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Flesherton Advance, 28 Jul 1887, p. 1

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f- •vf. SHPJ ON ADVANCE. '^UTH BEFORE FAVOR-"- ' PRIXCIPLES, XOT MEX » VOL. VII., NO. 313. 'â-  PLESHERTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. JULY 28, 1887. A. R. FAWCETT, .*â-ºâ-  V-. For Get your Fl< I Tit -Bits. ! Cornttiiuj nf Liatl mit. < >tltri- /ii^p'^tinj Hii^hcst price A cash paid for Jt«.r« .jnttured \^j TU Advance Butter, Eggs- W«^ Ac. &c. It»rp)irt*n. ~ I Go to Keoter'sforOILVHAM FLOUR ' The Wiarton jjoDboriiporarie; I Mastor Bubt L'a,tt;>f has rettumefl Sault Ste. ITaric. to cejBi Tub Full stock of Diamond Dyes m all ( HhadcH. Diamond Paiut.s, Butter Color. | ic. at Brand«r's. Crreat at Brander's. dliHH Ma^;iie Cacipfaell returned home ' en Satiirdav lairt. ( 1 100.000 IbH. KaKpTMfMeH wanted at BramlcTs, Pricoville. accantte Han -'iiiit (lito i-ctiiilMt- fpttgn': -niv â- n. I \\u.tM.iiu :<n<l i'A'j.M Mis.i Mary Glass, of Owen Sound, visitin" frieods bere. \\atclw6, jii <-wji<i. tflktl ti')l'''i MisH Cruickofeftiik. of Ueathcote, is Visiting Mrs. Fred. Rvder here. Coin Silver d go ta W. A. BEOWT'S FINELY STOCKED ' Mrs. .1 P. Clark, of Haniil'on. is the .gUL'st of her father. Squire Armstrong. .Tiist in at Brandpr's a lar^c iteent of neir season 'b (Jo«l-fish. con.stgB- Victor Kester had m narrow escap«' : from irowniuj; -.vhile batliiu;; with s-ome | other boy» in Flasher's poud, la-st Sat- i «rday evenins. It seems he was swim • â-  Uiinj; â- ' dijc^-faaliion," when he camo violently lu cuutact wiili the top of a. . which wa.s within a few inches of the surface of the water. He hail _^ gone under twice, when .lllau tiibsou Mr. Geo. Keeter has returned home heroically swam ont t>} him, and. after from ^"asliiu^to*, JC.S. Having sliaved â- â- *ome difficulty, eflfccted liis rertoue. off his chin whi^feir uince he went away Well done. Master Gibson '. On Wt^flnesday eveuiuy a hinldy in- tertstins» tutcrtainment wa;" '.iiveii i;; Priceville ill ooantctiou with the Pre.s- byterT,ia church, by Mr. I). W. CVitup- beH. an e<liKated s^eutlemau. who lias travelled tJirou;jh most of tlie worW for tlie heuefit of iiis health. The enter gave its esteemed well as its readers , â€" au aureeabiti ^^i^irise last week, by ' comiuji out In .â- iA*eiilarged form. The Eeh-j iH a hea'thy eit;!it-yeac-old, well i ,»„_, eilitod and ina<1i* .pp. and very neetly â-  printed. Loot; atfty it echo ! from here last ^ODg. w-e had some dif- ficulty in recu(9nEin!{ our old friend. He says the heal drwn there is some- thing terrible. ' ' â-  Mrs. C. J. Leitcb. JEWELERY STORE "'; '" 'Tr '^""' â-  _^^__ "retHrtteid hoiue. wltfi has been visit for si.>rae time, ha8 lam kn'i'ett tin the /W<«i /or 20 miht Xurth. Sftullk, \^m Brinj4 alonsj yoltf Butter. Eggs, Ber- ries, Wool, ic. Tbo always get the best val ne at Brandet'», Priceville. If \-oii cannot crime yop^df, send the little fidli. â€" your httkij'liy or girl wilt get as giMxl a bargain ••- yourself. We have but one i)rict- to «S. Clearing Sale! To comnifHce .JUL Y 1 j</(, J. G, ANDERSOIV. T'ntrv trill b-: deruUd >!/â- ';'( '/.o tiery line. Don t mi»s it. We wnr to rlrur nut the prttmit stock in. 'y ''i- Ihtli Aug., to ut to nvik': njom f'lr F i f\rrhiitr$. Then; \riU b^t <t Cfnj â- â- 'en • line 'if TEAS nnd W. J. Benson IHtx summoned to ai - jiear before Ge«,'4*rice, Esq.. .1. P.. at oa Tueiuiay last, fi abusive t,ui;;ua{j»ill Mrs. Caswell's pre Mr. Ttrm. Clayton was in town on Tuesday. He retutired to Toronto yes- Wfst. I nevr Aire m,i$rfj)pea^ed\^^(^y' jutr^Hiteli/ uny jfi/ojt sijid wice hfPi<^ in. . _. i/iuiHeti lure. /t ^1 •â- it4^ l<j s«4i -m 11 KiiJ^feU'H •• Noted .Jt'wi'lrv Store ' is Jtifiltd W,Uck/or-FuiiJnetliak" /I'lotlK front tiis week tn^nr advcrtisfng <^â„¢=«^â€"-*^"'^^^"^*»'- t'--'" A*.i*tr. Grea: u miuh titsier to »?// K k. Oohl K'atchtt columns. Rea.1 tue anlioMncenient. Cesar's uhost ! dMn't Mrs. Caswell •;et Mil cult limn VI ur H. I dvn't hiCK â€" '- ! in a word htTselfl to do it. J/y i,u:H nmu uh iiU ictrrtmtf. 1 Several Flesher'ton youD« Tnen intend ' undyoHtriU find lean bt held r«iprtn- 'tanipiu« oat in liie vicinity of Bell's. tibte i/fxtdi lire not rijkt. lake. Mr. H. McXieliCcently paid a visit to :aiuu;e.itcousist*.aote!le^-tpicf.iresai:d ^,„ /iWi/iW /'/-.c«i. DRESS dissijlving views, ret)re**tiuii^ Loudon. 'â-  lUjODS i'« great varieti/ . BOOTS & its urcat sigJits and its :Uii»trioris per- ' .V^OA'.S tn '»Vf;<ir yu'/nfi?.'*-*. .ST'.lfiT.'s' sous. Owinsi KJ tlie entertaiuiueiit beiu^ ' OF HL'Al- i'-MADE t.'LOTllISG . given a day earlier th^ia it l>een an- .evrrylliing •eill be Cut Aicay Dotal in «ouuced fijr. the iUiliiiice was uot large. I -rice. . «ul liiose wlio were there were highly ' C0I119 EailV befOFS thS RUSh Ow«5 >>onnil. oaTuewtav for Ti.siug, ,. , . . . _„ , , , ., """""^ â- ^'*i ^ » uwiuio tuo ivuiju. pro&leil oy the beautiful views and tlie iutere-tios descriptions ;^ive:i. Mr. Campbell lKi{)es to visit Priceville agiou in tlu fail, when many will be glad^tu I ] Attend. EGGS waMeti ftt R. Keefer's. J. G. ANDERSON, HARKDAf.r WATCHES & CLOCKS Booked ill Jitpair Book tince t/n/y Ut, IH8«. SQrATii;l)FALISG. ' *^ I'UICFS CLOSE. I Mr<. George Beeftoft parents, Mr. and Mrs. Priceville. If 50U wish to restore the bloflBI . to war waited cheek, and so improve your health that plumpness and strength will succeed emaciuatiou ai;d debility, pur- ls Ti-fltingher '"" l'*''^'"'^- *•»» ^^"^^ i" Priceville. McKechnie, at ' """^ <lu"ns his «*fcyâ€" while tmt .hriviug I â€" he lost from Ha pocket Xlie iconi of ; tliy your blootl with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. â€" _ 140. The money, however, was fotmd â-  Tills remedy will benctit yon more sure- JoRt opcne«l at Branders lo-d**-, tlie by some Sabbath School chri<>ren in the ly and si>eedily than any othec. latest novelties in mintfa, Ac Dress Goods, Trim- \ number of young people frvm tlits place weot on a picnicking exjicdition .srto'CULTIES:-/''4J«. Uatrji />-|^ «*•"â- â€¢â€¢ lake on Tuesday "lA-st^ piuiriiif/, .S/M-j- Fittimi, TItr I'eoftlr'» JeMTelltlF., Morhihile, I "Miss .\licc Leitclt retnrned home from ' Owen Sound last weeic and ^v^Il siiend I the holidays with her parents here. DeighborlnHxl »f 'Hanorer «ui fatfely re- i buaed tm fr« r«7 , â-  J Bnuiderr's »*2^'btte Oraniie Tea Setts ' â€" %4 pie<v«, aR A 1 goodsâ€" we goiiiK "like k<i6 cakes at » schtul i>icnic Every- bodv -should kh.* libeia. 'â-  Professor " W ait i disappeared on Tuesday of last week and lias imt siace^jsCmer there by the gate fiw a i>eaiiut been heard of. Thij> fact was .i.~eertaiu- ed on Satnrday laai, when Mr. Robert Park weut oat to' tlie cottage occupied by Wanl .lud ap},)lied fi>r a mouth's over<l'ie rent. Mrs. Ward told him her Miss May Datnudc went to Gorrie [last Week, and will bo the guest of Rev. I ;\V. A^'ers (hiriiig 'her ^ttay the»e. | There ^iiig good (iitiepect^ of a , (f'rr-sh "(iriMJtity of FKwir to ^ cnii- â- sumcd ".u tlyj villa^'c and sunonniing ' Quarterly meeting services will be coiuitiy tb-J iireseut stasou. tire MU- |-held in tlie Methodist church. Fleshir- <ic»si«ued bis opcuetl out with a good ton. a week frdm Sun.fev morniug next. Stock of tJ« foJIo^a? lines :â€" | comuieuclng at tlie usiij hour. I The Sta;;-â„¢ r jimior Lacrosse teaiu [lias clialkaged th# Flesherton juniors huslMUid had gone away on Tuesday itc play them a ma^h on or about the [and she had not seen or heard from him 1st of AngUKtâ€" firtit match to be played I sinee. ttte did not know where he Uad- on the grciiuda ftf the former. Tlie dis- gone, as he had not tol<i her. She also tance and inconvenience in travelling to , stated, that hatl it not been for the .Tust in at IBraudors another large { Stnvaer mav prevent our bovs .iccept- I kindness of s«m«) neighbors, the condi- :»upply of th»* lo. Sugar. Si lbs. for oiie ;~ing the cltaHed^', however willing they ' lion of Jierself and child would have dollar casli. . migfct he under other circumstanoes. i been akiA to starvation. Ward is «»Yi- dcntly a lasy. shiftless ne'er -do-well, a.>i he was offered all tlie wtirk he could do Mewsrs. M. Sk-hardaou *Co.,Qf this! while in this neighb<jrhood â€" qjune be A Bark Yard Botfm. t "What are you doiii^i, T iiiiiiiy .'" suLel a Detroit la»ly of her vnuiig *.i), wh" w:w 'Sticking up stakes around the back y:ir'l. I "PUt'in" a addition." replied thevouiii: hi'l>«ful, whose father is a real estate I agent. I "How are vUes (" i "Bully, ma'. Stuhb^ Jt>u&.ta]iti« th.i* l«m iiade stand, Bill Smith and Dutchy take a block by the bam tur their L-lreiis. an' Hon JoiMs is talkui' biint takiii' t» lots by th« apply tr«e for t»i li« up hi* dog on »<.>'» his, dad can t shoot it. Sav nia. I'll let ye on gp'und t!o.r in that !.>t by tlu) corner u' thu house there, tost.ind yer flower-pota on â€" tiiko it fer .5 cents .in a handful u' raia'ni, seen it's Vou! ' Get vour LBM«>NS at Keefer i UnbviI' â€" P. B. MacN'amnrt. dry goods merchant, Bniokville, Out.. «ay» â€" As ai) iintaut relief for cold in tlie heuU and catarrh. Naaal Balm is uiie<jun!!e<!. The i.-(fect is noticed »â-  so,>n as used. ROLLER FLOl'R ! $io!led & Granulated (Mt-Meal. Coru Meal, Cracked Wheat, Uhop. Shorts, â-  â-  ^ Bran and Oats, .\t Tlottroa Piictji, ft)r<.!asli. !S|KHial IMsi'Oiiiit^ . . AtatrdiHf to tvmount of furekiisr. M . ^^\ TIUMBLE, tfvm. received a letter from 'Yokaluima, I dii but uiont of it be shirked. It is .Japaiv. this week, announcing a large I said that .Toscph isiu Gwen Sonud wait- NutwithstaadHno the grvat rise in : shiptaeut of Tea i this year's pickings) 1 ing fur " somothing to turn ap. " sugar, as we 'buy for cash in large (fnan- i i^irwt to thorn. The tetter was mailed | - -" â€" titles we are stfij selling 'M lbs. fer one I at Yokalmma on the 2nd of this month. ^ Fnttenuit Fiitlt. 1 dollar casl I .it JaRtce Brander's. i Talk of -outerptiHe, â€" '• Shure. thiu.aliow , Mr. S, Dawude. of FlesLcrton, Dis- as the aqual aT this in a town the Me \ trie* Depaty-Grand Mastor A. O. U. W. av Fleslntfto^i." J visited Mr^aford Lodje 1.52 on Tue 1 WANTED.â€" -i Servant Girlsâ€" <kto for i A NASAL r»J.)BCTOB fr«e with each b.t tie of Sliiloh's C'nau-rh RuiiMdy. ^'liee â- '-' cents. Sold (i M«<h?sl Midi. •liitclioii ;vnd one for ihniug mom and chanil>er work. Wa^s ^cvon and eight If dollars »w month. Apulv to Rkvkkk trnt off ninch h>M>;er it will soarcelv be , . , . . i jr.i,i \. , , , '^' , .. â-  , ; tknmU of t.hv pieasiiio a,)a affablo Hotel. Mtirkdale. __ __ ,wces.sary t, commence operations bo- ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ well fitted forth. Mr. S.DammlcTD.G.Mast^ of the < ^''''^ ""* *»^ " ^^'T^ ^^""^ ^^ ' honorable positio. he occupies .\. O. V. W.. vi.sited tlio Mcafonl and i Tlwitibucy lodges last week, officially. He pToposts visiting cvxiry lodge in the , â€" -^J~ ^ â€" " â€" t; ,, . last lujd assisted at the iuitiation ol two ; the repairing of our si.u:*alk>« is i , %i t, i .- - râ€" . -, , ^^^. ^,,,uj^„„ yif DauiMde Ls a geu skmali of Tiny pleasiii; uiauuers aud very well in tj|lfe t Ho is now making a tour of die ; ~ lodtius iu this district. Tl:« ic^truttion aud iiiterest be imptirts will gr<>atfy ax- A WoM,iuiFrtOHO.\x. The Isrgeft .•r-.{HU Wnd one that pln^-s a eontrllhii; i<art of 'h- health of the body n th," liver. If toi|'i'l or liiiotive the whole sv'teni brcoines Jisrssed, l^r. l-'h«»e'» Liver Onre is rumle upw-'iiUv for Livor and Kidney diiw'a.ies. imd is g'Jar- lav i»ti;oe>l ti» enrp. Hecoi|ie Ixnk sml nifdieiiio 91. by nil denim'. I into w inter ^Barters, when pedestrians i , 'cau take tBe midifle of the roa<l a»> usual. If the said ].>edestriaus value their uecksttey will walk on the mid- dle ot tlie rofd liow as well ! sist the canst, more espocially with,, weak ludgvs which have to coiU|.>ete witli, i The ADvaME nan hk» pnrchascl from ' • l^^l »«^"~r '» co«>:««tion with both ' W, K. Flesher, Esq. . a lot on Sydenham â- . as-'^Wmt-tit luid stock iu-stirancc c'^nnpa- «V>.t( du6r tu Cfrt.yf oil's Shoe Store. on ' specting the lodge. -Thonifntrif Stuiulard. Tii^iit lu TnR ViiVvNV K unci kee for vuiinwlf. , !,„_„ Him.lrwlK ))»ve tlou» no ami were bontftttwl. Hiivi' vou s f»riii Noii Wii'-ii to «,fll\>r iviit '' .M\- Vaitisc lU TUK .Vl>V»MK. HdVO VOU Hllvthilllf imdwr the snn you wfOkt to st-M of trikilv .* .\tt I rf<lv«rti!iein<iiit in Thv. .*i>vvsi-w will hriiig .vou ^ Mv. '•ii-itouo-T* eVDry tiiu*. Of you want iohnv aiiv- ' IhiliK or biro help'/ -y-ry timo. .\Mr^»* or call ou .V.K. Kawcctt, : .^^^^ „^ ^,f j.^iuter's ink. Read his ailv. ! in another column, also note the district befiwe the end of this year. Mr. Janie6 H. Lever, of Artcnoesia. has imrchased a fine steam threshing iii.^chine and is now prepared to take i - - - â€" ' • â-  â- , , t-,. .... i.^.fi, ., ;,, ,1,.. i„,,.wt winter w«rk. , f^ . to do his host to extend the nsdCuhMw i S. Damude. of Vle«hert«>u. D. O. livery coufidiJDet iu FWhortou, nn.! â- Â»,. «»«l success of tht- Onk-v, auatliat with- consisting of i hesitatiugly.^e<!ictB for it a bri; ";orsaiidi t omptuuKj, uaiuelT duim ali tine ).;oed lie' will bnild a private I residence thtwoii in due time H<» liAf yoooouoooooooo^voooooooootHXKHHWOO; Mr. S. Damude. of Vleshertou. D. O. livery coufidiJDet iu FWhortou, and nn- r- , â- â-  ' â-  "" â-  -M. of the .\. O. r. W.. consisting of i hp^iJatiuglv-wetiictB for it a brigllt and ««»<«• ^"' r<"*»"'- "»**' »»"♦» *'i-^ ^'^â- - S'^Ot'J^a*;V^\™«f '^iut'',^t*'!;n''»d.^»^ lOrev, Bruce au.l a part of D.ifferin. was] p^rousfafar.'-cranks,croakorsai.d , «TJ; ^^a ••'l'^'"'"^ cousi^vr is ample r«(r Monday and Tuesday last iu- ] jun^ti^s to t|M contrary uotwithstaiid ing. Everytiltno is tending at tliis mo- j ment towantj a continuous wave of ; prosperity. .. , i .7. Braiider, the woU-kuowu Price- w. v.. ,>â- Â« wfviiw •..â- '•â- .evil,-.,, , ,, *-il il .,. .v.lvvrtisaiu I'uK .\nvASPR ivillo merehaut. has (aitli m the judlc I or call ou .V. K. Ku Anvis^'B OBK'». PlMhertoo, tor t»nn«, Jtc, i;reat « ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ; bftygains in sugars, etc. iu the Tit-Bits P'ilVTlVti' YK-?, OH. Yi;s: IT WIl.I, P.W CO'"â„¢"* all iuaii't«r« of v«»r«ou!< who roAd this nAv\. • 1 .(I't •.li>'ir I'rimitw iloue at rHE .\i>v*n<'F. Of- tivHt, Klo-<horton. (ohhI work at liortest vricea Hvorv tiiiiol \ ilollar «nvoM i-* a tlollar earu©*!â€" m, Ih* provorh (loo*!. Pi%nu>h1«ta. l\wtors, t'ir- fvilars rnH^raiut. l)o<ltf«r9. Stroamers. Hill TI.'ad'i.Nito Hoa.U. Ueceivls.Noti- Form". Bn»i. •vi* faril*. ViHitini; Cards. Ijihels. Taaa. &<•. "IMain or ro?nr»'<l. Addreaa ur call on A. U' vawc>,tt, ADvaNes Offlo^ ftoaherwu. f or teru .. ihjtnense value in Teas ftom IS cents erton may Wl feel pr^uA Shake, }>* cheerfully given 4DVJERTISE la THo ADVANCE up. »» Brander's" _,, . ., '/; [ friend BUcU*»ru«> -shake ! '7, , «»'â- â€¢> 'V 'f*»o«.^ •««»»»"< lf««i^^ BIrtb. Oarstair-s.â€" On Saturday. .Tuly 16th, at Kleshcrtoii. the wife of H. C. Car- stairs, of l>etn>it, of a daughter. I We beg to extend our hearty cougrat- uUitious to tmr highly esteemevl t<>wn»- I man. Mr. Jeeeph Blackbnrue, on the I distingiii.shcd lienor recently ci'nfcrnd 1 upon him, ia his elevation to the high- i est office IB lite gift of the Ma.souic lodge jhere. OwtoJde the -mystic circle ' Mr. [^iwliviJ'tal friends oi the A. O. V ' Blackburne i» e<iiutDy popular aad res- > wlierever hie daties may eatl hiai. Any I pected. Ha b a citisea of wham Flesh- information in regard to the Order will be cheerfully given by callisg ou the 1^. The M«aford lotlge has about tretWd iu tlie.laot t^>o years aud wti believe hns a nsefnl career »hcad of it. The moeb ' ing i*u t'.K sday evening was well atteiv ded, !Uiil m ad<liti<.>u to the initiaiicMi alxivc irtentiouetl. two new appUcatiou« for lueailiersliip wero submitted. We hottt t ily d- mnrand onx worthy District • Do^mty. Mr. Damiule. to the h)di;uH and i»l>' i.ii) â- V .«c J - â-  :? •.w» :.' ^.* 1 1'l - â- : tl •itO'.'-'-' *â- '**'' ^ i % i a ^i !^ A<

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