhllud. CLAYTON'S ; IIARXKSS SHOP i ij'LESHERTON. [s till' }>l'ice tn yet i/iiitr llnrum I'l^itm, itf, miide up in yuod atijle. ,%!,}> ill If. Clnytu^ii Boot d- SJiueStvri, FltJtfrt/iu. HARNESS DUNDALK PUMP WOIKSJ C. R. PHILLIP'S, M.iji.tiKtnrir of i:.\ ;>iiiilH..t PL' .MI'S. T jr?!< ..If von want Harness, Sin;;! e cv Double, 'or H'irse Hlankets, Trui.l,.^ IJells, Valises, runy Combs Ihushe.s or the celebiatul Uariies-s Oil, call ><; examine before pnichatiiig elsewhere. R WATSON. PRICK VII, Li:. IV. IV. STi;iiiii,\ I CO. : ^^^^^^^.t. . PHOTOGRAPHY. Cistern Pumps. ! v^soiuitod «.d ..tufaaion ]y[f> s. BULMBR, r,'" thiMimttiT of WIM.l AM IU)<i(^ of tliu Vil- IhO' of Kli'slu-i t>>ii Statiuu, iu tlit-« C'uiiuvy of 'I'hu iiiNoivt'tit liMw iiiH4l>- all asHiKiiiiittiit 4if )iik IStatt- to the uMiitTKiK'Ui^tl. iu |>urHimrii:A> of mi All rriHpt'rtliii; .Vs^HiKium-ntH for tlu' lntru'I\t of Crmliti>rt*, IHVic. (Imp. JV. nml tin' Cnnlitors Hif riotilU'<l limif. lul N«i Jl Wdlirut-'fi Stm-t K.HKt. Tortmto, .>ii ii.... U> Ihth .Jiih. lNt«7. Ht i o'clock , jMit , to i-fifiv** nttiltiiKiit^of lii-t JttTairs, iili|»ohit InHpi'i-tor^. ami f>-r itii- i*nt<fi in;; uf tlu Or-ltTH Ui>in"itfii!ly JAMES SULLIVAIT. TinSh.illi. AoKsT. Fl.i:sHKl!TO\. tl.cir edibles nlonj,' witii them to this place on the 12th of July. Anony- hioiis writers frequently do criticise .1-1 rlioiis made, oropiniinisailvanced, 1 \ us. IJut, bless you ! it only shows lit weakness of their position when l...y seek to hide their sayings nn ler cmerofa false name. "They love duikness rather tliaii linht," fiC. ".\ii Observer" evidently believes in dilivciing hie fire only when will uii iler cover. Its no tryin>,'--we ;;ive it up! W'v have done all in our power to sup- I less Prof. E. Stone WiijKins, weatli- tr luophet, astiononier, liiiaucier, and what not, but I'^dward .s loo luncii fur U.S. Choke liiin off in Canada and lie lobs up tiirenely in the l.'niietl States, l^Npose and ridicule his weather pro- I l.ecies, and he's nlf on earthipiakes iii.-Lanlcr. Follow him up in this di- utiion, iiiiJ you suddenly I'ind him ( ii;,'a^jed in a profound calculation coii- cernini,' certain heavenly Ixidies â€" Mic!i as the "Stai of lUahleiiem," .^c. We respectfully turn hii^i over lo oui iihle city contejupoiaiy, tii" Tiuoiilo ll.,//(/; fiiiling Iheie, we liave still if tho liroker, on reHcliiiio IJutfiilo, h:uhrt iisccrtaineil that the "twenty" w;ts a <-ouiit«rfuit and that ho was Hi out of pocket. Ilr M'anK'd an l-:«|ilundn»ll. " You look liki' a elei-;.'y inau," observed a hard up mail to tho ^cutlcmou next iiiiii iu the Miioker, " I .iin," was tlie reply. "Then I' hke to liavo you explain •ouiethinu louie," •• Wlnit is it?" "You know, the IJiblo nRvs ' »• ye now, so sliall ye reaj),' Sow I've hcen 8uwiu){ u|i hulutt iu t)u'4e Iri.ii'^erN for two years, aud I want to know when I aui likidy to reap another pair." Aud liu i;ot tho whole .seat to himself. AD(>hio<l(Mitiiitlms(U'Vote'd liinisidf to active polities, proliably on tho ground thathiscnlli.nghaa fitted him lor " t«JuDg U>« atump." Sore Eyes Th<* eye« arc :d\\:.yH in ^uit|i:illiy willi (liv liudy, unil all.. id :iii i'\i illiiil iinli <c ot ltj< coiidllloii, \\ lien tlici'\i'> Inein.e weak, nihl llic lidt iiillaiiir.l :in.l ><ir<-, it ii nil iiei- llial the »y«li 111 li:M Im-imhiic dNoidir. .1 l.v Svi'ofiihi, for nlii.'li .\>ii't S:irMi|.arilla ii tlic he'>t known nini'ilv . ,Scrofiilii, wliirll proiliiei'd :i piiiifiil In- flainiinitioii In my •â- >e>, laii-i.l im' iniirli iiiiirrrlii;; for a iiiiinlic r nl \.:ir.. Il\ Iho adiiceof II pli\<.iriaM I roiiiinini'iil l.ikiii'.; AycrN ."<iM>a|i:irill:i. .Micr ii~iii,- llii.., IlU'dicilie a ••llorl liiiio I w.n . i)ni|ilitely Cured I'li.f, .lolinsoii, of the Brilith l/um mid \ y\y ,.,011 nie now In 11 «pl.ii.lld .â- omlilioii, liud I iiiii ill Hill :iiid '•lro;i;; :i« r\er. • aftiftir^ .if tl.« K^talii lii-iuiMlIy .Villi Notl'.'t-i i< liuri'bv ['iv.'it. tliat Kfttir l.'.tll | Vll^'lint, nvxt. tile i.'11'l Tiii;-lu»- wdl p. -L-fe'd ..i | .lii.tril.uti' till- asHfti, of tii<- i.i»i.! l»,-'.it... am. '11.^ , tho parti«-H t<iititlo<l tliort'io. liaviiiK rf^^arit otilv ' III tlio oIiiiiMS of wlili-ll N.itivo ..liall liavt. Iioon t;ivi'n, ami that lie will not lis- lial.l.' for tlio a»- s.'tH. or iiiiv part tlicreof .o'.i to any piifHon or ttfrHoDM of wli's.* dc.t or claim lii. htiall not tlicii hav.- Iia.t iioiiec. K. I: c. il.AUKSd.V. Tru^toe. •» U'unilik-toii Ht. Kant, Till onto, nil Jill). |iiK7. .'IIIV.I1T Agents, Agents ! Ni.u Kt.vKVâ€" I â€"lit 11 Ni v.- It... K EARTH, SEA AND SKY Marvels o/thv Universe Itxiim (I fill) rtti'l uriipltir (1i<Ht>riptioii of nit that IH woiulrrful III MVfi> Cfiitiiiuht of xUv (ilulHt, In ttit- uttihl (tl wnl«>iH tiiol tlio Ktnrrv H«'tivt*iiK. CoiitHiiiitiK' tluilhiiu a<lvt*iitiiu-»oii 111 11(1 iiiid >tL>ii, iKiiowiU"! tliHi iivrri.s ..f tho worI'l>. *,'rfiitv'»l ex plurt«rM ill hII uH(<M, iiixl i\;iimikHl>l«' |>lii'Moiiu'tiii in «v«Ty rt'tihn i»( imtiiri- KiiitirHLliih' tlm ntrik- iiif{ |ih\slciil fi'iiturcN of the fiitlli the piirtihar (â- liiirnct»*riHtirH of thr hntniin rut**, »tf rtiiiiiinN. l»ir<N, itiHrcts.i'tr,. iiK'lutliii^,' K vivltl (h'scnptuiii of l))i! AtlittlDc. I'lii-ilU- ami Iiuhiiu OrotinH Kliil of tho I'olui Sens, tho iiiotMtDIH of tho .h-tli. Iioiiiitirn) ooa^htrlN iitiil nhiiits. xliiffiihir l\*»hrH liiMl (twt'lhiiH iti tho woiiil nt watorK. rHimirkHhhi octmii i:iiriuntH, otir., lo^uthor with Ihn uimt/.uiK nhonoiiK'ti A of th< >^<>hii .iti.l Htiirry Hv-t.ui-. In lloiirv l>tivt>ti|iort Northrop. D I> . rniholIiMh.^i\ with ovfi- :k)Ortiio on :riiviiit{'i. l.ilM»riil tt<rtii** to iit^i'iitH. Oxfnnl ruhliMhiu|{ Cuiupaiiy. 3 Jordkii St.. 'I'oroiitu, Out. aiti-.hjt> J. B. SLOAN y/a,s' n/iy r/itif I/tiff/ «// Sfiin- gle.s, <yv., till huiid (it Eit'Jriiift. Cheap l«>i* CaKli. James Sullivan,, The Tiusmitli, - FleshertoQ Pli()li)'.^r(i])lt('ri Flesherton Ont Haviii:; «lif«t wnio tiiiip In the 1.101110 of tho fotii.iu^ liiionto I'liotofranlier. Mr S. J. DixoL , wli«i.- 1 ac-iiilrr.l vulual.lo kiio»iod(!c in liitoii- uhiiiK. I fv«l a«»ure.l I van Ki^" K'""' muolu' ««tj»fa(.tti.u. .\ tall roHMwlfuil} Kulkitt.l, M1!S. 15ULMEU. Frt^*h.r'.on.Si.j.l ITtli. li-ivi ROAD NorrcE. 7'o(i'*i.</t(/* I'J ArtniiiAiti. N.itl isl.. , inn .1 I .ifl.T .111 .l»i<;ir(i;i K'njlei to fall back iquin ! Maikdale, Ikil.eley and Kills !,.(). J,odf.:es celebiati 1 ih;' 'twelllir in liiut .i-iiiall villaoe lyiii;; to tlu^ siMith of ns, known as Flesheiton. The .Maikdule bia.-is band lead the inpcv'ssion, und wafted n[K)n tli>' balmy iiir some deli- cious and apiiropiiate' stniins of music. â€" .Miirfdide I'lr. (Jrry llcrinv.. Ill that, when refeirin;,' to Markilalc in future, we should say-*^ • rii(! little iiaiiiii't to the Noi tli of ns ! ' 'I'lianks ! oh, thanks !>\\ fully for the huy;,'estioii ! By the bye, we would 1,'eiitly remind tlie writer of llie above, that It was the Flesherton Hand "lead tile proceflsioii" at Irish Lake plci^ic to the tuue of dollars and dimes at that! Ha, ha, "Mulealiy"! we've (,'ot yo' there on the hip, me boy ! Mr. Fltishor, of Flesheiton, offers a mill site in tlint villa'.'e free to any one who will iioiee to put up a rulltir mill. If the owners .^of ^tlie spleiKlid unused site in Durhani woii/d <lo the baii.e thin;? it would be in ii»ltu;i.'nioi.t worlii moniionin;,'. If a little place like Flenherton can produce a im.n with so much public sidrit. surely jOfiJO of the L>url.aiii property owne.s .Mrs. WilliiUll (i:ix. , CelKold, X, II. For a niiiiilicr of years I w;h trinibli'.l Willi a III my <-> .--, and \\a^ iiindd.' Iu olillllll {ll|y relief lllllll 1 rolnlllelli-ed n>lii;; .\ .Ill's .S:ii-Mi|iariU:i. 'I'liU in. ilU-iiie hftn elleele.l a voniliie'.- iiirr, iiinl 1 lii-llevp It to he the lii-,t of lilood imrilU r«.-- f, K. ridoii.NiiKluia, N. II. Fi'iini eliildliood, mill mil II wllliln a few liiontli^, 1 have liei n alllieu-d willi Weak uiid .Sore Kvi-s. I leni- ii»ril for llii-»c ConildltilllK, Willi li(,'llelii ;i;il leMllls, .\M<I°4 8arii»j)arilla.;iiid emiaiilvr il a i.'ri'al lilood jiurillor. - .Mrs. C. I'biUil's, (ilovi r, \ 1. I KUlTered for a rear with liiilamina- ttoti III my li-fl v\i. ''I'liie.' uleem foriind on llic liall. di-|irivhiK ii<<' <>' si);lit, and ciiuhIiIi; i.'1'eat jialii. .\(l<r lr\liiK many (itlier reiiieilles, to no |inrfioNe, I was tiiitflly liidiiqed to Use Ayer's .Siii-aparllla, uud, By Taking throf- hollies of this niedleiiie, liiive been enlirely eiiri'd, .M.v' sf^'lit lias lieeii re- Htiired, mid lliere Is'im aiu-ii yf liillaiiinia. lion, sore, or iilii-r In iiiv i-jc.- Keiidul T, lloweii, Siiyar Tree Uiilye,'l.llilo, M.T dmi^'liter, ten veiirs old, was nffllelcil w(tli Serofuloiis Sore Kyes, 'iMnliuc tlio laiit two years she- iie\ei- saw Ilelit of any kill.).. I'hyntriaiis of Hie lii|;liesf sliindinK c.v'i-rled their iiklll, hut « llli no |ii-riiiaiiejit sai'eeas. On the reeoiiiinindallou iif a irieiid I iiuri-liaj.eil a boiili: of .\yi-r's .Siir- fcHJiarlllii, wlilcli my diiUKdiler eoiniuein-ed lakliii;, Itefore kIio hnd used Ilio tldnl hottin her uliflit was restored, and she ejm iiqw look dteKdlly at H hrllllant llxht with- out |mhi. llif eui-e Is roiiiplcli!. â€" W, K, bullierluiWI, KvaiiKcllsl, Sliilliy City, Ky. Ayar's Sarsaparilla, rrapared by Dr. J. C. Ay«r fc Co., Lowell. Mam. 0olil ty ftU DrvyiUu. rriG«$li ili tK»tUv«,|k thfit tlio MunicipHlity <l .\rtt>iiitmiit will iifti'i <»iie iiiMiith ftotn tii*<t\)Ht prihlitHtioii liuroof III tho Fi.KsHKitiiiN' Ai>v.v-si'k ii"\v-^l>u|M>r. ttiM (IhUi of which ttr<>t |tuhIiuuViou will ho nu thoVthtlav of July, lsH7. proi-ou<l to pii-HH n |l>-I.ii\v i-stli)>li-<hitl}j tfio iiM<li*l'iiiolitioiu'<l l)»\iiittoii of loiii) ill iliiH 'i'i>wiiH}itp. vi/.., from A point lUMiihorotl \\ on n tlevlHtioit i|ii<h'|- MtO. iiiiithi h\ r (tihiliiMtl. Km] . hotniH'ii 1.4it'< '^1 mill '.'1 in tho I'ith Coin fSKlnn. on Ktiiin.' honrhi^ tiMMMitrc itf KoiKi, kiHi\v'ii HH Ciiniphnll's vnuil.hi- ••liMiil of oil hoHt'in^' \1 HH iiieiitioiitiil «>ii iiIilu by siiKHiillihiiiil, ukucli Pint ill xHitI )ty Luw :ti.) will ho ropoult'il, itnii iilso to stititif\ tho oii|;itiiil iiitniitioii iori\rr\ Hn\ <»(ht]i' iwnt of xMid rouil in tint I>i\-i.>*i(tnHl Ihio uf i.dtit «'« flit UM iti'iirtiCMl. (\)inu-i] w ill uuM't on hccuiitl MoiniuN of Aii>;., iitslt-ad iif iHt, til piiHM it. W. .1. HKM.AMY. Township Clurk, (liiv HlKh-Hru<1 Durhfun Hull. ^^KING BTLLYr 'fVii- liiiijul Chditifitini. Will stand tor sorvii-o tor thu voar 1sh7. at lot IIW. 1st Kaiitji'. W.T, iV 8.11., Altuiiiosia, at tliu miall Mini ot .'«ic. W. C. I'.VUKKU. POSITIVE cunL c;ivi;s Immadiats Relief Cold in Head, KAY FEVEH. IM.SY TU USli. Not a SnnfF, I'owilcr or Irrltatlni; LIukUI. Prioo «i en. and $1.0(1. If not obtaluablu at your dm r ;l»t.4, soot iiri'iiaid on rcculpt of jirli-o. AJdroiJ r(M w<»r>n a CO. Rrr.ol<«dll<». Ont. Iti-iMtii-ii);:. F.avotroMi^lihic.and In fact every. tliii'U In tliii lHisiiii.>.> Kill riH^ijivu uiy js-onipt an. I .-a.trfiil atttiiitioii at iiaaoiialdu priet-s. THE MAJIKETS. FLKSHF.llTO.N. Viifrf'itltff I'ui'i'vrtfd KiirU MVv/.-. Flour ?l ditto 4 20 Fall Wheat ,^() 7.') tot" 75 Spriiif,' Wheat »• 75 75 U.uley (I :'i(l 4o Oats :iG '.'0 Teas (1 47 U 48 Mutter Vl U 13 F,x';,'s, fresh 14 !4 Potatoes bnsh i'lO .-.o Pork 5 00 5 CO Hay, per ton 10 00 10 OO Hides t; 00 7 (10 Wool -io '22 Shet-pskins 11) r.i; (leise 05 ur. Turkeys Oh OS tMiiekeiis per pair 25 flO Diuks yivv pair 10 50 AT GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP Yo« will rtiid nil nsscrtmcnt of Heavy and Lisrht Harness, W liipH, 111 lisliiis. Currv Colnlis. Sweat I'ads. and till- iil,-liratoil •â- lla^lu-^s Oil/ :sV&(OLLAIt.S A SPE('I.4LTY.^% (â- 111 :i|i fur Ca-ili. Call and Kxandiie. THI ft eif GRATED pn HAVE VO" I.iv«r (.oaiuUiiil, Dyslx-wia. InliS^'lion, |.ei,)uo>ev«, J.iun.lice, M».iOathe, liizjin-... Fam In tli< lljck, L'*«iv»i>e-«. or my .!!»«».« ;ir»ini{ from a i:«T«ilu«J livir, llB. Lma-i S I.iin I. I â-º'. • 11 :« fouria a .uiu and i^ertaia r. ni .ty. NATURC'3 REMCOY TS« aniiuallficl -u crs-i i-f iT Chaw's I.i»er Cure i-> l.iv»r e,'!iililaliil r» , Itity wilh Ihe fact di..l it i» conipou.i.tcil fr.iHi t>.iitirs:'!* w«ll-Liu>wn li^cr rrgulalun, Ma-sokAkK .*M. l>A.\i,k,t tii.s, wiiii iiui.y other iiu.i'iKi It r-,,i-. Ij.ijV. niii\ htrb*, ha'ii.i; a powerful tlTecl »>â- ' t i^ I- i.linys,, BowcU and hitsxl. 000.000 SOLD t'r-.r tmf'inlf imitum â-  I /'r. Ckatet Rt'i^ filKii-t Wfl ioiit i'l ( â- itiii'ia a.oin. lit jiMtmt erfiji Mian. T»v#M.ta aitJ .'tUJ "vhj it ti'-iih.eJ wi:U Lilt'' t'lftH' fiaint t.' trv tkl r-i,.'..'»-«/ renujy. * SOMiTHmc NE-.y. G^nN Awat Fru Wrajn<daruvli:J ev,.ry l^.ttte.-f Ilr. rh.s,*'. I.tver Cure \i a valuable II-uixehoM Mrtiici.l Ctii-.le anil Keciii« Itook 184 paice-), colltainin.; over aoo u-.eful recipe., pronoUMi.-ed t y lacii anil ilruigjsisl!. as invalu. able, aTut w.irdi u» time;* llie piice ol tlie inedicine. TRV CHASE'S CATAHRH Cute. A jafe and po itive reiiieviv. I'lii.ff. .-â- . ' t-til -. TRY Chase's Xwnet akd Iivet Piuj '? i^^'e per box. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS T. IDMANSON * CO., Sol* A(«nta, â- rail«or« Flesherton illeat 3Iarke(. Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fresli Meats eoiistnntly on liniid for Cash. Orders promptly filled. NOTICE. GRA^] CHAMPION! A'^llOllOHOU-llltKII nt'HH.\M lll'I.I.. with uood inidlureo, will atand for aorvte.i at Lot Wi WuHt T. ftlCK.,Art«ni<Mla. TRHMa,i*l It paid on I.r hofnru Jan. Ut, IMHH; otliorwlao, t\.'a. .Mao tliorough'bred KKKKHHIRK IIOAK at »mu idocu. J.\COU A. LKVtlll â€"EUGENIAâ€"- Real Estate Agency MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates of interest and on tcrtn.s of repayment to suit borrower. F.MUiS bought and .sold. C0NVEY.'\NC1''S of all kinds properly executed. COMMISSIONER for taking afiidavits in H.C.J., Agent for the Norwich Fire Insurance Society. Alt business, proniinly, carefully and confidentially attended to. OmcCj^ Corner of Inkerman and Napoleon Streets. SENEY MELDEUM, •,«'»»*

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